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    1. Big suze, Dad has the intelligence of a child

      by , 04-20-2014 at 11:07 PM
      Night of 4/19/14

      In a mall
      Big suze from peep show is having a seminar on how to be a kindergarten teacher, a friend is there attending the lesson
      I am late to something again, (possible dream sign?)
      have to sit in an office chair in one of the shops and do coursework


      My dad was in an accident and is now mentally handicapped; he wont be able to pay for college.
    2. Running and Hiding

      by , 04-20-2014 at 10:49 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      It's been a little while since I last recorded a dream (almost a month in fact). Luckily, I had a big burst of recall this morning, remembering one specific dream in vivid detail. Don't know what caused it to spike back up, but I was on a trip, so I did sleep somewhere other than home.

      I went to school with my girlfriend (yeah, throwing in the big dream signs already). This school was a mish-mash of various real life and fictional places, though mostly real life. When my girlfriend and I arrived at the school, we both went to our separate classes. It was shaping up to be a very good day, because both John and Hank Green (of Vlogbrothers fame) came to our class and chose me to interview them in front of the students. I had to prepare my questions, while they went off to a separate room to wait. As I was preparing, a couple of students started messing with me and really began to piss me off. Eventually it got to the point where I shoved one of them out of my personal space and began yelling at the entire class, telling them they're all a bunch of jerks and they have no respect.
      At this point, obviously, I was quite embarrassed! So I ran out of the classroom, not knowing where to go. I decided to try to find my girlfriend to tell her what all happened, but when I found her, I got even more upset since she was giving most of her attention to some guy named Cody. This just wasn't my day! I ran away from that too and started hiding in various parts of the school, occasionally running away if the principal was near. This is where it started to get even more odd. As I was wandering through the school, I stumbled into none other than Auron from Final Fantasy X (and wouldn't you know it, I bought the HD remaster a few days ago). Auron ended up giving me good advice and told me not to feel bad about it all.
      "Just apologize. Go back in there and be cool about it."
      I gave him my thanks, feeling a lot better. So, of course, I took his advice to the letter and ran back to the class, apologizing in front of everyone and going back to my seat to prepare for my interview with John and Hank Green.

      What a graceful dream THAT was. Lots and lots of running and hiding. Moral of the story: Final Fantasy X cheers me up.
    3. 2 dream fragments.

      by , 04-19-2014 at 02:08 PM
      2 nights in a row with recall, what's happening!

      Anyway my first dream is in my classroom, the lesson is history.
      But our classroom was so laid back, if you've seen the wolf of Wall Street, just think how relaxed and laid back that workplace was, well this was like it, but without the strippers and drugs of course.

      I was with my friends at my table, we also had a teacher on it, probably an assistant teacher, but he was really cool wouldent tell anyone off or anything. He came over and said something to me and I jokingly said "That's what she said..." And we both laughed.

      But our real teacher wasn't laid back at all, she gave my friend Charlie NINE warnings, I had 2 and Charlie had NINE. One of the times I took Charlie's chair and he got the blame for it. So that's fragment one.

      Fragment 2 was near to when I woke up. So it's after school, and normally every one goes to the nearby shops. That was the same in my dream. I see most people in my year outside the shops. I overhear something about a prank call, then the hurdle of my year starts running across the road, me and 2 friends decide to follow them, we try to work our way through the cars. I nearly got run over and my friend advised to wait and not to rush.

      We finally make it across the road and were running over to the group of people, when we have arrived the person has already done the prank call, and everyone's heading back to the shops. I see them all going into someone's house so I follow them, One of them tries to lock me out jokingly but I make my way through, and the rest of the dream is me waiting inside for it to be half past so I can get the bus to home.
    4. 4/16/2014

      by , 04-17-2014 at 05:19 AM
      In my first dream, I was at some sort of school and they were doing drug tests on the students. We were in a big warehouse looking building and everyone had their piss cups in conveyor belts. G. Romero asked me to piss in his cup, probably because he was dirty.

      In my other dream, I was with a lot of people and we were ready for some sort of attack. People were committing suicide because they thought they wouldn't live through the attack. I ran to a group of people that was about to kill themselves and tackled their leader and took his knives. I ordered them onto the towers we had posted and they ran up the stairs towards the towers. I told this to everyone and everybody managed to get into a tower. Me and a few people didn't have time to get into a tower and that's when water started coming and it turned into ice. We ran away from it and held up while the whole area turned to ice. Creatures started attacking us and we managed to kill one but more took its place. I climbed up a pole and stayed there. Even though there was ice everywhere, I wasn't cold.
    5. Trying to Fly to Actor's House

      by , 04-16-2014 at 07:44 AM
      I was at my cousins' house, which is just up the road from where I live. I guess I must have gotten bored, 'cause I started flying off a cliff, concomitantly realising it was not real, and thought of my plan to, next time I became lucid, take my friend to LA to find her favourite actor. So I called her down from the top of the cliff and she flew down and I told her my plan, and she agreed and we were trying to decide whether to teleport, fly, or take an aeroplane. Okay, decided to take the plane; we'd at least know we'd end up at the right place and wouldn't get tired of flying and fall into the sea or something, so we flew to the airport, on the way going through the school where I flew under a bench where a girl we knew happened to be lying, and then I flew under another bench upon which the girl's twin sister was sitting (she does have a twin sister). Then someone said "They might as well not be brothers-in-law." (I think she meant twins, but whatever.) And then my friend started laughing because she found what I was doing funny.

      At the airport we hadn't any luggage to put in the luggage place so I said "Let's imagine what luggage we'd like to take," and my friend said, "I want to take my MP3 player!" I said "No, I mean imagine your whole luggage and it should appear here." Then it did, and then my old maths teacher came by and said something nasty about a bag we had that was ugly and smelt bad or something, and I said "That isn't ours! That was already here!" and then I realised it was ours - my friend's - but we laughed and said "Shh!" Not like we would tell HER that; not any of her business.

      And then we tried to teleport onto the plane, but it didn't really work. So then we flew somewhere else, to the edge of the land I guess, where it had this cage with a mini island inside it and then ocean, and we flew over the top and all this random stuff happened, with a random baby thing that two of my brothers were awed by because it was like an almost-complete replica, the way it acted anyway, of a baby from some game or something. And then we tried to teleport to the actor's house from there but we had to hide a balloon from my parents and my piano teacher, and we weren't sure whether to tell my brothers to tell Mum and Dad that we had gone and blah-blah-blah, or to just GO. So we ended up not even getting there.
    6. Day 1

      by , 04-04-2014 at 12:40 AM
      The first part of my dream took place in an obstacle course in a gym. The gym was like the cafeteria in the old abandoned nicoma park school, about the same size and with the windows in the same place. However, where the cafeteria meets the hallway, there was just a door leading to the outside. The carpet was a mix of dark forest green and dark red. There were balancing beams and hurdles, and some other things. At the end of the area where the kitchens should be, there were two doorways, through which there were more obstacles. The area in there was open, and reminded me of a WWII exhibit, with tables and coolers of water. I seemed to be looking for someone, a girl. She was athletic with long straight thick smooth brown hair. I seemed to want to find her to carry out our wedding. The girl I was looking for was a few years older than me. The gym was full of people, all minors, doing the obstacle course, as I was. I seem to remember specifically a short, thin dark skinned kid with curly brown hair, a green short and brownish-tan shorts. I asked around to kind this girl. The time was around afternoon, and the obstacle course was a prearranged mandatory event. I don't remember seeing any adults, but I know they were there. I think most of them were through the doorways. I didn't find the girl.

      In the second part of my dream, I was still at the obstacle course. It was the next day and it was early morning. Everything was the same, except there were no people but me and the girl I was looking for. We were doing the obstacle course, talking about something, I think it was about our future. I remember meeting he parents. It was all very surreal, of course, and I seemed to be meeting them to confirm our marriage. They were dressed as if they were the two from that painting, with the man holding the pitchfork next to his wife. I remember thinking about, and talking about, the wedding ceremony. However, I do not think there was a wedding ceremony, but I do remember us being husband and wife in the obstacle course (perhaps she was already me wife?) That is the end of my dream, and this is about the third time this year I have had a wife in my dreams.
    7. Still Vague

      by , 04-01-2014 at 02:03 PM (Inside the Mind of Mattlantis)
      Fell back asleep after snoozing my alarm so I barely remember the dream I had, even less so than the night before. I really need to get myself motivated to wake up better. All I remember is being inside a vague yellow room, probably in a school somewhere and talking to someone about something.
      Tags: school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 3/30/2014

      by , 04-01-2014 at 03:28 AM
      I dreamt that I was in some sort of school. I remember seeing Tony Rosales. I was sitting on a desk and remember my pants. I look at them again and suddenly they get dirty. I was talking to two guys and remember handling a small homemade gadget/machine. I was then talking to Rosales and we exchanged something but I can't remember what.
      I was at a park and grabbed some chick's vagina. Santino was there and he told me something.
    9. Persuading a God while He Tries to Kill Me, Balloon Giraffe, Green Squares of Death

      by , 03-31-2014 at 05:41 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Persuading a God while He Tries to Kill Me, Balloon Giraffe, Green Squares of Death (DILD)


      I’m inside of an educational facility, and apparently, there’s a news station crew that broadcast that it’s dangerous to try and enter a certain room because criminals are inside of it. I had the intention of going into the office way before this announcement, but now, whatever plans I had were delayed.

      The “criminals” come out, and there’s an outbreak. People are screaming, panicking, and running for their lives. I can’t really see the criminals that well, because everything felt like a rushed blur, but the dream shifts to where I eventually get outside.

      There’s a balloon giraffe that’s probably 300-500 in the air, and as for the actual height, at least 50 feet or so.

      It apparently has the ability to summon large light green squares, and can mentally break them apart into smaller cubes, and they’re all being directed to me. This ends up being a dream where I just run for my life, trying to use whatever I can in the environment while gradually developing an escape plan, other than to wake up.

      I can feel my back tingling constantly in this dream, and even though it gets annoying, along with the head pressures, it helps a lot with avoiding the green cubes. I already know I’m at a major disadvantage since the floating giraffe can move about anywhere, and can get a quick aerial view of where I could be at. I couldn’t cover large distances, so my general tactic was to hide in buildings while peeking to see if the giraffe is off looking at me in the other direction.

      But it seems that as long as the giraffe can locate me, the green squares’ composition can be manipulated to fit into the tightest corners, and then swoop in to try and inflict damage to me. Speaking for damage, I’m pretty sure I was attacked several times, but I didn’t really feel any pain.

      The adrenaline, and other surging tendencies prevented me from noticing this. Maybe I knew it wouldn’t be something as dangerous, but it’s hard to know if I would be aware of that in the circumstance I was in. The giraffe’s composition was nagging, and this made me realize why this giraffe may exist within the dream.

      I felt as if I was having to deal with a projection of how I conceptualized someone’s over-inflated ego. And because the visage of the giraffe was stationary, correlating its attacks at me, while it portrays no emotion whatsoever, since it’s a balloon, makes things pretty intimidating.

      I speculated on whether or not the same individual I engaged in discussion with in waking life was either a Sociopath to remain calm, and yet still be so aggressive at the same time without even knowing that they’re being so in the first place. Building after building, and crashing into so many random items and resources, I finally get some breathing time.

      I took that time to speculate why I haven’t woken up as yet, especially when all the rushed surging of adrenaline was so overwhelming. I guess what helped sustained me within this dream was that I was fluctuating between going into a dream body, and then just viewing what was happening if things were too overwhelming. It’s hard to describe, it’s almost as if I wanted to see how this dream would turn out, despite of its nonsensical nature.

      After a while, it seems the giraffe isn’t going to win this hunt, so it decides to turn into what seems to be a godly entity. And I swear he looks exactly like the Advice God meme:

      He has a built chest, and is wearing white robes that seem to move around like smoke. He continues to use the green squares, keeping his distance away from me. I continue to play this game of chase and run, realizing that he’s obviously not here to kill me, but rather to intimidate me, and wanting me to respond to his random queries.

      But then again, I don’t think it would’ve been wise to stop someone that turns into a giraffe to hunt you down in the first place. I’m now in a building, and I reach the top floor, and it almost feels as if it’s some kind of public school in New York, or some kind of area where there’s mostly dull colored buildings.

      The flooring consists of a checkered tiling with dark gold and dark brown, and there’s all sorts of papers and fliers. The entity starts creating winds to swoosh into the area, and now he’s augmented his size so much that I can see his whole eye extend probably up to 20 feet just from me looking at the window. He asks me at some point,

      “Why don’t you believe?”

      I get confused, trying to strip away the obvious reasons why he would ask me this. After this, I believe I woke up at some point. After going back to sleep, I’m now in a building, except it seems like a mix of a laboratory, and a disco dance floor, exceptt with white tile flooring and walls, and no disco ball. There’s an entity wearing a fancy suit, and had a body composition similar to what you would see in Team Fortress 2’s Spy (never played the game by the way).

      Except his suit is black, and he just has an expression, despite wearing a mask, that makes me feel really bad for this guy. I don’t know what it is in particular, but something irks me about him.

      I think I was going to declare generalizations on nihilism to him. But what would be the point of telling a spy that his objectives have no inherent meaning?

      Get it? Get it? Geeeeeet it? Okay, enough cracking existential nihilism jokes.

      After avoiding conversation with the guy, it seems I’m headed for an elevator nearby, and it’s really an open elevator where you can see some of the gears and metal bindings. OH, there was another dream shift before this I think where I'm Roxas, and I'm trying to run away from the giraffe, or the godly entity, can't remember who.

      After that, I can’t remember what happens next.
    10. thank you for helping me

      by , 03-20-2014 at 03:09 PM
      It starts with everyone in my school panicking or crying. The teacher looks out the window, and despite his normally rude ways, starts shaking and remains silent. Oh god, the school is on lockdown now. I notice one person missing from the classroom and I get shaky too. I peer out of the window and what I see strikes me with a pang of emotions- my only friend at school is laying on the side of the street, drenched on blood with a trail of blood around her. This girl (who I know in real life, call her L) helped me through everything. I am incredibly shy, but she is the only person I have considered a friend at school. I just sit and stare, and on the instant break out into sobs. The people who I knew were close to her in the classroom are also crying, all others are just sad and... stunned. I go to my desk and lay my head on the desk, covering it with tears. The power is out, so none of us can call a police or ambulance (even though she's basically dead by now). I can't take the stiffness of the room of grieving and crying people and I just leave the classroom, looking down. To my surprise, a few other people, those who were close to her, follow me outside. I leave with the group of people to the front yard of the school. While most of them stay at the front stairs of the school, me and her closest friend hobble over to her dying body. You can see where a tire skidded over part of her back and left her coated in dapples of blood. I sit down next to her, just staring at her beautiful face and shaking as I release heavy sobs. All I can think of is how much she has helped me. The other girl with me pokes my shoulder. Muffled by sobs, she beckons that we go back to the stairs with the others- so I do, choking on my tears. The weather is dark and somehow the gloom in the sky feels familiar. As we sit outside on the stairs, crying together, when a dark car pulls up in the parking lot behind the dying girl's back and a violent looking man comes out, wearing black. Another girl who came outside with us runs over to the man to defend us, but before she gets to the man, L makes a small huff as she rolls over and ever so slowly stands up, her legs shaking violently on her tall body. We all start to clap. The man left, but from afar I couldn't see what happened. Students start to flood outside. This is the time that parents will come to pick up the students. Cars pull up, and one takes L, and goes to the hospital. My mom pulls up and I get in the car. She gives her casual "What happened at school today?" whereas I had to explain that my friend nearly died. She was going to throw a party for some reason, and decided to invite the students outside in celebration that L lived.
      At our house, where the party was there were people I didn't know who were probably relatives of students or kids of my parents' friends. Suddenly, L walks through the front door, with bandage wrapped around her back and the rest of her fine. People gather around to hug her, and just as I get to her, she walks off, to which I feel extremely disappointed. I go to the kitchen. I see my mom with a cloth over her head, and a kid next to her has a knife in one hand and some kind of drug in the other. I snatch his drugs and pull the cloth from my mothers face- she is laying on the ground. She looks scared. I look at the kid and tell him to stop and leave or I call the police. He clutches his knife and says whoever gets cut by the knife must leave. I nod. I avoid his throws and grab the knife from his hand, twisting his wrist. I slash the side of his neck very lightly. He won't give up. I slash his neck again, this time near the front of his neck and this one cuts through his flesh. I throw away the knife. He looks scared of me now and simply runs off. I pull my mom up from the ground. My dad witnessed the whole thing, and came up to me. Both of my parents started to say something but I didn't know whether they were proud or mad that I slashed the kids neck (rather lightly at that) because that was when I started to wake up.
    11. Magic Carpet School

      by , 03-18-2014 at 04:47 PM
      Yet another near miss on Task of the Year! I really need to work on learning to close these. Lots of fun though!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #193: Magic Carpet School

      I’m part of a large parenting group that’s exploring a gloomy cavern illuminated by translucent pools of water. After quietly exploring this place for a while, we all wind up back at one of the mom’s houses. Somebody suggests that we do a group hug, and we all awkwardly move toward the middle of the room.

      I notice that Andy Bernard from The Office is part of the group. He looks sweaty and awkward and I think, “Hey that guy who plays Andy Bernard sure looks sweaty and awkward in person.” I do a quick mental check to see whether this is a dream and decide that
      yes, it definitely is.

      I walk out of this living room into an elementary school classroom that’s in the middle of some kind of lesson. I pass through without interacting with any of the dream characters, wanting to get outside for a Task of the Year attempt. (The Aladdin’s lamp task with a magic carpet and three wishes.)

      Leaving this classroom takes me to a second classroom and I start worrying that I’ll spend this whole lucid wandering through an endless series of grade school classes. I head for a wall, announcing that “This is a phase outside,” before plunging right through. I wind up in the void, but my hands and forearms are still brightly illuminated and clearly visible.

      I rub my hands together and slowly the void becomes filled with a swirling field of stars. This fades into a scene from the Matrix that has the Youtube logo and controls underneath it, and I see that I am watching a video whose length is “0:98”. I briefly wonder if I went to bed wearing VR goggles or something and that the images are penetrating my eyelids. Scenes from The Matrix flash by and the image slowly rotates.

      Now there’s a crackling sound and my vision fills with a series of strange characters that I can’t identify. I feel a sharp tug backward and I wait for the new scene to form. My vision reforms into… another elementary school classroom, this one a little bigger with an adjacent windowed playroom. I head immediately for the exit and I’m pleased to find myself in an entrance area. I bolt through a set of glass doors and now I’m outside.

      Immediately I start attempting the lamp summon by “finding” it behind my back, but my hand just keeps coming back empty. After three failures, I’m really frustrated by this. On the last attempt my hand comes back with some little piece of dirty, wooden-looking junk about the size of a sugar cube. This time I pretend that this is the lamp but it’s just way too small. “Bigger… bigger…” and do a little magician-esque gesture. It plumps up nicely into a real magic lamp! It’s way too light to be realistic, but who cares, next step!

      I rub the lamp, wishing for the magic carpet. I decide to be really specific, saying, “A magic carpet. Make it rolled up.” A simple little rolled-up rug appears on the ground. I immediately think, Why’d you ask for it rolled up? That’s just a pain in the ass. I expect the magic carpet to unroll and it does, so I quickly sit down. As I do, it lifts me up into the air and starts flying leisurely forward.

      For my second wish, I quickly say “Delicious cookie!” and a tiny little sliver of cookie appears in my hand, like someone had already eaten most of it. I find this awfully stingy for a magic lamp but I stuff it in my mouth. It’s chocolate chip, not bad at all.

      I think about how close I am to completing the task and the excitement gets the best of me. I get one last look at the roof of a one-story building as I float over it before
      the dream ends.

      Updated 03-18-2014 at 04:51 PM by 57387

      lucid , task of the year
    12. Delinquents rise above & repentant son

      by , 03-18-2014 at 02:18 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Dream 2. I’m on a bus and say ‘this is why this character was written, for people like you’. I’m looking at a part of the Eyeshield 21 manga with Habashira Rui in it. The ‘people’ I’m talking about are to the right of me. They’re supposed to be delinquent types, or those without a purpose. When I look at them, they’re the Oujou White Knights, with Sakuraba in front.

      Must Plug Site...-55377.jpg Must Plug Site...-43339338_p.jpg

      People around the bus start chiming in their agreement, and the person to the right of me is holding up a paper. It pretty much felt like they (and the paper) were all saying “This!”. I asked if I could hold onto the paper too, and held up the right side.

      There’s an announcement about some death.


      I’m in a classroom, and there’s a dire discussion going on about how my old classmate, Ron’s, dad ‘Jack’ was found out to be a killer. There was something about a dead raccoon. Ron is up front talking about how he should have known, and how he let his sister(?) ‘Amanda’ blind him. He is seeking forgiveness from us.

      Inspiration: So weird to dream about Ron and Eyeshield 21 out of nowhere! The killer part comes from me watching the new episode of The Walking Dead and thinking about it before bed.
    13. Holes in the floor, looking for Spice

      by , 03-18-2014 at 01:46 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Fragment 1. Being forced to make a pancake dish. Someone wonders what I’ll do (to make it stand out). I crack an egg over the pancake in the skillet.


      I’m looking for the pancake in the fridge. I ask dad if he saw it, because I wanted mom to try it, and he says he ate it. I find it anyway, because apparently he only ate the egg part.

      Dream 1. I go into a mostly unused part of a school, but there are people around. I ask a maintencance man what’s going on, and he says it’s being put out of use. As I walk around, I see that the floorboards are missing in many areas so that there are holes.

      I carefully navigate over/around them. I’m looking for Spice, I’m afraid he’s going to fall. I see him at a few points, as well as Smoke at one point. At another, I look into a small room to the right and see him sleeping on a chair across from someone.

      I’m reaching the end of the hall and my sister is with me. She falls through the floor but manages to catch herself on a ledge. That’s when we see that the floor isn’t far down, because we’re up on a hill now. I see a map in my head of the area, which looks like a dark field with a hill and flat part.

      -Jump- (Or maybe takes place in between looking for Spice and Rane falling.)

      I’m sitting in an audience watching someone talking on stage. I see the curtains moving behind them clumsily and I shake my head, because I know who’s there. A minute later, two girls(?) come out and start talking.

      There was something about a ‘stamp’ that people wore to identify them (or who they belonged to?). One of the girls had an almost see-through portion of her top as hers.

      Inspiration: Spice has been sleeping on the kitchen chair lately. Map from Pokemon stuff most likely. I have déjà vu for the beginning when I’m wandering the unused area of the school.
    14. Back to Basics

      by , 03-14-2014 at 12:54 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I've had work for the past two days at my new job, which required me getting up super early. That threw off my recall a bit, but it's back now, with a vengeance!

      So apparently I was in Australia (I don't find this out till later in the dream). Of course, I've never been there, so the environment I was seeing wasn't based off of it or anything. Me and my ever-present girlfriend were hanging out like we usually do in my dreams, except we were in a house I didn't really recognize. It looked large and well decorated, almost as if the owner had a lot of money.
      There's a gap in my memory to what happened here, but I eventually found myself exploring a weird house that was different from the one I was in before. For some reason, the house reminded me of the house from Gone Home, except stranger. I kept looking through it, bumping into two drunk old men on my way through, and eventually found my way down into a large chasm where a flowing river was going. The chasm opened out to an ocean, and it was night time. I wanted to get on the other side, but going in the water made me wary. I didn't know what might be in there.
      So! Somehow, my dream self thought I could get across by using a super power: sending jets from my feet to collide myself off the surface of the water so I could bounce across. "Genius..." I thought to myself.
      I jumped towards the water and tried using the power, but it failed miserably and I started sinking. It quickly activated as I was sinking, and I could feel SOMETHING slither by my legs. I quickly jetted out of the water and back to the beginning of the chasm.
      As I made my way back upstairs, I was confronted by my girlfriend's grandma, who started scolding me about a lot of things.

      At first I thought this next dream was a separate one, but my dream self literally referenced the previous dream to a friend, so it seems they were connected.
      Suddenly I was in school. My Japanese classroom. However, all the students around me seemed unfamiliar, yet I accepted the fact that I knew them. I talked to one of them about my encounter with my girlfriend's grandma previously. We then were tasked with playing some kind of word game, but sadly I don't remember how that went.
    15. Wandering buildings, no food

      by , 03-06-2014 at 01:06 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I think if I have one more dream about wandering buildings after this, I'll add it to my dream signs.

      3. I’m wandering around a neighborhood and buildings. I run into a guy, and I ask him what these two letters in my ‘interests’ box stand for. In my mind I see a column with my ‘interests’ such as fandoms, hobbies, etc, written in it. I think the last letter was ‘f’. It’s how people find each other there I guess. He tells me the media name and I say ‘oh yeah’.

      I wander into a building and am lost. I find a room and think it could be an exit. There’s a young African American girl standing there. I ask her about the room, and she says her mom is in there sleeping because she’s sick. I ask her if that’s all that’s in there, because I’m still hoping for a way out. She silently closes the curtain(?) over the room.

      I feel like that scene repeated, like I went through there before. And that I’d seen the girl outside at my old school and talked to her.

      Inspiration: Two letters part comes from my PAO system.

      4. In a school cafeteria with my friends, the lunchlady tells me the food has already been put away. We manage to find some cookies(?) to eat though.

      Lunchlady reminded me unfavorably of Miss L, an old teacher. Or Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. I swear I’ve had a very similar dream before, that or my déjà vu is just on the fritz again. @_@
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