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    1. Party & Class

      by , 01-19-2011 at 07:46 PM
      House Party - The dream opened up in the living room of a large house. I remember seeing two people I knew in high school. There were only a few people there and I was sitting at a table off to the side of the room. I didn't feel like making conversation with anyone so I waited for someone to come talk to me. Eventually a girl my age came up and started talking to me. I didn't know her but we were flirting. We kept talking and more people showed up at the house. She left to talk to other people. There room was now full of people partying and it was night. There we people around me and the girl came back to talk. This is all I remember.

      Class - It started out in a huge class auditorium in college. It was the first day of class. I'm not sure what class it was but there were two professors teaching the same course at the same time. Kind of like a team. This girl was sitting next to me, I do not know her in real life. We were chatting and making jokes as the teachers talked. Some guy came and sat on my left, he acted like he was high laughing all the time. There were also a few girls with him but I don't remember much of them. As they were teaching the girls arm was resting on mine. Next the teachers asked us to form lines for something. There was crowds in the lines so I decided to wait until they were short because I was in no hurry. I eventually got up and tried to do whatever it was I was getting in line for. I had trouble and then I woke up.
      Tags: class, girl, party
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. 10/19/2010 Buddhist opera and eggs for lunch

      by , 12-26-2010 at 04:02 AM (The Midnight Train)
      We saw this opera about Buddhism at B-1. I go to have lunch in a classroom but there are only boys in there (boring) so I leave and another guy leaves for the same reason. We sit at the door where there's this blond girl and then after a while Anna-5 comes to sit beside me. Janis-2 asks me what the name of the first song was about the lady and the snake but I don't know but I was just looking at this poster which has info about it so I go look at that and there's a picture of a snake. I tell him that later on in the story there's a similar situation with a man and a snake and the story is trying to teach a similar thing.
      Earlier on...
      I am going out with friends and want to make lunch for them all to save some money. I want to make eggs on rice. I ask Tricia-2 if I can do it but she sternly says no and I was guessing that it's because of the energy consumption. She's sitting in a faint red couch and wearing her work clothes with a black jacket. I tell her that it's traditional for us to have rice and eggs and that they are very easy to make. I am about to go out with my NZ Thai friends and one of them is Mindy-3.
    3. 25 Dec: The hidden treasure of the Town of Denn

      by , 12-25-2010 at 08:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      3:00 GMT

      Gore nightmares
      I had a long night of really gore nightmares. I didn’t made a huge effort to recall them, because they were so bloody uncomfortable, but some images were just carved in my memory.
      First I recall being forced to watch some guy being tortured to death. A group of men crushed and shredded his limbs and while he was being hanged from somewhere, they were plucking bits of flesh and bone slowly from him, to prolong the excruciating pain. I recall making an effort to wake up from this awful dream but not being able to do so right away.
      Later I recall being chased by some guys – possibly the same ones, from whom I had escaped – and they are trying to kill me with an axe. I’m inside some barn, jumping fences and what have you. They hit some innocent guy (caught in the middle) in the chest with the axe, which explodes in a shower of blood. I then fight one of the guys and get his axe from him. Then I’m forced to defend myself by using it against them. I feel really bad for using so much violence, but I see no other solution. I cut some arms and legs and kill or mortally wound them all. Then I don’t recall anything else.

      8:00 GMT

      Back to University
      I’m at a university, which is different from the one I attended, but I still feel It's my university. I’m visiting the corridor where I used to have some classes in the amphitheatres when a group of students passes by me, freaking out, because they were in charge of booking a room for their class and they messed up and the room is now occupied with another class. Before their professor arrives, I help them finding an empty room. They thank me and go inside. I continue down the corridor, feeling very nostalgic about college life.
      I am then invited to join a special class for ex-students visiting from all over the world on this special day. I’m sitting on the left row of tables a large room which looks more like a warehouse or a barn. It’s clearly an improvised classroom to welcome such a big group. I do a trick with a pencil, like making it stand up on the table, to impress a colleague next table and this triggers my lucidity. I decide to leave this place and go outside. I think about flying through the roof or crossing the wall, but end up just walking through the door, because I don’t want to disturb the other DC’s or dreamers’ dream. The professor calls for my name and either is asking me to go back to my place or for input on something. But I smile and say “No, no, I’m out of here. Have a good day!”

      The hidden treasure of the Town of Denn
      Outside I think I can use this opportunity to achieve the RPG goal. So I see some woods and think this could be the forest outside the Town of Denn, but there’s no town around so I must look for the real one, not settle for this weak version. But here there are no holes on the ground, no walls, no doors, nothing I can use as portal and I’m not so good at just opening portals yet. So I decide to simply spin over myself while wishing to teleport to Denn. It has the double function of making lucidity stronger.
      When I stop I am on top of a hill over the Town of Denn. There’s an earth road spiralling through some stone walled terraced gardens to the centre of the town. I see farmers working, I see people taking water from a well, I see merchants, etc. People are dressed in very colourful medieval clothes, mostly in brown, green and wine tones. There’s a lot of activity going on and I would have loved to just observe it, but I must not let it distract me or I will not finalize my task. I fly down over the city centre but I only stop at the outside walls to look around into the woods. Where to look for the treasure? It could be anywhere. I decide to go to an area where the fortress walls are breached. It’s as good as anywhere else and it is the place where the forest outside is more dense. But once I’m there I have no clue where to dig. I just try to follow my instinct. I see a stone at the very end of the wall, which looks completely different from the rest. It is whitish and smooth. I clear the dirt from it and find some inscriptions as if it is from a tomb. It clearly doesn’t belong there. I lift it up, hopeful to find something under it. I find nothing, just more dirt, but I decide to dig right there. But then when I turned the stone over to put it on the floor, I noticed some concavity on it and inside it I found a small box. I get it out and it seems made of plaster, because it is white and light. But it ain’t soft and malleable like plaster. It has some high relief patterns carved and some rest of paint in pinkish and bluish tones. The drawing looks like a Mayan design On the bottom right of this strange box there is a round button. I press it and it opens in two pieces. The two pieces have more carved drawings, on the left plaque more patterns, like stylized roses and crosses inside circles and on the right plaque carvings of animals, like a whale, a moose and you name it, floating between clouds in the sky and coming down to earth. The plaques then split up into 5 and then 10 parallelepiped pieces. But it wasn’t broken, it was some automated mechanism. I then started moving these little parallelepiped pieces in my hand and found out they were magnetic and could be put together again in different combinations. They kind of naturally started to rearrange themselves into a different sequence and formed completely new designs. On the left plaque there was now some kind of reddish monstrous creature and on the right plaque a different kind of yellowish monstrous creature with what seemed to be a monstrous robotic dog under his command. I was like “What is this about?” Then I realised there were probably many more combinations of the plates which would explain who these creatures were and what was the meaning of all this and what this thing was for.
      But I started to slip out of the dream and I woke up.

      10:00 GMT

      Updated 01-08-2011 at 02:12 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. Just Fragments :(

      by , 12-05-2010 at 05:41 PM
      Not too many full dreams lately. :\

      Math class (Frag)- All I remember is I was in math class, and my math teacher was giving us a lecture on something I already knew, so I was bored out of my mind. I got out my phone and started texting a friend and then began to draw a "FML" on the table. It was something like "Today I was in math class............ FML"

      Though it was only a fragment, it was surprisingly vivid.
      Tags: class, fml, lecture, math
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Storms, Tornadoes, and Explorations (a little more interesting)

      by , 12-02-2010 at 03:46 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Small Town Secrets

      I am in a small town somwhere. It is not my home town, but a friend lives here and he tells me a lot about his friends. My friend and I are somwhere in the town, and there is some adventure going on (darn it, I can't seem to remember many details except that it was interesting). There is a murderer somewhere and I think we are trying to catch him. There is some shooting and climbing around hills. My friend and I climb up a bank, and come across a secret passage in the top of a huge church. My friend tells me to run back into town and get a few friends.

      I run back to town. The dream is set in the 1950's, and I walk into a diner. It's a bit like a scene from Happy Days in there, and I try to find the people my friend was talking about. I ask around, and come up with a couple. (There's more to this part, too. I just can't remember what. Somebody doesn't like me asking around or something. And I think I eat something).

      In the company of these freinds, I go back to the top of the hill and find the opening to the passage. My friend is waiting there. He seems to know the way, and leads us down in. At the opening, the passage is very narrow, just like a crack in the rock. Farther in it opens up and looks like a hallway in a building. A few rooms appear, and a bathroom. Everything is a clean white color, like a hospital. I wake up before we go much farther.

      Back to my Grandparents' House

      I am at home. I am getting ready to make the drive to my grandparents' house, and am going to eat before I leave. My mother is going to make macaroni and cheese, but not until supper. I will have left by then, so I try to find something else to eat.

      I know that the next day I have to give an oral presentation. I have given many, but this doesn't stop me from worrying that the anxiety will ruin my evening.

      Hunting for Arrowheads

      My family and I are staying at a lodge (one that exists in real life. We were there about two months ago.) I get up one morning and decide to go arrowhead hunting around some overhanging rocks I saw earlier. I make my way down the path, and come to an area that I don't remember from real life, but have dreamed about before. I go down a littl deer trail rather than the main path. and come into a wooded area with the rock overhangs. As i walk it begins to storm. At first I think nothing of it, but then a bolt of lightening hits so close I can feel it.

      I dash under an outcropping. It is dark under there, but I have a flashlight. Shining it around, I can see bits of flint on the ground. Searching some more, I find arrowheads and other arifacts. They are quite well made, and in waking life I would categorize them as Mississippian, though there seem to be some Late Archaic types too (these are much more delicate than normal late Archaic points, but are shaped like them).

      Former House, again

      I am invited to my aunt and uncle's house for a family get together. Their house happens to be one of our neighbors' house where I used to live. It is a dreamsign, but I miss it. Instead I think "this is really weird! My relatives just happen to have bought this very house."

      I drive up on a scooter. No, not a motor scooter. A toy scooter. I lived here as a little kid, so it must be associative memory. Then we go in and look around the house. I think how ironic it is.


      I'm driving down the highway. I'm also walking down the highway. I'm also scooting down the highway on a piece of cloth. I run into a drawer by the side of the road, knocking it open (it's like the highway is lined with wooden filing cabinets). I think about leaving it open, but i'm afraid some distracted person might accidentally run into it and wreck. I make an illegal U-turn and go back. I can't find the drawer, but I do see some guy in a pickup truck pulling a huge trailer behind him. He is going about 4 mph, and what is more has to sit next to a huge piece of meat hanging from the ceiling of his truck. I laugh about this with some other guys standing by the highway. "If I were him," says one guy, "I'd get out and call a taxi!". The general idea is that his wife is making him do this.

      Now I'm at work. My work looks a lot like my former school. It is blowing up a storm outside. The wind is getting worse and worse. I look out, and see the wind knock over a dumpster. then the dumpster is pounded to pieces by the wind. I see a few people laying around, and run down to help. Some people have already gone out and helped one guy, and I call for assistance as I rush out to what I thought was an old lady. When I get there, I find it was just a bunch of packages. Still, it is storming so i move them inside. One guy who came to help is annoyed, but I don't care because the packages are saved.

      Opening the packages, I find an oil lamp that is also a heater. This will come in handy if we lose power. I set it on a table covered in straw, wondering if that is a safe thing to do.

      Being an accountant (fragment)

      Part of another much larger dream. We are sitting at a table in a class. The instructor asks what we think is the best thing about being an accountant. "The power!" I say.
    6. Porno Class

      by , 11-11-2010 at 09:10 PM
      Ok this was a very erotic dream. Please don't think I'm perverted or anything though

      So I was in a classroom with a bunch of other people. I was talking to this one guy who I think was my best friend's boyfriend. We were just talking before class started and he said something about how his hair was gonna stick up when it was straightened (I think that was cause in real life my friend said she was gonna straighten his very curly hair one day).

      So class starts. I got paired up with this girl (in real life she's in one of my classes and an actual lesbian but I'm straight). Starting out the class we were supposed to seduce the other person by being sexy. I looked over at some other girls who were flipping their hair. I can't remember what my partner was doing, but I was teasing her and lifting up my shirt just enough so that my stomach was showing. Then she stood me up and started feeling the skin just above my breasts. For something reason I could actually feel the sensation. I put my own hands on her upper arms. Then she sat me back down and pulled me towards her, legs spread.
      Tags: class, porno
      memorable , dream fragment
    7. 27 Oct: Classes, Transylvania and werewolves

      by , 11-04-2010 at 05:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      00:00 GMT – sleep

      Crossing Transylvania on the way between University classes
      On a Portuguese class at the university. The teacher is (once again) my colleague Silva. I’m not paying attention, she notices and I have no shame in recognizing it. She scolds me but I say what matters is that I pass the exams. I’ve always been a nerdy student so all my colleagues are surprised with my attitude. I tell them the classes are quite pointless, that it is much more efficient to study at home, so I couldn’t care less.
      I leave the class and outside I’m planning to go to my next class, which I think is biochemistry or similar and that one might be good to be there. As I cross the long building, I then realise it’s not on this area. To get to the other classroom I need to catch a train. I walk through a garden, I turn right and enter a gate (actually, the gate was closed and I flew over it) and then land on top of some stairs and enter a building, supposedly where I can get the train. It's all very 19th century looked-like, including the train itself and the people on board.
      The funny thing is that this train has to pass through Transylvania (yeah, why not) before it takes students to the university precinct on destination. It crosses some really creepy and deserted areas, with mushy grey hills. There’s a couple sitting a few seats in front of me and the lady is holding a white cat on her lap, which starts hissing and scratching the window, looking terrified. The owners don’t see a thing outside but when I look to check I see a dark hideous creature, like a werewolf, with a devilish look in his eyes, watching the train passing by. Either there are several of them or the werewolf can disappear in thin air and reappear in another place, because I keep seeing it appearing, like following us. It gives me the creeps so I close the window shutters not to see it.
      Then a kid comes to me and asks me if I have food. I say I almost have nothing to share and he gets angry. He says he is willing to pay a symbolic price, so I say he can go to a nice bakery on our destination stop, if he has money. But he keeps insisting, so I see on my bag what I have and decide to give him some bread I carry. I also have algae and mushrooms but I’m sure he is not into that. He grabs it and turns away, without a thank you. Weird, I think.

      6:00 GMT – wake up
    8. Essay Fail

      by , 09-30-2010 at 07:05 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in English class with ten or eleven other students. The classroom was a fat rectangle shape, with off-white walls and solid light cream flooring that was slightly shiny. At the front of the room, in front of one of the shorter walls, was our teacher. In front of him, our desks were arranged in rows like in a normal classroom, but these desks were longer with a light wooden surface, and they could seat three people each instead of just one. I was sitting in the second or third desk from the front, on the left side of the classroom. The teacher (he was my real English teacher this year) held up a thin stack of essays. Our essays were marked, and he would be handing them back.

      He called out some names, which I can't remember, and handed out two papers before coming to me. He put it upside-down on the desk and looked solemnly at me. My essay was three or four pages long; when I peeled it off the desk and looked at my mark, I was immediately upset. Up on the top right hand corner, my mark read 7/25 in dark red pen. I put my paper down and looked around the room; people were smiling and talking to each other about their marks.

      When I turned around to face the teacher, he had all the essays again, and mine was gone off my desk. He held up the papers again, in front of himself this time with both hands, and mine was on the front with the same mark in the corner. I slunk down into my chair a bit, embarrassed.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:45 AM by 28408

    9. 9/12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 recall

      by , 09-19-2010 at 05:36 PM (quorthonafull's tornado of dreams)
      I had some problems with recall during this week, mainly caused by sleep schedule changes (most days I had to get up earlier, and the alarm screwed up my recall).

      9/12, 14, 15, 17 and 19



      Metalinga! fanzine

      I made a Heavy Metal fanzine with some friends, the Metalinga! Fanzine. It had some Metal albums reviews and a lot of crap. Despite being a fanzine, the design was very professional, with full color pages and amazing graphic work.


      Big IAC

      I go to IAC (Instituto Argentino de Computación), an institute where I go to PC repair and LAN management classes. But this time the classroom was three or four times larger., and looked like an old train station. I am with a lot of classmates (in the real class we are like 10 students only) and the two teachers, Mariano and Matias (the last year teacher). Mariano is gossiping with my classmates about Paparazzi, an argentinian tabloid (WTF?), and Matias is finishing a program to the next assignment. I go with to help him (He's a bit confused because Mariano started to make the files but He can't find them). He tells me: "This will be your next homework, but I can't find It". I saw an icon called "pipa" (Mariano always calls his programs with names like that), so I told hin I found the batch file (we always work with .bat files).


      Fake SD

      I am playing a First Person Shooter with my brother and a misterious guy. Somehow, I manage to survive pretty well, and I give a tough fight to them, but then, things start to get harder. I must start to run away more and more times. The "map" was pretty big, like a megamansion, and I ran away across the entire playable area several times. But later, I am going through undeground stairs, and i appear in my grandma's house (It is right next to my house). All looks very realistic, I know I am dreaming. Suddenly, a woman appears next to me. She is quite good looking, with blonde hair, beautiful eyes and a gorgeus body. She gives me a bunch of pirate DVDs and says "take your Black Metal DVDs". She disappears.

      I woke up (really), and decided to continue the story, I DEILD'd back to the dream.

      Now I am back in my grandma's house. I watch the DVDs for a while (They were amazing Black Metal live shows), but then, I woke up (FA). My grandma comes very scared. "Matias, go to see what's happening to your brother". I know what happened, but I don't understand why. It's related to the shooter game, but I don't know how a SD could be scary for my brother. He is in his bed, covered with blankets, sweating alot, like posessed by a demon (the "demon" of shared dreaming?). "Well, this is quite confusing, I'll wake up". And i woke up.

      Updated 09-19-2010 at 05:48 PM by 33400

    10. Wrong class

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:55 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:36:44 PM PDT
      Important: No

      Wrong class
      I am swimming. Afterwards we go back to b-1 high on a bus. I sit beside s-1. Once at school I go to a year 10 math class but thinking that's it's a year 12. The teacher is bald. I sit up the front beside a girl Caucasian. I am tired and don't pay attention. He writes up simple math in the board. Then another teacher comes in. She can write Thai. She write algebraic equations with a mix of Thai and English. Real confusing to the class and herself. I am able to answer though. Something to do with suthep's last name and his sister's last name. I decide that this is too simple and tell the bald teacher that I want to go to mr sum-2 class. He asks me if I want a note. I say yes please thank you. I look at my watch. 2.05pm and wonder if it's the end of the period anyway and if mr sum will let me in. He gives me an a4 sized note. Is there that much to write.
      I go home. Dad picks me up and asks where I would like to go. I say dreamworld. Once we are there I see a dinosaur with red eyes looking from the car park. I remember that I have a swimming lesson but don't want to disappoint my dad. So I stay.

    11. Cafe

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:53 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 5:32:09 AM PDT
      Important: No

      I am in America
      I went to a uni
      Math floor. Met black teacher. Grey sweater. Classrooms on upper floor.
      Lunch with sarah. B-4. G-2. And. B-5.
      Talk about acurium. Cone ice cream.
      P B-5 doesn't eat them. Dirty.
      To scene looks old. I don't know who Sarah is but she is Asian. I feel I'm talking to much at the cafe and she is sitting behind me therefore I am blocking her from the conversation. I have a feeling that I like her. P B-5 b-4 g-2 look like kids. Small and cute.

    12. English class

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:48 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Sunday, May 16, 2010 8:43:24 AM PDT
      Important: No

      English class
      I am sitting on a bench in a mall. There is a donkey in front of me. Paul-1 wants me to play a game with it while Anna-4 is waiting to talk to me. I see broken lines point horizontally to different parts of it's body with words written along it in orange fire like colour and texture. One word I remember is 'de-vination'.
      Me and my brother are in a classroom. There is a professor who looks a bit like Hilary Clinton. We are having an assessment to get into good English classes. I see a list of people on the whiteboard. One being Hilary Clinton. The professeur picks one for each of us to imitate. My brother and another dude got picked first but they wouldn't start because of shyness. Another student has to imitate a black woman.
    13. Sexual harrassment

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:36 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010 5:16:46 AM PDT
      I am charged with sexual harassment. March-2 was the victim. First I accept the charges. Then the victim has to point me out so i go to a mall where march and my other friends are sitting. She points me out. Some of my friends don't believe that it is really me.
      When I sexually harass her, I am in her room and sitting on her bed while she is having a shower. The tv is on and I think I see something orange that looks like underwear. That's it though.
      In court, the police is the judge. The courtroom is a classroom. The policeman reads out what happened and a slideshow accompanies his talk. He says that I told him the order of how things happened wrong.
      A man plays guitar. Rock artist.
      At one point he plays for guitar hunters.
      The order of things were something like 90% percent accurate. And they found that out with msn chat.
      this is one of those dreams where I wake up relieved that it was a dream. I was in doubt though.
      the percentage for march's accuracy in telling what happened is 100%.
    14. Irene

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:31 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Friday, April 16, 2010 5:30:27 AM PDT
      I go back to study in NZ. I enter a class with a similar set up to a Thai class. I see an old friend who used to be in my Thai classes in primary school I tell him that he is in the wrong class because he is too short but I am only teasing. I see Irene sitting about the middle of the class but slightly to the left. She saved the seat beside her for me, even though I was gone from the school. She is still wearing last year's uniform though. She talks to me but she is different. Not as gentle but more open and expressive.
      Daytime. First person perspective.

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 02:21 AM by 35484

    15. Skipping class

      by , 08-29-2010 at 07:29 PM (The Midnight Train)
      I just finished a class at C-1. It is only two o'clock though but I don't know. R-1 starts playing soccer with a basketball and kicks it over the eastern fence. We make our way there to recover it and talk. I find my B-1 friend V-1 in F block and she tells me that I am bunking. I say my friends started playing soccer so I assumed that school had finished.

      Updated 09-14-2010 at 04:36 PM by 35484

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