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    1. School and Flood

      by , 08-31-2013 at 02:10 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a school or building, 2nd or 3rd floor. It was a sunny day. We noticed that the nearby river is starting to rise. I ran like hell immediately, but others didn't seem to understand that it's about to flood. I told everyone to run as well, but I think I was the only one to leave. Everyone else didn't know better.

      The water suddenly retreated, and next came the heavy rain. The sunny sky suddenly turned gray. I was running along a path that looked like a dried-up river. Then in front of me, I saw water rolling in like a wave from the sea. I was in a playground by then. I thought it's too low. There's a set of cube blocks forming a pyramid near a building. I climbed up. I found there are two people (kids? teens?) up there, holding each other to keep warm. I held tightly to them to keep warm as well. They didn't seem to mind.
    2. College Exams

      by , 08-31-2013 at 02:02 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      I was back to school. I was in my hometown. I was preparing for exams. Printed something, my schedule. Quick bathroom bath and dump. I took a car or vehicle to school. I checked my schedule while on the way.

      I arrived, and mom caught up to me to give me my schedule. I asked my seatmate to hold my schedule while I get the schedule from mom (I know, it's confusing). I went back and found that my seatmate thought it was my exam paper and proceeded to pass it forward (even though we haven't started yet). His other seatmate was about to pass it along when I picked it up from his hands.

      'Woke up.' I heard the radio say that it's already 8 a.m. I panicked. I thought I was gonna be late for my exam. I thought, wait, is it the second day of our three-day exams? I checked the clock and to be sure, it's almost 8 a.m.! Then I thought about the exam 'yesterday.' I can't remember finishing taking it or even taking the two other exams that day. Did I just go home and forgot about the rest of the exams? I don't know.
    3. A Bloody Battle

      by , 08-31-2013 at 01:46 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      3 ... political groups or beliefs. Town. heroes.

      Really bloody battle in a school. There is a group of students making a difference. There was one guy whose eyes were gouged. I saw a building ruined. Dystopian mood. The students were looking at the aftermath of the bloody battle. A hero was hiding below the building. They heard him sing?

      Hospital. Engineering building?
    4. First day of high school, a stolen credit card, and a building full of aliens

      by , 08-30-2013 at 08:20 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (This is from August 29.)

      I hadn't graduated high school, so one day I decided to go back. I moved into a big building that had identical dorms for all the high school students; it was very industrial looking. On the first day of school, I was really hyped up. I knew I would do better this time around and not fail, because my social anxiety wasn't as bad as it was back then. My first class was history class, and everyone seemed nice. The teacher was, I think, the librarian from the elementary school I went to at Fort Monroe. She handed out our first assignments, which involved talking to ten people in the class and listing them on the page as having certain characteristics, like "What person seemed most like a leader?" or "Who would be the best with finances?" I was completely mortified. Even though my social anxiety was better, it wasn't good enough for me to go around talking to everyone in the class. I sat there at my desk looking at the paper, it was covered in drawings of Yinepu and I pondered on that and wondered what it meant. I looked around and saw that the other students had gotten into big groups, some were laying around on the floor talking about the assignment and some had their desks in circles. I didn't know what to do, but a few people came up to me, probably sensing my dilemma, and told me to put their names down under certain categories. After I realized no one else was going to come by, I pretended to sleep at my desk and just decided to accept my F. After a while I started eating some candy, and the teacher walked up to me and said no candy was allowed in the class, so I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth and pretended like I didn't have any. Unfortunately she already saw it so I knew I would be in trouble later. When I got back to my dorm, I fell down on the couch relieved it was over, but then the doorbell rang. It was a classmate, and he said he'd found my debit and my credit card on a bench at the mall. I thanked him, but I was suspicious because he looked guilty, so I checked and my accounts were missing some money. I knew he had bought stuff at Reebok with it but couldn't prove it right away, so I thought about how I could get the security footage from the mall and show it to the police. Later on, I got online and noticed on my dad's Facebook profile he said he was going back to high school, which was weird because he has a college degree already. Apparently he'd moved in below me, so I looked out the window and, sure enough, there was his white truck in the parking lot. I decided to avoid him so I wouldn't have to talk to him.

      I was outside in a big yard. I think it was an old farm, because there was a big fence that stretched on for a few miles and an old three-story wooden building that looked like it was about to collapse. There was a cobra that was chasing me, and it really wanted to bite me even though I didn't do anything to it. I climbed up on the fence, which was tall enough to be out of reach of its strike, and ran along the top of the fence to get away, but it still followed me. Then I jumped off the fence and ran into the big wooden building to get away from it, but the building was creepy inside and full of grey aliens! I had a laser gun so I shot at them all video game-style as I ran through the building and up the levels. I think I was actually in a video game at this point because I could see my ammo and health bars. Each story had more aliens on it and was harder to get through, but I had to move fast to keep ahead of the cobra that was still chasing me.

      There were a lot of people in a big crowd, on either a red team or a blue team. I was on the blue team but everyone insisted I was on the red team and wouldn't believe me, so they made me wear a red hat with demon horns on the top.
    5. UFOs on a building, and two competitions

      by , 08-30-2013 at 07:15 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (I haven't been online in a while so I'm going to write a few entries today summarizing the dreams from the past few days. I normally write them in fragments on my iPhone's notepad, and then use that note later to bring back details when I write here. Since it's been a few days I'm not sure how much detail I can remember! This one is from August 27.)

      It was early morning and I was getting ready for school. Mom was going to take both me and my brother, but he wouldn't wake up and get ready, so I was afraid I was going to be late because we were waiting on him. I went into the bathroom and saw blood gushing out of my leg, but for some reason I wasn't worried about bleeding as much as I was worried about getting blood on my clothes, so I took some cotton and bandages and wrapped my leg up to stop the bleeding. Then I asked mom to force Jonathan to wake up so I could get to school, because I wanted to get there before my bandage soaked through so nobody could see I was bleeding, and also so I could get thicker ones at the nurse's office to completely stop the blood flow. Mom refused to leave until he was ready to go as well, so I begged dad to take me to school instead and he also refused.

      I was driving down the road to a grocery store. The road went through a big city so I passed by lots of skyscrapers and under bridges and such, and then wound up driving next to a railroad track. As I continued I drove close to a big building that looked like a courthouse or something, and up above it I saw a flying saucer hovering! I stopped in a panic and watched it, and it would just hover up and down. Every so often it would turn sideways and that's when a beam came out and pulled up a random person, so whenever I saw the UFO turn sideways I would duck in my car so it wouldn't see me. I eventually continued on and came to the grocery, which looked a bit like a Whole Foods. I went in, and found myself wandering into the back stockroom because I noticed lots of people going into there who weren't employees. In the stockroom, the huge floor had been completely cleared, and everyone was standing in a big circle around a mat with a boombox and some dancers. It was some kind of dancing competition, and the people in the middle were really good. I stood in the circle and felt really shy, because everyone else was dancing along but I was afraid to. Then I saw Jenny and Nifty, and they came over to stay next to me and I felt less shy and began to dance along too. Nifty saw me dancing and was all "Daaaang, you're not that bad!" and wound up pushing me into the center of the competition, but I didn't freak out and instead felt really happy and had lots of fun. After a while, Jenny and I ducked out and went back into the front store area and bought some drinks and groceries for ourselves. When we got to the cashier, she started bagging our stuff in a weird way like putting heavy things on top of eggs and bread and crushing them. So I asked her not to do that and she glared at me, called me a bitch, and threatened to hit me! I would've had some choice words for her, but Jenny was right there and I didn't want to cuss in front of a little kid, so instead I said that I was going to inform the manager and then the cashier suddenly became nice and sweet. After that, we left and I drove Jenny home. On the way I drove by the flying saucer on the courthouse and told Jenny about it. We were both scared and kept ducking whenever it turned on its side. We watched as it kept abducting people and then we eventually drove off terrified.

      There was a big open grassy field with lots of animals hanging out. I was walking around the field, looking at all the animals. I saw lots of wild dogs, and a bobcat sleeping on a big piece of cotton. All of the animals, even though they were wild, did not object to having me pet them, so I hung out there and just pet animals. It was very calming. As I stood there, this non-wild dog came walking up to me. It had on a weird pink and blue pastel outfit made of silk, and it walked away so I followed it. It led me into a cave where lots of people were standing around watching a competition. In the cave, there was a big stone bridge covered in green slippery stuff going across a pool of murky water. People would take turns trying to cross the bridge without falling in, and the winner would get money. I thought about trying it, but then I saw another guy try it, and halfway through they opened a big circular cage that was filled with huge yellow moths, and the moths flew at the guy and threw him off balance. I decided against it since I'm scared of moths. Then they released a wolf at the guy, but the wolf was actually friendly and was just there to freak the guy out.
    6. The Tree College

      by , 08-30-2013 at 11:05 AM (My Humble Collection of Somnigraphies)
      August 30 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 I remember my parents driving me into this small mall/plaza area where there were quite a few stores. A bunch of things happened that I can't seem to remember and then I remember being in a very shallow sea, maybe 2 ft deep and stretching out for as long as I could see, with some black-brown trees far, far in the horizon. I was struggling to run through this water and I eventually just swam. It was barely deep enough, but I bent my arms enough to do it. I remember getting to a waterfall and then realizing I have powers and flying up it.
    7. School, Dale, and the Political Convention (minor lucid)

      by , 08-29-2013 at 08:01 PM
      08-29-2013 -- [Short dream with not too much to it, that turned out to be quite detailed and long.] Something about cats, other animals, and possibly digging holes in the back yard at the Hickory house. Something else about BC being around. Then I find myself in a classroom setting. It feels very like a high school class, though the teacher is Julie Davey. No idea what the subject is. I've just finished a test of some sort, and it seemed somewhat quick and simple. I seem to be spending the time afterward brainstorming some fiction writing or something, perhaps a Victor story, when Julie comes by for my test, surprised I am done so quickly.

      I explain I think I did quite well, and she agrees, knowing how I always seem to test pretty well, and I start rummaging through my things until I come across the newspaper clipping we were supposed to be reviewing after the test. Glancing at the picture, wondering what it is about, I see almost a full-size model of a rocket, made out of huge balloons, and am thinking how I've made a similar ship out of a 160 and a bee body many times.

      Julie looks at the clock, and it is just a couple of minutes before 5:30, so she tells us to start gathering our things, and get back to a more usual seating arrangement than the random groupings we'd been in. I end up sitting next to a cute blonde, waiting for the last couple of minutes to end, and we somehow seem to be talking about how about half the class had left at 1:30. Perhaps it was an optional class or something.

      Class is soon over, and I find myself approaching Dale's house. I almost seem to be floating over the Nabisco plant to reach his driveway. (Considering later in the dream I am lucid and do some flying, perhaps I was flying here, as well.) I am driving a car, but as I approach their driveway, I remember something about them repaving it, and I walk up carrying my motorcycle, trying to get it on the strip of grass next to the paved driveway, where all their cars are parked, right now. (In real life, that strip of grass is at most a foot and a half wide.)

      I find myself passing three animals that seem to look a lot like wolves, and I am a little worried, but not much. Then they shift and sit up, then start to hop off, and I realize they aren't wolves, but kangaroos, and wonder what the heck they are doing in Buena Park? Somehow I seem to be soaked, so I am taking off my pants and shirt and dropping them on the cycle, and wrapping myself in a big gray towel. About that time, Kevin wanders out of the house, says a couple of sentences of what seems to be gibberish, and then climbs in a car and drives off, which worries me. (He's not allowed to drive.)

      I open the door to the house and walk in, only thinking about what I might walk into to barging into somebody else's house without knocking after I get inside, so I kind of bashfully knock on the wall. Fred and Betty are in the living room, and they don't seem to have minded my walking right in. I spot odd movement on the floor, and find myself looking at an odd white and pink puppy that seems to be a cross between a bijon and a poodle, though the coloring looks like some of the white and pink snakes I saw pictures of on the internet a few months ago. Soon I see two more wiggling out from under the blank. I ask Betty "You got new dogs?", kind of surprised. She tells me they don't know if they will keep them.

      I have brought a cheap pizza with me, and open the refrigerator to put it in there, and see they have maybe 3/4 of a huge 26 inch party pizza from Ciro's sitting in there, pepperoni and sausage. Wish I'd known ... I wouldn't have bothered with the lousy one I got. I'm thinking I have to see if I can snag a couple of slices. Meanwhile, I am trying to find Dale, so I walk a few feet down the corridor to his room, but when I glance inside, he has a couple of girls in there, with him. [Not doing anything wrong ... this isn't that kind of dream.] I'm thinking about razzing him about it, until I realize I am still walking around wrapped in a towel, and decide I had better get some clothes on. It seems today is a big ball game of some sort, and they have a lot of people over to see it.

      I walk outside, wanting to get my clothes, but somehow the area has changed a little, and I have to climb a fence (like we were going to visit Bertha) to get back to where my motorcycle is parked, I finally find it, and grab my blue shirt and start putting it on, just to discover I am putting it on over the top of another one. Somehow a shirt and pants just appeared on my body, and I realize I am dreaming. I try to hop the fence back to Dale's, but somehow I seem to be being pulled in the opposite direction. So I leap up and try to fly, and manage the flying, but am getting sucked at high speed toward what was the Nabisco plant. I go crashing through a wall, and find myself standing in a room surrounded by people.

      It seems I have somehow been kind of summoned, as I am now surrounded by lots of people, and they have called me to be a candidate, as they try to figure who they want as their candidate for president. There are a bunch of other candidates as well, and they are talking to people, making speeches, and all of them are holding on to their wives. Every one. I look around and see an attractive blonde (she kind of looks like Reese Witherspoon) watching everything, and I grab her and pull her to me, just kind of joking around. She turns to tell me off, and our eyes meet, and wow! It's like we suddenly know everything about each other. Her head kind of tilts to the side as she studies me, and a small grin starts to form on her face before I lean in and give her a gentle kiss, then wrap my arm around her shoulder. We're now a couple, and very happy to have found each other.

      But she is working here, and has things to do, so I have to let her go for a time. The others and I are writing speeches and songs or something, and I am singing a little ditty I've been working on. It's not fabulous, but it's not too bad, either. But one of the others makes a really nasty comment about it. I turn to him, ready to rip into his song, but I don't really want to run that kind of a campaign, so I have to settle for simply telling him his needs some work, too. Besides, I don't really have all that much interest in singing some kind of political song. Instead, I decide I want to sing to my new love, and am trying to remember the words to a song I wrote about 18 years ago called Love with Me. In waking life I can remember it fine, but in the dream, it was a struggle. Meanwhile, I have no voice, so I am not going to be able to sing well, but I hope the words (and the fact that I wrote it) will still have meaning to her.

      Dale is here, as well, and we are wandering around the convention, and for some reason I am carrying a fire hose with me, though it isn't spraying. We're just approaching a stadium, and preparing to look for seats, and I am wondering just how much length this hose has, as I've dragged it a pretty far distance by this time. My new girlfriend shows up, and I drape my arm around her shoulder, lean my head against her, and just relax in the wonderful feeling of having her there next to me.
    8. Sodas in the woods, school problems, and spelunking in the pyramids

      by , 08-26-2013 at 05:56 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I was driving in my car, but for some reason it was scorching hot inside my car yet cool and nice outside. I had somewhere I had to be, I can't remember where, but I knew I couldn't spend another minute inside my hot car so I decided to park it somewhere and just walk the rest of the way. I pulled into a Barnes & Noble parking lot and a valet knocked on my window and asked for the keys. I told him I wasn't actually going into the store, I just needed to park my car so I could walk, so I drove into a space, parked, and then gave the valet my keys and said I'd be back later. Then I started walking down the road to wherever I was supposed to go, and feeling happy that I was much cooler now.

      Mom, my brother, and I were all staying together in an old log cabin in the woods. It was in the middle of nowhere and only mom had her car, as we had all came up to the cabin in her car rather than taking our own separate ones. However, in the dream it had a convertible roof, which it doesn't have in reality. Behind the cabin was dense forest, and in front of it was a huge field with long grass up to my knees, and then more dense forest about half a mile out. We were all sitting inside watching a TV show about ghost hunting when we heard this strange noise. I didn't make anything of it, but mom and Jonathan looked nervous and said they were going to go outside to get some sodas. As I sat inside, I heard the car taking off, so I ran out and saw them driving off in a panic, leaving me behind! I freaked out and ran after their car, and somehow caught up to it by running super-human speeds, but then mom stopped the car and I stood at the passenger door asking why she'd run off. She said she was afraid because there were ghosts and she didn't mean to, but then she said she only stopped so Jonathan could run back to the cabin to get something he forgot. I was super pissed that she would stop for him but not for me, but I got in the passenger seat anyway. As I stepped into the car I noticed there were dozens of unopened cans of Sunkist soda all over the ground outside the car, but even though I was kinda thirsty I didn't take one because they'd been touching the ground. The convertible top was down, but the top part of the window was super low and sharp and I realized that if we stopped suddenly it could totally decapitate me if I flew forward, so I put the top back up. Suddenly while Jonathan was still in the cabin, this orange SUV (the same orange as the Sunkist cans) came driving past us, but then spun around, kicking up mud everywhere and driving right at us. We knew it was chasing us but didn't know why, so we sped away to outrun the SUV and left Jonathan behind.

      A group of people were spelunking into the Great Pyramids and found a secret chamber. One of the people, a lady with a big fluffy ponytail, was lowered into the chamber with a lantern and a camera. The chamber had a huge floor the size of a ballroom and a giant mural of some kind of green bug-like creature on the ceiling. It looked kind of like a praying mantis. The group saw the mural from the camera and were terrified because it meant something bad and then the lady started screaming demanding to be taken out of the chamber because she was scared. I think there were spirits in the chamber or something.

      It was my first day at a new school and this girl was being nice to me so I sat next to her thinking we could be friends. Then I noticed everyone else avoided me and I didn't understand why. It turned out that the girl was in the KKK and because I actually talked to her, everyone thought I was in the KKK too! It really bothered me and I started avoiding the the girl but she wouldn't leave me alone. She would follow me around and randomly give me unwanted gifts. There was also something involving a Christmas card she left on my desk that had a drawing of some klansmen on it.

      Another dream involving a school, where I would switch seats depending on how my mood was. If I was feeling good I would sit on the left where the talkative people were, if I was feeling stressed and had social anxiety I would sit on the right by myself. At some point my teacher asked why I switched seats, and I cried and said I couldn't sit on the left when my social anxiety was bad, and then she gave me a hug.
    9. Body Language, Giant Guitar, Two False Awakenings

      by , 08-25-2013 at 12:38 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      8/25/2013, 9:30-6:00

      Notes: I finished reading a book about body language before going to sleep last night.

      Dream 1 :

      I was in town, walking around thinking about open body language. I was correcting people who had closed body language in the park area in front of the funeral home, and in front of the general store. I walked from the park area to in front of the general store. I most remember this conversation some old guy in a suit was having with some young guy in a suit. The old guy had his arms and legs crossed, and I think his coat was buttoned. He was also facing the young guy directly. I went over to him and told him he had to keep open body language if he wanted to be friendly with people. I uncrossed his arms and legs and told him about keeping his palms up. The old guy just continued his conversation with the guy, barely noticing me. There was also a lot of dialogue I forgot in the dream.

      Dream 2:

      I was at the Malverne middle school across the street from the high school. I think there was like a rock and roll festival going on there. Many guitars were inside the school. Also, when I went outside on the auditorium side, it was raining and there was a GIANT guitar on the area in front of the auditorium. Someone came up to me and said it was raining, so the guitar didn't work. The person pulled a string to show this, and the guitar didn't make any noise. I was watching the guitar for a while until suddenly, a nuke went off! To the southwest, I saw a mushroom cloud of fire rise from the ground. It wasn't an iconic mushroom cloud. It had too wide of a base and not enough top area. It sort of looked like this:
      How many Levels?-nuke.jpg
      After that, I ran back into the school, and the dream ended.

      Dream 3:

      A false awakening. I woke up in my bed in Malverne to my mom and dad talking in their room. My brother might have been there. That's all I remember.

      Dream 4:
      Another false awakening. This time, I woke up in a white house with white walls and everything pretty much white. When I got up, I remember my parents talking in their room again, wherever that was :/. I also remember saying something to them with an intercom next to my bed. Then, I got up and walked around for a while. That's all.

      Dream 5:

      I don't remember this one very much at all. I'm not even entirely sure it was a dream. I remember machinery: like gears and stuff; giant gears. I remember climbing up them and jumping and stuff up a mechanical tower.
    10. Drowning will & fanart school

      by , 08-24-2013 at 08:04 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      9:45 A.M.

      I’m on the school bus sitting on the left side (as I did IWL).

      Two kids in the front seat pass me a petition with a small list of names written on it. When I look at the top section, I see it’s actually a will for one of the kid’s (can’t tell if they were a girl or boy) mother who drowned herself. Her last name was the same as mine. I wrote my name down as the fifth signature. I think the will was something about taking care of the kid.

      Later, a little boy is cheering about his signatures and how he’s close to be getting something. Apparently there’s a program where he gets new things the more signatures he receives, and he was close to getting some new toys/candy.

      I had passed the petition over to the two kids in the seat next to mine, but when they were done with it, they passed it back to the original kids. I hear one say “only a few”.

      There’s an old guy sitting in the seat the original kids had occupied. He’s telling a story or something. I’m wondering why an old guy was there and concluded that he must be a helper.

      I’m in a school classroom, looking at a frame at the front of the room. There’s a shipping fanart drawing from The Hobbit, but there’s something off about it, something missing, and there is a scribbled comment nearby. Perhaps something that makes me think someone is against the ship. I get worked up and say, “I hate this place.” As I look more around the school. There are more fandom drawings, and I saw a few things that made me think ‘it looks the same as it used to in some ways’, like a blue piece of something sticking out from behind a frame that had apparently been there in the past as well.

      -Helping a disapproving guy out with something in some kind of basement room(?).

      Possible inspiration: For the signature part, I was looking at a competition thread on DV IWL that day where you had to sign up, and once there were enough people it would begin. For school, I had just been thinking earlier in the afternoon about old classmates. For drowning, the only thing I can think of is that on Wednesday, the newest episode of Free! revealed (though I had already known) that Rin’s dad died in a drowning accident. As for the old guy, one of my old bus drivers was one named Earl, and his son later took over.


      I just realized two of my biggest dream signs (vehicles and children) both appeared in one dream. orz I’ve been thinking of them lately, so I can watch out for them IWL to remind myself to be aware of them in dreams.

      Also, I want to make sure I note any emotions I feel in my dreams, since I don’t normally feel them unless it’s a bad dream (such as fighting with my mom). In the school dream, I was getting pretty irritated! But the feeling only lasted for a minute.

      Decided to split longer dreams up between posts.

      Updated 08-26-2013 at 11:08 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , side notes
    11. Demons at the festival, my fall, and my subsequent ascension

      by , 08-24-2013 at 04:18 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I had just gotten a new wallet. It was black and white on the outside, but the inside was lined with this silvery fabric that had glitter and holographic rainbow colors all over it. When you opened it up, it unfolded into a big suitcase that could hold notebooks and pencils and such, it was like the TARDIS of wallets. I knew I had classes soon, but I really wanted to get my wallet ready so I could bring it with me, so I sat down and started putting all my schoolbooks and pens and such in it, I remember having some pens with glitter all over them and putting them in because they matched so well. Eventually, I glanced over at the clock and saw I was late for class, so I rushed to school and entered the room with my sparkly new wallet. The classroom was huge, it looked like a plane hangar and had desks set up in rows like normal, however there were hundreds of desks. It was a huge class. The teacher was talking about some kind of math, and I wasn't paying attention because I was organizing my wallet. Then I got my old wallet out and started putting that stuff in my new one as well. The guy next to me whispered and said that somebody was trying to steal my old wallet, so I looked over and sure enough there was another guy reaching for it. I pulled it away and gave him an evil glare. Then the teacher announced we were going on a field trip, but didn't say where, so we all piled onto a big bus and started heading out of Huntsville and down through Arab. The bus didn't have windows, instead it had a long thin open space like those horse trailers have. After a few hours I started to get worried wondering why the trip was taking so long, but suddenly we drove down a dirt road and were at a renaissance festival. The driver said this isn't where we were supposed to be and that we were lost, but he didn't want to ask directions, so he drove around the festival. So we all sat in the bus and admired all the jewelry and things the vendors had for sale as we slowly drove past them. I remember thinking the vendors shouldn't have their booths so close to the dirt road because it would be easy for me to reach out and grab their wares as we drove by. Soon the bus got stuck in the mud and we had to get out, and I was all excited because I loved renaissance festivals. All the other students followed me around because I was the only one who'd ever been to one, so I started showing them around. We walked past vendors and I pointed to the parking lot on the right side, and I pointed to a huge open field on my left side where a bunch of ladies dressed up in renaissance costumes were running around a Maypole doing the ribbon dance.

      (Note: I don't know if this was a separate dream or the same one since it takes place at the same renaissance festival, but it feels like it was separate somehow so I'm starting a new paragraph here.)
      I was walking around the festival and the ground was getting kind of muddy because it had started to rain. Then a woman who looked like the goddess Cosmos walked past me and around the corner, and I knew she was actually the real Cosmos so I ran after her. However I didn't see her around the corner. Suddenly I heard people screaming so I looked up and saw these demonic monsters flying around and swooping down to kill people, however some of the demons were grabbing people and taking them away. I freaked out, as did everyone else, and started running towards the open field where the Maypole was, but then I fell so I pretended to be dead so they wouldn't take me. I remember feeling gross laying there on the muddy ground and I could feel bugs crawling around me, but I was too terrified to move. I lay there for a while and eventually the demons had taken everyone and had begun going around to the dead bodies and eating them. I knew this was it for me, so I thought of a really bad plan. I decided to get up and go convince the demon leader I was on her side. So I channeled an evil psychopath to help influence me to say the right things, in this case the psychopath was my friend Karr, so the demon leader would think I was sufficiently evil. I went before her, I think her name was Morgana or something with an M, and spoke to her. One of her henchmen, an incubus whose name I don't remember, took a liking to me and vouched for me, and then he bit my lip and licked the blood as some kind of weird blood pact. Morgana sent me back into the festival field to gather up any leftover humans and bring them back to her, where she put them in one of two dungeons that were attached to the fake wooden festival castles. I knew the demons would eat them, but I was being selfish and looking out for myself so I led all the stragglers to the prisons. I felt worse and worse for what I had done, so I decided to defy the demons and break the humans free, even if it meant I'd die. Then Cosmos appeared and we organized a prison break, she would lead out one prison and I would lead out the other. The next thing you know, Cosmos and I were running for the festival gates with about a hundred freed people following us. Morgana was furious, and started to flood the field. The field itself was in a sort of basin so we knew if we didn't get to the top of the basin where the parking lot was, we would all drown. We escaped the field just as it started to flood too high, but the incubus who vouched for me was throwing fireballs at us. Past the parking lot, I saw two trees and I knew if I reached those trees we would be safe for some reason. We got to the trees and ran between them, and then we stopped running. The trees were no longer trees, they were two white marble columns, and we were in this beautiful marble palace. Ahead of us, it was open to the outside, and overlooked a landscape of clouds that were beautiful oranges, pinks, and purples, like the sky at sunset, and there were other palaces and things in the distance. Everything was bathed in this nice soft sunlight, but it wasn't harsh and sunny like a bright day, it was just right. I knew it was heaven. Cosmos was gone and there were only about ten people behind me now, but that seemed normal. I was different now, I was hovering a few feet off the ground and wearing a long white robe, and I had white angel wings. The others looked the same as before though, and as I floated through the halls they followed behind me. One asked if I was an angel, and I smiled and nodded. This great awesome feeling of peaceful calm washed over me, as well as this joyous high, and I spun around as I floated along and sung songs. The song I sung was an Enya song, I think it was either Marble Halls or On My Way Home, or a mix of the two. I just remember being so happy and thinking I was home. Then we all stopped as Jesus Himself walked through the hall towards us to greet us. I was so ecstatic I could barely contain myself, and I flew right at Him and jumped in His arms for hugs, and He was happy to have me back as one of His angels again, and I was assured the other humans were also safe.
    12. Neon

      by , 08-23-2013 at 08:46 PM
      This was the first of two LDs from last night. My primary goal was to focus on vividness and I really think it helped. Great vividness on this one!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #136: Neon

      I'm walking along a road at night, going over a (mostly) false memory that I just had a shared dream with my son "E". I wonder whether I'm dreaming right now, too, and with a nose pinch reality check, I confirm that I am.

      Immediately I remember my goal of trying to make the dream as vivid as possible before doing anything else. To my left is a strange, 20-foot high stack of flattened stones sandwiching layers of damp newspaper over and over. I run my fingers over the stone and the paper, noting the detail and the way that my hands look as they pass over them. As I listen, I hear the sound of people talking and celebrating, and I think it's coming from just over the other side of this stack.

      By now the dream feels really vivid and I begin to climb the stack of rocks. To climb, I squelch my fingers into the soft layers of damp newspaper between the stones and work my way up. My body feels light, so the climb is natural and easy. I climb up to the top, stand on the top of the stack, and look out on a lively scene. It's like an old west town that's just drenched in neon lights. DCs dressed in western wear are walking happily back and forth between wooden buildings covered with neon signs. A young couple shares a laugh, and she leans her head against his shoulder as they walk across the dusty street to what looks like a bar.

      The scene is so vivid that I become overwhelmed. I've got this huge grin and I feel like I'm crying with emotion. I wonder whether it's possible to cry in a dream, and laugh a little at the thought.

      I jump down to the ground and walk slowly through the dusty street, enjoying the sight of the DCs passing by around me. At the end of the street is a building without any neon lights. It looks like a schoolhouse and I walk up to the door before turning around to look back toward the stack of stone. Behind the stack I see hills lining the horizon. The shape and height remind me of the Hollywood Hills. Dozens of green signs float over the hills, each with the name of a town or city and the city's population painted on it. I try to remember some of the names but it feels like they're changing. I let it go and turn back to the schoolhouse.

      I'm in a classroom now that's filled with other parents watching their kids play. There's a fascinating array of toys like train sets that encircle the room, some kind of clunky robot that walks around, and lots of other cool stuff. I see my son "E" playing here as well, kind of jumping around watching the train go.

      I glance back up at the other parents, then back down at the room -- and the kids and toys have vanished! Everyone is milling around and talking about what a great time the kids had. I tell them something to indicate that I'm dreaming and walk back out through the door.

      The neon wild west town is gone now, and I step directly out onto a street that's busy with pedestrian traffic. Across the street I see an Olympic swimming pool built into what looks like a big basketball court. I think that I'll use it for the "Great Barrier Reef" Task of the Year.

      I start toward the street. Two young women are talking as they walk past me. I notice that one of them is really cute, mid-20s, dark hair, and very short (maybe 5 feet tall!) I have an impulse to kiss her and as soon as I think this, she turns toward me, smiling. Her friend walk off without her, oblivious and now treating her like a stranger. At first I think this is cool but then I think better of spending my time kissing DCs. Need to focus!

      I will the DC to stop crushing on me but something goes wrong with the dream control... and now she seems to actually hate me.

      She bares her teeth angrily and walks toward me, her hands clenched into fists. I can tell that she clearly intends to kick my ass. I want no part of any of this and try to scurry across the street but she jogs after me, still looking like she wants to flatten me. I hurry away and kind of wave her off, saying, "Just leave me alone!" Then I turn completely away and ignore her, hoping that she'll disappear on her own. I make it across the street without being mauled, but as I'm getting close to the pool,
      the dream ends.
    13. Mourning the angels, and an after-school storm

      by , 08-23-2013 at 12:11 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (Note: These dreams were from yesterday, but I spent most of the day on the road antiquing, so I only had the time to write it up on my iPhone, so pretend the date is the 22nd here!)
      Cory and I were sitting next to each other on an airplane at night. Most of the people on board were asleep, so the lights were dimmed. I was clutching a big puffy pillow and crying because I'd heard that a bunch of angels had died, but Cory didn't believe in angels so he thought I was being dumb and crying over nothing, which made me feel even worse. When we landed I decided to get my mind off it by working on a project, so I bought some supplies and started to build a model city. I remember sitting on the bed in the guest room of my grandmother's old trailer and fiddling with the parts. Then Cory came in with these cool mini lanterns that I realized I could put inside my model skyscrapers to make it look like their windows were lit up. It made me all excited and I told him my idea but he got mad at me because that was the reason he bought them and he thought I was taking credit for his idea. So I got stressed and started crying again. Soon after, mom came in the room with a computer and sat down next to me. She asked if I wanted to rent a movie so we looked at the Target website, which strangely enough had movies to rent, to find a movie since I knew that would cheer me up. I saw a list of old Disney animated movies like Alice in Wonderland and Sleeping Beauty, as well as DVD sets of Cartoon Network shows from ten-ish years ago like Dexter's Laboratory and Cow & Chicken. There was also a random DVD in the list called 'The Alabama Voices' that I recalled seeing at the store earlier that day when I went to buy my supplies. For some reason, whenever someone said the name of the movie, they had to sing it to the tune of 'The Neverending Story'. As we browsed the DVDs, I found out more angels had died so I had to excuse myself to go mourn some more, but Cory got pissed again thinking I was crying over nothing, which made things worse so I don't understand why he kept getting mad over it. Mom seemed to believe me though.

      I was on a large college campus and classes had just let out, but it was raining too hard for me to walk to my car since I'd parked way up the road. I tried walking the distance at first, but as soon as I got to a fork in the road where I had to turn right to get to my car, the wind started to pick up so I ran to take shelter in the nearest building. I remember feeling scared that the building would blow away easily if a tornado came through, because it was such a small building. While I stood there watching the rain out of the hallway windows, a teacher walked by and said hello, but then went right outside and braved the winds. I thought he was crazy. Then I noticed that all the skin around my jawline where I normally shave felt really tight, so I felt it and realized it was all peely and gross like a super bad sunburn. I reasoned it must have been due to me getting rained on and not wiping the rain off before it dried, because the rain was very toxic in this area. I started freaking out and felt the need to get to a bathroom to fix my face. Unfortunately, there was no bathroom in that building so I ran out and made a mad dash for the next closest building (which was one of the main student halls that had lots of lockers everywhere). There was a bathroom there so I felt incredibly relieved.
    14. In the End

      by , 08-20-2013 at 07:18 PM
      Probably one of my newest favorite dreams!

      I had actually just gotten out of a dream where I was in a car along with a few other people I met back on a trip to Alaska. Now, I'm going to say who but I had some feelings for one of these people. She was a girl and although I never made much contact with her on my trip, I usually never do when I find someone attractive. Anyways, later on, I find out that I'm using Blender on a laptop while in the car. Strangely, I knew exactly what I was doing inside the software...But while doing this, I'm paying a lot of attention to that one girl sitting next to my sister besides me.

      Later on I find out that all of us were on a trip. We took a stop at a Motel 6 and walked in to the building complex where we had to sign in. As we were about to sign in, I see these two very young boys touching things they weren't supposed to(phone cables, folders, papers behind the staff table). Everyone in the room giggled as one of the staff members struggled to help control the children.

      At this point, I have already entered sleep paralysis. I know this because I could feel my body stuck to my bed when I had my eyes closed. I was unable to move but I tried my best to get out of it by moving my muscles from my hands, towards my arms, and later on my torso.

      It was very hard. I also remember a sense of dizziness, or sensation, when I tried to move myself too quickly. I eventually gave up and thought to try something else out. I knew you can try and achieve a lucid dream during this, so I thought I'd give it a try. I closed my eyes(while a demon is yelling over my ear) and remained as calm as I could. This is when I first started seeing images in my head. I saw numbers. They were flicking back and forth. I stared at them and thought of a dream I wanted to be in. It didn't make any sense at first, but I knew I had to give it a try. There was only one beautiful scene I wanted to be in, my old elementary school.

      I imagined the playground of the school and thought about past dreams in which I had a great time here. But while picturing it all, it was almost as if I was telling a story that had already happened. Because of that, the scene didn't look so much like the school, it looked more like a desert inside of the school. I could feel that I was at the school because of sun's brightness and how happy everything felt.
    15. Fighting,Bad dreams.

      by , 08-20-2013 at 02:51 PM
      Dream 1(Fragment) : [COLOR="#800080"]I was at the entrance of my high-school with a lot of people and there was this guy from my class who was trying to draw a pink flower.[/COLOR]

      Dream 2 :[COLOR="#800080"]I remember It was night and my mom wasn't home so I called her to come home because tomorrow I have school. She said she won't come home and that I should probably not go to school tomorrow. I said to myself : Oh god,But It's the 3rd day of school. I also said to myself that I should probably not learn at that Romanian language test that I'll have the next day.(My sister was in the house too) I go to sleep and think that if my mom is not home nobody can wake me up now (wat).I wake up at exactly 4:35 am and I say to myself : Whew,I wonder how I woke up that early,Maybe I should go to school,but I didn't learned for that test!(I was like...fighting with myself to go or not to go to school)(Then I get some of my notebooks and start learning biology from them.) I wake up my sister,and in the end I go to school.I get in the class and it was apparently a break.I laugh and have fun with my classmates and then I go outside the class and my guy classmate comes to me with 2 other girls and asks me if I remember that time when I saw him getting punched in the face with the door(Suddenly I see a memory of me looking at him getting punched in a face by a door) I say yeah and then a girl comes and says that my sister has a mouse,I'm like : Yeah she has a mouse,So? then that girl suddenly slaps me and she says that the mouse is the reason why he got punched in the face by that door. (-_-)' .Then a lot of people from all the classes comes and stares. I do nothing and listen to her while she's yelling at me then I get angry and I started a fight with her and I grabbed her by the leg and then throw her away while saying: You freaking skeleton! (I think by that I meant that she was reaaaally slim). I then go in the class and try to learn for that test.Suddenly the teacher comes and then the biology class starts.I go to the blackboard and I look at this guy and suddenly I start to laugh then he starts to laugh too. It rings and the teacher leaves and I ask my classmate if she can help me with the test (Like cheating) She says yes and I get really happy and that's pretty much all I remember. [/COLOR]

      Dream 3 : [COLOR="#800080"]I remember running out of school with a girl I don't know and there are 2 guys with snowballs in their hands (It wasn't even snowing,It was a sunny day) and then they say: Hurry! (They looked really impatient) I run with that girl hoping they won't throw the snowball at us.Then the guy from the right(Had a black shirt and kinda looked like the DC) throws the snowball at my butt and I stop running and look back with a what the fuck face.[/COLOR]

      Dream 4 : [COLOR="#800080"]I was in my high-school yard playing basketball with my ex-bestfriend and my old friend and then suddenly my ex-bestfriend throws the ball far away while I do something with my old friend(I don't remember what) and we suddenly hear a loud BOOM.I wonder what that sound was so I go to the gate and realize there's a big hole in it so I look around and see a car without it's door.I hope that there is no dog around and I try to walk through the hole when suddenly I see a black dog that is barking at me and I try to run but I end up climbing on a rock and calming the dog down. I remember I went back to the yard and told my ex-bestfriend about it and she says it wasn't her fault but it was mine.I start to argue with her and then the dream suddenly skips in my house and I am in my bed when I suddenly hear the intercom and I try to wake up my grandmother that was in a bed near me and then she walks to the intercom(She couldn't walk well so me and my mom helped her) I somehow believed she was the one who threw the ball at the car but then I go to the intercom too and there was a guy at the end of it and he keeps yelling and saying it was my fault.I try to explain that It's not my fault and that it was my ex-bestfriend's fault. [/COLOR]

      Dream 5 (Fragment) : [COLOR="#800080"]I was outside my school yard with 2 boys and one of the guy was on the school's fence and one of them was near me and it suddenly starts to rain and I tell the guys to run because it starts to rain.They don't agree and then it started to hail with big balls of ice.I yell at them to get inside and they don't want to.I have the feeling I stayed there only because I liked one of the guy and I didn't wanted to leave him(He also had a black shirt and kinda looked like the DC).[/COLOR]

      Dream 6 (Fragment I guess) :[COLOR="#800080"]It's night outside and I'm in my bed with DC and we snuggle.I suddenly turn my back at him and he tries to rest his arm on my waist but I grabbed his hand and said no then he got really angry and walked to the kitchen. He comes back and asks me if I'm ready to get warm :| .[/COLOR]

      Another fragment: [COLOR="#800080"]I remember running in the school yard for some reason.[/COLOR]

      And other fragment <.< : [COLOR="#800080"]I remember doing a dance(Troublemaker) with DC[/COLOR]

      And another one : [COLOR="#800080"]I dreamt I was cleaning my parrot's cage.[/COLOR]

      Updated 08-20-2013 at 09:23 PM by 61851

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