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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Not Quite a Meeting

      by , 05-27-2015 at 12:36 PM
      Morning of May 27, 2015. Wednesday.

      My dream becomes a very formal scenario in mood and awareness. I am not sure of the time. It may be late night or very early morning or probably a liminal “twilight” setting relating to my partial lucidity (where darkness but with a clearer awareness and augmented sense of touch often occur). I am walking on the right side of the road in an unknown location, which seems more like a back road at times. There is a tall chain-link fence almost immediately to my right, allowing only about two feet or less space to walk on the grass on the side of the road. I do not really notice any buildings. Up ahead, I see a semitrailer truck approaching. The driver is mostly in shadow (or “is” a shadow - though I discern what may be a red and black plaid shirt). As I am semi-lucid, I would normally “know” that the shadow was my conscious mind. However, here, I get the strange impression that he is another dreamer that I could actually meet - and in fact, even presume his identity to an extent of relating him to an actual dream journalist.

      The semitrailer truck is moving fairly slowly, it seems, as if the driver is perhaps unfamiliar with the area (though this is not certain - it may be his regular route and he is just being cautious). I start contemplating what I am going to do. I decide that I will pick up my pace a bit and meet with the driver. The driver is to the right (from my perspective) and I am not sure he notices me though his headlights seem to be working normally. There remains a problematic element, though not fully prospective, in that the side of the road does not have much room for me to traverse, so the truck and I will not have much room to spare as we pass each other when it approaches (assuming the driver does not stop to acknowledge me or even converse).

      The truck does go just past the edge of the road at times (I am mostly walking on the edge of the road rather than the grass), though this is not due to lazy driving but seems to be a dream-rendered situation directly related to my thinking about the potential meeting or choosing to dodge the truck instead (as if I am directly aware of the dream-making mechanism of my mind). After all, I do not want to be run down (though this is not that strong a concern, though I do not focus on going to the left to possibly avoid going closer to it). I continue to watch the truck carefully to see if it goes too far to my right, which would then block me off with nowhere to go (because of the high chain-link fence to my right, which continues as far as I can see other than the break at the intersection I am approaching, which I do not consider turning off at). I sense the meeting will be very formal and brief but with positive results. I start walking faster, almost running, but the approaching truck seems about the same distance away that it was minutes before. I still am not quite sure if there is enough room for me to clear the front of the cab or be hit though the sense of danger is decreased due to my growing lucidity.

      As the truck approaches, my lucidity continues to increase and I become slightly more aware that the “shadow driver” is my conscious mind and that this may be a typical example of “shadow play” - a temporary scenario that occurs at apex lucidity. However, I am still intent on continuing my direction and meeting with the driver, as there is still a degree of uncertainty over who the driver actually is. Instead, when I reach the truck, I reach the beginning of the waking process and slowly wake at about the point I am adjacent to the driver’s door on the road’s edge, thus “meeting” my conscious self in the waking process.

      The shadow/driver was a metaphorical form of my conscious mind “driving” the dream, with the “cargo” (in the semitrailer) being the implied intent or foundation (“building blocks”) of a potential apex level of lucidity (which comes through various means - such as crawling through a window or “shadow play”). This was a missed opportunity, I suppose, though I have noticed that apex lucidity often comes when a person has already gotten more than enough sleep. The engine of the truck is also a representation of the conscious mind as within the life force of the real body.

      This dream vaguely reminds me of a dream from 1991 titled “Motorcycle Jump”, where the shadowy motorcyclist also was my conscious mind though this time trying to wake up after sleeping for too long by managing to make the motorcycle rise up and jump through a very small window in the bathroom (a play on “I have to go” as in “I have to wake up now”).
      Tags: road, truck
    2. OBE

      by , 05-26-2015 at 11:56 AM
      I was tired that evening and I massaged a calf to my wife. After about half an hour I felt I'm losing comprehension of reality(my body was falling to sleep).
      So I laid down and started to relax... it went fast to generate feeling of heaviness and heat in my body, to lose feelings from body sensors... To lose thoughts. Only consciousness remained. I was point of consciousness floating in white shining space, in clean light.(Normally I'm in black space, this was something new But black space doesn't mean that I'm in any kind of discomfort. The feeling of peace is the same.)
      Time was running around me, but I didn't feel timeflow. I was existing in shining light, in peace, without thoughts. After about one hour my wife tried to wake me up , she needed help with our children. What she managed was, that I started to comprehend physical world... but only sounds from it. I started to feel my body, dimly. It was hot and very relaxed. I told my wife that I need help to stand up, that I don't have strong contact with my body. But I said it probably only into astral world.
      I pushed my will inside my legs and arms to move them, but instead, I did fast full separation into astral world probably. I projected inside my room, only it was all shining white. I moved around a little, floating. My wife was shouting again for me. I went back to my body to try to move physical body. I couldn't move it a millimeter. My body felt very tired and relaxed. I tried again to tell my wife that I need help to stand up to reconnect faster with my body. I found up that I can't move with ane muscle. I pushed my mouth to open a little and tried to speak, but my vocal chords were not functioning. I concentrated on them then... I managed to move muscles on vocal chords, but no sound was going out. I found up that I don't breathe fast enough... there wasn't pressure of air to resonate on the vocal chords. My cycle of breath in/out was longer than 30 seconds... and with very slow air movement. I couldn't speak with that. In the physical world that is. But I heard myself speaking despite of that. Probably into astral. I found out that I don't have control of my lungs.
      I tried again to move my hands and again I was out in shining white astral. Therefore I pushed my consciousness back into my body again. My consciousness was steering itself automatically to shut down any disruption of state of clean existence. Into peaceful thoughtless state. I pushed my will into my body limbs again despite of resistance. My real me wanted something else- going back into meditation. But I knew I need to stand up. I managed to rotate physical body to side of bed and partially down of bed. It took a few minutes to get feeling of gravity and balance strong enough to stand up, to fasten breathing, to strengthen and control muscles.

      Normally I do things different. Normally I try to stay in astral. As long as possible. This was new experience
      Despite how this looks like, this wasn't traumatizing experience. Yeah, I had problems to regain control of my body. But that was because of tiredness and because I didn't really want to go back. I never wanted to go back from astral, from that peaceful place. I would ditch my body if that is possible probably long time ago. But I have responsibilities. Therefore it is not priority But again, if possibility emerged, I would do it in that state of consciousness without thinking.

      Updated 05-27-2015 at 09:28 AM by 66278

      lucid , memorable
    3. I met the most beautiful girl tonight, and I don't remember her face

      by , 05-26-2015 at 11:08 AM
      I woke up on a buildings roof, and god am I afraid of heights. It seemed as if a party was going on on the floor below me, and I looked around. At this point I wasn't lucid. It seemed to me to be Dubai, the way this building was and looking around that's what it looked like to me. The only other person on the roof with me was a woman, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I don't remember her face, but I can tell you, this woman was gorgeous. We exchanged conversation, and I asked her how to get off the roof. (This was a HUGE sky scraper). She hugged me, held on, and jumped off the edge with me. I actually felt my stomach lurch as we were falling so fast. Then we landed. Softly. I was surprised. At this point my conscious mind was questioning the dream, but wasn't lucid - yet. She took hold of my hand and asked me what I wanted to do, so we walked around for a little bit and found a beach with jet skis. We got on them and road them for the majority of the dream, enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather (I could feel the warmth hitting my back, the water splashing on me as I rode the jet ski). I was in paradise. I loved it. I had this gorgeous woman with me and I was on the beach jet skiing, two of my favorite things! Suddenly it looked like it was about to storm. I was enjoying this dream so much that I actually attained LUCIDITY!! for a couple moments. I looked around, acknowledged my surroundings, and tried to stop the storms with all my might, even though it was one of my firsts times being lucid I just looked closed my eyes and willed it to stop. It ended up turning into a wall, almost like a simulation that turned off. That was when my dream started to end, we left and found ourselves in a conference room. (I wasn't lucid anymore at this point). I seen that my dream was fading and told her(I was semi-lucid now), and we kissed, just a simple on the lips kiss, she said goodbye, and I woke up.
      The best dream ever.

      Updated 05-26-2015 at 03:02 PM by 87912

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Attack on Bees

      by , 05-25-2015 at 10:44 PM
      My entire family was in an unknown house. A cousin of mine and I were going to play some Pokemon on a console (don't know what kind), but needed another controller. So I went to this stand in the city at night. Apparently they were having a really large sale. 300% off. A clerk offered me a strange phone and a car. I didn't take them as the store was too fishy. I did buy a console. I was back at the house and my cousin and I played the game. For some reason a Sakuya Izayoi was one of my Pokemon when I chose her, it crashed the game.
      Afterwards, my siblings, cousins, and I went to a large flower field on some rolling hills with many different kinds flowers. There I got stung by a bee and so did my cousins and siblings. Then a swarm of bees started chasing us. Many of them caught up and continued stinging us. They were after me the most though. The stings did actually hurt and left a stinging feeling as an aftermath. We ran inside the house and closed the door. However, many doors were still open and the bees continued to get in. I closed all the doors and killed many of the bees though they still continued to sting me. However bees were still getting in. I found a aluminum tube which connected to the outside and the garage was open. I rushed to the garage to close it, but the stings were soon getting to me and I started hallucinating which caused the garage to get distorted and had a terrible headache. I soon collapsed onto the ground from weakness and was paralyzed. I tried to call for help, but my voice was too weak for anybody to hear. I started thinking, "I guess this is the end. I had a good life. I'm ready to go." Then I passed out. I regained consciousness on a bed inside the house. Finally I woke up.

      Updated 05-28-2015 at 03:27 AM by 87593

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    5. Odd dream with the urge to find someone. (Interpretation?)

      by , 05-25-2015 at 07:33 PM
      Hey Dreamviews, I've been out of practice for a while but I woke up and had remembered this dream because it stuck out so much to me, I'm curious about peoples interpretation or even just comments on it as a whole, please forgive typos, I jotted this down as fast as I could when I got out of bed.

      I'm standing in an old seemingly worn down building with a little Mexican boy in the higher floors of the mansion that seems to be falling apart, myself as well as three other children (Something I noted half way through writing this is I was a child as well.), two females one male, who has glasses as well as an older woman named (Rebecca?) who seemed to be in her late twenties (28 or so if I had to guess.), I know the boy's father, whether the name Rodrigo belongs to the child or the father I won't know, but I know the father and I know he built something for me in the land of my dreams, whether it is a monument or a memory I don't know but I'm determined to find out and remember this for future reference.

      When I told the boy that he looked exactly like his father he merely smiled, Rodrigo seemingly happy about the 'news' that I had remembered, the tall Mexican woman wearing modest clothing was somewhat attractive, though the only gestures I remember her making was a curt bow and a smile when I first met her, though she seemed to smile and nod whenever the little boy did, I get the feeling that she isn't his mother, maybe an aunt or nanny of some sort.

      Us children ran through the upper floors of the seemingly infinitely tall mansion, the small Mexican boy waving happily in tandem with his presumable caretaker, we take care ignoring the wood as it already seemed decayed long ago, though the countless holes leading to the bottom or gaps where the mansion was simply pulled apart like a fissure still remain, we run through the walls of the mansion, through a sizable hole being our 'doorway', a sort of void meeting us as we run along the scattered remnants of wood that merely floated in this strange place, not reacting to our weight or presence as we skirted through it just fine, the other children happily laughing and giggling as they passed as I tried not to fall.

      When we go through an identical 'hole' at the other side of the room we are greeted by a room that looks identical to the one we had started in, however to the right I see an even larger fissure, seemingly bottomless when I look into the pit below.We play an odd sort of game, one of us would summon various 'platforms' which all of us had to quickly run and jump on before the next person would do the same to reach the other side. The other boy quickly failed on the second jump, falling into the void with a drawn out "Nooo!" while the others seemed just as happy as they were moments ealier, one of the little girls cheerfully informed me that because one of us lost, we all lost the game, though she happily conjures a floor to replace the void we risked falling into, with the new floor I continued in reaching the other side, noting an odd 'tear' in reality which only became visible as I approached, the ghostly yet radiant white light shining from it and offsetting the natural looming darkness of the unnatural place that we were in. I could not get any closer to the 'tear' but I didn't have the urge to pass through, I felt I was not ready yet as I turned around and once more returned to the other side I was greeted again by the smiling face of Rebecca, who merely smiled as she kneeled and gave me a gentle hug, I woke up at this time with the overwhelming urge that I need to find this odd boys 'Father' and what it is he built for me.

      ---I would like to point out that I have EXTREME trouble conjuring things but at some point I was able to in this dream without even thinking about it, something I noted as I was publishing this.
    6. 15-05-24 Kano

      by , 05-25-2015 at 10:00 AM
      This was a nightmare about the Mortal Kombat character Kano. I was in a house, with a cute Asian girl. She was sitting at a desk, and I was guarding her. Kano, a ruthless murderer, was trying to kill us. But it got weird. At one point I managed to get the drop on him, and stab him to death. But he regenerated to full health and attacked us again. I killed him again and somehow cut him into 10 smaller pieces. I tossed the pieces around the house, far away from each other so he could not "reassemble". But one thing I didn't know: each piece of him would regenerate to an entire person. So now I had ten of him wandering around. One entered the room, and I hid in the curtains (wrapped a curtain around myself somehow). My plan was to jump out when he got close enough and stab him to death again. But I looked out of the window, and another Kano approached the house from the garden. I realized there was nothing I could do. The guy from the garden walked into the house, grabbed the Asian girl's head, and snapped her neck like a twig. I was seething with anger, but realized I was powerless to stop it.

      I also vaguely remember being found by him (was I hiding behind a desk?), and later on surviving the encounter. Some people found me (my dad?), and I think I said that Kano had to be hunted down before he could cause more harm.

      Updated 11-16-2017 at 07:49 PM by 17412

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Lucid Dream; Faces in Mirror

      by , 05-25-2015 at 09:54 AM
      For the majority of the dream, I was in my house.

      The dream started with me in my room and going outside to find a mirror. I noticed right away that my face in the mirror was weird and distorted, and I realized I was dreaming. The more I looked at my face in the mirror, the more twisted and distorted it became, but I was actually able to shape it. I spent a few moments trying to see how much I could alter my face, eventually making it disappear altogether by flattening it. I then walked around outside to find the neighborhood to be filled with lights on front lawns.

      When I went back to my house, my cousin was in my room, and my room was rearranged but I didn't care because I knew it wasn't real anyway. I was really amazing at how detailed everything was and how realistic it all seemed.

      Then I'm at a theater with various friends and I'm watching a movie about Captain America being trapped at the bottom of an ocean. That's when I lost Lucidity.
      lucid , memorable
    8. May 23rd and May 24th 2015 Any Moment Could be a Dream! Threesome, Mall, and Flight with Vampires

      by , 05-25-2015 at 06:13 AM
      Sunday had a very lengthy LD series for me! I am loving this!!
      Sat, 23 May 2015:

      *another good "any moment could be a dream" example! I am towards the back of our house talking with my wife and son I remove some coins from my pocket and drop them in a small pile of coins. I don't believe anything strange or dreamlike happened at all. I believe the trigger was simply what I have been reminding myself throughout the day in my day practices, that any moment could be a dream! I I'm thinking along those lines and I decide to see if I can float up and I can and I start flying. I fly over our back yard and think of locating Girl Friday. I reflect on how much it felt like I was completely in the waking world before I started flying and I thought for a moment what if I'm just visualizing this so I look to see how crisp the visuals really are and I definitely realize that they are too solid to be visualization and I am happy but the dream visuals are not fading as I'm flying but I do decide I should slow down just in case. I see a house up and to the left and I decide that will be where Girl Friday will be. I drop down to the window and look in and the house is completely empty. I try to look away and then back in but my dream starts fading and I end up back in bed. #328

      Sun, 24 May 2015:
      Quick notes but also waited half the day to start recording my dreams. I did create a quick mnemonic device to remember the various scenes but should have recorded more details right away.
      -something in big long indoor warehouse and
      I realize I can just fly, I am dreaming and I take off flying and a circle back around to continue flying in this indoor scape this fades after a little bit to me trying to stay in the dream realm, wandering through the void and hopefully into another scene.
      -school classroom I am looking for a seat. there is 1 that's part of the double desk like all the others but someone is already on the other side but I have no choice as I see the other desks are all full.
      Hug my good friend intimately and tell her it must be weird for her but I really like her (semi-lucid possibly).
      -waves to 4th story splashing. We are standing on a rooftop 4th story and waves come crashing over

      but mostly just risking getting a little wet as most of the waves don't make it up there. we go down and we mention what's happening with the waves and a lady says that's why they don't allow structures to be built on top of cliffs. Upon waking, I reflect on how I missed the dream sign.
      -complex: we're trying to go up in elevator I believe for floors once again the elevator entrance is packed and there's a long line and I see a side door labeled stairs and say let's just go up the stairs but when we open the door it's an entrance to an elevator and I wonder if this is a service elevator we go in it anyway and it stops at the next floor which feels like the one where we saw the long line and a bunch of people try to cram in. one person gets out but somebody else gets in but the doors won't close and me and my friend say let us out he gets out first but people are still in my way and by the time I get out I'm having trouble finding him and I'm going through these halls and I see some random guy in a lab coat. I start to call out for him
      but then I realize that this is a dream scenario and I decide this will be cool to explore this huge complex I seem to be in. I go through different passageways through big wide halls. I start thinking it would be nice to run into a beautiful woman in here and wouldn't you know around the corner comes a beautiful if not somewhat girl next door with longish curly hair brownish blonde. I reach out for her and tell her you are the one I've been waiting for, we have been waiting for each other and we start making out. I decide to bring another female in on the action and a sexy female appears in a black outfit. She has short black leather shorts that are very tight and sheer black stockings with high heels - also black, and a tight black top.

      She has dark brown hair and when I tell her I want her
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and she gets very excited and gets to work. After we had our fun I started exploring the complex again. At one point I see something cool through some glass windows

      but no door so I decide to phase through. It seems to be working but then I get stuck in the molecular structure of the glass and then into the void but I'm used to this situation and know it can lead me to a brand new scene.
      -mall I'm excited to find that I have arrived at a very busy 2-story mall full of plenty of DC's to choose from!

      I walk through the crowd looking for as suitable mate. I see one cute girl walking the other way in a very crowded pathway and try to get her to stop but she is resistant and keeps walking the other way. I keep looking but it seems most of the DC's are either too young or too old . As I am passing the food court it gets particularly crowded and I'm squeezing between bodies of people and I decide it's time to float up above the crowd.
      I fly over all of the DC's looking for a beautiful mate and I get to the edge railing and look down and it looks more interesting on the floor down below.

      I sweep up over the railing and down to the floor below but the visuals start fading so I float back up reaching for the railing hoping visuals will come back. I wake and adjust my position in bed and reflect on my dreams. A little later:
      -construction I end up in a building that looks like it's under construction

      and there are a crew of guys testing fire sprinkler system and I can hear them feeling it up with water. I hear the sound pipes make when water is rushing through them . I go different ways into this building to see if there's anything interesting but it is kind of drab so I start looking for the exit and there is one which it's like a big long covered porch open air. I start flying through this area to the outside which is a city scene. there are some trees and some hills in the distance but the first thing I see is a sign that says something First Baptist Church. I fly forward and I can hear some voices behind me and I look back and I can see for figures taking off flying from the same spot I did coming up behind me

      so I slow down to greet the first two to arrive.
      they are to younger girls and I ask them who is that behind them. one says that is our protective father. their father is flying with their young sibling in his hands.

      He looks like a big ,strong, foreboding pale vampire with light hair maybe white or gray but I have no fear.
      I wake up shortly after. I woke and repositioned to a more comfortable position between several of these LD scenes, so I am counting 3 LD's. #329-331

      This felt like I was in the dream realm for a big chunk of my night! I wake up feeling like I have lived so many experiences in one night much like a lot of my recent LD's with the G+C combo (8mg+500mg).

    9. May 21st 2015: Sex, Consoling Crying Girl, Astronaut Pilot, Becoming Tree

      by , 05-22-2015 at 12:23 AM
      Thu, 21 May 2015:
      1st feel transitioned to dream but float to confirm. Slow! Yes. Darkish. Wife gets out of bed and goes to toilet. I wonder if she did in waking and go in front of toilet and dance around to see if I get a reaction. Not really but she looks up and either she has no face or it is blurred and hard to make out. Shortly after back in bed needing to turn over.

      Later after a WBTB, I get comfortable.
      I feel I have transitioned again but when I make a small move to get out of bed it feels like I risk moving my waking body and waking up. I try to float again but nothing and then I mentally push my whole body towards the right front corner of my bad and my dream by jumps up on to the corner of the bed! I walk out of the room this time and out to the loft

      and I think about my day time visualization: floating up and then over the loft and I do. I float down to the landing or ledge where we could display items but we don't. From there I float down to the floor. I get some audio of my son asking me what I'm doing but I know it's just from the dream I head to front door and I walk out. Before I walk out I can hear what sounds like a crowd of people outside and I like that I will be able to walk through the crowd and pick out some beautiful DC's! as I walk out there is a crowd and I find one girl.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and then I think how I wanted and planned to go about things like this more consensually. I cross the street and there are 3 women wearing choir robes like you might see in church. I think about the church connection but continue over there with my dirty intentions. I look at them with the look that I know they all want a piece of me and one by one they go to work
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and there's a little girl nearby that approaches and starts crying. I decided I had enough and switched to consoling her. I no longer felt like I was naked but neither did I put on any clothes or really consider this. I tried to commit to memory what she was saying as she was crying but that part is gone. She hugs me back as she cries.

      I walked back to the other side of the street and there was another woman crying a little more gently, whereas the girl was more sobbing. I was going through the dream details in my head to better commit them to memory when I felt what was a false awakening but I wasn't sure at first. I was back in my bed and my wife was playfully touching my arm but then started tickling me under my arm and I kind of moan like she is going to wake me up but I tried to feel if I was still asleep and decided that indeed I was. I did an in dream wild again (like earlier in the month) closing my dream eyes until a new scene forms through my closed dream eyes or maybe I open them up gently but either way I was in a long room not very wide but plenty of space. There were a number of pieces of equipment to the end of the room in front of me and this pilot or astronaut in a suit

      like a pressure suit and there was a small one man rocket or flight craft that was warming up its' engines

      and pointing towards the ceiling though there wasn't really a ceiling or a sky but mind you this all felt very indoors. he gets down from the rocket contraption having started the warm up process and is talking to me and something in my head makes me wonder what they wear under that suit and he hears my thoughts and unzips his outfit and shows me that he is naked underneath. I see his penis and everything. he's zips it back up and continues to prepare. I look back towards the part of the room I was in before that was basically behind me when I was facing the astronaut guy and my son is sitting and doing his studies and back towards where the astronaut was there is now a TV and something risque is on TV. it seems to be some r-rated version of MTV where some chunky lady is walking around without a top on. I start to lose a little lucidity here as I wonder if we should change the channel but after a bit I realized it doesn't matter regaining some lucidity. I start thinking about how it seems like the scene is going on for a long time and I start thinking about my goals. I jump to memory peg number 5 and after a bit of a scene fade I find myself standing over my wife

      who is sitting in a chair in our dining room. number 5 is the smell task of the month and I remember how I smelled her hair earlier in the day freshly washed with a nice scent to it and the dream seems to replicate the scent but it was a little more faint almost as if the dream accounted for the time that has passed since the fresh washing of the hair. I then think about how I reset memory peg number 2 back to the lucid dare to become a tree and I start stretching out my arms like the branches of the tree and my feet down like the roots and I get the sensation of my torso and arms growing and expanding upwards

      but I'm not too sure how much of a tree I became with no mirror around. I then thought of memory peg number 6 and this is the talking to the monster under your bed for task of the month. I decide that there is a bed just ahead and I walk that way but I don't see one and the dream is fading a bit and I decide that I will just arrive back in bed, my dream bed and then I can get out of bed and talk to the monster from there but it doesn't work
      and I soon find myself back in my actual bed needing to urinate but I stay still and try to reenter the dream but eventually realize I am too wake and need to relieve myself before trying anything else. when I go back to bed I do get a lot of great visualisations that seem to take legs which like in my previous LD aftermath several days ago I wondered if I might be in a dream state with the amount of effect I have over what seems like HH's. very long lucid series! 8 milligrams of G + 500 milligrams of choline. #326 & 327
    10. Night of May 20 2015

      by , 05-21-2015 at 10:45 PM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, I wasn't recording my dreams in a DJ for absolutely no good reason. But tonight I had a very good lucid dream, and (half?) completed one of my dream milestones..

      Need food

      I had a dream where I was in a restaurant-like place. There were lots of people around me and a couple of them really wanted food. The guy at the counter (who wasn't exactly working at the restaurant) was already in the process of making some and the people were surprised. They started eating some so I left down the street to an alley. The alley went downstairs into a sort of restaurant as well. There were lots of tables around and one table was where they were selling the food. I was supposed to get some sort of vaccination before coming here because there was a chance to catch a virus, but the people around me were wearing gloves so I thought that would suffice as protection. I went to grab a pair of them and then left to get some of the food, and I can't remember what happens after here.

      Car crash

      I was in a bus. The bus was going up this street slope, and all around the bottom were flat plains with lots of yellow flowers. There was a turn on the slope and the bus was going too fast, and it fell off the edge to fall down on the plains. On impact, I was sent outside, on the ground near the broken bus. Many people who were in the bus at the time were moaning in pain, and in particular I can recall a young boy who was directly under the bus. In contrast, the worst I felt was light-headed, but nothing more.

      You're my subconscious, aren't you?

      I was in this platformer game similar to the N flash game, and I was also the character in there. I was jumping around when I just suddenly knew I was dreaming. The game started going at very high speeds, and was starting to glitch out and the scene changed, but I retained lucidity. I was on the front yard of a house I can't recognize. My brother is there with me, and for some reason he was really bugging me about something. He kept trying to get my attention and I was so irritated by it that I threatened to kill him with a knife, because he wasn't real anyway. I had my knife at his throat, but I couldn't bring myself to kill him. I don't know if it's because I didn't like the idea, even if it was a dream, or I wasn't completely lucid, but I eventually decided to ignore him and left to walk down the street. I met a friend of mine down there and he said he wanted me to go with him to a restaurant. I accepted and while we were walking I started to view the scenery. It was very vivid, with detailed buildings and city electric cords going across town. I was thinking if I should do one of my dream goals and could recall slaying a dragon. I tried to summon a dragon several times by closing my eyes and opening them again, and was careful not to open my real eyes, but the best I could do was make a puff of smoke in the air and a man's scream. Where did the person's scream even come from? I decided to try again another time and my friend and I entered the restaurant. There were high chairs, like the one you'd see in bars, across the counter and a display case showing pancakes. My friend was ordering some and I was standing at a corner waiting for him to finish up. I started losing lucidity here from the normality of the scene but I caught myself and regained it. The dream started to fade out and I kept calm to get ready to DEILD.

      Woke up, got right back into the dream.

      I was in my room. I didn't get up from bed, but rather I was standing in the middle. There was a person I thought to be my other brother cowering under a blanket in the corner of the room. I didn't really mind him and started towards the door. This intense feeling came over me, so I came over to the person and asked this question completely on instinct:

      "You're my subconscious, aren't you?"

      To my surprise, a small black female teen came out and replied with yes. She came over to me and gave a short kiss. For a weird reason I thought she wanted to take it further and I was getting my "bottom part" ready when she ran out of the room to another nearby one. Embarrassed, I followed her and she was sitting on the bed. I recall asking two questions, one being, "do you keep my memories and all other related information?" and the other I can't forget, but it was related to it. She replied with a simple, "yeah".
      May have to rethink her being my subconscious, but I'm not doubting her yet. For the time being, I'll keep the milestone for it unchecked. We both left downstairs and I saw my sister, but didn't mind her. My subconscious laid down on a table and because her appearance wasn't what I had in mind, I was giving commands on what to change, but before I could finish or do another DEILD the dream faded away.

      Successful MILD + DEILD.

      Updated 05-21-2015 at 10:51 PM by 86072

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    11. May 16, 17, & 18 2015 Dream Girls, Flight with DC over England; Beautiful Aurora!; RC miss,Wait! RC!

      by , 05-21-2015 at 10:31 PM
      < Don't worry, you don't have to read the whole thing to comment >

      Sat, 16 May 2015:

      SSILD: maybe I was already asleep because when I thought I was still trying to get to sleep, I was noticing how the things I was imagining were folding into my HI's. I was having unusual control over them or influence of the HI's so maybe a short NREM stage. I lost track of my awareness though until a little later.
      I am in a home setting that is unfamiliar when I look back from waking perspective recording this dream. I'm in a family room and my son and his girlfriend and others are there including members of my extended family. At some point I seem to be losing clothes and end up in my underwear. It seems like my son's girlfriend is trying to go look at my junk bouncing around in my underwear. I don't want my son to see that so I move behind the couch. At one point everyone starts looking at me like I did something wrong and my first thought is what did I do?
      But then I realized this is a dream scenario! I am dreaming! My son's girlfriend comes over to me as I'm sitting on a chair and leans over me and I can see down her blouse . her breasts seem smaller than in waking life, though I'm only guessing, because I've never seen her naked of course…except in dreams that is. The previous one with her started off non lucid and I felt so guilty! Some of those feelings came in here but I mentally reminded myself that this is just a dream. (Memory gap) we are driving in the van with openings between the two front seats and my wife is getting frisky
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and this cute lady in a short skirt is in the backseat pretending that she is sleeping but I can see her eye slightly peeked open.
      I think of her joining in and regain my lucidity . (memory gap) I'm in a new house and there is a lady actually it's the same lady from the backseat and she has a baby in arms and a little girl who is maybe 5 to 7 years old. I talk to the baby and wonder if I disturbed his sleep. I have lost my awareness again. ( memory gap) she's going home and she is outside of her door holding the baby carrying something else and trying to deal with her little girl and I asked her if she needs help. she says sure and brightens up her smile and tells me to come on in!

      this is when I realize I'm dreaming again and get my awareness back. she is sitting on a chair and her short skirt alluringly and the kids are now gone. start
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      before another memory gap. A guy brings me outside and wants to show me something. We take off flying. He says we are passing over England and Manchester City. I look over at him and it is my son.

      We are flying together high up in the sky. I wonder if we are high enough that I can see the shape of the British Isles and after moments of looking for it I am suddenly in a blank space with a solitary standing elephant-dude figurine. Primarily colored in soft blue and white.

      Several memory gaps, perhaps my awareness work needs to be stepped back up during the day and have come to rely on the G + C combination which I did not take this night. I really wanted to be lucid tonight because I wanted and natural lucid dream before my next G experiment the next night. On the other hand I am hopeful that this could be some sign of "breaking down the wall" that Thomas Yuschak speaks of. #323

      Sun, 17 May 2015:
      *Longish dream+DILD: we are in some foreign country, possibly India and I am waiting in our vehicle at a small airport drop off area and the doors are locked but after a little while people start trying to open the doors and before long many people are trying to open the doors. one guy gets in and then lets another in and soon the truck is packed. It is like a van sized SUV. One last guy crams in and I thought he was going to sit on top of me or something but he went crawling to the back. I was in the front passenger seat. one of the guys that got in started driving. He seems to be the patriarch of this family and he is driving too fast and I told him to be careful driving so close to the other cars. I asked him what is going on, why is everyone so frantic? he says that the Muslims want to vote (so I assume that they are protesting and rioting). I think to myself why were they not allowed to vote? This goes into a false awakening where all of the people in the van and some additional people are in a big room sleeping and people are starting to get up and wake up and I notice how dark it is. I asked couple of girls near me why is everyone getting up? What time do you go to bed? And one answered sometimes 12 or 1 and then I realized I asked the wrong question. what time do you usually wake up? and she answered around 8. I see a clock or somehow know that it's 6 a.m. and I ask why is everyone getting up at 6 a.m. then? No answer, but some one by the window says but there is an aurora borealis happening right now. I say "well I'll get up for that!" I go to the window where they are peeking through the blinds. aluminum style 1 inch or 1 and half inch blinds. I look up and all of the clouds in the sky seem to be glowing a little bit but I don't see what he's referring to at first and then I notice the lower set of clouds closer to the horizon are glowing more so and the colors are undulating. As I look more, it gets more impressive!

      I say out loud this must be a dream! Somebody sees react like yeah yeah. I try to look at my hands but it is too dark in the room although it does look like there is something about my hands I moved to the nose pinch RC can do it several times to be sure
      before I think about starting to mount various women in front of all these people. I'm able to breathe through my pinched nose and I lookout after night display some more. it is so beautiful! Let's start shooting back and forth across the sky along with a laser gun sound effect that is interesting but the lights are so beautiful! After a while of looking at it i turn my attention to looking for a suitable mate and walk through the room passing several girls that are too young including a little blonde girl . I see a beautiful girl, probably 20's, holding the hands of two younger girls and leading them into a room.
      Spoiler for BEWARE-negative schema (but resolved). NOT sexual content:
      I decide I will just fly up through the roof and I do! This leads me to a series of different scenes all seemingly underground with no windows but some more interesting than others. one was wide open and what would look like maybe a big space station somewhere on a planet perhaps

      and I spend a bit of time flying quickly through there enjoying flying indoors. At one point I came to somewhat of a dead end but there was an opening that led to a very dark hallway and I wasn't interested in exploring that way

      so I turned around and flew some more and eventually I fly into another scene. This next one was full of DC's. They all look like military or worker guys in dark blue jumpsuits

      and I think about how in the podcast Sensei talks about how in some place, some powers don't work and sure enough here I don't have all of my normal dream super powers. I take a few swings at two of the guys and they kind of laugh at me. one guy takes me by the arm almost as if I'm being arrested or at least taken out of there. he's a boisterous guy that seems like a bit of an asshole . we look across the room and theres is a guy dressed a little differently, dressed like a movie star in casual attire. the guy who grabbed my arm says that guy is an asshole. As we approach I feel like messing with them and I start to say hey this guy says you're an... But the guy fills in and says something like yeah he is a whole lot of something trying to playoff what he really said about him using words that sounded a bit like what he really said, "a whole." I chime in and said no he called you an asshole. I think I'm forgetting some parts but at some point
      I feel myself back in bed and with a strong urge to reposition myself off of my sore left shoulder. After trying to stay still for a few minutes I eventually have to turn over and maybe I waited too long because my shoulder is still sore. It was worth it though! #324

      empowering non-lucid: Water park amusement park bathroom mini golf. Guy kicks my wife. I fight him though he is bigger. Guy says they will break up fight if I get off him. I do but guy starts fighting me again and I quickly break his neck with head twist.

      Mon, 18 May 2015:
      Later driving into fancy neighborhood #lostMyWay trying to find my car parked outside. Became a covered area suddenly from aerial view (map?).
      Go into a big resort like place and try to pass through to get to where we are heading. #Wife #son security system starts to drop down as if I am not authorized to pass but moves back up as I back away, then down again as I approach. Finally a flying droid thing stays with me until #security arrives. He holds a fork like stick to my balls while questioning me. Must you? I ask. Later they let me go and with family back inside car
      and I think about how dream like that was...why didn't I RC? I should now! Hands hmmm...look away and look again
      ..yeah I just counted 6?...hard to see one of my fingers!
      Nose pinch yep! Tell family I'm going to take off and fly out of car a little and see youngish girl reminds me of one I saw that day. I walk up and I remember my plan to make it feel okay and remove any negative thoughts and ask the girl (brownish blonde, more blonde) to take off her clothes.
      Spoiler for Strong Sexual Content & language:
      5-6min count as 5 for contest. #325

      Late am btb: HI's to quasi dreams? Very good fantasy visualizations with GF and C and friend. Later even said time to RC...hand look 3 times but then quickly felt back in bed so didn't count as a separate LD.
    12. #88 - Just a catch up

      by , 05-21-2015 at 12:02 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      So I have had a lot of dreams lately, of which I distinctly remember 2. I still haven't been free enough from university to dedicate any time to lucid dreaming but my stress dreams are pretty memorable.

      Dream 1 - A plane ride
      It wouldn't be memorable if it was just a simple plane ride... I'm on an airport runway and a small plane the size of my room zooms towards me (imagine a real life boeing 747 scaled down a lot to the point where no one could fit inside), I grab hold of it for dear life as it takes off into the sky. It's hard to explain what was going on, I wrapped myself around the plane with my legs tucked under and arms over the top, the wing of the plane pressing into my thigh. I knew this was completely impossible and everytime that thought crossed my mind I would realize how fickle the situation was and start slipping a bit, only to grip on even tighter. I note the intense realism around me too, the whipping wind and clouds of moist air, the yellow light that beams from the horizon... At some point the stress must have been too much because I ended up getting inside somehow, the airplane was roomy and the story arc for the dream took a more sinister turn

      I walk along the aisle of the plane and I know that there's aliens outside, evil evil evil aliens. Why? Not a clue...
      I hear knocking on the airplane door, it opens by itself and a flight attendant is standing there.
      She probably would have looked good if she were in a less condensed form, it was like her entire body was a slinky that needed to be stretched out, I instantly knew that it was an alien in the guise of a human being. I point out its flaw to it, not really realizing that the flight attendant was actually hovering on what seemed like nothing, and also that the scenery outside gave the impression we were on a countryside train. She disappears quickly with a smile, a moment later a grey-brown veiny hand with extremely long spindly fingers wraps its hands around the door frame as if pulling itself inside.
      I don't remember much more than this though...

      Everything in this dream seemed so fuckin' intense... yet I don't feel like telling it did much justice haha.

      Dream 2 - Trying to protect someone
      I seemed to be on a mountain with my daughter and some friends, the scenery is beautiful and stretches on for miles in some directions. In one direction there seemed to be a large valley, across of which there was a large mountain with a lot of scree on it. I remember yelling and showing to the others that we could make it echo, then they copy but I tell them to stop or they'll make an avalanche...
      They didn't stop in time though, the ringing of our voices in the mountains was met by a grating, crumbling, ground shaking movement. I picked up my daughter as the ground slid beneath me, I see in the distance the scree on the other mountain turning into an avalanche too... I only slide a few metres before sliding into a pool at the bottom of a small slope I had been on, but the rocks keep piling up and I worry about my daughter as I hold her high above me so she doesn't' get hurt.

      I woke up shortly after this, sad and disturbed, wishing I could have finished the dream with a happy ending
    13. What's Up With Ryuu?

      by , 05-19-2015 at 07:51 PM
      1-2:30PM nap
      I'm out running errands with my mother and my sister. I have my dragon, Ryuu

      in my arms. He seems to be asleep, he's completely limp in my arms with his eyes closed, but he's cold to the touch.
      "Mom, what's wrong with him? Why isn't he moving?" I ask.
      Mom doesn't respond, but parks the car at the pool and we all three go inside. Mom starts talking to a few people while I go near the waterslide. By the stairs near the waterslide is a little triangular machine in the water. I pick it up and look at it thoroughly, then put it back. Ryuu starts to move and is getting warmer, so I'm guessing he only had to warm up like cold-blooded creatures do.
      "Mom, Ryuu's wiggling now!" I tell her, as she's saying good bye to another person.
      Then, I wake up.
    14. Sensei's DJ nld

      by , 05-19-2015 at 04:29 PM
      There is a scene change and I am now looking at Sensei's dream journal, which is quite a large book, which when opened reveals that for this lucid dream that was 1.10 hrs or 110 mins long Sensei has decided go draw the entire dream. I browse through several large fully illustrated pages. On the first page is Sensei himself like on a large poster, it looks like a mix between a very good drawing and a computer manipulated picture with really cool colors. He is wearing a sort of anime style/futuristic adventure outfit. The whole journal entry comes to life and now looks like a youtube video. In the meantime, the real Sensei comes in the room and starts to voice synch the journal entry that now's playing.
    15. A Brief Visit To Hogwarts Grounds

      by , 05-18-2015 at 08:19 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      It has been a while...mostly due to that my dreams have been bland, until recently. I have more time now to work on lucidity too

      Had a dream that I was trying to find the world of Harry potter or the world of witchcraft and wizardry. I was standing on what seemed to be a ledge on a castle top as I waved down at three characters who had to be Ron, Hermione, and Harry of course. I waved at them but something seemed off, the kind of just drifted as the stood there and I could see slight facial movement of smiles but my eyesight seemed off. I then jumped down from the castle ledge to greet them but ended up flying on a broom stick across a quidditch field, before the quidditch field view of each of the house bleachers/stadium seating I remember seeing a couple characters gathering some equipment from a car parking lot near a grocery store and their outfits were not fitting for what I would call wizardry. One of the guys I saw was wearing bright orange and it was really ugly. I took a quick glance shrugged it off and then flew over a horizon of buildings both magical and muggle. Never found out why Harry, Ron, and Hermione were just standing there outside of Hogwarts in a circle just staring at each other.

      I then woke up to a voice that sounded mad at me, I was still slightly dreaming. The dream voice was mad because I had a decent dream that I could remember and this dream antagonist hates it when I have dream worth-while which is hardly ever. He carried on by calling me a fake emo by staring me eye to eye and then I woke up completely. It could have been peeves or some poltergeist, just saying...

      edit: Also before I woke up all the way. I had some dream flashes, one of them there was a green flash, like the one Harry potter would describe...and then after the flash I remember seeing Donald Duck scream and runaway. Could there have been a slight notion of a Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Disney Crossover, because that would be freaking awesome if I could dream about that.

      Updated 05-18-2015 at 08:24 PM by 1643
