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  1. forgetting to do RCs in the day
  2. Scared of hallucinations
  3. Jolted out of my dream when I realize it's a dream
  4. SP then LD
  5. Possibly the key to lucid dreaming?
  6. Missing the most obvious signs ever?
  7. Is this my problem?
  8. REM rebound
  9. Would this work?
  10. Vibrations
  11. drinking lots water before you go to bed
  12. Know I'm dream but cant go Lucid
  13. Preparation for lucidity
  14. So close
  15. Trouble getting past extreme energy durring WILD
  16. Tips for me and people like me?
  17. Is this a WILD or DEILD?
  18. If I record a voice and play it over and over during the night, will it transfer into my dream?
  19. Subliminal Videos?
  20. Lucid Dreaming - #1 in Entertainment Software!
  21. Almost DEILD?
  22. Am I in the dream or not?
  23. help with becoming lucid
  24. Trouble relaxing
  25. WILD - Phantom Wiggling Freak Out
  26. WILD Problems?
  27. WBTB failure
  28. Semi Lucid?
  29. Problem with my DEILD's after lucids end. I can See but can't get into it
  30. Mistakes with my WBTB WILD attempts.
  31. Anticipating Reality Checks?
  32. Awareness tutorial! Translated from my book.
  33. The ultimate, foolproof reality check/trigger
  34. FILD Help please
  35. WILD problems due to general problems falling asleep?
  36. Got a question
  37. WBTB Without WILDing
  38. Did I just LD?
  39. Any exercises to learn to REALIZE you are dreaming?
  40. i had two ld's in a row
  41. How Important is keeping a dream journal?
  42. Does this method work?
  43. how to make..
  44. New to Lucid Dreaming
  45. 5 Consecutive False Awakenings
  46. I think I almost became lucid?
  47. MILD mantra question. A bit confused...
  48. First lucid in months last night, couldn't have been simpler.
  49. Ingesting Calea Zacatechichi with a Smoothie
  50. Help With Dreams/Lucidity?
  51. A little extra push
  52. real life carrying over into dreams
  53. MILD Question.
  54. PLEASE HELP!? weird issue with wbtbs?
  55. Keeping track of time during WILD
  56. My reality checks are not working......
  57. First ld!! Thoughts?
  58. NEW! Technique - Discipline Inuced Lucid Dream!?
  59. Only LD after night of drinking/attaining Lucidity
  60. In Dream Lucidity Problem!!
  61. totems
  62. Reading about lucid dreaming?
  63. Having random LD's
  64. Can't keep my dream eyes open
  65. which way do you like best to attain a ld
  66. WBTB without an alarm
  67. How to "Fall Asleep"?
  68. Feeling your actual self in lucid dreams.
  69. WILD- Need help relaxing
  70. Need that extra push after Reality Check.
  71. i found my own way to make a ld !!!
  72. Pineal Gland Stimulation Technique
  73. How do you know when you're in REM?
  74. any one have any tips on how to do an rc ???
  75. Different way to CAT?
  76. Becoming Lucid Without RC
  77. Binural question.
  78. I always enter a lucid dream this way...
  79. Thing to do when drifting to sleep
  80. LDs happen when i don't do a technique
  81. Last Nights WILD... FalseAwakning??
  82. went to bed, went straight to dream then experienced sleep paralysis ?wtf?
  83. meditation/wild/OBE book
  84. Just a couple questions!
  85. DILD through memorizing real life schedule
  86. Losing almost all motivation? Any remedy for this?
  87. Wow! 2 very different LD's in one night. How did I do it?
  88. PMILD- Phantom Movement Induced Lucid Dream
  89. First Lucid, thanks to all the people here!
  90. Second WILD :) Another question.
  91. ahh! so frustrating!
  92. Intresting Lucid Dream Inducing method
  93. Dream incubation and MILD the same thing?
  94. IS there anything that could effect my recall?
  95. Recall, quick question.
  96. Attaining Lucidity Easier After First Lucid Dream
  97. Wierd Experiance
  98. SP for the second time.
  99. Sleeping With Noise
  100. Need some help with reality checking? D:
  101. My first LD plus beginner tips
  102. How do I increase chances of a DILD?
  103. Reality Check in dreams didnt work in the dream.
  104. when should i do RC's?
  105. Question about auto suggestion.
  106. Lets Compile all the foods that assist in lucid dreaming.
  107. Blissfully (or not) Unaware
  108. Blurry first lucid dream?
  109. WILD success! + a few questions :)
  110. Tried WILD last night and have some questions.
  111. Hmmm Strange?
  112. Guranteed Lucid Dreams - Suppliments
  113. Catching REM/Cycles?
  114. interesting experience...almost had an LD i think
  115. Something missing for DILD.
  116. For some reason i can't have WILD's
  117. Deild help!?!
  118. What's your Reality Check?
  119. question about sleep positions?
  120. MILD explained
  121. Sunlight Increases Lucidity
  122. Question about WILD and SP
  123. reality checks? Really?
  124. Why am i such a failure
  125. What to do before bed?
  126. Easy way to remember to do reality checks!
  127. a type of visualization that worked for me last night
  128. Subliminal Video and Bianural Beats
  129. What technique will get you from amateur to pro
  130. Meditation Techniques...
  131. WBTB how long to sleep?
  132. So the night before last...
  133. What's the problem?
  134. How to stay lucid.
  135. DEILD Problem...
  136. I should have asked this question a LOOOOOOOONG time ago :P
  137. Have you been in that mood where you don't bother to have an ld then like an hr later ur like FUUUUU
  138. Broken Trigger: Inability to do things
  139. WILD's
  140. Anger toward my inability to stay lucid
  141. NyQuil as an aid for LD or recall
  142. What simple little techniques do you PERSONALLY use in order to reach lucid state?
  143. Knowing that I'm dreaming ???
  144. Question about PBild :)
  145. Please help me... I want to give up trying to LD
  146. (EDGE0125) MP3 Player Method
  147. Hey i am new here
  148. What do you mean if it seems strange?!
  149. Attaining lucidity at will without WILD
  150. Sounds that may help!
  151. dream signs are lost to me
  152. I keep getting Semi lucids
  153. Things you lose lucidity to.
  154. Are there any constant Lucid Dreamers here?
  155. Reality Check..Fail.
  156. almost 2 weeks with no LD, any advice?
  157. Third-person uncontrollable?
  158. Easy way to have lucid dreams
  159. DEILD Questions
  160. is there ANY technique that doesn't require these things?
  161. Wondering what the consensus is about the sleeping body...
  162. Where did I go wrong or what should I do next time.
  163. Does WBTB disrupt the REM cycle?
  164. Do i need to make RC and write my dreams if i just do WILDs?
  165. Reality Checking
  166. Combining WILD, MILD, and DILD.
  167. Accidental DEILD!?
  168. Trouble WILDing
  169. ridiculous dreams not making me RC
  170. I am obviously doing something wrong now.
  171. Routinely re-entering into lucidity
  172. how do you not go to sleep?
  173. Not existing in the dream.
  174. Hands reality check AND nose check don't work (anymore)
  175. Question for the exprienced Lucid Dreamers.
  176. Very usefull Hypnosis video before sleeping
  177. Is it even possible to have LDs on a weekly basis?
  178. What can I do? !!
  179. Making Subliminal Messages for myself.... what should I know?
  180. Epic experience :D I gotta tell you guys!
  181. Binaural Beats
  182. Binaural Beats for Blockheads
  183. Help on becomeing lucid dreaming
  184. Falling into Sleep Paralysis
  185. Frequency of RCs
  186. does anyone have exprience with Galantamine
  187. can't Go Lucid!!!!
  188. Perfume on your pillow.
  189. So close!
  190. What SP feels like: the explanation.
  191. Disaster of a WBTB attempt, need some advice
  192. Sleep paralisys, hypnagogic and how to be pulled into a lucid state (maybe)
  193. False awakening + RC = failed RC --> No lucidity
  194. unsuccessful WILD, but a DILD?
  195. PB+Valerian+Melatonin=Vivid/Lucid Dreams?
  196. Anyone use their dreams like this? building a workshop?
  197. Which method do you prefer to become lucid?
  198. Combining a Reality Test with Intention Setting TUTORIAL
  199. When is the best time to reality check?
  200. Need help with Short term memory to gain lucidity
  201. Time of napping
  202. Best metod to enter LD during your nap?
  203. unisom and B6?
  204. Is his possible????
  205. DEILD "bug" - too awaken!
  206. Need advice for DEILD.
  207. LDing helps me LD
  208. B6 and Drinking...effect
  209. Best method for me?
  210. Funny way I lost becoming lucid
  211. Important Realization For Me
  212. Backward RC in dream? So weird...
  213. My powers are gone! Why?
  214. OBE's and freaky dreams
  215. "The Doors of Perception": how does it work?
  216. isochronic tones
  217. Auto-Suggestion is DA BEST!
  218. Third eye meditation
  219. Effect of Marajuana on Lucid Dreaming
  220. crazy, i was right there and bame woke up :(
  221. Using NLP Swish pattern for inducing Lucid dreams.
  222. WILD problem, can you help?
  223. Simple way to become Lucid.
  224. Woke up and now cant fall back to sleep, what do you do?
  225. How REAL are lucid dreams and How long do they last?
  226. some trouble with waking up in the middle of the night for WILD
  227. Dual n-back training: potential tool for lucid dreamers
  228. How do i wake up after every dream??
  229. Didn't think this cound happen.
  230. had my 2nd lucid dream!
  231. Need help/adivice with WILD Lucid Dreams
  232. LD difficulties
  233. Lucid Fiction Question...
  234. Working with what I'm given
  235. A important test that I wanted to do in a LD
  236. 8+ LD's + my method of induction
  237. Dreaming about Lucid Dreaming but still not Lucid
  238. Breakthrough technique to have your first lucid dream and obe
  239. Lucid dreaming has a time frame or window?
  240. Misery and lucidity are like fire and ice..:(
  241. test
  242. Lock please
  243. Tell me if I am doing this wrong...
  244. Deild
  245. Half lucid dream
  246. I ALMOST Attained Lucidity. Is this a Dream sign?
  247. My fourth DILD false awakening
  248. Starting fresh method?
  249. 3 Near Lucid Experiences
  250. When trying hard doesn't work