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    1. Sea cliffs; city and building feel like maze

      by , 03-31-2013 at 04:11 PM
      Before sleep: noticing sleep sensations

      Total sleep time: 7hrs

      Dream recall method: dr1- wrote down a few sentences and went over dream 2 times in mind before falling asleep; fragments – no method, had to wake up

      HH1: unconsciously talk thinking to myself about some DV post

      HH2: was dream thinking how hard it is for a woman to go out with a man in some restrictive countries

      Dream1: I was at grandma2, and backpack was on the floor wide open. I noticed how many strange objects were there. We were about to go to the mountains and I was happy about that. I was thinking what to bring to read there, some magazine perhaps.

      Now we are in the outskirts of the mountain, near a bus stop. I have most likely forgotten to go up the mountain and am heading back home instead. There are people on the bus stop and without any notice a dog bites my back. I do not feel any pain but I am tightly grabbed by its jaws, it doesn’t let go. I start thinking out loud why it attacked me, I wasn’t mentally provoking it in any way. I try to negotiate my way out of its grab, by talking to the dog. It eventually releases me.

      I am at the lower part of the mountain where there are houses around. I head down a slope, but as I look at it, I see the shore. This turns into a very beautiful scene, where I am looking at a wonderful array of sea cliffs, the waves slowly clashing against the cliffs. I look at the sky and it is clear blue, the sun is shining on the cliffs and they look fantastic. I feel the urge to go as close to the water as possible. The waves, though, wet some cliffs so I decide not to go that far because it is slippery there. There are lots of people watching the sea and cliffs, some take pictures. Just behind me is the city hall and the female mayor, short dark red-brown hair comes to tell us that pictures are forbidden. An unpleasant DC man continues taking pics even photographs me. Soon two guards come and take everybody to a bus to drive them home or just drop them off somewhere. I want to go back to the beautiful place, so when the bus doors open I escape and go back. At this point the sun is already setting and the cliffs are darker. There are no people around so I still tour around looking at the shore. The guard comes back to pick me up again. We are walking somewhere but he has a sudden surge to visit the restroom, so I say that I will be waiting outside.

      Interested from Africa-10136336-sea-rocks.jpg

      Fragment2: I am with my bf in a café maybe. But then I decide to go somewhere else, on my way I decide to go back. I get really confused in this unknown to me city center. The dream was quite vivid and I had a hard time orienting and even crossing the street where there were cars but no traffic lights. I cannot find the place I was initially in, so I try calling my bf. I end up in some nice looking hotel, preparing to have lunch there. I am not a guest of the hotel, but can use its facilities including having lunch there.

      Fragment3: Another confusing walk. Initially I found the restroom but go out and try to go back. I am in this building complex and go round in circles, always ending up in something like a café, but I can’t find the restroom, I begin to feel completely lost in this maze.

      Fragment4: Some kind of embroidered patches with animated characters. What was peculiar about this embroidery was that it kept on moving even after you sew it on clothes.

      Fragment5: This was supposed to be a friend of mine, but it was a completely another person, with short hair and bright red thin lips. She has some kind of red medallion, which looked like a soft cotton Christmas toy.

      End-of-the-month review

      Days since registered at DV: 19

      March LD before DV reg: 1 DILD

      March LDs after DV reg: 1 semi-lucid; 2 DILDs (both snooze type), pretty long and stable

      Dream recall: fluctuating between very detailed dreams to remembering fragments and noting key words.

      DJ: I am content that I have kept a pretty consistent DJ in the last few weeks

      Things to continue working on:

      - RC: start the day with RC; RC every time I meet a person!

      - DS: add toilet to DS

      - Sleep sensations: to increase general awareness and prepare for WILD

      - WILD: I have to organize myself and make serious attempts at least twice a week?

      - Sleep schedule: go to bed on time


      - Disruptions: Unfortunately 2 guests will come in mid April in our apartment for 3 weeks full time, so I guess at that time my dream quests will be harder to follow.

      - Negativity: sometimes I would wake up and think “No LD again", feeling disappointed. This has got to stop. Think instead, “The next LD is just around the corner” “I enjoy what I am doing and am happy with any dreams I can recall”.

      - Laziness: just keep on writing DJ entries and doing RCs!!!

      Updated 03-31-2013 at 05:26 PM by 61764

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    2. 16th Mar 2013 Dungeons, Mansion, some kind of RTS, Star wars

      by , 03-16-2013 at 08:19 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some multiplayer game(most likely with LV) that looked like Deathtrap Dungeon, there was lots of hidden stuff and secrets, and ofcourse traps, and teamwork was required to go through that. At one point i got sleepy and game got easier when i was sleepy.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I had mansion apparently and i was exploring it and trying to figure out where everything leads, then i met some kid that was visitor and he had some kind of abilities. Later i was in some sort of dungeon that had alot of water parts that i had to swim through. I was going in circles but then i found different passageway that leaded into room with statues and lever, that opened exit.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some kind of RTS with LV, the map was split into more or less circular sectors by terrain walls and there were passages randomly scattered through some of those 'walls'. For resources there was a tree with ridiculous amount of resources in it at the start point of each player, plus a few trees in spots for expansion bases. I was teching all the way through the tech tree, building various buildings and units but i didn't had much of army, also i was not being attacked through whole time. I even decided to check out different branch of tech tree but units available there were mostly just starting units, so i cancelled idea and instead went scouting. I shortly found LV's base and it was small, much smaller than mine, but seconds later there huuuge army coming for my base. I built a few tanks and artillery cannons(which looked like they were made of LEGO or something), but there were just too many enemy units coming. I lose and then dream skips.
      Then i was somehow adventuring through the world that looked like it was inspired by star wars. I was going from planet to planet and doing various tasks and stuff and talking to various humanoid or non-humanoid characters. There also was a number of sides too, including empire, but there was also weird side that were 'guards' of some kind and they used pretty much normal swords compared to everyone else who used more futuristic stuff. I also was visiting some green slug-person in some cave and trying out some weird food, like some weird plants or something, which was unexpectedly rather delicious. Later there was battle of some kind and after that dream ended.
    3. 11th Mar 2013 Weird world, Turning into monsters, Maze, Discussion, Turning into pokemon, Warcraft 3

      by , 03-11-2013 at 08:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was talking with friend over the skype(possibly LV) and then we were playing some sort of game together.

      Dream 2:

      Can't recall much of the start of the dream, i and some other people were is some weird world and we were exploring it, it was mostly forest with big trees and some hills.
      Then for some reason everyone including me turned into some kind of reptile monsters of various sizes and there was some challenge of the survival. Some fought with each other, some were forming groups, in the end i recall two of them being really huge and fighting each other. Dream skips.
      Everyone was back to normal and we were in some kind of underground area with walls/floor made of stone brick. Then we found a map and figured out it was maze of some kind, there were chests and we were supposed to open them all and collect what's inside. We had 'safe area' of sorts where we started, most of people were chilling out there while others were hunting for chests. Maze was pretty dark for the most part too, and it was not just simple maze, there were doors, rooms, switches and so on. We were also getting attacked by some monsters(can't recall how they looked like), we were fighting with them and were able to even beat them unless there were too many of them attacking at once.
      After getting a few chests we had some discussion going on, result of which was me going to chest hunt alone. Everything was going well until i got into area of the maze where was only one way back. Ofcourse monsters blocked it and i got to fight and hide for while, until i got mobbed completely.
      I was somehow back at the safe area, i guess i respawned like in video game. We had very heated discussion that it might be way too hard to get other chests, then one girl, that was sitting out the whole time before, got into discussion and apparently she had two purple creatures with scorpion claws on her shoulders, and i was pretty sure they were pokemon(though they didn't looked like any from the game or series). She was talking about that everything is fake and that she can show true way, but i and some of the people were against that, then i got knocked out.
      I woke up later, those pokemons were holding me in place and not letting me move while that girl was doing something to people in the distance, then she got back and explained stuff more in detail, that apparently we were not humans from the start and that she need to use something with specific recipe to turn us back to normal. I trusted her this time and pokemons stopped holding me in place. Shortly she finished the recipe and the room went foggy. Everyone started turning into pokemon, though i can't recall anything specific other than somebody turning into pikachu. I started turning into some kind of pokemon as well, but i don't got to look at myself. Only thing i know is that i had bunch of long white tentacles that could emit electricity and also could emit specific electro signal that could put anyone to sleep on touch. Everyone was sleepy, so i helped to put everyone to sleep with my ability. Then i used it on water to put myself to sleep as well. Dream ended as soon as i dozed off...

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some exploration map in Warcraft 3, there were huge areas of forests, seas, deserts and jungles. Map was really unfinished and all that was there under player control is some peasant unit, which could walk through anything. Later on i found some flying boat too and loaded peasant into it, it had better sight range and speed. Then i continued exploring the map for a while.
      Later on there was some problem with lighting not updating properly in the dream copy of waking world( ), so i had to fix it by forcing it to update with my shadow. ( )
    4. 19th Feb 2013 YouTube update, almost DILD, an Adventure game

      by , 02-19-2013 at 09:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Was pretty close to DILD.

      Dream 1:

      I was watching something on YouTube and it suddenly stopped working. I refreshed the page and there was an update notice, looking through the only change was the removal of mechanism that saves position in video on closing the tab, and the change was made for some really stupid reason(but i can't recall what exactly). Also for some reason it mentions that YouTube account with the name of one of my alternative internet nicknames is getting pretty popular.
      Suddenly i wake up in the bed, my body seems to be rather screwed up in weird way for some reason, so i start thinking that something's not right, but as soon as i try to do an RC, dream ends and i wake up.

      Looking that it's a bit too early i memorize recall and go back to sleep.

      Dream 2:

      This dream was pretty long, consisting of playing some adventuring video game with top-down view and searching for some 'mysterious information' as i called it in dream, i don't recall much else about first half of it. I recall wandering player character around some forest area, it was more of a forest maze than normal forest, also it looked more autumn-like. I found some of 'mysterious information' and it was saying something about Game Maker files and something else i don't remember.
      After that there was another area full of giant mantises and i had to move player character to avoid them. I was having hard time mostly because area had really bizarre collision detection problems up to possibility of moving character to the outside of area without actually leaving the area. Mantises were randomly spawning everywhere though, but after a few restarts i eventually found the right way.
      Suddenly i was in the game by myself and the game itself is now 3D as well. I was in some canyon with some military bunkers. Seems like i am being instead of player character and an actual player is giving me hints through some radio device. He says to look for a cave. I go around the canyon and notice that bunkers have stationary rocket launchers in them. I decide to play around a bit and use rocket launcher to blow up another bunker. The explosion sound reminds me of half-life. Shortly i get annoying by 'player' on why i am not searching for cave, so i say 'fine' and i shortly find the cave.
      It is very dark in there, but i have no problem navigating through. It gets very mazey from this point and there seems to be alot of 'walk through' walls, also it starts somewhat resembling a tomb of sorts. Soon i end up in an area where the only path through is to jump between masses of sand that float over the void. As i jump onto one of those masses, it starts slowly falling. I had no problems with jumping for a while, gone halfway through area, but there seems to be pretty long distance for the next jump. I almost fail it, but i notice another mass of sand that is a bit lower and i manage to change direction mid-jump right enough to grab onto that mass. I get onto it, and some jumps later i am on the other side of the area, dream ends shortly.

      Either way, my recall seems to be back once again!
    5. 30th Jan 2013 Some sort of RTS, Robot Base Assault, Warcraft 3 Defense

      by , 01-30-2013 at 04:22 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Had major shift in sleeping schedule for this day due to some stuff happening IWL, didn't even had time to write DJ entry earlier on(i woke up like 12 hours ago), but still managed to keep it in memory, mostly fragments though.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing some sort of military RTS, it had pretty realistic graphics. There was moment where i had to direct column of tanks and some other vehicles through net of roads and tunnels while trying to get in least amount of battles(it was probably some sort of transport column).

      Dream 2:

      I was some sort of robot/mecha/cyborg. I was in some squad and we were assaulting the base of some other type of robots. We killed the commander but enemies kept respawning since our mission was to destroy some sort of antennae thingies and there was only one left. We had to retreat.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some custom map in Warcraft 3. It was some sort of defense map, it was maze-like and i think it was multiplayer. I was controlling some sort of demonesse and there were random enemies that were spawning from magic circles all over the map. I got defense set up on one of the corners of the map, near magic circle. Demonesse had ability to summon some sort of white wolves, place trees and ability to control mind on single enemy unit which required 10 seconds of concentration. I have made the mini-maze of trees for enemy units and had some unit with ranged attack captured with mind control ability which was attacking enemies in the mini-maze from the distance, also wolves were guarding the exit from mini-maze. Demonesse had some more abilities, but they were locked and the dream ended before that.

      Updated 02-04-2013 at 07:07 AM by 59854

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 14th Jan 2013 Some sort of 'roguelike'

      by , 01-14-2013 at 11:39 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I was playing some sort of top-down 'roguelike' shooter(roguelike according to dream, don't think it can be classified as one since it was in real-time not turn based), my player character was an sphere, apparently i was playing with some LP'er in multiplayer. We were on small maze'ish map and apparently we have spawned in different places of the level. We eventually found each other and proceed to the exit.
      Now we were in some big wooden hall with 3 height levels connected by stairs, i was in game from first person now instead of controlling normally. As we was choosing another map i noticed an light switch. I flicked it a few times, and each time there was same choir coming from somewhere below.
      Now we have started another map, i was controlling sphere again from top-down. Map was spiral like, and we have found badly placed trees that had right enough space to go in between, leading right to the exit, but we have decided to use normal path for the sake of recording. LP'er suddenly ran into bunch of hard enemies and his player character died, i went to that place and started shooting some small spheres at those enemies, who were spheres as well. It was hard, but after some ridiculous dodging i managed to kill all six of them, i have looked at map(which was Doom like) and it showed that only 2 out of 8 enemies were killed apparently. I have revived LP'er but apparently he was refusing to get up.
      Suddenly we get teleported back to the wooden halls, view switches to first person and LP'er character is now an black cat apparently. He's saying that he's too sleepy to continue. I flick the 'choir switch' a few more times, and wake up shortly.
    7. Laberinth.

      by , 12-23-2012 at 10:49 PM
      Suddenly I find myself in a maze. To be more precise, it is a kind of bridges that are interconnected but at different levels. From those bridges I can see a sort of plateau that extends to the horizon and is blocked by a huge mountain. I try to climb from a bridge that is on the bottom to one that is at a higher level, but a series of wires do not let me move. It's then that I see that the top of the mountain explodes and a shower of stones begins to fall on adjacent buildings. I fear that at any moment one of these stones can beat me. Suddenly a huge rock the size of a building is coming straight at me and hit nearby buildings demolishing them. In these moments the dream switches to third person because I'm not in the scene, but it's like watching a movie. Everything happened quickly and I wake up with a choking sensation.
    8. 23th Dec 2012, Spyro 2 prototype video game(?), maze and other stuff

      by , 12-23-2012 at 07:06 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Don't remember much about first part of the dream, only that i was searching through some video game collection for an specific game, and eventually found it. It was part 3 of some game, but the reason i was searching it apparently was because that game contained other game, 'Spyro 2' for free for some reason, launchable from main menu.
      So i did launched it and was on the first level, there was no intros or cutscenes or anything, which was very unlike the original level(I have actually played that game IRL ages ago), it was some outdoors area, closed off on all sides and with an single NPC in it. There was nothing else, it looked deserted. Then i started thinking that i don't really want to actually play it today for some reason, so just started to mess around trying to break the level. Which was mostly involved trying to fly over the map boundaries, which eventually led player character to be stuck in some sort of distorted hallway off the map, with no way out as well. Slightly disappointed i turned the game off.
      Then i went to the school to check something out, there was nobody in there, and apparently, there was the entrance near the school similar to that distorted hallway in game. So i entered it and was searching for something in sort of distorted maze for quite a while. Eventually i got bored and exited maze, there was familiar people outside this time though, so i kinda went inside the school. There was some people bullying someone and asking someone: 'Why he is not crying?'. I got towards them and beaten them up and now they was running away while crying, and i shout at them: 'Crying, huh? Crying is for weak!', in a totally badass tone, then i wake up.
    9. Sep 20, 2012 - Plane Crash

      by , 10-10-2012 at 06:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I am in Manila. LRT. I met a classmate from high school. Felix. We made a bet.
      Dystopia. LRT. Airport. I jumped over the thing that takes your ticket/card. The other people continue to line. I am inside the plane (still on the ground) with sis. We climbed upstairs and ladders (rusted). Looks old. Like a maze. Finally saw the exit. A hole on the side. of the plane. We saw others exercising. Forming teams. Sis went in first. I went through. PE. I said to myself I didn't sign up for this.
    10. Sep 13, 2012 - Bacolod Tower

      by , 10-10-2012 at 05:54 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      NOTE: Lotus + M

      1. A small town. A city. Bacolod. A tower. I went there with some people. A certain level. Photography studio and a bar. I am talking with some people. A bluish violet color of drapes or veil. I am talking with a guy named Dennis. I told them I am from Manapla. He said he's also from there but that he is moving to Los Banos. Watch people talk and go behind the veil. I see them doing some things behind the veil. A maze.

      2. I'm in a fast food restaurant. There are a lot of people. It's almost none. They cut up the chicken to make it smaller, since there are less people. There is a mother and son who arrived looking to buy food. The boy went into the counter and pointed at an Ajinomoto container. I'm in a small town. Manapla? Looking at the streets. A group of STRAP girls. Ms. Kaye is here. A village. A "stage" with laundry hung on the lines. A house. It's hot outside. I'm with another person. Unknown. I see it's Rev Ceejay's house. I see him cleaning. Caught his attention.

      3. I'm in a different place.It's night. We are having fun. Then JJ appeared. I'm surprised. The place is theirs. He invited us over. I told him I missed him and hugged him. Seems he's very busy. Woke up next day. I need to be somewhere. Can't find JJ. I am on the streets of Manila. I need to take a ride back to the city proper.
    11. Cheshire cat

      by , 08-03-2012 at 04:12 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Recall is a bit bad because this is a few adage old, but I remember being around some old castle/fort type area with a lot of tourists and the Cheshire cat was there. He was more pink than purple and I was trying to follow him. He walked upside down on a ledge and I did the same thing for a while and when I jumped the gap, I started falling towards the water and i had to remind myself that gravity was in reverse at the moment. I was really close to hitting the water when I started falling up back on to the ledge I was trying to hop to. The cat told me that I could have done it he normal way. I wanted to do it his way though.

      We made it inside the castle, and there was G and some other people there. They were talking about how we all used to play pool in that room, but. Didn't know what they were talking about. I headed to the next room and there were three doors lending in different directions. I did the same thing again and another three doors. Wtf. I planted one foot down and kept moving. Every time there was another room with another set of doors. I decided to go back to where my foot was planted. I think I met up with th cat against but I'm not sure
    12. In a city

      by , 01-25-2012 at 09:03 AM
      Woke up during the night to memorize key point of the first dream. It helped but I don't remember much besides the key points. Apparently I forget the dreams I have in the morning, I tried going trough the dream but and memorize the key points, but I only remember one image. Also, it seems that my subconscious not only is a pacifist, but also has a very dark sense of humor.

      First dream

      There are two women hanging like apes on the top of a skyscraper. They are talking about how great the price is that they are going to get for doing that. I contemplate climbing the skyscraper I'm on, although I don't know what the price is. I think I can't do it, because I'm a bit afraid of heights.

      I'm downstairs and there is construction work going on. Two large building machines, one of them has roller chains. A worker gets caught in the chains and is pulled in. There is patriotic music playing in the background and the worker is torn to pieces, along with another one, who tries to help him. This is supposed to be a very patriotic scene where people give their lives for their country, even though it's completely meaningless. I feel ill.

      A kind of a superhero is jumping between the roofs of the city, I'm looking from above. He is trying to loose some super-villain that is following him. I know parts of the city. The superhero stops to hide and the villain looses him. Now I'm the superhero and I disguise as a normal person and continue walking.

      I walk trough the city towards home and pass trough a park.

      Second dream

      I'm in a large maze-like building.
      Tags: action, city, maze
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Too many dreams

      by , 12-18-2011 at 11:23 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      Frist... I am in some supermarket, that sells mixture of stuff.. I am surprised how its organised. It reminds me of B&Q or LIDL. I walk around and then I realise that I want to buy mac-book pro. They seem to have just last piece. I talk to the shop assistant and he kindly shows me everything. But as we play with the laptop, we find that there is some problem with it. I am there with my friend. It seems that they are not able to repair the problem and I am very hesitant to by it... despite that they try their best to sell it to me. I ask for some discount, but they oppose that it is impossible for apple products. I think that the price was £749. I try my best to negotiate the price, but apple policy is too strict. I am really annoyed as I was looking forward to it. My friend says we should take something from the shop.... by that he means steal something. I am laughing at him and he starts filling up paper bag with some stuff..... he expects me to do that... hahah no way.... his plan is that I carry the paper bag with stuff through the till and give them only one thing to scan.... I am laughing that it is crazy.... then I see some police officers there.... and tell him not to do that, that it is stupid. Then one of the shop assistants or supervisor of the supermarket comes to me. He says that he really liked the way I was negotiation and that there are his bosses and perhaps he could intro due me to them. I looked down the shop and saw two asian guys with strange haircut... like a hawk (long hair in the middle and almost shaved on the sides). They were pushing trolleys around the shop and discussing something. I don't remember talking to them.
      But then I go somewhere on top of some hill, where is a big house. When I get there, I realise that that is the house of those two guys. I walk in and see them chatting in the lobby.... some person comes to me and starts talking to me.... They welcome me in the house. I go to the top floor as I am looking for a toilet... and discover attic room. There is some guy or a monk meditating... he is talking to me about some things and maze and some kind of life philosophies, but I don't remember.

      Next thing I am in czech, in front of my aunties house. There is my brother and his wife. I am excited about seeing them and I start talking to my brother about the dream I had (above)not realising i am still in a dream. Misa tells me something about some maze game. I realise that it is the second time some on did tell me about it.... and i start thinking about it. Next I see a maze in a box.... just imagining... it is full of soil and there are worms trying to find a way through... to the middle.....

      Suddenly, I am in the bottom garden and I have a box looking like that maze, with soil in it and some kind of small worms... I watch it as they trying to get through... there are some other smaller pinky worms. They look like they are trying to hunt them, but when they meet, the bigger eat them. I put some more dark soil in the maze and the I go for some more worms. I put them in to the box... and soon I see long (zizaly) ground worms really quickly digging through the dark soil... they getting through it faster and faster... they look like small snakes... I admire their body... its shiny, made of segments and dark brown reddish... Itell my mum to look at them...she doesn't want to... but at the end I convince them.... and when I look again in the box... most of the soil is eaten now... only the worms are swirling at the bottom... I am amazed... how quickly they ate it.
    14. 40th Shared Dreaming Attempt - thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-11-2011 at 06:06 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      thebeastofold's Dream

      lost in maze, fighting ballerina

      i dont remember much of this dream i did a WBTB, i woke up with an awful headache, but...

      i was wandering around a maze made entirely of doors, i kept wandering aimlessly until finally i came to a dead end with a huge double doors...i tried to approach the doors and a ballerina fell out of nowhereand started dancing infront of me, every time i treid to go around her she blocked my way, even kicking me a couple times, so i started trying to jump over her, spin around her, even tried to dance with her thinking i could get her turned around so i could escape etc but nothing worked, i finally got frustrated and turned to walk away and all of a sudden i founsd myself hanging upside down with my head barely touching the floor...woke up...
    15. Navigating the Beauracracy

      by , 11-20-2011 at 08:29 AM
      I'm in a basement with washing machines. I'm talking to my dad about college. I waited until late, almost the last day, to register for, uh, registration. They were almost fully booked. I had to sign up for whatever's available. They had an opening. I took it.

      I'm waiting outside a building in the dark, near the concrete steps. I'm talking with someone. I touched a dead baby duck (it looked like a stuffed one with a broken pullstring). I feel dirty. I need to wash my hands. I go inside without my stuff.

      I look for the bathroom, but I get stopped by two security guards. They tell me there's an opening right now. I say ok, just let me go get my stuff (and wash my hands). They say no. I need to hurry before the guy who was supposed to have this appointment time gets here. So I go.

      The building is a bit maze-ish. There's a stair going down in the middle of a room. There's a lady down there, typing at a desk.

      I go to another room for registering. It's an interview. I sit across the desk from a guy who looks like that guy who says 'inconceivable' in The Princess Bride, except he has hair. Or maybe he looks like the mayor from Buffy the Vampire slayer (the one with the todo list saying: eat lunch, become invincible, PTA meeting). He asks me a lot of questions and writes stuff down on a form. Then he asks me what I plan to do for my essay. What essay?? I didn't know there's an essay. And I still need to wash my hands. He explains. There's an essay now, about a computer science topic. I tell him I plan to do it on open source software or linux. He doesn't hear me. I repeat myself. He still doesn't hear. He closes one, but not both, of the doors to the room, limiting the background noise. He hears me this time, and asks me why. I tell him these subjects excite me.

      I write something on the form? I don't remember but later it's got my handwriting on it.

      I suddenly realize the interview is being filmed. I am nervous. The guy is like 'of course it is.' I realize I am not fully dressed. I try to cover up, then decide to try to act nonchalant.

      There are others in the room. The guy whose appointment I got because he was late is one of them, I think. There is a small bed with no mattress off to one side.

      The guy is testing me on something now, only now he is a slender dark-skinned chick. Some porcelain animal cracker shaped things are dropped on the floor. They have the devil in them. You can't touch them, she says, or the devil will go into you. She attempts to clear them up, but it's risky work. The devil will go into objects you touch them with as well, apparently. Afterwards, I am supposed to have noticed something, but I didn't. I feel embarrassed. I missed the social (cultural) cues. She walks around tapping her face making disapproving noises. But the interview is done. I am supposed to take the form... where? The basement? Oh, I get it, to the lady at the desk at the bottom of the stairs.

      I take the form to them. As I am leaving up the stairs, the desk lady (there is another lady there too) gets up. She is commenting on my writing, that my v's are pointy. There is some sort of (hand) writing test that takes a lot of time/pages? The way they are talking makes me uncomfortable, as if they were criticizing.

      At the top of the stairs, the room I am in has two doors, at opposite ends of one wall. I walk to the left door. Both doors are open. Down the hall, I see a guy, but more urgently, I see a dog, painted red and yellow. It's a hellhound! I shut the door quickly, before the dog gets there. It's running. I am just in time. It growls and presses against the door, up on its hind legs. I growl back. Then it goes around and comes in the other door. "Fuck!" I grab a chair, to defend myself with. I'm panicking. The two ladies are nearby, but they won't be able to get to me in time to help. I wake up.

      WILD attempt. No or little SP. Possible brief lucidity. Very fragmented.
      In an elevator. Poisoned. The bottom of the elevator goes up independent of the top, hits the ceiling, and goes through.

      On a bus. There are two kids. I only saw the one with the ugly face. Someone tells me I am the one who taught him to dream (lucidly?).

      I'm in a sitting/kneeling position, falling asleep, worrying I'll hit something and wake. I feel momentary intense arousal. Something about getting a tattoo.

      Updated 11-20-2011 at 08:37 AM by 51129

      non-lucid , nightmare
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