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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Series of false awakenings/Lucid fragment/Odd rain showers

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:48 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 14, 2010

      G/C night. First time. What a craaaaazy night!

      Asleep by midnight.

      First cycle dream! (I usually don't remember these ones )
      I'm working my old 7-11 job again. Both my brothers showed up together to buy junkfood. I got off work early and joined them.

      WBTB at 3:30am. Took the G/C. Back to bed, but merely drifted for about an hour. Then, the G/C kicked in. I decided that I should pop the 0.5 melatonin recommended, so I spit one of my 3mg's into 4. It wasn't very even, so I took one of the smaller quarters. Back to bed, and still drifted. Went to the couch shortly thereafter and must've unintentionally WILD'ed, because I had no recollection of passing out. I was dreaming about sleeping in the same position when this series happened... (these dreams are all in one, btw. I kept "waking up" into a new FA).

      Call from Dad
      False awakening. I got a call from my dad (who works nights), who wanted to chat about something that happened at work. In my sleepy haze, I accidentally hung up on him. I tried to look up his name in my contacts list, but could barely read anything (I blamed this on my terrible eyesight - which is really bad - but even I have a point where I can hold something and read it clearly). I dialed what appeared to be dad's number, but instead, I got this awful sound on my phone. I can't describe it, but... it was AS terrible as that ending bit of "Nights in White Satin."

      This woke Jack up, who wondered, "Why are you on the couch, and why is your phone making that noise?"

      "I dunno, it sounds like demons moaning, and I can't make it stop!" I complained. (Yes, I think the ending bit of "Nights in White Satin" sounds like demons moaning... )

      "Just turn the volume down on your phone and come back to bed," he suggests. I do so, and "wake up."

      HH sounds - Lucid - 1/5
      False awakening. I'm back on the couch again, with my blinders on. I had decided the best course of action to try to sleep through the G/C would be to WILD, since I usually pass out anyways So, I get these sounds of voices. Young voices, like children. I can't make out what they're saying, but it sounds like a noisy classroom. I try to envision it, and it's a little murky. Then gone.

      It's very quickly replaced with the sound of a song. It's a Beatles song I'm creating in my head. It would fit in well with the revolver album, as it sounds very big band, like "Got to Get You Into My Life." I'm all pleased with myself that I can conjure up the tune AND the harmonies for John and Paul so well (but not lyrics! I can't make out what they're singing), and I consider trying to record it when I get up and sending it to Paul with a note, "Dude, I dreamed this!" But then I realized that any recording I could possibly make would sound like crap

      I "woke up" from this scene.

      Collapsed! - Lucid - 1/5
      False awakening. Jack discovers me sleeping on the couch and sits on me, trying to antagonize me. I moan that I haven't slept all night, so he tells me he's getting up for the day, so I should get back in bed and sleep. He gets off me, and I think to myself, "I already had a false awakening of Jack finding me on the couch. Better reality check to make sure." I pinch my nose and breathe. I try pinching it differently, and I can still breathe. "I must not be doing this right... hey... how can you pinch your nose wrong?! This must be another dream. I should try something else."

      I get up off the couch and jump in the air to levitate... and crash hard to the ground. The fall doesn't hurt, but I'm sprawled out, belly-down, on the floor and I can't move. I stare at the carpet fibers until Jack discovers me on the floor.

      He drags me to the bed by my arms, and I'm still belly-down, but now staring at the fibers of my bed sheets. I'm completely unable to move for myself. "It's gotta be the sleep paralysis," I thought to myself.

      I woke up, nose-pinched and found that I had finally woke up for real.

      I was awake for an hour again, so I took another quarter of melatonin again to pass out.

      Lucid fragment - Lucid - 2/5
      I'm flying across the ocean, through the clouds. I decide to spawn my wings because I haven't done that for a while, and I continue on flying.

      Odd rain-showers
      I'm at school with a group of DC's. This incredibly obnoxious kid comes in, and I can't remember what he says, but when he leaves, I say to my friends, "I hate people like him."

      Now we're outside, mostly just chatting. I notice the clouds are getting thicker and darker. It starts to lightly rain, and I stare into the sky and sing "Wonderwall," by Oasis (although, by singing it, I can hear the song playing full out, in the dream). As the song goes on, I notice that there's a hole forming in the clouds, which allows for this brilliant beam of sunlight to pour through. I interrupt my friends' conversation to point out the clouds. We watch them move across the sky and another hole opens to reveal another beautiful stream of sunshine.

      The clouds move off and the storm is over, which makes me sad. And wakes me up.
    2. Hijacked void machine

      by , 09-14-2010 at 03:40 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Hijacked void machine (MILD)


      I went late to bed and slept through most of the night. One fragment and one lucid.


      I went back to bed and told myself I had to have a lucid so while we are gone on vacation for two days, my last dream posted would be interesting. So I did.

      I was in town with my wife. We were in big skyscraper and it was cloudy outside. I saw a small garden and a park. I saw a fountain surrounded by green wilderness. The scenery was pretty nice. I told to my self I had to be dreaming. I looked at my hands but they appeared fine. Mt wife told me I was not dreaming, but I told her indeed I was. I looked at my hands again and they were odd, but almost as real. I started to jump. Several jumps were normal, but they I jumped for a four time and focused on levating, so I did.

      I decided to jump head on out of the balcony. The dream was pretty stable but I wanted to fly to not lose lucidity. My wife jumped behind me and started to fall. She started to swear that it was not a dream until she crashed.

      I realized my flying was not perfect as usual. I was loosin height and I was about to crash to, but I controlled my flight and landed gently. The scenery change and at some point, I lost lucidity.

      It was night and I was in town. It was very dark and some stuff hapened inside a building. I do not remember well so that is why I claim I lost lucidity.

      I turned lucid again at some point and decided to fly. I remembered to complete one of the ToTY. I was going to attempt my nemesis, the Roman age, the gladiators. I saw a post far away and some people around. I landed next to them and they said it was a time machine but they did not know how to handle it. I grabbed the post and started to run in circles, counterclock wise. I knew it was going to open. It did. A screen popped out and a big void. I was planning to enter the roman age to finally meet the gladietors. All the DC started to go nuts and tried to enter their own age. Either I lost lucidity again or control. I always have a lot of control, so I will claim I lost lucidity. I was trying to enter the date but all the DC were on their way and I was not able. Someone enter his age and the time machine broke. I was mad.

      I had a false awakening and I woke up in my room. I was going to write down the dream and I told my wife what happened. Then, I woke up for real.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None.

      Spotted dream signs:
      - The feeling of lucidity.

      Reality check performed:
      - Hand check. Passed.
      - Gravity check. Passed.
      - Gravity check. Passed.
      - Gravity check. Passed.
      - Gravity check. Failed. Turned lucid.
    3. God? The REM-rebound paid off

      by , 09-14-2010 at 02:40 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hey all! That was one frustrating night... I went to bed at around 01.00 and woke up again at 03.00. I had several strange hallucinations or whatever you call them. I can't really explain what I felt, but it was like I was trying to understand something. Something about Magic the Gathering. I had to have enough power bla bla... I woke up several times during the morning, but couldn't recall anything! I was so frustrated. But in the end, I got my LD!

      Night: I am god. I know that I'm dreaming and I am almighty. I wake up and I'm really confused, did I just have a Lucid Dream? I won't count it as one, as it was more emotions and strange feelings, rather than sight. I do have have this godlike picture of a man standing in light in my head.

      12.45 D1: I'm in our vacation cabin in northern Sweden. Me and my brother are going fishing and I'm trying to find a fishing rod. I find one and it's a modified spinning rod. "Can I use this?" I ask and show it to some of my relatives. "Hmm no... That's Lisa's rod" one of them say and I wonder who the hell Lisa is. A girl we call "Ankan" shows up and that's apparently her. "Uhm... is that her real name really?" I wonder and fail to notice the dreamsign! I end up having to fix the rod from scratch, with some piece of string.

      D2: I'm at a hockey game with my cousins. I'm having a conversation with one of them, Michael, about melting temperatures. "Hey, how about kelvin?" I say and we're wrestling for some random reason. "Hmm is that hot?" he asks. "Yeah! It's like super hot". I start playing with an electric socket which is faulting. Sparks are flying everywhere, like it's a broken hose. "What if the current would be AC instead of DC?" I ask an old man, and he says it would be very dangerous. I can feel the shower of sparks on my leg and I direct the thing toward my little brother. He has hair in his armpit (he's 10) and he tells me he wants to go to sleep. I follow him to a room full of bunkbeds, and he lay down in one. I kind of wake up but fall asleep again, and the dream continue.
      I'm at the other side of the room, in the other entrance and I'm trying to turn on the right lights, damn things won't do as I want them to! I can see six or seven buttons and I try to get the right lights to light up, for atleast thirty seconds. I don't want to wake up anyone, and finally I manage to do it.
      Suddenly I'm playing a cool video game in the middle of the room. I got my feet on the table and the game is a cool version of pokémon. The creatures in the game keeps vomiting when I attack and the effects are awesome. The game evolves somehow and now it's about running in 2D. It's like guitar hero where you have to time the buttons, and I suck at it so bad! In the end, the pellets are counted and it turns out I didn't get a prize.

      LD: I'm in my appartment, looking out the window. The entire landscape is moving, and it looks like I'm on a train. I point this out to Monica and she doesn't react much. I get lucid and instead of the building crashing into the next, it turns and continues down a slope. "Hmm, this doesn't feel right, we must be on a pulka (check picture). Suddenly we are, and I'm on the side. I feel like flying, so I make the pulka fly by willing it. We're far up in the sky now, just circling the home town. After like fifteen seconds, we start to descend and end up at my old school. I can feel the dream start to de-stabilize and remember instantly what I read on DV. About concentrating on my hands. I look at my hands and focus on my sense of feeling and sight. The dream stabilizes and gets very vivid right away. The feeling of cold snow against my hands worked great! I leave the pulka and start walking. I think about the task of the month, the elevator task, and decide to try it out. I know there's an elevator on the side of the building, but weren't you supposed to create your own? I decide to make my own and I tell Monica to wait for me, while I walk down a few stairs. On the bottom I expect to find an elevator, only to find snow. I close my eyes and try to concentrate. When I open them again, the snow is still there. I can see a door which is almost buried. "Hmm, what if I try to open the door just a little bit, and crawl in?" I think and I try to make it open. I start to feel my body and wake up almost instantly.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      The damned buttons from hell^___________________________Pulka^

      Well that's it folks. Feels great to finally get a proper LD, and not just fragments of one. I will try to rebound my REM atleast once a week from now on, it'll be nothing but good for me. I'm off to buy some B6 vitamins!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    4. 9/6/10* Limited Air (Semi Lucid)

      by , 09-14-2010 at 04:08 AM
      I am in Manhattan, but it feels like Manhattan from a the Spiderman 2 game. I am walking and suddenly realize that I could fly in dreams that I've had before, so why not this one? I jump off the ground with my arms stretched above me and using willpower I begin flying! I fly around for a while, taking in the sights and bathing in the feeling. I land on a tall skyscraper with about 3 neighboring towers, where enemies are scattered. I take them out crackdown style without ever leaving my building by way of dual uzis.
      I realize that since I am in New York, I want to back to The Standard, the hotel where I stayed last time I was here. I begin flying towards the meatpacking district. I fly under a large overpass which makes this entire area of the city dark.
      I stop inside of a green wire fence with a pool inside when I realize that the hotel is not in this dream, but this doesn't upset me too much. Instead I walk into a nearby tunnel marked by a small white archway. This has led me into the underground section of the city, which is basically just a wide white hallway. I enter a night club by a side entrance, but I decide to go around to the front to avoid seeming uninvited.
      The front entrance is a very small hallway with a bar off the the side and a wooden floor, giving it almost a Japanese feel. A guy who gives me a bad vibe walks up and asks me if I have chosen a girl yet. At this point I realize that the front entrance is actually a whorehouse, and I respond to the guy that I am still looking, as it seems that we wants to kick me out. As I walk to the end of the hallway, I take a look at the women, who are all much older and not very attractive. I look in through the doorway to see the club, but I get a feeling that I should just leave.
      I head up through the tunnel to the east side of the island. I climb a ramp that leads me to the middle of a college football field, with a large Victorian-style building right next to it. I meet an unknown friend and tell him that I can fly. I jump unsuccessfully a few times, and then begin flying with him on my back.
      At this point I notice a small white bar in the bottom left corner of my vision. I realize that this is my flight bar, and that I can only fly as long as the meter is not empty. I drop my friend off, and then walk into the middle of a busy street. A woman is also standing next to me, and I jump into the air and start flying. I do not see her reaction as I go up too far too quickly, but I have a feeling that she didn't even notice.
      As the sky gets dark a large pyramid rises from the ground just a bit north of the midpoint of the tunnel I was in earlier. The sky is lit up with lights, from stars to satellites, and especially the new lights that illuminate the pyramid. I take flight again and try to land, but my bar empties just before I can, causing me to drop suddenly a few metres above ground. I make a hard landing, bashing my ankle on the side of the pool I was at earlier, just like Eric. I have a feeling that I caused serious damage, but cannot feel it.
      I see Cody and tell him that I can fly. He seems a bit jealous, and I procede to fly around the pyramid. The dream ends as I fly up the side of it.

      I've had this sort of dream before, in which i discover I can fly, but it always takes a few jumps to work, and sometimes I lose the power. I do not feel that this was a full lucid dream, but every time I want to fly I can sort of control it, especially the first jumps off the ground. I also did something that I would have done if I were lucid, which is go to that hotel (or at least try).
    5. 09/07/10 Fragments of Asuka

      by , 09-14-2010 at 03:52 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: It seems someone has come and kidnapped Asuka yet again, I'm not sure why that keeps happening or even how it keeps happening. There is supposed to be a shield around MoSh's inner world, but it doesn't seem to be doing a lot of good when it comes to protecting Asuka… I'm not sure exactly where the problems are originating, enemies might be getting to Asuka while she's outside of his inner world, but they keep doing it, and this is getting old. So that was my first goal for tonight's dream, to locate and bring Asuka back, also to do some healing on both her and MoSh. I fell asleep with my light / sound machine on and was successful in slipping in to a WILD…

      I was inside MoSh's inner world, which is where I intended to be. I didn't pause, I just walked over to the closest house, which was MoSh's house, and I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I thought that was strange, there is always someone there, was there something else wrong? I was hoping there wasn't something more going on than I already knew about… I opened the door and went inside, once I was inside I saw Data coming down the stairs. There were kids there with him, several kids, Data said he would have come sooner but he kind of had his hands full right now. I told him I was looking for MoSh, we were going to go out and find Asuka. Data said MoSh wasn't dreaming at this time, so he couldn't help me there. I asked if he knew when MoSh might be entering the dream state, Data said he wasn't sure, it could be any time now, or it could be a while. I thought maybe I should go ahead and find Asuka on my own since I wasn't sure where he was right now. So I focused on opening a portal to locate Asuka, and after focusing for a bit, a portal opened and I went through.

      On the other side of the portal I was in a weird place, it was night time there and it looked like a dock area, a warehouse district in some random town, and I somehow knew exactly where I needed to go, so I went towards one of the warehouses. There was nothing about that warehouse that looked any different than the other ones, but I somehow knew that was where I was heading. As I approached the warehouse some thugs came out and approached me, they looked like petty thugs, I knew right away that they weren't the brains behind this. There's no way they could be the brains behind anything… One of them walked over to me and tried to talk like a gangster, he told me I had better just turn around and go the other direction. One of the others said if the pretty girl wanted to join the party, she should be welcomed, he was licking his lips avidly as if he was looking at a particularly choice cut of meat. I told them I was here to get Asuka, so they had better just get the fuck out of my way. The one who had met me said that wasn't right, he said there was supposed to be a dude looking for Asuka… not a chick… he told me to go away and get the dude, because this wasn't how it was supposed to work. I told them I would give them one more chance to get out of my way, but then they were going to find themselves getting hurt. The one in front said those were big words for a little girl… I'd had enough of these idiots, so I formed Witchblade into a sword and kicked all of their asses, I instinctively knew that killing these idiots would be no loss to anyone… and then I went through the main door into the warehouse.

      Once I was inside the warehouse, I looked around and saw that it was completely empty, or almost completely empty. There were some catwalks around the room at the second level, and I could see there was a small office area over there, and the rest of the room was completely empty except for a couple of crates in one area of the room. Those crates stuck out very clearly, they weren't directly in a corner, they were sitting right out in the middle of the floor, so I went to investigate that first. There were a couple more thugs around the back of the crates, I quickly dispatched one of them, but I had the idea the other one didn't really want to be there, he had kind of been tricked, so I threatened him, he was already shitting his pants after seeing me cut the first guy down with no hesitation, so he was not going to hesitate when he saw the chance to escape with his life. I walked back into an area between two of the crates and I saw a trap door in the floor, it was pretty hard to see, I thought it would have been better for them to not have anything hiding it than it was hidden behind those obvious crates. I opened the trap door and descended down into the darkness.

      The trap door led to some underground passages, there were several of them, so I had to focus on finding Asuka again to determine which of the passages I should take. I followed the passage as it descended into the ground a bit farther, and then there was a single door at the end of the passage. The door wasn't even locked, so I opened it and went into the room beyond. Asuka was there, she was singing, in spite of her surroundings that looked like a dismal dungeon I might be able to include in my video game… There were rats scurrying on the ground, the room was damp and the walls were dripping, there was the smell of mold and decay, a skeleton hung on one of the walls, and the room was illuminated only by a single burning torch. I went over to Asuka, who was staring at a particularly disgusting patch on the wall and singing to it… I looked closer and saw a partially decayed, maggot infested rat corpse stuffed into a crack there, yuck! I touched Asuka on the shoulder, she turned towards me as if she was startled, then she said hello, greeting me just as she would always greet me. She handed me a rock with some blobs of goop on it, said I should eat as many cookies as I want. Blech!

      I told Asuka I was there to take her home, so let's get out of there. I was actually surprised how easy this seemed to be, but if this was going to be an easy one, I would gladly take that. I took Asuka's arm and went to lead her out the door, but she pulled away from me and said no, she would not go. I said we had to go, MoSh would be waiting for her. She said the name 'MoSh' as if it had a foul taste to it, then said she was never going back to him again, she was free now and she was going to stay that way. I did a double take, I said I wasn't sure why she was saying those things, but I had the feeling we had to get out of there now before something else happened. She said she didn't want to go anywhere near MoSh… I didn't want to argue with her here and now, so I said fine, we would go to my inner world. She finally said ok, then I led Asuka out of the underground dungeon, through the warehouse, and outside before opening a portal and going through it to my inner world.

      I stepped out of the portal into my inner world, but I saw that I was alone, Asuka was not there. Wtf? How had I lost Asuka on the way here? I should have known that it wouldn't work that easily to get her back, I had better go find her again, so I opened the portal to track her down. I went through the new portal to the area outside the warehouse… the same goons were in front of the warehouse, the same ones I had killed… I killed them again without even waiting to hear them bitch that I wasn't MoSh. Inside, the warehouse was the same, I killed the one thug and told the other to get lost, went down underground and found a reluctant Asuka in the dungeon. Everything had been exactly the same, which I found to be really annoying. This time I went ahead and used the song Liberate by Disturbed, and that effectively freed her of whatever illusions had her trapped in here. She looked around and saw how disgusting things were, then said she wanted to go home… to MoSh? Of course to MoSh, she said, was something wrong with MoSh? Had they done something to him, too? Asuka looked very worried now, she asked what about the kids? What about… I interrupted her and said the kids had been fine with Data, and I had no reason to think MoSh was in danger. So let's get back home. I opened a portal to MoSh's inner world, and holding tightly to Asuka's arm, I led her through the portal… and she was gone before I reached the other side. Damn!

      Ok, it seemed there was something there to keep me from bringing Asuka back, and I would have to find a way to counteract that before I would be able to effectively rescue her this time. I focused on opening the portal again, I focused harder on it this time, I was thinking maybe I was only finding an illusion of Asuka that was there to distract me, so I had to try harder to find the real Asuka. So I ignored the first portal that opened, in fact I let it close, and I kept focusing on going beyond opening that portal, on finding Asuka… and finally a portal opened, though that one was considerably harder to keep stable. I was finally able to keep it stable long enough to go into the portal. The only problem was that once I was in the portal it completely fell apart, branching off in several different directions, all at once, creating a really divergent dream… I found myself functioning on several planes all at once, it felt quite confusing, though I have experienced similar feelings in other multiple-plane dreams. For this dream, I will record the events to keep things as easy to understand as possible.

      So I stepped out of the portal into a medieval looking dungeon, and there were strange orc guards all around, and they immediately. They didn't even take the time to ask any questions or give a warning, they immediately came and attacked me, they all had clubs with spikes on them, I formed Witchblade into armor and a sword and engaged them in battle. They didn't seem to have a huge level of intelligence, and I dispatched them without much difficulty, then I was able to search the dungeon. I found the doors were locked, but after searching one of the dead orcs I found that they had keys. I began unlocking the dungeons, most of them were empty, one of them had a prisoner in it that was hanging from a chain in the middle of the room, he asked me to help him, please help him… so I unlocked his chains and said he was free to go, but he would have to find his own way out because I had to find someone else. He attacked me, grabbing a piece of scrap metal and trying to stab me with it, I ended up killing him with Witchblade, that was gratitude. I set him free and he attacks… lame. I found Asuka in a dungeon cell, used Liberate by Disturbed to free her from the illusions, and took her back to the healing glen, which seemed like the best choice at the time.

      I stepped through the portal and found I was under water, there was a bubble on the bottom of the ocean where I saw Asuka going about her business as if nothing was wrong, most definitely lost in another illusion. As I approached the bubble, I realized I was under attack by some reptilian enemies like some I might see in DDO, the sahuagin, and they attacked me with spears. I had to use Witchblade in combination with the same techniques I use to fly with energy to out maneuver the sahuagin and take them all out before I was able to head towards the bubble that Asuka was inside. I phased through the bubble and fell to the ground, there was no water in the bubble and I hadn't really considered that, but Asuka looked over at me as if she found my face plant to be quite amusing. I used Liberate to free her from the illusion, then opened a portal to the healing glen.

      I exited the portal in a long passage, the passage had a faint red glow in it and it was very hot there, I already knew what I would find at the end of the passage. The end of the passage opened onto a huge open chamber which was actually the inside of an active volcano, the boiling lava down below looked quite agitated. On an island in the lava I saw Asuka going about her usual business. I flew out over the lava and realized there were several dragons heading towards me, breathing fire in my direction, but I didn't really want to take the time to fight several dragons at once… I counted five dragons coming at me… so instead, I swooped in, grabbed Asuka, and flew through a portal to the healing glen, taking a very shocked Asuka with me. The portal closed behind me in the face of the attacking dragons, a small burst of fire got through as the portal closed. Now that I was back to the healing glen I used Liberate to free Asuka's mind.

      I stepped through the portal and found myself at a high altitude, I fell a short distance before I caught myself and flew. I was then able to take a look around, there were many floating islands in the area, one of them had Asuka on it, trapped in an illusion, and there were bird people circling the island to keep her from getting off of it even though she wasn't making any move to try to leave. I figured they were there to keep someone from coming to rescue her. There were a bunch of the bird people, all of them had staff weapons, and as they saw me, they all turned and started firing energy bolts from their staffs. There were so many of them I didn't really want to fight them all, so I chose to dive in at high speeds and grab Asuka, carrying her through a portal to the healing glen, where I used Liberate to free her mind.

      Nightmare #1
      I exited the portals into several nightmares at once, too. A normal looking living room in a normal looking house where MoSh was being tortured while Asuka was tied up and being forced to watch, some big ugly guy had MoSh tied up on the couch and he was working with a clippers of some kind, right now he was clipping off part of one of MoSh's fingers, he screamed in pain, Asuka screamed at him to stop that… Using Liberate destroyed the entire illusion, and it turned out both MoSh and the big ugly guy were fake, I was able to take Asuka to the healing glen.

      Nightmare #2
      In another one MoSh was facing her at the door to their house, he had a suitcase full of crap that was partially sticking out, and he shoved that at Asuka as he yelled at her with mean, mean, words! Asuka was crying, MoSh was saying he wished he had never met her. I used Liberate and destroyed that illusion, then took Asuka to the healing glen.

      Nightmare #3
      In the living room of MoSh's house, MoSh was tied up again and Asuka was standing there with a machete, and there was a big guy there, big and ugly, with a gun. He told Asuka she had to kill MoSh, Asuka said no that she couldn't. The man said she could either kill him and make it quick and relatively painless, or he would start killing MoSh slowly and painfully and Asuka could watch, it was up to her. She was crying, saying she couldn't do it, so the big guy shot MoSh in his right foot, drawing a scream of pain, making Asuka cry more. Liberate broke through this nightmare, at which point I took her through to the healing glen.

      Nightmare #4
      I exited the portal into a green meadow with some really beautiful trees, grass, and flowers. It was very peaceful there, looking around I realized it was a cemetery filled with very well tended grave sites, most of them had colorful flowers on them. I wandered through the grave sites until I spotted Asuka, she was dressed in black and crying, she was standing in front of a line of coffins, it seemed that not only one of her family had died, everyone in her family had died. I went over to her and saw there were more coffins than just her family, there was one that said MoSh, one for each kid, one said Nomad, one said Raven, and there were more, it appeared that there was a coffin for each person in her life right now. When I got closer to her I saw she was crying and muttering that something was all her fault, I touched her and she jumped, saying she thought I was dead… I destroyed the illusion with Liberate and took her through to the healing glen.

      The Final Asuka
      After completing all of those dream segments at the same time, I found I was in the healing glen with a bunch of Asukas, each Asuka was semi-translucent, I had the idea there was one more Asuka to go get, so I opened one more portal to go retrieve Asuka. I went through this portal, which I thought would be the final portal, and found myself once again outside of the warehouse that I had first found myself in front of… with the same thugs waiting for me and complaining that I wasn't MoSh. So I repeated myself one more time… killed the thugs outside, killed one of the inside thugs while the other ran away, went to the dungeon, found Asuka, Liberate to set her mind free, then took her back to the healing glen and the other Asukas.

      When I got back to the healing glen, all of the Asukas merged back to one, and now she no longer looked semi-translucent. As if there was some cue for it to happen, MoSh came through a portal into the healing glen, I wasn't sure where he had come from, if he had opened his own portal or if someone had sent him through, but it didn't really matter. Asuka ran over to MoSh, throwing her arms around him, she said she had thought she would go mad with being in so many places at once… MoSh hugged her, and now there were other people there with us. I focused on using a healing spell on the both of them, I used Touch My Heart, and then I used Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack to focus healing on MoSh's chest area, on his physical heart, due to chest pains I was worried about, possibly muscle pains, but the heart itself is a muscle… I continued the healing spells, and when they were over, everything around me faded to black and I woke.
    6. First Lucid

      by , 09-14-2010 at 03:20 AM
      Alright, I don't know how to start this but it sure was a great experience.

      This LD is my first one, and I was fully lucid. It lasted in real time for quite a while without waking up, however I lost lucidity twice and regained it. Before beginning I must mention that without any real connection to the dream, I coincidently was listening to the band Dream Theater before going to bed!

      It started in a garden, yet I was not lucid, I remember one of those circular stone benches in the inside of a vast circular garden with stone poles lining the outside. I noticed things were a bit odd, and I recalled memories in a dream of playing COD8 or something stupid ( I’ve disliked video games for a while now so I don’t know why this happened)....

      Then I realized it doesn't even exist yet, and I have no recollection of arriving at this garden. I looked at my hands, 8 fingers on each.

      I'm dreaming.

      I immediately felt like the boy in the first scene of Waking Life. As I realized I was lucid I started to float upwards and I thought that I might as well fly. I recalled that most people only have short lucid dreams for the first time so I told myself to stay lucid. By this time the feeling I felt was remarkable and I was suddenly over an ocean flying and seeing reflections for a good ten minutes. I was then hovering and at that time I remembered reading on these forums someone who wanted to shoot fireballs out of their hands. So, I thought "what the hell, give'er a try!" I shot them like crazy and started to fly again. Then I remember arriving at an island.

      I must add here that after becoming lucid for the first time, I realized my dream sign to be too many fingers on rotoscoped hands (like in waking life) and they were very odd.

      When I arrived, I suddenly lost lucidity. I began speaking to a few people on a similar stone bench. I told them of what had just happened and explained to them what lucid dreaming was. They laughed, and didn't believe me. It was then that some random dude started talking and no-one listened at all. He seemed sad(connection to my failed explanation of LD?) so I told him that I was listening (maybe saying that I myself believed LD's can happen).

      Then I looked down and saw that I had 8 fingers again (really screwed up hands). I freaked out because I was just speaking about LD's in a world I thought was reality. This scared me a lot and I flew away to escape the feeling. (Somehow I remember seeing my terrified face while still being me,and at the same time having the emotion) Then I lost lucidity and woke up? from it in a dark room. Suddenly the floor rose like an elevator until it was going to smash the roof but it suddenly stopped. I awoke again in a classroom with a professor lecturing at the front and seeming quite annoyed. I was very skeptical of the situation and at this time forgot what had happened previously. I thought to myself "look at your hands!" 8 fingers again? oh yeah.

      I ignored the rambling prof and flew straight through the ceiling and out over the ocean again. I visited an island I've seen in multiple non LD's (there’s also always a sunset) with huge buildings and beach houses. In non LD's I've visited the same house and spoke to some woman about what I honestly can't remember. This time I decided to fly around instead and see the dark buildings and richly coloured surroundings.

      This lasted for a while until I faded away and woke up for real. Yes I checked my hands again and saw my clock wasn’t all wonky. It was still early in the morning so I fell back asleep and heard a woman’s voice saying “memory of you”. After that I can’t recall anything else.

      This dream was very eye opening (odd choice of words? ) and I now understand people when they speak of LD’s.

      A few questions:

      Will my hands always be screwed up in dreams? Is this now my dream sign?

      Was speaking about lucid dreaming to other dream figures a rare occurrence? I mean I seriously thought it was reality, then I looked at my hands right after explaining LD’s to see them all f***d up. You must understand that’s quite a shock.

      Was being fully lucid and flying rare for a first time?

      What could "memory of you" mean? I believe it means that everything happened because of memories not of me, but my memories themselves.

      Thanks for reading!
    7. Chase!

      by , 09-13-2010 at 10:24 PM
      Most of the time when gaining lucidity, the dreams involve me running to or from something. Something important is always going to happen. I have been working on gaining lucidity for quite a while and I'm not completely sure if it's fully rendered or not, but I definitely do know that I'm gaining control. It's ranging from making a $5 dollar bill spring up from no where, then fly to my hand or creating giant Transformer like machines. One noteworthy dream is one I had about a week or two ago.

      --On the run--

      It began with me in a combination of being in one of my old school's hallways and at the place I was staying at the time. I had been talking to a girl that I also used to know in school, I think it was either middle or high school. We were at the point where we were about to get intimate and then we heard a boom and a crash. I opened the door and saw just hoards of people pouring from the other rooms. They appeared to be hostile so I told her lets go and get the fuck out of here! Some may look at that as a nightmare and for a moment I almost agreed but I gained the sense that it was just a dream and it kinda just sprung from there. Once we got out of the building it was about the time when the sun starts going down and creates the beautiful orange, pink, and purple sky that I love to watch. We ended up near a train station/stop and no train was there. I turn to look at the crowd of crazies and then turn back to the tracks in hopes that something would happen, some sort of escape and right before my eyes a dull green train-like thing with a orange stripe and the name Steamworker on it sprung into existence a ladder came down and me and the girl climbed on. As we did the train began to move and whatnot, yet we were not knocked off. To me I was enjoying it, because I'm in love with Transformers and it was just, well crazy! After that I lost sense of things and woke up wondering what the hell just happened.
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. The Quick Trip

      by , 09-13-2010 at 09:24 PM (The Insane Journal)
      My First Lucid Dream

      I was laying in bed trying to remember dreams cause I couldn't remember any. In the dream I remember being somewhere non vivid and looking at a tv, then I was watching jeopardy at a QT-like gas station on a couch and screaming at the tv because the guy made the stupidest mistake ever in the history of jeopardy. Suddenly I get up and I get sort of a feeling that I'm dreaming. It felt like I knew I was dreaming but I still looked for proof anyway. I think I might have been slightly aware, not entirely sure but possible. The first thing I did was make a mental note of which people are there, the people in my dreams always switch out inexplicably with somebody else and it always goes unnoticed. My contradiction came when I saw a 13 year old friend of mine mopping the floors, I walked up to him and as I was doing so realizing that I was becoming lucid, I got excited but I remembered if I ever became lucid I would need to calm myself down, I did so and the dream continued long enough for my to say "Why are you cleaning" to my friend he said something inaudible but it felt as if my subconscious was mad that I figured out I was dreaming. The dream immediately ended. The time wasn't even long enough to reach a REM period, yet the dream was ridiculously well built and vivid. I can even tell you what was on the shelves in the gas station.
    9. Theater of my mind.

      by , 09-13-2010 at 08:25 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Method: MILD
      Recall: Above Average
      Lucid Ability: 6
      Vividness: average
      Dream Length:average

      I find myself randomly lucid in a place that looks sort of like a movie theater. There are rows of red comfortable chairs, but the backs of them are really high. It's also well lit and the walls have a brown paneled wood surface to them. Theres this huge TV on the side wall playing a movie, and when I look towards the front area, it also appeared there there. I was trying to think of a way to change the plot of the movie but I could only effect certain things about it. While I was doing this, the TV was duplicating itself and reverting back to a single one.

      The movie was an old martial arts flick, and some lady in it had died. Some beautiful ninja had died, and was giving her dying speech to this long grey haired monk in all white. H walked up like she was going to sit next to me, but quickly turned around. I got up and tried to convince her to stay, but she sort of disappeared. I really don't have anything on my mind that I've been wanting to accomplish so I start thinking about plan B. As I walk down the aisle I notice this old school porn star is sitting there, and we started going at it.

      Then some random DC comes up, and starts talking trash or something. I get up, and we fight. I leave him, and he tries to come back, and we fight some more, and I walk away again, and by the time I get back to the girl, the dream fades out.

    10. Almost completed Beatles goal

      by , 09-13-2010 at 08:01 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 13, 2010

      Asleep by 1am.

      Decided to try an experiment, today. Awake at 5am. Tried a new idea during my WBTB... playing the mathematics gamex100 on brain age to help wake up my prefrontal cortex Was actually a really good idea! I settled in for my WILD and had better focus than I have in weeks. SP was pretty uncomfortable this morning, coupled with the knowledge that I knew my BF would be interrupting my attempt today (long story)... I ended up passing out at some point, I think around the 6am point. I was woke up by my end of WBTB alarm. I'm actually thinking I should kill that alarm, but it's usually so I can move back from the couch to the bed. But it's a potential lucid I keep interrupting.

      Almost-completed Beatles goal - Lucid - 1/5
      This was all 60's-era setting. About 1965, actually.
      I was on a stage with a bunch of instruments set up. This stage was a bit unusual, as it wasn't raised, or surrounded by raised seats. In fact, it was all one level, and there was a space of maybe 10 feet between us and the first row of audience. I noticed a stagehand had two stop signs (like the cross-walk hand-held ones), which he laid on the ground in a ^ shape. I "knew" it was Paul's spot to stand on the stage.

      At that moment, Paul came out from back stage, with his bass on him already. "Hey Paul!" I beckoned him over. I wanted to test whether he knew about going past the stop signs, or not. "Come stand over here, this is where you're supposed to be!"

      Paul comes over and he's got one foot over the stop signs. "Noooo!" I said. "Don't go past them, it's dangerous! Look at how close the audience is!" I said, and positioned him back by his shoulders.

      "Oh, yeah, I suppose you're right!" he said.

      John came out, so Paul says quietly, "Let's see if John fucks up with it!" Then louder, "Hey John, come over here!"

      John does, indeed, mess it up, resulting in me laughing at him and saying, "Noooo!" again, but in a silly voice. John's a bit more whatever! about the whole thing and sticks his tongue out at me.

      George comes out and the same thing repeats. As I'm pushing George back, I think to myself, "Wow, even if this is just a dream, I'm acting pretty retarded, I should stop!"

      I need to go across to the other side of the stage (we're on stage left, my keyboard is on stage right). Paul is supposed to play on stage right. As we pass each other, we stop and kiss briefly before carrying on.

      When I get to my keyboard, though, there's a major catastrophe! There's a pool of water underneath my keyboard, and the stagehands are doing nothing to clean it! I find a mop (didn't have to look far ) and start trying to get the water up.

      Paul sees me, and comes over. "Why are you mopping it yourself?!" he demands.

      "Because no one else is, and I'm not going to electrocute myself by playing in a puddle of water!"

      We get some help, but the water is turning into sludge. Sighing, I decided maybe I should just move the keyboard to a new place on the stage. I pick it up, turn around and...

      I'm in a different room, facing Jack and listening to the Beatles on my mp3 player "Noooo! What the fuck!" I silently ask myself.

      "What are you playing?" Jack asks.

      "Just some Beatles," I say quietly. "Only, I was just going to turn the sound off, and mash the keys, pretending like I could play, because I can't actually play any songs yet," I say and do some fancy key-mashing that could totally pass for legit.
      I wake up.

      Talking to my dad and he has a full head of mop-top inspired hair, only he's his age in present time.
    11. College campus, a grenade launcher, and a mysterious and attractive girl

      by , 09-13-2010 at 07:53 PM
      This is without a doubt the most vivid and lucid experience I've had as of yet

      The first dream began in my college university, as I was walking down a path I take every day to get to class. I was dressed in all black formal clothing, perhaps a suit. I had chrome metal cart on wheels with two levels, and I was pushing it in front of me as I was walking. The first level was covered by a white sheet that was hanging on the first level, covering it completely. as I was making my way to a far building, an unfamiliar girl passed me on a bicycle and said, "You'd better hurry up! You're going to be late!" smiling at me as she rode ahead. I became nervous at this point. I glanced down at my wrist and slightly moved my sleeve to look at my watch. It appeared as 11:11:11. "Shit," I said, believing that I was running out of time. This is when I became lucid. At this moment I completely stopped what I was doing. I looked back at my watch and it appeared to be dead, showing no digits at all. I followed up this RC with another RC, performing the nose pinch reality check. I could breathe like it was nothing "Well I'll be damned!" I said excitedly. Yelling this removed all doubt in my mind about it being a dream, because there seemed to be hundreds of college students busily walking around me and none of them gave any acknowledgement to my exclaimation. At this point I got on my knees and started feeling the battered concrete of the sidewalk I was on. Then I crawled a little ways onto the grass and began feeling it along with a nearby tree. Doing this tremendously increased vividness. After a few minutes of stabilization, I began to exercise some passive control. I reached under the covered level of the cart and found a MGL-type grenade launcher with multiple barrels. "Hahahahaha wow...I cannot believe this," I said joyfully. I aimed it at a long side of a classroom building I was facing and pulled the trigger. Sure enough a big round came out with a loud THUMP and it exploded and put a rough square-ish hole in the wall, probably around 25 feet in length and width. As I entered the building through the hole I just made, I again saw the girl on the bicycle riding down the hall of the building. She smile again as she passed me. I ran a little ways into the hall and said, "STOP!" She didn't stop but she sharply turned around and headed back towards me. She had a very pretty face. She had long brown hair that fell evenly over her shoulders. She was dressed in navy blue long skirt. Since I've always wanted to consciously talk to a dream character, I said, "Who are you?" and she said "You're joking right?" "No." I said. "This is my dream. I imagined you." She gave me that same smile she had given me before and said "It took you long enough to figure that out." Suddenly her bike floated upward about an inch off the ground and gracefully turned around 180 degrees and returned to the ground. She was still looking at me, with an expression on her face that said "come get me." She began to ride away down the hall. I started to feel extremely heavy at this point. I felt like I needed to follow this dream character as she may reveal something to me, but I couldn't move. It felt like sleep paralysis standing up. I then remembered something I had read about passive control and overcoming obstacles in a dream. I remembered that anything could be done with logic. So I looked down at my feet and expected them to be stuck to the floor with glue. I couldn't see any glue, just my black pants and white converse shoes (not the shoes I was wearing originally). But sure enough, they were stuck to the ground. The paralysis subsided and I was able to bend down and slip off my shoes. But when I looked back up, the girl was gone. Then everything faded black and I woke up.
    12. 1/2 Sun, chain of lucids

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:02 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Notes: I forced myself to have good bedtime habits and it paid off with a good night's sleep. Snacked on only carbohydrates in the evening and watched some boring nature documentaries. I waited until I was very tired before laying down to sleep.

      0155: Sleep.

      0600: B. I am at home with my sister. I have my cell phone receiving work emails. My phone is acting weird. It shows the emails but everything is plain black and white. There's no color in the UI. I try to close all the running processes. For a moment, my phone is playing video of a football game. I get a "You've been invited" alert. I try to find the email message but the phone is still not working right. My sister wants to reset my phone. She tries to grab it away from me. I tell her I will take out the battery. Also, I'm sitting on the couch with the cat Oreo on the armrest to my right. At one point, she lays on my lap. She is facing me. My sister asks if she came there herself. I say yes. I feel annoyed with my sister. I also feel anticipation like I am expecting someone to call or email from work on my phone.

      0727: A series of lucid dreams that I'm counting as one (cuz I'm so humble). I am laying on a couch, about to go to sleep. I t was like my childhood home. I was having trouble sleeping. A woman in the room starts talking to me. I don't remember about what. She sits on the couch next to me. She is middle-aged, but not bad looking. She turns seductive and straddles me and grabs my crotch. That doesn't happen in real life so... I'm dreaming. I'm not very lucid though. I just go along with what's happening. I think to do an RC but my arms are around her so I'm a bit busy. The excitement makes the dream fade.

      I lay still and re-enter the dream. I am in an amusement park. It's dusk and there are few people. I nose-plug-check, good! I finger-check too which fails, but whatever. Rubbing my hands anchors me and now I'm ready to have some fun. I start flying and practice my skills of turning and looking around. I'm pretty good, except I have trouble climbing. I think about some goals. Hmm. Throw a fireball? Easy! I swing my arm like throwing a baseball sidearm and a fiery red-orange ball flies to the ground and explode a lamp post. I hover over a parking lot full of freight trucks and I blow them up with my fireballs. Then some hover tanks attack back and I blow one up. I fly away and land. Now I'm being chased by dogs. They are black and mean, like pitbulls. I try to make the dogs disappear my waving my hand over them, but no luck. I run into a building. I try to fly and smash through the ceiling, but no luck. The building I'm in is in on a college campus. I think to summon a DC. I walk outside and around a corner, expecting to see Lance. There he is! We go into another building; I open the door expecting to find a party, and there it is! I was expecting someone in particular but don't see them. There is a girl behind the bar or DJ booth with bright red hair. I ask someone where R is. I walk to the bathroom, hoping to find her there. I walk down a few steps and see one person waiting for the bathroom. Two girls are coming out of the bathroom with their arms linked. I grab one and head her back in to the bathroom while the other leaves. It wasn't the girl I was looking for but I'm not unhappy. I back the girl against the wall. She has on a skirt and bikini top. Her body is all oiled up. I remember staring at her belly button. She has short hair. I tell her how pretty she is. I'm about to go farther with her but the dream fades.

      False awakening. I'm back on the couch at my childhood home. It's like we have cousins in town. A man (my uncle?) is sleeping in the other couch near me. My sister is also in the room. I get up and they get upset and argue with me. I try spinning to a new scene, but no luck. I leave out the front door. It's night and the starry sky is beautiful. I start flying. The dream fades.

      Updated 09-22-2010 at 07:24 PM by 35793

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    13. With Myself

      by , 09-13-2010 at 05:26 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I had a dream earlier.....i should have written it down.....
      and a frag....but yeah

      Method: MILD
      Recall: Above Average
      Lucid Ability: 9
      Vividness: average
      Dream Length:Long

      I remember watching the Jimmy Kimmel show at a bar, and the Williams sisters were on there. Jimmy made them some goofy hats that looked like football helmets and they wore them. All of a sudden Jimmy is at the bar with me, and we're conversating, and Steven Seagal doing a weird Jimmy Kimmel impression. *Some guys walk in and challenge me some dancing contest, and country music starts playing, and i tell them "nevermind...no wonder why you guys thought you could beat me".

      I don't know what happens at this point, but I'm outside, and I'm fully lucid.

      I walk over to some girl and start dancing with her. *She has long brown hair, blue jeans and a short sleeve shirt. She tells me she wants to chill out in my car, so we head over and go inside. *I asked her for her name, and whatever it was, she said I was saying it wrong. *Then she spelled it out, and it was something totally different from how her name sounded. *I told her it didn't matter anyway because we're dreaming.

      The car started moving by itself, and she sort of panicked as if she was trying to get me in on what was going on. *I shifted the car to drive, and it continued reversing. *I told her "You know why it's doing that? Because I'm dreaming". *I started explaining how the erratic actions of the car represented how I thought things went when I talked to girls. *I told her that sometimes, it's automatic, but sometimes I'm just out of control.

      I stepped on the breaks and the car started driving straight. *There was really no road, just a bunch of random bushes and my coupe was handling like a tank. *Once we cleared them, we found ourselves on a road, and a cop car was in the way and I slammed into it. *The female DC was no longer there as I got out of the car and started talking to the cop. *He tries to tell me that I'm in trouble because of what he did. *I started telling him that none of this matters because he's just in my head, and I'm dreaming.

      the cop opens up the back door and sends his K9 dog at me. *I figure I might as well have fun with this plot, and I started running...almost gliding through this warehouse as two dogs chased me. *I nearly made it out all the way, and I thought...that would be too easy. *I stopped, and turned around and the cop was right behind me. *Asked him "why hasn't your dog caught up to me yet?". *He said it was because he sent one of his younger dogs at me.

      The dog finally came, and I stooped down and let it bite me on my arm. *It locked on, and I felt nothing. *I swung my arm back and fourth once, and the dog flew off of it for about 20 feet, smashing against the wall, and sliding down it like a cartoon. *I asked the DC if he could explain what just happened then. *Then I told him to send all the dogs he has at me. *He sent two Germans Shepard, and two kids even tried to grab me. *I grabbed them all, sandwiching them, and suplexed them at the same time. *I tried to go easy on them, but they all died.
      lucid , memorable
    14. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 09-13-2010 at 02:01 PM
      Nonsensical WILD (WILD)


      I was really just going for an early-afternoon nap and hoping for a lucid dream, but it turned into a WILD. I felt my arm move, seemingly of its own accord. I took control of it, and used it to prop myself up on the bed. I opened my eyes as I did so. I could see my room. But I could also see my real room, I had opened my real eyes! The dream-room "fizzled" away and was replaced by my real room. I closed my eyes and tried again. This time, I was able to move freely much more quickly. I waited until I had sat up completely before opening my eyes. I could see the dream room fine. I cautiously got out of bed, keeping in mind how important it was not to move my real body. As soon as I had gotten into a standing position (ie, something totally different to the way I was sleeping), I jumped around a bit to anchor myself.

      What followed was a disjointed series of false awakenings (all in different beds in my house) and short lucid dreams. In one, I had a jacuzzi bath with a beautiful girl. The jacuzzi kept emptying itself though. I employed various methods of control to keep the water in place, including THE PLUG, then "believing it would stay full", and leaving the taps on. The jets were also far too powerful. All-in-all, not a successful romantic encounter. Thanks dream-bath.

      In another, I was convinced I had fallen asleep with headphones in. The sound of music premeated the dream, and I felt sure that it was coming from an external source.
      When I awoke, I realised I hadn't gone to sleep with headphones in, so I either imagined the music, or it came from elsewhere in my house. I recognised part of "Stacey's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne.

      Later, I was in the passenger seat of my dad's car. But it was being driven by my mum, who has never driven the car in real life. I asked her a question I can no longer recall. But her reply was startling. I can't remember it either, but my reply was,
      "Whoa, my mind is really getting good at simulating you! That's exactly the kind of thing you would say!" In making that statement, I wondered if my subconscious was taking note of my approval, or if "it" was even able to take messages in such a way. I'm beginning to think of my subconscious less as an entity, and more of a mass of random/chaotic thoughts, which occasionally come together to form convincing situations in my dreams. As we were travelling along the motorway, I pondered how I could actually make use of this lucid time. I remembered the task of the month then. It was a surprise that I recalled it, despite reading it once about half a month ago and deciding it was probably too hard. "Shrink yourself to the atomic level". An idea occured to me. Feeling the gearstick, I found that the top flipped open to reveal a red and a blue button. I assumed, naturally, that the red button was to transform the car into a rocket car, a la "Men in Black". The Blue, I reasoned, would be to shrink the car and its occupants. I pressed it once. The car shot forward and got a little bit smaller. But I stayed the same size. Now I had to bend over to avoid hitting my head off the roof. I pressed it a few more times, but all it did now was give the car a momentary speed boost.

      Before I woke up, I heard my brother calling me. The first time, I completely ignored him. The second time, I had to do a small DEILD to keep dreaming. After the third, I realised he was now right outside my room and wasn't going to give up.
      I forced myself awake. What an asshole.
    15. Fingers, Mirrors, and Steaks

      by , 09-13-2010 at 11:56 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 13, 2010 – Morning, 5:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      (Note: I forgot to take my B6, Ginkgo, and fish oil with my dinner, so I took them at about 9:30PM, which caused me to have many issues falling asleep. I stayed up for a few more hours that I would usually stay up, reading a few articles on DV before my eyelids became heavy. I crawled into bed around 4:00AM)

      I am standing in a a house trailer that belongs to my grandmother. I am quite familiar with the layout of the rooms and everything inside. I immediately became lucid, as I know my grandmother had passed away many years ago and her trailer is no longer a place I would visit. My mom was in the living room, and I was standing in front of the breakfast bar in the kitchen. I talk with my mom for a bit about why we are here. She explains that my grandmother was in the hospital and we were here for a visit. After talking a bit more, she walks back into the bedroom. I walk out into the living room and lay down on the couch to watch some TV, but the remote control will not work. I put the remote down and got up to push the buttons on the TV. The buttons do not work. I check the power cord to make sure it's plugged in, and everything looks like it's connected. After staring at the blank screen for a bit, trying to make it do something, I gave up. No TV! I lay back down on the couch and drift off to sleep. (Note: dream within dream.) I was having a short lucid dream, of which I cannot recall any details, when my mom came in the room yelling about something. I don't recall what she was yelling about. I woke up from the embedded dream, sort of irritated, and yelled back at my mom. I said, “You ruined a perfectly good lucid dream, please stop yelling and leave me alone for a little while.” While I was yelling, I raised my hands to make gestures and saw that my fingers didn't look quite right. After yelling, my mom went back into the bedroom, grumbling under her breath. I look at my hands again and count 7 fingers on the left hand and 8 on my right. My fingers were quite deformed. They were skinny and bent around, some of them crossing over each other. I began rubbing my hands together briskly while I stand up and walk toward the bathroom. The first thought on my mind was, “Find a mirror! I have a definite mission to complete."

      I enter the bathroom and look into the vanity mirror, while rubbing my hands together to help keep things stable. I am trying to remain calm and collected while my face quickly melts down and my eyes fall down below my nose. I observe for a few seconds before looking away from the mirror to look at my hands. I stop rubbing my hands and look back into the mirror. My face is moving in and out as I breathe, gaining more depth in the third dimension with each breath. I slowly raise my right hand in front of my face and my fingers flew off and go into my right eye socket. There are a couple of very long skinny fingers still attached that are trying to go up my nose. I lower my hand slightly and all of my fingers come out of my eye socket and reattach to my hand. When I raise my hand slightly, my fingers go into my eye socket again. The repeatable transition point seems to be once the fingers raise past the nose in the mirror. I raise my hand higher and my whole hand goes into my right eye socket, all the way to the elbow. All of my fingers begin falling out of my nose, bounce off the sink and go into my left eye socket. I lower my hand slowly and all of my fingers reattach themselves.

      I continue to stare in the mirror, watching my eyes stretch so wide my eyeballs almost fall out. Suddenly, I hear someone call my name from outside the bathroom. I look at the door, and notice that I had forgot to close it completely. I run to the door and push it shut the rest of the way. I walk back to the vanity mirror and decide to stretch it all the way down to the floor so I can walk through it. Feeling a bit rushed because I know someone is walking toward the bathroom, I grab the bottom of the mirror frame and pull it firmly towards the floor. The mirror offers some resistance, but complies with the stretch. While pulling the mirror down, the sink and cabinet disappear into the floor. As soon as I finish stretching the mirror, an older guy walks into and through the bathroom, into a connecting room. He is giving me the “death look” as he walks by. I stare back at him with a very defensive, angry glare while he passes. I look back at the mirror and touch the glass. My fingers pass through the glass without any resistance. It is very cold on the other side of the glass. I take a step back and walk into the mirror, only to bounce off of the glass. The surface would no longer give way and let me through.

      I am getting frustrated with the mirror, and decide to abandon it and walk out of the bathroom. I walk outside, through the kitchen window and climb along a chain-link fence on top of a narrow concrete retaining wall. I came upon some bushes along the fence which are scratching my legs on the way by. The feeling of the scratches sent waves of chills through my body and caused me to nearly lose my grip on the fence. I looked at my hands for a brief moment and my fingers were thoroughly wrapped around the top of the fence. The wall leads me into a very small, one room house. The walls are blue-gray and so was the floor. There is a small window on each side of the room, but no doors. I can see a close neighbor cooking food on the stove from one side, and someone talking on the phone to the other side. The third window is as black as outer space. The room was entirely empty, except for a small wooden chair in the corner. There seems to be nothing of interest in here, so I exit through the same window which I came. I climb up and walk along the fence and return to the trailer I came from before. There is very little detail on the return journey along the fence.

      I climb in the kitchen window and find a huge pile of rare-cooked steak laying all over the stove top. It smells freshly cooked, and has a pile of fresh blood puddling under the steaks. I pick up a piece of steak and try to eat it. It was as heavy as a rock, tough as leather, and tasted like rotting flesh. I throw the steak on the floor and try to eat another piece. It is also tough as leather, but has no taste. I throw the second piece of steak on the floor also. A puddle of blood begins to form around the steaks on the floor. I look at my hands, counting 8-9 fingers on each hand that are very long and skinny. There is a lot of blood dripping from my fingers. I rub my hands together and I can feel the slimy blood smearing around all over them. The smell of rotting flesh begins to fill the air. I rub my hands on my pants to clean them off.

      The layout of the trailer has completely changed during my outside excursion. There is no longer a bathroom in the hallway next to the kitchen. The living room is now a large dining room with a formal setting. There are candles in the center of the table and all of the places are set. I cannot find an exterior door, anywhere. A mirror is visible through a doorway in a different bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and find a mirrored shower door. I back up and run as fast as I can into the mirror, passing through it with no resistance. This was the dream's exit.

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 04:16 PM by 36447 (Added color legend, improved formatting.)
