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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 6 DILDS in one morning (maybe some WILDS I don't know)

      by , 09-02-2020 at 09:59 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I had a normal night's sleep and dreamed some dreams. I woke up about 07.20 and thought about how I normally have lucids when I re-sleep in the morning. I thought that I can sleep how long I want because I have no school until afternoon. I re-slept and had a lucid, woke up and repeated this until I couldn't sleep anymore. I didn't write these in my tag book because I wanted to immediately re-sleep. Each lucid was maybe five minutes each. I forgot to stabilize all of them and think that made them so short and many of them were not realistic.

      I am by my home and want to fly to Hemköp. I do so and it goes pretty slowly. I see Hemköp but it isn't Hemköp anymore. It's a maid-shop were all these maids fixed different things.

      I woke up and re-entered the same dream from the start.

      I am by my home again and decides to go to Hemköp again. I fly there but this time I'm able to fly much faster and I do. I walk into the shop and talk with some maids.

      I'm by the woods and the dream doesn't feel real at all (I realize now that I needed to stabilize it). I fly but hear no sounds. I think it's weird so I talk out loud and hear my voice. After a time of flying I hear some birds and I'm relieved that there are sounds in this dream. I land and try to summon a fire in my hand but it fails. I think there is a fire but I can't see it because of the bright light from the sun.

      I'm in a house and see a boy about my age. I ask for his name and he replies that he is Julius. I see a small girl that is about 9 years old and ask her for her name.

      I'm in a classroom and my swedish teacher is there teaching but she doesn't look like the real swedish teacher. This one is older and bigger.

      I'm in a house with a girl and we talk.

      Well this was an experience. I wonder if I could have made all of these small dreams into maybe two big dreams with practice. That would be much better. I'm not sure if these were WILD dreams but some of them were I think. I think there were some more dreams but I can't remember them. Here is the dream I dreamed before I woke up 07.20.

      I'm downstairs and see a broken sandwich by the counter. I think it's a dream so I do my RC but it fails.

      Updated 09-02-2020 at 10:02 AM by 97565

      lucid , memorable
    2. Feeling like visualizing, not like a dream.

      by , 09-01-2020 at 07:46 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I'm outside my house and about to go to Hemmakväll. I know it's a dream and I start to jump as a walk because I'm happy. I look at my hands and I notice my surroundings. It's not like a proper dream but more like I'm visualizing it. It's like a 5 FPS video and I see movement as pictures that change pretty slowly. I start to fly away but don't feel satisfaction because it feels so unreal.
    3. cxlvii.

      by , 08-31-2020 at 01:31 AM
      Chronological re-direction entry;

      2nd August 2020

      4th August 2020 - 1

      4th August 2020 - 2 (lucid)

      5th August 2020


      Canyons and ravines. Going around with someone else, but don't recall who.

      Eventually something about escaping or getting away. An alien "saucer" ship. Vision, of an alien communicating in an unknown language, as if on a holographic screen/display. One word stands out from the alien's speak however: Hyperdrive.

      I need to find a hyperdrive for these aliens, or find a suitable person to repair theirs maybe, I remember thinking. The drive would be mounted at the top of their ship?

      Still in the same dream, in my old home's building in the stairwell. Something seems different from how it should be. I go to one of the in-between level landings and go through one of the storage areas behind the frosted glass. They have a door on the other side which leads to a different, but mirror version of the stairwells. I don't question this in the dream, but it would have been a very good point for a RC, as this construct would be physically impossible in reality, there would be a drop on the other side, not a mirror version.

      The stairwell was well lit by natural light, but still many dark contrasts. Unlike in present day, the stairwell had no automatic lights.

      6th August 2020


      Some early dream part was something about sending waves of hundreds of "native" fighters, fighting for some cause that a faction I belonged to was pursuing. These native fighters kept being annihilated by the enemy, which was simply better equipped.

      After this happened more than a few times (I remember seeing it, but not being there), I went to the fronts myself, only to find that there was no strategist in place here and so felt it was no wonder they kept getting slaughtered by the enemy. Lack of equipment could have been substituted by adequate and cautious strategy to defeat these openly arrogant enemies.


      By the end of this dream I was watching some kind of live concert? There was a white female singer in the centre of a room. She started to sing a song I don't know, it was titled "Snowflake" or something. At first I thought that it was going to be silly, but then I found myself relating to the lyrics of her song, feeling like it was a song that could have come from H's perspective about me. The lyrics started off something like "something as simple as; merry Christmas!; is enough to [something] my snowflake".

      In-line note: Re-writing this here now, it seems there's still a lingering emotional link, despite not remember the dream very well visually; this suggests to me that this is attached to a very specific part of my subconscious, as I only have a few specific instances of this happening.

      Because I found myself relating to the lyrics so oddly and so specifically, I did a reality check. I had the correct number of fingers, and my fingers wouldn't pass through my palms, so I decided perhaps too quickly that reality was consistent enough that I wasn't dreaming.

      I remember the whole thing was all very "sing-along", with people in an audience playing their own instruments, in perfect time with the music, somehow just right, with no flaws at all.

      Extra note:

      - The music in the singing lady dream was, to my memory, completely dream-generated, but it did have elements of old timey singing/melody, which H does listen to a fair bit and I usually listen to as well when H does.
      - The first fragment from the 6th came from an incredibly long dream, I remember being in a lot of different places, mostly tents, trenches, battle-scarred streets, etc. I remember many scenes of both brightness and darkness, but I seem to be remembering an overly orange, sandy tone to the dream.
    4. Timing

      by , 08-30-2020 at 11:57 PM
      Had a lucid dream where I melted out of my body and started the dream in my room. I didn't have a shirt or trousers on so I opted to put those on first. I felt like I was wasting time so I just went along in the dream, conjuring clothes on my body. I don't remember anything else outside of that. I think I may have reached a new epiphany in lucid induction: technique isn't as important as timing; specifically how long WBTB is and when you decide to take a morning nap. Still testing things.
      lucid , side notes
    5. Improbable lucid fragment and lego lucid | [30.08.2020]

      by , 08-30-2020 at 01:53 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Improbable lucid fragment
      I don't remember the dream itself, but that I thought that it probably wasn't lucid. In the end I remember that some insane guy dragged me into a room and chopped my head in half with a chainsaw. I seemed to already be dead, so I only felt a tickling on my head as I watched in third person. He seemed to also have done it with another person and we were paralyzed to death or something.

      Lego lucid
      I don't remember how I got lucid, but I had an idea and I wanted to have some space. So I wanted to go outside, to the garden. Thus, I went to the door of my home and opened it, hoping for the garden to be right there. It took a few attempts, but then I was in the garden and I wanted to do something but then, suddenly there were some strange people that wanted to punch me or something so I decided to try and go to a large plains, apparently one from lord of the rings. I then wanted to do something, and suddenly everything was like in lego videogame, sort of. I had like a hotbar and was in some funny colored land, like purple shades and blue. I then tried doing what I wanted to do, but I lost lucidity. I also remember at some points stabilizing, focusing on every sense while stimulating them. In the end I dreamt that vinny from vinesauce was streaming the lucid dream I had, and I was apparently giving him tips since I was apparently his friend. In the end I was waking up and had a moment of lucidity. I was in the void, and tried opening my dream eyes, but it opened my real eyes and I was awake.

      That was cool. Finally some lucids. Now I just gotta keep it up and I'll have consistent lucids. I'll say the first one was a lucid since I was at least close. Also, I have no idea how to train myself to keep my eyes closed when I wake up. My mantra is already pretty complex "When I see my hands I will remember I am dreaming and I will remember that my body is in bed." so I don't think I can attach even more onto that sentence without forgetting it mid-sentence.
    6. Waking up DILD

      by , 08-29-2020 at 04:00 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Was having some kind of nightmare dream with guns also some unwanted dreams of people. Became lucid and decided to wake up.
      Tags: blood, cousin, guns
    7. Shapeshifting and remembering a face completed!

      by , 08-28-2020 at 07:42 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I'm in a school and I know it's a dream. I say out loud that it's a dream. I walk into a classroom and pretend to be the teacher. All the pupils leave when I say I'm the teacher. I walk out of the classroom and enter a new one. I see Gabriel, my classmate there. I look at his face and I'm impressed over how real he looks. I look back and see Signe. She has long hair instead of really short like she has it now. I look into the window and see my reflection. I try to make my hair longer and it succeeds. I see the hair come in front of my eyes in the same time I see my hair grow in my reflection. I look at Signe again and she says that my hair grows really fast. I try to make it shorter again. I look up with my eyes and the hair loses its length. I have really short hair now. I sit in the back row and see a young girl next to me but I know it's my chemistry teacher in real life Maria. She is about seventeen in my dream but 50 in real life. We talk a little but she says that she can't speak with me while she has a class. I fly in the classroom a bit and then walk out. I see Signe again and I inspect her face. I can tell it's not her real face. The dream face is a little bit too big and her cheeks are too big. I keep inspecting her and see her dress. It's white with some nice looking patterns that remind me of flowers. She has a yellow ribbon by her stomach and I think it's pretty.

      Haha, I remembered a face! I usually can never remember the persons' faces from the dream. I also succeeded in shapeshifting by growing my hair in an instant and reversing it.
    8. Dream - Ice-Cream Parlour & Buzz's Dungeon & Please Speak To Me (Lucid Dream 37)

      by , 08-27-2020 at 01:51 PM
      Date of Dream: TUE 11 AUG - 2020

      Dream No. 711 - Separated Sections

      Dream 711 A - Ice-Cream Parlour

      I can’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, my mum, brother and I were going for a drive to Canberra. I was driving them in my mum’s car and decided to take the scenic country route. We decided to stop in a medium sized country town and we were on our way to supposedly a well known ice-cream parlour of the place.

      I forgot what my mum and brother ordered and I remember looked at all the ice-cream tubs and was overwhelmed for choice. What caught my eye eventually though was this blueberry ice-cream. As I looked up to the see the deals, I realised that we could get a maximum combo of three flavours. Even though the amount of ice-cream would be more, I begged and pleaded with my brother to let me have three flavours and that I may even ask for a lesser amount of some. He said okay and this made me really happy.

      I ended up ordering two variations of the blueberry flavour and then I also asked for the ‘Boost chocolate bar’ flavour; so my ice-cream was a mix of this electric blue with some brown on top. I tried some of the ice-cream and it tasted so good, I wish it existed in real life. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 711 B - Buzz's Dungeon

      I can’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was supposedly in some unknown study room, doing a SAC (school assessment task) for one my high school science subjects. Though in the dream, it seemed like my parents felt like I was slacking off, although I really wasn’t, and wasn’t trying at all.

      The scene then went into my backyard in the evening and it’s like there was a new dad in the family to straighten me out. I looked through the kitchen window and there was my mum along with a man dressed in an army uniform. The man then spoke and he had an American accent. It wasn’t long before his language became brutal and abusive and I didn’t even know what I did wrong. In-fact I felt that this was straight out abuse and so I had to get away from this man.

      As he kept yelling at me, I braced myself and bowled over into the strip of garden next to the fence to try and hide. There was another girl lying there in my high school winter uniform, her name was Brooke. I could tell that she was also hiding from the man and so I was going to help her escape; for the meantime, telling her to stay quiet. It didn’t work though as the army dad seemed to sniff us out like a hound and I sensed that he was coming.

      I told Brooke that we needed to leave immediately and I actually took her in my arms as I ascended into the air. I said that to cross over to Kingdom Hearts (supposedly we were going there for Riku to protect us), we needed to first go through Buzz’s Dungeon (Spyro 3) and only if we reached Buzz’s dungeon, we’d be safe. As a flew towards the fence, I was scared I didn’t go high enough and so we’d fall and the rogue army dad would catch us. There was a sigh of relief from me though as we JUST got over the fence and fell into Buzz’s Dungeon.

      I seemed to be on my own now; and was going to be no ordinary hurdle. I was actually facing the boss of Spyro 3 myself and to be able to go to Kingdom Hearts, I had to defeat Buzz! I had everything including my own version of a health bar and gem counter, and Sparx was with me too! It wasn’t long before the ‘brown toad’ in this dream (the dream made his graphics realistic to suit me) started rolling around the arena. I even made reactions as the giant toad hit me and I lost sections of my health bar.

      Two hits and I thought I was going to win, but the toad rolled at me from surprise, and I lost all my health and ‘died’. I now disappeared from the dream’s view and it was now back to first-person mode like I was now spectating the boss battle; but why was it still going? A holographic menu appeared, in Spyro 3 font and format, titled ‘Big Boi Time’. I was to choose an action that Sparx would do to defeat Buzz and only if Sparx failed to defeat Buzz, then the whole thing would be over.

      I took a little while to scroll down the list and see my options, but I soon decided to choose the option named ‘Combustion’. This would power Sparx up with the ability to shoot fireballs at Buzz. The dream then went to Sparx’s ‘aiming’ perspective and Buzz started running. Sparx shot three fireballs in quick succession, but they all missed Buzz. Going with the rule of 3; I thought Sparx had used them all up and so it was game over; but then he shot a fourth one and I though this one was going to miss, but it actually ‘tracked’ Buzz and hit him while he was in the horizontal ‘wind tunnel’; and this won us the boss battle! So now I would be granted entry to Kingdom Hearts.

      The dream exited the scene entirely though and I thought I was robbed of the chance to go to Kingdom Hearts. However, it’s like I was on a ‘scene select’ screen on a movie and I actually had to control a pointer a click on the next sequence. As I did so, the TV was still up but the scene played in a little box. It was inside some old house and Riku was half-way between sitting and lying on a couch in his KH2 appearance but with a realistic vibe to him. The dream ended before I myself could actually go to meet him in Kingdom Hearts.

      Dream 711 C - Please Speak To Me (Lucid Dream 37)

      I seemed to be in my current house, but it was slightly distorted and in the dream, my parents’ bedroom was actually my room. This room in the dream seemed to constitute the main scene all throughout; it’s like this was the area for the false awakening; from here, I would have dreams within dreams. So in the bedroom, it simply started off with my having in mind that I had dream tasks left to do and so I tried to call for Riku to get him to talk to me about Sora.

      I then fell asleep on the bed and entered my first sub-dream. I can’t remember it well but I do know for a fact that it was an utter failure to get to Riku. In-fact, I think Master Yen Sid appeared and then disappeared, almost as if he was signalling that Riku didn’t want to talk about the matter. I then woke up back into the dream bedroom and despite what happened in the sub-dream, I was determined to get an answer from Riku as only I knew what I needed to do. I went for a few more sleeps but failed to reach Riku in all of them.

      When I woke up back in the dream bedroom, I became frustrated as I kept waking up quickly without achieving anything. I went over to my parents’ dresser cabinet and saw a small wooden mirror sitting on the top drawer compartment. Treating it like a magic mirror, I looked into it and called for Riku; he appeared but then disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

      I still refused to give up; I forced myself beck onto the bed to enter another sleep. Just as I got on the bed, my mum came into the room and placed a clock on the dresser. She then set a time on it and said that if the clock hit that time; the alarm would go off. She set the clock to be about 1.5 hours from the current time. She also then put to weird incense into the clock but she said it was supposed to help me and when it started releasing, it didn’t feel bad.

      My mum ended up leaving the room and therefore leaving me with what I had to do to get more progress in my sleep. I now drilled myself, saying that I had to beat the alarm. I also kept saying to myself out loud ‘be in control!’. Whenever I started to find my mind wandering elsewhere, I stopped and drilled myself further; with a constant ‘be in control!’ as well as some other lines in-between; and soon, I drifted off back into a sub-dream, with the scene going into a black void to represent the transition.

      I then ended up at a distorted version of The Final World from Kingdom Hearts 3; it was more cloudier here; and there was every single KH character there… Except for Sora. I immediately took to looking for Riku but could not find him easily amongst the maze of KH characters. However, I came across a person in a black coat and that’s when I realised I could execute another task. From the back, I identified that this was Xigbar and so I immediately got his attention and interrogated him. He actually openly confessed that he (talking for the whole O-XIII in this case) was responsible for Sora’s ‘dream paralysis. He gave me a lot of information but I have forgotten everything that he said. I then let Xigbar go, giving him a stern look like ‘I’m gonna get to the bottom of this mess you made’.

      After I was done with Xigbar, I went back to wondering aimlessly within the maze of characters; and then I had caught sight of Riku, just like a game of Where’s Wally, except he was only in his t-shirt; he did not have his jacket on. I changed my tone from serious (when I was talking to the Organisation) back to child-like in order to be able to connect with my dream guide. I had found him and so was afraid of losing him again; so ran towards him as I cried out; “Riku, Riku please!”.

      It’s as if this time he knew what was coming as he tried to ignore the fact that I was around. However, I kept begging and pleading with him, going; “Riku please! All you have to do is tell me something about Sora and how you connect with him”. Riku eventually gave in as he said “alright fine” and then gave a slight sigh, looking annoyed. He then pulled me close to him so no one else could hear, supposedly nuzzling me as he said “he’s the only one that I feel I can talk to”. It seems like he was rushing an answer as I could tell from his energy that he was trying to hold back his emotions regarding Sora.

      Riku then immediately asked me “is that enough information for you?”. As I was still in a frantic state but happy that he finally answered, I went “yes thank you” and more. He took no hesitation then to release me and let me go; and I think he was glad that I decided to let him go. Once again, I yelled out thank you to Riku as I walked away and got ready to depart the scene altogether. I was now in the black void again but was a slow glow of stars, acting like a horizon and while I still had the chance, I decided to say thank you to everyone. I said something like “Thank you for your time Kingdom Hearts! And remember Riku, we still have two more things to do!”, hoping that the message would be able to reach them.

      I must have become lucid at some point as I seemed to gain satisfaction with all I had done, and declared that I would finally be ready to wake up. So then dream went back to the ‘false awakening’ bedroom, in which I realised I had beaten the alarm clock (there was about 45 minutes left) and was so relieved; the Kingdom Hearts scene felt so long yet the clock showed less time. And then I woke up again to get to waking life, where my real bedroom clock said 10:43 AM and I was surprised that such a big dream took almost no time at all.

      Dream 711 A

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 711 B
      Dream Guide: Karla (Me)
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 711 C
      Dream Guide: Riku
      Lucid?: Yes
    9. 44 ld

      by , 08-27-2020 at 04:35 AM
      44 ОС (2) от 3 февраля 2012
      Перепись населения продолжается.

      Иду по якобы знакомой улице ночью, летом. С самого начала понимаю что это сон. Решил дотронуться до асфальта, пардон даже языком его попробовать. Тактильные ощущения хоть и были, но это явно был не асфальт. Поспешил пойти дальше, но понял, что торопиться не надо иначе вылечу из сна. Пошёл медленно. Увидел женщину. Вспомнил про свой эксперимент с переписью. Подхожу к ней и ору: "Это перепись населения" Видимо она испугалась, и растворилась в воздухе, как только я к ней подошёл. Далее я вышел в одно место, там лежал снег, я вспомнил что бывал в нём в предыдущих снах - никакого совпадения с реальной местностью. Увидел женщину с ребёнком. На этот раз решил действовать по другому, подхожу к ней и говорю:"Можно у вас взять интервью?"
      Женщина не останавливается, но отвечает
      -Нет, ты у меня уже брал!
      -Не брал я у тебя интервью, я к тебе в первый раз подхожу
      -Нет уже брал, тогда.
      Женщина поспешила от меня удалиться. Я же свернул в какое то помещение.
      Внутри было много не русских людей - Армян вроде.
      Спросил кто хочет, чтобы я у них взял интервью.
      Подошли двое. Один вправду по русски не разговаривал, другой говорил. С тем который разговаривал, я поздоровался рукопожатием. Ему это понравилось. Начинаю спрашивать имя.
      Второй который рядом вертится отвечает в тот же момент, что и первый. Объяснил ему, что сразу у двоих я брать интервью не могу. Спрашиваю ещё раз у первого, тот повторил. Когда проснулся имя из головы вылетело. Запомнил из его ответов только, что он с детства живёт в подземном мире. Я ему ответил, что живу в надземном. Я решил с ним попрощаться, пожал ещё раз руку. Персонажу не понравилось, что я собрался уходить. Тогда я решил растворить своё тело, чтобы свалить от туда. Получилось. С позиции наблюдателя под потолком наблюдал, как персонаж оглядывается по сторонам в поисках меня.

      1. Тактильные ощущения реальны, хотя асфальт на ощупь не был асфальтом.
      2. С переписью населения мне не везет. Персонажи стремяться убежать, раствориться в воздухе.
      3. В конце сна осознанность снизилась.
      4. Удалось растворить свое тело - попасть в позицию наблюдателя.
      5. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе - 5 минут.

      44 LD (2) February 3, 2012
      The population census continues.

      I walk along a supposedly familiar street at night, in the summer. From the very beginning I understand that this is a dream. I decided to touch the asphalt, sorry even try it with my tongue. Although there were tactile sensations, it was clearly not asphalt. Hastened to go further, but realized that there was no need to hurry, otherwise I would recover from sleep. I went slowly. I saw a woman. I remembered my experiment with the census.
      I went up to her and yelled: "This is a population census" Apparently she got scared, and disappeared into thin air as soon as I approached her. Then I went to one place, there was snow, I remembered that I had been in it in previous dreams - no coincidence with the real area. I saw a woman with a child.
      This time I decided to act differently, I went up to her and said: "Can I interview you?"
      The woman does not stop, but answers
      -No, you already took from me!
      -I did not interview you, this is the first time I come to you
      - No, I already took it, then.
      The woman hastened to leave me. I turned into some kind of room.
      There were many non-Russian people inside - like Armenians.
      I asked who wants me to interview them.
      Two came up. One really did not speak Russian, the other spoke. With the one who was talking, I shook hands. He liked it. I start asking for a name.
      The second who is spinning next to him answers at the same moment as the first. I explained to him that I cannot interview two people at once. I ask the first one again, he repeated. When I woke up the name flew out of my head. I only remembered from his answers that he had been living in the underworld since childhood. I answered him that I live in the supermundane. I decided to say goodbye to him, shook his hand again. The character didn't like that I was about to leave. Then I decided to dissolve my body in order to get out of there. Happened. From the position of an observer at the ceiling, I watched the character look around in search of me.

      1. Tactile sensations are real, although the asphalt was not asphalt to the touch.
      2. I have no luck with the census. Characters strive to run away, disappear into thin air.
      3. At the end of the dream, awareness decreased.
      4. I managed to dissolve my body - to get into the observer's position.
      5. Approximate time spent in the LD - 5 minutes.
    10. Log 1945 - Cute Little Abomination

      by , 08-26-2020 at 07:52 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 26 August 2020

      Finally, an LD to feel good about. I got a DILD and some fragments today.

      Spoiler for Quite long; NSFW violence:
    11. 20/08/26 - ld 32

      by , 08-26-2020 at 06:41 PM
      No techniques used. Only lay awake for some time and set an intention to do the TOTM in the middle of the night.

      At first I got lucid at my parents' house but didn't get anywhere before waking up. A non-lucid dream about being at a scientific congress followed. In a break I went outside and got lucid again, immediately remembering my intention to ask a DC about the dream's origins. I felt the dream slipping and focused on my surroundings, touching the ground and everything nearby. Like this, I was walking down a rain-soaked street with a lot of trees. The dream stabilized and I saw every branch in great detail and in amazing colors. Noone else was around. Typical, if one wants to find a DC, not one is here.
      I left the street and started walking down a slope leading to some gardens. Still no DCs. I pushed myself off the ground and glided down, looking around.

      Finally, I got to a path leading somewhere else and found a young boy, maybe 10, walking there. "Hey", I shouted. He turned and waited for me. I got closer, as if I didn't want anyone around hearing us and asked "Whose dream is this?" "His", he said without hestitation with a matter-of-fact tone, pointing to the left. I followed his gesture and found... A small bird. A blueish canary sitting on a fence.
      ?What? I was completely taken aback. I looked back at the boy, puzzled. He was grinning slightly.
      Behind him I noticed a plump woman, about my age, with dark hair. Maybe she can tell me more. I walked towards her as she looked at me openly. We got close together and looked straight into each others eyes. Somehow, I was overcome with compassion towards her. I felt the urge to hug her but it felt out of place. I had so many questions running through my mind. Yet, I didn't know where to start.
      "Don't worry. You've got strength in your head and in your legs.", she said, smiling.
      This confused me even more. The three of us started walking along the path. Suddenly, I understood. "If you say that I've got strength, you mean you've got strength, too, right?" She considered this for a moment, and nodded.
      They are all me, everything here is. It's all one. It's the bird's dream as it is my own.
      We continued walking until the other two left me at something that looked like their camp. The woman looked back at me, inquiring, then smiling broadly and said "Princess Leah will be pleased!" [no, not Leia ]
      Slowly, I walked away, feeling utterly content and warm after this encounter.

      Next, I got to a strange structure with a high bar and a trampoline. I jumped on there, doing somersaults and whatever I could imagine in mid-air. It got totally euphoric until I was crying out of joy.
      Then, I wandered around again, now through an amusement park, admiring the incredibly vivid surroundings and enjoying the hustle around me until I woke up.
    12. Top 3 longest lucid ever

      by , 08-25-2020 at 08:21 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I left my window only half open and only letting the cuartain let in a little bit of light when the morning comes. It was thanks to this that I had my lucid.

      I'm in some kind of stone building with some people. I know Oskar, William and Daniel was there. We have some kind of artifact that reveals what kind of power you have. (It's inspired by the series hunter x hunter)When it is oskar's turn his mother is worried because he cut himself on a piece of glass by the stone table where the artifact were.

      I wake up 06.20 and realize that this is the perfect time for a lucid. I sleep pretty fast. I don't know when I became lucid.

      I fly outside my house and I'm fully aware that it's a dream. There is a man talking with me from the window and asking me if it's hard to fly with the new body (I'm not in my ordinary body, I'm some kind of slim woman I think). I say that it's okey but it's actually hard to navigate in the air with this body and the flying doesn't feel realistic. I fly up in the sky with incredible speed and I'm suddenly over the atmosphere. I still see the last scene in the left side of my vision and I decide to fly back. I walk the street and suddenly I get an impulse that I want to do a circus trick where two people stand at someone's shoulder and lean to the sides while the two people on top hold each other's hands. I see someone walking the street to the left of my house and scream at him to join me. He follows. We try to find someone who's shoulders we can stand on. He wants us to climb on Julias' (my boss) shoulders. I don't see her but when I look I find her. I don't know where we are any more. It is some kind of a park. We try several times to climb her shoulders but we don't have the balance to sustain the position in more than some seconds. Me and Julia interact. I meet some children and I try to make my finger really tall but fail.

      Updated 08-25-2020 at 09:30 PM by 97565

    13. Eating in school canteen and being hunted in store

      by , 08-19-2020 at 06:37 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      Today is my first school day in a while and I dreamt about starting school.

      I'm going to school but forgot my phone at home so I didn't know where to go. The school is not like my real one. I end up in the school canteen and say hello to my friends. I remember Johannes and Max most, also Gabriel. We eat and I spill a lot of food. I drop a lot of rice on the floor and an old lady working there gives me a tool to clean it up. I say I'm sorry and will clean it up. I do so.

      I go into a store and notice that there are only women there. I try to act like I'm a girl. I see nail polish that is in my favorite colour. It's very light blue. I take it with me. I see an old acquainted school person. She is the one who helped me search for another school. I thought she was pretty IRL and she was still pretty. I am about to walk out of the store but meet a man with a guitar. He tries to hit me with the guitar but misses and hits the floor instead. The guitar breaks and I tell him that he should be careful with the guitars. I knock him down and realize it's a dream. The cute girl comes again and I feel on her face. In normal cases my face feels a little bit like sand paper in my dreams. I feel on my own face and realize it's not feeling like sand paper either. It feels like a long time since I had a lucid dream and I just want to stay in the dream for awhile. I walk out and recognize myself by the big slope next to Mcdonalds by my home. The dream slowly fades and I try to keep it up a while longer.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. 43 ld

      by , 08-18-2020 at 08:37 AM
      43 ОС (1) от 2 февраля 2012
      К кому скользить спиной назад?
      Сначала неосознанная часть: я должен был залезть по деревянной лестнице наверх, чтобы забрать свою вещь у знакомого. Но в место лестницы были одни доски. Стал цепляться за них руками. Когда доска заканчивалась, из неё начинали разрастаться три других доски. Так было несколько раз, пока доска не пошла вниз. "Мне же наверх надо!" Тут до меня и дошло, что это сон. Я повернулся вокруг себя, и попал в декорацию своей квартиры. В квартире, я висел в воздухе. Посмотрел на свою одежду: футболку не разглядел, что то серое; шорты те, что ношу в реале. Стал дотрагиваться до предметов. Тактильные ощущения норм. Дотронулся до шкафа, и шерстяного свитера, висящего на бельевой верёвке. К полу приблизиться не получилось. Произнёс своё имя вслух и ник на форуме. Голос был каким то приглушённым.
      Тут вспомнил об эксперименте, решил заскользить назад. Но всё напутал: говорю мне надо попасть в эксперимент Ясновидца, тьфу ты перепутал эксперимент etherealа. Только когда проснулся понял, что второй раз я то же сказал неправильно. Сам процесс скольжения то же был странным: ноги мои согнулись, не в коленях, а выпрямленными - в общем скользю спиной назад, ноги смотрят вперёд. Попал в темноту, хотел притянуться к синему пятну, но тут же выкинуло в реал.

      1. Видел странную лестницу, у которой доски разрастались на глазах. Никак не мог залезть наверх.
      2. Переместился в квартиру, когда повернулся вокруг себя.
      3. Тактильные ощущения были нормальны, как в реале.
      4. Я висел в воздухе и не мог дотянуться до пола.
      5. Мой голос был приглушённый, не такой, как в реале.
      6. Плохо работала память.
      7. При скольжение назад мои ноги согнулись сами, я попал в темноту и проснулся.

      43 LD (1) from February 2, 2012
      Who should you slide your back to?

      First, the unconscious part: I had to climb the wooden stairs up to pick up my thing from a friend. But there were only boards in place of the stairs. I began to cling to them with my hands. When the board ran out, three other boards began to grow out of it. This happened several times until the board went down. "I need to go upstairs!" Then it dawned on me that it was a dream.

      I turned around and got into the decoration of my apartment. In the apartment, I was hanging in the air. I looked at my clothes: I couldn't see the T-shirt, that it was gray; shorts are those that I wear in real life. I began to touch objects. Tactile sensations of norms. I touched the wardrobe, and the woolen sweater hanging from the clothesline. It was not possible to get close to the floor. I said my name out loud and my nickname on the forum. The voice was somehow muffled.

      Then I remembered the experiment and decided to slide back. But I got it all wrong: I say I need to get into the Clairvoyant's experiment, ugh, you confused the ethereal experiment. Only when I woke up did I realize that the second time I said the same thing wrong. The very process of sliding was the same strange: my legs were bent, not at the knees, but straightened - in general, I slide my back back, my legs look forward. I got into the darkness, I wanted to be attracted to the blue spot, but I was immediately thrown into real life.


      1. I saw a strange staircase, where the boards were growing before our eyes. I couldn't climb up.
      2. Moved to the apartment when he turned around.
      3. Tactile sensations were normal, as in real life.
      4. I was hanging in the air and could not reach the floor.
      5. My voice was muffled, not the same as in real life.
      6. Memory worked poorly.
      7. When sliding back, my legs bent by themselves, I fell into darkness and woke up.
    15. Lucid fragment and great FA lucid! | [15.08.2020]

      by , 08-15-2020 at 03:18 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Black = non-lucid
      Grey = awake
      Blue = lucid

      Lucid fragment
      I reality check and get lucid, but either don't remember what came after it or the dream faded.

      Great false awakening lucid!
      Discouraged from my failed lucid that I just woke up from, I decide to do an especially aware reality check and then go to sleep with the mantra "When I see my hands I will remember I am dreaming and I will remember my body isn't real." The last part of the mantra is to make me more lucid and aware, so that I'm not just a zombie.

      I then heard a noise my father made (maybe be dropped something) and got startled by it, and was disappointed. But I did a reality check, and, to my surprise, I breathed right through my plugged nose and was in a lucid dream. I immediately stood up and decided to leave my home. I tried looking away and back, imagining there'd be a door. I wanted to go to a specific place, but I ended up going into a mall. For some reason I suddenly had a VR headset on my head and my lucidity slipped a bit and things started getting unclear, both since that's something that happens if you don't have your VR headset on correctly and because the dream was fading, but as I took it off it caught itself. For a few seconds, I was somewhere else, but returned to the mall without really noticing. The place might have been full of brownish sand and sort of boxed in somehow.

      Now, back in the mall, I run around and explore, excited, although not as aware as in the beginning anymore, but still better than any other lucid dream I've had. I see a small (100ml volume?) box of sodium iodide and think about trying to blow something up (that's hard with sodium iodide, but, again, I had lost awareness in the VR headset segment), but I ended up not trying, both because I didn't know if they'd have any chemical that'd work out with it (forgot that you could summon things since my awareness was shit) and because I didn't want to anymore. As I thought about it, I had actually tried to grab the box of it, but I only had the lid in my hands since it slipped off, and somebody was mad at me since I grabbed it (I had a small fear that someone would notice, but I didn't really care since I was sure I could just flee). And thus, I fled.

      I then decided to try some shapeshifting again. I looked at my hands and saw that I had way too many fingers than normal (about 14 on my right hand), so I tried to touch things with the hand to see how having more fingers feels like, and it felt like normal, just slightly different. It's hard to describe. But I didn't want to continue to do something else that is more personal.

      I went to a sort of computer terminal and input commands and hoped for them to appear in the dream, but it didn't quite work out. At some point I did a stabilization attempt by inspecting my hands, but still nearly woke up, but ended up back at a sort of bodyless distant view that was even less aware of the terminal, which now looked like a piano/organ, and apparently dracula was playing on it. It sort of was like a comedic variation of some sort of area in a video game. I then sort of had to click on the piano to go to the terminal again to continue typing, and it still didn't work, and then I woke up.

      That awareness drop after the vr segment was annoying, but being that aware at all was progress, at least. I think I will add something to get more aware of dream control in my dreams.

      Also, the first lucid fragment resulted from an extra aware reality check yesterday before I went to bed, since I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't reality check all that much because of school eating my time and stressing me.

      Updated 08-15-2020 at 03:22 PM by 96397 (Added side notes)

      memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid , false awakening
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