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    1. 10/2/2014

      by , 10-08-2014 at 07:28 AM
      I was in some mall library with my aunt. There was a ghost in the wall that had to do something with dreams. I tried defeating the ghost with someone but I couldn't.

      I was at work walking on an intersection. The light was red and I was putting on some boots. As I did, I felt how comfortable they were. The light turned green and Alberto honked at me and said "You're not in a hurry are you?" and we walked into a mall. He explained how I could get a few stops before depleting the time. We walked into the Hudson stop, where Alberto turned into Dale and started complaining about the wet floor and his bad knee.
      Tags: dorina, ghost, mall, work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Giant Iron Man From 2002

      by , 09-06-2014 at 10:54 PM (My Dream Goals)
      I was floating in a red void in the 3rd person with a giant iron man in front of me. This dream was recurring, and for some reason I thought it was a nightmare, so I'd become lucid at this time, although I'd usually wake up as I did not know what you could do with lucid dreams. If I remained asleep, the giant iron man would punch me and I would begin to tumble and float to the right. I'd pass a few random objects and some sort of moaning cartoon characters before landing on a gray floor. I would see a black ghost/spectre thing, and I'd wake up a few seconds later.

      If you would like to see the dream, watch this video:

      Updated 09-06-2014 at 10:56 PM by 70072

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. Help please

      by , 08-24-2014 at 01:51 AM
      Hi ever since I was 3 I have had dreams and I see other peoples deaths and they happen the next day.Then, Im also able to see just everyday things before they happen but forget until they do happen now I have been able to remember them more and more often.I also see ghost not as apparitions but as colored outlines instead like each color means something about that ghost I also scream very often in my dreams and my grandmother says I scream in my sleep and at random moments when I get thoughts that relate to my dreams.how do these things connect to each other and what do they mean am I like some weird psychic or a banshee or something I just want answers please help.
    4. Lots of Things, Mostly Stressful

      by , 07-24-2014 at 12:54 AM
      My friend and I are in the middle of this class tour of an old castle, and I have an app on my phone that tells me if a ghost is around. My friend and I sneak off from the group and go up to this small, dark, cobwebby room near the top of the castle. I pull out my phone and check the app, and it says that there is definitely a ghost nearby. I'm not really sure if I believe the app, so I call out. Nothing happens. My friend and I decide to go to sleep there, and maybe some activity will wake us up. The next morning, there is a framed painting lying on the floor. It shows my friend, asleep with her blanket covering her face and with a very large man sleeping on top of her, and it shows me, my back turned to the "camera", standing and facing a female figure with a very large head standing in a doorway bursting with warm light.

      I show this to my friend and tell her that it obviously means that I met the ghost that night, but she didn't because her face is covered in the painting, even though I can't remember meeting any ghost during the night. I expect her to be frustrated with me and say that I was being very liberal with my interpretation, but to my surprise, she seemed to accept my explanation.

      Later, I'm in a car, and I check my app to see if it acts differently in a setting which obviously doesn't have a ghost. It does, telling me there are no ghosts around.

      Later, I'm climbing a long, long ladder up a cave tunnel. There are two ghost/cave experts with me, one behind me on the latter and one on the floor of the cave looking up. They're both giving me instructions on how to climb the ladder as I struggle to do so. The cave floor is a long way down. Frustrated, I tell them that I've made this trip plenty of times before with no trouble at all, but now that I'm being watched by them, I'm suddenly finding it difficult. I know that we're going back to the room where my friend and I had detected the ghost before, and I don't notice that the previous castle setting as morphed into a cave setting.

      I remember a small fragment where at some point, the 10th Doctor and I are talking to a woman who seems to know quite a bit about the future, but won't let us in on anything. When she says she has to leave, we follow her and find that she's a human who's traveling with a time lord of her own. I wake up then.

      That was last night. I just took a nap and so...

      I dream that Red Vs. Blue, the machinima, is a sort of visual novel-type video game (different from the halo game lol). I'm at the counter of a store and I'm trying to talk to Tucker about something I want to buy, but he's too busy talking to Caboose, who is actually just Charlie Day wrapped in a dark blue blanket. Caboose is intently mimicking everything Tucker says and does, because here, he thinks Tucker is his best friend instead of Church.

      At some point, I'm in a maze made out of that type of wire fence that has the diamonds in it? And I see an animated puppy who looks upset and in pain, and then I go a little further and see the same thing but as a full grown dog. It's a dead-end though, so I turn back. When I do, I find myself being gassed by some sort of sleeping gas. Rarity from My Little Pony comes into view and says she's sorry, but she has to do this. I can see the other ponies in the background. I struggle to move around until I fall to the ground, looking up at them as I fall asleep..

      Later, Russia and Ukraine are launching a joint attack on the US. Left and right, I hear of people dying. I move to go downstairs, but I get a text from my mom saying, "don't worry, it's just a B2" (which is a type of bomber airplaine). Just a B2? I think, then i hear a loud plane noise from overhead. For some reason, because of these things, I abandon the basement and instead search for higher ground.

      Eventually, I do find higher ground. There's a skyscraper near the place where I was talking to Tucker earlier. In one of the top-most floors, there's an arcade. I play a 16-bit arcade game about an anthropomorphic rabbit and his friend, whose species I can't remember. At some point I get a powerup that turns my character into a frog. I meet a lot of species along my adventure, and I'm having fun, when suddenly the game shuts down, and someone hauls the game away, as they tell me that it's being relocated to be shot at in a paintball game. I'm fairly mad about this. My friend, C, arrives and asks about the game, and I tell her the news. "Aw," she says. We turn to see that the wall facing the outside is gone, and instead we can walk right out of the building and jump into this small pool that is filled to the brim, so you can go right to the edge and look over it to the ground, far below. My mom is in the pool, relaxing on a floatie.

      I try to tell my friend about the Russia/Ukraine attack, but she acts very somber and says something like, "Please, I really don't want to hear about that." I understand.

      There is a pool on the ground that is right beside ours, and my friend, to my objections, jumps from our pool all the way down into the pool on the ground. I thought she would then go into the building and take an elevator back up, but instead she climbs up the side of our pool, which now has thick cloth in a woven pattern down the sides. I scold her for being dangerous and doing such a thing. She shrugs lightheartedly. After that, things get stressful. I can only swim around the middle of the small pool, because if I go to the edges, I have a danger of falling off. I have to be very careful because I also have to prevent my mom's floatie from going over the edge. For some reason, getting out isn't an option until later.

      Later, a little girl climbs up the side. I am surprised/stressed/panicked that Chelsea had caused this little girl to follow in her footsteps and do something so dangerous. I yell at the girl and she takes no head of me, and my mom does and my friend does, but to no avail. I tell them that we should all shout the same thing at the same time. It works, and the girl looks at us with a sad face and says a quiet "sorry". I then soften and tell her that we're sorry for being harsh, and to please be very careful when going back down. She gives a soft smile back and thanks us for our concern.

      Lastly, I'm standing in a room with my mom and her friend. They're telling me to do something that I strongly don't want to do, and I think I might have found it a bit morally wrong as well. Thinking that this can't possibly be real, or at least hoping that it's not, I do a reality check, and find myself to be dreaming. I think back to a post from here about how to maintain the dream/lucidity, and I remember that one of the things someone said to do was to NOT be afraid of waking up. Of course, thinking about waking up did not help things. I tried to focus on the dream and to stay in it, but I woke up fairly soon.
    5. 26 Apr: haunted house in New York

      by , 04-26-2014 at 01:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I'm visiting a friend who worked for a year in NY. She is almost ending her time there and divided between going back home or finding a new job there. But although she wants to stay, she is not sure about building a life there and fears this will happen if she stays longer. I understand and share with her my similar experience in Brussels. I also mention how much I have been dreaming about coming to this city, but always thought about it in terms of short vacation. Now, I've decided to also find a job here and experience it for one year.
      She shows me the room where I'll spend the night. Soon after, the wardrobe doors start opening by themselves as well as other anomalies. She warns me the room is haunted, but no big deal. I try staying there alone for a while, but it gets too crazy, with apparitions, shadows, scary noises and stuff flying around. I run to her and tell her she is crazy if she thinks I'll sleep there at night - I couldn't even if I tried. She doesn't understand my fear, it was never that scary to anyone else. She insists there's no space to sleep on the floor of her room and I decide to face the ghosts.
      I enter the room, the only thing I see is what appears to be one of my cats with a broken neck. I feel horrified and I pick him up. It transforms into a cat demon with shark teeth that tries to bit me, but I keep calm, hold him very strongly in my hands, say to myself it's all illusory. It disappears, but the room goes crazy again, with stuff spinning around, sounds and lights flashing in all directions. But I face it with a new confidence, projecting my strong light energy and it calms down. In front of me appears a couple with a son. She is latina and speaks spanish and he is brazilian and speaks portuguese. Apparently they were just trying to communicate with me, since I would understand their languages. They tell me they were murdered and just want someone to help them, so they start telling me their story. My friend comes in and just sees me talking alone. Looks at me in disbelief and turns away, understanding that something weird is going on and she doesn't wnt to be involved in it.
    6. Creepy Dream About a Blonde Girl

      by , 04-05-2014 at 04:57 PM (Dreamer's Dream World ☾)
      Mom and I were kidnapped I believe and we were in this very large, fancy, glass building with pastel colors. There was another girl there, a blonde girl with straight hair. Probably around my age. We were trying to get away from these people who were about to kill us or worse. I remember it was really scary...I think there was others there to be killed or tortured but I'm not entirely sure. Mom and I somehow found a way to escape. We couldn't take the other girl with us, though. When we left I kept receiving these messages on a phone or computer from her somehow (it had her name...I think it started with V? Veronica...Viola? Violet?) saying things like "Where are you?!" "They're going to go after you!" "You left me here!" "They're going to kill me!" and other things like that and she was insulting me and sending pictures, although I can't remember what they were, but it was really freaking me out. I told my mom, but when she came the messages had dissapeared...and when she left they appeared again. I think she ended up being killed before anyone could save her...and she began haunting me? At some point in the dream she actually approached me or spoke to me (not through messaging) and talked about what happened when we had left. She showed me some kind of flashback or memory of her being held in that building...and she said something about being tortured until she went insane and I saw an image of her sitting on a bed, locked in some awful, dirty, dingy gray room with writing on the walls and her skin looked pale and faded...and she had scars all over her...it was terrible. What freaked me out the most was her face had cuts in it that made her look like she was smiling in a very creepy way. And then it looked like the smile was getting...bigger...wider...she looked so awful and terrifying. That's about all I can remember, but it was really creepy. I'm wondering if somehow this was connected to the dream I had night before last? That dream (although I just barely remember it) was about some blonde girl dying as well I think. They did look very similar, except the girl in the previous dream was a little girl and the one in this dream was a teenager and had longer hair. I think they both wore blue, too...so strange.

      Why do I always have such dark and creepy dreams...
    7. A Ghost Investigation

      by , 03-25-2014 at 01:03 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Been a little bit since I recalled anything. Glad to see it back!
      I was with both my family and some strangers. The strangers consisted of a woman, two children, and Woody Harrelson (I believe he was in here because of my latest obsession with the show True Detective). We hung out at this warped version of my house for a while, but soon, people started dying! We weren't sure why, but it seemed to be something paranormal. That was our guess anyway.
      At one point I pretended to be a ghost, to the amusement of everyone else. In the midst of investigating, my aunt brought her dogs to the house, and I played with both them and the stranger kids.
      Suddenly, the truth was starting to reveal itself. The woman I mentioned as one of the strangers ended up dying in Woody's room by unknown causes. When we all gathered in his room later on, Woody revealed that he had cameras throughout the house to record and capture paranormal activity due to his suspicions. Even so, for some reason, we didn't think to check the footage to see how the woman died. Eerily enough, when we looked at Woody's desk, his keys were gone. Everyone insisted that they didn't take them, and we even checked. It must have been the woman.
      After all these crazy events, I was left feeling inspired, and felt like saying one thing to Woody and the gang.
      "I wish I had a PS4..."
      Cue fade to black. Many years pass (instantaneously of course, like a time skip in a movie or book), and the two kids are sitting around a dinner table, a lot older now (teenagers at least).
    8. 29 Jan: Ghost revenge

      by , 01-30-2014 at 11:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I start seeing ghosts. First they scare me, but then I become half lucid and lose my fear. Then I establish contact with them. They want my help. They seek a man, indirectly responsible for their deaths. A rich business man, with no moral, responsible for the despair of so many and cause of death of some of them. They want me to help them find him and kill him. I help them find where he lives and I wait by the entrance of his mansion with a bunch of ghosts floating around. When the man arrives home, the ghosts follow him and scare the bejesus out the guy. That's when I come in with a gun, when he is already freaked out by all those scary ghosts. They keep him all curled up on the floor, crying like a baby and ask me to kill him. That's when I'm invaded by a sudden overwhelming compassion for the guy. I can't pull the trigger. The ghosts keep telling me all the horrors he is capable of and pushing me to do it, but I can't. I start crying like a baby, I feel so much compassion for everybody, I can't honestly feel any anger for any being, I am drowning in tears for all the evil people in the world, because they are so ignorant, they don't know what they are doing.
      So I tell the ghosts that I won't kill him, that he deserves to go to jail and to learn about the impacts of his actions and to have the opportunity to redeem himself, but I can't kill him. The ghosts are not happy, but they also can't kill him.
    9. 17 Dec: The ghost in the tower

      by , 12-17-2013 at 09:37 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Like in a RPG game, I was at the beginning of a game, with a "team" and we were being introduced to the set and the rules. We were going to be dropped at a high tower of a gigantic building in a ghost town. This building was so massive, it occupied almost half of the town space. It rose up like a skyscraper but at different levels it ramified into individual towers with further ramifications. And we were being shown in 3D the whole complex and the exact tower where we would be dropped. It looked so degraded and abandoned. I wondered about stability of the structure. But no other dangers ocurred to me.
      We were going on a recon mission, but no details were given to us.
      So we're inside and the place is creepy and incredible in its architecture, but nothing goes on. Curtains fly over broken glass windows.
      Then we reach this plateau, or attic and we have a creepy feeling. Someone reports movement. We start being attacked by unindentified entities and we run down the stairs. But not everybody made it. There's 1 or 2 missing. I turn back to look for them, but they appear zombie-like and start attacking me to. I tell everybody else to just run down the stairs and I run faster than anyone else, cause I'm supposed to be in the front leading them out. But one by one they start being touched by some invisible hand that leaves them like zombies who turn back to stay in the building. Only I and 2 others manage to safely get out of that tower without being caught by this force.

      I become lucid, not so worried anymore, decide to fly away carelessly. I have a zen moment flyin over the ocean. I see half a dozen very small dots in the water. It's people. I go down to watch them closely and end up being dragged into the water with them. It's not a fun moment. We just had sand below our feet and out of nowhere the waves grew bigger and are dragging us away from the beach. We're fighting the current. I see one getting to the shore but I'm starting to feel hopeless, I'm surely going to die! I wake up, shaking that feeling of desperation away. I review the dream I just had and decide to forget this last part and focus on that building and its story. I fall asleep and get back there. But now it's a different time. There's people still living on it. I'm a girl lying in bed in that attic. There's nothing else, just this bed. And I have a white cat, but he is no ordinary cat, he is a ghost cat. He fell or was thrown down the tower, but he keeps visiting me all the time. He is now looking at me from the ceiling above my head, his head lurking through the concrete, as if there was a hole in it. Sometimes I look out the window and his is roaming around the lower level plateau veranda. He keeps me company. My father keeps me locked up in here. It's very early morning and he might appear at any moment. So he does, bringing a tray with something different from the usual breakfast. Something white, that he tells me it's to celebrate my birthday. It's green jello with whip cream on top. Better than nothing. I wonder what am I (this girl) doing here. Is she held in captivity? Is that why she is so alone? Did she die here? Is she the ghost capturing people to keep her company?
      Alarm clock goes of...

      Updated 12-17-2013 at 04:37 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Of Shapeshifting and Invisibility

      by , 11-17-2013 at 05:39 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Not so great recall last night, and what I do remember is a bit vague.

      Transformation (Non-lucid)


      I am on a secret mission that somehow involves stealing a particular item from this girl's bedroom. To accomplish this, I knock on her door and proceed to transform into an adorable black bunny. She comes to the door, squeals in delight, and carries me up to her room. I notice that it feels kind of nice being held while in this form.

      In her room, I change shape again. This time, I'm a black cat. A talking black cat. I talk to her and trick her into helping me out with my mission.

      Ghost Hunters (Non-lucid)


      I am with a friend in the lower rooms of an old, creepy building. My friend is hunting a ghost, but I happen to really like the ghost she's trying to get rid of. I turn invisible and screw up my friend's hunt while trying to help the ghost girl get to safety. There is also an evil spirit there that we're all avoiding. The ghost girl is terrified--- she holds my hand the entire time.
    11. Ghost Bustin'

      by , 11-15-2013 at 01:59 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I'm starting to notice a recurring theme in some of my dreams lately, involving me going somewhere with my girlfriend and her mom. Happened in two different dreams this morning.
      My girlfriend, her mom, and I all went to a fancy cabin/store/hotel place...apparently to kill ghosts.
      For some reason I had made myself a car out of minecraft textures and brought it with me. I was exploring the lodge place later on with both of them, when a green light appeared behind me. I spun around, only to find a ghost who looked like an old lady. She had an eerie, green light shining around her. She shrieked at me, her face starting to come up close to mine. Amazingly enough, I forgot if we killed the ghost or just ran away from it, but then we were back out at the parking lot, and my girlfriend's mom sped off in her car with my girlfriend, leaving me behind with my minecraft car. I decided to take it for a spin. It was glorious.

      This next dream was recalled after falling back asleep and waking up my normal time.
      Guess where I was at this time? A con! Guess with who? My girlfriend and her mom! Some con-goer walked up to me and sold me a pretty looking GTO book that looked thin but apparently had every chapter of GTO in it. GTO is an anime I really like, GO WATCH IT. My girlfriend was talking to this guy at the front of our booth for a while, making me a bit jealous. I ignored the feelings and went to talk with her. We talked for a while, and while we were doing so, the guy kept trying to quietly steal my GTO book, leading to me scolding him to get his own.
      Multiple random people I know were at the con, hanging out at our booth. I recall a random part on one of the con days where we were all staring at a fish bowl for some reason. The con felt like a sped up version of three whole days.

      That's it. I'm happy I recalled more than one! I need to start reality checking and paying closer attention to situations where my girlfriend is around or her mom.
    12. Oct 29 Dream Journal: G-g-g-g-ghost!

      by , 10-29-2013 at 10:40 PM
      Once again, I'm in a video game-esque world; or at least, the graphics in this world is good ol' early 90's DOS, 256-colors game. We (as in my party, who are comprised of 2D sprites -- looks like we are in an SRPG game) have just hit the Sad Ending, and the female protagonist is going to be lost to another dimension in an act of self sacrifice. Only, she suddenly realizes that she can totally get out of this predicament, and yep, we are suddenly in Good Ending, complete with a big boost in graphics as we hit an FMV sequence. I'm not sure how/why, but now we are flying around on a big airship (that acts as our party's camp, I assume) overlooking mountains and plains, and a pack of birds is celebrating with us. It would not feel out of place in a Final Fantasy FMV sequence. Then blurriness.

      Dream two has me acting as the older brother of two poor orphans who I named Kate and Sam. Kate is older (I want to say 8-9 years old), has perfect curls, and is dressed in a patched down jacket that reaches down to her knees. Sam is maybe 4 or 5, carries a teddy bear in one hand (while holding on to Kate with the other) while wearing a faded onesie. They look like pathetically cute ragamuffins.

      Oh, and apparently, I'm a ghost in this scenario, and only Kate and Sam can see me. So I go around watching over them as they struggle in the middle of winter in a grim-looking city. At one point, we are in a small market at the meat section, and an old man that resembles/played by Jonathan Banks tries to buy food -- a package of uncooked chicken drumsticks and chicken breasts -- for them, only I Ghost-slap the food out of his hands in anger. Apparently, Dream Knowledge fills me in that this old man is a detective, and I am agitated because I guess he wasn't able to prevent my death/overlooked my murder/I'm a dick.

      The dream switches to the outside of an alleyway, and I'm also able to communicate with the detective now. We seem to have put our differences aside, and he even has decided to take in Kate and Sam to watch over as his own. But before we can get to the Happy Ending, we have to take down a mobster nicknamed "Leek," like the vegetable. Apparently, he is the one who is responsible for my death. Sadly, the dream fades before I find out what happens.

      Oh no, wait, yes I do -- my subconscious ripped off the plot from The Crow, so I have a pretty good idea what happens.
    13. Scaring a kid, receiving a spell and performing an odd banishing ritual

      by , 10-03-2013 at 04:48 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Scaring a kid, receiving a spell and performing an odd banishing ritual. (DILD)


      I was in an old building that apparently was some sort of school, but if felt very old school, about from the 1800.

      I realized I was in a dream, as there are no such buildings here in San Diego.

      I immediately recalled the basic task of the month, about scaring a kid. Since it was a creepy place, I decided that it would be an easy task, so I hided behind a wall and when a small kid was walking by I jumped and roared. The kid freaked out and started to run until he looked back and stop running. The kid approached at me and told me he thought I was one of the Cursed Ones. I felt a little curious about it so I asked more information to the kid.

      I got very involved in the story, which is was about cursed sous that lived underneath the school and sometimes they came as Ghouls to hunt other people (Ghouls is a mythological creature that is kind of like a Zombie, but instead of the classic zombie, they are possessed by evil spirits and they are very strong and evil, they just kill, not eating brains, etc) I did not believe as much the kid so I just decided to explore the school. I entered into a library that was full of dusted books and it was very creepy, I found it funny. Suddenly, I had four persons behind me. They were like over six feet tall and they were muscular. They were staring at me with a hostile purpose. The chased me and I tried to fight back without success, until one small kid appeared out of nowhere and threw something at the ground that was flashing, like a very bright spark and the ghouls banished. I thanked the kids and they explained to me that the library was cursed and that someone needed to lock it up, as people was in danger.

      While with the children around (three small kids, about 6-8 years old) I was thinking out loud, "I am a Psychic Medium and I have done banishings before, never saw something like this."
      (I am a Psychic Medium in waking life, so I was not 100% unconscious in the dream, but this part was not lucid for my impression) The kids smiled at me and grabbed my hands stating, "You will be the one that will lift the curse, you will help us." I started to think that it was dangerous to go without my partner who does banishing rituals with me (with she does in waking life) But I kind of went with the flow. I planned to call her until I realized that being in a dream I could not call her and I was safe of harms way. We approached a small house and there was a female ghoul standing next to them. She claimed to be a witch so I asked her to throw me a spell. She rose her hand and threw me like a big cloud of purple mist around me. The dream started to go blurry and I focused in embracing the spell to succeed the advanced task, and the dream started to go clear again, being successful at the advanced task.

      While I maybe decided to take of and fly away, one of the kids told me, "It is time to get started, we need to search for the portal."
      I lost lucidity right away, as I accepted and wanted to see where this dream took me. We entered this house and it was full of dust, without any lights and with very old school furniture laying around. I could both see and sense angry spirits, roaming around. I saw a creepy elevator


      and I knew I needed to take it. The kids wanted to stay back, but I asked them to stay with me, I told them that my Spirit Guides were protecting them. So we entered the elevator and it started to go down. A very demonic voice started to say stuff, I cannot recall what it was but it was menacing. The kids started to faint in a corner of the elevator, and I did feel that the pressure was going up, it was hard to breath, but I held the energy and protected the kids until the elevator opened to a garden of withered flowers. I could see several ghouls staring at us and wanting to attack, but if we stared at them, they would not move. We walked through the garden, the sky was very gray and like about to rain until we saw an even creepier house, such house was like in ruins, so we entered it.

      One of the kids said we needed to search for the inner portal, so I started to move stuff around, as I knew it was going to be hidden. Behind a stove, I saw a small hole in the wall, it was not bigger than a fist, and I could saw a door behind it, so upon moving the stove away, I started to kick the wall. It was a fake wall that fell apart and then, I could reach the door.

      After walking through the door, I was in a giant room. There were giant poker cards (about 7 feet tall, 4 feet wide) that were moving up and down, trying to drop on us to kill us, but we were able to avoid all of these. I then saw there was some sort of ghoul sorcerer controlling the cards.

      We were in another big room, and the end of the room, there was a house as well, but a smaller house. It could not be more creepy and I was able to even feel a dark mist around it. As we entered the house, I heard a very loud and menacing roar. I knew I was close to the source of this energy and started to trash the house. In a room, I saw in the floor a steel plate, it was locked by a chain and a lock. I looked for something sharp to break the chain, until I found an odd sharp tool (it did not look like anything real) but I was not able to break the chain. However, I pulled the chain altogether and the steel plate moved, revealing some sort of small carpet with a dark mist around. The carpet had the drawings on an altar, a ghost and some weird letters, not known in this planet. I placed my hands on the carpet and started to channel reiki and do intent to banish the energy
      (this is not even close to how it is in real life) and after a while, I opened my eyes. There was nothing around me, it all was a gray mist moving very fast, so I figured I needed to keep working on the vanishing, until I was back at the school. The kids were not around, but I wanted to inform someone of what happened and that the school was cleared. A bit after, I woke up.

      Updated 10-07-2013 at 04:39 PM by 31830

      non-lucid , lucid , task of the month
    14. 2 Interesting Dream Fragments

      by , 09-28-2013 at 05:18 PM (Second Reality Experiences)
      1. A ghostly hand touched my hip on bare skin as I was sleeping. It was so icy cold it woke me up and even when i got up and went to the bathroom I could still feel the prickly cold where the hand had been.

      2. I was in a room doing an experiment with bees. There were several containers with bees in them and I was measuring the frequency of sound that the buzzing produces. According to the dream, the frequency directly correlated to food scarcity and happiness of the bee. The higher the frequency, the more content the colony was, and the more abundant their resources. Lower frequencies linked with problems.

      Looking back on that I wonder how "true" this dream experiment was. I don't know where my brain came up with that but it sounds like a valid hypothesis.
      Tags: bees, ghost
      memorable , dream fragment
    15. Ghost of Diane (Recurring Dream)

      by , 09-14-2013 at 02:24 AM
      I will post an update on this every day. It's been an odd recurring dream and I need some help on what to do with it.
      I'll post what happens every night.

      Day 1 - Nothing important happened.
      Night 1 - I see a girl with long, straight red-ish hair and wears a pink dress with splatters of red. She is just staring at me while in a sitting position. My bed is just on the floor, like a small mattress so If i were to sit on my bed, I would see her in eye level across the room. I didn't really care about it much and I thought it was just a dream. Oddly enough, I usually become lucid in these kind of dreams but I couldn't somehow.

      Day 2 - Nothing important happened.
      Night 2 - The same as day one, just the girl staring at me at the other side of my room.

      Day 3 - Some trouble in my class with my friends.
      Night 3 - I didn't see her again today.

      Day 4 - Nothing important happened.
      Night 4 - I didn't see her anymore, I think it's finally over.

      Day 5 - Did a group activity in class, nothing special but noted.
      Night 5 - This is where I freaked out. The girl was on her knees this time, just staring at me with blank eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds then she suddenly moved extremely fast towards me, still on her knees. It's like shes trying to walk just on her knees and it was so fast that after a few seconds she was almost face to face with me, luckily I woke up before anything scary happened. I laughed at myself for being so scared over a dream once I woke up and continued my day.

      Day 6 - I told my classmates about it and they keep saying that this happens because I'm not too faithful to God and I'm being haunted by demons, they are some religious nuts aren't they? I don't really think that has anything to do with these recurring dreams though. One of my friends insist that I pray or something, I don't really believe them.
      Night 6 - I hate jump scares. This is where my friends' and classmates' words started to scare me. I started becoming paranoid while I'm trying to get some sleep. The lights were closed and I could only see a dim light coming from the window of my room. Every time that I almost fall asleep, I would feel something coming towards me. I felt that if it's coming to me, I couldn't move my body so I would sit on my bed and check the room. I got a flashlight and a metal pipe, which I now think I'm that stupid to bring a pipe to fight some sort of non-existing ghost. I checked the flashlight around the room but I didn't see anything. I held my nose and tried to breathe through but I couldn't, it was a reality check so that means I'm not dreaming. I got back on my bed but felt the same thing again and again and I had to wake up to check the room again and again. Each time I woke myself up, I would do a dream check but still, I'm not dreaming. The final time I did this I just thought to myself that I let myself get to affected by what my classmates said about a ghost haunting me and now I'm just scaring myself and not getting any sleep. I gave up and threw the pipe and the flashlight away. As I laid back on my bed, I turned right and saw Diane face to face lying beside me. I was so scared that I woke up in the morning and I couldn't scream. I looked like an idiot and just laughed at how scared I was.

      Day 7 - I told this to more of my friends. Some of them laughed, some just gave stupid religious advice -_-.
      Night 7 - I couldn't move in my bed for some reason. Nothing special happened even though I couldn't move though I did hear a faint whisper saying something like "Diane". Because of this, me and my classmates decided to call the girl "Diane".

      Day 8 - Something happened today that probably influenced my dream. It was the last subject at school and I thought to myself that I can finally get home and mess around with the computer. I was talking with two of my classmates who I will just call Cole and Will. Cole was a girl in my class who wears glasses, she's sort of cute. Will is one of my friends who constantly cries about how his girlfriend doesn't like him that much, poor guy. Will went to do something for awhile so I was just sitting with Cole, we were talking about an anime called "Hataraku Maou-Sama" and I was holding Will's stuffed Peashooter from Plants VS Zombies, I don't know why I had to tell all the details but oh well, I like to say everything in detail. Everything is going normally right? Well, there is this jerk in my class who I'll call "Nate". He's the type of person who would make fun out of anyone just so he can get some attention. He noticed me talking to Cole and started saying that I'm trying to get her to be my girlfriend. He said it so loud that the whole class could hear. Really, we're already in highschool and everyone's acting like elementary students saying "EEEEE" just to annoy us both. I didn't really care about Nate since I knew he had nothing better to do and is just getting attention but I noticed Cole getting really angry. I really got angry at that time since I hate getting insulted by lots of people and I wanted to kill Nate at that point if Cole ever decides to start ignoring me because of this. Will finally came back to help but started being insulted as "gay" by one of the other classmates for some reason. While going home, me and Will got into a little fight. I accidentally punched him in the ribs and I twisted my right foot. After that I said now it's fair and we went home. At home I just stayed in my room thinking of ways to get revenge on Nate, I stayed in my room the whole day until its nighttime. If you're still reading this, congratulations.
      Night 8 - I didn't really care if I was going to see Diane this night. I felt someone holding my hand, It felt like really soft skin like Cole's but it also felt very cold, like dead cold. There came another hand which gave me something, I couldn't move anything else other than my hand so I couldn't really look at the object given to me. It felt like a handle of something, I moved my fingers to check the tip and It was somewhat sharp. I managed to get a glimpse at it and it was a Knife. I woke up once I noticed it was a knife and went to school.

      Day 9 - I was just walking towards Nate and I knew he was going to say something to me, most probably a petty overused insult like "**** you" or "you're gay". He was about to say something but he stopped mid-sentence. For some reason, he looked like he was scared and instantly said sorry to me, I told him to not do it again and he agreed but kept saying he's sorry. That wasn't like him at all.
      Night 9 - Oddly enough, nothing happened this night. I was kinda expecting Diane to show up or something.

      To be continued.

      Updated 09-14-2013 at 03:31 AM by 50559

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