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    1. Alone in the Dark

      by , 09-17-2012 at 05:18 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #16: Alone in the Dark

      A friend is showing me around some mansion, delivering this nonstop harangue about the lack of baby proofing. I'm surprised by how angry she is until we reach a second floor balcony that overlooks a huge courtyard with a fountain. Next to the railing is a strange device that invites a baby to crawl onto it and then extends over the edge of the railing to "give the baby a better view" by dangling them hazardously over the side.

      Now that I've seen this dangerous contraption, I get why she's so mad. Now I'm fuming too. But when I'm done whining and stop to study my surroundings again, I notice that I'm no longer in a mansion. I'm now alone on the second floor of a shopping mall. I don't understand how I got there. Everything looks very real, though, so I decide I'm probably not dreaming. I reality check "just in case" and I'm astonished when it fails. I hit a second nose pinch. This also fails and I think, "No way. I just did it wrong." Third try fails
      and now I'm finally lucid.

      I'm shocked that this is a dream and my vision immediately goes black. I start rubbing my hands together, determined not to let this go. I test my dream body in a variety of ways to keep myself tethered to the dream: I rub my hands over my elbows, flick my teeth with my fingernail, lick my arm, flex and prod at my muscles, slap myself in the face. Everything works and I feel solidly locked in -- I just can't see anything. This goes on for quite some time and I'm having trouble staying calm.

      Unsure what to do, I extend my right hand and plead for help. "I can't see. Please, somebody help me." Seconds later, someone grabs my hand, gives it a hard yank, and I stumble forward, my vision fully restored.

      Of all people, my rescuer is Julia Roberts (an actress that I do not particularly like and haven't thought of in years.) I suddenly feel like a jerk for not really liking her work.

      We're on a dilapidated pier by the seaside. I demand "Super high-def!" from the dream scene and everything sharpens nicely. I hear the creak of beams and the slap of seawater against the piers, as well as the distant cry of gulls. I know that I'm right on the water and think of getting to the Cretaceous seas!

      Julia Roberts shouts at me that "You're almost out of time!" and runs off down the pier. I run after her, searching for some way to get to the open water. Dream characters peer at me from stalls on the sides of the pier, murmuring incomprehensibly to one another as I pass. I keep running, wondering whether I need to try something drastic to change things in my favor. Soon
      the dream fades to black, this time for good.

      My heart rate's noticeably elevated and I can feel blood pumping through my carotid arteries. I'm too amped to go back to sleep. I wonder: why'd I lose this one? Simple excitement? Succumbing to a false sense of urgency? Or is this all just Julia Roberts' fault? Advice welcome!
    2. Dans l'eau (Sep 15, 2012)

      by , 09-16-2012 at 10:51 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      After a day at the fair, me and the band congregate on a beautiful cliff over-looking the ocean which was litt beautifully by the moonlight. It would of been incredibly relaxing had I not remembered this dream. As the band is talking I hear the water becoming agitated and I immidiately grab our drum major and run off to the side where the cliff circles a wall and a gap becomes clear. I get ready to jump it but stop just before because it was too large. I lose my footing and plummet towards the ocean and I know what monsters wait below. I then find myself struggling to escape the dreamworld. My window in RL becomes visible but the dream is still trying to take hold. I feel my bed start to shake me kicking It trying to awaken somebody so that they can come wake me. I finally manage to break free but unable to move as I am now in sleep paralysis for a few minutes until I finally regain control. (this was my first SP encounter)
    3. Of Ships, Oceans, Forests, and Trains

      by , 09-15-2012 at 07:20 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      (This one is from last night, bringing my DJ up to date again.)

      Awake, Non-lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in House #4, which is enormous and elaborate and has lots of rooms [far, far more than in real life]. I go into one room that I had been using as an office/storage room, turn on the lights, and wonder why the lights in the ceiling fan don't turn on when I flip the switches, like they always have. [Arrrrrgh! *facepalm* It's been a while. I completely forgot that this was a dream sign until just now, when I was writing about it!] Then I notice that the room has been completely redecorated and filled with all kinds of objects and belongings. Someone has moved into these rooms. That someone has left a note on a rectangular sheet of yellow paper, attached to the wall, and has signed it with her first name, Emily.

      While walking through the house, I pass a seating area with couches and a coffee table in an open area of the second floor, on a sort of landing next to the walkway that leads to the other bedrooms.

      I'm in a dining area, sitting at a table, eating a meal with my roommate, LB. We talk about how I have this is my last night in the house, and I have to return to my original home.

      I go downstairs and walk out of the house, which is now a small cruise ship sitting at a dock. Someone says something like, “If you don't come back, the ship will leave without you.” And I'll be marooned, I think. Well, Long Beach sure is a great place to be marooned in.

      I wander off, along the city streets, heading toward the ocean. I find the frontage road that runs along the edge of the beach, and follow it to the next cross-street that leads inland.
      [The intersection I came to looked a lot like this intersection here, a place I know well from real life, but that intersection is actually in Santa Barbara, not Long Beach. In the dream, this area looked like that intersection, except grayer, more urban, and more built up - more like Long Beach, in other words.]

      I turn right and head up that street that leads inland from the ocean. I come to an enchanted-forest-themed park area, where there is a gently-curving path through a forest of tall trees, and little statues and figurines, including one that plays a chipper, pre-recorded message when you touch a marked panel in front of it. The companion I'm with does so, and I turn around and walk back the way I came along the path, annoyed by the recording.

      While retracing our steps, my companion and I come to a section of the pathway where there's a little toy train that runs along a ledge, about three feet off the ground, on one side of the footpath. The train consists of a toy engine, a toy caboose, and a whole bunch of random, small objects in between them. Any object placed in the line of objects between the engine and the caboose levitates a few inches above the ledge, and is pulled along as part of the train. The idea is that you're supposed to stand on the objects and ride the train along the ledge. I take my totem out of my pocket and place it on one of the flat objects in the train, and look at it for a moment. However, I then put it back in my pocket, because I don't want my companion to see that I have it.
      [Again, how did I not realize I was dreaming? Apparently, in my mind, that totem object is associated with the idea “This is a secret - no one else must know you have this” much more strongly than it is with the ideas “This is a symbol of your membership in the lucid dreaming community, a reminder to do reality checks, and a way to do them.” Great. :/ ]
    4. [Falling In Love With a Loser]

      by , 09-11-2012 at 11:36 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, September 11th, 2012] [ND] [Falling In Love With A Loser]
      (I took a nap around 11:30am after copying down my dream journal to notepad.)
      It's a Game-show! And I'm on it!
      I'm sucked through a flesh-hole into a watery room that fills and empties with water. Breathing underwater doesn't seem to be very hard, because everyone else and I can do it pretty easily. It's a game-show. A pretty made-up actress asks questions to contestants on TV, and a dumb puff-fish answers: "You're attractive." Others answer too. This must be recorded.

      I met a little blue sea-horse, she was very sweet and familiar. I grew fond of her instantly. There were problems with her emotional stability; however, she was like the Moon and the Sun sometimes. She was so very unique and harshly beautiful. She was also capable of dark moments. But there was something about her that said I could trust her.

      Another contestant: A "black" fish. He was pretty funny, and spent most of the game being an entertainer. There were more contestants, but none that I can recall directly.

      Another contestant: Stewie- who could switch form with octopus form. I start the game from HIS perspective. Through his eyes, I win a few games out of pure ingenuity. I'm still in love with the sea-horse through him. After a few game phases, I shift out into my own being again.

      I remember an image flashing through my mind of a ripped off limb, an arm gone from the socket, and a leg torn badly.

      I remember hearing some characters from American Dad speak...
      Wife: "Stan... There's Canadians playing here. Aren't you worried?"
      Stan: "This show isn't rigged, it's completely fair! Meaning I have the unfair advantage. I can just kick their ass with my win."

      It starts off and the little blue sea-horse and I start the game trusting each other. We help each other and win with each other in mind. But after a few games of trying to impress the little blue sea-horse, she becomes intimidated. She sees me as slightly selfish (shellfish lol). And I must have begun to change, because she didn't like the new me.

      I don't remember many specifics of the games themselves unfortunately; I just remember bits and pieces and residue that still lingers...

      I end up winning the entire show.
      "I WON!" I was the winner! ...I felt kind of awkward saying that for some reason... I dropped on my knees and slid across the arena room's center, throwing my hands up as a sign of revel. But that was awkward too... I looked up at the Little Blue Sea-Horse, she was talking sweet to another puff-fish. I had... lost. The Little Blue Sea-Horse I had tried so hard for, had swam away with the current... and I wasn't sure who to blame but her, the current, or... me? That was the lesson. For anything that happens in life. The only one you can blame is yourself. You are the only one in control of fate, the only one who has the power to change your path. Your destiny exists, it's the most probable one; but if you do nothing, your future WILL fit to a mold. That mold is destiny.

      But... If only I had stopped to "listen" to my Little Blue Sea-horse... Maybe I wouldn't have lost her.

      The last thing I remember: Emma and I were trying to exit the arena-room through the flesh-hole.
      "Well, I guess it's time to leave." I wondered how high up I would have to swim after this. I mean... assuming this place was actually underwater. I couldn't remember how I got in here. I stuck my hand in one of the holes that were in the horizontal line of holes and stretched the skin. I could feel the cold water instantly on the other-side. When I pulled my hand back in, I got to see Emma's head DRENCHED and her hair a mess, her face pale as snow from shock.
      "You know, it might help a little bit more if you go out of these feet-first."
    5. A Leaf on the Wind

      by , 09-11-2012 at 05:32 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #15: A Leaf on the Wind

      Wife and I are staying in this huge, luxurious hotel room somewhere on vacation. It's daylight outside. Wife is putting away groceries in the hotel fridge but all I want to do is sleep. I curl up in the bed and nap. Seconds later, though, I'm awake and Wife is still putting away groceries.

      I'm frustrated that my nap was so short and I nose pinch RC out of habit. I'm astonished that I am actually able to breathe. I blow it off, assuming that I simply didn't pinch hard enough. On the second try I get a deep, clear breath and
      I'm dragged into lucidity.

      I want to get out of the room and go for Task of the Month (swim in the Cretaceous-era sea.) I tell Wife that I'm having a lucid dream and that I need to leave for a while. She looks skeptical. "You and your dreams. What about our vacation?" I tell her that I'll try to get back after I finish up but I know it's very, very unlikely that I'll be able to make a roundtrip across millions of years back. Better than her getting eaten by a mosasaur. Wife asks me to "at least help me put away the groceries" but I leave before she can suck me back into the dream plot. Even though I know it's a dream I feel guilty leaving all the work for her to do.

      Daylight is streaming through the door at the end of the hallway and I walk outside. There's a wobble in my vision as I cross the threshold. I paw my hands through my hair and lick my arm and the dream scene snaps back into stability.

      It's clear and cool like midday in Northern California. Across a broad field of grass I see a river snaking its way toward the horizon. I imagine that this river leads to the Cretaceous ocean and will myself to rise up into the air and fly. The wind buffets me as I soar into the air and my dream body feels light, insubstantial, and kite-like. I rise higher and higher into the air and tantalizingly I see the sparkle of the sea maybe just a mile further along the river.

      I will myself to fly toward the ocean but the wind is just tossing me around as I rise higher into the air. I have no more mass than a leaf or a piece of paper. I try imagine that I have on rocket shoes but they just make this weak fizzling noise and the wind noise increases to a roar. Frustration gets the best of me and
      I either lose lucidity or fade to oblivion.
    6. Catching Shrimp

      by , 09-10-2012 at 03:44 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      Did this a few times - 1. Buy 2 white bricks (drugs) and a lighter. 2. Go into a secret door in a hotel and use the lighter to see. 3. Find a secret room downstairs - pay hookers and do the drugs.

      A fine ass prostitute came up to my hotel room right before my wedding. We are ready to go but she has to pee. Then my wife gets back early from wherever she was. She tells me we have to do some wedding thing where we have to dance around all of our guests. We go outside and there is a huge pool with all of the guests seated around it. We all dance in a line around the pool. The hookers were invited and we were on roller blades.

      Dream 2:

      I pick up some dirt with my Dad's truck. I am with Bender from Futurama. Someone steals the truck. I become a cloud and I can see Fry's (from Futurama) face stretched around the planet. Then my wife and I are swimming in the ocean with a big net. I am explaining how to catch shrimp. We drag the net through the water and catch one shrimp. My wife is so excited.
    7. [The Dried-Up Trench]

      by , 09-02-2012 at 01:25 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, August 21st, 2012]
      I was in a multiple faded dreams that were set in a labrynth metropolis city of stone and metal that was built into the side of a supercliff, an empty ocean trench. I could see the sky most of the time, and it was the deepest blue you could imagine. Me and a group of friends were exploring the city and trying to find treasure. The funny thing is, the city wasn't abandoned. One fragment I remember was being on a flat metal surface with patterns of criss-crossed steam lines that went on and off... they were dangerous so you either had to time it when you were to walk, or jump over them carefully. I tried timing my walk and burned myself... Frustrated at the rest of my group's ease of travel over the steam, I tried jumping and somehow managed to do it perfectly...

      The very last thing I remember, was crowding around an elevator that led to an off-limit room. We were debating whether or not to go in, since it was probably off-limits, but I pushed myself in without hesitation. Me, two girls, and two guys. On our way up, the guys vanished. Suddenly the elevator reversed directions and headed down... I said, "Well... we can just tell them we were looking for the bathroom." One of the girls agreed, knowing that it was a half-joke. Once out of the elevator, I sprinted ahead to the left saying, "I'll just use that bathroom over there! BE RIGHT BACK." I followed the open labrynth toward a bunch of rusty-white metal platforms, suspending high up against the rocky wall. There were ladders, but I jumped up and scrambled myself up the side of the platform. (I really had to pee...) The guy who had dissapeared earlier was sitting lifelessly to the right. He phased in and out and appeared as colored metal rings for a moment. I think he had stolen something... or hurt himself... Just then, the other guy appeared, and he was muscular and shirtless and resembled my WL friend, Nathan... he picked up the injured man and began walking the direction I was headed. "Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, when I get back, I'll carry him for awhile."
      My dreamscape faded to reality. (I was in an extremely uncomfortable position in WL and had to pee REALLY BAD. I emptied my bladder and here I am. I'm not skilled enough to jump back in my dream.)*

      *(I'd like to add, that around 7:00PM, me and my friend Nathan [the buff character from the dream] were sitting on a bench around town in WL, after smoking some weed stuff... I looked up at the sky and saw the EXACT blue sky as in the dream. It was impossibly blue, and was getting dark fast. Just as I mentioned all of this to Nathan, another friend of ours called and asked if we could give him a ride. Come to think of it, the lifeless guy from my dream looks strikingly similar to the one we were about to give a "ride" to, his name was Kyle. Kyle's a pretty weasley/stingy guy sometimes... Maybe he did steal something too!)
    8. The Horschwager Olympics

      by , 08-17-2012 at 05:48 PM
      Hit my longest lucid yet this morning! It felt like it might have gone 20 minutes. Very exciting! Go go Intro Class!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #10: The Horschwager Olympics (Early this morning)

      I'm at home in the master bedroom and something tips me off that I'm having a dream. Fortunately, it's daytime but I still feel compelled to leave the house as quickly as I can. (I've been getting stuck in the first scene very often lately.) After having trouble getting out of my upstairs window last time, I decide to dash downstairs and try the front door.

      The second floor is a perfect reconstruction of my house, seemingly down to the smallest details. I even have to fiddle with the baby gate to get downstairs. The ground floor, though, has changed into a hot, stifling gaggle of steam tunnels with no obvious exits.

      I notice a mirror on the wall and check my reflection. I look like myself but with a pudgier face and feathered, rather flamboyant 90s-looking hair. (Still dashing, of course!)

      I return to looking for an exit and spy an old-school cast iron stove against the wall. I see that it has a vent/chimney sticking out of the top that I imagine must lead to the outside. It's only a few inches in diameter but I decide that I can squeeze myself up it and make my escape via reverse Santa Claus.

      I crawl through the oven and start willing my way up the vent. It's ultra-confining and hot to the point where I feel some mild pain on my skin during the trek upward. What a way to travel! Why didn't I take the mirror? I operate with a noticeably reduced IQ in my LDs, I'm afraid!

      I finally emerge in daylight on a coastal city on a bright, clear morning. It's like a cross between San Francisco and Nice, France. Wife jogs past me and I jog after her through a bustle of dream characters.

      As we run along, Wife hands me her iPod and tells me to listen. It's playing some catchy pop number with a female vocalist. It's not my style but it's got this great hook that I can't resist humming along to. As I hum, Wife and all of the other dream characters that we pass start singing as well. The sort of thing that only happens on cheesy television programs and my lucid dreams, I think.

      Eventually, the road breaks away from the coast and Wife stops to rest. I decide to go off on my own and try to compete in the Olympics (recent goal.) I walk through the door of a nearby building, expecting to find the Olympics.

      A greeter DC guides me into an enormous room that's a combination locker room and ice skating rink. I'm somewhat perturbed to find myself in the Winter Olympics but figure that I can change this later. I grab a duffel bag out of one of the lockers and carry it with me. A harried-looking receptionist and "E" (IWL friend) direct me to go to the second floor via elevator. I ask them what city this Olympics is taking place in. They respond that it is in "Horschwager" this year.

      The elevators look dilapidated and out of service. (Doors hanging off loosely, bare shafts visible, etc.) I decide to take the stairs. The stairs, however, are a confusing maze of narrow bridges and snaking archways with sheer drop-offs all around. I wander this maze for a good while, reminding myself that "I'm in a lucid dream, about to compete in the Olympics" but the clock eventually runs out just as I reach a strange, glass-enclosed room.
      I wake up.

      Updated 09-10-2012 at 03:59 AM by 57387

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    9. Flashback: Seaside Escape

      by , 08-17-2012 at 05:09 AM
      Easily my favorite lucid dream. Ironically, began as a lucid nightmare. Very satisfying and got about 10 minutes out of it.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #6: Seaside Escape (July 24, 2012)

      Wife and I are walking along a wharf late at night with a man that we believe is our friend. I begin to realize that this man is not who he says he is and I'm growing more and more agitated. Suddenly, Wife screams, "It’s a setup! We’re being ambushed! Run!" and tears off running ahead of me.

      I run after her and I hear the footsteps of our pursuers behind me. There are now many of them after us and this has become a full-blown nightmare. I know that the men behind me intend to kill us both.

      Wife is running along the wharf ahead of me but she's approaching its end (or at least a bend) that leads straight into the ocean. We have nowhere left to go and
      I become lucid.

      I run forward faster and faster to catch up with her. As my speed increases, I realized that I am soaring a couple of feet above the ground. I catch her under the arms and jumped up into the sky with her, flying several hundred feet into the air. We fly together over the ocean, splashing down far away from the wharf and our pursuers. The sea is choppy but it's a beautiful night. I'm completely unafraid.

      I jump several more times until we end up in shallower water by a brightly-lit, festive boardwalk. The water is crowded with swimmers. It’s still night and we swim together through the crowd. I look closely at the faces of these other swimmers as we pass by. Vivid, detailed and varied, often with literally dozens of dream characters in the scene at once. I study them all, enjoying their detail. Most of them look like realistic people but one child has a very large head with an exceptionally large chin and lips. I commit his face to memory because it is so notable. He has curly blonde hair and somewhat pale skin.

      We emerge from the water into the boardwalk’s shopping area, which looks very much like a mall food court. This area, too, is bustling with dream characters. I realize that I’ve lost track of Wife now. I feel that she’s safe and has to be nearby. At this point I sense I am at risk of being drawn too much into the "dream plot" and start talking to the characters around me, telling them that I am having a lucid dream.

      I stop at a coffee shop. The girl who is the cashier there presides over a display case of poppy seed muffins. I feel bold and pushy so I tell the cashier that "This is my dream and you will do what I say!" Her hands drop to her sides and she looks ahead, suddenly no longer independently animated. I tell her to leave the cash register and walk out into the food court. She does. Some other DCs are watching, seemingly unsure what to make of this. I'm deciding whether to try to turn the cashier into Wife or try to see how many dream characters I can control at once.

      A feeling of frailty suddenly sweeps over me and my voice becomes a whisper. Moments later,
      I'm awake.

      This was just a great LD. I was riding high for days from this one.

      Updated 08-17-2012 at 04:37 PM by 57387

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. Waterslide College, Island Fun

      by , 08-09-2012 at 02:49 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Waterslide College (Non-lucid)


      I remember coming to visit some kind of dorm. They were having a party in there. I was with Sam and my friend Julia. Once we walked in, I saw the entrance to a waterslide on the other side of the room. Well it wasn't really an entrance, it was an exit.

      There were a lot of people in here having fun. I remember seeing a weird creepy guy (the guy in the new Footloose that offered the main character a smoke), and he offered us some kind of yellow concoction. I remembered hearing a guy yell to him, "Hey! Be nice!"

      The dean walked through the doorway. Everyone stopped and stared. As fast as they could, they ran through the waterslide exit, into which we found that there was a secret waterslide entrance that led out of the dorm. We took it, and it was pretty cool. Once we got out, we found out that this college was full of waterslides. You traveled by water, pretty much. We walked along the water path behind the people that had the party. There was a huge "hole" in the ground, but it was actually several waterslides joined together forming the outside of the hole, and a pool of water in the middle. On the outside of this hole was a lazy river all around. Pretty cool.

      Somehow being here, I got lost from Sam and Julia. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I overheard a person of authority (probably a teacher) say that the water was getting rough in certain dorms. (Like where you saw the waterslide exit in the dorm)

      I gasped. I had to find them, they didn't know.

      I got out of the water and looked around. There were so many waterslides I couldn't find the right one that led to that specific dorm. So I ran on the street looking for that dorm. I finally found it. I ran around to the side of the building, and sure enough, the entrance for that waterslide's water was covering the hole, so you would just be swimming if you tried to slide down. I looked around for them. Sam and Julia were standing on the ledge right when you slide down. The ledge was about 3 feet below the asphalt that I was standing on.

      I grabbed Samantha's arms and pulled her up, and we did the same for Julia.

      Then the dream ended.

      Island Fun (Non-lucid)


      I remember being on some kind of tropical island that was raised up from the ground. If I looked out towards the water, all I could see was water, no land in sight. But this tropical island was pretty big. It was populated.

      I wanted to jump off of the island into the water, but I was kind of afraid to. So I took a running start. I jumped off and landed into the water from about 20 feet in the air. It was fun. I got scared for some reason, probably about the sea creatures. So I swam back to an island that was more closer to the ground, and climbed up on it. It was one of those very small circular islands like you see in cartoons. It wasn't made of sand though, the bottom of all of these islands were made of rock.

      I climbed back up using smaller islands as "stepping stones". I eventually found my way back to the top. I remember that I made a friend there. He was a talking crab/lobster (Sebastian?) who had a little human qualities about him.

      I decided to jump off again, this time grabbing my friend. He was the size of my hand. I ran towards the edge, and leaped off once more. Falling into the water, I started to swim back to the smaller island. But something weird had happened. The current around the smaller islands overlapped with the current from the sea, making a small waved wall about 2 feet high streaming continuous water. I tried to swim through it, but it kept pushing me back. I swam down the little wave wall looking for a smaller entrance, and sure enough there was a smaller one. I swam towards it. There was a palm tree right next to it, in which I could "boost" myself over the current wall. So I did, and made it! I made it back onto the small island. It was about dusk now. I realized by now that my friend was no longer in my hand. I thought about going to to find him in the water, but I was afraid I would get stuck. He was a crab, anyways.
    11. Murder Victims On A Stormy Sea

      by , 08-09-2012 at 02:34 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Something about a murderer and a ship at sea. The ship had three of the killer's victims on it, two men and one dark-haired woman, all middle-aged, but they weren't dead, just slashed, stabbed, and tied up. I think the woman and one of the men were actually not only victims, but the killer's parents as well. All three had knife wounds, but one's wounds were on a different part of the body than the other two's. I also want to say the one with the wounds in a different place was in worse shape than the other two.

      The ship sank in a storm, and we were all worried about the stabbing victims, but I knew they were going to die. They couldn't survive this being bound and wounded. I remember talking to at least one of them when we were all floating in the stormy sea, and I remember seeing one or two of them die. It was inevitable, though; they had no chance of survival.

      I remember something about my friend Mandy being in this dream. I was in a crowded room with many other people, and I saw her walk by, and one of the other people in the room that was standing close to me said her full name, just acknowledging that they knew who she was.

      I know there was more to this dream than what I can recall, but I just didn't sleep very soundly last night. The room was way too hot, as seems to be the trend lately. Oh well, after typing it out, I recalled some details I had forgotten at first. Maybe I'll remember more as the day goes on.

      Updated 08-09-2012 at 02:37 PM by 32059

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    12. The depart

      by , 08-07-2012 at 11:14 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I was thinking about when I lived near the ocean near Monterrey bay California when I was Six years old when I started dreaming that I was on a dock next to someone who was talking to me about how beautiful the ocean was. The dock was long and horizontal, there was a beach house too. I was looking for any signs of sea life above that water next to the shore when I got to the end of the dock I told the person next to me that we shouldgo back. It seemed like I had got onto a boat but it didn't take us far. It took us to this lady and her child that was far out on the dock. I was looking down it seemed or the boat seemed to be up really high. This is when I realized I was looking at these people on the boat as a ghost with another soul. I knew this because once the boat should up someone asked "do you need help?" To the lady and her child and it wasn't me or the person who I was with that had said that. It turned out to be another pair of people, but then it turned into something weird. The lady was pushing her son in a buggy and the people who I was watching over had a baby son too. Then this whole scene turned into some situation we were in a line at some big event where we were going to depart. All of this of what I was seeing was supposed to tie in together. I was looking at a screen in this departing place with a little boy. The screen said 'baba' and had some logos that made it look like some plane service. The other lady who had the little boy by the dock was looking at a different screen with something else on it. I was told that everyone who came to this place wanted excitement and joy and life or just to experience something more than what we see in our life. We then left this place but before I woke up I saw one of my cousins who was the boy before but I just didn't notice him to be my cousin. He was being carried away by a lady and then the song from sandlot started to play to me; "green onions" is the name of that song. It was as though this dream were about something stranger than life and stranger than fiction.

      Updated 08-08-2012 at 02:19 AM by 1643

      Tags: child, ocean
    13. The Mysterious Man, Windy Day

      by , 08-01-2012 at 03:52 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      The Mysterious Man (Non-lucid)


      I remember being in some sort of lake house. From time to time, we would go down to the lake and swim. At one point there was some kind of bad thing in the water, probably Pirahnas, and we were scared that someone was going to fall in. My cousin did, which all scared us, but we quickly picked her up out of the water.

      We were back at the lake house, and I met a girl there who quickly became my friend. At this time I noticed that my whole Dad's side of the family was there.

      I was sitting on an outside deck with my friend. At the back of the deck was a rock wall that was about 10 - 15 feet high. Covering the wall was a fence. There were what looked like paintings hanging on the fence. They were small, but noticeable. In the painting was a goblet. On the other side of the goblet there was a big, shiny coin. There were three more paintings like this hanging up there.

      I looked down onto the ground below us just in time to see a tall, srongly built man walk across the path to our lake house. He was wearing all black with a black cape. He wore an eyepatch on his right eye I think, and on his outfit somewhere was a coin that looked just like that in the pictures. Although, I can't remember where it was on his person.

      A couple of things happened at once. The mysterious man knocked on the fence surrounding the deck, near where my Dad and uncle were grilling. The man tried to say something, but as he opened his mouth, my dad interrupted and said "Nope, don't have that here." (or something like that) He then scooped up both of my little cousins and walked quickly into the house. Before I knew it my uncle had picked me up and I was inside the house now. There was a rushing around, and making sure that everyone was in the house, safe. I was standing in the kitchen when my dad opened the fridge and said, "Will blanks be enough to scare him away?"
      "I don't think so." My uncle said.
      "What about bullets?"
      "They won't be enough to kill him with."
      I felt like I was in the middle of some spy movie.

      I woke up shortly after. I wonder who that man is, and what he wants?

      Windy Day (Non-lucid)


      I remember being on some sort of beach. On this beach, there was wide path of sand that lead Straight through the water for about 40 feet, almost like an island.
      On this "island" Ken and her friend had some small boats "docked" (they were actually tied to the sand with pegs in the ground) there. All of a sudden, it started getting windy. The boats blew around to and for, but none of them came loose from their hold. While Ken tried to hold some of the boats still, she hollered over at me for something. As I looked over to her, she pointed, and I saw what looked like a large stray innertube that she wanted me to get. It was getting blown around the small strip of beach every which where. I finally grabbed it and returned it to her.
    14. LD: Flying, Running on Water

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:20 AM
      Old LD from 12-15-07

      I just woke up from one of the best, most detailed, intense, longest, flying LDs I have ever had.

      I don't remember what was happening before I became lucid. I do remember that I was in the hallway of my old LA house when it happened. I immediately started to float. I wanted to do dream flips that I like to do that feel really good. BUt the area was cramped and I decided that I needed to get outside.

      I left the hallway and went towards the kitchen. There were several teenage boys in it that I supposedly recognized but that I don't remember now (one might have been JH). I took a flying leap across the kitchen. The guys made noises like "Whoa, that was cool." I crouched for a moment by one of the cabinets, then I flew out the back door.

      I jumped up and flew around my yard for a bit. I remembered my dream from not long ago where I paid extra attention to the wind in my face and the feeling of acceleration on my stomach (the "I left my stomach behind" feeling) etc. I did the same now.

      I also flew up and over my yard. I remember coming to the powerlines and felt myself slow down and stop. I thought, "Crap, that's because I read that thread on DV about powerlines--I shouldn't read those kind of posts".

      I remember flying over to my neighbor's garage and rested on the edge. I remember thinking, "How long would I say this dream has lasted so far...? It's been over ten minutes, I know."

      I then took off towards the ocean which was just a few miles away (in real life from my house). On the way I felt the dream start to fade. I reached out my hands and rubbed my arms and gripped my hands together. As I flew I remember thinking, "This is about as real as I could imagine. Real flying couldn't be more real than this. How lucky I am that I am getting to experience something that most people can only daydream about."

      I got to the ocean. I flew across the shoreline for a while. I saw some people in little boats that they were pulling up on the shore. I felt like showing off a bit, so I started running across the water. I was sure that it looked really cool. So I kept it up for a while until I thought that they were noticing me.

      Then I flew again. I noticed that I was flying breast stroke style. That I was propelling myself along with each stroke. And if I stopped, my forward movement would stop. I never like this style because it is soo slow. So I streched out my arms to fly "superman" style. I kind of floated in that position for a moment, then I slowly started to move forward picking up speed as I went.

      I ended up back in my yard. I remember that I wanted to get past the powerlines. I flew up to them again. I reached out and grabbed one. As I felt the thick cable, I thought, "I probably shouldn't get used to grabbing powerlines like this." And then with extra effort I rose above the powerlines about 10-15 feet I floated there a while looking out over my neighborhood.

      And at that time, my alarm woke me up.
    15. The Heist + Frag

      by , 07-20-2012 at 07:34 PM (Inside the Mind of Mattlantis)
      Took melatonin and a b vitamin before bed, for the first time. I had three dreams or so, because I woke up briefly then fell back asleep, but didn't take notes or anything, so I can only remember a bit of one dream, and several parts from the other, but not how they fit together and I KNOW there's a bunch of stuff I forgot to those two. The third is completely gone, as are the rest (if any). The b vitamin didn't really have enough B6 to make a huge difference, but it was there, and the melatonin of course made the dream feel much more stable overall.

      The Heist

      The first thing I clearly remember, was "observing" some villian setting a trap in the form of a briefcase he would trick us into stealing. I know a BUNCH of stuff happened before this, but I can only recall walking around a mall/hotel like building and climbing through some type of funhouse. After the observing scene, I was standing on a nearby rooftop with three other people, one of which may have been Dean from Supernatural, and I may have been Sam, but I'm not sure. One of the other people was a (rather attractive) girl, but I can't remember details, and I remember nothing at all about the third person. We were arguing about if we should try to steal this briefcase, and how we should do it. Eventually, Dean said something along the lines of, "No, I can't do this! This is your thing," referring to the complicated computer hacking I would have to do. I think we jumped down to the ground floor of the building with the briefcase, went in the lobby (which felt more like a hospital waiting room than the lobby of a bank), and climbed through the air ducts into a bedroom a few floors up. And I just remembered another part where I was a girl (possibly the other girl in the group), trying to trick some lady in a hotel lobby (which looked like the inside of a department store), but I don't remember why or how, or when this fit into the timeline. After we got into the bedroom, apparently Dean and I had to trick two bisexual girls into thinking that we were also bisexual. I can't remember if this actually had something to do with the briefcase, or if we completely forgot about it and were just lying to try to get in their pants. I believe it was the former. I don't remember any specific images or details, but at some point me and the girl were arguing about some kind of transformation.

      Dream Frag

      I was on an island somewhere, which had a very video game-ish feel to it, as if it were something out of a Mario level. There was a part where someone told me "not to do it." Apparently he was referring to some kind of tunnel through the water, which had floating rings (like inside Clanker on Banjo-Kazooie) and a shark in it, that chased me when I went into it. I think I may have flown briefly around the island beforehand.
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