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    1. Vacation, Frag Factory

      by , 08-11-2014 at 01:54 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am on vacation with my family on this tropical island. We have also brought along another teenager who looks alot like me. I can recall us staying in this cabin on the beach that from the outside looks like a straw hut, but on the inside it is this fully furnished, multi story condo complex with room for everyone.
      The other me is on his computer, and my mom is trying to convince him to go outside and have fun on the beach.
      I am on the beach. I see somebody who is an artist with all these drawings around them. One of the drawings almost blows into the water and I catch it. I then ask some elderly dream characters if they would please return it to the artist.
      A storm starts to roll in. I go back to the cabin. For some reason I feel like this has happened before and that we should leave the island because the storm is going to get very bad.

      I wake up. I hear some kind of musical beat as I fall back asleep. I am sitting in a dark room. There is a tray of wet packed sand in it. The sand is grey on top, and just beneath that there is a layer of blue-green sand. I run my hand through it and break the layer of grey sand.

      I am designing buildings in and placing them in a city. I lose control of the buildings and random structures start developing. It feels like I am playing Simcity.

      I am in a meadow environment. There are some trees in front of me. Someone is standing there, too blurry to make out. They tell me to remember the phrase 'Arrow, Arrow, Arrow!'

      I am high above earth's surface in space, 'standing' so that my feet are still facing earth. As if I am on a glass platform above earth. I can feel that something is above me. Can't tell what. I look down at earth and am all but hypnotized by the patterns present in the clouds and landforms.
    2. Apt. 53

      by , 07-23-2014 at 03:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I am in some costal city. It feels like a very dystopian environment, and many of the buildings look to be older and more worn down, with newer, almost futuristic-looking buildings blended in at a few locations. Most of the city is fairly low-lying with only a few skyscrapers scattered about. It was a very dark, gritty dream. I liked it. >
      There seems to be a typhoon or something coming through. It is cloudy and raining heavily. Someone remarked about how the storm seemed to be getting worse.
      I had gotten some note that I was to meet some dream character on the 53rd floor of an apartment tower. I eventually found said tower, a boxy, old brick building. I rode the elevator to the 53rd floor, only to find the apartment empty. It was quite expansive, spreading across the entire 53rd floor of the building. The lights were on, though the rooms were mostly devoid of furniture.
      I eventually found a dream character or two. One of them was a teenager, and the other was a middle-aged man. One of them told me to look down out the window. It was at this point, that from inside, I saw that we were not in fact 50 floors off the ground. More like 10.

      -Time Skip-

      We are evacuating the city because of the storm. We get onto a school bus along with perhaps 10 dream characters, so the bus was pretty much empty. We are driving along a deserted freeway and the bus rolls over due to a gust of wind. The bus seems to roll over in slow motion and nobody is hurt.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:37 PM by 53527

    3. Fragmented Beach Dream

      by , 07-18-2014 at 08:49 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had another lucid dream last night, but I fell back asleep (See the dream fragments that followed), and when I awoke for the second time, I could not recall it, only the fact that I woke up and had a LD.

      I can recall bits of what felt like a very long dream involving my family taking a vacation near a beach.

      I can recall the beach looking much like one from the northern united states in that there were no palm trees and the weather did not feel very tropical. There was a large lighthouse on a pier. Also the weather seemed somewhat chaotic with storm squalls rolling in.

      I can recall us trying to find a good spot on the beach when we encounter a man with several large buckets and a net. He is attempting to catch these large, fat creatures in the water that look something like stingrays, and are about three feet long.
      He explains that the creature's tails produce a toxin (It looks like orange goop). This is only toxic however if it is placed directly into the bloodstream (you can rub it on your skin and be fine.) He also explains that if you eat it, you will be fine because the stomach acid changes the chemical makeup of the toxin. He explains that eating the tail with the toxin on it is considered a delicacy in his part. Sounds a little risky.

      I can recall our room as well. The room has a high ceiling and windows with a good view of the ocean. My parents are laying on their beds, both on computers. My aunt, uncle and cousins are in the next room over. (I guess it was more of a condo than a hotel)
      I am going into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. The bathroom is very small, and the floor is covered in beach sand that somebody must have tracked in here. After much sweeping with my hands, I manage to get most of the sand into a pile. I then walk outside and throw it out the door onto the beach.

      I can recall we are driving to other locations near the beach condo. There are these farm fields and forest locations nearby, and there are these huge thunderstorms advancing across the plains. I am yelling at my dad to follow the storms like a tornado chaser or something. We do in fact see several small tornadoes touch down in the distance, but none of them do much damage.

      Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:47 AM by 53527

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. 7/8/14 - Silver Storm

      by , 07-08-2014 at 10:23 PM
      I'm in my Grandma's back bedroom with my niece. We are sitting on the lower bunk of the bunk bed. I'm packing a bag for us. I'm not really in a hurry and I feel pretty calm. My older sister walks into the room and sits down next to me. I look up and notice her hair is lighter. I ask her about it and she tells me how she's been, little by little, making it a lighter and lighter blonde. I look at it more closely and notice that it's not just one shade. There's yellow blonde and white blonde. There are also streaks of shimmery silver as well. She looks very beautiful. Mom walks in and looks at us. She notices me admiring the hair and gets mad. She knows that it's being done only to get the attention of an ex-boyfriend. My sister looks sad and she looks at the floor as mom leaves the room. I smile at her and tell her that she looks beautiful and I love her hair. She looks back up at me and smiles. She says thank you and gets up to leave. My uncle then runs into the room and says that we can't leave. There's a storm that's gotten too big and dangerous, which will make it almost impossible to travel on the ship we are taking. It's not wise to travel when the ocean is so dangerous. I feel a little bummed, but I understand and I stop packing.
    5. 4/26/2014

      by , 04-27-2014 at 04:18 AM
      I was watching a documentary or show on Navy sailors committing suicide by drowning themselves when the ship would start to sink. They would tie themselves down to something and wait for the water to rise. I was suddenly on a ship while there was a thunderstorm going on. There were people shooting at us and a teammate was trying to save a downed man. I was crouching behind cover yelling at the guy to run. There were enemies above us on a catwalk. I shot at a few of them while my teammate tried saving the other guy.
    6. Insert title here

      by , 02-07-2014 at 01:21 PM
      Dream 1: [COLOR="#800080"]I was in a train station waiting for someone to go on a trip. I keep waiting and waiting but nobody comes so I try to call mom. I see mom and I ask her where the person is. She says that the person should be here already. I tell her it's not here and she grabs my hand and drags me into a little garden. I see there a man without his arms and mom tells me he's a relative. He does the split and mom laughs while saying to me : "That was his position when he beat up that nurse because she wanted to kill him" and then a train drives over him and he still laughs. I get on a tube(blue color) and I stay there. The man says that I need to walk away because that's a water tube. I said : I just stayed there because It's so hot outside and that tube is cold. Then my sister jumps on it and it breaks. The relative gets angry and yells at her. Mom runs fast and repairs it. Suddenly, a snow storm comes and everybody flies away except me and my sister. My sister runs somewhere and I stay there yelling for help. I see a guy with a red hat and he says he will help me but then he runs. I try to move and I find this kid who is like 3 years old. She is really scared and yells and I run to her and pick her up saying : Don't worry, we'll get through this. I lose her and I start looking for her but all I find is another girl who looks like 5 years old(She had blonde hair and green eyes). I grab her hand and we try to walk. I see a fireplace and I tell to this old man if he can let us stay there for a night because it's really cold and we can't see. He says yes so I jump the fence and we sit near the fireplace. It's really hot there and there's no snow. I talk to the girl and she says she got lost from her parents and I tell her that we'll find her parents no matter what. I look over the fence and there's no snow so I'm really happy and I tell the girl that we can go now. We jump over the fence and I see my sister. I run to her and hug her. There's my classmate that comes from the back yelling : ALINA!!! and he jumps on her and we fall. Kris comes and he says that we really need to go a building and he points at it. I say okay and we all go into the building. We play some game and then I get into this hall that has lots of doors and walls in the middle of it and all kind of things. I run but Kris grabs my shirt and he says that the game is over. I run to this other hall. I see some the snsd member and I say that they're really pretty but they're so small(height). I get to this room and there are some papers. I look at them and there are only math problems. [/COLOR]
      Dream 2 : [COLOR="#800080"]Something about my grandmother. She wanted me to bring her all kind of stuff.[/COLOR]
      Dream 3 : [COLOR="#800080"]I was in my classroom and I was playing on my phone.[/COLOR]
      Dream 4 : [COLOR="#800080"]I'm with mom and dad on a street. Mom sees an ambulance and she tells us to run because they will kill us. [/COLOR]
    7. Baseball and Bands of Rogues, Bamboo

      by , 11-23-2013 at 11:29 PM
      Original journal entry dated Oct. 4th, 2002:

      Had a dream about a futuristic setting, boys and girls school, somehow involving rival baseball teams and two best friends. Two guys. Well, supposedly two guys. Then one of the rival teams tries to bully one of them, he fights back, scuffle, gets in trouble, etc. For some reason the school is segregated and he does not know his friend is a girl. Finds out in the locker room by accident. Weird romance ensues.

      Second dream, somehow in it got captured by a band of rogues, one of the men tried to attack me, I ran to the leader who knocked the guy around a little and made it clear to leave me alone. Which would've been comforting except for the whole belonging-to-him thing, if you know what I mean. Not so bad, he was handsome, long blonde hair, nice bod, nice face, etc. Generally a weird dream.

      Original journal entry dated Oct. 15, 2002:

      Dreamt that I was lying on a bed, in a bedroom. Full or queen-sized bed, with a comforter with a flower pattern. As it was dark in the room, I could not see the color of the comforter clearly, I believe perhaps it was mostly a brown or tan with hints of purple or green.

      It was dark, and the air smelled as if there had just been a storm, or perhaps there was about to be one. I could hear the sound of branches rustling and bamboo clacking just outside the window, possibly in the back-yard. I could see the shadows of tree leaves playing on the ceiling. I was comfortable and happy.

      In the dream, I dozed off. When I woke again, it was morning, the room was full of golden-ish light. The carpet was a gold color. I heard someone in the kitchen, presumeably cooking.
    8. A Storm

      by , 06-15-2013 at 04:56 PM
      Bedtime: 12:15
      No WBTB - wanted to catch up on sleep
      Bedtime: snack: goat cheese with garlic
      Aids: garlic (above); low dose vitamin B complex
      Recall: Low
      Vividness: Medium
      Awesome factor: Very low

      Dream 1: I'm at my Grandma's house. Someone has given me two macaw-sized parrots, for whatever reason. I'm walking around outside with these parrots crawling all over me. My own parrots are inside the house, and Aunt H is there with her dogs so I'm worried they'll get eaten, but I can's go inside because of the birds I have on me.

      Dream 2: I'm at what is probably supposed to be my parents country house, but doesn't look much like it. There's a storm coming. My cousin C is looking out of the window and he says something about a funnel. I take it to mean there's a tornado forming. I try to get everyone to go to the basement, but no one is listening (IWL I'd likely be the one looking out the window and not wanting to go downstairs). My cousin then goes outside...

      Dream 3 (or possibly another fragment of dream 2): I'm in a house with a long dining room combined with a living room. The table is on the left side and a sofa on the right end. A bunch of my family members are there. I have this binder with very colorful, whacky hairpieces that I'm looking through. I take out one that has a mask attached. My goddaughter wants it so I let her have it, but later I want it back so I start looking for her. My cousin L, her mother, helps me but we can't find her.

      Key emotions: worry, frustration

      Updated 06-15-2013 at 05:04 PM by 63380

      Tags: pets, storm
    9. 10 Jun: Everything is constantly moving

      by , 06-11-2013 at 02:41 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am having one of those dreams in which I'm in a house, trying to get out, but every door or window just leads to another room. It's becoming opressive and then I realize it must be a dream, so I get lucid and transform the dream. The next window does lead to the outside. With the awareness increasing, I get the usual attacks from my own mind, maybe. It pulls out all the "weapons" at the same time. Everything starts moving really fast, the scenarios around me are constantly shifting, the floor under my feet is never stable, things are being thrown at me from all directions, there's a storm with tornados approaching, then a van full of men in black stops to my left and agents come out to arrest me, the one in the front is agent Smith... Wow, could it be more confusing? I focus on the fact I know I'm dreaming. Agent Smith dissolves into light, the storm gives rise to a sunny sky with fluffy white clouds, the landscape becomes empty and still and in front of me appears a text on a sheet of white paper. It has some strange orange characters on the top of the sheet, that I cannot really read. I think it contains a list of names and my name is on it, near the top. It becomes my center of focus and allows me to just stay aware.

      Updated 06-11-2013 at 02:45 AM by 34880

    10. Long Bus Lucid

      by , 05-03-2013 at 08:30 PM
      I dreamed I was at a pizza place... sort of. There were children who spoke Old English learning modern English with some sort of weird alphabet system, and machines that made snowballs, and everybody was having snowball fights. Then I went into the school, which became a pizza place. Then I was at a coffee/tea shop that only served tea that was friendly to your kidneys and had a lot of info on kidney health and which teas were good or bad for you. I had a string hanging from my mouth that was attached to my gums somehow, or part of them. I wanted to pull it off but was afraid I'd hurt myself and it would hurt.

      The pizza/tea place had tables with umbrellas, even if it was inside, so I stole one and dragged it outside. I was in kind of a strip mall place. I went out to the bus stop but it was pouring, so I dragged my table/umbrella with me. The bus was already passing as I was getting to the stop, so I waved my arms and yelled so the bus driver would see me.

      As I stepped onto the bus, I became lucid.

      I didn't do much in this lucid except practice maintaining lucidity. I sat down and looked around and reminded myself to remain aware. The dream was going in and out of focus - sometimes it would be clear, sometimes it would be blurry with little detail. I practiced bringing the DCs around me into focus and was able to give some of them faces. There was a youngish asian kid and a grandmother with a young boy. I practiced changing my own clothes (I changed into a red polka dotted bikini). I tried to summon Robert Downey, Jr. but was unable. Mostly, I just rode the bus around and worked on staying aware. When I felt things fading, I would periodically remind myself to stay aware. I think this whole thing lasted 15-20 minutes of me just riding the bus around. I made it day and watched light shine through the windows and cast shapes on the floor... then I made it night again, then I made it rain.

      I woke up in a puddle of drool. I guess I was concentrating a bit too hard... haha
      lucid , non-lucid
    11. Batman, Storms, Farm

      by , 04-17-2013 at 10:23 AM
      #1 - First, I dreamed about... it was weird, some kind of Batman-like character, in his "Bruce Wayne" mode. I was hanging out with him and some other people in a restaurant who were supposed to be friends. We had a few drinks, got up to go - I thought one of them had left their coat, wallet, and keys, but it was actually someone else's coat, so I had to go place it back on the seat where I found it.

      Then we went outside. We were on some kind of structure in the middle of the ocean, and it was super stormy. It was raining, and the wind was blowing hard. The deck we were on (more like a balcony than a ship) had extremely slick tiles on it, and I started sliding across them because I was wearing heels. I fell over but couldn't get a grip on them either, I was hanging off of the edge by my fingernails and yelling for help, terrified of being swept out to sea, but everybody else - who didn't seem to be having any trouble staying upright and in place on the deck - wasn't listening to me. Bruce Wayne dude now looks like a combination of Eddard Stark and Aragorn and is giving some kind of speech, but I can't really hear him above the wind.

      Dream rewound before I got swept out to sea. Now I'm hanging onto a pillar.

      We return home, everybody goes to bed but we're all in the same bed, it's just weird.

      #2 - I have a farm. It's more like a video game, and a really glitchy one at that. I'm trying to gather wool from all of my sheep but for some reason, when I try to take them outside, the game glitches out and replaces them with Redwood trees. I'm trying to expand the farm and dig irrigation ditches, I have 2 cows but the game is glitchy and won't let me put them in the barn, and I'm irritated that now my vegetable field is full of redwood trees.
    12. Lucid Task of the Month Attempt: The Cook-Out

      by , 03-12-2013 at 01:04 PM
      I dreamed several dreams, and woke between each.

      *side notes
      *gaining lucidity

      #1 - I was having difficulty doing something. That's all I remember. Dream fragment.

      Woke. Did Reality Check. Attempted WILD; failed, fell asleep.

      #2 - I am in a house. I'm looking for a bathroom. There's no bathroom, because I didn't have enough in-game gold to buy an expansion. I discover that some of the red and white scented candles I've been buying were made by my cousin. He's been lying about having a regular desk job.

      Woke, used bathroom. Reality Check. Attempted WILD; failed, fell asleep.

      #3 - A wife and husband are fighting over their finances. The husband is unemployed or doesn't make much money, and the wife is burnt out and tired of working overtime to completely support them. The wife decides to make adult videos, and her best friend offers to help her. Her husband finds out and is extremely upset.

      Woke. Rolled over and fell asleep.
      I dream that I am riding a bus through a sweeping countryside. It appears that I am somewhere in New Zealand. The landscape is mountainous and verdant. It has just rained, the sky is full of gorgeous, radiant clouds, and it's is very beautiful (note: sweeping landscapes after a storm are actually one of my dreamsigns)

      It begins to storm violently, and I'm up in the mountains. I am both riding and driving the bus. It's storming like crazy, and the mountain road is winding and dangerous. I'm high up in the mountains now, going over a narrow bridge. The choppy water has risen to the very bottom of the bridge, and it churns dangerously. The bus hydroplanes, loses control, veers off the bridge. The bus is now an old cadillac. The bus now disappears from around me as I enter the water. Frigid water envelopes me as I sink, and places immense pressure on my body; I debate fighting it, or merely letting myself sink. I allow myself to be pulled under and away with the current.

      I wake up on a bus. I don't wake up on a bus; I am driving a car. I'm going to pick up a friend's dad. My friend is a chubby blond teenager wearing a Hulk Hogan shirt. We pick up his dad at a fast food restaurant that looks like McDonald's. He jokes about us being a software development team. He is actually a developer, himself. He looks really tired, and I ask him if he's been pulling long hours. He says, "Yes, and driving is a challenge. I'm practically cross-eyed." He decides to check his voicemail and starts swearing; apparently, his boss/team lead is asking for a whole bunch of ridiculous stuff that he can't possibly do on such a short deadline.

      I wake up on a bus. I have stretched out across the seats, and a little girl is commenting to her mother that I'm taking up too much space. I try to pull myself up into a fetal position to free up more seats. My friend and his dad are also on the bus. The landscape is the one as described before; the sweeping New Zealand landscape.

      I wake up and feel a bit irritated that my prior attempts at WILD have failed. I see light seeping in through my bedroom window and am a bit upset that it appears to be so close to morning. I'm also irritated that I didn't pick up on my most obvious dream sign.

      I fail to do a Reality Check. In retrospect, my bedroom window was INCORRECT. The curtain wasn't there. I shrug it off, telling myself that it's just another chance to try to WILD again. I settle down in bed (note: I am fairly certain this was a FA and I am actually trying to WILD from my FA, which is kind of hilarious because it actually works)

      #5 (?) -
      I begin to see something forming in front of me, very blurry - it is a field of large, smooth pebbles. I decide that it looks somewhat like a beach, or is close enough to make into one. I try to make it solidify, but it fights me. I try to imagine it as part of a landscape, but it remains a flat plane - almost like a pattern. It is supposed to be the ground, I understand, but it takes up my entire field of vision.

      I can feel it there - the dream is blurry, but it's forming. I don't want to lose it or lose consciousness, so I start actively trying to make it stabilize. I focus on the pebbles; they sharpen a bit, and then go all fuzzy again. I run my hands through the pebbles, then dive to the ground and shove my face into the pebbles. They're still fuzzy and immaterial, although I feel the ghosts of sensations from them. I enthusiastically rub my face back and forth in the pebbles. I feel like they're fading away and get upset, so in a moment of desperation, I lick the pebbles. They don't become any more material; they taste like grit and sawdust. I roll around on the ground like an idiot, grabbing handfuls of the ground and rubbing it into my face. I feel and smell dead leaves. Suddenly, there are dead leaves mixed into the pebbles.

      I look up. There's more landscape forming! I see fuzzy green. I feel like this is like the edge of a lake or swimming hole. I stumble to my feet and pick leaves out of my hair.

      The world suddenly solidifies, as my lucids often do - everything goes from a blurry mess to absolute perfect clarity. I am now on the edge of a small lake or swimming hole, on an artificial beach. I'm at a cook out!

      There are tons of people milling around. The dad from my prior dream is grilling food, and there are a bunch of fat guys in tank tops drinking beer out of a cooler. There is a little girl in a purple swim suit playing with the sand. She has a toy shovel and those little plastic sand castle molds, and she's making a castle. She has white-blonde hair that curls in little ringlets around her ears, and blue eyes. She looks like she's maybe 3 or 4, and she's adorable. There is also a black and white Border Collie lying on a red and white checkered blanket next to a guy in a t-shirt and his kids. The dog is panting, because it's hot outside.

      The swimming hole has a tall, metal slide where you can slide into the water. The sky above, unlike 99% of my lucids, is vivid blue and brilliantly clear - this is a hot summer day, probably July or even August.

      I clap my hands together and yell out loud "YES! Finally!" I immediately run up to the dog and pet her. Her fur is thick and somewhat coarse. I scratch between her ears. She's very friendly, and enjoys the attention. As I scratch her behind the ears, I recall my lucid task.

      "I need to destroy something right away!" I tell the dog. I had decided on Simple Task I, which was to destroy an object by any means.

      I look around. One of the first things I see is the little girl's sand castle mold, but even thought she's a dream character I feel kind of bad about that. I see a plastic drinking cup with Vash the Stampede on the side of it (I haven't watched anime since the 90s, I don't know where that came from) but decide it's too solid/not interesting. There's an array of picnic stuff - plates, cookware, food, etc. I settle on the one thing that I feel is out of place: an empty carton of half & half.

      I point at it and try to make it explode. Nothing happens. I get angry and pick it up and throw it, yelling, "This is MY dream!" It still does not explode. I chase after it, scoop it up, and tear it into several pieces. I begin to throw the pieces at the two fat guys who are sitting in plastic lawn chairs and drinking beer. They think this is hilarious.

      I hear the little girl calling to me from behind me. She is running toward me, waving a huge syringe. One of those big, scary-looking ones they use to inject things into your rump. It's almost as big as she is (and for some reason, empty). I laugh and launch myself into the air, hovering above her. She runs around below me, waving the syringe. I rise higher into the air, using swimming motions, and taunt her. She begins to climb the ladder to the slide, which has now somehow gotten higher and scarier-looking and is turning into a bridge.

      The dream fades, and I wake up. It is 3 a.m., which means that it couldn't have possibly been light outside last time I woke up.

      Updated 03-12-2013 at 01:20 PM by 32101

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , task of the month
    13. 1 Feb: Iowa, lightning, rave

      by , 02-01-2013 at 12:19 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am in Iowa. It doesn't look like Iowa at all, more like a rural village in the north of Portugal, with small stone houses and rough stone paved streets, but still I know it is in Iowa. Around the village there's miles and miles of corn fields and it's what people do for a living here. I am staying with a very noce family and the lady is telling me about how they find it so beautiful, but I am a destroyer of illusions and I say large industrial monoculture of GMO corn is not a beautiful sight, no matter how golden it looks. But they don't feel ofended. It's like they never even thought about it in a different angle and they want to know more about my point if view.
      Eventually a storm at distance starts making a noise and we go look through the window and we see incredible pink clouds and a shower of lightnings. We go outside to see it better, because that is actually beautiful, but the storm surprises us and lightnings start to hit the village without a warning. Everybody panics and runs around. I want to go back in the house, but the lightnings almost seem intelligent and hit people who run down the road. But we manage to go inside. We watch the lightnings up close through the window, but they look more like flames than electrical discharges.
      The storm eventually dissipates and then I'm invited to a night out in the capital. There's a disctrict that looks like Bairro Alto in Lisbon and there's a rave party out in the streets and people are dressed in costumes or just extravagant outfits. I feel melancholic and numb. I sit down on a stone slab - other people are dancing on top of other stones which seem to be part of some modern sculpture - and a friend sits by my side, puts her arm around my shoulders and asks what's going on. I start crying and I say I'm hopelessly in love, always have been and that I keep hoping to see his face in the crowd. She doesn't know what to say. I get up and decide to dance into a trance until I feel even number.
    14. 19 Jan: Monster storm and the princesses from hell

      by , 01-19-2013 at 05:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A real-life storm hit us and I had a hard time falling asleep because of the noise of the violent winds and rain. So I dreamt about it.
      I am trying to keep my family safe from the storm, so I check all windows and doors. Then I realize this storm has something evil in it and is trying to break in. I can hear and feel the monsters outside breathing and scratching. My aunt is somehow hypnotized by their calling and tries to let them in. I fight to stop her, but she manages to open a window. As I run to close it, I see the shadows outside. They are getting closer and closer.
      Meanwhile she goes downstairs to open the front door. I run after her. My humble home seems like a huge castle now. At the end of a huge staircase is a huge wooden door, 3 mts high and she is opening it. I scream "Nooo"! but arrive to late. After a moment of silence, they start coming inside. But instead of demons with fangs and claws, I see Snow White and Cinderela and other characters of the kind. I show surprise and when Snow White is right in front of me I say "So, you're the monsters?". She looks into my eyes and says "You bet. We're gonna fucking kill you." and she tries to hit me. I stop her punch and say "No way, bitches!" and I punch her back and then I have an epic fight with all these Disney princesses from hell.

      Updated 01-20-2013 at 06:11 PM by 34880

    15. Feeling my real body while dreaming

      by , 12-22-2012 at 02:01 AM
      I had this weird dream 2 days ago. I was feeling uncomfortable in the position I was sleeping so I cover myself with a light sheet and turned off a fan in front of my bed. All of the sudden I felt that my body was levitating but not exactly floating. Then I felt that something push me away from the bed and I felt on the floor. I waked up and began walking towards the door of my bedroom . I knew for sure that I was dreaming and at the same time was able to feel saliva in my mouth that I was trying to swallow. I could feel the sound of the fan and the air again my face during the whole dream. I went to the living room, then to the kitchen and then to the garage. Everything looked exactly like in real life, except for that everything was foggy. I could not open the garage door so I passed through it. Outside I saw the street with a huge tree that is in from of my house but the rest was totally different . The sky was orange and there were many leaves floating in front of me. I tried to change the setting of the dream to no avail. Y wanted to go to the neighbor next door but instead I was in my hometown in Cuba. All of the sudden there was a huge storm like a tornado that began taking down and destroying everything. At that point I needed to swallow and I wake up. Usually during some of my lucid dreams I feel my real body and gradually the tactile sense is transferred to the dream body, but in this case I continue to feel my real body.
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