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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Log 1925 - August TOTM Basic I and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 08-06-2020 at 07:31 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 06 August 2020

      Wow. Lots of things today. False memories of writing notes made me forget some details, as did the phone somehow deleting quite a bit of content. Frickin thing...

      Spoiler for Quite long. NSFW violence.:

      Updated 08-06-2020 at 08:16 PM by 89930

      lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , task of the month
    2. 5 Aug: I am a knight protecting my baby, lucid with mom and meeting family members in their past

      by , 08-05-2020 at 09:29 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am a male knight on my property with my family. A group attacks our house, I can't help my wife there, as I am at some annexes with our servants and holding our baby, whom they are after. I escape through a tunnel that my servants help camouflage. I get out at some building that looks like a middle eastern hotel.

      I help a gay activist not to be arrested and I get arrested instead. My mom helps me escape by asking to escort me to the bathroom which is upstairs from the cell floor. They allow. The only way to escape is by jumping out of the window. She is scared and tells me to do it alone. But I don't want to leave without her,
      so I realize we are dreaming and I tell her it's just a dream. Since the cops are coming after us, I grab her and I cross the wall and bring her with me. It works, on the other side is our old house and some family members are there, looking much younger or back from the dead. My dad, my maternal grandparents, my auntie and great-grandmother with full black hair. They recognize my mom but not me. I wonder if she would like to stay here.
    3. 42 ld

      by , 08-05-2020 at 07:00 AM
      42 ОС (9) от 27 января 2012.
      Перепись населения

      Сначала я был дома и убегал от какого то существа - смеси рыжей собачки с чем то. Я выбежал на балкон, перелез через бельевые верёвки и встал на воздухе. Сделав несколько шагов, решил прыгнуть вниз головой. Картинка сна заела. Заметил только, что с нижних этажей мне кто то махнул рукой.
      Далее с позиции наблюдателя я вижу как в незнакомом месте разговаривают мужчина и женщина. Они пытаются понять, кто создал того монстра, от которого я убегал. В конце концов женщина решает что:"Надо посетить место Жёлтая…….", имея ввиду мой дом.
      Следующий кадр, я уже с этой женщиной нахожусь в своём СП, только в другой его части, подальше от дома. Мы с ней шагаем по воздуху. Наблюдая за тем, что внизу, думаю про себя, что полное совпадение с реалом. Тут до меня и доходит - я во сне. Замечаю возле магазинчика стоит куча спрайтов. Я разворачиваюсь, спускаюсь по воздуху вниз и направляюсь в их сторону. Подхожу к спрайтам и говорю: "Здравствуйте, я устраиваю перепись населения, скажите свое ФИО возраст и где живёте" Как только я сказал, понял, что не слышу своего голоса, точнее слышу, но скорее не говорю фразу а думаю ей. Решил повторить погромче. Спрайты молчат, не отвечают. Только одна женщина покачала головой, мол нет не скажем. Далее толпа спрайтов отходит от магазина и двигается плотным потоком. Я к каждому в этом потоке пытаюсь обратится, но они тупо проходят мимо. Заметил бомжеватого мужика, говорю ему здравствуйте скажите ФИО и где вы живёте. Он так же проходит мимо. Позади я слышу, что бомжеватый мужик повернулся и что то сказал, но что именно не понять. Переспрашиваю не отвечает. Оставил его в покое, решаюсь наконец схватить какого-нибудь спрайта и задать этот вопрос в лоб. Хватаю первого попавшегося мужчину, задаю вопрос. Тот ничего не отвечает, просто отмахивается от меня, и идёт дальше. Взгляд у него был какой то стеклянный. Я отхожу от толпы говорю - Куклы! И просыпаюсь.

      1. В неосознанной части сна столкнулся с агрессивным животным чем-то смахивающим на рыжую мелкую собаку.
      2. Попадал в позицию наблюдателя. Наблюдал за своим сновиденным телом со стороны.
      3. Парочка продвинутых персонажей, которые обсуждали тайный замысел. Аля неорганы.
      4. Шагал по воздуху.
      5. Перепись населения не состоялась. Никто мне не ответил. Еще странно, что много было бомжей.
      6. Проблемы с голосом. Трудно говорить вслух. Кажется, что звучат мои собственные мысли, а я не произношу ни слова.
      7. Стеклянный взгляд у персонажей.

      42 LD (9) dated January 27, 2012.
      Population census

      At first I was at home and ran away from some kind of creature - a mixture of a ginger dog with something. I ran out onto the balcony, climbed over the clothesline and stood in the air. After taking a few steps, I decided to jump upside down. The dream picture stuck. I only noticed that from the lower floors someone gave me a wave.
      Further, from the position of an observer, I see a man and a woman talking in an unfamiliar place. They are trying to figure out who created the monster I was running from. In the end, the woman decides that: “We should visit the place of Yellow …….”, Referring to my house.
      The next shot, I am already with this woman in my joint venture, only in another part of it, away from home. We walk with her through the air. Observing what is below, I think to myself that it is a complete coincidence with real life. Then it dawns on me - I'm in a dream. I notice there are a bunch of sprites near the shop. I turn around, descend through the air and head towards them. I go up to the sprites and say: "Hello, I'm organizing a population census, tell me your name, age and where you live." I decided to repeat it louder. The sprites are silent, do not respond. Only one woman shook her head, saying no, we will not say. Further, the crowd of sprites moves away from the store and moves in a dense stream. I try to address everyone in this stream, but they stupidly pass by. I noticed a homeless man, I say hello to him, tell him your full name and where you live. He also passes by. Behind me I hear that the homeless man turned and said something, but what exactly is not clear. I ask again does not answer. I left him alone, I finally decide to grab some sprite and ask this question head-on. I grab the first man I come across and ask a question. He doesn't answer, he just brushes me off, and moves on. His eyes were somehow glassy. I move away from the crowd and say - Dolls! And I wake up.

      1. In an unconscious part of the dream, I encountered an aggressive animal that looked like a small red dog.
      2. Hit the observer position. I watched my dreaming body from the side.
      3. A couple of advanced characters who discussed a secret plan. Ala non-organs.
      4. Walked through the air.
      5. The population census did not take place. Nobody answered me. It is also strange that there were many homeless people.
      6. Problems with voice. It is difficult to speak out loud. It seems that my own thoughts are sounding, but I do not utter a word.
      7. Characters have a glass look.
    4. cxxxi. Lucidity! And self-indulgence

      by , 08-04-2020 at 01:07 PM
      4th August 2020 ~11:30


      Near the end of a stupidly long non-lucid part; I was falling through a pipe, I was with a squad to take something out in a facility. But then as I was falling, everything seemed still.

      I was in a void of sorts and time seemed to pass slower, the others were still here with me. It felt like being in water, and there was a similar visual effect. The squad leader, turned to me and said "you must pick the right one this time!" and I suddenly saw a vision of who to pick.

      Then I was in a room. There were three guardians and some other characters. I picked the one from my vision. It was true that it was the start of a cycle that I was now breaking, at the start of this long non-lucid part I was in a very similar situation.

      But this time I had picked "correctly". As a result, my consciousness shifted, I was now the guardian I'd picked. I noticed my hands, I had three fingers and one thumb. I became lucid but it came slowly, not like in the past.

      There was no "aha!" moment or sudden shift. I realised I was in a version of my mom's first office room. The characters were gone, I think; and to confirm my lucidity further I grabbed a metal shelving unit in the room and threw it through a wall, fully expecting it to go through as if it were a ghost, and it did!

      I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, since I hadn't fully expect to be lucid. I decided to indulge in one of my fantasies and decided to become a giant anthropomorphic lizard. It sort of worked... I saw myself in third person, wearing a labcoat (my artificial dream sign) as an anthro lizard. But I wanted to be myself in first person, I get tired of seeing things in third person in dreams and so I willed it and then was myself as the lizard. I looked down and saw the city-sprawl below me. I had reptilian-like feet with claws and I could see I had an emerald green skin but it was not as dark as I wanted. I tried to give myself different sexual features but it didn't work either.

      I was happy enough the transformation worked in the basic sense in any case and started to have some fun by putting myself against the ground and sort of rubbing along it for lack of better words. I paused and checked my hands again, just having a good look at them. They were hardly as scaly as I'd expected and this felt disappointing but I carried on. I remember noticing the atmosphere effect but oddly enough when I was standing I didn't notice the curvature effect of the planet. I was big enough that I should have been able to notice it.

      While the terrain did get sort of crunched/destroyed/etc by whatever I did, I wasn't able to see the cities in any great amount of detail and could not notice any mountains either. I was too big I suppose. I could feel my tail at several points but overall the feel of my body was mostly whole/complete.

      Spoiler for Self-indulged arousal:

      After this self-indulging, I realised the city/landscape I'd been having fun on and with was really just a square section in a rather large room. At the edges, the atmosphere effect sort of cut off, it was interesting.

      I was standing up and looked around the room for the first time; lots of metal pipes and dark metal things, like grates and slits where some natural light came through from. It had an extremely industrial look. As I looked around I still felt that I was very big, but the room's scale made me feel smaller in a sense, despite how much room I took.

      My lucidity was fading a little and I'd become a bit bored, I didn't expect to end my fantasy so soon but this was obviously the result of not pre-planning any of this. I saw a character less than half my size, by a sewer-tunnel looking bit. I approached, I asked him "Who are you?", quite curious about this metal-flesh sort of monster, the look only describable as being drawn from many such archetypes.

      He gave me a reply veiled in mystery, that I cannot recall anymore, but he did not answer my question in its most basic form and I didn't think of asking again. I got bored of him and decided he was quoting from something, but I forget what he was saying, unfortunately.

      I looked around again. This felt so different from my previous lucid experiences. I was calm, and it didn't take much effort to be calm; the dream was far less vivid and detailed than other lucids and indeed even less than some non-lucids, but I appreciated this moment. I enjoyed not feeling my daily pain.

      Then, out of nowhere, I heard a deep echoing voice. It told me "You must kill your brother, remember?". Some less conscious part of me, replied automatically "I know, I know! But not now." Before I could add anything of my own will, the voice spoke again to the effect of "Very well, he shall be kept alive for now." The voice faded completely and I simply finished by again automatically saying "Good."

      I didn't appreciate this family-related intrusion into my lucidity but realised it was from a deeper part and so didn't really wish to alter it.

      My lucidity may have been fading again but I decided to simply explore these strange halls, carelessly stepping over that square world I'd been playing with earlier and heading for a doorway on the opposite corner from where I was. There were many artificial warm light accents around the metal halls. I eventually found myself on a gantry bit and there were random people both there and on a lower tier. I played around with some telekinesis on some red and blue barrels, trying to lob them but doing so poorly at first. I started to gain a more intuitive understanding as I did it but it did not feel as "mentally driven" as I'd expected, having to move my hands a fair bit.

      My form had been consistent through my lucidity, I still had reptilian traits and my hands were clawed now, I recall. A random human character next to me looked up to me and said "Don't throw them with your arms like a real barrel." Or something like that. I understood from this to use hand motions more. I tried lifting a barrel and pulling it toward me, having done so too much and then pushing it forward a little more with some related hand motions.

      I tried to hit a person in the lower tier with the barrel but it didn't quite work or something. Then I went down some stairs. I was in a mall area and my lucidity was fading but not gone. A dream character was upset with me, he was some manager for the mall. "You're ruining everything with your lucidity!" He said, or something.

      He was extremely upset that I was doing whatever I pleased. There was a woman nearby I'd somehow gotten fired or something (but she was all the more happy about it) and the man became angry and he wanted to have a serious go at me now.
      But I somehow just turned it against him, kind of willing some help from the woman and she automatically started defending me, distracting the manager man. I was no longer lucid at this point and had been letting myself go along with the dream too much. Eventually I just woke up.


      Spoiler for Notes (in spoiler due to their length):

      Updated 08-04-2020 at 05:12 PM by 95293

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    5. 41 ld

      by , 08-04-2020 at 07:35 AM
      41 ОС (8) от 21 января 2012
      Трёхмерная тень

      Я у себя на даче пытаюсь убежать от собаки. Бегу через свой и чужие огороды, перепрыгиваю через заборы. Наконец-то выбежал на дорогу и тут приходит осознание.
      Посмотрел на руки на них были одеты какие то чёрные перчатки. Потом стал думать чтобы поделать, и резко вспомнил про эксперимент. Так же не переставая бежать обернулся вокруг себя повторяя: "Хочу попасть к Винному коту". Но никуда так и не переместился. Зато местность вокруг перестала походить на реал. Выбежал на какое то поле, скорее даже газон с короткостриженной зелёной травой. Увидел впереди идущею фигуру. Решил подбежать к ней спросить про Винного кота. Когда подбежал, оказалось, что эта фигура трёхмерная тень. С такими только один раз сталкивался. От удивления проснулся.
      PS: Ещё забыл написать на траве был какой то знак, и чуть вдалеке виднелось строение похожее на развалины замка. Возникала мысль, что я перенёсся в Англию.

      1. Осознался во время бега.
      2. Встретил персонаж - объёмную тень.
      3. Попытка переместиться не удалась.
      4. С одной местности выбежал в другую.

      41 LD ( 8 ) dated January 21, 2012
      3D shadow

      At my dacha (garden), I'm trying to escape from the dog. I run through my own and others' gardens, jump over fences. Finally, I ran out onto the road and then awareness comes.
      I looked at their hands, they were wearing some kind of black gloves. Then i began to think about what to do, and suddenly remembered about the experiment. Also, without ceasing to run, i turned around himself repeating: "I want to get to the Wine Cat." But I never moved anywhere. But the area around has ceased to resemble real. I ran out onto some field, more likely even a lawn with short-cut green grass. I saw a walking figure ahead. I decided to run up to her to ask about Wine Cat. When I ran up, it turned out that this figure is a three-dimensional shadow. I have come across such only once. I woke up in surprise.
      PS: I also forgot to write on the grass there was some kind of sign, and a little in the distance I could see a structure similar to the ruins of a castle. The thought arose that I was transported to England.

      1. Realized while running.
      2. Met a character - a volumetric shadow.
      3. The attempt to move has failed.
      4. From one area I ran out to another.
    6. 40 ld

      by , 08-04-2020 at 06:03 AM
      40 ОС (7). Звук, как в пустой комнате.
      17 января 2012

      Сначала в моём ЛСП я со знакомыми сажусь на поезд и еду в свой район. Ехал не так как в реале через ГЭС, а через острова. После того как ж/д пересекла автомобильную дорогу, которая есть в реале(ж/д в реале нету), местность стала кардинально меняться. Я больше был не в своём ЛСП. Кругом появились небольшие деревянные домики, маленькие улочки, и никакого народа кругом. Постепенно до меня стало доходить, что поезд на котором я еду, на поезд то в общем не похож. Никакого вагона и в помине нет, нахожусь неизвестно на чём, вижу тех кто едет со мной рядом, и изменение местности вокруг при движении так называемого поезда. Об этом я и сообщил своим попутчикам со словами: "Неужели кроме меня этого никто не видит". Я слез с поезда, и он исчез вместе с попутчиками. Никакой ж/д не было то же. Я стоял на небольшой улочке рядом с деревянным забором. С другой стороны дороги виднелся одноэтажный деревянный дом. Кругом не души и тихо. Вспомнил про эксперимент redwinecatа, но решил сначала закрепится и взглянуть на небо (эксперимент смотрителя). Стал ощупывать забор - тактильные ощущения не очень, но закрепиться на некоторое время удалось. Стал смотреть на небо. Небо было синие, на нём виднелись пористые облака. Никакой надписи не обнаружил (хотя в одном облаке при желании можно было увидеть букву К, как бы уже распадавшуюся). Стал искать солнце, нашёл примерно на западе. Потом решил посмотреть по сторонам. Кроме забора с той и другой стороны, и какой то долины за ними, ничего толком не увидел. На одном заборе было объявление 1-надпись расплывчата. Читать не стал, подумал что мне надпись нужна на небе. Взглянул на небо и крикнул: "Эй! Надпись появляйся!" Звук был такой, как в пустой комнате. На этом я проснулся.

      1. В то время участвовал в эксперименте с загаданной надписью на небе. В данном ОСе надпись не увидел.
      2. Осознался благодаря признакам сна - странный поезд и изменение местности.

      40 LD (7). Sound like an empty room.
      17 January 2012

      First, in a familiar area, I and my acquaintances take a train and go to my area. I went not as in real life through the hydroelectric power station, but through the islands. After the railway crossed the road, which is in real life (there is no railway in real life), the terrain began to change dramatically. I was no longer in a familiar area. Small wooden houses, small streets appeared all around, and no people around. Gradually, it began to dawn on me that the train on which I was traveling did not look like a train in general. There is no carriage at all, I am on what I do not know, I see those who are riding next to me, and the terrain changes around when the so-called train moves. This is what I told my fellow travelers with the words: "Is it possible that no one except me sees this?" I got off the train, and he disappeared along with his fellow travelers. No railroad was the same.
      I was standing in a small street next to a wooden fence. On the other side of the road was a one-story wooden house. There are no souls around and it is quiet. I remembered about the redwinecat experiment, but decided to first fix myself and look at the sky (the caretaker's experiment).
      I began to feel the fence - the tactile sensations were not very good, but I managed to gain a foothold for a while.
      I began to look at the sky. The sky was blue with porous clouds. I did not find any inscription (although in one cloud, if desired, one could see the letter K, as if already decaying).
      I began to look for the sun, found it approximately in the west.
      Then I decided to look around. Except for the fence on both sides, and some valley behind them, I didn't really see anything.
      On one fence there was an ad 1 - the inscription is vague. I didn't read, I thought that I needed an inscription in the sky. I looked at the sky and shouted: "Hey! The inscription appears!" The sound was the same as in an empty room. On this I woke up.

      1. At that time participated in an experiment with a hidden inscription in the sky. In this OS, I did not see the inscription.
      2. Recognized thanks to the signs of dream - a strange train and a change in terrain.
    7. Weird lucid

      by , 08-03-2020 at 02:03 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I slept in our summer place this night

      I'm outside our summer place and are about to walk up the stairs. I know it's a dream but I know that I'm trapped in the dream narrative. I have to do something to become full lucid. I think to myself that it's only a dream and that I can control it. I'm now full lucid. I walk up the stairs into the room I fell asleep before I slept this night (The Blue Room). No one is there and I open the window in order to fly away. I Fly but the sensations I get is not satifying. It's like I'm in a shell that is moving. I force the dream to make it more real. I start to exhort the dream to make me feel the wind in my face. I feel the wind but it's obviously fake. My vision is getting smaller as the dream fades.

      I'm in the blue room where I fell asleep this night. I look to my side and see two small sparrows. I look away for a second and look back but now there are four rats instead. I go away from the bed and wonder how my vision could make me think that the rats were actually sparrows. There are a cat under the bed and I try to pet it. It's playful and it goes on it's back so I can pet it's stomach. I walk down the stairs and realize it's a dream. I look down on my hands and the left hand is normal but my right hand has turned into grass just like the background where I look on the right hand. I look to the sea but it's just black. I try to see something and there comes a really big boat by the waters. I fly to it but suddenly see a flying boat. I go to it and there are Pia, Sebastian and Felicia. In the dream I didn't think that it was weird that the boat was flying.

      I had a non lucid dream about telekinesis tonight. I remember it being interesting and I'm sad that I don't remember that much about it.
      Tags: animals, flying
      lucid , dream fragment
    8. My LD journey

      , 08-01-2020 at 10:25 PM
      Let's start from the beginning, I was born in Jan 7, 1999 and I had nightmares and bad dreams when I was really young. Floods and monsters were reoccurring themes. I remember some sleep paralysis that was pretty bad. I was bullied a bit in school in China and that was reflected by the lower dream quality, I think the handful of good dreams were as low as my six star rate overall.

      When I moved to US near 2011~2012, I had Fish and Superheroes, my first truly potentially good dream, then I had My Heroine, my first 4/5 dream which I originally rated as 5/5. My first recorded lucid dream seems to be Defeated sister, but the date looks really wrong and I probably randomly assigned it. The true first LD is likely "Too easy, let's go back".

      After Nice Meal With Sister, (2013) my best non-lucid dream, I had a year gap with nothing significant, except Table Turn, the first time I had turned around a nightmare, which was from lucidity. The "Great Adventures" hinted at the pattern of awesome dreams that would soon come next.

      Within half a year after I watched Sixth Sense, I had a series of excellently unpredictable dreams. The real catalyst was SERENDIPITY, which was so incredible that it took three years to have another dream better than it (not including Enigma and OZ). I attempted WBTB sessions, MILD, dream journaling, etc. resulting in an overall 20% LD rate in that time. After only four months I had OZ&SHIOM, my best dream ever, which has not been beaten for 5 years, as a result of wanting to defeat SERENDIPITY.

      After 2015 I was satisfied for the most part and mostly only LD'd a little. Nothing that impressive happened until mid-2016's with the best flying dream ever, SOAR. Within three months I was off to another small streak with DEJA VU, RISING AGAINST, X-Rated, and at a stretch SPORTSFECTION (induced on purpose). I like to nickname this the "silver age". [visualization: https://prnt.sc/tsfs9s]

      2017 however was not a great year, I got split up with my crush Abby and I had no awesome dreams for three months in a row. I was therefore extremely goddamned lucky that I had ACTION! ROMANCE! my second favorite dream, in August. It was incredibly ground-breaking and even challenged Oz for its title. The rest of 2017 was relatively uneventful though.

      2018 was a weird year. It started off with my worst dream, and one of the best. I still wasn't over the split up, especially since A!R! didn't help, and so that explains why I had "Angry Abby". However, what makes this really unusual is that the very same night I somehow, somehow managed to have A Piano Battle of Fire and Ice. I have a bunch of weaker awesome dreams like IT COULD HAPPEN and THE CONCERT, before one night I watched a comic-based music video and had "Badass Soul Mate", that let me regain a bit of my sense of self (along with 50% lucidity rate across two months).

      Sadly, 2019 was/still is the worst year yet. I think the grades pressure got to me. It started off with a very promising True Path to Victory dream relating to my intuition, but nothing else matched it. After "Hidden Falls" I decided irl to go to a boot camp to reset the mindset. In boot camp I ironically still had two awesome dreams which were silly but nice -- dream quality actually went up which was cool.

      In 2020, my mind was refreshed, and I built up a mystery involving Virsieras, the dream architect. Then, I had ENIGMA, an incredibly unique dream revolving around finding Easter eggs in past dreams. I had been determined to have at least one awesome dream each month and I've been successful so far. The year is looking good. The dream titled "L" in particular deserves a mention due to its incredibly strong gimmick. Had it not been for Enigma, "L" would've taken the cake for this year.

      2021 was sadly not very eventful overall. The first half of the year I got busy with school, outside activities such as DND, internships, etc. however, I had played Genshin Impact extensively and influenced a non lucid dream rivaling the power of Nice Meal —AQUARIUS, an astounding display of flying red fish in space. With the dwindling of dream recall, only Alter Ego and Ingenious Gauntlet kept the awesome dream streak going.

      Updated 07-26-2021 at 04:38 PM by 92249

      lucid , side notes
    9. 20/07/31 - ld 31

      by , 08-01-2020 at 06:46 PM
      Had a couple of dreams with some lucidity and one true lucid this night despite not using any techniques. My mind was pretty busy due to lots of things to consider, so that's probably the cause...

      In a non-lucid dream I was walking along a street with some family members. For some reason I can't remember we (or mostly the others) got into a heated and pointless argument. I got increasingly annoyed and saddened by their behavior but at the same time I also gained more and more lucidity. When I finally reached complete awareness the dream got as immersive and vivid as usual. The emotional aspect of the dream was still there, as unpleasantly intense as before. Now, I realized though that I could indeed change the whole situation. I was overcome by a feeling of almighty power - that I had complete control over every single detail in this moment. I spread my arms to both sides and produced a feeling of peace and love that permeated all of the dream world. It physically manifested as a strong wind that suddenly blew along the street up to the mountains in the distance. As soon as it swept over my family they immediately stopped the bickering and got perfectly calm.

      The wind continued to blow and almost made me take off into the air by itself. So, I just spread my arms further and let it lift me up. I admired the city and the surrounding landscape as I flew higher and felt the familiar rush of excitement. Then, I remembered my promise to taste the clouds for my niece, so I went even higher. Things got quite unstable now but I made it to the layer of clouds that is always present when I'm flying lucidly. I used my hands to shove a bit of the light gray mass around me into my mouth. This was easier said than done because the material was pretty elusive and not solid at all. Just in time before waking up I got it to work: the clouds tasted a little bit sweet and also like this artificial fog produced by a fog machine.
      lucid , side notes
    10. 7/30/2020 Yess more lucid dreams

      by , 07-30-2020 at 06:44 PM
      Last night I finally had two lucid dreams! I was following my normal routine according to my dream goals, and was starting to feel a little disappointed since I have been trying hard to have a lucid dream for 8 days now with no success. Every time I manage a DEILD I feel so much hope like I will be able to WILD now. Actually experiencing a transition helps me to know that it's possible!

      End of a long non lucid dream I don't care about remembering, but at the end of it I was trapped in a parking garage with a large grizzly momma bear. At first I saw a bear in the distance, and I was hoping it wouldn't notice me, then I look down at my feat and see a baby bear that looks friendly. But I know that momma bears are very aggressive about protecting their babies and a lot of attacks happen around these type of misunderstandings. Anyway I look back towards the mom and of course she has noticed me and thinks I have taken her baby and starts charging me. I was terrified, I have a dream phobia about being attacked by bears, and I remembered that being attacked by a bear is one of my dream signs and BOOM

      Right when I realize that being attacked by a bear is a dream sign I become low level lucid and a totally new dream forms around me with a pop. I am in an apartment complex like I lived in as a kid and am standing around the community pool. I do the usual lucid things noticing how beautiful it looks and all that then I remembered that I wanted to try to practice having waking life self-awareness and memory as well as try to emotionally experience a true non-dual perspective in a lucid dream. I was able to practice my self awareness and memory check like I do in waking life, and I felt like at the time I strongly knew it was a dream, and had some waking life self awareness. When I thought "this is all me, this dream all comes from me" I had like a brief flash of vividness, like everything in the dream pulsed with a color change briefly then went back to normal.

      Then as I was looking around I realized that there are no dream characters here, and I am all alone. I have a dream goal to talk to a "real" person in my dreams, and maybe meet a dream guide or find someone who wants to go on an adventure with me. So I start trying to call out "is there anyone who can answer my questions?" "Is there anyone who will talk to me?" and after asking two or three times I hear someone say "sure well talk with you" behind me and I spin around and the two girls from my last lucid dream are walking towards me! This is exciting for me because this is the first recurring lucid dream characters I have ever had! They are the same height, maybe 5'10, and I again have the impression that they are sisters. One of them has blond hair, pulled up in a pony tail, and is the one who does all the talking in this dream. The other sister has silky black hair, and always stands in my peripheral vision so I don't ever get a real good look at her.

      I am very excited that they are here so I hurry over to them feeling like rushed like I have a million questions to ask and I can already feel myself starting to wake up a little, I know its going to last a couple more minutes at best like my other DILDS because I catch lucidity as I am waking up.

      I ask the blond sister "How can I get lucid more often" and she smiles indulgently at me as this is the third time I have asked her this question. In my last lucid I asked her this question I remember feeling like her answer was revolutionary and brilliant while listening to it, but couldn't remember one word of what she said when I woke up, so I really paid attention this time. She said "The most important thing is to develop/have a lucid mindset... and more words I didn't understand she is continuing to speak but its over my head". Because I was really paying attention I can tell that I am not really understanding what she is saying anymore, so I interrupt her and ask "wait, what exactly does it mean to have a lucid mindset? What SHOULD I be focusing on? What emotions should I be feeling? HOW?"

      At this point the dream is starting to fade. She looks a at me a little exasperated that I interupted her, and then she looks over my shoulder and stops speaking and just kind of smiles at me in a kind way. This is something I am noticing that when my dreams are ending whoever I'm talking to looks over my shoulder and its like they see something that confirms to them I'm about to wake up, they usually just stop talking and give me that friendly maybe see you later smile. Then the dream ends

      I remember that I can try and DEILD. I focus on laying still as I wake up. I have some fear about forgeting my first lucid dream if I try to DEILD and it fails and I wake up in a non lucid so I briefly remember the previous dream as I focus on not moving.

      When I wake up, get back to my body, I still feel very sleepy and I feel like a DEILD will be successful, I feel like the dream is just below my bed and if I relax strongly enough I will just sink into it. So I just totally let go of my body, like totally limp bone, like if I was standing I would just turn into a puddle on the ground, and I get a strong falling feeling like I am sinking through my bed. I feel like I am falling into the dream beneath my bed, like it is a giant bubble, the surface of the bubble is a brilliant white light and as I sink through it it feels very peaceful and I totally cannot real my waking life body AT ALL at this point. I sink through the white light and BOOM

      I am back in the apartment complex of the last dream again. I think holy crap I did it, that was totally a WILD transition and I made it into a dream! I am in the office next to the pool area. I look out the window and see the two sisters are still here sitting in reclining pool chairs relaxing under an umbrella. I run out to them and they are excited to see me. I go up to the blond one who was talking before and she sits up in the chair goes cross legged and turns to face me ready to answer questions, I thought she looked very cute sitting like that and was happy that she was excited to see me, and willing to answer questions.

      I am lucid still at this point, but less strongly so. I forgot to do any stabilizing in this dream and didn't bring my waking awareness or memory with me as strongly as I thought. I didn't think to do any checking since I knew it was a WILD transition, but next time I'll know that even then my awareness needs a recharging in the dream. I know I wasn't as strongly lucid because this next conversation bit is fuzzier in my memory.

      I ask her "do you believe there are things in dreams that do not come from me" I don't remember her exact answer but I remember she looked like it was a subject that she didn't really want to talk about but she did say yes.

      At this point the dream was ending and I could feel myself waking up. I got close to her and I knew that I really wanted to remember her words this time, so I told her "crap I'm waking up, can you do a review in like five seconds please!"

      She nodded and said "first develop a lucid mindset, then well find out what your name means" I interrupt at this point and say "huh we didn't do that" she continues "then well do a tarot card reading" I interrupt again and say "we didn't do that either!" Then for the first time the other sister speaks, she is standing at my left shoulder "you are confusing him" I look toward her to see her face but before I do I notice she is pointing with her finger, and it felt like she was controlling my focus with her finger because I started to look where she was pointing, and it was like I could notice something that I couldn't before because she was helping me to focus. And I noticed that the first sister had a beanie on and across her forehead stitched on the beanie it said "Tarra" and the second sister said "see thats her name" and so I asked Tarra what her sisters name was and she said "she's Skippy" like the board game risk.
      No idea what that means.

      Updated 07-30-2020 at 08:19 PM by 61830

      lucid , memorable
    11. 39 ld

      by , 07-29-2020 at 04:17 AM
      39 ОС (6). Истинное имя кирпича
      16 января 2012

      Я спускался на улицу в своём подъезде. Нельзя было, чтобы соседи на втором этаже меня
      услышали. Поэтому я стал лететь над полом (предпочитаю название левитировать, так как полноценным полётом это не назовёшь, просто подгибаешь ноги и летишь (левитируешь). Вверх подняться невозможно, только невысоко над землёй.
      Таким образом я преодолел ступеньки возле соседской двери, подобрал что-то со ступенек,
      и вылетел на улицу. Вещь которую подобрал выкинул,. Продолжил передвигаться так же.
      Вспомнил про тему Смотрителя "Надпись на небе". Взглянул на небо - никаких надписей
      нет, одни облака. Пролетел таким образом соседний двор, и залетел на следующий. Тут меня окликнула девушка лет 16-18 наверное. Спросила как меня зовут. Я ей ответил какое-то другое имя (не запомнил его).Тогда она говорит, что зря я имя сказал, во сне свои имена говорить не надо, иначе над тобой власть могут получить. Я ей отвечаю, ну тогда меня зовут (говорю настоящее и в тот же самый момент наблюдаю за ней как она прореагирует. Никак не отреагировала), нет передумал меня зовут Виктор. Она говорит, что её зовут то ли Оля то ли Лена - опять точно не запомнил. И что она знает способ, чтобы кто либо другой сказал своё имя. Я ей отвечаю, что то уже знаю такой способ. Подхожу к стене общежития, мимо которого мы шли, направляю палец на серый кирпич и говорю:"Скажи мне истинное имя". Кирпич ничего не ответил Smile. Зато девушка удивилась, что я знаю этот способ.
      Далее меня перенесло в другое место этого же сновиденного пузыря(ЛСП смахивающее на реал). Иду по тротуару мимо домов, и замечаю, что на мне одеты только трусы. За мной как назло увязались спрайты. Я захожу на двор, и залазаю на какой то "пятачёк" - бетонный выступ. С него начинаю говорить: "Люди подходите сюда, хотя вы и не люди, а спрайты всего лишь. Сейчас я буду создавать себе одежду". Спрайтов во двор понабежало много. Заметил, что большинство спрайтов пожилого возраста, среди них были мужчины и женщины, но ни одного ребёнка. Я же сосредоточился и постарался, чтобы на мне появились шорты и серая футболка. С шортами проблем не возникло, а вот вместо серой футболки появилась футболка из реала. Попробовал ещё раз - получилось. Никаких ощущений во время создания одежды я не испытывал. Тут вспомнил про эксперимент Винного кота с попыткой выйти за пределы СП. Но подумал, что на этом пяточке мало места, чтобы я мог заскользить назад. Пятачок упирался в стену. В этот момент, пока я стоял и думал, какой то спрайт дедуля(причём лысый дедуля) решил залезть ко мне и схватил меня за одну часть тела, потом отпустил и полез вниз. Я поначалу опешил от такой наглости, решил избавиться от этого дедули - впитать его в себя. Опустил ему руку на макушку и впитал. Подумал может мне и стоящих внизу спрайтов впитать, да они вроде ничего мне плохого не сделали. На этом сон закончился.

      1. Использовал левитацию.
      2. В реале читал что свое имя нечисти называть нельзя, вот во сне и сработало.
      3. Трюк "скажи истинное имя" на кирпиче явно не сработает.
      4. Из одежды на мне были только плавки.
      5. Удалось создать себе одежду.
      6. Удалось впитать дедулю. Видимо это был дедушка Фрейд - уж явно неадекватное поведение.
      7. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе - 7 минут.

      39 LD (6). The true name of the brick
      January 16, 2012

      I went down to the street at my entrance. It was impossible for the neighbors on the second floor of me
      heard. Therefore, I began to fly over the floor (I prefer the name to levitate, since you cannot call it a full-fledged flight, you just bend your legs and fly (you levitate). It is impossible to go up, only not high above the ground.
      So I climbed the steps near the neighbor's door, picked up something from the steps, and flew out into the street.
      The thing that I picked up I threw away. I continued to move the same way.
      I remembered about the Overseer's theme "Inscription in the Sky". I looked at the sky - there are no inscriptions, only clouds. Thus flew the neighboring yard, and flew into the next. Then a girl of 16-18 years old probably called me.
      She asked me my name. I answered her with some other name (I did not remember it). Then she says that I should not have said my name, in a dream you don’t need to say your names, otherwise they can get power over you.
      I answer her, well then my name is (I say the present and at the same moment I watch her how she will react. She did not react in any way), no, I changed my mind, my name is Victor.
      She says that her name is either Olya or Lena - again I don't remember exactly. And that she knows a way for someone else to say her name. I tell her that I already know this method.
      I walk up to the wall of the dorm we were walking past, point my finger at the gray brick and say, "Tell me the real name." Brick didn't answer anything. But the girl was surprised that I knew this method.
      Then I was transported to another place of the same dream bubble (PDS - Personal dream space (bybble) looks like a real).
      I walk along the sidewalk past the houses, and I notice that I am wearing only my underpants. As luck would have it, sprites followed me. I go into the yard, and climb on some kind of "patch" - a concrete ledge. From him I begin to say: "People come here, although you are not people, you are just sprites. Now I will create clothes for myself." A lot of sprites ran into the yard. I noticed that most of the sprites are elderly, among them there were men and women, but not a single child.
      I focused and tried to get shorts and a gray T-shirt on. There were no problems with shorts, but instead of a gray T-shirt, a T-shirt from real life appeared. I tried again - it worked. I did not experience any sensations while creating clothes. Then I remembered about the Wine Cat experiment with an attempt to go beyond the joint venture. But I thought that there was not enough space on this heel so that I could slide back. Piglet rested against the wall. At that moment, while I was standing and thinking, some kind of sprite old man (moreover, a bald old man) decided to climb up to me and grabbed me by one part of the body, then let go and climbed down. At first I was taken aback by such impudence, decided to get rid of this grandpa - to absorb him into myself. He put his hand on the top of his head and absorbed it. I thought maybe I could absorb the sprites standing below, but they didn't seem to do anything bad to me. The dream ended there.

      1. Used levitation.
      2. In real life, I read that you cannot call your name of evil spirits, so in a dream it worked.
      3. The "tell the real name" trick on a brick will obviously not work.
      4. I was wearing only swimming trunks.
      5. I managed to create clothes for myself.
      6. Managed to absorb the old man. Apparently it was old Freud - obviously inappropriate behavior.
      7. Approximate time spent in the LD - 7 minutes.
    12. 20/07/24 - ld 30

      by , 07-28-2020 at 01:44 PM
      No techniques used, completely random lucid after ~6 hours of sleep.

      Had a long non-lucid dream about wandering around town while being late for work. In the end I ended up on a beach and because I felt extremely tired I laid down on the sand. Immediately, I felt a sinking sensation which I associated with WILD so I got somewhat aware already. I relaxed completely and 'awoke' in my bed the next moment. Being pretty sure of having a false awakening I got up and looked around. My surroundings were more vivid than ever; for further testing I precisely inspected some furniture nearby. I couldn't believe how real everthing felt and looked and RCed to confirm my dream state.

      Walking over to the window I now saw differences to reality. There was a large window facade and I looked down into a sort of foyer with another wall consisting of glass. Down there was a DC with a bike trying to leave the building through the glass wall but couldn't get through. Thinking to myself that I'll succeed where he failed I passed through the windows (though they seemed solid at first) and slowly floated down. I tried to remember what I had planned to do next in a lucid dream but my memory was largely inaccessible. Only some tasks of the year came to my mind, so I proceeded to fly away from here. Outside I somehow found myself in my parents' garden - but a version from more than ten years ago. Suddenly, flying felt physically exhausting (what kind of nonsense in a dream...) and I woke up.
    13. Another One That Concluded at the Moment of Awareness (LD)

      by , 07-27-2020 at 09:17 PM
      I stood in front of a complex that overlooked a public garden. This facility had long awning windows; its reflections surprised me because they were so detailed and real. My view cut next to the interiors of the dorm rooms. There were a series of bunks tucked to the walls, a couple of drawers, and a cabinet. We formed a group of four, and every morning we would wake up to write our dreams from the night. When we finished, my awareness would jump back and wake again, repeating the same process over and over. Two people patrolled around the area, so we couldn't leave the room. They were also against recording our dreams; we were vigilant of their whereabouts all the time and hid our dream journals below the mattress. Once I borrowed a book from one of my friends and pretended to be reading while writing on one of its pages.

      We were stuck in a loop until one morning, something different happened. Awake in my bunk as always, I wanted out from this building. The door to the dormitories was locked though, and as if in a video game, I could see a set of instructions plastered on the top left of my perspective. Grab the keys from Liz, it read. I found them when I searched inside the drawers around her bunk, then proceeded next (per the directions on the screen) to open the cabinet. But then, I was hit with a sudden suspicion.

      This looks familiar, I thought.

      A short squeeze grabbed hold on my left side. I gathered my thoughts more clearly, Where is my real body?. And I answered, My real body is lying in bed... sleeping right now. This, this is a dream.

      Now I was lucid, but the dream collapsed in the moment of awareness. Again, I saw nothing.

      The transition, I thought.

      I shouted clarity, clarity please! into the void a few times, but nothing seemed to happen. I tried stating an affirmation next, that the dream would fall into place, reappear in front of my eyes, nothing still. I waited, and now focused on the uncomfortable sensation.

      If I pay attention to it, perhaps...

      The squeezing increased... I woke up.

      Updated 07-27-2020 at 09:42 PM by 92425

    14. 38 ld

      by , 07-27-2020 at 02:18 AM
      38 ОС (5) Redwinecat мне денег должен.
      15 января 2012

      В неосознанном сне мне один персонаж подсказал, как попасть в параллельный мир. Нужно было зайти в левый портал. Портал представлял собой турник, на территории школы. Нужно было пройти под ним. Все "ученики" шли в одну сторону портала. Я же пошёл с другой стороны. Вроде как одному из них это не понравилось, и он последовал за мной чтобы вернуть.
      На другой стороне портала, немного изменилось восприятия, больше на реал что ли стало смахивать не могу точнее описать(другое освещение, вокруг ни души, не считая того парня что направился за мной). Я побежал от него в сторону дома, но выбежал на другой двор. Побежал с того двора, но опять оказался у школы. Была мысль, что что-то хочет вернуть меня назад, в тот мир из которого я вышел. Я развернулся и снова направился в сторону дома. Ко мне в моменты этих перебежек уже пришло осознание, что наяву такого быть не может. Говорю себе: "Вот дом, я его вижу, иду по прямой, прямая самый короткий путь, никуда он от меня не денется" За время пока я шёл к дому, сон несколько раз терял свою стабильность, приходилось падать на землю и щупать всё подряд, один раз даже подобрал какую-то палку в зубы. До дома оставалось уже немного, и я решил побежать. Вроде как и бежишь, но дом ко мне не приближается. Когда я наконец то до него дошёл, вместо дома было уже кафе.

      Зашёл внутрь этого кафе. В двери вспомнил про эксперимент redwinicata. Захотел упасть на спину, но вспомнил, что я уже сёдня падал(В реале, я такого не помню ). Прошёл дальше в кафе. Стал звать redwinecat ты тут есть?! Большинство спрайтов посмотрели на меня, как на идиота, потом один прикола ради ответил, что мол да вон я тут. Я подошёл к нему и объяснил про форум. Тот с понимающим видом замолк. Далее я встретил знакомых и в результате разговора с ними немного потерял осознанность. Поговорив с одними, подошёл к другой знакомой. Она сидела одна за стойкой бара. Выглядела счастливой и с улыбкой на лице. Поздоровался с ней, поговорили о чём-то, потом предложил выпить, только при условии, что за мой счёт. Сказал ей, что она всё равно не на работе, можно и расслабиться малость. Она согласилась, но сказала, что мы пойдём за дальний столик. Спросил у ней поможет ли она найти redwinecatа. Ничего не ответила, но я понял, что не знает такого. Вообще воспринимал её как живого человека, который то же видит сон, просто воспринимает его по другому, не совсем так как я.

      Далее перед тем как пойти за дальний столик я ещё раз спросил. Знает ли кто redwinecatа?
      Ещё какой то спрайт вдали ответил что да я тут, и рядом раздались смешки. Тут я почему то стал говорить что redwinecat - это такой ник на форуме, он мне тыщи 3 денег должен, и мы договорились с ним встретиться в этом кафе, только как я понял он не пришёл. Ничего так и не добившись я пошёл со знакомой к дальнему столику. Тут у ней что то случилось с ногами - они исчезли. Я спросил её что с ними, потом вспомнил, что это сон и восстановил их мысленно. Знакомая вправду превратилась в куклу, но я на это никак не реагировал, продолжал идти как ни в чём не бывало. Мы вышли в какой то коридор, где не было ни одного спрайта. Я спросил её:" Ну где твой дальний столик?" Кукла мне явно ничего не могла ответить. С коридора веяло страхом. Я решил перебороть страх, и дойти до конца. На этом сон кончился.

      1. Турник во сне служил порталом.
      2. Странное ощущение с восприятием. Чувство некой инородности.
      3. Бежал вперед, но оказался в исходной точке. А потом вообще никак не сог добежать до нужного здания.
      4. Пространство искривилось. Вместо дома я вышел к незнакомому кафе. Ну и как это картографировать?!
      5. Применял технику ощупывания. Помогало подольше удержаться в ОСе.
      6.redwinicata я так и не нашел.
      7. Спрайты смотрят на тебя, как на идиота, когда говоришь с ниvи о форуме. Даже объяснение пришлось выдумывать, чтобы дураком не казаться. Бред. Видимо тут осознанность снизилась.
      8. У знакомой сначала исчезли ноги, а потом она превратилась в куклу. Тем не менее продолжал к ней относится, как к живому существу.
      9. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе - 9 минут.

      38 LD (5) Redwinecat owes me money.
      January 15, 2012

      In an unconscious dream, one character told me how to get into a parallel world. It was necessary to go to the left portal. The portal was a horizontal bar on the school grounds. It was necessary to pass under it. All "learners" walked to one side of the portal. I went from the other side. It seems like one of them didn't like it, and he followed me to return.
      On the other side of the portal, perception has changed a little, I can't describe it more accurately (other lighting, not a soul around, except for the guy who followed me).
      I ran away from him in the direction of the house, but ran out to another yard. I ran from that yard, but again ended up at the school.
      There was a thought that something wants to bring me back to the world from which I left.
      I turned around and headed towards the house again. In the moments of these rushes, I already realized that in reality this could not be.
      I say to myself: "Here is a house, I see it, I am walking in a straight line, the straight is the shortest way, it will not go anywhere from me." During the time I was walking to the house, the dream lost its stability several times, I had to fall to the ground and feel everything , once even picked up a stick in the teeth.
      It was already a little before home, and I decided to run. You seem to be running, but the house doesn't come close to me. When I finally got to it, there was a cafe instead of a house.

      I went inside this cafe. At the door, I remembered the experiment redwinicata. I wanted to fall on my back, but I remembered that I was already falling today (In real life, I don’t remember this ).
      I went on to the cafe. Began to call redwinecat are you there ?!
      Most of the sprites looked at me like I was an idiot, then one for fun answered that they say yes I'm over there. I went up to him and explained about the forum. He fell silent with an understanding look.
      Then I met acquaintances and as a result of talking with them I lost my awareness a little. After talking with some, I went to another acquaintanc.
      She sat alone at the bar. She looked happy and had a smile on her face. I greeted her, talked about something, then offered to drink, only on condition that at my expense. I told her that she was not at work anyway, and she could relax a little. She agreed, but said that we would go to the far table.
      I asked her if she would help find redwinecat. She didn't answer, but I realized that I didn't know that. In general, I perceived her as a living person who sees the same dream, just perceives it differently, not quite like me.

      Then, before going to the far table, I asked again. Does anyone know redwinecat?
      Some other sprite in the distance replied that I was here, and there were chuckles nearby.
      Then for some reason I began to say that redwinecat is such a nickname on the forum, he owes me 3 thousand money, and we agreed to meet with him in this cafe, only as I understood he did not come.
      Having achieved nothing, I went with a friend to the far table. Then something happened to her legs - they disappeared. I asked her what was wrong with them, then I remembered that it was a dream and restored them mentally.
      The acquaintance really turned into a doll, but I did not react to it in any way, I continued to walk as if nothing had happened.
      We went out into some corridor where there was not a single sprite. I asked her: "Well, where is your far table?" The doll clearly could not answer me. Fear wafted from the hallway. I decided to overcome my fear and go to the end. The dream ended there.

      1. The horizontal bar in a dream served as a portal.
      2. Strange sensation with perception. A feeling of some kind of foreignness.
      3. I ran forward, but ended up at the starting point. And then I couldn't even reach the desired building.
      4. The space is curved. Instead of home, I went to an unfamiliar cafe. How can you map this ?!
      5. Applied the technique of feeling. It helped to stay longer in the LD.
      6. I never found redwinicat.
      7. Sprites look at you like an idiot when talking to nivi about the forum. Even an explanation had to be invented so as not to seem like a fool. Rave. Apparently here the awareness has decreased.
      8. The acquaintance's legs first disappeared, and then she turned into a doll. Nevertheless, i continued to treat her as a living being.
      9. Approximate time spent in the LD - 9 minutes.
    15. Spinning head

      by , 07-26-2020 at 06:52 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Woke up 5 am and had a bad stomach. I went to bed 90 minutes later and had an accidental WILD. I'm aware but my vision goes darker and there are some shifting patterns. There is a face that is grey and pointy. It starts to spin around. I dreamt about eating snacks and I ate some of that snack the same day.
      Tags: wild
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