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    1. Dark Glossy Body-Paint and a Wayward Backpacker

      by , 10-21-2013 at 04:21 PM
      Night of October 21, 2013. Monday.

      There are two sections of my dream that seem directly connected, yet are also highly incongruous from one event to the next - and the level of vividness and awareness changes to near-lucidity. Firstly, there seems to be a large, valuable, mostly green frog statue (part of an old water fountain?) of about half the size of a person and in an upright position. I believe it is near the kitchen entrance on a chest-of-drawers. Somehow it falls over (my fault? unsure) and is lying on the floor. I first think it is undamaged, but notice more and more sections, as I lift it up from having been face-down on the floor, where a larger, thinner piece was chipped off, each of which I pick up and align back on the statue (having turned it over on its back). The areas from where the pieces were chipped off are white and somewhat powdery, similar to how certain cheap, already damaged knickknacks look in bargain retail stores. However, if I set the statue upright again, the pieces, although all aligned, would likely not stay on, so I think of using some sort of glue that I see nearby, the container about the size of a milk bottle…

      Scene shift to…the bottle of “glue” turns out to be body-paint. I am part of a scenario that seems to be when my wife and I were much younger, possibly a few years before we met, although we are both at my sister’s house in Wisconsin. Her unearthly beauty radiates as she uses the paint to cover her face and entire body in a “poetic” ritual-like way. The paint shines on her in a glossy bluish-black as she walks around (unclothed) in various rooms, but primarily the kitchen. There is also the awareness that it is actually the future, where it is a trend (especially with older teenagers) to use body-paint at social venues, including this shiny black, purple, and an unusual sort of very dark coppery tone. She is almost like a tulpa template, but without the glow from the inside going out, rather a silvery sheen on the outside of her skin at times.

      In the next scene, I am on the porch - but it is not clear what porch this was - as it almost seems like the one of someone I knew years ago - but could also be at the same (sister’s) house as the previous events. It also feels like our last address somewhat. Using logic, it mostly seems like a composite of our last home’s porch and a sister’s due to the (unknown) man in my dream walking from around the right side, outside, which would have been our driveway in real life, or, relating to my sister’s house, a sidewalk going to the upstairs entrance at the side.

      The young blonde man of about twenty seems to be a backpacker, possibly from the Netherlands (this is possibly an altered replay of a real-life event when, thanks to a sign the council put up on our fence prior to our moving, various people thought the house was vacant - even throwing rocks at the windows - the police, as usual, showing a cheerful total disinterest - and a pair of Netherlands backpackers were even planning on climbing over the fence and trying to find a way in). I think he is walking to the front of the house due to the other person not being home (which would seem to be an unknown person or persons living upstairs - the “upstairs” only existing at my sister’s house and not ours in Australia - even though it feels a little more like our last address in this part of my dream). He stops just outside the front door of the porch, but is able to reach through the porch windows (in real life, we had jalousie windows around the porch and this would have been very difficult, and impossible with the large cardboard box he had).

      I am caught up in a role of mistaken identification but showing total patience (recurring). He hands me a large cardboard box which he received in the mail, saying that the diorama had been “revoked” for some reason as if I am supposed to easily solve his problem somehow. I have no idea what the issue is, but play along. I am not sure if I am supposed to give him his money back, replace it with a different one, or just take it and perhaps give it to someone else. I am also not sure of why it was “revoked”. Perhaps it is not an authentic model or something, or not an authentic portrayal, historically. Perhaps he even entered it in a contest and was blackballed from entering anymore contests. When he hands me the box, he moves his hand away from under one corner, and, not knowing a flap was missing at the bottom, I take the box and some of the contents fall all over the floor through the bottom - this being several miniature soldiers and some other items. Looking down into the box, I see that about fifty percent of the diorama is glued into place, including other toy soldiers still in position.

      I apologize to him and pick up all the small pieces and figures (of which there are at least ten or so) to put them back onto the platform of the model, which is a battle scene (a “skirmish”) with a few tanks and soldiers and other features. My mistaken role causes no concern or anger on my part. I look closely at the platform of the model and see what looks like a very small order form or record table with the word “Google” on it, as well as the word “revoked” appearing a few times in red. I am still not sure what the whole thing means even as I wake - and just as I wake, I feel a bit sad at not being able to resolve his issue (recurring) even though I was not the person he was looking for - and even knowing it was a dream.

      Updated 03-14-2017 at 12:35 PM by 1390

    2. Trinity de Liberas

      by , 08-10-2013 at 02:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      WARNING: Sexual content

      NOTE: Numbers do not signify any particular order. They're just for ease of reference for interpretation.

      A phrase: ''Trinity de Liberas'' . No idea what it meant.

      1. Justice. I was in a room. Reminded me of a room I rented in college near a river. He was in the room beside mine. Although there were 'holes' in the plywood separating our rooms, I did not peek into his room, though I was sorely tempted. I heard him talking to someone, but I sensed or knew he was alone, so it must be a phone. I lied down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, and noticed that the plywood wall does not go to the ceiling, so there's an open space between our rooms near the ceiling. I was looking at the opening when I saw him start to peek through it, all while he was talking on his phone. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, but I can still see him somehow. He crossed over to my room, still talking on his phone, and he looked me over.

      2. A guy got pregnant. At first it was me, and then it wasn't me. When they took the 'baby' out of his (or my) stomach, it turned out to be a frog. Turned out that there's a particular species of frogs (it was clear when I saw or heard it but then forgot it when I woke up) that insert their eggs through the skin, and then it goes in the stomach/uterus to grow. I became careful not to go out with my body parts exposed.

      3. I had sex with a guy, with me on top. I wanted it to be the guy on [1] but it seems it's not. This one is darker. After sex, we discussed the amount, or maybe it was a flashback. The room costs 3000, and he wants 600. He/I complained about the cost of the room.

      4. I was outside our house in our hometown. I was naked, but didn't really mind. I love the cold. I was near the well-pump area. I saw my dad come out of the 'front' door, and he saw me. I waved. He quickly grabbed a towel to cover me and brought me inside the house. My brother was also there. (NOTE: I have no male sibling).

      5. I was inside a house. A guy (L? He looked thinner.) caught a huge roach, about the size of an adult person's forearm and thick. The guy held on to its huge body with his left hand, and used his right hand to cover or play around with the head of the roach. I warned him that it might bite him.

      [Woke up. Went back to bed.]

      6. I was inside a traveling train. It slanted a bit, and I played along by slanting my own body. There were a lot of people there. Caucasian. Then suddenly, the train went out through the 'door', almost hitting a girl on her way out and almost ripping my arm off by the door. It continued running off track through some wilderness. We passed near a gorge, running up along the cliffs and looking down the river. The wilderness was blue and green; it was beautiful. We continued trailing away from it, and through some tall grasses. We even crossed an old, rusty railroad. We finally stopped near a small river. There were people on the other side, and we had to cross the river and get our feet wet to get there. My sister was already walking in the river. I looked around for a dry path. The rusty railings. Some dry cemented area. Finally, on the other side, I looked around and saw a small grassy field and some 'trees' beyond it. Somebody mentioned 'glen'. I looked around, this time with more awareness that we may be in a magical glen.

      7. I was in a hall, with a huge book displayed on the wall. The red and orange or yellow cover was ripped/vandalized, as well as some of the pages. I can see some of the writings inside, and they looked old, like a grimoire. I mentioned this to Rob. He took it out and put it on the table like he didn't mind the fact that it was ripped apart.

      8. Justice. I was in a room. It reminds me of our room in first-year high school.

      More notes:

      * I ate nothing but bread and butter the whole day prior.
      * I avoided sexual activity for the whole day.
      * An old neighbor visited while I was topless. I felt 'exposed.'
      * Before I fell asleep, I happened to think of a dorm mate back in college who I had some sexual activity. He's dark skinned.
      * I went down this morning to use L's toaster grill, and I found a roach inside. I'm thinking whether it was precognition or I simply thought of the Madagascar hissing roach before I slept. Did I? I'm no longer sure.
      * I was supposed to read a small red-white-black book last night, but I decided not to.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sex LD's-gorge1.jpg  
    3. Nightmares, showers, and burning things. :/

      by , 09-28-2012 at 06:53 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      This entry should've been written on Wednesday, but I got lazy. >: (

      According to my hastily scribbled notes on my bedside bookshelf, "Looking photos family." I can't remember this, but apparently it happened, so I'm recording it now. xD Now for what I actually remember. It may have been two dreams, but I'm uncertain; they sort of blurred into one another.

      I was at the beach with my family. I was trying to take a shower, because there was a building with a bunch of individual shower rooms there and I wanted to get cleaned up. The building was brown with a lot of different doors on it. The day was sunny, and I remember the sand and watching people come in and out of the rooms. But I think all of them were taken, because I didn't up taking a shower, and I was uncomfortable because I was all sandy. It was really annoying.

      Then this is where it turned into a nightmare. Ugh. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to forget these...:S

      We were having a campfire outside. It was nighttime. I think all my family was there. We were in a pine forest, and we had just come out of this cabin thing to go out into the woods and have the fire. We were sitting on picnic blankets, and then suddenly I felt this really hot sensation on my legs and rear end and I realized that the ground under my blanket was on fire. It was on fire under all of our blankets. Then it caught a nearby pine tree on fire, causing it to fall over. I tried to warn my mom, because she was right by the tree, but before I could it fell and hit her on the head. :c Thank goodness it was really skinny and didn't crush her. Of course it was just a dream, but it still freaks me out.

      Then - get this - my dad looks around the forest and started laughing. I think it randomly changed to daytime or early evening, but the fire was still burning in random patches throughout the forest. He yelled out something like "THIS IS HOW NATURE WORKS!" as everything was catching on fire. This is NOT how my dad usually is, I promise you he's a lot less...spooky? Then this creepy oversized yellowish-brown frog thing was staring at us, with blank green eyes, and by this time I was reaaaally freaking out. I wanted to go back into the cabin (as though that was actually going to save me, lol )

      And I woke up after that with significant relief.

      Updated 09-28-2012 at 07:20 AM by 58176

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Never eat McDonalds

      by , 06-26-2012 at 06:04 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I had a long drunken night due to the fact I wanted something to eat and nothing was open...well nothing except McDonald's. Ugh!

      I'm at my house and my brother tells me Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is outside. I go outside and greet him and he blows in my face and tells me his name or something. My brother said he did that to everyone he met for the first time. I couldn't help but think "this guy really looks like my old paster instead", but I was too busy scratching my arm. There was something under my skin buried beneath the epidermis.

      Guess I'll rip it open and hope for the best later right? As I cut my way into my skin with my own nails I'm reminded of how much this sucks. Finally there's a slit opened and I pull the object out. It's a chicken nugget. I though about eating it for a split second and quickly threw it away. I observed pocket like loose skin and looked at the stuff underneath. It didn't look too deep. Hopefully it'll be alright.


      My uncle tells me that I don't have to go to some event for church and I think nothing of it untill my pops tells me he drove all the way to New York for nothing. He's upset at me like I was supposed to tell him something.

      I'm at someone's house talking to a girl about what happened. Her kid starts playing with me and droplets of water hit me while he's talking. I told him not to spit on me and walked off. Those same droplets kept hitting me everywhere I went, and when I looked up, I realizes there was a black cloud over my head raining on me. Following me. I went back to the kid and apologized and explained that the personal cloud was responsible. (recall gets fuzzy)

      I remember taking something out of my mouth and putting it on the ground. It looked like this strange frog I saw that was dying in RL. Damnit! I hope it's not poisonous. I rushed to the bathroom and washed my lips, while making sure none of the water got in my mouth. It only touched my lips. When I went for another handfull of water, the sink kept peices of flesh. I looked at the mirror and noticed my lips had been burned. I saw myself convulse.....wait I didn't do that, just my reflection. Wtf


      I gain low level lucidity at the skatepark and land a 540 to backside backslide. Law (from VGH) is there and I challenge him to a game of skate. Loser, has to leave the park permanently. He bails his first two attempts and practically gives up. Meanwhile I'm flirting with a girl who seems like she's torn between me and Bruce Willis. A very strange conversation that wouldn't make any sense even if I remembered it takes place and I get up and get ready for my trick, but I woke up.
    5. Never eat McDonalds

      by , 06-26-2012 at 06:04 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I had a long drunken night due to the fact I wanted something to eat and nothing was open...well nothing except McDonald's. Ugh!

      I'm at my house and my brother tells me Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is outside. I go outside and greet him and he blows in my face and tells me his name or something. My brother said he did that to everyone he met for the first time. I couldn't help but think "this guy really looks like my old paster instead", but I was too busy scratching my arm. There was something under my skin buried beneath the epidermis.

      Guess I'll rip it open and hope for the best later right? As I cut my way into my skin with my own nails I'm reminded of how much this sucks. Finally there's a slit opened and I pull the object out. It's a chicken nugget. I though about eating it for a split second and quickly threw it away. I observed pocket like loose skin and looked at the stuff underneath. It didn't look too deep. Hopefully it'll be alright.


      My uncle tells me that I don't have to go to some event for church and I think nothing of it untill my pops tells me he drove all the way to New York for nothing. He's upset at me like I was supposed to tell him something.

      I'm at someone's house talking to a girl about what happened. Her kid starts playing with me and droplets of water hit me while he's talking. I told him not to spit on me and walked off. Those same droplets kept hitting me everywhere I went, and when I looked up, I realizes there was a black cloud over my head raining on me. Following me. I went back to the kid and apologized and explained that the personal cloud was responsible. (recall gets fuzzy)

      I remember taking something out of my mouth and putting it on the ground. It looked like this strange frog I saw that was dying in RL. Damnit! I hope it's not poisonous. I rushed to the bathroom and washed my lips, while making sure none of the water got in my mouth. It only touched my lips. When I went for another handfull of water, the sink kept peices of flesh. I looked at the mirror and noticed my lips had been burned. I saw myself convulse.....wait I didn't do that, just my reflection. Wtf


      I gain low level lucidity at the skatepark and land a 540 to backside backslide. Law (from VGH) is there and I challenge him to a game of skate. Loser, has to leave the park permanently. He bails his first two attempts and practically gives up. Meanwhile I'm flirting with a girl who seems like she's torn between me and Bruce Willis. A very strange conversation that wouldn't make any sense even if I remembered it takes place and I get up and get ready for my trick, but I woke up.
    6. Rattle Snake

      by , 05-25-2012 at 01:30 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I dreamed there was a rattlesnake wrapped around my leg. My mother walked by and didn't even much seem to care that she may get bit.

      The snake was completely agitated and shaking, ready to strike. It jabbed someone with it's head--basically striking, but it didn't bite. This happened to my daughter with a 3 foot King snake once. Don't count on that action from a rattler.

      I saw the snake around my leg and was nervous, but I realized it wanted the stability and warmth of my leg. It didn't see me as a threat.

      Then there was a wire cage type thing with another snake in it. I was putting the cage over the rattler. The rattler saw the snake above him in the cage and started to slither up to eat the little snake in the cage.

      I realized what was happening and moved the cage away.
      I then saw a couple frogs. It was going to eat a frog and I felt bad for the frogs.

      The End
      Tags: frog, snake
    7. 16th April 2012

      by , 04-17-2012 at 11:27 PM
      Last nights dreams

      Dream 1

      I am lying in bed and don't realise this is a false awakening ((doh!!)) I am holding a baby frog in my left hand....I think "I'd better put this in its cage or I'll squash it when I drop off to sleep" I'm now confused and think "why am I holding a baby frog, it should be a baby pigeon ((I'm hand rearing a baby pigeon at the minute)). I now hear someone shout "mom" but it doesn't sound right so I think "ahhh...it's just hypnogognia" I now hear a young boy say "mom" I open my eyes again and see a young boy on the bed beside me, I say "what?" he says "can you top my phone up for me?" I say "you haven't got a phone" and wonder what he's on about. ((shame I didn't realise I haven't got a son lmao))

      Dream 2

      I am in bed in my room again ((another false awakening)) and a friend of mine is in my room with me, she says "it's good that you gave P Ł2 for chips" (( lol I gave my daughter P two pound for chips yesterday))

      Dream 3

      I'm in an arcade place ((like the ones on holiday or at a fairground)) there are lads of machines, some you win money and others you win knickers I wasn't winning on the money machines so I go and have a look at the machines where you win knickers. There are some knickers loose in the bottom of the machine so I take out a pretty Lacey pair and my daughter L who is with me says "ohhh there nice, win them for me" so what I had to do was swipe the barcode of the knickers across the thing on the machine and it would tell me if I had won or not, but again I never won. I am now getting angry with these machines and I'm trying to figure out why everyone else could win on the machines but I couldn't
    8. House Arrest, Sylar (Heroes), weird animals and more

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:07 AM
      So my dream starts off at Walmart (Thing about my dreams is that i have many "Dream Locations" When I'm at Walmart in my dreams it's always the same over sized Walmart) Anyway, everything is normal until this evil dude come's from nowhere with a black sword. I here a voice and it's generic like and says "You must take the sword. You are the chosen one." In front of me is a golden silver sword stuck in the ground. The sword is between me and the evil dude( He is about 17 and wearing all black. He has black hair and brown eyes) I run at the sword and everything goes into slow motion. I grab the sword and pull it from the ground. The second i pulled it from the ground i saw a smile cross the guys face and I knew I had made a mistake. He then swung out with his sword in a sweeping motion. This created a wave that knocked me back and threw me into the shelves behind me, but it didn't stop there. The one slash cut into the ground and roof destroying any thing in it's path. It brought up a giant wave of smoke and debris. I couldn't see anything but i could feel the earth quaking under my feet. Then all the smoke cleared and i did a 360 but the guy couldn't be found anywhere. I stand up and apparently am uninjured. Then I notice i crowd is forming around me and they do not look happy. I then realize I'm standing right smack where all the damage begins and...I'm still hold the sword. I begin to see why all the people are giving me bad looks. I start to try and explain but no one will here me and next thing i know i'm in court

      The court is basically The People Vs Me and i lose. the judge lets me of easy for some reason and i get house arrest until "He sees fit" I go home which is just like my house only the furniture is different and my room is weird( Of course i don't think so until i wake up) I have a huge bathroom all too myself and i have a roommate and apparently I'm rich and half a lot of stuff. The scene reminds me of something out of a Miyazaki movie. The room looks bright and happy with bright colored clothes everywhere( My roommate is a designer or something) Me bed is round and has lots of quilts on it and is surrounded buy wall dividers. It looks quite cozy. Anyway my parents are pissed and they don't believe me about not destroying Walmart. They, along with my roommate, go some where and I end up alone in the house i cannot leave. I'm not even allowed to go in the yard.

      So I'm siting in my room and looking out the window. I see this gigantic hole or cave in the ground. on the inside walls of the hole are thousands of smaller holes. Inside each of the smaller holes are bird nests. The birds are all different shapes, sizes and colors. There are even rainbow colored ones. The whole time I'm thinking " I remember that being there" But at the same time I'm so entranced but how beautiful they are to care. Then I see these big trucks pull up and guys come out and start spraying this purple smoke into the hole. Al the birds start freaking out and i think they are killing them. I can't sit there and watch this so even though I'm not allowed to I jump up and run outside. I yell at them to stop and they give my funny looks and explain they are only trying to get the birds out because the hole is going to collapse. Feeling stupid I head back inside. I get to the back door and see that right beside it is a large aquarium. In this tank is strange looking frogs and turtles of odd color. I was thinking out loud and said "How weird.." One of the turtle turned to me and replied "HOW RUDE!" I was like I turned to go the other way forgetting i was trying to go back inside and saw this black car pull up. Some how I knew whoever was inside was here because I had left the house. I step for and start to say it was all a misunderstanding but stop mid-sentence when I see that the man getting out of the car is none-other than Sylar (From the show Heroes).

      First if you don't know who Sylar is then go watch Heroes, He is my favorite bad guy other than Freddy Krueger ( I'm not including Anime villains ) until then the small explanation is he has super powers and he kills people
      Second I completely froze when i saw him but only for a moment then turned and rad inside utterly scared for my life. I slam the door behind me and run and hide in the bathroom and lock the door. There is a little slit in the door that you can slide open and see out side for some unknown reason. I look through and watch as my back door flys off it's hinges and hit the wall. The only though that runs through my mind at this point is "shit shit shit Shit Shit SHIT SHIT SHIT" Then he turns and looks straight at the bathroom door and i slam the slit door I'm looking through shut and back way too fast tripping and falling to the ground. The door to the bathroom moves but won't open because it's locked then the door is busted in half. I watch in shock and Sylar enters the room. Then I jump up and run for the window hope to escape but Sylar is to fast and grabs the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground HARD. This knocks the breath out of me and a struggle to get to my feet but he kicks me back down. Using his ability to move things with his mind he flips me and makes it were i can't move and smiles saying "I would say any last words but you don't get any...goodbye" He raises his hand in the oh to familiar motion about to finish me off ( In the show he slices the tops of people heads off with his power by pointing and making a slicing motion) I slam my eyes shut.

      That were I wake up...guess i died.
    9. cutting blanket; king tut statues; frog river

      by , 01-04-2012 at 12:54 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big, empty room. The room had a grey, concrete floor. There was natural light coming in through a window somewhere.

      A brown blanket lay in the center of the room, on the floor. The blanket was made up of small squares. For some reason, I was now cutting the lower squares off the blanket. But I was leaving a couple of the central squares in one of the lower rows attached to the upper rows. So now the blanket looked like a square with a bit of a lip at the bottom.

      As this was going on, a movie was playing against the back wall. It was black and white. The film was old and scratchy. There were also four or five straight lines that ran vertically, up through the center of the frame.

      The movie looked like an Abbott and Costello movie. But Costello was a kind of serious character, and the other guy was a young, kind of bright, but shy guy.

      The Costello character was telling the man something like, "I don't think your idea for using the edges of the film-frame and putting sound on them is such a great idea. I don't think people will like it. It's too bothersome."

      I now realized that the lines running up the center of the frame were the soundtrack lines that Costello was referring too. I thought that they were bothersome -- if they had to be right in the center of the frame like that!

      But then I realized that those were the lines for this film. The film the man had made had the lines on the outside of the frame, where they weren't visible.

      I understood that Costello's criticism of the man's use of a soundtrack in his films wasn't valid. But I somehow knew that Costello knew this as well. In fact, I knew, Costello even thought the use of soundtracks in film was a good idea.

      But Costello didn't want to let the young man know he thought it was a good idea. He didn't want to support the young man's development. Costello felt that the young man was smart enough as it was, and that the young man would be so successful eventually, that he shouldn't have to support him in his efforts.

      I thought that this was a terrible sentiment on Costello's part, and that the young man was probably in dire need of help.

      Dream #2

      I lay in bed, on my back, in an otherwise almost empty room. It was almost completely dark in the room. The bed was set next to a wall, which was to my right. The bed itself was rather narrow.

      I looked out to my left, across the room. On the wall at the head of my bed was a window. It was pretty heavily curtained, but it let in, at the far end, a tiny corner of orange streetlamp light.

      I noticed, in the corner of the room that was dimly lit by the streetlamp light, three statues. The statues were all Egyptian busts. They were all set on square pedestals, but they were arranged in a really haphazard way.

      I knew somehow -- maybe from some narration in my head? -- that the busts were all supposed to be of the boy Pharaoh Tutankhamen. But all the busts were wearing the ubiquitous headdress of Nefertiti. And one of the busts, the lowest one, facing me most directly, was of a really chubby boy or man!

      Dream #3

      I was out on a beach. It was a nice, sunny day. There were a decent amount of people out on the beach, but not too many.

      For some reason, I suddenly felt like I had to leave. I turned to my right and began heading away.

      But as I left the beach, people began giving me troubles. I'm not sure what these troubles were now. But I think people just constantly kept getting in my way, even though there weren't a whole lot of people on the beach.

      I may finally have thought I'd counter the problem by flying. I may have started flying a couple meters above the ground.

      Now I was moving through an area of the beach with orange sand. Two enormous, black guys now came charging down the beach. It looked like they were just trying to start trouble. They had huge, long dredds and black, Oakley-style sunglasses, with silver rims on the tops.

      I may possibly have stopped flying. I may possibly have thought if these guys saw me flying, they'd just pull me down and pummel me. But once these guys passed me, I knew that I had to get out of here once and for all. Soon there wouldn't be anything here but trouble.

      I may possibly have gotten onto a bike like the bike I rode in junior high school. Or I may still just have been walking.

      I ended up on a concrete path in a park. I took this park to be a park from my high school years IWL. It was kind of like a trail on a small greenbelt running through a suburban residential area. It seemed like the path descended from here and went under a bridge.

      Either on foot or on bike, I descended under the bridge. Once I got beyond the bridge, I was in a much more forest-like, tree covered area. The path may now have been dirt, rather than concrete. There was a river on my right side. Trees also seemed to be growing up out of the river.

      I suddenly noticed a gigantic bullfrog sitting on the stump of one of the river trees. The bullfrog must have been 60cm tall! It looked pretty intelligent, too. It seemed to register my presence and be a bit worried about whether I wanted to hurt it.

      I acted calm and walked forward, trying not to regard the frog at all, so it would feel less worried. But now, up the way only twenty or thirty more meters, I saw another one of these huge frogs!

      I decided to get off this trail. I think I was afraid of the frogs. But I also think that I thought that if I kept having to act like I didn't see or care about every frog that worried as I passed it, I'd get bored as hell pretty quick.

      But also -- the trail itself may also simply have just ended: being cut off by the merging of a small creek on my left with the river on my right.

      I saw that if I jumped across the small creek on my left, I could land on the opposite bank. The bank was steep, but short, dry, and grassy. I could easily climb up it and out of this park altogether.

      But as I turned left to face the opposite bank, I noticed another huge frog! This one was also kind of worried about me. I was now in between two huge frogs that were all shifty and nervous. And I was afraid that if I jumped, my motions would be so fast and scary to them that they'd have heart attacks!

      I wondered how I could jump without scaring the frogs. The only thing I could think to do was close my eyes and jump. This way, the frogs would see that I wasn't looking at anything at all, and so I couldn't be jumping because I was trying to attack them.

      I closed my eyes. But I couldn't remember what the bank looked like. I didn't want to hit something bad. I tried to open my eyes again to get a good memory of the bank. But when I opened them, they were all groggy and grainy. It was really hard for me to focus on anything.

      Finally, the frog off to my right said, in something like a female voice, "There's actually a good patch right up around here."

      I looked up to the frog. I went to where the frog directed me. I jumped across the little creek and landed on the bank. I started climbing up the bank.

      All this time, the frog was still talking to me, in that kind of female voice. She was kind of friendly, like a really smart scientist, or a librarian. But I had the idea that the frogs really weren't comfortable with my presence here.

      At the top of the bank, I turned around to look back down at the river. The river wasn't there anymore. I was just facing a red brick building, which seemed to be set a meter or so down into a sandy trench. I was out on a road, it seemed, on the outskirts of a very small town in the desert.

      But this didn't even register with me. Down at the base of the building I saw a rectangular slat of an opening in the wall. Two sets of female eyes looked back out at me. I knew these two women were the frogs I had just jumped past on the river.

      I felt bad for not having spoken to them. So I did want to say something to them. But I also felt a little shy, like somehow these frogs were of a higher station than I was, and would thus be put off by my acting too familiar with them. So I wanted to keep whatever I said short.

      I said, "Yeah, I'm sure I'll come back here. So if I do, I'll talk to you guys again. I used to ride my bike up through this park all the time when I was a kid."
    10. You must become

      by , 07-19-2011 at 06:32 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I remember just a frag, an entity showing an image, saying the human race must become:

      Upon waking, I realized the image is a mass of unborn tadpoles floating in outer space.

      Jesus said, "You must become a child in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Eggs are symbolic of rebirth. Tadpoles are symbolic of potential for change, or inevitable change. Umborn creatures are symbolic of pure innocence. Also all the eggs, all the bubbles are connected.
    11. WILD - Children At War

      by , 05-24-2011 at 09:44 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:42 AM by 39215

    12. Got behind. Heres two dreams.

      by , 06-25-2010 at 09:39 PM
      Frog and Fish Play (Non-lucid)


      Me and my grade were on a field trip. To some place. I don't remember what it was at all. It was weird. Everyone was going to take part in a play. Some students were frogs, and some were fish. I was a fish, but I didn't want to be in the play. So I threw the fish costume down on the floor. My friend Nathan, who was a frog, threw down his costume as well. A teacher, which looked like my 6th grade math teacher, screamed at us for not wanting to be in the play. I just said, "Well, I'm not going to be in this play, so deal with it." She said, "Then you two can sit over there with me!" The dream skipped, we didn't walk over. Me and Nathan were sitting next to each other next to this teacher. We were watching the play. I don't remember what was going on. The dream skipped and I was riding in the backseat of my mom's car, and we were on West Liberty, just coming up the ramp. Then I woke up.

      Digital Piano without Weighted Keys (Non-lucid)


      In real life, I'm getting a piano in about two weeks. Finally, A REAL ONE. Of all these years(only 2 years actually lol) getting stuck with these keyboards and digital pianos, I'm finally getting a real piano.

      Me and my stepdad, Homer, were on the computer looking for a piano. We found one. It was a digital one. Apparently, I didn't want a real one anymore. This digital one was an upright, and had all 88 keys. It looked really professional. It kinda looked like the Roland HP-307(look it up if you don't know what it is). So anyway, the dream skipped and it arrived in the mail. We opened up a giant truck, and it was inside the truck, already plugged in? and built. So I went to play it... and, it DIDN'T HAVE WEIGHTED KEYS. I was really pissed. Homer said, "Well, then we can return it." "Well, do it! Because it sucks!" The sound was actually really good. It sounded like a piano. It sounded very sharp and bright. It was a good sound, but the keys sucked ass. The dream skipped and I went back to the truck which was still there for some reason, to see if the piano was there. It was. I screamed for Homer to ask him why he didn't return this piece of shit, but he didn't answer. I woke up.
    13. Frog Pond

      by , 04-06-1985 at 10:06 AM
      Morning of April 6, 1985. Saturday.

      I am sitting in cool water with my knees up, the level of the clear water about six inches down from my knees, though it is not completely gone by the end of the waking stage. A very large number of very small green frogs are present. They hop around on my knees and shoulders, making little chirping sounds. I hold some of them carefully know and then as they leap around.

      Although the location is unknown, there is a vague sense of bilocation with my King Street bed (in the L-shaped apartment) which I discern as being in its real-life location). Still, I also seem to be in an outdoor area in an actual large pond. No one else is around. There is a very intense feeling of happiness as well as relaxation. I very slowly become lucid but only just prior to waking. It is almost like taking a morning bath outside.

      Although this is a typical water induction (most common induction factor since early childhood), the frogs are possibly just incidental since I associate them with water. However, they would still be on the upper end of the dreaming stage, more so than a fish, which represents the downgrading of conscious self identity in being less active in being unconscious (asleep). This dream though, is very vivid, so the tiny frogs, which are very active, probably relate (in real time) to neuron activity and dawning awareness in coming out of sleep (whereas tadpoles and fish would be more relevant to the dynamics of the temporary dream self identity).

      Water symbolizes sleep and the dynamics of sleep in real time. As such, a beach or shore of a lake (and similar locations) is the liminal space between sleep (water) and the more viable land or waking life beyond the beach. The clarity and depth of the water relate directly to circadian rhythm factors and real time sleep dynamics, something I was already aware of at age four from dreams such as “The Angler” (1965).

      Updated 01-09-2017 at 09:50 AM by 1390

      Tags: frog, pond
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