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    1. Mass Exodus from Katipunan

      by , 08-31-2012 at 11:02 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Mass exodus from Katipunan or Santolan to Anonas or Cubao. Visited a house. A friend's house. A flood? Kasantolan. KGB.

      Travel. Going to a bus or boat station.

      NOTE: Dream Lotus, slept around 11 pm
    2. Third LD >:D (After I didn't have any for like 8 months lol)

      by , 08-30-2012 at 02:07 AM (Dimension X)
      Ok so I had about 2 successful LDs a few weeks ago... And just had another last night. Although this one was short because I had to wake myself up on purpose... Mainly because it was... Kinda bad. So I was in the dream, laying in my bed again and it was very dark but there was still a little bit of light. So I turn my head left (which is the most strength I've had so far lol) And there's a weird black ball floating next to my bed (just above the mattress), And I can see it's kinda shiny. At first it didn't seem like such a big deal, but then it started to make random growling noises. ...A bad LD? And I was obviously scared so I forced myself to wake up. I don't know why it seemed so scary to me at the time, because now it just seems stupid. I could have stayed in the dream longer, but as I said, I had to force myself to wake up because I was just too scared. I'm just happy that it's another LD. The more I have, the better. All I actually do to get LDs it seems, is just go to sleep normally but still have the idea and want of an LD in my head... Weird... But it works...
      lucid , nightmare
    3. Looking for the Center

      by , 08-28-2012 at 05:03 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      A house. Aureus' house? We're looking for the "center." An office.
      Tags: center, house, office
    4. The Storm

      by , 08-28-2012 at 02:06 AM (Dimension X)
      Kinda short dream... And I don't remember much... But here it is...

      I was in a house with kind of a lot of other random people... I remember it being very windy outside, and we were hiding from a huge storm that kinda seemed like an apocalypse. It was pouring rain outside and the trees were bent a lot from the powerful wind. It's possible that maybe there were tornadoes, but I never saw any. That's actually pretty much it. I don't remember much because I was only just able to type this now, and I had this dream last night.
    5. The Girl in the Mask

      by , 08-26-2012 at 05:08 PM
      We are walking on this dark street, I think we are finding a food to eat. We are three people I forgot who they are but surely know them well. We came across this many gambling store, this lady on dress who looks like she is an ice cream vendor on her cute outfit rather a gambling master ask us to try our luck. my two friends tried but they failed, the lady ask if i want to try and I said yes. She said that if the numbers stops at 49 i will won 35,000 pesos which is a huge amount of money. and she also told us that a while ago there is a lucky winner of the amount which she named as my auntie. I press the machine and it slowly change from 48 to 49 which intitled me to won 35,000 pesos . While signing the papers to claim my winning money, I quickly think of on how to divide my money 30k goes to my mom and that and the others I will keep. When we are about to leave I saw my uncle, if he knows that I won he will surely ask for money and think of my other uncle's and family member too whom I will share my winning money too.
      Next Setting :
      I went to school keeping my money to my bag, and saw my teacher sir leo. he scolded me why I came late to school and my other classmates is already eating their lunch at the canteen. I told him that I went to eat and because I'm already hungry that I cannot concentrate on his lesson, I said sorry and went to the canteen.
      Next Setting :
      My brother and I went to this huge house, it was almost a park with a house and the family that is leaving their is sure is very rich and wealthy. All I remember is that the children of that family (a boy and a girl) ask us if we could accompany them to this house. We agreed, they ask us to change formal clothes. We ride with this vehicle, it was a beautiful vintage like car with soft and thick interior inside and a wide chair, the chair looks like a bench and the window is looks like a vintage windows of cars. I told them that they have a very beautiful car. They also have driver, and we are their sitting comfortably at the back while the girl is sitting in front. The boy and my brother is talking, laughing and sharing jokes. I can't remember what they are talking. I ask the driver if we could drop by the optical shop so i could fetch joey's mom eye glasses, we stop at the narrow street and ask the sales lady if the glasses is already done. the sales lady said no. It was a almost dark hour, and i waited for the glass to finish. That was then I heard a loud scream came to this creepy house at the back of the optical shop, the street change in to old looking street with trees and old houses. I went to the house, the car is still their parking in front of the house. I can't remember clearly but their is this old woman on the CR and a girl on her twenties on the only room of the house with a man on her side. She has long black hair, a tall girl who wears a white fitted blouse and an ankle length skirt. she salivate and smells bad. she has this burn on her face that looks creepy and scary. the girl on the bathroom ask us to leave immediately. she keeps on babbling something i can't figure out, she has now a small boy on her side. I ask the boy to leave with me but he doesn't move. my brother is now calling me and the lady is near us. so i run to the door stairs but the lady with a burn on her face stops me and laugh a creepy laugh. She said that its now time to pass this mask to me, she remove the mask to her face. I can't run even if I tried to and she keeps on laughing and laughing and when she already removed the mask she put it on my face and it smells bad. the boy beside her call her mocha, i don't know why. haha!
    6. August 19, 2012

      by , 08-25-2012 at 03:51 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Talisman making. House.
      Tags: house, talisman
    7. July 4, 2012

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:48 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      8:07 a.m.

      A house. Renovation. Map. Travel. Swim across a a steady sea. Walking on the water. A bed being made. A guy.

      Rob and Mysterium? 11 p.m. A celebration.
    8. July 3, 2012 - "The Train Arrives"

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:44 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      10:08 a.m.

      A fight. Battle. Magic? A river. Time travel. Stood on the river facing my "enemy." I stretched my hands to the side, along or parallel to the river and used magic. Change. It dried up. Turned into modern. A railroad. I jumped off just as the train arrived.

      A house. Going around. Raining. Gray tones. The prospect arrived together with someone else. Was gonna do STP but distracted. Writing a story? Marie.
    9. Died But Respawned And Stayed In The Dream! :D

      by , 08-19-2012 at 08:11 PM (Dimension X)
      This dream was pretty long too... So it started out in a three story house. On the top floor there was pizza. I only had 2 slices and wasn't allowed to have any more. I couldn't go up there and try to steal some either because my dad and some other guy were up there too. I remember in the dream that I was just really hungry. So then it turned nighttime, and I decided to kind of army crawl on the floor towards the pizza. While I was where the pizza is, there were some other things there too. There was some kind of jar of something... And a random box of candies. They were spherical and hollow and were coated in sugar... My dad was on a bed nearby sleeping, and the other guy was across the room in a sleeping bag... Well... Sleeping. I remember I somehow starved to death in the dream and I died.... o.O But then I... Respawned...?! But after I did, I went a bit insane. I didn't care if I was caught trying to steal the pizza, I just made roaring and growling noises like some sort of monster and I ran up into the room as fast as I could, swiped one piece, and ran back to the second floor and hid in a corner to eat it. I devoured the slice in like 5 seconds. But I was still hungry and wanted more. My mom came out of nowhere, and decided to help me I guess, so then we were outside all of the sudden. My dad was in the garage and awake so we had to be quiet. My mom walked up quickly and took the box of candies and brought it back. She said something, kind of loudly too, and I reminded her to be quiet. But as we were walking down the driveway, away from the house and garage, my dad came out of the garage, and we started to walk over to him. Something else happened, but I forget what. Next, my mom and I were walking down a street with some random kid who was carrying a sword, and we were talking but then the kid turned right, and went down another street. And I remember saying "He better be careful. If you're caught with a sword on that street, you're killed."

      That's all I remember...

      30th Dream Journal entry
    10. The Ordeal- A vampire feud.

      by , 08-17-2012 at 01:38 PM
      I wanted to share this dream from last night, this is what I wrote in my journal at about 6am this morning:

      The Ordeal

      2 French Vampires, very similar in looks come to live in a big white house with a host of other characters, several working people. One man enjoys playing games- he is a hunter, but enjoys all sorts of games from pinball to card games etc.

      The Game-Man steals weapons that are hidden in the house, straight-razors and flint-lock pistols. The Game-Man is bound to the house by work & duty. The Vampires are bound by something else- their cursed nature.

      As guests of the house the Vampires are somehow captured within it. If they reveal themselves and their true nature, they could be in danger, so they keep their vampiric nature secret.

      Both Vampires have white hair and white skin though one is somehow 'darker'. The darker vampire finds the Game-Man's hidden weapons and uses them to kill the Game-Man. This strengthens the vampire and somehow gives him more freedom. At the same time, it transgresses a law- the hospitality of the house.

      As a result of this transgression, a rivalry begins between the two vampires. The 'light' vampire is constrained by his obedience to the hospitality of the house, leaving the darker brother more powerful. The two attempt to kill each other quietly, without raising suspicion amongst the other members of the household, but their attempts to kill each other are futile- they are immortal and cannot die by straight-razor cuts. They cut each others' throats, but it is pointless since neither of them breathe.

      As other members are gradually drawn into this feud, the entire house becomes tied up in a bloody conflict of futile betrayal.

      Finally, the darker brother is able to escape the house- I'm not sure if it is because he has become more powerful, or because he is so despised that he is forced to leave. He leaves the house in the middle of the day, it is sunny, but it is raining. He flees across a courtyard toward a cathedral, discarding his black dustcoat in the meantime and feeling the sun on his skin. He is purified by the sun/rain.

      He enters the cathedral to find all the members of the house waiting to meet him. There is an uneasy truce between the vampires.

      We realise that this is all a film- there are light stands and bounce boards surrounding the 'cast' and a behind-the-scenes discussion begins amongst them. In the course of this discussion, we find out that in the beginning of the story, the dark vampire had been 'in love' with a sea serpent, and the film is called The Ordeal.

      Then I woke up.
    11. Epic Adventures :D (long dream)

      by , 08-16-2012 at 05:37 PM (Dimension X)
      One of the longest dreams I've ever had, that's for sure... It started out in what was apparently my house, even though it looked nothing like my house. My mom said that we were going to go to the local restaurant down the street. But when my dad showed up from work, a thunderstorm started. From this point on for a while, the dream just involved me getting ready to go. I was looking all around the house for my usual things, like my watch and my headphones. Next part of the dream was that I was in some sort of... Just... Weird place... Hard to describe. But I was getting chased by some people. Except that I was pretty much un-catchable. Next thing I know, I'm some kind of secret agent in my school. There's one specific person I'm looking for. He's standing outside of a computer lab in the hallway. I walk up to him and I beat him up I guess. So then I go into the computer lab and there's a class in there. One of his friends asks "Where's *Name*?" (I obviously don't remember the dudes name) And I respond with something like "I don't know..." All of these students were people who I don't know. There was only one person who I saw that I know. Then, the room seemed to be literally flooding with students, all starting from one corner. I remember shouting something, but I don't remember what exactly it was. There's a bit more to this dream, but I don't remember it. I got to the computer as quickly as I could tho...
      But yeah... Pretty weird dream...
    12. Desert :P

      by , 08-15-2012 at 01:36 PM (Dimension X)
      Now this one was very strange... I was with my parents in a desert, close to a house. It was daytime, and I remember them saying they had to go somewhere. So when they left, I was all alone. But there was something in the desert I wanted to go and check out while they were gone. It was like some kinda huge dirt ball, or pile, or something like that... It was weird. I started walking there but then my parents came back, so I had to walk back pretty soon. I wonder what it was that I was going to see... Oh well... Still kind of a short dream.
    13. Almost a DILD :|

      by , 08-14-2012 at 03:55 PM (Dimension X)
      Well this was terrible... I had a dream where there was me and my mom and dad in a wooden house... The living room and kitchen were huge. And it was kind of swampy outside. I was talking to my dad for most of the dream, but I was talking to him about Lucid Dreaming. The whole conversation was entirely about LDs, but for some stupid reason, I didn't realize I was dreaming, so I wasn't actually lucid and I didn't even become lucid. -__-
    14. Very Vague Fragment

      by , 08-12-2012 at 03:37 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in a dark house, and the mood was kind of solemn and troubling, but nothing intense. I remember my brother being there, but that's all I can recall.

      This is sad. I used to be able to recall every dream in pretty good detail. I guess we all go through ups and downs with this stuff though, right?
      Tags: dark, house
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. Father's baby lucid

      by , 08-11-2012 at 06:46 AM (Sea of the Unconscious)
      I was at some family function with my father and sister. Maybe golf, something about a wedding. Then I was in a car, discussing banks and the price of food with my family. My dad expressed that he was tired.

      The dream jumps to a house. My sister and I hear that our father just had a baby. We're extremely confused, and discuss the possibilities: perhaps our mother had had a female ejaculation, and the egg happened to land in his penis? There was an image with that too. That was a very strange image. My dad came out of his bedroom and explained to us that he did not give birth to a baby. He merely found the baby in a plastic bag. My grandmother laments over the fact that the baby is not European.

      My sister and I talk in the second floor hallway, and then we hear someone talking on the first floor. It was a woman, and she seemed to be talking on a cell phone, describing how she had just broken into our house. My sister and I exchanged glances and fled into our respective bedrooms and locking the doors, hoping she'd choose to leave.

      I decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and started talking to a friend of mine. I suddenly realized that the baby thing was really ridiculous. I think there was a second thing that tipped me off, but I don't remember.

      I performed the nose plug and became lucid. I stared at my hands very briefly, and then quickly remembered that I wanted to try CALD. There was a girl in front of me. I called out to her, "Sith!" I might have been floating, I remember reaching my arm out to her.

      I woke up. I suspect I either became lucid at the end of my REM cycle, or I got too excited.
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