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    1. Night of Wednesday 3/15/23

      by , 03-16-2023 at 05:46 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at my desk at work. There is an older man sitting by me but I don't recognize him. He is holding an internet router with ethernet cables coming out of four different directions on it. He seems excited to have this device. There was more but I took too long to record. Snooze alarms may be having a strong negative impact on my recall.
      Tags: desk, ethernet, work
      dream fragment
    2. Bullies in dream threw desk at me and Gr.3 teacher talked to me.

      by , 07-12-2022 at 05:25 AM
      This first dream I had awhile ago. I can't remember everything. But what I do remember is that I apparently was at my old Elementary school which no longer exists. But at the same time the classroom I was in looked more like the ones at my high school. I believed the teacher wanted me to sit at the back (I can't remember if my dreamself had glasses yet or not). I refused to sit at the back and sat at the front and like in real life when I was in elementary and high school-bullies were sending stuff like paper balls at me. In the middle of the dream and of the in-dream class that somene litereally threw a desk at me. I can't remember if it hit me or not in dream. I then remember running out of the classroom crying till I got somewhere ( can't remember where) and someone whom looked like my Gr.3 Teacher talked to me and the dream ended
    3. ccxxxii.

      by , 02-26-2021 at 03:22 PM
      26th February 2021


      (didn't make enough effort to recall after initial awakening)

      I'm in a town or city of some kind. I am trying to find presidents, from Russia and the USA.

      In a parking lot, I see a limousine and check there, but they're not there? Or maybe the Russian one is.


      Another dream, with H. I'm sitting at a desk and H is standing.

      H sort of slaps or flicks a mug that is on top of a speaker or a screen and it flies my way with a rotating motion and lands perfectly in my hands as I sort of try to catch it. I become upset in some way at H for doing this.

      - It's not the first time I've had a dream about politicians, though because of the vague recall I can't really say how they related to me in the dream.
      - The second fragment probably relates to one of those things I can imagine H doing on a whim, either for fun or as a prank of sorts.
    4. “Take them to the Mines”

      by , 12-18-2020 at 10:14 AM
      Night of December 17, 2020. Thursday.

      Dream #: 19,722-18. Reading time: 2 min 12 sec.

      In my dream, I become aware of being in an unfamiliar house. I am looking through a doorway where a young girl sits at a desk in a smaller room, writing. (I am standing near the center of a mostly featureless room.) A little bird is on her desk, having left its cage. I am somewhat surprised that cerebral phasing (and its personification) is still active. Ordinarily, the Naiad factor (melatonin mediation) has occupied this part of my sleep cycle’s timeline for over 50 years. (She is not a Naiad though she does mention mines, suggesting caves, in the outcome of the narrative.)

      I slowly become aware of the silhouettes of about six birds. They are peregrine falcons and owls flying around in the foreground, about two feet in front of me in the same room. There is significant energy that increases over time.

      After an intriguing sustained hypnotic focus on this shadowy rustling and atypical energy for this stage, the girl turns to tell me, “Take them to the mines.” I know it means to prepare to enter a deeper sleep to decrease vestibular phasing and myoclonic anticipation.

      How to understand the reasons for dream content:

      Can ultradian rhythm, sleep dynamics, and the time of my dream be determined solely by content? Yes, in this instance, it most certainly can. Here is why:

      Firstly, “take them to the mines,” preconsciously commands going to a dark place underground. In other words, it anticipates my liminal thoughts of entering deeper sleep near the beginning of my sleep cycle. (I am typically aware of the causes of my dreams while I am navigating them. It is not “intepretation” to already comprehend what is occurring.) References to caves in anticipation of entering (or returning to) deeper sleep have been a regular feature in my dreams for over 50 years.

      Because the peregrine falcons and owls are somewhat restless and in the foreground, as a result of predominant vestibular phasing (implying it will take longer to succumb to sleep atonia), the cerebral phasing personification (the girl at her desk) increases to bring attention to the process; thus the cerebral phasing (and reasoning ability) is also at a higher level than usual. Birds also often anticipate myoclonus while sleeping, though in this case, the residual vestibular phasing does not result in myoclonus.

      Why is my anticipation of slow-wave sleep compensated for here in associating it with mines? It is because of experiencing sleep apnea recently. The girl says, “Take them to the mines.” Despite the peregrine falcons and owls indicating restless residual vestibular phasing, a subliminal reference to canaries in coal mines for detecting harmful gases is a factor. It is associated with not being able to breathe while sleeping. Despite subliminally anticipating sleep apnea in this instance, I otherwise rarely experience it.

      My dreams often include literal references to sleeping or dreaming because I am always aware (on one of three fundamental levels; instinctual, liminal, or lucid) when navigating dream space (and duality).

      My dream’s partial influence is the print “El sueño de la razón produce monstruos” (“The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters”) by Francisco Goya. However, the foundation stems from “Young Girl Writing at Her Desk with Birds” by Henriette Browne. There was no perception of uneasiness despite the inference of the Goya print.

      Updated 12-20-2020 at 09:29 AM by 1390

    5. Lecture

      by , 06-02-2015 at 02:58 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was middle of the night. I was sitting near a desk with paper and whole jug of tea. I was writing a speech for a lecture. It started from history of hunting traditions, going through thoughts about holocaust, WWII era economy, and ending with criticism of feminism. The whole work was full of chauvinism, Marxism and God only knows what. During writing I drank hectolitres of tea, and in the end when I saw what I've written I almost threwn the desk through a window.
      Tags: desk, lecture, speech, tea
    6. 3/6/13

      by , 03-06-2013 at 05:54 PM
      Total sleep: 8+ hours
      Daytime Techniques: rc's
      Lucid Techniques: tried MILD "I will recall my dreams and realize I am dreaming"
      Recall Techniques: see above. also I wrote in my dream journal after waking after the first dream

      ~DREAM 1
      Fell Asleep: 11:30
      Dream Title: The cold beach
      Dream: I am in my room and it is the way it was back when I had a desk. On my desk are some horror movies. One of them was called “slender” (how original) My dad calls me. I see he is watching one of the movies on his new tv. It is about a cursed sword that forces you to eat colors and cats in a dementor like fashion. Although this is ridiculous, I find it absolutely terrifying, and I get angry at him for showing it to me. I go back into my room, and my sister is with a laptop. She asks me how to make a youtube account, and I tell her that she needs to hook up to an Ethernet cable that nobody has used before. (I don’t even…) I now go to my brother’s room, that for some reason is on the wrong side of the house. He is there with some kid. I don’t know who it is, but the dream me can’t stand him. After some smart-assery from them both, I start to beat them with a random plastic coathanger. (I am not abusive IWL.) they cry and my mom tells me off for it and I have to go get ready because we are going to the beach. Car ride is long and full of mom fussing at me. We get to the beach and it is winter. We don’t want to go in the water, so we just sit there on the beach. Some other stuff happens that I cant remember, then I wake up.
      Awake: 5:00
      Vividness: 8 (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      Awareness: 1 (1-10; or lucid)
      Length: 3 hours
      Emotions: fear, anger
      Dream Signs: my desk was back. My brother’s room misplaced. Room had Ethernet jacks.

      ~DREAM 2
      (went on dreamviews and read about WILDing. But then I didn’t try to wild. ~Facepalm~ So I had a non-lucid fragment…)
      Fell Asleep: 5:40
      Dream Title: The attic
      Dream: I was at some family’s house in their attic that had many windows and was painted white. I don’t remember what we did there, but my brother did it wrong and I had to redo it. That’s all.
      Awake: 9:00
      Vividness: IDK (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      Awareness: 1 (1-10; or lucid)
      Length:~ Shrug~(how long it felt like! Because that matters)
      Emotions: frustration
      Dream Signs: none
    7. Summoning attempt

      by , 01-30-2012 at 11:40 PM

      Identification: (No. 78) Summoning attempt
      Time Recorded: 9:00, 31-01-2012
      Genre: Ordinary
      Character(s): Gavin D.
      Method(s): Mantra
      Lucid: Yes (DILD)

      I am sitting in my bedroom, at my desk, looking at a series of written messages on a single sheet of paper. For each paragraph there is an illustration on the right, of a lady dressed in 3-century-old clothing, from various angles. I somehow realise that I am dreaming and become lucid. I stand up from my desk chair and walk towards my door, thinking about what I should do. I get the impulse to summon someone. I look away, thinking to myself that someone will be there when I look back. I fall on my clothes drawer and lie there. I can hear Gavin's quiet feint voice, calling my name. I believe that Gavin is going to come here and wake me up. I start to loose the dream, so I try concentrating on the dream again, but it is too late.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 02:27 AM by 52698

      lucid , dream fragment
    8. funny girl on sketch team; wearing diaper

      by , 01-12-2012 at 02:44 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big room, kind of like a meeting room in a church building. It had a lot of school desks in it. But the desks were all scattered about the room. There were a few standing closets or cabinets againts the walls. The room was lit with a kind of drab, greenish, fluorescent light.

      A few people were in the room, kind of shuffling about. It was like something had just ended, possibly the rehearsal for some kind of sketch comedy team. At least a couple of people were famous. One of them looked like Pam from The Office. The other one may have looked like Jim.

      The woman was standing at one of the closets, maybe rifling through a bunch of coats, looking for her own coat. The man was sitting at a desk, possibly writing on a sheet of paper.

      The man and the woman were still in character, and they were improvising some lines back and forth with each other. They were kind of insulting each other in a flirting way.

      At some point the man said something to defend himself or build himself up instead of insulting the woman. He somehow compared something he was doing to something a famous person (maybe Napoleon?) had done.

      The woman answered with some kind of rhyme that was almost a song, and used history in a very precise way to shoot down what the man had just tried to make sound like a good thing. Everybody in the room started laughing, including the man.

      (To bad I can't remember the joke! Ugh...)

      There was another man standing at a closet that stood against the wall to the left of the woman, as she was facing her closet.

      This other man was talking to somebody -- possibly me, but I'm not sure. He was saying how good the woman was at taking really slight cues at just a moment's notice and turning them into something really clever and hilarious.

      Dream #2

      I was probably in a bedroom. I was laying, or sitting in some really slouched position, on the floor. My back may have been against a wall. My legs felt crowded, as if I were right up against a bed or a TV stand that had a quilt over it. The light in the room was a nice, warm incandescent. The carpet may have been brown and kind of thick.

      I looked down at my body. I was skinnier than usual -- probably too skinny. I was wearing a diaper, probably a Pull-Ups diaper with Dora the Explorer on it. The diaper was completely broken. So I wasn't really wearing it. It was mostly just laying on my crotch. I wore underwear over the diaper -- I'm not sure if they were boxer briefs, like I wear, or some kind of panties.

      I had an erection, and I needed to pee. I may have thought at first that I should just pee in the diaper. But I knew that would be a dumb idea. The diaper was totally broken. My pee would probably just go all over the place.

      Updated 01-12-2012 at 02:46 PM by 37466 (changed "in the office" to "on sketch team")

    9. sketching notes; stretching girl; sharing book

      by , 11-02-2011 at 02:03 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was sketching out notes on a piece of notebook paper for some blog entry I was getting ready to write. I had a few odd lines scribbled out, and some scratched out lines. I either wrote down or had already written down the letter "W," and put a circle around it.

      Dream #2

      I was out on some concrete walkway in front of a building like a college dorm. It was daytime. A girl who I probably looked up to and had a crush on was in front of me, doing some stretching exercises.

      The girl had dyed-auburn hair and slightly tan, really smooth skin. She was fit, but not skinny, with full, smooth arms. She wore a pink and blue exercise shirt and grey, tight exercise pants.

      The girl went into a low lunge, with her left leg stretched way back behind her and her right knee tucked under her chest. But then she did some weird kind of twisting motion with her torso so that her left (?) arm was stretched out forward and flat on the ground, and her head was twisted so that the right side of her face rested on her left arm.

      As the girl was doing this, she was telling me how she was thinking of quitting the pilates lessons she was either giving or taking. She was giving me some reasons for this. It may have had to do with money. She was telling me all this as if I were kind of a little kid.

      Dream #3

      I was in an apartment. All the lights were off, except in the bathroom. The bathroom light shone into the otherwise dark living room, where I was sitting.

      I must have walked into the bathroom. There was a woman in there who was somebody like a fast food worker. I was going to ask her for some kind of help. But an Asian guy butted in front of me and started asking for stuff.

      I pushed past the Asian guy, trying to knock him over to let him know I was mad at him just butting in front of me. In the living room there was now a counter, like for a coffee shop. I knew the woman would eventually come back to the counter. So I just sat on the counter, waiting to be helped.

      I was then sitting in something like an elementary school desk. There may have been a book and backpack on the desk. I appeared to be studying.

      The Asian guy walked up to the desk. He took a look at the book I had on the desk. It was some kind of paperback of an Arthur C. Clarke novel. The cover art was of a dragon, with a red and a blue wizard on either side of the dragon, probably in a forest.

      I told the Asian guy that the book was by Arthur C. Clarke, and that the guy could read the book if he wanted. The guy looked a little shocked at my kindness. I told him that he could read any of the books I had. My bookshelf was right in the living room.

      But as I said this, the guy just grunted at me like I was an idiot and walked back into the bathroom.
    10. boss never tells me anything

      by , 09-05-2011 at 02:07 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was sitting in an office with my boss. I sat in front of the desk and my boss sat behind it. The room seemed kind of small. The light was really grey. The desk was cluttered with all kinds of piles of paper. My view may have been really low, too, as if I were very short or in a low down chair.

      I was complaining about my boss, as if I were talking about him to somebody else -- even though I was talking to him. I told him, "My boss never tells me anything. I never know what he's doing."
    11. Silly Trains and Flying Desk 07/18/2010

      by , 07-13-2011 at 02:33 AM
      4:08 AM

      Silly Trains
      Watching a train yard operate. Tried to tell them but they kept on messing up everything (Rules, Schedules, Track Switching, everything.) Thought is was pretty funny and somewhat aggravating as I watched some trains take off and fall completely apart in the process.

      Fox's Revenge / Flying Desk
      Sitting at the bottom of this steep driveway was a house. Inside, me, my gf Anna, Fox(a girl I know) and some random DC most resembling some of Fox's friends. She was getting everyone to prank call Truxton( a guy we all know who pissed off Fox). Didn't want anything to do with it so Anna and I left. And just in time because the (impossible) Truxton brute squad had shown up. We hurried very quickly to my desk which had overly stuffed drawers. Inserted and turned the key. Flew away sitting at the craziest flying desk ever. Was very very fast.
    12. The Principal is Visiting

      by , 06-04-2011 at 02:25 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This week at school, I was using the school computers to make a powerpoint presentation for my Chemistry class. I finished a few of the slides on Monday and saved the file. Then I opened up the file on another computer and finished the rest of the presentation. When I went to present it yesterday for class, instead of giving me the finished version of the file, it gave me the version with only the first few slides. I didn't know how this happened and even now I don't know. This must have been the reason for the following dream.

      A very short dream. I was my room, sitting on a plush, red, cube-shaped chair at my desk. The desk was fairly deep, black-stained wood, with metal handles for the two drawers on the left-hand side. My silver macbook pro was sitting on the center of the desk, and my printer was on the back left corner. Unlike in real life, there were no posters on the beige walls where the desk was positioned. There was no lamp, or photos... It was empty. There was nothing on the floor, either. The lighting in the room was a bit dim and moody.

      I turned to the left, facing the door to my room. I expected the principal of my school to walk in at any moment. However, she was already in the room; she was sitting on a regular fold-out plastic and metal chair.

      "Finally, you're here," I told her, completely ignoring how I'd been waiting for her to arrive despite the fact she was already in my bedroom. "I've been having problems with my files at school. You have to call the I.T. guys to come over here and see what the problem is."

      That's all I remember.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 06:59 PM by 28408

    13. ozzy quotes jesus; baby video store; might take book; service desk; dismissive man

      by , 05-26-2011 at 11:41 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      A young version of Ozzy Osbourne reclined in a longish chair. The young Ozzy had long hair and a kind of big pot belly. Ozzy wore a long, white cotton dress that may have had a patch of black on it.

      Ozzy either said or thought, "The greatest shall be least, and the least shall be greatest." He might have said this with my voice or thought it as if he were thinking it through my thoughts.

      Dream #2

      I was looking down to a baby that sat on the floor. The baby wore nothing but a diaper and may have been playing with some toys.

      I looked up and saw that I was in a video store. The store kind of reminded me of a Hollywood Video in my hometown. There were rows and rows of shelves of videotapes. I was amazed at how huge the place was.

      Dream #3

      No vision. I had the thought, "I might take a book with me."

      Dream #4

      A black man stood before a reception desk in some kind of lobby. The desk and walls were designed to look like they were made of wood. But the color was so strange -- a kind of greyish, purplish brown that everything seemed to sink into. There may also have been a column of the same color near the desk.

      A black woman sat behind the desk. She asked the man if she could help him. The man replied in a gentle, slightly high-pitched voice, "Service desk?"

      Dream #5

      I was in a room with a woman and a man. The room felt like a hotel room or meeting room. It was bright with natural light, which was probably yellowed by the room's fluorescent light. I sat in a wooden chair, like for a dining table. The woman sat off to my left, possibly sitting in a bigger chair or possibly even sitting on a small coffee table. The man sat on a couch that seemed to be made out of white leather.

      I couldn't see the woman, although I think she was young, maybe in her 20s. The man was older, maybe in his late 50s. He was kind of short, but strong-looking. He had tough, tan, slightly wrinkled skin. He had white hair that was a little wiry, though it was arranged well. He wore khaki slacks, a navy blue blazer, and a pale blue dress shirt.

      I had apparently been complaining to the man about something. He asked me if I wanted him to talk to ----- about it. I said no, that that didn't seem like the right person to talk to. It may have seemed like talking to that person may have struck me as making too big a deal out of the situation. But there was a different person I thought we could talk to.

      The man was disappointed in me for not wanting to take his suggestion. Before I could even tell him about the other person, the man stood up out of the couch. I was standing as well. The man said, "Bah!" And shoved past me, heading out the door.
    14. Lucid Dream 215: POW! Right in the Kisser

      by , 04-21-2011 at 07:56 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 14, 2011
      Lucid Dream 215: POW! Right in the Kisser
      Series: Sexcapades, Episode 5
      around 10:00am

      I woke up briefly and laid back down to sleep. I was miserably tired and felt SP setting in. I really didn't even feel like going through with it, but I was too tired to try and stop it. The dream scene formed around me really quickly without any auditory hallucinations and very little visual besides the dream scene formation.

      I was in my bedroom and there were quite a few random people standing around. I saw AJ standing nearby, so i immediately walked up to her and cupped her crotch. I started kissing her and rubbing the outside of her jeans. She seemed to be really enjoying herself. I was just going to go at it hard and if it woke me up...fine. I still felt groggy and tired in the dream, so I really didn't even feel like doing anything else. I literally threw her down on the bed and I helped her undress. I then got into the 69 position, but I was on the top. Instead of performing oral on her I just started face fucking the hell out of her. The t.v. was on in my room and Peter Griffin was pointing at my saying, "POW! Right in the kisser....POW! Right in the kisser..." He seemed to have been encouraging my sexual acts. Her head was getting rocked hard against the mattress. After a bit the dream scene had changed.

      We were in a room in the back of the high school library. I stopped the sexual activities after a few more moments and left the room. I exited the school library and entered the hallway. JT and Ryano were walking with me. Suddenly, out of nowhere a fist comes flying and connects with Ryano's chin. He immediately crumbled and fell to the ground as I heard the familiar, "POW! Right in the kisser." I then saw the live action version of Peter Griffin skipping away from us down the hall. Every person he passed in the hallway, he knocked out cold and said, "POW! Right in the kisser...." I chuckled and entered the nearest room.

      The dream got fuzzy and I felt groggy. I sat down at a desk and just sat there for several minutes. There were other people in the desks around me and they were talking amongst each other. I didn't pay much attention to them. I just chilled and the dream became stable after a bit. I decided just to do some simple shoe skating/sliding. I slid/skated with my tennis shoes around the school. I grinded down a few rails and skated along the walls. After doing this for a while, I woke up from the dream.

      Series Details
      Class is thrown out the window in the dream series, "Sexcapades." Not unlike your favorite porn video, I unleash my inner "Ron Jeremy" and give those DCs what they are looking for ! Stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    15. First whole recall...

      by , 01-10-2011 at 05:44 AM
      I wake up. It is somewhere between 4:10 and 4:19 a.m. I lay back down. I wake again. But I wake because my alarm is going off right next to me as if the clock were in my bed. I bolt upright and try to muffle the sound with my sheets. But my body in reality was acting out the dream and as I push th sheets down to muffle the clock,I wake and I am in the same position I was in in the dream and my alarm is going off on my desk.
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