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    1. Butterfly Attack

      by , 09-21-2014 at 10:30 AM
      Morning of September 21, 2014. Sunday.

      There is supposedly a species of pink butterfly that attacks people. They are very large but not what I would call giant. They are about the size of a crow. Apparently, there are so many of them in certain regions of the world that people are no longer safe when they go outside. It seems that if they are out at night, they are attracted to light and reflective surfaces, thus windows (when the light is on in the house), storefronts, mirrors, porches, and so on. There is one point where I start to go outside during the afternoon (seemingly from the kitchen in Clayfield, though that door led into the hallway in real life) and one flies at my head in the doorway but I am not harmed. Instead, the butterfly damages itself in the attack and actually falls apart into about four pieces shortly after fluttering around outside the building.

      There is a point where I am walking around with many other people. Over time, I am drinking a lot of carbonated pink lemonade (which is a product made from the mashed-up bodies of the pink butterflies), which tastes very good. It is similar to the real soda we sometimes buy but sweeter. It has a very strong taste in the dream. As I am walking around in an open field, a young male who is walking with his girlfriend asks for a taste. I give him the bottle but he immediately does not like the flavor, comparing it to some sort of Chinese beer - Tsingtao; a reference I do not understand. When I go to take another drink myself, I feel wary about drinking from the same bottle that another male just had. I worry that he might have a disease, but this idea fades after a time (especially as he seems okay and is walking around with someone else) when the scene changes.

      The authorities set up some sort of trap for the butterflies that is an area between two buildings on wooden columns (similar in appearance to our present home but much larger). It is early evening but not fully dark out. People are supposed to stand around as “bait” until the large swarm of butterflies approaches close enough to be destroyed by the authorities - not sure how (fire perhaps). At the last minute, everyone is to crawl under the buildings as the authorities take action.

      They soon approach and there are hundreds of them. I crawl under the building as a few people are directly attacked. It does not take that long before the task is completed.

      When I crawl out, I find that I am still holding a bottle of carbonated pink lemonade (which I am drinking throughout the dream at almost every point). I notice that a television film crew is in the area and they want to film me in an unscripted commercial promoting it. I happily comply even though my clothes and hair are in disorder from being under the building in the dirt. I guess not that many people buy the product.
      Tags: butterflies
    2. Dreaming that I'm practicing WILD

      by , 09-21-2014 at 07:49 AM
      I have had some pretty bizarre dreams before involving dreams within dreams. This one was so bizarre that I knew I had to come back to this site to discuss it. To begin, I want to mention that I had this dream after waking up and then sleeping in today, saturday, which is how I usually am able to Lucid Dream.

      The dream began with me at my school and I was watching a horror movie on the TV. It was extremely realistic except for the fact that the lights were off and I was laying on the ground on my side. I then had a false awakening, and in the dream I was in my bed on my laptop. Usually when I pull out my phone in a dream, I just see a multicolored screen and never am I able to actually look things up on the internet. At most there will be a video playing that I then find myself becoming a part of.

      However, this time I was actually handling my laptop and looking at videos on Youtube. I remember one of the videos was about albino ostriches and a variety of facial expressions that they make. I then dreamed that I was practicing WILD, and tried to control what I was dreaming but ended up dreaming that I was still in my room, only I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or sleepwalking. This is actually a common theme in my dreams due to how detailed they can really be when I am lucid, I know I am dreaming but still worry if I am sleepwalking. I was outside my house and fell down on my front lawn. I then had a faulse awakening again and was back to being in bed with my laptop. The laptop then fell over and broke the screen, and I had a second false awakening to find the laptop fixed again.

      I went back to sleep in the dream and this time was near my neighborhood, only as usual in dreams familiar places become bizarre and twisted. I came across a large mansion which I somehow knew was my cousin's house. (To clarify my cousins do NOT live in a large mansion.) As I was approaching the house, a car pulled up behind me and a man got out and started shooting a gun at me. I ducked and was able to actually hide behind the sidewalk curb, which was now a few feet high. I then again had another false awakening, and this time in the dream I was on my laptop writing a dream journal about all of what had happened so far.

      The last dream was so realistic though that I couldn't believe how detailed it really was. Usually when you are reading a book or something, it will change. This time it remained constant. I was in a classroom, for reference it looked like one of the classrooms from my elementry school, and the teacher was a man who was teaching us about the occult. I remember him wearing a blue vest with a shirt underneath with the sleeve rolled up, and him being rather muscular. He handed out these printouts that were stapled together, like an activity book but each page was related to monsters and demons.

      I remember I was just looking through the booklet while the girl across from me was almost done, and I looked at her completed booklet to try to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. She commented that I should be glad I didn't reach near the end of the assignment where you have to draw various demons and symbols for their summoning. I page I looked at showed a monster destroying a city, and had instructions to draw a skyscraper in it's hand.

      A man who somewhat looked like the tenth doctor (Doctor Who.) started questioning out teacher about his background and how he had a history of controversy with his teaching methods, and how he was in danger of losing his teaching license.
    3. False Awakening, Sleep Paralysis, and Death

      by , 09-21-2014 at 07:25 AM
      This was one of the most powerfully frightening and sleep episodes to date.

      I'm floating in a sensory deprivation tank. I chose to do an hour and a half session since it had been a long day. This experience happened in the later half of the float.

      I'm listening to music. It's sort of a slow, funky R&B beat with a man singing directly to me. He has a wonderful, deep voice that sent me deeper into my comfort zone. I realize quickly that this isn't the wake up music for my session, it is all in my head. I smile, or at least I think I do, and continue listening for a whole, beautiful minute. It's amazing what your mind can create in sensory deprivation.

      The music fades and a twitch brings me back to present. "That was wonderful," I thought. "That's more than enough to write about."

      Reflecting back on all this, I now know I experienced a false awakening, and a very convincing one at that. So, in my false awakening:

      I'm going to flip onto my stomach for the last 30 seconds of my float (sometimes when I know I'm about to get out of the tank, I lay face down for as long as I can hold my breath. It feels good on my back). My extremities feel numb, but I manage to flip over. I soon realize I'm paralyzed. I have no control over my legs or arms and worst of all, my face is under water. I begin to panic. A hot rush of survival fear rushes me through my situation. My mouth is muffled by water and my arms can't find their way to bang on the wall for help. I'm going to die. I hold my breath as long as I can until I realize there is no use fighting it anymore. I have to inhale. I choose not to have my life flash before my eyes, since I knew inhaling the super saturated salt water would burn out any sentiment I could gather, so I just decided to go for it. A moment of courage. With all my strength, I take a mighty breath. Farewell.

      Woosh. I'm back in my real body, frantically trying to catch my breath and calm my nerves. I knew exactly what had happened, having experienced false awakenings and sleep paralysis before. Never have both happened simultaneously. I was rattled, I still am.

      I accepted death. Rather than inhaling the salt water, I took the most refreshing gasp I've ever tasted. It was beautifully humbling experience.
    4. My Dream Journal

      by , 09-21-2014 at 05:57 AM
      Last night I dreamt that I bought a new truck. I don't even like trucks in real life but in my dream I loved this truck. It was a silver, four-door truck I can't remember the model. But I do remember being really proud about my new truck.

      Then I became lost in the woods and was chased by dogs, but then I realized they were puppies. So I marched around and the puppies followed me.

      Finally, I was getting ready for a wedding. I wanted my hair to look extra nice so I took a shower. The thing that I found really odd was that the shower was in the closet and the drain was on the carpet. I kept thinking that the water would ruin the carpet. I washed my hair with "Fourth of July" shampoo, which was odd too because I don't think that exists.
    5. Nazi freak offering treats

      by , 09-20-2014 at 09:56 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Nazi freak offering treats (Non-lucid)


      I was at a hotel with my wife and we were watching a soccer match. For some reason, there was another lady with us and I could sense empathically that she was attracted to me. She was laying down in a different bad and I could see that she was not watching the match, but looking at me the whole time.

      My wife got mad because she was too interested in me.

      From here, I went with this lady to her house for some reason and she told me that she hopped her dad did not bother me and asked me to be open minded. As soon as I entered the house, I saw the living room. It had the colors of the German Flag. The couch was on the back of the room and right above it, there was a huge Nazi flag. I was shocked, and I realized that the energy there was very bad. There was a small table in front of the couch and it had various treats. I could see a bowl on the left end of the table that had chocolate treats with the shape of the svastica Nazi cross. In the middle of the table there were some pink donuts and some other odd candies.

      I am not including pics here due the sensitiveness of the topic.

      This girl told me she would check what I would eat because I could not like it at all. I grabbed a big cookie that was wrapped in a green plastic bag. The ingredients where wassabi, green peppers and chocolate. I did not feel like eating it.

      I kind of felt uncomfortable and I told him that I liked some Spanish dictator. But then I got afraid because I thought that maybe he could hate me or kill me because Spain also fought against the Nazi. I left the place before getting in trouble.

      From here, I went online to teach LDing to some of my students, followed by a few FAs where I wrote down this dream.
      Tags: freak, nazi, soccer, treats
    6. Dyson and a duet in a garden

      by , 09-20-2014 at 08:32 PM
      England in the 1940s or so, I'm disembodied and watching a man and a woman singing a duet in a garden. Both of them are thinking about a man named Dyson. They were friends when they were younger, but he left the country years ago and they haven't heard from him since; in their memories, he's a sort of ideal. I'm thinking how disappointed they would be if they were to see him now.

      When their song's over, they talk with the people who'd been listening. The woman who'd been singing is speaking to a particular man, very wealthy, and hinting that she's expecting him to invite her along to a particular event. But although they clearly have some kind of history, he finds this suggestion laughable - he hardly even thinks of her as a woman. I'm surprised, since I'd just been thinking about how beautiful she is - the dream image had zoomed in on her profile as she was talking to him, and I'd been admiring the curve of her nose, the softness of her hair. Very beautiful. But the man walks off with most of the others - they're heading back toward the house. The man she'd been singing with comes up to her and says he saw her talking to that wealthy guy, and how they seem to get along well. She says, "Sure do."

      My POV turns around, not following them - I'm focusing on the opposite direction. On a hill overlooking the garden, there's a man who'd been hiding among the trees and bushes, watching them. This is Dyson.
    7. Abusing Richard Branson's hospitality

      by , 09-20-2014 at 07:32 PM
      This lucid dream is brief, and I think came in the middle of the REM cycle, so my memory of it is hazy.

      I'll start with the non-lucid parts, which I only remember in fragments. The dream seemed to revolve about Richard Branson being my new manager at work. He has also let me stay with him in the spare room of his house, and I have to share the room with a coworker of mine - a young woman who I see often but don't speak to very much.

      The two of us start hanging out together a lot. We seem to get pretty close to each other, although no sex or anything like that. At one point I am sitting in our room and she returns with some weed. She rolls up a joint and shares it with me. I get paranoid about the Branson's finding out, so I open a window and smoke leaning out of it. At one point Richard or a member of his family turns up in our room and I have to hide it.

      At another point in the dream, I walk through my city during a beautiful summer day. I am walking with Vicky, a girl I knew from school and haven't seen since. We meet another girl I haven't seen since school at a crossing.

      Here is the lucid part: I end up doing a lot of travel by train. It was in one of the train station that I realized I was dreaming. I think I am with the coworker mentioned above. I see two women who work as cleaners on the station and I decide to speak to them. Whatever I said (or did) seemed be horribly offensive to them and everyone around them. I must have been lucid because I always feel the need to do something completely innapropriate.
    8. Entry 9

      by , 09-20-2014 at 05:09 PM
      First dream I was playing this game, but it was like "fullscreen" so I only saw the game. It was 2d and very similar to mario and a mix of the impossible game. The characters were all pixely like the old mario games and your character was some chick running from TONS of people, the game was actually seriously fun and intense. You run from all these people and they're also in front of you, and theres tons of platforms you have to jump up or down to, to dodge them. I remember losing twice.

      I had a dream were my Dad told me I needed to be an exorcist, and that my first job was to stop the goblins from getting up this flight of stairs. The stairs were surrounded by walls, like it was it's own room, and at the bottom had a door. It was really dark, too. My dad gave me this thing, it was shaped like a cow bell, except thin and it was thick at the top and thin at the bottom, and closed at the bottom. it had wavy lines on it, and the whole thing emitted light. In my other hand was a flashlight, and suddenly he gave me a table and he told me "flip this over and it'll probably generate lava" (for whatever reason, this made sense because of the game I played earlier, I guess there was some part about lava). So I placed the light-thing on the left side in front of the door, and the flashlight down on the rightside creating some kind of line of defense. My second line of defense was the upside down table, which never made lava. Also, I had some makeshift spear to kill them with. After all this, I opened the door and these shadowy creatures began to flood out and I couldn't hit them for the lift of me, and I chased them upstairs but to no avail. I closed the door so more couldn't get out. I thought of a strategy, I open the door and let one out and then I kill it. So I opened it and one came out, I hit it once and it flew back into the room. I shut the door and looked under the door, it was looking back at me. Imagine a brown, hairless dog with pink paws and the snout is instead a pink molerat snout. It was a nasty creature. I opened the door and started stabbing it in the face and I was utterly DISGUSTED and it wouldn't die so I had to jam it in over and over again. There was no blood at all (thank god) and as I did this my nose started to hurt, and then I woke up. The dream freaked me out...

      Next dream I was in class with all these people. It was a mix of my homeroom and my english class. I talked to some people, that's all I remember.
    9. Dream Truths: Watching an Investigation (with Tom Welling)

      by , 09-20-2014 at 03:20 PM
      Morning of September 20, 2014. Saturday.

      I seem to be passively viewing an investigation, though I am still present in the setting, which seems to have the essence of the northeast corner of the Cubitis living room (where I am not been sine 1978). It seems to be taking place in a corner of a first-floor room at two perpendicular desks. Two unknown young females are talking about a telephone being tapped. They seem uncertain about what they are doing. When a number is given by one to the other, she complains that it is a private number (supposedly indicated by starting with 392), as it seems it was supposed to be related to a business telephone, possibly a bank or loan company operating illegally. It is decided that at least one of them will pretend to be a call girl from the service already known by this other person. She sets up a meeting pretending to be from their usual escort service.

      My dream shifts to a hotel room (fourth floor or higher) in a different type of dream scenario and where I am more present. My wife Zsuzsanna is now with me. Curiously, Tom Welling is here in his Clark Kent persona (from “Smallville”). He also seems to be some sort of amateur investigator. It is presently nighttime. In the distance, viewed through the hotel windows, is a very large building that creates the impression of also being like the model of a city. There is one large belfry that is more like a towering apartment. Tom aka Clark seems to be indicating that one of the criminals under investigation (a corrupt banker) is living there. I seem to know it is where Bruce Wayne lives. I casually say “That is where Bruce Wayne, Batman, lives.” Suddenly, I realize that I should not have said that, as now Clark knows the superhero identity of Bruce Wayne. I walk more to the corner of the room saying “Whoops…pretend I did not say that”.

      Clark appears to be puzzled. Apparently, he has never heard of either Bruce Wayne or Batman. I guess it may not matter what I said. I absentmindedly (remembering the comic books) ask him if this is Earth A, B, or C and he replies with “C”.

      I realize that I have altered history, because now, I notice that there is a black leather outfit lying on one of the two beds (the one farthest from the door) which seems like a prototype of a Batman costume. It seems that Clark Kent will now become Batman instead of Superman because of me talking about Batman. However, it also soon seems that Clark is partly in that outfit, but he is “disintegrating” in a similar manner as the monsters in “Little Monsters” do when exposed to light. One of the arms is still flopping around but Tom is mostly gone.

      Suddenly, the mood of my dream shifts and I attempt to make a comedic exit. I sing the old television “Batman” theme: “DO do DO do DO do DO do, DO do DO do DO do DO do…Batman!”

      As I leave the hotel room, I see Zsuzsanna and our children sitting at computers in an open room of which is part of a hall, which seems to be part of my old apartment on King Street. I go into the small hallway bathroom and after a short time I hear (seemingly from out of nowhere) Ian McKellen shouting “That’s the consequence of being a thumb…and ANGULAR!”.

      The dream state indicators are of course the beds, which do not symbolize anything other than the subliminal memory of having fallen asleep. Dream state indicators are a very common factor in my dreams and have nothing to do with “interpretation”.

      The emergent consciousness factor is the feature of the computers in the last scene, where my conscious self identity is beginning to become active in the waking transition.

      My dream resolves in the last scene of being a typical bathroom wake-up call. Originally, I had not delved into some of the meaning in this dream so as not to offend people, but the remark shouted at the end is of course a reference to men urinating and potentially being off the mark, although unlike the experiences reported by other people, I have rarely ever used a toilet in a dream as this dream type is to induce RAS mediation to wake and attend to biological needs. (“Penis” is replaced by “thumb” and the reference to “angular” relates to the stream not always being straight. It reminds me of the old joke. “Our aim is to keep this bathroom clean. Your aim will help.” There is even the childhood Batman bathroom joke as related to the theme song just before the final scene.)

      The scene with Clark dissolving on the bed is, in addition to being the usual vestibular system symbolism (associations with flight in this case), also associated with “Little Monsters”, which in turn is an association with being in the dream state. It symbolizes the ephemerality of the fictional dream self.

      Updated 01-01-2018 at 01:46 PM by 1390

    10. Kipo 581

      by , 09-20-2014 at 02:54 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Given I went to bed at 2:00am last night, I'm surprised I had any recall at all.

      Anyways, I am with a group of astronomers, two I believe. I recall they are looking at this very large blue star in a nearby galaxy that they call Kipo 581.
      There was something to do with them studying it. They were trying to prove that they could learn everything about it only using old fashioned astronomy techniques.
      Something to do with them giving up on old astronomy techniques. They got in contact with NASA and launched a new telescope into orbit. The telescope was supposed to see if there were planets in orbit around the star.
    11. Transformation 24, College Situation, Sour Cream and Onion Lays

      by , 09-20-2014 at 02:25 PM
      Transformation 24:
      I heard a voice saying "Do you want to be a cat like your twins?" I nodded excited I could be a cat without dreaming or even being lucid! It's real life I gave it a shot "How long would you like your transformation...?" "24 Hours." I don't want it to be forever becuase my family would miss me...I started to change really slowly I realized it mean 24 hours for change and, that the form of me being a cat would be forever. It may be fate so I have to deal with it.
      College Situation:
      I was transfered to a College class at my High School I was confused, I was outside of the class talking to one of my DC friends in the libary that looked like my Elementry school my Elementry School principal she told me to shushh. I was back in the class being sad and confused I don't understand the problums its so hard! I just hope I get transfered to my class again...I swear sometimes I think I am lucid...but I shrugged that off.
      Sour and Cream Onion lays:
      The whole dream was centered around me and Sour and Cream onion lays characters included were me, cassie, demeara.
    12. Kisses, Comic books...

      by , 09-20-2014 at 02:09 PM
      Dream 1
      So, in one part of the dream, a truck is by my neighbor's house. It's dark outside. Just before this scene, I'm in a car. I dodge the trucks, and I see someone in a motorcycle getting hurt. The truck, only one now, was really big. It sold comic books. I went to my neighbor's house to look at them, and tried to convince dad to buy them.

      Dream 2
      I was in someone's house. At first I thought it was Canada and it featured some people from there, but they started morphing over time. One of 'em kissed me on the lips. My head went blank, and it was good. It was actually good. She said she was just teasing me, though. I did kiss her some more, though. It was just really, really weird. The first/second time was on the couch. I remember that the second one she kind of leaned in, and I had to lean the rest of the way if I wanted to.
    13. Flying With Adrian (20.9.14)

      by , 09-20-2014 at 01:42 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm with Josh, Daryl, Kayley and Adrian. They're all smoking cigarettes. I walk up to Adrian have a convocation with him. I remember saying something about being unsure if it's scientifically proven, and Fasting.

      Myself and Adrian are flying around on something. He's controlling it. We're after some kind of Diamond (Spider man Unlimited). We go towards one that's on a building lookout. We miss the diamond and crash into the wall. We're fine and not injured.
      I'm now on the ground and can see two people walking on the sidewalk. They're dressed up as a Jedi. They're both wielding light sabers. The man in front's light saber is over sized.

      I'm now in a street near what is meant to be Ben's house. I think I'm with Daryl and someone else. I walk over to Ben and his girlfriend. He's girlfriend is naked. I can see her breasts and ass. She's kind of squatting down and I can see her pussy. She's hot and I'm having sexual thoughts.
    14. Drugged Up Police Chase, Familiar Faces (19.9.14)

      by , 09-20-2014 at 12:57 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm with Josh and I have some pre-workout. I meet up with Daryl and he seems to be excited that I have taken some pre-workout. He opens up a wrapper which has some kind of narcotic in it. I seem pretty amped up from the pre-workout and go straight in for a dip of speed.

      We're now driving and a police car begins chasing us. Daryl is driving and he doesn't stop for the cop, instead he tries to flee. I tell him he's an idiot and that he should stop the car. There's a few times where we almost get captured but we seem to get away each time. I recognize the street we're driving down, which is where my Auntie Rita lives.

      Eventually we get caught and end up in some kind of venue. I think it's a TAB (Betting Place). There's cops around us and we try to swindle a deal so we can get off the charges. The charges consist of illegal betting and driving offenses. We pay back the TAB what we took from them, and ask how much extra do they want to drop the charges. I think we're looking at 1,200 or maybe a bit more. We agree with the price. There's two cops which seem to be corrupt, definitely one of them for sure. He's bald. We can see a bowl of cocaine which belongs to the police officer, and Josh decides to have a dip. The corrupt cops tells Josh that it's baking soda or something and laughs. I think he was having us on, and that it was actually cocaine.

      I remember seeing a scene of the cop being behind a door. The door timber looks brittle and myself and the cop are ripping the timber off of it.

      I'm now at some other house, doing something. I can see a kid.

      Another scene of being at a house. I can see the same kid as before. I see a scene of a mansion and a guy inside it. He's the owner of the house. I move closer to the scene and notice the guy in a bed with multiple females. The whole bed is plain white. The man is under the covers with one of the females. They seem to be hugging one another, while the rest of the females are getting pedicures while browsing on a laptop. The pedicure is being done by some type of machine, which runs automatically.

      The scene begins to fly through the house into the backyard. The backyard has lots of people and looks lavish. I can see some weird stuff. There's a few toilets which are lined up next to each other. They move back and forth across the garden.
      I walk over to a track that long jumpers run down to perform their leap. There's a car that looks similar to a remote controlled car. It's going back and forth on the track. At first I thought it was going to run straight into me, but stops just in time.

      Dream 2

      I'm at a beach and I can see Daryl, Thomo and some other person. They're near a volleyball net. I can see a group of people coming towards me in the distance. They look familiar. I remember that Thomo is having his bucks party and that I can't attend. I think about what I can say to him, and feel I should tell him I can't afford it. The group of people arrive where I am, and I'm greeted by most of them. One of them looks like Jamie Smyth and he is so happy to see me. We hug one another.

      I'm now at the local football oval, standing where you sit to watch it. I see the group that I saw earlier here. They're heading to a beach. A name is announced, and that person is the first to go in the water. It ends up being a kid. He doesn't want to be the first one to go in.
      I grab a cup and piss in it. I walk with the cup over towards some people. I pretend to drink it to gross them out.

      Updated 09-20-2014 at 01:14 PM by 24939

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Having to Repeat a Year of High School and Knocking Out Animals

      by , 09-20-2014 at 11:06 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Something about turtles. That's all I remember.


      I was at school sitting in a classroom. It was my first class on my first day. I was having to repeat my junior year of high school. I had already taken the class I was in. I was thinking that all my friends were seniors now and they were all going to graduate before me. I then was thinking that I had only had to repeat a few classes and that I would still graduate with them.

      I then was outside in the parking lot trying to find a parking spot. I was driving a white and yellow paper van; it was like I was just guiding it with my hand like a toy rather than actually driving it. I guided it into a parking spot, then decided to pull it through to the one in front of it.

      Then something about Kermit the Frog and the football stadium. He had gotten everyone together for something, either a game or some kind of pep rally, I'm not sure; at any rate, it was something he always did every year, and everyone had a good time at it. He then started to tell everyone to go home. He had given up on it for some reason, and when confronted and asked to not cancel it, he was very adamant about his decision.


      Something about animals at some park/safari thing. The signs when you entered it looked like the font and style of Jurassic Park. I don't remember too much other than someone having to keep knocking out these miniature animals for some reason. I want to say the miniature animals were some sort of big cat, but I'm not entirely positive. One kept waking up, and they had to keep hitting its head against the wall to knock it out. It just wouldn't get knocked out. There were other types of knocked out animals as well.
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