Both of these dreams took place four days ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting them! Sorry for the delay. Guess where I was in this one? If you've read a lot of my dream journal, or just glanced at the titles/tags, you'll be so very unsurprised to find out that this first dream took place in...A SCHOOL. -surprised gasping- We were in a room that looked like it would be a Steak n' Shake dining area except all the tables were replaced with school desks. We were working pretty furiously on a test, as if our lives depended on it. As I got close to finishing the test, I saw my girlfriend's ex-friend, who was making faces at me. Guess we're in elementary school or somethin'. This second dream was the more dream-like of the two, in terms of outright weirdness. My girlfriend and I went to the mall! To do what? Well, I'd assume shopping, but who knows, really? Anyways, we got there, but a very creepy old lady was blocking the entrance to the mall, saying "You aren't allowed to go in there!" She wouldn't tell us WHY, of course. Being the reckless dream selves that we were, my girlfriend and I found a back entrance over the wall and into the mall. What followed was kind of terrifying, or at least at the time. A loud alarm sounded off; we knew right away we were in trouble. In the distance, we heard dogs yelping, and could vaguely see the old lady running towards us with a giant pack of barking, angry dogs. No shopping for us! Gosh dang it. We started to run, although we weren't sure where we were even running to. We were pretty much trapped in this mall now. The barking of the dogs drew closer. What was our fate? Beats me, I woke up! Always at the good parts.
Updated 03-10-2014 at 04:14 AM by 33438
In my journey as an oneironaut, which has been going on for about 3 to 4 weeks now, this is the first lucid dream I've had that I've been able or thought to exert control over. It happened on the night between the 8th and 9th of this February. This lucid dream was a DILD, as well as a MILD. In the dream, lucidity was triggered by a hand-based reality check. I had just finished up some classes in my school that confused me and was standing outside in a long queue of students whose purpose I didn't understand. The yard outside was similar to the one from my previous school, rather than my current one; but in this entry, I'm focusing on what happened afterwards. Suddenly and out of nowhere, I decided to look at my hands. They were white, as is the colour of my real hands; but when I counted the fingers, I had trouble with counting five on one hand. At first, I wondered if I'd miscounted; and tried counting up the fingers on my left hand a couple more times. There was no mistake. I had six fingers. I recalled what this meant. I wasn't near full dream consciousness, so I doubt I remembered the significance of the event and I didn't remembered what I'd intended to do if I achieved dream lucidity this night. But I did think to control my dream as a result of this realisation; and naturally, my first thought was to fly. I found it fairly easy. I ran a few steps down the ground, kicked off it and took off. I soared high and fast above the heads of my dream characters, who now looked to be in my school's P.E. class. With a bit of a challenge, I lowered to the ground incompletely, without dropping, and then heightened again. I flew over something that was like a tall wall or hedge or mini-mountain. (Since I wasn't at full consciousness, there were still a lot of things I didn't think to question.) I flew to the top of a giant basketball hoop on the other side and sort of stood on it for a moment before taking off again. My schoolmates still see me perform all these feats at this point. Finally, I decided to give flying a rest and try something different. I lowered to the ground and attempted running at super-fast speed. I wanted to run as fast as I had been able to fly. Alas, I was not so fortunate in this endeavour, as running in a dream seems to often be frustratingly problematic. Once I was grounded, I struggled through a few steps and fell over. There, I saw a dark-skinned man who was a competitive runner and I wanted to pick myself back up and challenge him to a race, at which I confidently planned to annihilate him with my dream control. (I later discovered that this dream character was supposedly the fastest runner in the world, which indicates that he may have been based on Usain Bolt.) But this time, I failed as terribly as the last. The man, who now had a crowd of supporters with him, mocked me from above. I tried to pick myself back up and race him again. On the starting line, he blatantly stood ahead of me before it was time to start. I got upset but let him do it in the end because I thought that if I was going to win this race, I would do it regardless of the difference of a metre or two. As we began running, I was still behind; but steadily so. Though I still struggled to run, I felt like I was doing it better than before. And we were running at both the same speed – which wasn’t actually saying much. I found myself wondering then how this character could be the fastest runner in the world. But before any official finish line was crossed, he was gone and I’d crossed into a new territory – the actual yard of my current school. By this time, I had been too immersed in the race to remember that it was just a dream. My lucidity was lost and I went on to dream about classmates and a broken water fountain.
I believe these dreams were two separate ones! I was at a ceremony for my school (well, old school now), where I was having dinner with my parents and various classmates. We then went into this big hall where all the students and their parents were, and names were being called off in groups of two or three. If you were called, you had to rush down there and try to beat the other kid in a race to the bottom. If you won, you got a prize. I got called twice and managed to win both times without even knowing the rules. And my reward...was a pokemon game. This dream had me in my house. It started off as me not even being there, just watching as two famous actors (Rob Schneider and someone else) were discussing something. Eventually they disappeared and I got to walk around my house. I decided to call up PeanutButterGamer (FOR SOME REASON) and had a nice chat with him about mario. After this is when things started getting a bit weirder. I heard noises outside and got a bad feeling, so I instinctively went to the kitchen to grab a knife or something for protection. "Y'never know," I told myself. As I got to the kitchen, I looked outside. Cats were everywhere in my neighbor's back yard. Weird, cuz he normally has a bunch of dogs. They were going up to this pool of liquid (it looked kind of like apple cider), and lapping it up. I turned my eyes back to the kitchen, and there were suddenly a bunch of cats in it! Cue me going I opened the knife drawer, cuz I was still feeling paranoid about the noise I heard. The knife drawer was filled with the same cider looking liquid I saw before. I sighed and tried to get a towel to clean it up while all the cats mewed at me.
Updated 03-10-2014 at 04:10 AM by 33438
02.06.2014Sooner than Later (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I receive some kind of precognition that an airplane is going to kill me. I'm standing outside on a dark hill, when I see an airplane about to crash from the sky above me. I run, barely escaping the impact. Then, another falls and I barely dodge this one as well. I realize it does not matter how many times I try to escape-- death will come for me in the end. I decide it is best to let it happen now. As I stand still, waiting for the next plane to strike... Nothing happens. It seems that my acceptance of fate has caused me to circumvent the accident. 02.06.2014More Bullies (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Alternate Universe. I seem to be a 7 or 8 year old boy, sitting at a table in a classroom. There are two larger boys sitting across from me who always like to bully me. I'm reading a book out of a large stack I have, trying to ignore them. Out of the corner of my eye, I see them steal several of my books. I've decided that I'm tired of their crap, so I set my book down slowly and give them a dangerous look. "Give those back," I growl. They laugh mockingly. "What're you gonna do about it?" "I'm going to count to 5," I tell them. "If you don't put my books back on the table by then, I'm going to stab you." They seem unsettled by my sudden change in demeanor. I pretend to continue reading my book nonchalantly as I count. "1.... 2..... THREE....." The boys hurry to put the books back on the table. The largest boy gets up and walks off to sit at a different table. The boy who's left picks up another of my books and begins to flip through it. He reads a bit of it out loud, then sets it back down. "Um, that's pretty cool," he says. "I'm surprised you were able to read that much of it," I scoff, not quite ready to forgive his misdeeds against me. "Me too!" he says happily. He doesn't even realize I was making fun of him...
I listened to a subliminal mp3 to help with my recall last night. It seemed to work pretty well! 02.05.2014Intimidation (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I seem to be in a high school gym class with Alex and other random students. We are about to begin a swim lesson. Oddly, we have on regular clothes and are standing at the steps of an empty pool. While we're waiting on the teacher, a gang of older boys approaches us. They begin aggressively insulting us, to the point that I'm afraid it will get violent. I decide to step in with my own unique intimidation tactic. I take a step toward the guys and begin barking like a rabid dog, setting a crazed look in my eyes. My friends giggle nervously, but the guys take a step back. I continue my crazed barking, practically foaming at the mouth and spewing spit in the leader's face with each angry snarl. The fear in his eyes is perfect. "Man, we don't want anything to do with you freaks, anyway." The leader scoffs, calling off his gang. As they walk away, I can't resist making one final jab at them. "Oh, sorry. You guys are so ugly that I must have mistaken you for dogs!" The boys turn around slowly, dangerously. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that," the leader fumes. He comes at us again, this time brandishing what appears to be a prison shank. Alex and I use our martial arts skills to wrest the shank from him, just as our teacher arrives to send the gang away. 02.05.2014Land Sharks (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I am at my mom's house with Cheyenne, though no one else is around. We're trying to figure out where everybody is when we hear a huge commotion outside. Looking out, I see two huge construction vehicles completely demolishing the front yard. When I go out to confront them, the vehicles burrow underground and attempt to come up underneath my feet to kill me. I am forced to fly in order to avoid death. 02.05.2014Lost (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I've already missed my first class of the day because I can't find my way out of the college's main building. I'm getting desperate since it's not much longer until my second class is supposed to start. While wandering, I come upon a party being held in one of the upstairs rooms. I had forgotten that there were supposed to be several parties up here today. This one looks extremely high-class and fancy--- aside from the strippers pole dancing at the corners of the room! My boss and coworker are running the sound system for this party. They seem to be focusing more on the strippers than on their job. I'm not supposed to be here, so I try to leave without drawing attention to myself. I go out a door, thinking I've finally found the exit. Instead, I come out on the roof. It is a very nice view, but now I am beyond frustrated. "WHY!?" I scream. "Why am I on the roof!?" I hear a girl laughing behind me. I turn around to see a girl dressed as Sleeping Beauty. She is one of the staff of another party that the school is hosting, which involves fairy tale princesses. "Took a wrong turn?" she asks. I grin sheepishly. "Yeah. I'm kinda lost." "Want me to show you the way?" I think about it, but I'm pretty embarrassed about the situation already. "Nah, I'll find my way out eventually. I should really know my way around my now anyway, since it's my second year here." She giggles. "Yeah, you really should." I go back inside and wander into a room that appears to be an occultist bookstore. I never knew this was here! I am about to look around, when I hear the Sleeping Beauty girl behind me. "You're going entirely the wrong way," she teases. "You should go to the north-west wing." I admit that I have an atrocious sense of direction and have no idea which way northwest is from where we are. "Just follow me!" she insists. I relent, following her though the door that FINALLY takes me outside. We seem to be on the street rather than on campus, however. Sleeping Beauty is very enthusiastic as we walk, bursting into song and twirling around the sidewalk. I smile, unable to help being smitten by her liveliness. Suddenly, the scene changes as the dream begins to deteriorate. Sleeping Beauty is narrating a story from her childhood, in which she wants to catch a phoenix to bring an end to the harsh winter. I am shown flashes of a phoenix, then the terrible scene of the girl's frozen corpse nailed to a wooden stake, alone in a blizzard. The last image before I awaken is the face of an evil dragon, mocking the girl's death.
What I recall in this dream is me waking up in some sort of institutional-type building. However, the setup is very strange to me. The floor beneath me is ceramic tiling, and the walls behind me and to my front and right are solid white. However, to my left the wall seems to actually be made from link fence material, so that I can see through it. Getting up and peering through the 'wall', I notice that the building appears almost like a spiral staircase so that I can see the levels both below me and above me, and I also see that on the other side of my current level is a door, presumably leading to the stairwell. I run over and exit where I'm at through this door. I'm shocked, however, when I enter to smell something rancid and to see a half-decomposed body resting on the stairwell leading up to the upper level. Upon hearing the noise of the door clambering shut behind me, the corpse actually rouses and groans before attempting to crawl in my direction. I immediately recognize it to be a zombie and sprint down the stairs. I try exiting through a lower door about three or four levels down, but this floor is slam packed full of zombies and I barely manage to bring the door back to a close before they can stick a limb through the opening. It has to be pulled for the door to open, so I appear to be relatively safe. Still, I can hear moans all throughout the stairwell, so I know I have to get out. Suddenly a pole seems to be directly in the center of the also spiraling staircase (much like a firefighter's pole) so I hop the stair railing and take the metal pole all the way down to the bottom. I pass many zombies along the way, but seem to come out lucky as there aren't any on the bottom floor when I reach it. Now there is actually another door set off to the left that doesn't appear to re-enter the building and I go through it. Where I appear next seems like the food court setup of a mall, though nothing is running and no people are there. It's also devoid of any tables, chairs, or things of that nature, and is mostly an empty expanse of concrete flooring other than the long-empty food vendors. On the far side I notice a still-running escalator leading down to a bottom floor and I get on it. It takes me to another door, but before I go through I look to my right to see a long, vertical window to the actual outside. It seems the building I've been in is located in a desert-area, as there are many sand dunes and cacti throughout the orange land. There seem to be zombie sparsely located, but not enough to concern me at that moment. So I ignore them and finally go through the door. When I enter the feel to me to seemed to be set up much like a GameStop (or your typical more high-end gaming store). Instead of having a ton of games on sell, however, they had a bunch of older arcade games set up along the middle of the store, and the edges were actually stands of comics, manga, and other video game or television related items. On my right wall are four highly tinted doors leading to the outside. This time there are actually people inhabiting the store. There are some my age, but mostly some older than me. I actually recognize one of the people my age as my friend, Chris, and we're very happy to see each other. He explains that no one had known where I'd gone when everything went down, but that he and the people there had been living off food from the food court up until that point. However, he said everyone knew they were getting low on resources, so they actually had a plan on the roof of the part of the building they were in (apparently the door was out located near the food court to this machine) so that they could go search for more food. About that time, everything begins to go even more downhill. Somehow zombies have managed to venture their way into the area I'm in from the outside, and the scene quickly becomes bloody and gruesome. People are being shred apart by the monsters as Chris grabs my hand and takes me back through the door and up the escalators to the food court. [On a side note here, my dream randomly jumps to these two teenage boys running through a hospital room being chased by zombies. One of them has a sword and stops to start attacking their chasers and ultimately ends up sacrificing himself for the younger boy. Just as he's being overwhelmed, however, he gets to see the other boy open the door leading out and still be consumed by zombies residing just outside. Neither of them live through it.] Chris and I make it to the building's roof, where it turns out the machine is actually a helicopter, not a plane. Neither of us have driven it before, but Chris designates me to try driving it. We hastily hop inside and I start pressing buttons in an attempt to make it work. Somehow I actually get the thing started and us lifted off, but just as we're leaving the building and screams behind us in exchange for hundreds of sand dunes, a problem quickly surfaces. The helicopter has actually been low on gas and the console urgently starts beeping at me. In my dream it almost immediately shuts down, sending us crashing back down to the ground. It all goes a bit blurry from here as I black out, and the next time I wake up is to Chris screaming. In our landing I managed to rip off the door from his side and crashed so that we were laying sideways with my side at the bottom and his at the top, and zombies are clawing inside and attacking Chris, though not quite able to drag him out. However, I know that they are still tearing at him and dread fills me at the oncoming change of my friend, but this is the point at which I wake up.
Friday 1/24/14 Bed 10:30 - 5:45 I'm in a classroom, sitting with my best friend. We were suppose to do an essey, and I didnt do it. On top of it, it's a first day of school after long break. I check my bag, and I don't have a single notebook with me. Teacher walks in, and I'm falling asleep. So sleepy. I'm reclining in my chair. I lift my head, and I see everybody is doing the same. Lights are dimmed to dark, only tiny bit of twilight light coming through windows. Teacher is saying, how everybody is surprised, when she does a "sleep class". But then how everybody likes it. My friend is laying next to me and she whispers. "Now we sleep".
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am revisiting my kindergarten. It is now fully modern and totally different. I see one of the teachers from my time. I avoid her before she sees me. It connects directly to an art school. It feels familiar, but why should I know it? When several guys in the common room start looking at me, like they know I don't belong here, I hide behind a book shelf and pick up a large comics book. A boy appears and talks to me. He knows me, says he didn't expect to see me there again, I do feel like we've met before. We go for a walk. A semi-rural area, it's pretty, but he says the surprise is still to come. At the top of a narrow street sided by old stone walls, we encounter an entrance to an old castle. He introduces me a couple of hippies who have reclaimed this abandoned site and are slowly making it their home and reconstructing it. I leave and find myself floating through the air down to the urban area. I become aware and watch an open area, with concrete floor, a few trees, people walking in a hurry in different directions, heading to their jobs. It's a grey, rainy day, people look somber and mindeless. I am lucid and don't have a clear goal, so what I decide to do is reverse time. Don't know why, but I do it. I watch people walking backwards, the wind blowing backwards, the clock moving anti-clockwise. Then I stop it and time resumes it's course, forward. Most people don't react to what just happened, they do exactly what they had done before, repeat the same steps. But something amazing happens, a few of them remember! And whatever they are feeling changes their perception of everything. A couple of friends who is crossing paths again, they walk slowly to each other, with lucid understanding in their eyes, they stare with a smile in their faces and then they hug, with no rushes. Others stop walking and swirl around, like dancing, or stare at the sky or look at others admired that they haven't seen what they saw. They experience a small enlightnement with the realization of the relativity of reality.
So I guess this was a FA, because after the dream I woke up and the goonies was on TV. I wasn't even watching it, and my iPad was beside me.. When it wasn't, then I went back to sleep and I remember the balcony thing. Me and my friends went down stairs and we were in my house. We were just in the school. Then we went to my door way and there was a cop there, he was smash talking to my friend griffin and I said "hey dude back off, whats your problem". (no really whats his problem for yelling at him when he didn't do anything) he started yelling his head off at me and I laughed and looked away and said "haha what a loser". He was about to yell more then my mom came home and said to the cop "get out of my house right now" and she started talking gibberish like she was trash talking. Then my friends darius mom came to pick me up idk why, and it ended
1. I was riding my dirt bike on a really difficult trail in the mountains. I then remember my bike slipping off the edge and just jumping off in time to avoid falling off the cliff. My bike broke into a gazillion pieces when it crashed, but then I went to recover what I could and it was in perfect shape minus a few scratches. Should have been a clue for a LD, but meh... 2. I was climbing Mt. Everest, but it was surprisingly easy and not cold whatseoever... LD sign... I then made it to the summit, took a quick view and headed back down. On my way I saw a guy walking his dog casually, and then he followed me across some ice where he and the dog fell in. I saved them and then we went to this random cabin that was conveniently located right next to this icy lake and we warmed up with some hot chocolate. 3. I was at school and freaked out that I hadn't done my math homework, which I had saved for study hall the morning before class. Then I got to math however and realized I had done my physics homework instead of my math, and now didnt have my assignment. Then a random person from the college I'm enrolled in for next semester appeared and gave a speech. Nothing special...
1. I was walking down this dam and out of no where the sky got really dark, despite it being a sunny day. Then a tornado came out of no where and I hit the deck. It actually passed RIGHT over me, but it was weird because I felt no suction whatsoever and it was actually kind of funny. Should have realized this and become lucid. 2.I first remember being at this buffet type place with only a couple people there. I can distinctly remember grabbing my plate, then getting a piece of chicken parm pizza, potato wedges (which the guy had JUST put out, so they were fresh and yummy), and then went back to get a piece of chocolate pie. I then walked outside and realized I had forgotten to pay. Then I went back inside to do so and everyone working there was all freaked out for some reason and packing up. Then the dream got a little less concrete and I remember going out back and helping some guy replace the water heater, which I'm not sure what had to do with anything else but yeah. 3. I was at school and in the restroom there were a bunch of people texting, not too unreasonable. However I then went back to lunch and the bell rang, and for some reason I was just moving really slow (happens to me a lot in dreams, despite my best efforts) and I was late to class. Then the teacher came running out of the room and said he had the wrong class and told everyone to wait in the cafeteria. Then a bunch of cops showed up (some of which were my teachers, weird) and began this big investigation of I'm not sure what. That's about all I remember.
Journal Entry non-lucid #3 Dream, non-dream (Comments) Background: "A Boy and his dog" dream, was dreamed up because I watched a YouTube clip called "Don't hug me I am scared-time". The rest of the dreams I have no Idea where they come from. I am not a paramedic and I have no actual problem with people in waking life. To come to think of it I had some problems with people on GTA 5, I kept killing them they got mad and started calling me names. Dream fragment 1 "Paramedics saves lucid dreamer": I was driving an emergency vehicle, as a paramedic. Me and my partner got a call for a job. As we were in a freeway we see another paramedic respondent. The other paramedic starts ramming our car. I was shocked at first thinking that we were going to help each other, but since they kept ramming, I started ramming back. We beat them to the spot. My grandmother was at the scene. We asked her where is the person that needs our assistance. She points us to the body, it was a child just laying there. They put a blanket on top of his head because they thought he died. I opened the blanket and said, "people should stop calling with false reports. He was just trying to have a lucid dream". I woke up upon realizing what I said. Dream fragment 2 " Uninvited guest": I was at the school and I was hanging out with my friend, just for my own reference I will call him Ed. I started walking to him and I noticed all these people watching me. They looked pissed off, as if I did something to them. I was talking to Ed and I started speaking loud so that they could hear. I said, "Yeah remember that guy, I heard (this...and that)". Basically it was to intimidate them. If they knew that I knew a guy that was tougher and more "gangster" than them they would just leave us alone, since it was like 5 vs 2. Dream fragment 3 "A Boy and His Dog": (I was a spectator in this dream, I am only watching what is happening.) This dog and this boy were together. The boy tells the dog that he is going to die. He takes the dog upon a mountain. The mountain was red from the flaming volcano inside of it. The boy picks up the dog and raises him up high. He tells the dog that this is good bye. He tells the dog you will be a mayan god. He looked at dogs eyes and said, "you will die and burn ". (I think he tossed him in volcano or something) the dog skin got incinerated, and i could see the tendons and meat on his face. It was pretty gory. Even though this happened to the dog, the dogs first and last words to the boy was "I still love you". The boy felt guilt for what he has done. He was now inside of his house. He was a dog or dog like (I don't remember exactly). A dog investigator showed up and started asking him all of these questions. The boy tried to act like he was doing some calculus problems. I really wanted the boy to get caught and pay for his crime, but I got zapped out of the house and was now spectating outside the house. I saw this old 1930s car pull up and here comes Harry Potter and the cast. The old man, the weird creepy guy, all of them were there. They were trying to get the blond creepy kid from Harry Potter, to commit crimes such as stealing cars. The old wizard said," I don't even know who's car that is?"and he started laughing.
Updated 01-11-2014 at 03:34 AM by 65865
I was at a school function and everyone was there. Harrison Hogan punched me as a joke or said something that made me mad so I slapped him in the shoulder hard a few times but one got him in the face. He poured Gatorade on me and I tried to punch him hard but missed and then I cursed at him really loud and everyone heard and I got really worried and upset. Because of the disruption everyone started to leave and one kid I recognized from school ran up to me and did a leprechaun jump where you click your heels together and ran away I tried to hit him but missed.
Legend: Non-Lucid , Semi-Lucid , Lucid Desert Travel: I'm on a school bus traveling through a desert. Eventually, the bus stops at a house. The surroundings are now grassy planes. I walk into the house and i see two english teachers from my school. They are having some sort of competition for christmas in which they craft and build things. I then walk out back and notice a barn. As i get close, bees start to swarm at me. RustZ: I'm playing rust and i spawn on a hill with some basic weapons. People start shooting at me so i run down into a valley and find out i have reinforcements. However, i quickly die and respawn as a sniper. I go back up to the hill and spot enemies. I attempt to snipe a couple but i miss all of them and then a person comes up from behind me. I turn around and try to get out my smg but I wasn't fast enough. I die again. This time, i respawn with a kit that allows me to quickly craft a hatchet and other items. After crafting them, i start walking over to a nearby structure and the dream ends. Call of Counter Strike: Another dream that mixes two games, all in one night, wow. In this dream, two teams are playing deathmatch in a suburb at night. The game mechanics are a mix of call of duty and counter strike. One team is represented by swat models and the other team looks like spongebob. We all start with water guns and we play that way for two rounds. On the third round, i end up being the last person left and i find a lockpick gun which works by sending out multiple high damage rays which break downs doors. It doesn't really pick locks but it works. The other team starts hunting me down and i run into a house and pick up a famas. I use it to shoot people who enter the house but it doesn't take down all of them. I run down a hallway and wait for the remaining people. As they get close, i turn the corner and blast them with the lock pick gun. The only other thing i remember from this dream is that in another round, i'm the last one left on my team, however, the other team only has one person left. I don't have any guns so i craft a piece of hardware that release a chemical that puts enemies to sleep and teleports me after the threat is taken care of. I hastily make it and it works as the other team's player gets close to me.
Legend: Non-Lucid , Semi-Lucid , Lucid Underground Church Infiltration: My sister is trapped in an underground church. Me and a friend make our way down there. As we enter the cavern, it's massive and lit up by underground lava flowing below us. There are monsters patrolling along the church and there's a group of them at another structure by the church. My friend goes into a nearby room and does something. Either he's collecting information or just being afraid and hiding. I make my way into the church. I run in with two swords and aggro the first demon ( the format of the dream switched to dark souls style, which is a video game ). I get killed and make another attempt. This time, i have a long cable and i end up choking someone with it. This is all i can remember of this dream. Next dream, I'm at my school, we're playing some sort of game. I have a blowpipe and i'm shooting other students which become "infected" once they get shot. I then befriend a guy that tries to fight me. And finally, this dream ends with me watching some sort of video in the principals office. After this dream, i have some fragment about me killing Xenomorphs.