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    1. [Evil Acid Storm/Innocence]

      by , 08-31-2012 at 07:03 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, August 19th, 2012]
      The farthest back memory I had was me looking up at the sky and seeing "acid-green colored skies" and the lightning being really bad. (We were in the backyard of my Grandma Barbara's house, but it was different... an open grassy plain stretched out as far as I could see.) I was there with two other RM people (most likely Alex and Nathan) while they talked and I hid under the awning and looked up to see meteors/chaotic storms, followed by feelings of danger. I ended up inside someone's vehicle and I sat there a second. Suddenly, the sky went black. I could see a crowd of dimly illuminated figures to the left (an aura of evil and dread surrounding them) and a panicked group of approaching figures from the right. I locked the doors. The panicked group reached first and began to pound on the door. I opened it for them. My memory cuts to me inside with an enormous stack of pizza. I had no appetite, but I grabbed one box and walked outside. People were everywhere and relaxed. I walked to the vehicle and Nathan was there, where I handed him the box and he was surprised that I hadn't had a piece yet. Everyone else had plenty already.

      And then there were monsters everywhere. People were dying and screaming. My dream ends abruptly to TV noise. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood was on.

      (I remember more, but nothing specific: FMA was sending dreamscapes and scenerios to me in my sleep. I remember thinking: Wow. This is really fucked up. No wonder my dream is so fucked right now. I bet I could pull more out of it if I watched that episode again. Edward was yelling at Envy in the episode...)


      (Later that morning, I had fallen asleep again.) I was on my way to school in Nathan's Dad's truck... Casey was there sitting next to me instead though.
      Then I was outside in the lunch area at school, where Alex and a group of other people were sitting together facing me. Zack flipped me off, but thought I didn't notice. I got Alex to get his attention for me, where I grinned and flipped him off right to his face.

      Memory skips to me in a science class with an unfamiliar teacher that reminded me of a cross between Ms. Meyers and a random substitute teacher. Zack was there sitting quietly in the back of the room and no one else that I really "recognized"... so either they were all RM's or random DC's. I was in my chair, none of my homework from the previous week done. Nor was my 5 day science experiment done. I considered begging teachers for makeup work or for them to at least tell me what I was missing. Ms. Meyers(?) recognized me for my attendence- in front of the class. Also, I remember a girl who looked really lonely. I tought her to kiss (My dream self is pretty daring.) and I remember saying things like, "Slow down... slow down..." and "You can dry your lips a little too..." She bore resemblence to Kendra, but had features of Alex too. This girl was nothing more than the spirit of innocence.
    2. Died But Respawned And Stayed In The Dream! :D

      by , 08-19-2012 at 08:11 PM (Dimension X)
      This dream was pretty long too... So it started out in a three story house. On the top floor there was pizza. I only had 2 slices and wasn't allowed to have any more. I couldn't go up there and try to steal some either because my dad and some other guy were up there too. I remember in the dream that I was just really hungry. So then it turned nighttime, and I decided to kind of army crawl on the floor towards the pizza. While I was where the pizza is, there were some other things there too. There was some kind of jar of something... And a random box of candies. They were spherical and hollow and were coated in sugar... My dad was on a bed nearby sleeping, and the other guy was across the room in a sleeping bag... Well... Sleeping. I remember I somehow starved to death in the dream and I died.... o.O But then I... Respawned...?! But after I did, I went a bit insane. I didn't care if I was caught trying to steal the pizza, I just made roaring and growling noises like some sort of monster and I ran up into the room as fast as I could, swiped one piece, and ran back to the second floor and hid in a corner to eat it. I devoured the slice in like 5 seconds. But I was still hungry and wanted more. My mom came out of nowhere, and decided to help me I guess, so then we were outside all of the sudden. My dad was in the garage and awake so we had to be quiet. My mom walked up quickly and took the box of candies and brought it back. She said something, kind of loudly too, and I reminded her to be quiet. But as we were walking down the driveway, away from the house and garage, my dad came out of the garage, and we started to walk over to him. Something else happened, but I forget what. Next, my mom and I were walking down a street with some random kid who was carrying a sword, and we were talking but then the kid turned right, and went down another street. And I remember saying "He better be careful. If you're caught with a sword on that street, you're killed."

      That's all I remember...

      30th Dream Journal entry
    3. Invisible Monster

      by , 07-16-2012 at 02:01 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am in a video game that I am controlling. There is a crazy scary and mostly invisible monster in a forest. I spot my wife across a river and she gets killed by the monster. I laugh at this sight because i am aware that it is just a video game (sorry D). I finally encounter the monster in a bathroom (which is also an elevator) and I f*ck it up. It comes back again and digests one of the other players alive. This player turns into a red, soapy substance.

      Dream 2:

      There is a pizza delivered to our house. I decide not to eat any but my wife eats the entire pizza.
    4. Father and a Child, Father and Pizza

      by , 07-05-2012 at 05:50 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I had these dreams after I went back to sleep from a WBTB, but didn't remember them until now.

      Father and a Child (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down, and I see my father in his prime, at least, that's what I think he was in. There's a child next to him, and he's playing a game with him.

      What the child has to do is try to hide from my father, and my father will go around the walls to try and catch the child. Kind of like playing tag, except that I'm helping the child know where my father is.

      My father is smiling throughout the whole dream, playfully running slowly to give the child a chance to hide between corners on the wall in front of us. The wall itself was either white or a really light and faded canary color, and it was really thin, maybe 3-5 feet side, and it was in the middle.

      Perfect for running around. After directing the child on where to go, my father starts to trick the child by making him assume he's going this path, but halfway, he quickly switches to the other side.

      Yeah, the dream continues on like that, I can't remember when we stopped and what we did after.
      Father and Pizza (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a random truck with my father. I have a Pizza box on my lap in the passenger seat, and my father has to find a place to drop me off because he's going to be busy doing something.

      I quickly suggested to him that he can drop me off at the Laundromat, since I had a feeling that I've been to that place before in a dream that I can't remember right now.

      He asked me if I'm sure, and I said yes, and he turns to the right off-road, and completely ignores the basic laws of driving. He goes over a curb and I open the door to go inside of the Laundromat.

      I don't really bother to wave goodbye to him, and I proceeded to go inside a section where people could find a seat and eat in the Laundromat. I think this was one of those Laundromats with a Restaurant or a small fast food chain combined. Perfect waiting place for me until my father comes back.

      I try to get into the section, but some lady obliviously blocks me to talk to someone near her. I try my best to be patient since I'm going to get to the section eventually, and she finally makes a path for me to pass through.

      It seems she was either flirting with the guy or just having a friendly conversation, but I doubt the way she angled herself would say the latter was what she was going to opt for.

      They were near the entrance to the Men's and Women's Restroom, which I find quite odd to be a chatting place for them, but it's none of my business anyway. The seats in the eating section had a turquoise color, but I'd say that green was a more dominant color mixed into it.

      The wood was a faded gold color with a decent shine on it. There are a few people around, but I didn't really focus too much on them because I felt a little shy. I just wanted to be quiet and get ready to eat my pizza.

      I slowly opened the box, and find there's a full sized pizza, but it's fairly small. I didn't mind, and I get up to get something real quick, but I forget what it was I was going for. I go back, and find that one slice of pizza is gone.

      Really?? REALLLY?

      I sigh and didn't really bother to check who took the pizza, but nobody in the room looked like the type to steal food like that if there's a fast food chain near them in the first place.

      I pick a pizza up and ate it, but I forget how it tastes.

    5. Fish

      by , 06-13-2012 at 01:22 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was going to eat pizza with an old teacher in Africa, and he said they did it differently there. The thing about it though, I was really caught up in the pond near by. It had these huge colourful fish that I couldn't help but look at. One of them had a silver belly but the top of it was bright orange. I stared at them until the dream ended.
      Tags: fish, pizza
    6. Pizza and Vash

      by , 06-04-2012 at 11:41 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Pizza (Non-lucid)


      What is with me and these horrible recall of dreams?!?!?

      I'm walking with my mother and father to a store that sells Pizza, and before I remembered this part, something previous to this, I know that I had to do a lot of weird stuff just to get here, but my mind isn't giving me any hints of that unfortunately.

      Anyway, the place has two options like any other regular fast food place: To-Go or Eating while in the restaurant. It made sense to eat while in there because there was a buffet I believe, or you could set how many pizzas you think you could eat, and then add on from there if it wasn't enough for you.

      By this time, I don't think I see my mother and father, just a few random people. One female wanted to eat 90 Bite Size pizzas, and immediately, she sat down at a table once her order was confirmed and did her business.

      I wanted something like that, and I'm trying to find where I have to go first to make and order. I go into a room, and where are people sitting down, and since I didn't know what to do at all, I just made the assumption that this is where we have to wait for orders and such.

      At the same time, I wonder if this area was for people who already made an order, since being a line would make more sense than sitting down. Anyway, I sit down and wait, and by this point, I can't remember much going on.

      But something tells me the next dream shift was associated with this. I'm in a different area, and I see my grades in college are portrayed in a fairly huge projector screen. The grades are formatted in an Excel Spreadsheet, and my father is





      I glance quickly to see anything abnormal with my grades, because I could sense he was being a little slow reading the grades, and I saw one "F" on the screen.

      Are you kidding me......come on.....COME ON....

      Fortunately, my father didn't see this, and I managed to cover it up just in time. I think I even faked that I "accidentally" minimized the screen so I can say "Ooops" and try to think of something else to distract him from seeing my grades.

      Okay, I get what you're trying to say mind of mine.....and I really hate you for that.

      I forget what I do to let him see my grades, with the one "F" that was covered up of course.

      My mind is going to keep trolling me until I finally show my grades to my father. Sigh.....I better show them today or tomorrow at least.

      *Prepares to lay in the fetal position*

      *sucks thumb*


      Vash (Non-lucid)


      I have horrible recall of this, not even sure if the guy I met was even close to Vash.

      There's three men, they all look like mercenaries, with their fancy weapons and overly exaggerated gear and armor. I think I'm following them, and eventually, they all stop to discuss about something.

      I think Vash starts freaking out about something, but I can't remember.
    7. Freagments

      by , 02-13-2012 at 09:27 PM
      February 12, 2012
      WBTB: 2:30 A.M.
      Bed Time: 10:00 P.M.

      I am a soldier jumping from snowy plateau to snowy plateau across a bottomless gorge. One soldier in my company falls off one of the plateau but is some how able to get to the other side any way...

      ...I am in a desert with a man I do not know. There is a fort with one of each special infected from L4D in it. These zombies seem to be getting smarter. The forts dungeon looks like my basement. To get close to the base, the man and I disguise our truck as a pizza truck.
    8. The Bookstore Heist

      by , 02-11-2012 at 07:25 AM
      I have certain special abilities, and she knows it. That's why she tricks me into standing on the trapdoor when she opens it.

      It's dark down here. I explore. There are several rooms. There's a man and a child. The child is somehow my responsibility, and she is feeling sick. She has a headache or something, and she wants to take a tylenol. However, she's only about two years old, and that's below the ages it says on the bottle, so there's not really anything I can do to help. She has relatively short curly blond hair. She wants to have long hair.

      I'm trying to order pizza for us. I want sausage and garlic, but the guy wants sausage and powdered sugar. The device for ordering pizza is in a side room. It's basically a newspaper, and you indicate your order by flipping the pages a certain way. I can't find what I'm looking for in it. One of the pizza places I find, we can't order from, because they would have to drive through 7 countries to reach us. The pizza would be cold, even if it made it through customs.

      I'm in a bookstore. A group of police types is trying to catch me. I'm wearing a bright orange gas mask that just covers my mouth and nose. I use knockout gas. It disables the store patrons, but the police have gas masks too. Their masks cover their entire faces and are solid black except for clear stuff over their eyes so they can see. All these gas masks are a bit awkward and reduce a person's field of vision.

      I'm running around. I knock over one of the bookcases. I find a way out. There is a shaft going down. A chair is in the way, though. I knock it into the shaft and it falls (I never hear it land). There's a rope there (which I left, of course), that I hang onto for safety while I climb down these shelf things. Eventually, I reach the bottom of the shaft. There's another little bookstore here. It's still dangerous for me, but there are only patrons and clerks here at the moment. They are no problem for me. I steal two giant Christmas cookies and eat them while looking for a place to hide.

      Updated 02-12-2012 at 03:41 AM by 51129

    9. Strange Island, Job, Tragety

      by , 01-29-2012 at 03:50 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Non-Lucid Lucid Comment

      Again a lie in today, which wrecked my recall. I'm sure I have more dreams that these but I just forget them after I wake up and fall back to sleep.
      Some weird dreams last night...

      Me and my family are going on holiday, for some reason I feel like we are going to magaluf.
      I remember being on a boat in a cabin made out of tree trunks, with my family.
      When we get to the island I go out to look for a job, I ask around a bar but there is no jobs there and they instruct me to look further down in the town.
      We head up to a pizza shop for some food, the pizza is strange and the toppings are inside the pizza. Nevertheless it's very tasty.
      The women working at the pizza shop asks me if I'm looking for a job, excitedly I sign up, I will be working Fridays.
      I go to talk to my brother who also was looking for a job, he says he has found a job as a standard bearer for a tribe. I don't like the sound of it and attempt to persuade him form doing so.
      I have to go pick up my brother from his job, something doesn't seem right and he is dead on the floor, I begin to cry and scream in pain. There is a man behind me laughing and I throw myself at him in rage.
    10. The epic quest for pizza! 8D

      by , 10-22-2011 at 10:59 AM
      Umm hai there Dream Journal, this is my first DJ EVAH so I might not know EXACTLY how to do this but umm.. I'll start out slowly ^^;

      Anyways, this is the longest dream I've EVER had to be honest. I didn't meditate or anything, I wasn't even trying to be lucid or remember dreams, so this came as a big surprise for me. o.o Anyways I'd better start before I go off topic too much xD;

      It started off at school. Apparently it was last year, since I was still in the class from then and Darjee and Crazy Joe (Nicknames for two of my best friends, both of them changing schools this year. xD) were still there. one teacher told us that apparently the fridge was scared (lol), so we had to go and buy our own food. I went down towards the townsquare (Which is usually just a few shops and restaurents, but now it was a biig building, kinda like a shopping center o3o), where I met Darjee and Crazy Joe and some other guy called Joachim who was also at my school before, nice guy lol, anyways they asked me if I wanted to buy pizza with them. Being their good friend (and liking pizza), I said yes. So we went inside the building to get some pizza.
      Suddenly it all changed to us being in a house where a cat randomly got inside. A woman came out of a room screaming that that cat is IMPOSSIBLE to get out again, so we spent LOTS of time trying to get it out, but in the end we gave up, not because of the cat but because of something else..

      Apparently our school and all was in a valley of mountains, a BIIG grassy valley that was its own "land"(It usually isn't, Denmark has absolutely no mountains), and apparently some titan had awoken, and was now turning everything into stone and making lava appear everywhere o.o We were all scared by this HUGE titan, so we parted ways and I was fleeing to get everyone I knew in safety, went over a mountain, and saw that in another "land", there was some ice-titan instead who was wreaking havoc. Everything was in chaos o.o
      So I was fleeing over many grassy mountains, while getting updated on the chaos the titans made somehow (and yes I was fleeing alone, but it wasn't bothering me). After a while, I think I meant some bad guys or so, I don't remember clearly but I remember that I wasn't feeling good about it, I had no way to fight back. But suddenly this HUUGE robot, which looked like a gigantic cockpit with arms and legs and LOTS of heavy attilery, suddenly came out of nowhere, scaring them away, a legendary robot I think o3o, one called "The Hunter." After the Hunter scared the bad guys away, the cockpit opened up and I was honestly shocked yet relieved to see who really WAS the Hunter; Crazy Joe. Anyways he helped me up, and the robot itself was for some reason carrying a big stick, anyways he got out of it, walking on the big stick (was a very clean one, one that had been cut out) and helped me up on it, and we ate some small lunchbags, while watching a stampede of cows or so run by, we were mostly relaxing. ^^
      I had problems with actually staying on the stick and in the end I slided down to the end. Crazy Joe was apparently alot more mature and chuckled, going "Want me to carry you back to our land?"
      "Sure, and I know how to stop the titan~", so I got carried by him back to the valley where almost everyone was turned into stone. o.o


      Crazy Joe went out of the robot as we reached the titan, got a guitar, while I got a drumkit.. And we started playing bangin' Techno to scare the titan away and making everything good again! (Don't ask, just don't..)
      Afterwards, Crazy Joe fled with the robot, he didn't want anyone to know that he was the legendary Hunter. And me? I was celebrated as a hero! 8D

      -Non-lucid again;

      So anyways, I went BACK to the center to get pizza again 8D, with Darjee this time. We went into where I thought a pizzaria was, and apparently it was a Pirates of the Carribean shop or so (loool), I went "..This isn't a place where we can get pizzas. o.o;;" So we parted ways to find a pizzaria, and I went through many places, the center becoming more and more weird, in the end it looked more like a cave with 3 portals that I could go through and some weird elf or so who was telling people to "choose wisely." I was like "Wow, there's no pizza here o.o", and went all the way back.
      I and Darjee met again, and I said "Well.. Maybe we should find Crazy Joe?" Darjee said silently "I know where to find him" (He's always quiet and a bit shy, so it didn't surprise me. =p), and we went out of the center, and walked towards a border to another land, The land of the Hunter! (Dun dun duuunnn!)
      We were standing at the border and some orcs or so were in front of us, and we called for help, being scared as heck and hoping that The Hunter (Crazy Joe) would come and help us. Darjee suddenly did something I didn't think he'd EVER do; To make sure the Hunter heard us he started.. Singing Opera (And this is a silent guy who's been growing up with staying silent almost all his life, and now he's singing opera. I was shocked, and right now I can't help but think it's hillarious XD). The orcs were actually singing with him! I was thinking of singing too but I didn't, because I couldn't sing opera (Amazingly enough.. lol) Anyways after a while the Hunter came, and scared them away without even firing. (Idk how Darjee knew that Crazy Joe was the Hunter by the way, but apparently he did. =o) After that, we talked a bit and I and Darjee took a ride with the Hunter to another city, where we FINALLY found a pizzaria (HAA-LE-LU-JA! 8D)! And when I finally took my first bite, I woke up.

      I'm honestly REALLY surprised and excited about remembering so much from a dream. I've been focusing ALOT on remembering dreams for over a year with my lovely Lunary, but this is the first time and I wasn't even trying. But I have no idea what this dream means, can anyone help me? o.o
    11. Traitorous Friend and an army of False Awakenings

      by , 09-30-2011 at 01:41 PM
      Dream 1

      I was in school and we were going on a trip to somewhere. I was having a bad hair day and people were taking pictures and put it on facebook. We were going to somewhere that looked like China and my teacher was strict. She looked like Miss Trunchball.

      I went to the place with my girlfriend and peole started shooting me so I flew away. Once again I went through this dream a few times (I think twice). The second time I slipped off a flying ship or something and was stuck in a crevice. I called my friend for help but he flew off, leaving me to muster up strength to escape and fly away. He looked like Terry from The Firm (2009).

      Then we went back to school and I completely blanked my friend who deserted me. He was apologising but I wasn't having any of it.

      Dream 2

      I was in a prison-like place where we were going to beat up up one of the "prisoners" who looked like Ben Mitchell.

      My chief said "We're fight him like it was "Rise of The Foot Soldier". Then one of the other guards said "I saw that, it wasn't that good". We all laughed then went downstairs to the cell. It looked more like a docking bay than a prison but whatever.

      False Awakening

      I had many FA's today but I don't remember that many.

      I wrote more in my DJ.

      My mum told me that I could have pizza on Sunday when I usually have it on Saturday. Some times I think my mind is giving me dream signs.
    12. Three lucids, once again.

      by , 09-19-2011 at 10:07 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      So this is what you get for being lazy and never writing your dreams down in the middle of the night. Definetely taught me a lesson
      1. I become lucid in my parents room, I rub my hands and shout "Lucidity, stabalize!" It takes a few times. I can't remember what happens after that.
      2. I'm outside my house, past the gate, and I stabalize. I tell myself my dream guide will be behind me, but he's not. I'm pretty sure we have a fight.
      3. Can't remember where it was, but I tried to summon pizza.
      I hate this! D:

      I'm at this road where the blue store is, and it goes up, towards something I can't remember. I walk inside the blue store, and buy two lollipops, for some ridiculious price. I ask for a pack of gum, and she tells me I don't have enough. I walk out, but with more than two lolipops (weird) I struggle to make it up the hill, while I self conciously hide my food from the passing buses. Everytime I make it up about half, I look back, and I'm back where I started. My mum's suddenly climbing as well, and we eventually make it up to this school, about two thirds of the way up the hill. There's a train track, with little kids riding on it. My mum takes the joy stick, and the tracks switch just in time, and the train keeps going. I turn to my dad, who seems to have suddenly appeared "That's just for show right?" I ask, worriedly. He nods, but doesn't seem to confident. I take the control and try to figure out how it works, I ask for advice, but no one can help me. Suddenly, everyone notices there's like missing panels of wood in the track, that the trains heading for. We all run up, and try to fill it in, but there's not enough wood. Someone says something stupid.

      I wake up.

      Dream fragment: Where in what looks to be like target, I drop my money repeatedly, and this girl comes up and starts talking to me. I have a conversation with her, and mum is like "Come on Nathan"
      Dad shakes his head, he seems excited that I'm talking to her "let him stay" he says. (LOL)
    13. Cancer and Pizza

      by , 08-20-2011 at 04:42 AM (My Weird and Demented Subconscious Adventures)
      This dream refers to a previous dream I once had, depicting my cousin (who I will call "Yu" for the sake of this dream-journal entry) and his father (my uncle) suddenly deciding to go overseas.

      Last Night's Dream:

      I was sitting in my lounge room with my parents, two sisters, and one of my three brothers. There was a knock on the door, and my uncle, his wife and Yu came in. My mother mentioned something about them coming back from overseas and asked me if I remembered anything from that day (it was an actual dream I once had haha). [I only remembered some details however. It involved a hospital and POSSIBLY an older version of a friend's girlfriend (of whom I have no attraction to). I had that dream a couple of months ago BEFORE I started writing in my Dream Journal.] My uncle then mentioned that his son, Yu, had suddenly started to vomit afer his arrival back to Australia, so they took him to a hospital for a check-up.

      My mother (suddenly knowing all the details EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS SITTING WITH ME THE WHOLE TIME AND JUST HEARD THIS NEWS ) then said that the doctor called it "Fidal". In my dream I was confused as I'd never heard an illness by that name before, and concluded that she meant Vital.

      I decided to search up "FIDAL" on my laptop (when I turned it on, I had three internet windows open; two with 7 or 8 tabs and one with 2 or 3 tabs. They were all open on a forum with a dark background), but then a notification popped up telling me I had 8 emails (THE WEIRD THING IS, IN REAL LIFE I ALSO HAD RECIEEVED EIGHT EMAILS OVER NIGHT ) I went on to the e-mail site, but it didn't seem to work -.-, so I went back to searching Fidal.

      I typed it in on Google, and a few results came back, but one stood out. I don't quite remember what it said, but none of the results had anything to do with illnesses. Then I got distracted by my oldest sister holding up a camera and videoing (sp? taping? can't think of other words :L!) everyone for no apparent reason.

      Everytime the camera focused on someoen, their line of sight was shown in green (in the real world (dream world? :L ! ) ) I thought this concept was amazing, until I saw the camera focusing on Yu's hand and saw a big lump (that looked like a mmosquito bite). I then realised he had cancer. My uncles wife mentioned performing laser surgery, while my mum mentioned that he had recieved cancer because he frequntly disobeyed his parents (which is true in real life), and, due to this, we should all obey our parents more. I beleived it -.- (wtf?!)

      My sister (the younger of my two sisters in that room, but older than me. I shall call her Mia for the sake of this dream-journal entry. She also frequently appears in my dreams, especially nightmares, possibly because I am very close to her) asked Yu if he wanted to be tall and built or skinny and short. (wtf? ) I thought this was insensitive as I was assuming he would die early or not eb able to get built, because he had cancer. Yu didn't seem to realise this, though, and nodded at hte former. Afterwards, everyone proceeded to leave the house to go to a neighbourhood park. Mia stayed back, however, and a pizza box and my sister's best friend (also a first cousin) appeared out ofno where. My sister and cousin then proceeded to proceeded to talk about school, while I watched some TV.

      There was a show about nature hosted by the host of Australia's got talent (in my dream he was blonde though). He mentioned facebook in a negative way (can't remember what though). Another show came on, but I ignored it and went for a slice of very cheese pizza
      I woke up after almost taking a bit of Pizza -___- it looked so yum </3
    14. Pizza party

      by , 07-25-2011 at 03:22 PM
      I'm in the parking lot of some pizza place. I'm calling work because I do not know if I work this weekend. Turns out I don't, so I hang out in the parking lot with KC, and really, really fondle her legs. Mmm, really like those legs. A pizza truck is delivering pizzas to the parking lot, and I think it's funny that a different brand pizza is delivering to this pizza place's parking lot.

      I have my bike with me, because that's how I got here. Am trying to figure out how to get home in the dark; don't want to call parents, so decide just to spend the night outdoors and then bike home in the morn. Am near the old high school in the dark.

      Recurring themes:
      - Do I have work this weekend?
      - How do I get home from here?
      - Pretty ladies!
    15. Pokemon, kidnapped, and x-men frags

      by , 07-17-2011 at 11:51 PM (Trial and Error)
      Dream fragments from the last week or so...

      #1: I was sitting with my roommates in what almost seemed like Muni seats but were in a building. A creepy guy comes and sits near us (common on muni) and we all get tense, wishing he would go away. My roommate L however, goes and sits next to him, whispers something in his ear, and the creeper leaves the area. We are all confused, but happy he is gone. Later in the same dream I was bitten by the pokemon Gastly on my left arm. It hurt a lot but I kept my cool because I didn't want the Gastly to think I was an enemy. There was something involving money I don't remember.

      #2: Most of the dream is gone..... (sad because it was awesome!) but we were climbing through vents to save a group of our friends who had been kidnapped.

      #3: (The repercussions of watching over 7hrs of x-men cartoons and going directly to sleep. lol.) There were many different vignettes of scenes from x-men (totally fabricated dream scenes) One was Professor X persuading Nightcrawler to come back to the institute and stop hiding in his closet at home by bribing him with pizza. Another Wolverine was jumping of some kind of man made cliff onto helicopters. And the last one was Scott and Jean crashing a helicopter belly up and their seats sliding out of it upside down (with massive complaining as the characters often exhibit).
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