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    1. Dragon Smoke

      by , 06-23-2013 at 12:59 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      color code:
      Gray = Comments
      Black = Non-Lucid
      Bold = non lucid dream cues
      Italics = dream thoughts
      Red = Lucid

      I am back baby! I was SO happy to hit these couple lucids. I was planning to WILD but I was having trouble staying focused so I went with MILD and mantra, "I am dreaming. I always become lucid when I am dreaming."

      #192 - 4:48AM - MILD - 1 of 2

      I am at Wal-Mart with my wife and kids. There is some woman selling raffle tickets in the front entrance area. I am not sure if she works there or just some solicitor. I walk up, take the tickets from here and begin playing with them. She says her name is something Page. I recognize that last name as a friend and ex of mine. I say, "Oh you know her then?"
      She answers, "I am her cousin. You know she's had 10 fiancés?"
      I am shocked. "Really 10?" I glance over at my wife nervously. I think that I was one of them but somehow think this was not right. (It wasn't IWL). I go on, "I mean, I didn't think she was like that and I really doubt that's true. But that's really funny you said that." I walk off.

      I am in the parking lot with with my wife and kids now. I see my breath like it is cold but it turns into thick smoke. I am amused and blow out hard. I see a long jet of white thick smoke. I think, It's like dragon smoke. I wonder if I am dreaming. Before I can really test this I see my 11 year old run blindly out into the parking lot at top speed. I worry that a car will hit her and I yell out her name. She stops, looks at me, and begins running back in the same manner. I start to tell her to just stop when I suddenly wake up.

      I had another long dream segment but forgot most of if prior to getting lucid

      I am a parking lot getting in a car. There is some African American woman about to shut the door on me when I turn to look at her I see the same dragon smoke coming from my breath. I recognize it instantly and become lucid. I stand up and the car and woman are gone. It looks like some familiar residential alleyway that I am standing in. The dream already feels unstable so I begin rubbing my hands. My mind feels foggy and I try to gather what I wanted to do. Then I remember that I had been lucid before this part but must have lost it. I don't focus on it too much but I get a clear memory of lucidly running with a woman looking for a silver sports car. I spot it and run to it.

      I let the memory go for now. I am pacing and rubbing my hands still thinking. I suddenly remember that I wanted to go to the crystal cave. I see the back of someones shed and I decide to phase teleport. The dream goes black before I get to it. I don't mind. I just focus on visualizing the cave and the crystal walls. I vividly imagine the feel of it with my right hand.

      Suddenly I am lying in bed. I think, DEILD and relax. I get very mild vibrations and a strange loud humming sound that somehow reminds me of crystal. I don't do anything that feels physical but rather I visualize myself getting up. My vision is a little dim but not a problem.

      I push on a wall to try to phase teleport again but its as solid as brick so I continue to the mirror on the closet door. It's just as solid and I begin to beat on it repeatedly with both fist at an inhuman rate. The sound of it is so loud and that point I begin to wake up. The sound of me beating on the mirror slowly morphs into the sound of the box fan. I am awake.

      Updated 06-23-2013 at 07:01 PM by 5967

    2. Please Forgive Me

      by , 05-20-2013 at 03:51 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      Last night's dream was a sad one for me. Took me a few moments after waking up to realize it didn't actually happen.
      I was hanging out in my old middle school for whatever reason. All of a sudden, I noticed my girlfriend outside of the door in the hallway, being insulted by some guy. Obviously angry, I stormed out there and beat the guy up, telling him to never disrespect her ever again. Afterwards, my girlfriend and I wandered off. As we passed by more people in the school, she decided to run ahead of me and hang out with them instead. So, naturally, I started feeling as if she was mad at me.
      I eventually asked her about this. "Are you mad at me about beating up that kid? I'm sorry."
      She shook her head and said it wasn't that. I asked what it was. At this point, I can't remember what we discussed, but I do remember it ending with us standing by a poolside, me begging her to forgive me about something, and her splashing me with water and running away.

      Woke up afterwards with a sad feeling, only to realize it was just a dream.
    3. Child Care Center

      by , 03-02-2013 at 08:40 PM
      I just woke up with a headache and my hair is irritating me!

      I was supposed to me Jerimiah(friend) in the dream on a big grassy field. A few other people are supposed to meet up with us shortly to prepare for our first day working at the child care center. I couldn't remember who some of these other people on the field were. We eventually all met up with each other and started to perform activities together.

      I could remember spending a bunch of time doing a lot of fun stuff with Jerimiah and these few other people, but I can't remember what exactly it was that we were doing. I had fun with them. It helped me get rid of the anxiety I had before I walked in to the child care center. I'm also really shy, so I felt like I was being forced to get the shyness out of me(my father put me in the class so I wouldn't stay at home all day).

      We all soon had to get ready to leave each. Jerimiah asked out on who was willing to go to the care center and work with the kids. There were two other boys who volunteered, but I just waited until Jerimiah called out my name. I went. As for Jerimiah and the other couple people with us, they went back somewhere else. I followed the two other guys in to the care center building.

      We soon entered the building and started seeing the teachers and children around. The teachers were staring and for the children, they were playing on the floor. The teachers looked at us all suspiciously as if we were up to something wrong. Nothing went wrong. I continued following the two boys and eventually walked in to a room in which we had to work in. We all sat on the floor while a teacher was speaking and waited there patiently until the dream ended.
    4. The Open Window

      by , 02-15-2013 at 06:34 PM
      Merry Meet, Everyone-upsidedowncouchgirlbook-600.jpg

      I (dream-awaken) almost instantly in a small cluttered room. I'm upside down with my head laying on the ground looking up at the ceiling with my back half-off a couch and my legs partly resting on the top of the couch. Almost as if you were attempting to sit upside-down on a couch in your living room. I was instantly aware I was dreaming and thought to myself 'I'm here'. I quickly got up and then reminded myself to rub my hands together which I did. The room had odd angles at each corner as if some walls were larger than others. There were many shelves of useless nick-nacks and books. The walls were a sort of cartoon orange and the objects all very brightly colored as well. After examining the room I decided to should do something and thought about fact that I didn't see a door and there seemed no way to get outside. As I turned there appeared an odd shaped window, again with the perspective and angles all distorted. I decided that I should try to go outside and I floated or walked through the open window to an outside alley. I was still worried about the dream fading and in fact a few times things had gone black and as I briskly continued to rub my hands together they would come back into focus and then fade again at times. I think sometimes in the dreamworld if you are not actively doing anything the mind starts to erase the scenery. The more I move around or intensely experience something the easier it is to keep everything from fading out. I'm still rubbing my hands together and I start to wonder if I'm doing this in bed as well as they actually start to feel very hot and raw. I decide I should move and so I run down the alley and think about floating off the ground and with that I'm flying swiftly upwards to about 40 feet. I fly for a few minutes down narrow alleyways of some sort of town. At some point I see three kids walking down the alley and I think I know them from another dream. I fly down quickly and while still levitating I playfully mess up the hair of two of them with my dream hands and laugh telling them I have seen them before. Things start fading hard at this point and I cannot stabilize it any longer. It fades to black and I am awake in bed now.
      lucid , side notes
    5. Little Kid Game Show, A Muddy Walk, and Pretzels

      by , 01-30-2013 at 02:56 PM
      I only remember a few dream fragments. I think I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about writing down my dreams right away, but I was too lazy, so … oops.

      1. In one dream, I’m watching some kind of game show, and all the contestants are little kids. I can’t really remember anything else about this one.

      2. I’m staying in some large house, and some of my high school friends are there. I decide to go for a walk with one of my friends––Alison––but I need to find my rain boots first. I seem to have brought an enormous pile of shoes with me, and I have to search through them before I finally find the right boots. Then I go outside with Alison. It’s very gross and barren looking outside. The ground is muddy and covered with ice/snow in some places. There are only a few trees here and there, and they’re all completely bare. When Alison and I return to the house, I see that all of our other friends are reading the books I brought with me. I notice that Catherine is almost done with the book she’s reading even though we were only gone for like ten minutes (which is funny, because she does read extremely quickly in real life).

      3. I go to this food store place with some friends. We’re all planning on buying pretzels. There are these pretzel sticks and they all cost like 25¢ or something. So I grab a handful of pretzel sticks. And then there’s this tray with change all over it, and I grab a few coins. I wonder if I’m stealing the money or whether I’m allowed to do this … but I do it anyway.

      I go up to the counter and put my pretzel sticks down. The cashier tells me that it will cost me $3.99. This surprises me since I thought it would be cheaper, but I don’t question it. I look in my wallet and I seem to only have quarters, so I start to pay the guy in quarters. It’s taking forever and I’m holding up the line, and the cashier is getting impatient with me and telling me to hurry up. Finally I find a $5 bill and put it down on the counter. But when I look up, I see that the original cashier is gone and now there’s this random girl where he was standing. And she’s like, “He got so impatient that he left” or something. So I’m like, “… Sorry,” and I buy the pretzels.

      I go outside and sit down on the sidewalk with my friends. I believe Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna are there. We all start to eat our food. Sarah Jayne has these big vitamin things that she offers to everyone but we’re all like, “No.”

      Somehow, we all end up sitting in this random tunnel. Megan is rolling around on the ground for some reason, and then Luna is asking her questions about her life and Megan has to answer them. I think Sarah Jayne is also asking some questions. And … I’m just sitting there. And that’s all I remember!
    6. Kids Going Crazy at a Thrift Store

      by , 01-25-2013 at 03:15 PM
      I’m at a thrift store. I’m wandering around looking at dresses. There are a lot of sleeveless dresses with cool patterns on them, and I’m thinking about trying on some of them … but then, suddenly, there are all these kids running around in the store and I guess it turns out I’m supposed to be playing some kind of game with them. So, for some reason I have to hide under a clothes rack. And I’m just lying there on the floor, and then kids keep like, leaping over me and I’m afraid I’m going to get trampled.

      Yeah, that’s all I can remember.
    7. Gladius and Darkness

      by , 01-19-2013 at 04:40 PM
      This lucid was long enough that I became legitimately concerned about remembering it. This worry wound up being a bit of a downfall, but it still took me in interesting directions.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #57: Gladius and Darkness

      I'm experiencing deja vu as I walk through an airport terminal, sure that I've dreamed of this place before. I note all of these little details that I believe my mind left out of the dream version of this place -- the color of the carpeting, the man arguing at the ticket counter, the way that the ceiling curves into a dome in this room. Then I hear the sound of hurried little footsteps. Someone tells me "E is looking for you!" (E is my oldest son.) Now I'm lucid.

      I hear E shout playfully from somewhere further down the terminal: "Looking for Daaaaddy!" I know that we're playing hide and seek. I eagerly set off, loving the idea of playing like this in an LD. I move through the terminal and wind up in a series of twisting, narrow office hallways. Other children run by me, possibly engaged in their own games of hide and seek.

      As I'm moving through these hallways, a little hand swipes the back of my leg and E declares, "I got Daaaaddy!" I move toward E to scoop him up but he laughs and runs in the opposite direction. I follow but almost immediately I've lost him in the hallways.

      I wind up back in the airport terminal and wander through there a while longer before coming to a craft table. Wife is standing at this table wearing a smock and molding some sort of clay. I walk up to the table but she doesn't acknowledge me. I grab a piece of clay and tell her, "I'm having a lucid dream." She responds in essence that I should "show her" what that means. (I don't remember her exact words.)

      As I begin molding the clay, it starts foaming and fizzing until the entire surface is covered in a layer of foam. I wipe the foam away bit by bit and underneath is a carved image of a human face. Wife looks astonished. I tell her, "I'm telling you, being lucid is the way to go."

      She hands me a round piece of glass. "Make me a picture of a Christmas tree." I nod, take the glass from her, and rub my hand across it once. Instead of a Christmas tree, I produce a little stained glass picture of an eye.

      Wife looks at it. "Nice. But that's not a Christmas tree. I thought you said you were having a lucid dream."

      A bit baffled, I shrug and say, "I don't know what to tell you." She goes back to her crafts and I walk further along in the airport terminal. I'm loving the experience of being lucid again and I suddenly fret that I'll forget everything that's happened. I try to recall everything that's happened up to this point, but this destabilizes the scene. Everything collapses into darkness.

      I remember that Xanous had talked about handling "dark scenes" by acting out some action like riding a bike or running. I want to perform a Task of the Year, so I will myself to have a gladius in my hand. (The gladius is a sword of ancient Rome.) I swing the sword back and forth in the darkness, imagining that I'm locked in a dark tunnel underneath the Colosseum. I can hear the crowd now, and I know that the gates will open any moment to let me out for my match. I'm nervous with anticipation. I try to remember whether I have to kill for this task, and think that I do.

      I see a blob of light forming in the corner of my vision. I'm filled with fear and nervous tension. But just as I'm bursting with anticipation, the crowd noise dies down and the blob of light forms into a high window in the hallway of a university. My vision is badly distorted around the edges, almost as if I'm wearing a shredded contact lens.

      The window is about 15 feet above me, and I float up to it to start phasing through the glass. The phasing is difficult and awkward. It feels like I'm dragging my body through thick plastic wrap. I finally make it through and then I'm flying over a park in the mid-afternoon. The dream feels thin now, and I fly only a short distance before
      waking up.
    8. Crying for the Kids

      by , 01-07-2013 at 12:21 AM
      I was in a big lounge that looked a lot like a library I once went to a couple years ago. It was dark this night but it felt a little earlier than that because there was still some children awake at that time.

      I was a volunteer at this place and my job was to take care of these kids and made sure they were reading their books. I probably had this dream because my father wants me to join some volunteering work with some other people at a local place. It's not something I'm looking forward to in this horrible city!

      A few parents were here as well. There was a little girl who was supposed to read a paragraph from the book. As she started reading though, it felt like I needed to cry because these kids are growing up too fast.

      I also don't have a kid.
    9. Talking in Public

      by , 01-07-2013 at 12:05 AM
      Back at Pacific a same night, I was in Ms. Kelly's science class. The classroom was dark and only half of the students were there. I knew some of the students but I could remember them all. One of them was Adrian and of course, Ms. Kelly.

      Kelly was lecturing us as she walked around the classroom and pointed at things. She didn't look much different than she did a few years ago I saw her. After all this time passed, I can still look at them the same.

      Ms. Kelly brought something up to the class and see if anyone would respond. She pointed a stick somewhere on a board in a back and after a few minutes of waiting, no one responded. But just about when she was going to walk back to the front of the classroom, I opened up a few words out of my mouth. Now the only reason I thought this was strange was because I never talked much in the classroom when I was in school. I was always the shy one and only spoke up when someone asked me a question.

      I asked the teacher a random question. "Do you think I'll get married some day?" She looked at me and tried to answer. I asked her another question, "Do you think I'll make a great husband?" The whole class were just listening. I stared back at the teacher and heard Adrian's voice whispering out, "He talks." The teacher responded, "Well, I don't know, do you like boys or girls?" I smiled and brought my hands up in the year in a sign of confusion. The students laughed at my response. I cannot remember anything else.
    10. Into the Gray Matter

      by , 01-06-2013 at 01:08 PM
      This was the second of two LDs from last night.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #54: Into the Gray Matter

      I'm seated on a train, looking out the window as a grassy landscape rolls by. An older lady sits down on the seat directly across from me so that we face each other. She tells me that she’s AH's mom. (AH is a friend from way back that I've lost touch with.) I'd never met her mom before, and we chat pleasantly for a bit. But soon I realize that AH's mother passed away before I'd even met AH herself.

      The mother looks at me suspiciously the moment that I become lucid. She starts rocking in her seat, waving her finger at me, and hectoring me about why I chose that seat on the train and what business did I have on her train, anyway? She's speaking to me so aggressively and angrily that I'm taken aback. My fresh lucidity can't bear up and the scene blacks out. I refuse to believe that the LD is over, though, and I wait just a moment before I hear voices.

      Through the darkness, I clearly hear Wife saying, “Sorry, guys, it’s time for bed.” I can hear my kids laughing and running around. It’s very loud and sounds incredibly real. Out loud, I say, “I know that I’m still asleep and that this is still a dream.” My voice, too, sounds shockingly real, and I can’t help but worry that I’m saying all of this in waking life as well.

      I feel the kids hopping around me on the bed, but I remind myself that this is just my dream body feeling this, not my real one. My son E bounces nearby, gleefully saying, "Daddy's sleepin! Daddy's sleeeeeepin!" It seems so real that I feel like my lucidity is in jeopardy. I raise my voice until I'm almost shouting, "This is a lucid dream" over and over.

      Suddenly, the voices stop and I find myself viewing a simple office that contains only a swivel chair and a desk with a hologram projected over the top of it. The hologram is a fully 3-d, semi-transparent projection of a human brain. I find that by thinking about it, I can rotate this hologram to the left or right.

      I have no dream body, but as my curiosity grows, I find that I can move my viewpoint throughout the room, and I zoom in close on the brain. My perspective sinks into the brain itself and I zoom closer and closer until finally I can perceive individual synapses. I see neurotransmitters flowing across the synaptic cleft! To me they look like small, clear beads or little bubbles. I wonder what kind of neurotransmitter I'm looking at.

      I watch this strange interplay for a moment, wondering whether I’m looking at my own brain or someone else’s. I travel around inside of this brain for a while before
      I wake up.

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 06:52 PM by 57387

    11. Same Classroom, Different Teacher

      by , 12-15-2012 at 08:45 PM
      I had this dream more than once. It's the same classroom just different teachers. As a matter of fact, I don't think there was an active teacher here, only me and several other students. It was Pacific High School and I sort of thought I would forget about this school. Nothing much happened in the dream besides talking to fellow classmates. I was happy but it's all I could remember. The classmates were strangers I've never seen before, though there was only one male student I think I met somewhere before. I want to say someone I met on the streets while walking but, I know his face from a very old classroom I walked in to before...
    12. Car and Brother; Tittle Litties

      by , 12-15-2012 at 01:37 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Car and Brother

      I had picked up a new used car. I drove it home to where I used to live with my mom. It seemed like a long drive.

      When I got there, my brother gave me a phone. It had some kind of absorbent material and it was wet. He'd been crying, his tears got all over the phone, and then he gave it to me. It was kind of gross.

      I shook out the phone to let his tears drip off. Then I noticed he was going somewhere with my kids. I didn't want them leaving with him, but they wanted to go somewhere. I told him I would drive them, but I didn't have enough gas. He said that was OK and that they were going to walk.

      I didn't like it, but I let them walk.

      The End

      I had a dream that was like an interim dream between these two dreams where I was walking through a school trying to get to the outside. I kept walking through class rooms and trying not to disturb anybody. I walked through a band class which I saw pretty clearly, and then other classes. As I made it out of the school, I tried to see a reflection of myself with a hat and sun glasses, and something else that I had on, but I couldn't find a mirror to stop at, and I kept seeing teachers looking at me. At least I was outside now.

      Tittle Litties

      I was at a friends house (M-Bub). His girl bent down and showed me her tittle litties. They were beautiful. I asked her to show me again and she said "No" but then she did show me. It wasn't the same that time, but then she started showing them to me more and I got that same good angle again.

      She kept moving them. I wanted her to just lean over and let me look at them without moving around. Then she did stay still. Fantastic! Finally, I turned around and there was her boyfriend. He asked if I got a look at them. I was scared, but he wasn't mad. He smiled, and I told him, "No, I didn't want to." My intonation me said, "No, I didn't mean to."

      I then walked away and went to a blanket on a grassy hill. There was a bunch of stuff all over it. It might have been picnic stuff. I couldn't even sit on the blanket.

      Someone asked me to bring a couple of their things over to the blanket, and I brought something to the blanket also, but I don't know what it was. The other person wanted to get away from a shark. (I guess it was a land shark )

      Then I woke up.
    13. First Time Remembering

      by , 12-12-2012 at 05:30 PM
      I'm back at my old home again with a few friends and family. I remember these friends from my past and they would often act like they used to, when I was a very young. There were a couple other kids too like four more others. I spent most of my time with the friend I met back in elementary school. There was nothing entertaining about this dream, I was only hanging around with them and playing what every seven year old's play now in days. Sometimes he would tease me in the dream and make me feel as if I was weaker than him. I didn't mind much. I got frustrated in the dream when him and the other kids would take my stuff without permission. At one point, I take back something that was not theirs. I figured they'd be mad but they weren't. My mother looked at me struggling with these kids and tried to see if she could help, but it was my job to stop it. I felt obligated to stop it. A few minutes later, everyone moved all around the house to find a place to eat their lunch. I was just standing there wondering how my friend and all these other kids got here. And that was when it came to me. I tried to remember where I came from before this happened and as soon as I thought of the dream some more, I now realized it to be a dream. At first, I yelled. Not a manly yell. And then I quickly walked over to the living room, where some of the kids were eating, and right before I was going to say, "We're dreaming!", I woke up. After waking from the dream, I thought about trying to go back in it, seeing how I just woken up and haven't moved yet, but still, I didn't want to see anything creepy appear.
      lucid , memorable
    14. The Poolside Pyramid

      by , 11-26-2012 at 08:27 PM
      A short lucid, but it featured some of the most arresting visual imagery I've encountered so far. I'd wanted to see the Great Pyramid, but this was well beyond what I'd had in mind.

      I like to think of my conscious mind as the "coauthor" of my dreams, but sometimes I have to wonder if it's anything more than a proofreader.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #33: The Poolside Pyramid

      I'm swimming at a pool party. Rather than relaxing and enjoying the moment, I'm scrubbing furiously at algae blooms along the pool walls while trying to make sure that my two kids are keeping their heads above water. A tall, gray-haired man swims up and makes some unflattering remark about my scrubbing technique. First a flicker of annoyance ("this isn't even my job!"), then one of realization. He stops talking as soon as I'm lucid.

      I want to go but I can't make myself leave until I'm sure my kids are safely out of the pool. Fortunately, when I check for them, I see that they've already disappeared. I tell the guy I've got lucid stuff to do and he responds, "Oh sure, man. Go for it."

      I fly up out of the pool, thinking vaguely about my goal of reaching the top of the Great Pyramid. I'm shocked when on the horizon I see an entire pyramid complex, fully formed. In front of the Pyramid, in even more vivid detail is the sphinx and a towering statue of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Incredibly, the statue stands even taller than the Pyramid.

      Rather than the dull sand-colored stone that I imagine when thinking of the Pyramid today, it's clad in brilliant white. The sphinx's face and body is either painted or perhaps decorated from top to bottom with colored stones, the eyes specifically ringed in deep blue, like lapis lazuli. The statue of the pharaoh is gold, similar in style to King Tut's burial mask.

      Everything that I see ahead of me is far, far beyond what I'd incubated (or even imagined) for the Great Pyramid, and I'm thrilled with the idea of exploring it further. A little too thrilled, it seems, because not long after I start flying toward the pyramid complex,
      I'm awake. My heart rate is elevated (though not quite racing) and I can't seem to settle back in for a DEILD.

      Ayiee! Let me back in!

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 06:55 PM by 57387

    15. [School-lunch Trip to Bashas']

      by , 11-19-2012 at 07:30 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Monday, November 19th, 2012]
      (Plenty of dreams, but I don't remember most of them. I finally decided to jump up and record the last one for once.)

      The last thing I remember- I'm in Bashas with a bunch of other kids from school. I decide to go steal something while no one is looking since I'm hungry. I go to the Pharmacy section but notice kids surrounding the area. I instead turn around and head for the deli section. People are here too. I hear someone ask, "Do you prefer raw raspberries or blueberries? ... Raspberries." And then Cassidy Solpher asks, "Does anyone want to try some of my home cooked meal? It's fully cooked but I can't eat any yet." I then started eating a warm pasta off a shelf, there was beef, alfredo sauce, big long noodles, and mushrooms.

      <I woke up.>
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