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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Epic: Journey into the Requiem

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:54 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Facing the Goblin Hoard (Non-lucid)


      My faithful companions and I enter the palace of the light goblins, seeking the Goblin Princess named Whisper. She had sent word to my Knight that she has some important information for us. The light goblins may be less savage than their kin, but we still must be careful. Humans in the palace are subject to intense scrutiny: one wrong move and we'll all be killed.

      A young female goblin servant slips my knight a letter from the Princess. It reads: "I'm in the subconscious right now. You must meet me in the Requiem." We all exchange anxious glances. The Requiem--- home of the dark goblins--- is exactly where we did NOT want to go.

      We begrudgingly make our way to the Market and buy as much fruit as we can, as tribute to the dark goblins. You won't get very far in the Requiem without a substantial food offering to pacify the greedy little beasts.

      Then the time comes to enter the massive cave system known as the Requiem. We decide to go in groups of two to ease suspicion. The Dark Goblins tend to find humans amusing, even going as far as inviting large groups of them to attend events in the Requiem's inner chambers. However, getting to these inner chambers is easier said than done. The goblins along the way will find any excuse to snatch a human away before they reach their destination.

      Because the goblins are confident in their vast numbers (and rightly so) we are allowed to bring in our weapons under the condition that they are sheathed at all times. I decide to bring my faithful scimitar, though I hope I won't be needing it.

      I enter the caves with my friend Alma, a healer who is actually quite knowledgable about Goblin culture. After giving the doorman his part of the tribute, we make our way inside. An older she-goblin stops me a few minutes into our slow, wary journey. She wants to play a game with me. Apparently this game involves slapping me in the face with a mostly deflated balloon. I stand there and take it, hoping that she'll grow weary of the "game" and let me go. She tells me I'm not doing it right, that I'm supposed to cry out in pain. I realize she is kind of like a child who hits an adult and finds it funny when the adult pretends that the weak attack has injured them. The next time the she-goblin hits me, I cry out and pretend to be in pain. Unfortunately, an older male goblin watching nearby lets out an annoyed "shhhhh!"

      "Ah, a shush from him means an execution. Too bad!" the old she-goblin cackles. I sigh in frustration and weigh my options. Resisting their attacks wouldn't do much good--- there are far too many of them to fight. Even if I could, it would put Alma in the middle of the danger. I have no choice but to run.

      So run I do. I barrel into the annoying she-gob, sending her sprawling to the floor. I bolt through the door before me, cringing at the sheer number of goblins who begin chasing after me.

      I run for a very long time, deftly taking unexpected turns and even throwing myself through a large stained glass window, but they always keep right on my heels. Maybe it's time to make a stand.

      I climb up a pillar in a large cathedral like room, all the way up to the rafters. I figure that the goblins could only move single file along the narrow beams, thus allowing me to chop them down one at a time. But more by luck than anything, I somehow fall through a nearby window into a large courtyard where a lot of other humans are gathered for an event (including my comrades). Goblins are notoriously bad at recognizing individual humans in a crowd, so I blend right in and successfully escape. As long as I can hide my limp from the fall, they shouldn't recognize me...
    2. Crow Monsters, High Schoolers, and a Little Pig

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:51 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)

      Rebecca Rostrid (DILD)


      After an annoying library incident, I am hiding on the front lawn with my dad as giant crow creatures circle over head. They want nothing more than to tear us limb from limb and devour our corpses. We bury ourselves under piles of mown grass--- unfortunately, they spot my dad and drag him away.

      I lie there for a long time before
      realizing that I'm dreaming. Now itching for a fight, I conjure up a machete and teleport inside my house. I intend to run out the front door to fight them, where I'll be in a better position for battle. Unfortunately, my brother stops me before I make it out. He claims the machete is his, and I end up fighting him for it.

      Physical attacks do no damage. Instead, I somehow "grab" his energy and threaten to crush his existence. Terrified, he surrenders.

      I go back outside with the knife, more than ready for my battle with the crow creatures. I look to the sky where one is flying. It bursts into flames and falls at my feet, where it becomes a crow-shaped medallion with the name "Rebecca Rostrid" engraved into it with firey letters. I wake up with the name burned into my mind.

      Finding Rebecca Rostrid (DILD)


      I am jogging down the road in the neighborhood outside my college. My legs are not working properly and I keep nearly falling. A friend who is with me finds this hilarious and intentionally pushes me over. I angrily think that this is like something that would happen in a dream. The thought triggers me to RC, and I become lucid.

      I immediately remember that I want to find out who Rebecca Rostrid is. the setting has changed to that of a typical high school. I ask my friend if she knows Rebecca, but she is no help. I shout her name--- it reverberates throughout the whole school.

      Nearby, there is a group of guys leaning agains the lockers. They tell me they know who Rebecca is, and we have a brief conversation about her. They mention something about her apparently pleasing appearance and, to fit in, I make a rather inappropriate joke involving her. They all laugh about it until I realize that Rebecca is standing right behind me. She doesn't look pleased with what I've said. "Um, that was just a joke," I mumble awkwardly.

      She is somewhat short, with curly/frizzy red hair tied back in a pony tail. We have a short conversation that I no longer remember.

      Little Pig (Non-lucid)


      I become best friends with a little pig who is so eaten up with fleas that the entire left half of her body is deteriorated to the point that you can see her internal organs--- or what's left of them. she is sad because everyone thinks she's ugly.
    3. Gryphon

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:47 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)

      Gryphon (DILD)


      I am lucid, riding a Gryphon over the dreamscape. His name is Cerberus. He is flying very close to trees and I have to be very careful not to get hit by branches. We are having a conversation the entire time--- I can't remember what we talk about, but he is pretending to be annoyed with me for riding him (though secretly he enjoys my company).

      We land amidst some ruins where an evil witch sets a feral dog after us. I beat the dog with a nearby tree branch and, with Cerberus's help, impale it--- thus pinning it to the wall. We fly away before the witch can send more creatures. Cerberus tells me I'm brave--- for a human.

      We keep flying together for a long time.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Of Cat-girls, death, and new lives

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:45 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)

      Animal Planet (Non-lucid)


      I have entered an alternate timeline in which animals rule the world and consider people a lower form of life. In the city, I see busses with writing such as "PETA Daycare." I find this very amusing. My mom and I are attempting to return to our hometown, but when we come across some temples and holy statues sacred to the animals, I break away to explore. In the process of exploring, this human-looking girl who claims to be half animal begins chasing me. Humans are not allowed to wander around alone, so I am deemed a fugitive and a rogue. (Apparently animal-human hybrids such as the girl chasing me are raised as animals).

      I run away but the animal girl always finds me. I still have a bottle of alcohol from a previous dream, which ignites a plan within me. The bottle has different settings of strength and flavor, so I turn it to the highest strength and trick my pursuer into drinking it. Now that she's drunk, I figure that escaping her will be twenty times easier.

      Unfortunately for us both, I am wrong. The girl follows me to a strange area where a set of monkey bars reaches over a span of incredible height. I am carefully making my way across when she tries to pull me down. I tell her to cut it out or she'll get us both killed, but she is drunk and not in her right state of mind, so she keeps trying.

      She almost falls herself, but I manage to catch her and help her down to solid ground. I gently lay her down; she is no longer as drunk, but she's bretty shaken up from the scare of almost falling to her death. She mumbles out an embarassed "thank you."

      In response, I unexpectedly lean over and kiss her. At first she is startled, then she kisses me back. Sadly, a group of pure-blood animals have come upon us while we were distracted. They are furious, screaming that a relationship between humans and animals are forbidden. We are forced to flee. She is very angry with me for making her an outcast, but we have no choice but to stick together to evade capture. I find the whole situation very amusing.

      Guardian Spirit (Non-lucid)


      I have died and I think I've been born again. A bit of time passes until my brain has the capacity to think. I am a bit disconcerted when thinking about my new appearance. "I... have blue eyes...?" I ask out loud, more to myself than anyone else. I remember having green eyes. Why are they blue? My mom says I have blue eyes just like my father's. I soon realize that I am not actually the child--- my spirit is simply connected to hers. She is actually my brother's daughter; my niece.

      I am somewhat sad to be dead, but I decide I will make my death worthwhile and watch after my niece as her guardian spirit. I will not let any harm come to her. The child sees me as her imaginary friend. Now one suspects that my spirit is still lingering. My parents are raising the child as their own--- I have no idea what has happed to my brother, but I suspect he may be dead as well.

      Second Life (Non-lucid)


      I have my personality, but I am a different Person in another life, apparently in high school again. My best friends and I have a strange inside joke about our group’s “rulebook,” which contains arbitrary rules about our friendship. We are in the cafeteria getting lunch. Friend #1 walks away to get tea. While she’s preoccupied, I strike up a conversation with Regina, our school’s bitchy head cheerleader. She is talking about hair with her friend, and I mention that I’ve given up caring about my own hair. She makes some snide comment about it and says something about me being a nerd. I tell her I am proud to be a nerd. The entire exchange seems to be more out of routine than actually malicious. I am enamored with Regina and enjoy these little encounters. I’m beginning to suspect that she does as well.

      When I return to my table, I obviously have a stupid grin on my face. Friend #1 asks me what happened.

      Me: *still smiling* Nothing.

      Friend 1: Nothing my butt. Did you meet someone? Did you have a romantic encounter?

      Me: No. I just had an amusing conversation with… someone.

      Friend 1: *sudden realization* Oh god, tell me you weren’t flirting with Regina again! I can understand if you like the cheery types but seriously? Regina?

      Me: Hey, it’s not---

      Before I can defend myself, Friend #2 sits with us. She notices that Friend #1 is once again carrying an empty pocket book with her (an apparent weird habit of hers). “New rule,” she says. “No carrying empty pocket books.

      Friend 1: What? Why not?

      Friend 2: Because, it looks dumb and I’m embarrassed to be seen with you.

      Friend 1: It does not.

      Me: Actually, it makes sense. What if the apocalypse suddenly happened? Yoou’d need a bag to carry important items you find, like in Silent Hill or Resident Evil.

      Friend 1: *stares at me like I’m crazy, then turns to Friend #2* Okay, you’re right. It’s stupid.
    5. Cheating is not fun

      by , 11-14-2013 at 08:18 PM (Dark Kikyo's Dream Journal)
      I had this dream this evening about cheating on my husband. We recently got married a month ago on the 12th, and his dream really disturbs me. The dream starts where I'm with my family and my husband at this Summerhome. There are a few other people there that are not related to my family, and I have no idea why they were there. We're standing outside talking about something when I see this little girl and her father. Something I was talking about caught his attention, and we start arguing because he thinks he knows more about the subject than I do. I start saying how I definitely know more about the subject because I've had three years of classes on it and since it's been a while since I've had the classes, I have had years and years of experience on the matter. He asked me if that is true, and when my mother backed me up he seemed impressed. We start getting along a lot better after this and his young daughter and I become quick friends. We hang out throughout the rest of the day and things keep happening that needed me to resolve them and he seems like he is becoming more and more impressed with me. Suddenly, he gets serious and asked if he can see me inside alone to talk with me. His daughters watching like she's really excited and knows what's going to happen, and I follow him out of curiosity wondering what's going on. We go into a room where he stops and admits to me that he is falling in love with me. I realize that I'm falling for him too, and he becomes very happy that he has finally found someone that he could be with after his wife passed away. That's when I realize something: I can't be with him because I am married. He can tell that I have become incredibly sad and asked me what's wrong. I show him the ring on my finger and tell him that I am married. He seems taken aback and becomes upset telling me that should not have let him on. I did nothing of the sort! I was hanging out with him with every intention of just being friends and he was the one he was interpreting something out of nothing. We go our separate ways, but I cannot take my mind off of him. I suddenly become very sad that I had to be married and cannot be with him and realize that I may like him more than my husband. This thought upsets me because I'm very deeply in love with my husband, and henceforth become very confused about everything. I start wondering to myself why me and this man can't have an affair? He seems much too honorable for something like that, but I keep wishing he will come to me and tell me that he wants that. I go back outside when my husband arrives From wherever he was beforehand. We walk around, hanging out, all the while realizing that the guy who likes me is watching me from a distance. I realize that the only reason I am hanging out with my husband is because I feel obligated to. We go into a room and start talking when the man enters because he needed to get something out of that room. My husband starts talking with him, because he's just one of those people that likes to be friends with everybody. The entire time me and this man are looking at each other with heavy intensity and I suddenly send my husband out of the room to get something for me that I know will take him a while to get. As soon as he leaves, the man and I start making out until my husband returns. He said he could not find what I wanted and continues the conversation with the man. I start talking to my husband to distract him from the looks that I'm giving the man which indicate that I want him and me to have an affair. The man nods and I realize that it would be hard because we live so far apart but it can still be done, and I get him to give me his number without my husband knowing. I feel incredibly rotten about everything thats been going on and the arguments with myself inside my head never seem to cease. suddenly, my husband wants to go to the park and the other guy asks to come along, so we take separate cars and start driving to the park. When we get there we meet an old dream ex of mine. She keeps talking about her lingering feelings for me and the only thing I have to say to her is I don't know who you are over and over again. My husband is becoming upset that she's there when suddenly she sees the look that the man is giving me. She asks me if the man and I are seeing each other, and of course I deny it, but she keeps insisting so intently that finally everything becomes revealed. She gets upset and leaves and I realize that my husband now knows everything. I am so ashamed of myself that I can't even turn to look at him, but I know that he looks very betrayed. The man, seeing how I treated my ex so badly, decides that he doesn't want anything to do with me. So him and my husband get into their cars and leave me stranded at the park. I don't know how I got back, because I'm suddenly back at the Summerhome, but I got the feeling my mom picked me up. I am incredibly upset realizing how much of an idiot I was and that the only reason I wanted to be with the man was because I wanted to be a mother to his daughter and felt sorry for her being so young to have lost her mother, and that I should never have tried to cheat on my husband, when I see his mother sitting down against the wall looking at an iPad. I ask her if she knows where he is and my mom says that he went to one of my old hometowns and is going to live with another woman who has the same name as me. I ask if he is going to be involved with her and she says no, the woman already has a boyfriend. I feel relieved but then I suddenly become very intent on getting a hold of him and ask his mother if she has had any progress finding him. She says not yet and I start freaking out, screaming find him! She smiles and says that she has found a number that she believes is his and calls it, handing me the phone. Somebody answers and I realize that it is him. I say his name and he suddenly becomes very hurt sounding and says he does not want to talk to me. The rest of the dream is me begging him over the phone to forgive me and trying to explain to him the situation, when I wake up. I become incredibly relieved that it was all a dream, but this really confuses me because I know I would never ever do this in real life and I'm wondering why I had this dream.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 08:28 PM by 65051

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. 14th Nov 2013 Fragments, Dragons-warriors

      by , 11-14-2013 at 02:52 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was a story about three dragons-warriors which used massive weapons to fight whole enemy armies. Then they were back to base and were talking with each other and other dragons. Then they were called to meet the leader, which was even bigger and with even more massive weapon, he said that he will give them more power and told them to do something specific, but then discussion started and one of warriors borrowed leader's weapon temporarily, he said that he was ok with it. Then everyone started roaring collectively and dream ended into brief FA.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing star trek online and there was something weird about leveling.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      There was something about portals and different dimension in which giants lived. There was huge circus and bus going out, and in the bus in random mug little horse and a girl were hiding.
    7. 13th Nov 2013 Some good recall, video game mix and fights

      by , 11-14-2013 at 02:41 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was going on streets and then through some other place.

      Dream 2:

      I was playing some game that was somehow a hybrid of video game and forum game where at times i controlled character and at other times posting actions in some thread. I was going through some places and then there was a eastern style temple where i talked to a few characters and then enemies appeared and we had to fight them.
      Later after going through a few rooms i had to go through a few corridors, which looked frozen. Game turned into an fps and lots of enemies started spawning, including some frozen skeletons. Then after corridors there was circular frozen arena place, it had two floors and kamikazi bug kind of enemies started spawning all over the upper floor and jumping down. I got up and managed to hold the wave off and defeat it.
      Then level continued into dark storage place, which also looked frozen. There was alot of boxes and view switched top-down. After a while of going around an ambush got triggered and enemies started appearing everywhere, including gnaars from serious sam series and kamikazi bugs with which i dealt earlier. The place took a few attempts and i've had to reload save game.
      Next up, i reached place that looked like frozen junkyard of some kind where i had to fight more enemies, then i noticed that my max hp glitched out and i had only 2 segments max, and boss fight was coming up as well. The boss fight was apparently fight against Dante, just like in DMC4, even the place was same. Except my max hp was crippled by a glitch and fight went on slightly differently at first. Attacks were somewhat passive and easy, managed to empty half of boss hp without getting hit. Then fight become more difficult, he started using alot of aerial attacks and also started summoning cannon balls from serious sam series, which were rolling around. Soon i failed.
      I returned to previous save before fight and started exploring area more. I've found a house at the edge of frozen junkyard. In house there was some dude who had aura of darkness and i've talked to him. He summoned kinda bear like creature that was apparently a healer of some kind and i had to escort him, also there was a dark princess who joined as well. We were going through frozen junkyard and new kind of enemies appeared, wolves made of ice. I easily was able to deal with them by just smashing them apart with pure strength, then more appeared and started focusing on bear creature and ignoring me. I get annoyed and grab like 8 of them at once and smash them into ground, which causes some kind of magical symbols surrounded by red glow to rise from ground and create some kind of barrier. The dark princess said that it's very rare for that to happen and that i must be really strong if it happened.
      Then random cutscene started showing that back at temple area white and red mage conflicted. One was on balcony, another on the ground and they started a fight.
    8. Horror: Cthulhu Bugs

      by , 11-14-2013 at 04:30 AM
      I almost forgot this dream. I had the impression I had dreamed about grotesque insects. I was tempted to not remember it. Somehow, something I saw while driving refreshed the memory.

      I was in my spare room. It is mostly empty and looked like it does in real life. -Expect for two piles of dirty laundry in front of the closet door. They looked like piles of dirty oily rags. Something you would use on a car. Sitting plain as could be between the piles are two plastic cylinders filled with clear water. One was almost empty, the other was mostly full.

      Escaping the mostly empty 'tank' was something like a giant albino pill bug mixed with a silverfish. Except slimey and fleshy. They scattered when I spotted them.

      For some reason, I felt more worried about the inhabitant of the second cylinder tank...

      I picked it up using both hands and held it up to get a close look. Floating up the surface was something very difficult to describe. It was elongated, lopsided snail-like thing fused with a clam. It had a tiny human-like face with dull black eyes. It was mostly snail brown with darker blurry stripes, and a slightly translucent shell. I had the impression two lived the tank. But only saw the one.

      I recently started looking through HP Lovecraft writings. The monsters described in the lore are notoriously difficult to depict or comprehend.

      Updated 11-14-2013 at 06:15 AM by 32174

      nightmare , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Harry Potter and the Arrows of Fate

      by , 11-13-2013 at 07:40 PM
      11-04-2013 -- [Three dreams in a row that all sort of tie together, and are kind of short, so I am listing them all as one.] Takes place around year six or so, or possibly might involve some time travel. Some of the evil Blacks (I think Cissy and Bellatrix, and perhaps Sirius' parents) have kidnapped some of the children of other magical families, and have hidden them in a couple of houses protected by a Fidelis-like charm that only allows entry based on blood relations. The spell causes the appearance of a large knocker on the door that kind of looks like a giant eye. It turns silver if you have a slight blood connection, and might be able to force your way through, or gold if you have a strong connection and easy access. If it turns neither, you aren't going to make it in!

      I am trying to rescue the kids, and the first house I manage to find, the eye doesn't change, and I have no chance of getting in. But the second house, it turns silver, and the slight connection between the Potters and the Blacks allows me to force my way in through the outermost wards. I find myself inside a fenced yard, where I can see a pool, a house, and a couple of trees. For some reason, instead of having a wand and using magic, I seem to be wielding a long bow and arrows. I feel like I should know the weapon and be able to use it well, but when I try to take the one test shot I feel I can get away with before people notice I am here, it turns out I seem to be clueless. Though my shot is on target for the tree I aimed at, there is no power behind it, and it just kind of bounces off. This is not good.

      I take another shot at the tree, but as I feared, I am spotted, and somebody comes running out. I take a shot at them, and they fall into the pool, an arrow sticking out of them. I am told I have to shoot the people in the house, but it is quite far away. I concentrate really hard, and it is like my vision goes telephoto, because now I can see right in a window of the house. It seems to be a bedroom, and I see a gorgeous figure just climbing out of bed in some skimpy lingerie. I think it is Narcissa. I take the shot, and manage to hit her, but she simply scrambles out of the bed and goes running off for weapons. I climb in through the window I shot out, and wander around looking for the kidnapped kids, and shooting any of the evil adults I spot. The problem is, the adults ignore me, and just keep wandering around with my arrows sticking out of them, and the kids don't seem to be worried about having been kidnapped at all.

      I come across Veronica (a friend from Tarpon Springs), who is one of the kidnapped kids, and find I have accidentally shot her right through the neck, though she says it is no biggie, and not to worry about it. I head back outside to speak to the rest of my team about what I have found, and even the first person I shot is just swimming laps in the swimming pool. Talk about being ineffective!


      [Woke, then fell asleep again.] Half in a bedroom, and half in a street. The kids of the Death Eaters who did the kidnapping want to be involved, too. It is the usual crowd, Draco, Pansy, Crabb, Goyle. Seems they have made some polyjuice potion to turn themselves into their parents. The problem is, they are still young enough that they don't have enough mass to stretch far enough to make the full transition. So they have their parents' looks and features, but are only about 3/4 size.

      An Oriental-looking Death Eater comes along to find his son looking like a Mini-Me, and asks what's up. The son doesn't want to tell him, so just answers with the typical "nothing," and since his father doesn't believe him, he casts a powerful spell to cause ghostly images to replay the last bit of activity in the area so he can see what they were up to. By this point we are in the middle of the street, and while the ghostly images are wandering around, cars are just calmly driving around him. There must be a powerful notice-me-not charm that allows people to see there is somebody or something they have to drive around, without letting them notice how unusual the situation is, and I think it is a really cool spell!


      [Woke and fell asleep another time.] I am wandering the alley behind the Hickory house, trying to think of a good way of protecting kids from the Death Eaters. For some reason, there are a lot of handicapped kids in the alley at the moment, and the Death Eaters have been concentrating on them, so I am concentrating on them as well. I come across one who has a strangely twisted mouth, like a cross between a cleft lip and really bad plastic surgery that makes for absurdly puffy lips. There is a young woman who is selling little bell earrings, off a cart because it is the only thing she can do to try and raise some money. She can only speak Japanese, so I cast a translation spell so I can speak to her.

      I manage to heal her mouth, and she is very grateful. I try to rearrange the bell earrings on her cart by size and tone, so they are easily set up to try and play a tune on them, hoping that will attract more customers. Soon there are several other handicapped people near the cart, most of them Chinese, including a pair of Siamese twins. I now speak Japanese, but not Chinese. The group of Chinese speak Chinese and perhaps French. The Japanese girl speaks Japanese and French, and we are about to do a complex job of her translating for me and the Chinese in the languages none of them are especially strong in, before I kind of go D'oh! and just cast the translation spell again.

      I tell the group of them that I have strong powers, and may be able to heal them, pointing out how I already healed the Japanese girl, but I cannot guarantee I can heal them, and they don't want to chance it, don't trust me, and try to go running off. I am ticked off, and chase after them, eventually casting some sort of pimple curse at one of them, trying to get them to turn around and come back, so I can try to heal them, but they are still afraid of what the Death Eaters might do to them, not realizing that if I can remove their handicaps, the DEs might not be able to identify them anymore.
    10. Matrix, Inception and Almost There!

      by , 11-13-2013 at 02:11 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      12.11.2013 2/2

      Uma mistura de Matrix com Inception. Lembro apenas de eu estar na Avenida dos Autonomistas, me vendo em 3ª pessoa, parece que com roupas no estilo Neo, perto do banco Safra, indo a algum lugar pois precisava salvar alguém. Uma mulher(acho que no sonho era minha ajudante) me dizia que isso era perigoso pois eu podia descobrir a verdade... que eu estava sonhando. Seria isso uma mensagem do meu subconsciente tentando me despertar no sonho ou era apenas parte do plot do sonho?
    11. Thor 2 trailer

      by , 11-13-2013 at 02:05 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      11.11.2013 3/3

      Eu via o trailer do Thor 2. O trailer era épico, com cenas de luta e ação. Duas cenas me marcaram. Em uma, o Thor andava ao lado de alguém, ele o empurrava, esse alguém caía em uma área com arbustos(?) e a pessoa desaparecia. A segunda, Thor lutava usando o Mjolnir e encontrava outras duas armas, um martelo parecido com Mjolnir e um tipo de cetro/maça. Ele pegava o outro martelo e comparava os dois em sua mão, jogava o martelo fora e pegava a maça. Outra parte do sonho foi ver o Homem de ferro em uma armadura que parecia desenhada. Tinha um tom de azul/verde. Ele estava em um local com uma grande quantidade de água (oceano?) e fazendo algo em uma estrutura muito grande (navio?). Ele voava pra longe e disparavam contra ele. Uma cena marcante foi o close no rosto dele com as balas passando em slow motion, primeiro algumas, depois uma quantidade absurda, chegando a ser engraçado. Depois desse trailer eu estava em um banheiro com 2 cabines. Alguém me dizia pra espiar pelos furos. Eu olhava mas não via nada. Entrei em uma das cabines e notei que os furos faziam um trajeto pra cima, apontando pro busto de quem estivesse ali. Depois disso eu estava em uma sala escura, como uma sala de vídeo de uma escola, com cadeiras de universidade. 2 garotos me faziam várias perguntas em tom de deboche, e uma das perguntas eu respondia com tom de afronta ("E pra sua informação, tal coisa é tal coisa"). Ouvia alguém do meu lado dizer "Uuuuhhhhh" como se minha resposta tivesse sido certeira. [Meu cunhado e minha esposa estavam conversando sobre Thor 2 nesse dia, e alguns dias atrás eu vi o trailer].
    12. Insects Infestation

      by , 11-13-2013 at 01:52 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      10.11.2013 2/2

      Eu estava na casa dos meus sogros, na sala, que por sinal estava bem diferente. Estávamos sentados assistindo TV quando eu vi uma aranha e a matei. A partir daí começaram a aparecer insetos de todos os lados da casa. Quanto mais eu matava, mais apareciam. Matei aranhas e escorpiões, grandes e pequenas. Os escorpiões brilhavam como se tivessem uma luz de LED no corpo. No fim, estava tentando matar um inseto que se parecia com um mouse, mas tinha uma caraoaça dura por cima. Lembro-me de tê-lo atingido várias vezes antes que ele rachasse. Acordei com a Ju me chacoalhando. Ela disse que eu estava agitado na cama, mexendo muito as pernas. [Nesse dia, minha gata encontrou uma aranha grande em casa e eu a matei]
    13. Lord of the rings and wall of china

      by , 11-12-2013 at 08:47 PM
      I found myself running down a bunch of tents toward a Great Wall with Frodo and Sam, my brother sam was also with me running down the dirt road lined with tents. As we were running a bunch of orcs stepped out and gave chase. Gollum was also chasing us and as we were about to be caught a massive slug thing appeared and we jumped on it. He pulled us away from our attackers to a swampy thing and descended into it. We were stuck and our attackers stopped at the edge and watched us get covered in the stuff. I suddenly jerked out of this and ran toward the wall shedding the skin like substance. The attackers gave chase and my brother said "the door that is open today is the one that says "queen" in Latin. We found it and unlatched the door just in time. We stumbled into a room with a fat guy and a family there and they didn't move they just looked on. (I think I woke up for a very short time) then suddenly I was above and behind the attackers who were now in full force attacking the wall. I saw a massive creature slam itself into the wall making it half it's height as archers shot it from the wall and suddenly I was back in my body inside the wall. Enemies were busting in the doors and I ran up a flight of stairs and stood in a coner of another flight. I saw people run down the stairs in towels and they slammed against the wall looking up. Then I woke up ... dream 2: I was in a house and we were having a party when Logan came up to me and kissed me so I took her upstairs and as we were laying in bed I woke up
      Tags: running
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. CCB, céu estrelado, fuga

      by , 11-12-2013 at 07:18 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Eu estava em uma grande reunião de irmãos da CCB. Olhava para cima e via o céu mais estrelado da minha vida. Saía para tentar mostrar pra minha esposa e me perdia. Acabava nos fundos da casa da minha tia Regina, trancado. A escada dos fundos estava faltando os últimos degraus, então eu saí me pendurando. Saía pela frente da casa e via que havia alguém no quarto, e a luz estava acesa. No portão encontrei uma irmã de saia jeans longa, blusinha rosa claro, cabelo preso, por volta de 40-50 anos, e seu marido dizendo que o bairro é perigoso, e se alguém me vir pulando o muro pode estranhar. Saía da casa e era abordado por 2 homens em uma moto que tentavam me matar. Eu fugia me jogando em uma grande ladeira parecida com um escorregador. Pegava um ônibus com um motorista louco que quase batia em tudo. Tinha uma criança sentada do meu lado conversando com a mãe sobre o seu aniversário e as bexigas da festa que farão.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 01:47 PM by 66176

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Chocolate Advertisement

      by , 11-12-2013 at 06:09 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Eu estava em um trem. Lembro de estar indo pra algum lugar. Eu sentava em umbanco duplo vazio. Sentava um asiático do meu lado direito e outro alguém do meu lado esquerdo(?). O fiscal da porta segurava todos pra fora pra não encher o trem e dizia que iria liberar em 5 segundos. Ele fazia a contagem regressiva e quanto estava no 2 ou 3, a porta fechava. Me vi no meio do banco entre os dois. Eu me levantava com o banco e o asiático reclamava pois queria se sentar também. Discutíamos. Eu explicava pra ele e resolvi deixar o banco pra ele, porém frustrado. Nessa hora, o banco já havia se transformado em uma cadeira de rodinhas. Sentava em outro e olhava pra fora. Via 3 banners sobre PuA, explicando como os amigos poderiam te trair depois de estudarem juntos e um outro banner escrito "Chocolate causa tantas alucinações quanto sua pele".