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    1. "One Can't Maneuver!"; OGFJ-1; OGFJ-2; In The Water; Car Problems

      by , 01-21-2013 at 08:18 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      "One Can't Maneuver!"

      I think I forgot the first part of this dream, or it started with a false memory that there was more of a beginning.

      I am walking down to a street in the dark. I'm looking at a t-shirt being put on a hanger by only a set of hands. Something was wrong with it and it was going to be returned to the store.

      Then I decide to take the shirt to someone, or simply that it was a good opportunity to go to this person. Now it is raining, and very dark. I say, "One can't maneuver!" and I hear this refrain echoed by someone across the street and to my right. I shouldn't keep saying this, but I do. I'm intrigued by the sentence and that someone is repeating it. It is like a chant.

      I turn to the left and start flying. Now I'm evil because I'm not supposed to be going where I'm going and saying what I'm saying, and I'm flying to get there which somehow adds to my lack of concern. I see a car coming from one direction so I fly to it and figure on scaring the person in the car, when another car comes around the corner from the other direction. I manage not to get hit, and I'm now across the street.

      I fly a couple feet above the sidewalk and approach a witch of a woman lying on the ground, but moving forward. She is lowly and evil, but I encounter her as a reflection of myself. My own "evilness" is a self-imposed view.

      I continue flying down the sidewalk feeling a sense of power, but end up flying to a place that is narrow, and like a tomb. It isn't really a tomb, but there is nowhere else for me to fly. I do more self reflection and consider that I am here because of my evil nature.

      I guess I shouldn't have crossed the street saying "One Can't Maneuver!" That's "very bad"!

      The End


      I am with my OGFJ. She is in a weird metal suit that shows her body. It is designed for me to take her, though I never did.


      I am with J again. At first we are in at my dad's house, though it isn't necessarily his real layout and all. She is naked. I am going to take her, but then she is outside on the street naked. It is purposeful for some reason, like that is how we are going to get together. I'm supposed to see her outside naked, and then she will walk up to me and finally in the house. It was like foreplay.

      Finally she was in the house, but now she had her clothes on, and she was asleep. I started to take her clothes off when she woke up. It was as though this scene was repeating itself even though this was the first time it happened. (?)

      In The Water

      I have a jar with a fish in it. There is sand and a plant at the bottom, and there is barely enough water for the fish to swim. I put more water in the jar but it is warmer than the water already in the jar, so I'm worried for the fish. I put more cold water in to even out the temperature.

      Now I'm at a creek. I may have been at the creek the first time I put water in the jar, but why would the water have been warm? I was trying to get to the creek for more water though, so now I'm there in any case.

      All of a sudden I'm lying in the water. It's not really gross, but I'm a little concerned for what I can't see. Mostly, I'm not thinking about it though. I look up at the leaves on a branch of a shrub hanging in my reach and realize I'm dreaming, but only kind of. It feels more like I'm aware that I'm awake in this dreamy world rather than realizing I'm dreaming in my asleep world.

      I put my hand behind some of the leaves and see shadow. I find the view really dreamy. The leaves are foggy green, and the sun in the sky is not bright. It looks like the sky in the beginning of "Tales from the Dark Side" when they show the creek.

      I see that I am next to a big, black cloth thing in the water which makes me nervous. I have no idea what is living under it.

      I begin to figure out that I am dreaming, though it is kind of an FA. I try to imagine my self sliding down a slide to start moving, and sure enough I start sliding on a curved slide.

      Car Problems

      I'm in an old, 70's green car. I think it is a Mercury, though it isn't the shape of a Mercury in my dream. It is a great car, but the transmission is out. It won't go. I press the accelerator but slide backwards.

      I decide to put it into Park and hope that will reset it. I then put it into 2 and it does start to go.

      The End

      I'm categorizing this as lucid because one of my dreams was pretty much lucid, but I'm not tallying another lucid where I keep track of them.

      Updated 01-21-2013 at 05:34 PM by 41873

      Tags: flying, shirt, witch
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. 1 Non-Lucid and 4 DILDs

      by , 01-18-2013 at 08:59 PM
      I'm just playing catch-up here a little bit. These are the dreams I have recorded from the past couple of weeks that I haven't uploaded yet.

      #1 - Hmm [Non-Lucid]

      I was in a bed in a dark room with A, this girl that I know through some friends that one of them has a crush on, and T, a different friend's old roommate. T wasn't very involved, I could just hear him moving around. I was giving A a full-body massage. Afterwards we all got up and walked to a classroom, which was just down the hall from the room we were in. Hmm.

      #2 - Kenny Dies [DILD]

      Most of this dream is blurry in my memory now, but I remember it starting with me, my old friend D, and Kenny from South Park all being chased by someone. We were going through some obstacle course connected to a mall or something and we were trying to escape from a room that was filling up with water before it was too late. At one point D and I turned around and saw Kenny floating in the water, having drowned. D looked shocked and said "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" I jumped up and said "You bastards!!" I tried to go after him but D pulled me away, and then my memory gets hazy again.... The next thing I remember is walking outside the mall in the parking lot and becoming lucid. There was some cool pattern in the clouds, but I can't remember what it was now. I decided to walk through the mall and gathered up a crowd of DCs around me all chanting a mantra of stability with me, something like "this dream is long, vivid, and solid". While we were walking around I was also picking up various pieces of furniture in the store effortlessly with one hand and hurling them across the store. I was really worked up and this girl next to me did part of the chant wrong, so I looked over and said "No!" and shoved her headfirst into a glass wall. It didn't break, she just hit it really hard and then fell over. When I saw that it was actually someone I know and like in waking life I felt bad, and I picked her up and sat her down on a chair to see if she was alright. After that I started getting kind of unfocused and the dream ended.

      #3 - Too Much Energy [DILD]

      The main thing I remember about this dream is that I was pissed when I realized it wasn't real, because it was going really well. I became lucid around the time I was doing all these crazy calculated flips around this huge auditorium that were really fun and impressive as hell, and then when I realized what was going on I just had endless amounts of energy. I got really unfocused and just started grabbing stuff and throwing it all over the place until I woke up.

      #4 - Back Once Again [DILD]

      I was back at my old middle school with O and we were visiting our old orchestra teacher Mr. L. Afterwards we somehow got lost in the crowd and became part of the student body there, so we started trying to find our English class that we were supposed to head to next. We realized that we needed to pick our schedules first, so we started walking to the office and on the way we saw an old friend of ours wearing this cute sweater that I own that looked totally weird on him. X) We were also on the second floor of the building and I could see a tower of people stacked on top of each other coming up and leaning in our direction from the first floor visible beyond the railing. >_> Around this time I became lucid, and I ran into the girl M in the hallway who I haven't seen at least since we graduated high school but who I knew since kindergarten. I walked up to her and said "Hey, girl." She came up to me and I grabbed her and ripped her shirt down and started groping her and kissing her neck, but I got a little too into it and the dream faded away.

      I took 50 mg of zinc at dinner the night that this next dream happened. I like to think that it had an effect.

      #5 - More Summoning And Possession Practice [DILD]

      There was some weird school stuff going on this dream before my memory really cuts in. The first thing I really recall is becoming lucid while packing up my stuff in a dark room. I wasn't immediately lucid enough to break out of this action at first, so I started repeating a mantra "electricity works in dreams" while I kept trying to turn on the lights and use my cell phone light to help me find stuff. It worked to an extent, and some of the lights showed up or got brighter if they were already on. My cat was also in the room with me but walked out it and down the school hallway at some point. I decided to walk out to the hall myself and followed it down to a large open area in a very fancy hotel-type building. There was also a large window spanning several stores to the left of us that was visible because every floor ended in a balcony. I decided to fly forward and grabbed a sofa with people sitting on it with my right hand as I passed by it, and I phased us through the window. Outside I could see groups of people eating dinner at tables below us, and I chucked the couch at one of them and then just moved on without even really watching what happened. I flew higher up to where there was a rooftop balcony with no covering and saw a family eating dinner or something. I decided that I wanted to see if I could summon a whole group of people, so I flew a ways over to the next rooftop thinking that I wanted to see a small group of gossiping women. When I got there it worked perfectly, there were four women in classy dressed gossiping about something at a table, and they didn't seem to take notice of me. I decided to possess one of them but it didn't go completely smoothly, and the other women started looking at me (as her) and asking if I was alright, I was making weird faces trying to adjust the feeling. I finally started getting situated but then my libido started ramping up and it woke me up. Man, if I could just control that feeling without waking up more often....

      That's it for now!
    3. The Five Point Chase Dream

      by , 01-17-2013 at 05:03 PM
      01-17-2013 -- [This dream happened very early in the night when I should not have been having dreams with the 5-HTP I have been taking. I went to bed around 11:30, and woke around 2:00, earlier than I would expect. On the other hand, it was weird and disjointed, which I would expect from such an early dream.]

      Big, long chase-style dream, with tons of scene changes, and very hard to remember details. Starts with an odd combination of a kids' play area and perhaps a ship (much like the ship I got pulled under in the David Tennant Bat'leth dream), where I seem to be kind of climbing into a kids play area. But soon things shift, and I find myself half-flying, half skiing through a snowy mountain area that seems familiar.

      It is very much something we are doing in real life, but there is still a kind of a hint of Runescape, and it seems like some sort of route (like doing herbs at the five herb patches). Dale is doing this with me, but it has been a long time since he has done it, so he doesn't remember where things are, and I am half trying to help him, and half trying to beat him and gain more experience.

      Anyway, we're sliding down the slopes of this snowy mountain, and eventually slide off on what almost seems to be a sort of freeway exit. It feels like halfway a small town exit off I-95 in the Tampa area (San Antonio or perhaps Bushnell), partway something off I-4 near Disney, and partly something in the Rancho Palos Verdes area in California. Anyway, we're on the off ramp waiting to make a left turn, and Dale just makes it in a gap in the traffic while I have to wait a bit for more traffic to go by.

      It seems like I head west a few hundred yards, and then make a u-turn and head a bit further East, which begs the question why we didn't make a right turn instead of a left turn off the freeway off ramp. Weird. Anyway, Dale is ahead of me, and I soon find myself driving into a sort of combination apartment complex and retirement home, where it seems I have to deliver some newspapers.

      It has a very Register feeling to it, because the paper comes in two sections, and I have to put them together. I know I have to deliver 8 or 9 papers to this complex, but I can't remember which units are my customers. Luckily there are only about 15 apartments, and I have a few extra papers, so I might be able to just deliver papers to all of them, and avoid any problems. At some point it also turns from the Register, to an issue of Grit.

      Somehow somebody is ranting about how dogs aren't allowed, though they just might barely allow a small puppy, but somebody else has brought both a puppy and a dog, and that's just not allowed. Meanwhile, all the people are coming out to meet me instead of allowing me to drop the papers off at their porches, and taking papers directly from me, while a sprinkler is soaking all of us and the papers. It is very confusing and surreal.

      Anyway, Dale is still ahead of me, and I have to try and catch up with him, and so I have to get out of here, but all the old people want to walk with me and talk with me. Meanwhile, I am trying to fly out to gain some speed, but the area I am leaving seems to be lined with the kind of netting / fencing that they use on a golf driving range to keep you from being able to hit golf balls out of the area, and the stuff is tight and limiting my flying.

      I make it out of that area, and move on to the next area, which seems to be a combination of the Animal Kingdom, Knott's Jungle Island, and a Polynesian area I've dreamed about a few times recently. I have to get in here, but I am still being chased by somebody who started chasing me at the gold course as I tried to fly. I am at this second area to make a pick-up of Idexx samples, which is why the flavor of the Animal Kingdom, but the security entrance is actually kind of the covered bridge entrance to Knott's Jungle Island.

      I am supposed to stop to see security to get in, but with the idiot chasing me, I just decide to fly over the bridge (and security gate) to escape the guy. Unfortunately, that has security starting to chase me, so I just trade one for the other. I try to explain I'm here to pick up the Idexx samples, but they say somebody else just came and picked them up (Dale, of course). So I ask if he picked up both sets of samples, and they didn't know there were two sets of samples. (The reason they didn't know is that there aren't two sets, but I did find samples to pick up, so whatever Dale grabbed, they weren't the right stuff.)

      Anyway, I grab the samples and try to fly right back out the way I came in, but I seem to be being chased by more and more people. There are large vines everywhere in the air, and I am trying to dodge them and fly around them, but there are more and more of them, and I am having more and more trouble. Right when I escape one guy, somebody else always starts chasing me.

      At one point, some of the vines I am having to fly around and avoid even seem to be shooting out of my mouth, and at others they are shooting through the pane of glass in the front door of the Hickory House, as things just get odder and odder, in a full-out chase dream that makes less and less actual sense.
    4. B6, 200mg, Diectly before bed Results in Lucid Dream, realized in another dream?!

      by , 01-14-2013 at 02:32 AM
      I'd have to say I had maybe like 5 different dreams tonight, since the order is beyond me, I can only guess it went like this:
      Lucid Dream, False Awakening in a Mall, Roberto driving, Garrysmod, and a getting caught with Salvia Divinorum by my mom.

      The Lucid dream stated like this. I was outside, in a somewhat open park area. There was a street light near by, a tree, a curb leading to a road, and buildings in the distance. I was doing a general nothing-ness, and the reality of this struck me, and I so non-chalantly came to the realization I was actually dreaming, and I felt like I should start actually practice flying, so I did. Instead of running, and jumping, I laid down, on my back, and focused on upward movement. First couple seconds, nothing, but slowly, I started moving, and I continued to focus, reinforcing the fact that in a dream, I am only limited by myself, and moved faster and faster, till I was actually about 4-6 feet off the ground, and gaining! I re-positioned my body, and began Superman-ning through the dreamworld, up, up up up into the air, and I didn't really pay attention, but did realize buildings, trees, and other things were getting smaller, farther away, as I headed towards the clouds above, in the classic SuperMan pose. (One Arm in a Fist pointing extended forward) I rounded out once I came to the 'cloud line' and went straight, thinking "I could go ANYWHERE in the world!" and looking back at it now, I should've visited Maria in her Dreams, but oh well. I considered my freedom, but instead decided to just fly towards the nearest buildings, into the town, passing entire blocks and busy commerce. Basically this for awhile.

      Then a false awakening, I was in a mall with Roberto, and Lexi and her 'dad' was there too, and I went to tell Lexi about how I just had a Lucid dream. Either me, or Roberto, or for some reason, my mom, said something to Lexi's dad, that he got mad at us, demanded Lexi that we leave, as if we were all a group, so we all head outside of the mall, and to the parking lot, where Roberto had his car right near the door. Lexi's dad asked "Well, are we leaving or what?" and I was confused, Roberto said "yeah get in" and I tapped his shoulder, whispering him the reminder that they didn't come with us, and they have there own car. We both got it, and Lexi and her Dad stood around, also realizing they had a car, so it was somewhat of an Awkward moment!

      Once we were off driving, we found ourselves in a giant circle, with giant 2, 3 story houses, some with Christmas lights, since it was night time, and the circle was very hilly, and at the end of it, we were climbing up, then rolled down, and I think we came a little close to crashing cause he was talking to me distracted. either way we got out of the neighborhood.

      I arrived to a place, where Roberto showed me a 'game' except it was Garrysmod, and a part of me was like "OMG YOU PLAY GARRYSMOD????" But what I showed was no surprised look, so I told him "Yeah man, that's Garry's Mod, I used to play that all the time" which is an understatement, seeing how i've racked up about 2500+ hours on that game. Soon, I became a character in Garrysmod, in some $$ level Residential neighborhood, where the players we boarding up the walls of the houses with props. I met with Takaishi, an old friend from my Garry's mod days, and had some fun!

      In this world, which slowly morphed into everyday reality, I got a hold of a small Mason Jar of Saliva Divinorum. It was an extract, and I remember when I had it, it also came with a large orange capsule that could fit the Mason Jar, plus about 15 packets of Saliva Mix that you could pour in water, like Crystal Light. I opened the Mason Jar, and gave it a good sniff, and immediately got very tripped out, euphoric, and trippy. My mom suddenly appeared, and took it away from me, but luckily I had two packets in my pocket, but I got mad at her since I paid like $100 dollars on it, and she wanted to flush it down the toilet. The dream ended as I was on the search for where she hid it in the Garry'smod house I was still in/mall

      Updated 01-14-2013 at 02:39 AM by 60251

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails lucid dream suicide experiments-gmodcom.jpg  
    5. Lost in the Desert

      by , 01-13-2013 at 09:12 AM
      I do remember it starting completely no where on this deserted land. There was no signs of stores or utilities anywhere. All I was able to see was a few people, people who lived in the city. There was something interesting about this city. This city, although not having the appropriate places like stores, rest rooms, homes, it was a city just originating. It was kind of western was still felt like we were the first city the world.

      There was this desert I was walking on. The hills to my right were pretty high. My left side had a river streaming all the way in to the ocean. The river looked cleaned and so did the river. There was something that scared me about it. I saw the river and it looked a little too deep. I often saw people jump in to it but nothing bad really happened to them. I was probably exaggerating.

      After a few minutes of walking or so, we finally reached a stop. The place we stopped at was a luxurious home. That was my curiosity. What was a beautiful home doing in a place like this? It never occurred to me to be a dream.

      This home, it had people in it, a lot of them. I looked at most of them as upper class only because there was security at the front glass doors. I walked in to the place and found things to chance differently. There were these people who were talking about dreams, or how scary it would be if one of us entered a deep sleep while paralyzed. I talked about my recent experiences in this place, not real ones but fake ones. I told one of the people my dream about Amnesia. I was stuck in a castle haunted my ghosts/demons. Falling asleep was the worst part only because I knew what I was going in to.

      We talked about that for a while and often times I would see images of dark areas of the castle in Amnesia. After that, I walked upstairs of this nice home and found nothing for me upstairs. All I really saw after dream talking was people having a good time being at this place. There was nothing left for me here.

      I walked back outside of this home and saw a person, a girl. She looked to be around her twenties but then again you'll never sure because a lot of teens now in days look like they're in their twenties. This woman wanted to talk to me but as she tried to, I was flying on the other side of the river and back using a tool like the one I use in Just Cause 2. Often times I would fall in the river and there was in fact one time when I encountered a sea creature in it. I accidentelly fell to the river floor and hurried my way back to shore. A few seconds after I reached the shore, I saw a white shark coming after me. It was a relief to have survived this possible attack.

      After making my way back shore, I decided to ride a horse, or something like it. I was riding this horse up to the first area where the dream first started. There was something behind us. There was a pit bull, it didn't look to happy. As I was riding, the pit bull was attacking my horse. He killed it but I never collapsed to the ground. The pit bull then attacked me with its mouth. I felt its bites but they never really hurt me. I petted the dog and it seemed to have calmed down.

      I made my way and got off the so called horse and walked with a few other groups of people. We walked to an area where something new had just happened. For some strange reason, we had just discovered something I already knew about. I forgot what it was. Everyone else felt excited about this new discovery. I did too. I felt really grateful that the discovery was able to help us living in a time when everything was harder to work with.

      There was something about this group of people that caught my attention. This group of people, most of them were another race. Most of the people I hear from, they called them white. In this dream, it felt as if the white people thought they were better than everyone else. There was only one black person there, and me, not black but Hispanic. I always think of this. Especially when I go on a server that's filled with people who have the money to be able to buy donation features or have the time to play the game. But while I was in this area, no one seemed to had shown any form of hatred towards me.

      After this experience, I walked back over to where I first seen a white shark and appeared in a huge area. This area was a bit strange, hard to describe but I remember watching my father go out with another woman, not his wife. I had no anger towards him and I even saw the woman doing stuff to him. I felt a little disgusted after I saw my father lying on that couch with no shirt on. I never saw them perform any sexual activity but it bothered me a little.
    6. My First Lucid Dream (Finally)

      by , 01-12-2013 at 09:36 AM
      So I finally had my first lucid dream, but this didn't happen last night. This happened December 29th.

      As soon as the dream came into view, it automatically came to me; I was in a dream. I looked at my surroundings: I was in a grey building and I had a pistol I was holding, but I viewed everything like a first person shooter. The first thing that came to my mind was that if I'm in a first person shooter, there might be other people in the building that might want to shoot me! So, the first thing I looked for was a doorway that led me out of the building. As I was looking for the way out, I came into a classroom that had a bunch of people from my school, but they all looked like they were mad at me for some reason. I just walked through them, when I saw the exit door. As I go towards it, some girl trips me...so I punched her in the face. Then were boyfriend got up, and I just shoved him. "This is stupid," I said to myself. Before I opened the door, I thought to myself there will be a town behind this door. Sure enough, there was a town that looked like a map out of Modern Warfare 2. First attempt at controlling something: successful.

      I walk down the sidewalk and I see a few strange things, like a couple sitting at a table with a bunch of baby dragons jumping around them, giant air waver things on the ceilings of buildings (like the ones you see for advertisement), etc. Anyway, as I go down some ally I come to this opening with a fireplace in front of me. I look at the sky and think I wonder if I can make myself fly. I flew off the ground a little bit, about 12 ft, but then I fell back down. Well that won't work. I turn around to go back, but then I see my Uncle Anthony sleeping on the steps of the ally. I ask him why he is sleeping there, and he just told me that he was tired. Well, apparently his head was next to ANOTHER fireplace, and his head caught on fire. I find some oven mitt and try to pat out his head, but it made the oven mitt catch on fire. Then my Uncle Paul comes from the ally and says, "I'll take care of this." I guess the only reason that he was in my dream is because I was working for him that week. I look around and get an awesome idea. "Wait, I got it!" I said to him. I look at all the fire in the ally area, take a deep breath, and then "WARGLFLARBGARL!" I start shooting a bunch of water out of my mouth and extinguish the fire, only it wasn't a steady stream of water, it was more like a wavy stream. Once everything was extinguished, my Uncle Paul looks at me and says,"Now that's a way to put out a fire...in a disgusting way." I kinda laugh to myself, and then I woke up.
    7. Pyramid Parkour and the Task of the Year

      by , 01-10-2013 at 06:42 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was driving in a car, I'm not sure what kind, down a large hill on a long, winding road. There were a few cars coming from the other direction and for some reason I thought there wasn't many for this time of day, it must've been rush hour or something. As I came to a bend in the road I looked over the guard rail overlooking a large cliff with a huge city in the valley below. I turned to my sister who was in the passenger seat and said, "We're almost there." We must've been going to whatever city that was. As we turned the corner I noticed temporary dividers in the middle of the road, like they would put down for construction, but nobody was working on the road. There weren't even any vehicles. As we continued down the road I noticed that there seemed to be an awful lot of police cars, the majority of whom were pulling people over. I wasn't speeding so I thought I was fine.

      I distinctly remember passing a small, deep purple sedan with a cop standing next to the door. He was leaning into the car trying to reach something in the passenger seat. I didn't know what it was or why he was doing it but I continued on driving glad it wasn't me pulled over. Right as I thought this I saw blinking lights in my rear-view mirror; Damn, why me!? I continued around the next curve and pulled over to the side of the road. The officer got out of his car and had a very large hat on, much like troopers often wear but much bigger. He started walking towards our car and I began to get nervous. When he got to our car he didn't stop, he just kept on walking past us. He went around the next bend and when I looked behind me the cop car was gone. I looked over the edge of the cliff that the road weaved down and could see the officer standing at the bottom looking up at me. He winked.

      For some reason this bumped me into lucidity. I'm not quite sure why but I didn't really question it; I was glad to have ended my dry spell and did a quick clock check for a RC. At first it said 3:17, pretty normal. I looked away and turned back to it. This time it said 9:62. Perfect, this was definitely a dream. I got out of the car and rubbed my hands together, not wanting to waste my first LD in a couple weeks. I asked my sister who was still sitting in the passenger seat and had been silent the whole time what I should do. She looked at me and said, "Weren't you asked to do some tasks or something?" Ah-ha! The TotY! The first one that came to mind was the Colosseum one but for whatever reason I decided against it. The next one that popped into my head was Africa, riding the great sphinx and fixing its nose.

      I got back into the car and decided I would try a different way of getting there instead of just teleporting. I pushed a button that just appeared on the console and the car began to hover above the ground. I pulled back on the steering wheel which could now move like the controls of a plane and pushed the gas pedal. Away we went. I flew over the city, going quite fast since I figured we were in America and had to fly over the Atlantic. I looked down and couldn't quite tell what city it was but it was surrounded by desert and mountains beyond that. I figured either Las Vegas or Phoenix Arizona. It only took a few seconds to reach the mountain range and when we crossed it I could see the great pyramids over the other side. I opened the console of the car and found a staples button. Cheesy, I know, but I pressed it and a loud and, for some reason, female voice said, "that was easy."

      I pushed down on the steering wheel and eased on the breaks. We landed about 200 yards from the sphinx and I knew I had to ride it up the pyramids but felt like something else was missing. Of course, the nose! As I looked it over I realized that its nose was completely intact; the whole thing looked like it had been completed just days earlier! What the heck, I was supposed to fix it . I figured since I had to fix it I might as well break it first. I flew up to its face and pulled my arm back, taking a good, solid swing at the nose. The tip fell off but I needed more, granted the whole thing was twice the size of me. I ran my hand along the bridge of the nose and then hovered over it and kicked down. The whole thing slowly slid down the face of the sphinx and it looked just like it did in the history books.

      Now I had to undo what I just did. I was a little annoyed at it but hey, I want to get this done! I floated back to the ground and picked up the nose. Even though my arms couldn't reach all the way around it I was still able to somehow lift it. I flew back up to its face and set the nose in place. I then pushed it into the face and the whole thing fit like a key. Apparently this was indeed some sort of key, for the sphinx immediately began to move. Slowly but surely the whole thing stood up, looked around, and gave a long stretch and yawn. It then proceeded to lick itself, damn cat.

      I hopped on its back and tried to get it to move, granted the thing's back was 25 feet wide, it wasn't a horse. I squeezed my legs like one would to get a horse to move but the sphinx just looked around and then laid back down. What the hell, this was supposed to be fairly straightforward! I thought for a moment while it started to drift off to sleep and then remember seeing cats chasing the little red dots that laser pointers create. I reached into my pocket and, sure enough, there was a laser pointer! I pointed it at the pyramid and could faintly see a little red dot, not nearly enough to get this thing's attention. I figured that, if it were a little bit darker out the light would be easier to see. I looked down at my wrist and found a watch. It said 4:00 P.M. so I pulled out the little time-set thing and changed it to 8:00. As the hands moved forward the sun went down and the moon came up. This was pretty cool, given that I had never really changed the time of day before.

      As the sun went down I could feel the dream begin to fade. Damn, I haven't done this in a while! I quickly rubbed my hands together which stopped the fading and brought back some clarity but I knew that I didn't have much time left. I patted the sphinx on its back, which was still quietly laying there. It began to stir and I pointed the laser pointer at the ground in front of it; it was easy to see now! The sphinx's ears twitched and its head perked up, clearly noticing the little dot. I pointed at the pyramids which were about 400 yards away. The sphinx jumped up and immediately began to bound towards that light. I squeezed my legs as tight as I could just to stay on.

      When it got close to the pyramid, the sphinx jumped, trying to pounce on the light. I quickly moved it up about halfway to the top of the pyramid, but it still ended up hitting the base and knocking some blocks off. C'mon, kitty, don't knock the thing down! It regained its awareness and found the dot again and immediately jumped up, running up the pyramid. This thing was steeper than I thought, it had to be at least a 40 degree angle
      (after googling it, the actual angle is almost 52 degrees). The sphinx stuttered on a few steps as blocks fell out from under it but it continued to climb up the top.

      I pointed the light right at the very peak and, right as we got close to the top, the sphinx jumped again, this time overestimating the height and clearing the entire pyramid. We both fell down for a few hundred feet and when the sphinx finally landed it began to slide down the side of the pyramid. The ride was quite bumpy and I could feel the dream beginning to fade. We reached the bottom just a couple seconds afterwards and I immediately jumped off, rubbing my hands to try and stabilize but to no avail. I decided that, since the dream was pretty much over and I had accomplished what I wanted to do, I would give the sphinx a treat. I waved towards the distance, motioning for something to come towards me. While doing this I envisioned a giant fish coming out of the horizon towards the sphinx. I tried to reward it for its hard work but just as I though I saw the fish come over the horizon
      I woke up in my bed, my arm over my head in the same position I was waving in. The entertainment isn't confined to just the dreams

      One down, six to go. Hopefully the next one won't take three weeks just to get lucid
    8. ..it gets most awkward when you're naked

      by , 01-10-2013 at 12:07 PM
      We landed on the roof, all three of us, my buddy, lets call him Freddy, had a bit of a shaky landing but he still managed a smile, I'm sure he was fine. The girl or rather woman, she was quite a woman actually, let's call her Sam landed as gracefully as you would expect, much like a great cat, mine wasn't as delicate but at least it was significantly better than Freddy's.

      Still thrilled from the flying a la superman my veins throbbed slightly as we went through the glass doors and into the hallway leading away from the wast roof filled with sand. A doorman greeted us and led the way, following obediently I ran a hand through my quite long, curly hair to put it in order after the flight, it felt a bit moist with sweat. Sam shoot one of her beaming smiles at me when I glanced her way. Freddy looked like a kid in a candy store, I hoped I managed to keep my cool a bit better than him but I'd be damned if I didn't look slightly bashed when the doorman finally unlocked the door to our final destination.

      It was a huge room with massive concrete walls. I wasn't sure whether the gigantic glass windows was actual windows or simply glass with blinding lights behind them for it was just so bright. Before us the floor opened up in two large areas. Platforms was raised from below to melt with the floor which had one car on each of them; two fancy sports car in an intense black colour lacking shine and lacklustre with toned windows, surley expensive as hell.

      Leaning on one of the cars was a man in a suit that didn't look too expensive but probably was. He nodded towards Sam and gestured towards the car with a questioning look at me and Freddy. Sam went towards the other car's driver seat, standing closest to her I decided to follow and took a seat next to her. Freddy seemed nervous but too amazed to care when he followed the other man. It was a short drive from where ever we where to the fancy hotel we stopped at.

      Passing the reception without being stopped a servant, assistant or what ever she was took the lead. We went passed several rooms with more glass walls, watching how people got massage, where working out, swimming, being rolled in seaweeds and all that sort of useless stuff until we finally where closing in on the elevators.

      Freddy made delighted remarks about all he saw but he didn't seem to care that I ignored him for he was speaking more to himself than anyone else. However useless I found this spa stuff I still looked forward to a good massage, hadn't had one in a really long time.

      Outside the elevator a tanned man wrapped in a white towel sat on a bench, I think he was texting or something, he looked up at us as we passed, his pale blue eyes lively compared to the rest of his stern face. The elevator made some mechanical noise and than signalled that it had arrived and opened its doors. I followed Sam in being the last of us I was closest to the doors. As they started closing I took a last look at the man. His hair was curlier than mine but not much, a bit shorter and more towards blonde than mine. He was fit for his age and looked like someone you didn't want to mess with. The doors closed just as his eyes met mine and we finally climbed floor by floor until we reached one of the highest.

      Sam had obviously lived at the apartment we arrived at for a while; there was clothes scatter over a couch and the two queen size beds, which I noticed was both unmade. I was surprised the staff hadn't been doing some cleaning up but didn't bother to ask about it. “What are you waiting for, put that on” Sam said with her usual, perfect smile, her brown, smooth looking hair a curtain falling to the side as she plucked something up from one of the beds. She had been referring to the pile of cloth which suddenly rested limply in my one arm hold. “I won't look. Promise.” She added as I had forgotten to answer her.

      “Right” I took a last moment to admire her looks before I went towards the bathroom. “I won't bother to call you beautiful, I’m sure you hear it all the time” She scoffed before she disappeared into another room shaking her had at me. Freddy started to unzip his trousers as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

      This had clearly been a woman’s bathroom for more than a few weeks; it was stuffed with beauty products, hairbrushes, tampons and laundry obviously sewn for a female shape. I raised the toilet seat and pulled my member out, (here I think I became lucid, freaking out over how my genitals was male and began to morph into idk know what before I forgot I was dreaming and got back into character and came to a conclusion) it wasn't the largest but hey it filled it's purposes just fine. As the usual purling of the water began (I guess it felt really nice to hear the familiar sound because of my breakdown a few seconds earlier even if I couldn't remember it) I watched what was right before me, the heating coil which was draped with bras, colourful bras most of them having some kind of lace, she had good taste I decided before I flushed.

      Instead of zipping my trousers again I pulled them and my briefs off, grabbing the lower edge of my black t-shirt and slipped it off too. I inspected the clothes I had been given laying discarded in a heap just inside the door. “What the hell?” I muttered as I straightened my back with one cloth in each of my hands. I was just fine with the white bathrobe but the trunks just had to be a joke, bright red speedos, “Come on!”.

      With the bathrobe held in front of my crotch I opened the door and questioningly held the red piece of clothing, or rather lack of it, outside the door. “I'm not wearing these.” Freddy jumped as I spoke, he had been standing in front of a full body mirror flexing his jelly arms and belly sporting a green pair of speedos. I was grinning mockingly at him as Sam entered the room. The grin washed of my face. The silver grey bikini revealed her bronze skin, her thighs, her vaguely defined abs. She was unbelievably hot and the grin that started to grow on my face this time was light ages away from the one Freddy had drawn from me.

      “Would you rather go without?” She raised a brow at me and walked across the room towards the exit door, her long legs pulling my gaze with them as gravity itself, draping the bathrobe over her perfect body while doing so.

      “Right” I said and looked at the speedos as if I was surprised they hung over my finger. Sam smiled a smile I hadn't seen before but couldn’t really place then she was out the door. As it clicked in place it was as if someone had pulled the hazy fog out of my head and I grew aware of Freddy's smirking face. “What? She's hot all right” I pulled my head into the bathroom again.

      “Sure but she's not Aphrodite herself” Freddy countered from the other side of the door. I ignored him and put the speedos on feeling slightly disgusted. What is it with girls and mirrors, it was a full body in here as well, I saw myself looking ready to dive into any bay watch episode on command.

      “You don't got a say. You noticed how skittery Sam's friend or who ever the hell he was, made you? Looked like a freaking school girl” I watched myself in the mirror, I wouldn't say I was hot but I was happy enough with my appearance, Sam was way out of my league though.

      “Men in suits with sexy cars, come on who can resist that?”

      “Not you that’s for sure.” I put the bathrobe on and headed for the door, trying to forget what I was wearing underneath it. “You coming?”

      Outside a servant was waiting who took us towards the spa area, he answered all of Freddy's stupid questions not only politely but as if he was genuinely interested. I sighed and let my mind drift, the people in here must be loaded, I wonder what kind of people they were, what this place actually were. A hotel for people like Sam? I wasn’t sure what Sam was, a spy? Some kind of agent? A superhero? A villain? I had no idea, just knew that she had plenty of resources and darn powerful connections.

      Sam was waiting for us at a juice bar where everyone had the same kind of bathrobes, speedos or bikinis or simply a towel wrapped around them. “There you are!” She said and joined our party which continued pass the juice bar and a pool area. “I'm sure you have questions, there'll be time for answers but for now its best if we just try to relax. Tomorrow'll be a long day”

      We arrived at the massage tables in a private area. Sam was first to slid of her robe and easily lay down on the table, Freddy wasn't much slower, despise his extra kilos he seemed much less disturbed by the small amount of clothing we had on than I was. Reluctant to take my robe of I kept it on as I laid down on the table. Sam giggled at me as she untied and pulled her top off. I didn't have long time to admire the curve of her back and her firm round little butt before three massage therapists appeared before us.

      They introduced themselves and one of them presented the whole massage concept. I recognised one of them, he was tall and tanned, with golden hair put up in a knot behind his head, it was the man from outside the elevator.

      I finally positioned myself as Sam and Freddy had long ago with my head down the hole of the massage table. The elevator man, as I named him, stepped up to my table. I could see his feet where I rested my head in that hole whatever it's called, he was barefoot unlike most of the other staff members. “Sir, you know you have to take that off.” He said almost like a command rather than an inquiry.

      “What if I refuse?”

      “Behave” Sam warned me.

      “Fine” I muttered and I rolled my eyes starting to shrug the bathrobe off, as it descended my shoulders the elevator man grabbed the edges of it and pulled it away. For a few seconds I felt awfully naked before a warm towel was thrown over my body and corrected to cover my legs and reveal my back. I watched the man’s feet as he walked passed my head to position himself to my right, between Sam and me. I tried to relax but for some reason I felt slightly uncomfortable.

      After some ministrations the man's large, warm hands where on my back, kneading and applying pressure in large movements.

      And here I woke up..

      I do switch gender and personalities often in my dreams but it gets most awkward when you're naked.

      Anyway this dream felt very real when I dreamed it and is a good example of how linear my dreams are. There are seldom sudden transitions and sometimes it feels like someone have written a plot for them.

      I should probably cut out details, my dreams are too long to write down

      Updated 02-27-2013 at 08:00 PM by 60428

    9. Heroes

      by , 01-06-2013 at 08:46 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      Me and my friend Ali were going to be in the dorms together for the new semester. We were surrounded by guys I didn't know and one of them was carrying a bottle with a beta fish inside it. There was hardly any water in the bottle and I felt sorry for the poor fish so I told the guy that I would fix up his male-shift fish tank of his. He agreed so we would go over to his dorm first so I could help him. We got in the car and when we arrived we parked three buildings back and had to walk all the way to his dorm. We went inside he and his buddy's dorm. It was pretty big and had a small kitchen and two round tables in it. I hoped that me and Ali's dorm would look like this. There were new roommates checking in around us and meeting each other and I felt like I was missing out back at our dorm since we hadn't even been there yet. So I prepared another cup to put the fish in while I cleaned the original bottle and said to the guy, "you should really to to the dollar store and get a nice fish bowl that would only cost you..." I was cut off by something. Next thing I know, we are in the parking lot(me, the fish guy, and three other guys) and someone was chasing us. I could later see that this man was Matt, the police officer from the show Heroes. He chased down and, using his powers, killed the first four guys as I was running away towards the dorms. I turned around and there he was right in front of me! I was terrified but I knew I had powers too so I jumped up and flew backwards away from him into the night sky. I appeared back in the dorms, this time in me and Ali's dorm which we shared with some other girls. I didn't want him to find us so I shut the door and closed my eyes and when I opened them our room had been switched to a different floor. One girl was like "hmm did the number to our room change?" The next thing I remember was being on the balcony on the upstairs of the school. The bad guy and his friends were holding professor Suresh from Heroes over the ledge, threatening to drop him 5 stories onto the main walkway of the school. I was up there also and they were holding me but I managed to escape and flew down off the balcony and prepared to catch Suresh. A crowd was drawn now that they saw me fly. I was worried that they wouldn't drop him now since they knew I'd catch him and instead kill him another way. I began to fly back up there and then woke up.

      Updated 01-07-2013 at 11:35 AM by 23237

      Tags: flying, heroes
    10. My first induced lucid dream

      by , 01-05-2013 at 10:24 PM
      "It is very late night. I am standing on the 7th floor of my apartment. Nobody is there but just me. Suddenly I become self aware that i am dreaming. As usual as a beginner lucid dreamer I got excited and my dream starts shaking. I realized that I am waking up. I remembered the technique that I read to attain lucidity and to have the most vivid kind of a dream; to rub my hands and to focus on its palms. I started rubbing my hands to feel the physical presence of my body. And it worked! The dream stopped shaking and i looked up, and when i looked up the floor was so vivid that it was like the waking reality! All the details: lights, the ground, the railing and the stairs, all was pellucid. I was stunned. Obviously there was no time to lose. First I tried to perform moving objects with my hands. I focused on a ball and tried to raise it up in the air. First it didn't worked. But with more affirmation i tried again and the ball raised up in the air with the motion of my hand! Then I went near the one of the railing. Telling myself that i can fly, i jumped! This time the jump was not 'down' but i started flying! I was floating above my building and within seconds was up above, very high. I was going forward looking down at the beautiful sight. It was the sight I can never forget. But as I was floating not flying, I did this. I pushed my hand forward with my fists closed like superman and i took off at super sonic speed. Flying and looking down at the most amazing sight i had ever scene. It was something know one can understand. I then imagined that now Pakistan would end and Canada would start showing up. And it happened. The buildings started to change into very tall ones with snow everywhere. The scene got even more beautiful. I got so exited that the dream started shaking and i woke up. But i woke up in another dream! 'A DREAM WITHIN a DREAM'. In that dream i was telling everyone about this dream and also telling them about this art of Lucid Dreaming. While explaining them i said something to my family that i would never forget 'All you need to do is to ask yourself if this is a dream? So that you become aware. Do it now to ask about this world as if its real or still a dream? But of course you wouldn't believe me cause it not a dream...' And in real i was actually dreaming!"

      See so it was all the will power of my concious mind that its my dream and that i can change anything.

      'I guess I thought that the dream space would be all about the visual. But it's more about a feel of it. My question is what happens when you start messing with the physics of it all...?
      ~Ariadne, Inception'

      That's it i started messing with its physics.
      I filed at super sonic speed that most of the lucid dreaming find it very hard. And i did something that very few of them have the guts to do it i.e changing the DREAM-SCAPE. I can't wait to have my next lucid dream.

      Whenever i remember this dream it feels like it was not a dream. That i was actually there and I had once flown in my life :p

      'They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. Now that's when we're awake. But when we're asleep, our mind can almost do anything.
      ~Cobb, Inception'
    11. Lucidity Class

      by , 01-04-2013 at 02:01 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Lucidity Class (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a classroom in a lucid dreaming class, feeling complacent as I know more than everyone else.

      As the teacher starts to talk about reality checks, I hover out of my chair and fly around the classroom, while everyone moans that I'm showing off.
      Tags: flying
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Tues Jan 1 (1:48-10:49)

      by , 01-04-2013 at 09:16 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      [My notes say something about a grocery store at the beginning of this dream, but I don't remember what.]

      The island is covered in stone buildings, like an old university. I decide to visit the island, so I start walking along the hiking trail to get there. Soon I'm walking over dry, dead grass, and soon the path becomes so steep that I have to crawl upwards. My head faces the grass and I can barely see anything else. I wish I had thought to wear kleats; it would have made this journey much safer.

      Later, we are all summoned to the island for a meeting. I go there with a friend. Instead of going straight to the meeting, we wander down a side path, into a part of the island I've never seen before. My friend wants to keep going this way, but I need to go back to the mainland for something. I rise into the air, soon realizing that being in flight means I'm dreaming. I fly out past the island and down to the water. The dream starts fading and to my frustration I'm unable to stop myself from waking up. IRL, some of my family are having a noisy conversation right outside my bedroom door, and I suspect that's why I woke up so inexorably.


      I, a high school senior, am walking to lunch. I pull out my lunchbox, which my mom packed for me this morning. Then I remember that I'm on an unlimited meal plan (in college), so there's no need for Mom to be sending food with me anymore. I tell this to her, but a couple of days later, she's still packing my lunchbox for me.

      • There's a pit in the middle of the hallway with a small stepping stone in the middle. He crosses the gap by doing a handspring off of the stepping stone.
    13. Flying over the Lake at Night

      by , 01-03-2013 at 06:48 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was flying over a lake at night. Everything was so beautiful. I was skimming right over the surface of the water occasionally barely touching the water. I had my camera. I was trying to take pictures. I was trying to get the perfect shot of the moon peeking out behind a cliff...then this truck that was sitting in the shallow part of the water. But I was wearing gloves and I later found out that I was pushing the wrong place. My camera looked more like my mp3 player. I was frustrated because I had wanted all those cool shots. And then I was having trouble manuvering and was almost bumping in to rocks and other things poking out from the water. I also started getting more wet.

      This is the kind of dream I would have while lucid. But in this case, there was never any lucidity.

      The truck in this dream looked just like the one we hiked by two days ago.

    14. Finally flying!

      by , 01-01-2013 at 03:04 PM
      I don't exactly remember this dream all that well all I know is that I was going camping with my scout troop and we had to fill out a small packet. There were also other campers there.


      (First day of the new year and a lucid dream! THings are looking up for me!)

      I was driving my Dad's car (I'm 14 in real life) and I knew that I shouldn't be, but I was just trying to get back to my house. When my dad caught me at a hotel, he said that he was very disappointed in me. When I was standing outside of the hotel with him, everything just felt weird and so I did my hand reality check and sure enough, my hand had four fingers. However, instead of doing my real task which is to transform myself, I decided to fly. Alas, at least for now, my flying would not work, I could only jump slightly higher than usual.
      It's funny actually because the hotel's printed slogan on the side of the building was "Providing rest for DC's"
      Anyways we went in and my flying attempts still failed. I then thought "Hey, lets just ask for one" Sadly this didn't work for now. Me and my dad walked down through and airport were we met up with my mom. My grandma was also there and when she asked if I was happy to see her I said "Not right now, I'm lucid dreaming!" Walking inside of Walmart now, we also met up with my 8 year old sister, who when I asked for a jetpack, she made one out of thin air and gave it to me. If only I was that good. I used it to fly around and kill the piggies from Angry Birds that were now flying around as well. When I had finished this, I flew down opened a bucket, and a giant veggie monster made out of grapes and the like coming out of it hypnotized snake style. After a little bit of him coming out I shut the lid back on him.
      Then I woke up.

      Updated 01-01-2013 at 09:55 PM by 59473

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Dracula, Death Eaters, Lucidity

      by , 12-31-2012 at 03:23 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      There is some long bit about Dracula, Harry Potter, and stuffs that I'll recall later, or not. Anyways, some crazy Death Eater trapped me, Lupin, and probably Kingsley inside some green-tinted world. He then said from outside that we're in the Uber Bottle. Lupin told me that the way to get out is to find the opening of the bottle, and we spread out to find them. I went to the bottle-world version of the death eater's original office, and found a cork stuck onto a computer screen. I tried staring inside the hole, but it didn't bring me back outside. The screen is on, and somehow I remembered to do a reality check with texts. I became lucid, and did some more reality check, but I'm on the verge of waking up so I stabilized and observed everything in great detail until I could see things. I began talking to myself, but then decided to stop it as it would make me lose lucidity. I decided that saving Lupin and Kingsley really isn't that needed since they're just DCs. I spun around and teleported to some mall with glass wall. I'm standing on the second floor on a mezzanine. I jumped off the railing and flew! I didn't have a goal in mind since I never expected to get lucid today. The feeling of flying was so exhilarating I was afraid I would wake up. I stopped mid-air because I lost some control, but then finally managed to propel myself forwards,and phased through the window-wall. My parents were waiting outside. My dad congratulated me on flying, but apart from that they don't seem to be aware of the nature of their world. Having no goal, I decided to follow them. I woke up later while in the car because to moving IRL.

      I actually recalled the dream in a lot more details, but it's mostly tidbits that I can't even explain with words.

      I guess this is technically not a dream fragment since the whole stuffs on this dream are actually several dreams combined.
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