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    1. Clown and Tanks

      by , 06-18-2011 at 05:32 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I recall seeing a clown with us, while I was with friends, in a gazebo or "umbrella" area, which is dark like night, but I can see with some white light coming from a lamp post. The shadows still make it hard to see. I felt a sense of rejection, and reminds me of our old dormitory.

      We were traveling on a boat/barge; old ones, made out of wood, not metal. We were in a war of sorts. I think there were fewer of us left. I see a formation of tanks, the size of blocks, and I vaguely recall staring at them as they transform, trying to figure out if it was a dream, but then it all became hazy. A friend is commanding the small tanks.

      I recall seeing a restaurant, and a cruise.



      Clowns (a rare sight)
      Feeling of rejection
      Old dormitory (haven't been there for years)
      wooden boat

      Updated 06-29-2011 at 08:19 AM by 47454

    2. War Again? This time, invasion.

      by , 06-02-2011 at 11:18 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Notes| Dream|Lucid

      1st June

      I don't remember much about the beginning of the dream. We were at school, Jacson and other people from school. It may have been raining?
      We were then in the gym of the school, all seated watching a movie really loud. We heard hissing sound that was gradually getting louder and louder. It was a missile that had hit a few hundred meters from school. Jacson and I looked out a window (that isn't actually there in the etheric plane) and saw soldiers parachuting down onto the roads. At first, i thought they were going to kill all civilians but they were only ordered to invade with little resistance as possible.
      Eventually, we had a few soldiers come investigate the gym (I really don't know why we had the movie playing so loud in the first place.) I remember accompanying a few people open the door. The soldiers said they weren't looking for trouble and were just checking out no 'resistance-gather' was being held in here.
      I don't remember telling them what we were doing but one of them made fun of me. I think I attacked him.. then the scene changed.
      I was at home, the invasion had already finished. I walked outside and saw new people unpacking, they were moving in. Dad came home from work and told me to call Mum, she was still in Sydney. I was to fill her in on what had happened and to warn her to be careful.
      One of the new neighbours came over to greet ups, he was a really nice fellow, friendly. He even gave us gifts (isn't it supposed to be the other way around?).
      lucid , dream fragment
    3. 2nd lucid dream; this time it's War!

      by , 05-31-2011 at 10:47 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Notes| Dream|Lucid

      I napped at around 4pm when I got home from work and wbtb after 2hrs of sleep.

      Time sleeping: 15 minutes
      Time in dream: 2-5 minutes?

      The dream started in a trench, apart from myself, there was a guy and a girl in the trench with me, both young adults (around 20 years old?) I think we were some kind of elite group in the army. My fellow soldiers were dressed like this but darker, I assume i was wearing the same thing.

      I remember being low on ammo.. We jumped out of the ditch and started running across the grassy battlefield. In the middle of the battlefield were two enemy helicopters, the girl jumped unnaturally high and grabbed onto landing skids. While in mid-air with both hands gripped onto the helicopter, she swung it around with little effort and threw it.
      The girl dropped to the ground and jumped in front of the next helicopter's cockpit, she pulled out her automatic rifle and shot down the pilots.
      I turned to the other male soldier and said, "just cause we're low on bullets, doesn't mean she has to do that.." As this happened, i started to question reality..
      OH, IT'S A DREAM!

      I felt the wind whipping against my face and body as I was running. I wanted to ground myself but looked up and realized we were running at unnatural speed. Instinctively, i tried to search for Alex's aura as I did in my last lucid.. then I remembered he's still awake. I felt the dream drift away from me.
      lucid , memorable
    4. WILD - Children At War

      by , 05-24-2011 at 09:44 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:42 AM by 39215

    5. One Door Closes, Another Opens

      by , 05-12-2011 at 03:47 AM
      5/11/11 - One Door Closes, Another Opens
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I don't remember much from this dream, but it's a start.

      There were many worlds, almost like in Kingdom Hearts, connected in a circle by large doors that only a select few people could percieve and even less could open. There was some sort of interdimensional war going on, and I was a part of it due to my ability to open and close the doors. I was stationed in one of those worlds, which was like a large, independent town surrounded by a huge wall that served as the world's barrier. I recieved a call on my handheld radio, and through the static I could hear people yelling about attack and dragons. Under attack by dragons? I wasn't too worried, but wished I could be of some help.
      I met a man named Ronald who vaguely resembled the McDonald's clown, but seemed mostly normal. He, along with several others, wished to travel to the next world over in order to escape the effects of the war. I led his group to a place where the town's main road ended at what should appear as a blank wall, but to me was instead a large door. I reached out and pushed it open, which was slightly difficult since it was heavy. Outside, a snowstorm was raging over the barren land between worlds. I pointed out an open door several feet ahead, and the group stumbled out through the blizzard to reach it. As they safely reached the next world, I could see that there was a change in them. It seemed as if all the personality and emotion had been sucked out of them; even the colors of their clothes became dull. That's when I realized it was time to close that door for good, and shut the unfortunate souls away behind it. Now alone in the first world, I walked down the road to a spot where I had left my Jeep and a tent I'd set up. A few people were there waiting for me, and said they had been seperated from their home worlds. I said I'd help them, so we all got in the Jeep, me in the driver's seat and the three of them in the back. Just then, Draco Malfoy hopped in the passenger seat. He gave me an update on our troops' status, and mentioned that they had trained some dragons for battle. So that's what the radio call had been for. He also said that we should be relocated soon since the world we were in wouldn't exist much longer.

      Yeah, I don't remember anything else.
    6. 3 of 3 - May 10th, 2011

      by , 05-10-2011 at 11:27 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in some sort of alternate universe where technologies are mainly the same but humans live in feudal societies and tame and ride dragons rather than drive cars. I am secretly a princess of a lost dynasty and the last of my family's bloodline. I have long black hair, pale skin and blood red eyes, which are traits of my royal family's genetics, though most people do not realize this. I have been rasied as a commoner by an adoptive family in a place called Moon City but civil war breaks out and we are forced to flee.

      My adoptive mother, brothers and I go to the main city of the continent to stay with some family and friends. Politics is tumoltuous in this city and it is ruled by an authoritorian leader who controls every aspect of the citizen's lives. Every night there is a curfew at sunset and people caught outside after it is implemented are arrested or killed by the security force loyal to the iron fisted leader. It is not as bad as it sounds though and as long as people obey the rules and don't openly oppose the leader then they can live their lives otherwise normally.

      The house we go to is at the end of an alley and only has three bedrooms for almost 10 people to stay in. I get stuck sharing a bed with my brothers and one of my friends. All of the older people are up all night talking about the war in Moon City and I cannot sleep because I am in a strange place and the talk of the older folk worries me so. In the morning my mother, grandmother and aunts go shopping and I wander the neighbourhood to orient myself with my new home. I find a vast, white sand beach and happily dig my bare feet in the sand and dip my toes in the cool water. In the distance I see a handsome young man watching me enjoy the beach. He is sitting on a large black and purple dragon and gazes on me with a withering smile. I do notice him but I pretend not to and ignore him.

      Afterwards I am walking along a marketplace and find a used bookstore. I spend a long time browsing the books and I am so happy and content that I kind of get carried away and forget about the time. I finally buy a book and start reading it on the way home. I am walking slowly and so intrigued with my book that I do not notice the sun beginning to set and the streets becoming empty. I finally snap out of my reverie when I am at the far end of the alleyway where my grandma's house is and though I am kind of scared I know that I do not have very far to go. I begin walking briskly but I do not notice the four or five patrol officers appear behind me riding thier massive green and black dragons.

      One of them yells at me and when I turn around they all jump off their dragons and force my back up against a wall. They begin shoving me and demanding to see identification and when I produce my passport they throw it on the ground and begin harassing me for not being a native citizen. They ignore my fearful protests and two of them grab me, turn me around so that my back is facing them and pin me to the wall. Another of the guards starts frisking me roughly and inappropriately by putting his hand under my skirt and rubbing between my legs. I try to scream but one of the guards covers my mouth with a gloved hand and they all start laughing and cajolling me as the assault continues.

      Suddenly a voice shouts down the alleyway and the offending guards snap to attention and let me go. The young man who had been watching me on the beach approaches, riding his mighty purple and black dragon, and demands to know if the soldiers have anything better to do than harass young girls. One of the soldiers starts to stammer and answer but the young muscular man shouts at them that this kind of thing is not what his father is paying them for and he screams at them to beat it, which they do with much haste.

      He gets off his dragon, picks up my passport from the ground and asks me if I am all right. I kind of glare at him with anger and indignation. How the hell does he think I feel after being sexually assaulted? The young man can see they I am distraught, laughs at himself and conceeds that it was a stupid question. He introduces as Mordred and tells me that he is the son of the man who rules this city. He looks over my passport and then seems to inspect me withis sharp and intense gaze before handing my id back. He asks me a few questions about why I left Moon City and I answer as I can.

      He offers to escort me home but I am suspicious and worried that he will take advantage of me too. I am able to tell him that my grandmother's place is just down the street and we walks with me there, his dragon following closely behind. The young man gives me a cell phone and tells me that I can call him on it at any time if anyone else gives me trouble while I am in his city. After he sees be home and bids me goodnight I watch him ride his dragon away through one of the few windows in the house.

      I do not tell my family what happened and the next day I stick very close to my mom and aunts as they travel to a large multi-storey mall for some shopping. I don't know why but it soon seems that I am there by myself and wander past the shops slowly and with much disinterest. I come across a food gallery of sorts but the dream distorts somewhat and while I can see the kind of food being served, I cannot read the menus and names of the food stores for some reason. Near one store that looks like a Taco Bell, I find a glass display case with many little ancient egyptian crafts and I spend some time admiring a little statue of a seated goddess Sekhmet.

      A voice suddenly announces over the intercome that sunset will happen in about an hour and everyone is advised to go home. I am on the second floor of the mall and head towards an elevator, trying to avoid the man people scrambling around as if in a panic. I come across one elevator and there is a stroller nearby with a baby in it, but no adults in sight. I don't know what to do so I just get on the elevator but I am confused by the buttons on it. There are many buttons but none are labelled or clear and I cannot tell which button to press to go down. I make a guess and push one but instead of going to another floor the elevator starts moving along a track from one side of the mall to another.

      I get out on the otherside in frustration and come across another adandoned baby in a stroller. People are running around ignore it so I do to. I am starting to panic because I don't know how I am going to get to the main floor to exit the mall before sunset, let alone make it all the way home before it gets dark completely. I try another elevator (and pass many more abadoned babies in strollers - I think I counted five in total this time) and luckily I find one where there is a woman with two children waiting to get on. I am hoping that the woman will know how to use it and slip in first, but she pushes her children in and then allows the door to close, apparently content to adandon her childred as well.

      I am panicking and don't know what to do because the elevator is not moving and I don't know how to open the door electronically. I pull the doors apart physically but watch in horror as the two children slip between the space from the elevator to the floor and fall down the shaft. Suddenly the elevator starts moving and goes down to the main floor. When I get out of it I find the woman from upstairs holding one of her children as if nothing had happened.

      It is almost dark outside and I am approaching the front doors of the mall when an army of masked soldiers in blue riot gear pushes their way in. The leader of the group points to me and says "There she is - that's the princess." The other soldiers pull out their guns and start shooting in my direction. I run as fast as I can and through a door into a dark room. I pull out the cell phone that Mordred gave me and call the number that is on speed dial. When I hear his voice I break down and start crying and tell him that people are trying to kill me. He tells me to stay where I am and that he will be there soon.

      I don't know why the soldiers in blue do not located me, but I can hear them searching through the mall and shooting any straggler shoppers they find, since it is now dark outside. I am very scared and can only hope that my adoptive family made it home a long time ago. I am also confused as to how these soldiers know that a I secretly a princess.

      A vent opens on the otherside of the dark room I am in and Mordred appears and tells me to follow him. Down the shaft and into the basement we go and we get on a service elevator that goes down deep underneath the mall and to a long forgotten underground street. His dragon is there and we get on and follow the tunnel to where it comes back above ground on the other side of the city. Along the way Mordred tells me that his father's spies have figured out that I am the long lost princess and has ordered my exection because he does not want anything to threaten his hold of power over this part of the land.

      I cannot remember the end of the dream but I think Mordred and I run away together and away from the city.

      (A lot of Dragon Booster influences in this dream.)
    7. Medieval Suicide, and Drunk at the Liquor Store

      by , 05-03-2011 at 05:00 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in some medieval castle in medieval times. I was someone else, I remember I had a different name, but I can't remember what it was anymore. I was with two other people. At first I thought I was a man, but then maybe I wasn't, I can't remember for sure. I was still me, in a way, but different...if that makes sense. I was me in a different body in a different time.

      Anyway, the two other people I was with were killing themselves by taking a sword and slashing it through their stomachs. It would leave 3 gashes, which slowly bled out. I had to do it for some reason, but I didn't want to. If I was going to do that, I'd want to make it quicker than bleeding out so slowly.

      Then, an executioner approached me with a giant ax. The ax had some sort of protective cover on the blade that could be removed. He asked me if I just wanted to be beheaded, and I said no. That wasn't how I was supposed to go out.

      I don't ever remember slashing myself with the sword, but I guess it happened somehow, because I remember bleeding out slowly and becoming lightheaded and woozy from blood loss.


      I remember being in a very small liquor store with Ryan. I was sitting in a shopping cart, like where a child would sit. I was already drunk. I asked Ryan to find some Yellowtail Riesling. He looked, but said
      "They don't have it."
      I said
      "Ok, just get some sparkling wine then."
      He looked.
      "They don't have that either."
      I told him to look in the refrigerated section, but then got up and did it myself, searching for a bottle. Man, this liquor store doesn't have anything. I didn't even see any vodka, mostly it was just beers.

      I then remember Ryan picking up a bottle of gin. It looked old and antiquey. The store owner said something about it being an antique. It looked like it had some weird filtration system built into it. Ryan asked me if it was ok if we got the gin. I said yes.


      I was watching something on live TV about the Japanese bombing my town and college. I remember seeing a view of their radar system, which was like a blue, slightly fuzzy 3-D picture of the town in the POV of the aircraft dropping the bombs. I remember seeing them bomb a computer lab on campus. I saw the damage of the building from the inside. I wondered if everyone had escaped. They never announced any casualties on TV.

      I remember asking my mom whether or not our home would get bombed. She said that we were in Sector 1, and the Japanese had declared war on Sector 5. She did say, however, that they had originally declared war on Sector 1.

      Updated 05-03-2011 at 07:22 PM by 32059

    8. Strange Marriage, and a War

      by , 04-18-2011 at 04:34 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in the car at night. I was riding with Rachel, who was driving. Apparently, we were going to get married. I wanted to marry her AND Ryan. We found someone who would do it, but instead of Ryan, Rachel's friend Christina was there. Weird. I remember being in front of the person marrying us.

      I didn't have a wedding band, but an engagement ring. The ring was super cheap. The band was gold and it had a small diamond set in it, though I don't think it was a real diamond. I remember it being a little too big as well, and it kept sliding around on my finger. It also kept bending; it was extremely malleable.

      I remember also skipping data analysis, even though I'm out of absenses in that class. I did approach Rachel in a classroom, and asked her if we could at least have a wedding ceremony. She seemed bothered by my asking, and pretty much told me she couldn't afford it. I knew that I had rushed into things by marrying her; I felt like I should have been more patient. I didn't want to even be with her, I wanted to be with Ryan. I was dissappointed in myself for rushing.

      I remember then, at some point, asking Rachel if she believed in coincidence. She told me yes, and started to explain why. I told her I didn't, and that I thought everything happened for a reason. She countered me by saying that only some things happen for a reason. I didn't understand a lot of what she was saying.

      Then, I remember being outside in a huge pool of very clear water. I remember flashing my ring at a guy who had asked me out. The ring now didn't have a stone, but had a black oval in its place.

      I then remember going underwater, and seeing a group of guys standing under there. It was like there was a small town under the water that had been flooded (I have been playing too much Zelda in waking life, haha). I swam to the bottom, and let my breath out so I would sink and be able to stand on the bottom. I talked to the guys. I then went up for air.

      When I got to the top, my old friend Josh was there. I was talking to him about how upset I was about the whole marriage situation, and he said, after some talking,
      "I won't be home from 2-8, but why don't you come over at 8 to keep me company?"
      I knew what he meant by that...I would be cheating. I saw the seductive look in his eye. As he was leaving, I nodded and said yes, I would be there. I didn't feel super bad about it, but I did feel a little bad.

      Then, I remember being in a huge, open stone field that was surrounded by some small buildings and trees. I thought I was under the water again, but upon further examination, I figured out I wasn't. I was talking to a lesbian, and I was telling her about the situation. I then concluded as I was talking
      "You can't marry more than one person. I'm not even gay!" Big duh moment.
      I then remember pulling out the marriage certificate. It looked very unofficial, and looked like a photo copy. It had Rachel's, Christina's, and my signatures on it. I ripped it up.


      I was in some apartment/school. It was kind of like dorm rooms. People were stealing all of these things out of the rooms, things that were "bad", or something. I went into someone's room and took a poster off the door. I remember hearing the crumbling of paper as I took it with me. I went outside to put it in a car, but felt so bad about stealing, that I went back into the room and laid the poster down on the bed.

      Then, I remember walking in a hallway that looked like a middle or high school lobby. I was with someone else, a guy, and we were walking towards the front door to leave. We were stopped by an old acquaintance of mine, Sean. He told us to stop, and then said that we had to go through a certain door because it had The Lord's Prayer posted on it. I said to whoever I was with as we passed Sean
      "I've known The Lord's Prayer since I was little..." I didn't think it was neccessary for us to stop and read it.
      We approached the door, and saw the prayer posted on it. I don't remember if we used that door or not.

      Then, I remember watching a war. An ex, Jake, was fighting in it. He had a hand-held cannon that he was using to fight with. I was watching him fight while sitting at a table. He was in a field. I remember watching him use the cannon, and every time he would, some of his hair would fall out.

      After awhile, he approached me, and said
      "Every time I use this, some of my hair falls out!" He pointed to his head.
      I remember he was wearing a brown hoodie with the hood up.

      Then, Jake told me the war had been a stalemate. I then asked him
      "How can you tell who wins and who loses?"
      He replied, very smartass-like
      "Well, the team who celebrates is the winner...and..."
      I cut him off and said
      "I know that. But how do you know who wins and who loses?"
      He started to answer,
      but I woke up.
    9. April 8 2011: Lucid or not?

      by , 04-09-2011 at 10:53 AM (The path to Lucid Mastery)
      Non-Lucid, Lucid

      The dream I had last night (or dreams, as it might've been two seperate dreams but I'm not sure) was really vague and I think I became lucid. But since I don't remember the entire dream(s) I'll list the fragments I do remember.

      The first thing I could recall clearly was standing in a hallway in what I thought to be an underwater palace or something like that. I and some other boys I recognized (among who were my oldest little brother and Tom and Thom from my class) were standing between the pillars on the sides of a path that led through the hallway to the exit. There were two torches between each pair of pillars, one to each boy's right and one to the left.

      Then everybody looked to the left (the exit was on our right) where a group of tall, black men came walking along. They looked like aboriginal warriors complete with body paint and everything. I stood up as straight as possible to pay the warriors respect; it was obvious they were preparing for battle. One of them stepped out of the line and walked towards me. Without hesitating, as if I already knew what he wanted I grabbed one of the spears that were standing against the nearest pillar and handed it to him. He smiled at me for a second and then got back in line. Similar things were happening all over the place; the other boys were handing the warriors spears and shields.

      When every warrior had been armed they walked towards the exit and jumped through it. On the other end of the exit was water, but it didn't flow inside. As soon as all of the warriors had gone outside all of the boys hurried away. While I was running away I suddenly became lucid and remembered to do the nose-pinch RC and to stabilize the dream by looking at my hands. As soon as I finished I noticed pale-blue creatures brandishing katana's of some kind coming through the exit. I started running away but then I realised that wouldn't help me so I turned back around, charging at the group of fish-warriors, wishing their swords to be made of plastic. This worked and the swords became large, cheap toy swords made out of black plastic. They continued charging nonetheless and poked me with the swords at which point I blacked out.

      The next thing I remember was standing in my backyard with my two oldest little brothers. I don't know if I was lucid at that point but I could fly. It was really hard, I had to levitate myself horizontally at half a metre above the ground before I could take off and even then I could only fly several metres. It was enough to be able to fly on top of the roof of the shed though. I did this several more times and then the dream became too blurry for me to remember more.

      Even though the dream was really blurry I succesfully did a RC and dream stabilizing! I'm confident my next lucid dream will be even clearer!
      Also, this dream didn't confirm my mom being a dream sign yet, as she didn't appear in this dream. My little brothers did though, so maybe if I take the DC broader as 'family' instead of 'mom' it'll prove to be a good one.
    10. War and time shifts

      by , 04-03-2011 at 09:57 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I'm at a public park in Shanghai where some kind of festival is going on. There are many rides, attractions and fast food vendors. I am my dream incarnate Chun-li, who is usually Chinese, but I know intinctively in this dream that I am half Chinese, half Japanese, and this is something I have to keep a secret because at this point in time the Chinese and Japanese have very tense relations and there is great suspicion between the two nations in my dream.

      While there is not yet war, trade and immigration has been halted and anyone who is Japanese is immediately exiled or extradited to Japan. The same thing happens in Japan to people of having Chinese descent. People like me, with half and half relations, keep quiet because of the fear of being rejected by both countries. I greatly fear being exiled to Japan because I have lived in China my whole life and would not know where to go or what to do in a foriegn country.

      I am with a small group of friends (who know of my half blood and keep it a secret) and we are watching acrobats doing tricks on giant trampolines. Afterwards we watch some fireworks and then go to check out the food vendors. The park is open all night but many people have left and few people are still around. Mostly the campsites containing the vendors families and supplies are still active. The moon is full and directly over head. My friends and I go down one road at the edge of the park and find North America food vendors containing stores like KFC, Taco Bell, a few pizza places and Burger King. One of the vendors between all of these North American vendors is a food store selling Japanese style food and sushi, though it outwardly passes itself off as a fish and chips joint. We are surpised at this and dare to order some food from there. The vendor is very kind and quietly gives us are meals (I order sushi pizza and an eggplant handroll) and we sneak off to a picnic table in the now dark park to eat our forbidden food. I become nervous because I can see some of the Chinese vendors across the street watching us.

      The next day my friends and I are at a mall complex doing some shopping when we hear the news that Japan and China have declared war with each other. Many people in the mall have gathered around a large audio/video display which was previously selling automobiles but has been switched over to report the breaking news. The reporter says that the two countries armies have met in the Sea of Japan, not shots have been fired yet and there seems to be a highly tense stalemate with neither side yeilding their positions. The report then reads a breaking bulletin that people of Japanese decent, no matter the degree, are now labelled as enemies of the state and are to be arrested immediately. I feel dizzy and sick to my stomach when I hear this, and have to sit down for a moment because of weakness in my knees.

      When I gather myself I leave my friends and run all the way up to a second floor department store where I know works a half Chinese half Japanese fashion designer. We know each other as acquaintences but he is not happy to see me. Because of his open and flamboyant personality (he's gay and dies his hair blond) he has never denied being half Japanese and now he knows he will probably be arrested because of it. We sit on a display counter in his store and listen to the news report coming from the floor below as it reports the breaking news that the two country's navy vessels have begun firing at each other and several ships have been already sunk. Almost everyone in the mall is now gathered around the giant television to watch.

      Suddenly my friends come up the stairs and run to us. One of them says that we should start a protest for peace and that we could have a fashion show as a fund/awareness-raiser. The fashion designer is pleased with the idea but says he will probably be arrested soon. My friends give him encouragement and they start fussion over details like location, participants and the such but I kind of phase them out and listen to the live reporting of shell fire and bombs now on the Chinese coast far south of Shanghai. The dream skips ahead a few days, the fashion designer's store is a hive of activity. We have found hundreds of people to join in our war protest and dozens of people willing to participate in the fashion show fund raiser. The fashion designer has not been arrested but he and his store is under constant servaillence.

      This dream ends here and I get up to use the washroom. It sort of continues after I fall asleep but there are some differences.

      I am in the mall from the previous dream, planning a fashion show with my friends, but we are no longer in China and there is no war with Japan, but the gay fashion designer is still here, though he is now just Japanese, and he is arguing with one of the other designer's of the show, who is a Chinese woman. They each want the show to be influences by their countries of origin and argue like cats and dogs about trivial details like colour themes and placement of artwork. Several of my friends are watching the arguments with bemusement as we help set up.

      One of my friends is a brown haired girl named Lily. She suddenly leaves the store and we cannot find her. A young man with blond hair shows up and asks me and some of my friends to join him outside, were we find Don Cherry about to start a tour of the city in what looks like an Apache helicopter. On one side of the Apache is a smaller version of the copter as some sort of escape vehicle. It seems normal to everyone else but I cannot understand why the helicopter has a helicopter on it.

      The blond man gets in the mini copter and detaches it from the big one and lands it on the mall's patio roof. Don Cherry and my friends get in the big Apache and take off. I am too freaked out to get in either copter. When they are gone Lily suddenly shows up but I notice that something is odd. She has no idea about the fashion show she had previously been helping set up and she started talking about the public park festival from the previous dream, which in this dream, was not supposed to exist.

      The blond man tells me that there has been a tear in space and time and that there are now two Lily's in this world. The doppelganger Lily doesn't belong in this world and her presence here threatens the existence of the real Lily, who is stuck in the past. The blond man gets into the mini copter and there is a brilliant flash of light and he and the machine disappear. The doppelganger Lily is very shallow and airheaded and keeps asking me vain and repedative questions.

      The big Apache carrying Don Cherry and my friends return and are happy to see Lily, but they don't notice that this is obviously not the real one. I can hear the blond man's voice in my head saying that space/time is shifting so that all the abnormalities that came through the interdimentional tear are becoming normal. Things will only return to normal if he can find the real Lily and return her to this space and time.

      I cannot remember the end of this dream.
    11. When Björkliinge attacks.

      by , 03-21-2011 at 07:10 AM (The weird dreams of Appe96)
      Type: Action/Strategi/Non-lucid
      Vividnes: Long
      Dreamrecall: Fragments

      Notes: "Björklinge" is a city 10 kilometers away from my village.
      I am not sure how the dream started.
      Yes i did dream this.

      I am a General in a battle. I check my map to see the enemies position. I notice that the green dots are the enemy, and that they are advancing on our left flank. I jump in my car wich kinda looks like this:

      My driver drives me to the front, so i can see how it's like there (the terrain.) The enemy starts to attack the HQ, and I can see how our flag slowley goes down(like in battlefield 2.) We get's reinforcement, and starts to drive the soldiers of "Björklinge" back to where they belong . MY drive starts to chase a motorcykel from the enemy team, and starts shooting at him. The motorcykel starts to hide behind a hill, so we can't find him for a while. Later on we finds him because i used something called "chakra" to find his energy :O

      The only thing that i remember after that is that we burned down "Björklinge".

      I wake up, a bit confused, and starts to write this dream down in my DJ.
    12. The Dream of the Doctor, the War, the Flying Policemen and the Pink Pebbles

      by , 03-07-2011 at 11:54 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      In this dream I was a man, who took part in the Cold War, except the Cold War was more like the Blitz, seeing as I was fighting an air battle over London. The Doctor was in my plane with me and I asked him to change history so as to stop the war. He went back in time, did something, came back and voilà, the storm clouds had disappeared, the birds were singing and my plane was the only one in London's sky.
      Then three flying bobbies came towards us to check what we were doing up there. Flying as in, standing straight in the air and hover.
      I realized that policemen don't fly, and in turn it made me realize... [the Unreveal] that the Doctor had fudged something up when he went back in time. He himself confessed to making an error, recognizing that these flying policemen were actually aliens who were supposed to invade and subdue Earth a century from now. Something he'd done in the past to stop the war had made them come earlier.
      Time Lapse.
      We're down to earth, in a town that looks a bit like my home town. We walk to the river, sit on a quay. The Doctor explains that those aliens have (/would have) mentally subdued humans. The key to freeing them is finding what the aliens have done to us. We then have to look in the river. We dived and check the wall of the quay. There's a small pipe in which we find two pink granite pebbles. The Doctor rambles about how they mean that the aliens have changed the human anatomy. Yeah, sure.
    13. Let's Have a War

      by , 03-06-2011 at 09:19 AM
      First Dream I'm a character in a book that I've recently re-read; Vivian from Blood and Chocolate. She's a werewolf, or, I am in the dream. I'm with a group of people in some kind of wild refugee, in human form. I cross a small creek where wolves reside on the other side. I am affectionate with them shortly before returning to the side of the creek where the people are. One girl approaches me and spits at my feet, she calls me a dirty dog. Enraged, I push her and call her a piece of meat. I hit her and claw at her until she falls into the creek. My girlskin is shed and I am a werewolf at this point.

      Second Dream I am in a lavish vintage manor, it is night, and there are armies of all time periods gathering about. I'm one of them, but I cannot tell who I represent. A general asks for me to be seen by somebody, and it is a very urgent matter. I know who I am about to see, which is Adolf Hitler, and I can feel myself conscious now. I telepathically tell my allies to follow me, so we can kill him. (Valkyrie much? lol)

      When we get into the room where I'm supposed to meet him, I find a long table with food covering it completely. Hitler is seated at the end of the table and he laughs at me gently, like he knows me, and tells me to be proper. I only salute him and sit at the opposite end of the table. Two men sit beside me, and we quietly discuss our strategy of taking him out. A butler serves us coffee in pretty china, but the coffee looks like melted chocolate ice-cream. I know it's poisoned, so I silently tell my friends with my thoughts to not drink or eat anything. One of them does not heed my warning and dies from eating and drinking. Nobody seems to notice that he's dead.

      When Hitler proposes a toast in my name, I stand to make my move. Suddenly, he isn't in the room anymore. The walls disappear and arrows are flying at us slowly. I slow them down more, almost completely and then I wake.

      Thoughts & Stuff For the most part, I'm a very conservative person. So I tend to bottle up the wild side of me, especially my anger. If I can't express it in life, I've noticed that I do express it very often in my dreams. The first dream was not lucid, where the second, was. And if it makes any difference, I will admit that I used to be a very violent-intrigued person, like many other typical Americans lol. But I'm somewhat of a pacifist now, or at least, I aim to be. If you would like to share some insight, feel free.
    14. Practicing Focus and Specific Recall

      by , 03-02-2011 at 06:10 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I found myself in what I knew to be a fleeting dream in between states of wakefulness. I was about to get out of bed and write down my dreams, but then I saw what looked like a can of coffee grounds on my mattress. A picture of Santa Claus was in the middle. There was writing above and below the image, but I knew the dream wouldn’t last long enough to read all of it, so I focused on the bottom and committed it to memory. I would only have to remember it for about thirty seconds to record it in my journal.

      “And so, only one thing is for certain. My angry colony will become bad if something were to happen.” I understood that this was a threat from Santa Claus to the United States. He was raising an army of ants to attack us. As predicted, I woke up right away.
    15. A war and a robot, but not a war with robots

      by , 03-01-2011 at 11:52 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)

      I was supposed to be in class, but was skipping. I saw some MTG cards in a store and wanted to buy them. Then the next day I did go to class and we had to build a robot. I didn't have time to finish it before class ended. When I got home I ate with my family but the robot had followed me demanding that I finish my work. I reluctantly acquiesced.

      He had a human face and looked sort of like my youngest brother (8), although my brother was also there and I could notice some differences. Later I asked him if he couldn't just learn all the physics I knew and work on himself since he was a genius. He told me it would just take him about a week (ouch). I told him I was pretty smart but was very lazy and always skipping classes, although I still managed to get good grades. Then I cheered myself thinking that I had built a freaking robot.

      The dream shifted and I was part of the roman army fighting their last battle in a park. The romans lost and I died fighting. Then the dream focused on my friend from real life M and I became him. The romans were taking away the people who were not warriors who had hidden themselves in a small building (myself included). I grabbed a sword and challenged an important enemy noble to a duel, but in the middle of the fight another man decided to take his place. I managed to cut him on the neck, but it was too shallow. He still pretended to be dying so that he could drown me in the park pond. He failed and he began laughing about how he always did that. Then we started fighting again.
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