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    task of the month

    task of the month dreams

    1. I completed a task of the Month, wait I mean Last month( trick or treat)

      by , 11-03-2011 at 10:42 AM
      I was comming home from work, In a Mini Bus, when I noticed some gauva, huge ripe gauva, the lagerest I have ever seen on the side of the road. The onwer of the fruit was their cutting his lawn with his son watching, but i decided to try to pick the fruit when the mini-bus was passing because it was driving slow through the narrow streets. I could not get hold of the two gauva and one of it fell on the ground. I tried to hide because I knew I the owner would see his friut rolling in the street because he was that close by. The bus was driving even slower, its almost to a dead stop now. and i was like drive faster, drive faster. It was to late, the guy noticed the gauva rolling on the ground and knew that it was someone on the mini-bus which tried to pick, his only two gauva. he was mad like hell and he started to curse and shout stop the bus I know you r in there. He was taking a rope and stricking the side of the mini-bus. It was like one of those commidies when the theif takes a slow getaway car and the muscular dude just walks up besides him.

      Then I said to myself, since when do I hide in dreams, I came out the mini-bus and confornted the man. it was a short fight. because I picked up the bus and tossed it at the man. which he ran away with his son. then I realized that I was huge, over 10 feet, I did not want to roam around the place as a 10 feet giant. So I concentrated, and srink myself back down to my normal 5' 11". I went exploring my environment and found a hotel. I walked in and stood for while and taught for a moment what can I do here, Then I remembered the trick or treat task, In my contry most people do no celebrate halloween, so I just got my kicks off of there expressions when I said, Trick or treat. I got junk, no sweets or candy like on cable, I leterally got trash, one woman gave me a cloths hanger and a safety pin. but the expression on their faces were priceless. There were shocked, mouth opened and looked at me like, what country are you from, or what that the hell are you smoking.

      Updated 11-03-2011 at 10:59 AM by 50617

      task of the month
    2. Cool Lucid, Greek Gods, Thor, Terranova, Task of the Month October 31,2011 I GOT IT ON THE LAST DAY

      by , 11-02-2011 at 05:12 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      Lucid Thor Harry Potter goblins terra Nova city played zombies (video game)
      Fortress I fly around and zombies can't get me.

      So this dream was on October 31,2011 I GOT IT BEFORE NOVEMBER!!!! but no wings...
      Oh well I'll post it anyway but it won't be posted in the October task thread.

      I don't remember the 2nd half of the dream that well but I remember the beginning really well and that was the task so it has the most detail.

      It started in the woods and I remember looking for friends and family liking I was camping again. As I searched I was enjoying the scenery. As I was taking a look at these rolling hills and occasional forest patches, things started looking more colorful like there was more saturation. I thought man either my eyes are messing up or this is a dream! As I looked at my hands they were normal but since nobody was nearby and I had no clue how I'd gotten there I figured yep this must be a dream.

      I knew it was a dream and thought what could I do next... Then as I came over the next hill I saw a small city in a Jarrasic period landscape. It looked like Terranova!!! There was also a pool of water with an alter-like appearance to it with people around it that looked like elf priests. I thought wait, I have a dream task to do don't I? It took a while to remember what it was but then I remembered that I had to be a God or something. I raised my arms, floated up above the city and announced to Terranova, "people of Terranova, I am your ruler now, your master, and your God.

      Some looked around amazed, some excited and some frightened. They asked whom shall I be addressed as? I thought of the Greek Gods and immediately picked Hades. I felt flames around me for a second and then saw the pool of water and thought oh yeah Posieden! I reached for the water as if using the force and it formed a wave and engulfed a guy standing nearby and pulled him in. I laughed but he swam to the edge and got out all mad and muttering under his breath. I then looked around for more water but there wasn't anything just hills so I came to the final choice of Zeus. Then, I started glowing bright and I felt static in my hands and started striking the city with lightning and it felt awesome. I thought well that's done, now what? Wait I can be Thor!!! Just need a hammer... I looked up and raised my hand and a shining hammer floats down to me in a glowing beam of light. I grasped it and it was 8 inches long total and the head of the hammer was 2x2x4 inches in thickness... It still could be thrown and lightning came out of it but it was puny looking. I then decided to explore.

      I came to an old middle ages style bar and walked through with my hammer in hand and got tired of holding it so I put my hand on my hip and a holster appeared. I put the hammer away and that's as far as I can remember from this morning because this morning I woke up late and jotted down some notes and jumped out of bed in a rush.

      The rest of the notes I wrote were: Harry Potter Goblins, Nazi Zombies in a fortress I fly around the fort and the zombies can't get me, and that's it. There were big pieces of this dream missing but I can't remember them, but I got the fun part done.
    3. Beginnings

      by , 10-29-2011 at 03:07 PM
      I finally decided yesterday that I would actively pursue Lucid Dreaming as an interesting hobby. And depending on my success, that is to say how often I'm able to conjure them, it could lead to other 'things'. The first thing I did was investigate the physical aids to Lucidity. What I discovered was that those aids were no magic pill. They were and are designed to create dream signs. To me, a dream sign is an aspect of your current dream that is directly and immediately being influenced by something in the wakeing world...such as flashing lights of a mask or your need to go to the bathroom.

      I went to bed last night without expecting anything to happen, though before I fell asleep I realized I would need to go to the bathroom during the night but I was too lazy to get up. As it turns out this was the exact perfect thing, because during my dreaming (and I only recognized this after the fact) there was a lot going on with jugs of orange juice or soda. It was the dream sign of water or liquid and it was filling my dream because of my need to go to the bahroom.

      The key is to keep the stimulus (whatever it is) low profile enough so that you don't immediately wake up when it begins, but also constant enough that your mind creates dream signs around it.

      Moving forward I plan on performing a Reality Check any time I come into contact with a liquid, that would be either drinking water/coffee or carrying a container of water.

      Reflecting back, the "full bladder" dream signs have always involved liquid in some way.

      And I choose this way as the cheapest and easiest means.

      This should get interesting...
    4. TOTM attempt October

      by , 10-24-2011 at 11:33 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm lucid for the the third time in a row, but I'm actually thinking about the task. I really didn't look too much into the task, but I knew it had to do something with trick or treat, because it always is.

      I head outside, and I can see my shadow. It looks like I'm wearing a robe with a pointy hat. So either I'm a wizard, or a kkk member. LOL, I don't care because I gotta get this done before I wake up. My bag is kinda cool though. It's an over sized half bat head. It goes from the length of the ears all the way to just before the eyes, and it's made out of some stretchy material.

      Anyway, I head next door, which is only a few feet, and there's no house. The dog who's constantly chained outside is there, and he barks over and over as I approach. There's nothing left but a grave.

      I head down the street again and it's the same thing. No house, grave but the freaking dog is there too. I turn around...the dog is still at the last house...wtf. I fly down to the next house because I know I don't have much time. SAME FREAKING THING. Huge grave site with monument sticking out, dog tied up to something sticking out of the ground, but there's a sign. I read it, and woke up.

      (I think this happened because I had the holloween town song stuck in my head playing throughout the dream)
    5. Long LD (Trick-or-Treating, World of Warcraft, Asking DCs questions, Kissing)

      by , 10-17-2011 at 05:12 PM
      Long LD from two nights ago:

      Ed called me and told me to look at the Moon outside. I went out onto my oorch. I was at my old home in LA. I saw the full moon. It was very large. I then was what looked like a satelite passing the moon. It then sped up and brightened up until it looked like a fireball. I thanked Ed for hainvg me go out to see that.

      Then I was in my kitchen. Several family members were there. There was a hole on the floor and water was leaking in. Ed was there. Marie asked him about the army.

      We then went back out to the porch and my telescope was there. We pointed it at the moon and looked at it. I was amazed by all the detail I could see. I could even see red streaks on the rock which made the moon look like it was made from sandstone.

      Something about this seemed odd. I wondered if this was a dream. But I knew that this was real. This was way too real to be a dream. But at the same time I decided to jump up in the air like I would in a dream because it seemed like a funny thing to do.

      Well, I jumped and hovered a sec. It wasn't much, but I thought about it. I knew that in real life I wouldn't hover for even a second.

      Suddenly I knew without a doubt that I was dreaming. I flew up in the air over my old neighborhood. It felt amazing. I noticed that I could feel the wind and the coolness of the night air and the feeling in my stomach of going up and down.

      I wanted to go even faster, but strugged, like I usually do. I focused on rockets coming out of my feet, and I felt like I was going faster, but nothing around me moved much faster.

      I then remembered that I needed to do a Task of the Month. One Task was to go Trick-or Treating. I landed back down in my neighborhood where I Trick or Treated as a child. I seemed really big, like my neighborhood was made out of dollhouses. But I leaned close to a house and rang the doorbell. Someone opened the door and I said "Trick-or-Treat!" They put something in a bag I was holding. I didn't see it, but I knew it was a tootsie roll. I went to another house. This time the person saw me and ran away screaming. I went to another house, and they gave me another toosie roll. The person in the fourth house ran away again. I laughed and knew that they were programmed to do that.

      I then looked around. Things around me looked like a World of Warcraft setting. I saw these kittens all around me in various places. I thought, "Oh, that's for the new quest. If I had accepted the quest the kittens would be all sparkley." I wished I was on the quest so I could collect the kittens.

      I floated up in the air again and came to a boardwalk. I landed. I saw a good looking guy and decided to kiss him. I didn't even bother to say anything to him first. I just pulled him to me and kissed him. After the kiss, he looked at me with a surprised, but not unhappy look. Then as if to get in the spirit of things, he then pulled an older lady to him and kissed her. After that kiss he looked at me to make a face, like "that wasn't really a good idea. I should have just kissed you again." So I asked him to kiss me again. but for some reason he started talking about "okra" and we never did kiss again.

      I then decided to talk to some dream characters. I saw a bar next to me. I went up to the counter and saw the bartender. He was about 55 with graying hair and he was very tall and had a beer belly and stubble on his face.

      I leaned toward him across the counter and asked him the first thing that came to mind, "Am I dreaming?"

      "Yes." He answered.

      "How do you know?" I asked.

      I can't remember what he said, but he started going off on all this scientific stuff. It really surprised me to get this from a bartender. I then asked him something else that I no longer remember. This time he said, "Ask Nurse May." And he pointed to a lady standing next to him.

      I leaned to her and said, "Hey, Nurse-- I mean, hi May..." And then I asked her if I was dreaming.

      "Yes." she answered, and I am pretty sure she went off on a complicated explanation why she knew that.

      I then asked, "What do you see when you look at me?"

      She said some word that I didn't understand, "Ethano..."----something.

      I then turned to someone else by me and asked then to look up that word for me since I was unfamiliar with it. They read me the definition...."one who is ruled by the hourglass."

      Hmmm...that was odd.

      Then the dream started to fade. I looked over to the bartender again and also at my hands and willed the dream to come back to full clarity. It seemed to do so.

      Then I was back in the World of Warcraft setting. Around me were frogs. I knew the quest was to chase the frogs. But I remember somehow my sister Susan was there. I didn't want to do the quest anymore. I wanted to talk to my sister, who was dead. But then I knew that I could do both. So I said, "Self, go chase the frogs while I talk to Susan." And I saw myself go running after the frogs. And I started talking to Susan.

      And that is all I remember. I am pretty sure that there were a couple of other parts of the dream that I don't remember.

      Updated 10-19-2011 at 04:05 PM by 5578

      lucid , task of the month
    6. First Lucid! (10-10-11 7:20am)

      by , 10-10-2011 at 03:43 PM
      First lucid! I rubbed my hands to stabilize it, and did some RC's, all of which worked. I had read Naiya's MILD guide before I went to bed and tried it. I realized I was lucid when I was on some street, and I couldn't remember how I got there (little red flag going up...) All of a sudden I remember the Task of the Month for October: Go trick or treating and shape-shift into a mythical Greek god. Well, I tried to shape-shift into Aphrodite, didn't work (Maybe later) but I went trick or treating at the nearest house. My grandfather, in his pajamas, opened the door and said "Come back tonight." (It was morning) I walk down the street and meet a girl, I can't remember what she looked like, but she said her name was Naiya. (After I woke up I laughed my head off) We walk down the street some more and the scene turned into a country road surrounded by harvested corn fields. I decide to try to fly. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought! I ran and jumped, got stuck a few yards up, then "swam" through the air until I got good enough to Superman fly. It wasn't very fast or high, but it was awesome! Then I woke up a little, rolled over, and forced my way back into it. Bad idea. A tornado was coming right at me. I almost tried to wake myself up, but then I was lucid again and was like "what the heck???" So I put my hands out and stop the tornado (with some effort). After everyting is fine and dandy again, I wake up.

      It was very cool, and I rubbed my hands together a lot. It was pretty long though, which made me happy It was funny because this "Naiya" was next to me the whole time. I'm thinking it was because that was the last person I read/thought about.
    7. Walking on Water

      by , 10-06-2011 at 09:52 PM
      I'm also going to try to remember the lucid dream I had maybe two weeks ago.

      The End of September....

      Lucid Dream:

      I was dreaming about something that I no longer remember when I suddenly had the feeling that I was dreaming. I thought, "Why don't I just fly?"

      I was on the top of a small mountain. I wanted to fly out and across the mountain until I came to the spot that it just dropped off, then I would be soaring way high in the sky. So I did that I enjoyed that neat sensation. I then thought about doing the Task of the Month--Walking on Water.

      I looked down. I needed to find some water. Finally I saw a small lake and flew down to it. By the time I got to it it was very small indeed. In fact, small enough I could cross it in a just a few of steps. But I felt that I didn't need that many steps to complete the Task. I first hovered over it horizontally and tenatively placed my palm on the surface of the water. I then pushed down into the water. It went all the way to the bottom (about 8 inches). There was nothing solid about this water. I wondered if I needed a strategy to make this work.

      I then decided to have faith. If I believed I could walk on water, then I should be able to walk on water. I got in an upright position and placed my foot on the water. I started to put some weight on it. It immediately sank to the bottom like my hand.

      Okay...I needed to have a different approach. I decided that since I could fly that there was absolutely no reason why I couldn't cross a pond without sinking. So I hovered over the pond in an upright position again. This time I placed my foot on the surface of the water without puttting any weight on it. See...that was easy. So I slowly brought out my other foot and also placed it on the surface of the water. I adjusted it so it was perfectly flat on the water.


      I was "standing" on the water. This was cool.

      I then slowly swung my back leg forward and placed it again in front of me on the water. I noticed that my body was getting lower toward the water, so my legs were bending somewhat. But I looked and saw that my feet were still perfectly flat on the surface. I took a couple more steps forward noticing each time that my body was getting lower and lower and my knees bending more and more until I was "walking like a duck" on the water.

      But I felt that since I was able to keep my feet on the surface that I had successfully accomplished the Task.

      Then the dream got weird and went on to me wanting to take off my shirt. Why, oh why does my dream self insist on this--I don't know.

      And I think I lost lucidity a some point shortly after that.
    8. Successful WILD! Trick or Treat and Questions About My Dream Guide

      by , 10-06-2011 at 06:19 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Successful WILD! Trick or Treat and Questions About My Dream Guide (WILD)


      I wake up at 8:24, from a dream about meeting a girl. I spend about 10 minutes writing it down, and lay on my front just to sit and think about the dream for a while. All of a sudden - BAM - I'm hit with a massive wave of vibrations. I of course, decided to go with it - and I decided to try using an AP exit technique. I stayed still, allowing the vibrations to deepen, and started visualising pulling up on a rope, and pulling myself out of my body. The vibrations intensified, and the lowered briefly. I kept going with the visualisation until I really felt myself start to slip out. Infront of my eyes, a hallucination started.

      I saw a CRT computer monitor, perfectly square, with a bunch of symbols on the screen, one was a clown face, then others just squares, spheres, a pyramid. I began to feel the vibrations lower, and the hallucination solidified properly. I asked it - "Who is my dreamguide?" A picture of my cat appeared on the screen. I asked again "Who is my dreamguide?" A picture of the music teacher from the Simpons appeared, an older man with grey hair around the sides. It is possible that I asked again - but I can not remember correctly if I received a reply.

      I decided here to take a chance - I wasn't sure how deep in the dream I was, and I didn't know if I would wake if I tried to move. I threw off my covers and stood up. I could feel my body but I couldn't see - am I awake? My eye mask fell down on my face, and I shifted it, and took it off - my bedroom appeared before me. It was night, I stood in the middle of my room, I looked in the mirror - whoa I look weird, I must be in the dream. I tried to count my fingers but it wasn't working - screw it. I plugged my nose and breathed in and out, I forgot how much fun this was! I used body awareness to stabilise further - centering myself into the dream.

      Oh! The Task of the Month! I faced my bedroom door, "Trick or Treat!" I said, and opened the door. It was just my family room - nothing abnormal and nothing to receive. Damn. I walked up the hallway to my parent's room. "TRICK OR TREAT!" - I reached out and went to slide the door open, and it flew off as though I had kicked it down - awesome! Inside, they are both asleep. Dad rolls over and turns on a lamp next to his bed, and I notice that as the lights come on it becomes day - that saved a bit of effort.

      I walk over and stand next to my mum's side of the bed, Dad rolls over and searches next to his bed. I look at my hands - I needed to shape shift aswell, one of the gods? Zeus. I try and make a large lightning bolt in my hand, but get a blue glow and a few sparks. I don't even know how to shapeshift! I'll just do it later.

      "So who IS my dreamguide?" I ask
      Mum starts talking about something strange - about how when someone is sick, there is an association people make with them within society. She's rummaging through a small box, and I see a pillow with an apple sticker with "Sick - Sam" written on it - probably from my cousin being sick here sometime. Is that what she's talking about? I still don't understand. I end up holding my luggage bag - what dad was searching for over the edge of his bed - my trick or treat gift. I use the texture of the leather on the handle to stabilise while I talk. I didn't look in the bag.
      "Who is my dreamguide?" I ask again.
      "Well, you've been told.. me, cats," my Dad replies
      "Yeah, uh.."
      "Old Man Fudd" - a reference to the Simpsons music teacher - that's not his name.
      "And who else, I can't remember! I can't remember!"

      The dream instantly dissapears as I wake up drawing a sharp gasp.

      The messages in this dream were quite confusing. I'm not sure what to think of it. I've always thought of my cats as highly spiritual beings, but I've never thought of them as helping me with my dreaming. My father isn't my dreamguide, but has led me spiritually throughout my life.

      The music teacher, with greying hair is interesting though. In the last lucid before this, I became lucid after an older man, in a police car yelled out to me 'Isn't this weird, Alex?!' When I think back through my dreams, I can note significance of an older man. He was there when I questioned my dad if I could learn to fly, he was there when I landed from my first power slide, he was there when I met Alex for the second time. I feel that he could play a significant role in my dreams, though I haven't spoken to him more than once. I will continue to find my dream guide, speak to Alex again and find out more about this old man.

      Updated 10-06-2011 at 06:25 AM by 7689

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    9. October Cognac ToTM 10/3/10

      by , 10-05-2011 at 08:15 PM
      Went to sleep at 11:30 PM, 10/3/10
      Melatonin: 5mg
      WBTB 2:30 (feeling groggy)

      Lay down, buzzing SP at what felt like ~10 minutes
      Thinking about Halloween, costume ideas
      After the trip, I find myself in a dark room without lights.

      As I walk around the room I feel like a piece of my brain is missing.
      Something feels different. Suddenly, a feeling overtook me.
      The room takes a different shape, and now I can make out a light switch in the dark. As I approach the light switch, the room begins to distort and twist while I stand still.
      Fearing the worst, I default landscape into my driveway.

      It's night time. A slight breeze tosses and turns my hair. I am walking with my friend down my driveway. As proportion and relativity becomes clear, he is talking to me about my Halloween costume. I am wearing only my swim suit. I don't feel cold, but experience occasional shivers as we walk further down the street. A pillowcase in hand, we make our way to the first house. I decide that I want to be alone, and my friend dissipates from the dreamscape. As soon as the thought had crossed my mind, it had happened so quickly I realized just moments later. I walk up to the door, and it appears to be your average colonial style frame. I start to say "trick or tr-" and the door opens. A middle aged man confronts me, and asks for a trick. The idea of being a god and using a super power pops into my head. I began to remember about the ToTM and grew excited about remembering this task. I decide to be Dionysus because I had never been drunk in a lucid before. Soon a bottle of hennessy in one hand, and a pillowcase in the other had me satisfied. As I conjured the cognac, the man at the door grew weary of my so called "trick" even though I thought it was the coolest thing. He grabbed the cognac, and shut the door on me. I was bewildered. I decided to get angry and open the door, but the handle was no longer there. As I ponder how to retaliate, ideas flooded my mind, but they were cloudy and I could not make any sense of them. I was losing grasp of lucidity, and decided not to fight it.

      The next thing I know, I was awoken by my alarm.
      6:00 AM

      Updated 10-05-2011 at 08:16 PM by 31099 (Added Red Color)

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    10. Trick or Treat! (TOTM) and Advanced Task Fail

      by , 10-05-2011 at 04:47 PM (A Long Strange Trip... into Ashraen's Twisted Psyche)

      I woke up in my bed at the hotel.. only there was a girl in my room (thought it was the maid at first) walking toward my bed. She actually got onto the bed and kissed me on the forehead.. at which point I thought 'this might be a dream,' but I wasn't convinced yet. I looked at the door and noticed some weird, round things mounted on the wall where the light switch should be. They weren't clocks, but they had digital displays.. I tried to make the numbers on the display change.. it worked- lucid.

      I remembered the TOTM was to Trick or Treat, and I figured this would be easy since I was in my room at the hotel. I went outside and knocked on the door 1 room over where my co-worker Chad was staying. When he opened the door, I yelled 'Trick or Treat!' He asked me 'What flavor?' I was confused for a minute, but then I replied 'Chocolate.' He then gave me a bag of chocolate-covered doughnuts that were sitting on his desk.

      After he closed the door, I walked about in the common area between the hotel rooms, munching on my doughnuts (which tasted quite delicious, btw). I decided to try the advanced TOTM, becoming one of the gods. I was going to be Zeus. I started by trying to make myself much bigger than my surroundings (not strictly necessary to complete the task, but it's how I wanted to do it). This scaling is something I have done quite often, but this time I couldn't seem to make it happen.

      After trying for a good bit (probably should have stabilized at this point, but I did not), I just flew up on the rooftop to relax and enjoy the lucidity. The dream faded as I was sitting on high, watching people swim in the hotel pool below.
    11. 9/30/11 Task of the Month Completed - Poseidon and Trick or Treating!

      by , 10-01-2011 at 03:32 AM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      I just took a hour and a half nap, and became lucid!

      I was walking in a large, cold grocery store in the middle of the fruit section. I was holding an orange that was the size of a watermelon. I was debating whether or not it was good enough to buy.

      A girl came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "That orange right there is begging for you to buy it. Why don't you put that orange down, and buy that one?" I looked at the orange she was talking about, and it started moving around.

      The thought that this might be a dream randomly crossed my thoughts. How did I get here? I asked myself. I remembered falling asleep for a nap, and did a reality check to confirm I was dreaming. I was!

      I cleared my mind, and stabilized my dream. My first thought was to do the Task of the Month!

      I decided I wanted to do the advanced task first, and turn into Poseidon. I wanted to be underwater to do that, of course!

      I planned to walk through a wall, and on the other side would be the ocean! I saw a blank wall across from me, and back up. I ran at full speed at it, and BAM! I was in the ocean. I wanted to transform into Poseidon, and I figured the best way to do that was to find him and melt into his body.

      I turned around and expected him to be there. He was there towering over me looking ANGRY. "YOU DO NOT TAKE MY PLACE AS A GOD!" He yelled.

      I ran towards him, jumped and melted into his body. I could feel myself in his body now, controlling him. I was him. Well that was easy... I thought to myself.

      I decided to test out my divine water bending skills. I held out my hands and held them together in front of me. I then separated them, and imagined ALL the water being separating with my hands. The ocean literally split right in half, and there was a long gap in the middle.

      The floor of the gap was made of wet sand. I flew upwards, and let the water fall back down into the giant gap. I concentrated on a big section of water and made it float up and shoot into space. The vividness of it was amazing. I could feel the cold water on my feet.

      I played around with the water a little more, and decided to go trick or treating. I looked down at my body and I was a GIANT. I looked about 15 feet tall, so I decided to shrink down to 4 feet, and look like a kid.

      I flew across the water, while it splashed me in the face. After a minute or so, I saw what I was looking for: an island. This island had Halloween decorations EVERYWHERE and was filled with pumpkins. I landed on it, and it was very crowded. There were kids everywhere

      I blended in with all the kids, and went to the nearest house I could find. The house was dark green, two story's, and had a rather large door. I went up to it and knocked. It opened immediately, and an old lady stared down at me. She smiled.

      "Oh look at how cute you look! You are dressed up as Poseidon? I love that beard! It looks SO real!" she said to me.

      I nodded and held out my hands to see what she would give me.

      "Don't you have a bag to put you candy in?" she asked me.

      I looked down and realized I didn't have a bag! I shaped one out of water, and froze it. I looked back up and she stared at me, horrified.

      "Can I PLEASE have my candy now?" I said. She put a Jolly Rancher into my ice bag, her hand was shaking. Suddenly, fire came shooting out of her hand and my bag melted. She grinned at me, looking evil. I look around and all the kids were gone!

      I quickly made a big wave and smashed it into her house. It collapsed. She grabbed my shoulder, and then
      I woke up. I wanted the dream to continue! I tried to fall back asleep, but couldn't. Maybe I can continue this tonight! Thanks for reading
    12. I become Zeus within a dream and went Trick or Treat

      by , 09-29-2011 at 05:45 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I become Zeus within a dream and went Trick or Treat (WILD)


      I was going with Ana in a car trip. She was going to drive as I felt very tired. It was getting dark, so I got comfortable in my car and tried to fall asleep.

      I found myself in a small town and realized that since I went to sleep in the car, I was dreaming (funny, accepting the reality of a dream, but not realized I went to sleep in a dream) I was in front of a big mountain. Such mountain was filled by houses and stores. I took a small flight to make my dream crystal clear and immediately recalled the ToTM.

      I thought about transforming again into God Phoenix, but I realized that was a Roman God and not a Greek one. I decided to aim for Zeus. I started to visualize lighting bolts sparkling within my hands. Soon, I started to grow. My arms and chest became very muscular and I grew up in size. I suddenly had a huge lighting bolt in my hand. A voice told me I was Zeus and I owned the Master Bolt.

      I figured with the basic done, I needed a costumer, but again, as it was a dream, I really did not care about it. I flew to one of the homes on the mountain and knocked the door requested trick or treat.
      A kid opened the door and gave me a small purple ball. I tasted it. It was like strawberries.

      With both task done, I decided to try to project, but suddenly I felt my dream body moving abruptly.

      I woke up in the car. We had an accident and the dream turned third person. My parents where there and they were talking with my wife. She was freaking out due the accident. I tried to ask her what happened, but she was too nervous to talk.
      A little after, I woke up for real.
    13. Aftermath / Flashback / ToTMs / Epic FA / OOBE

      by , 09-24-2011 at 06:24 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 24, 2011 – 5:15AM (USA Eastern)

      (Note: I drank a full glass of mixed organic tart cherry, pomegranate, and apple juice about an hour before going to bed. Additionally, during WBTB, I drank another half glass of the same, then repeated the following mantra while falling asleep, “Earth, Air, Fire, Water: I will lucid dream tonight.”)

      I awaken on a couch, stark naked, trying to figure out where I'm at. I ask myself, “How much did I drink last night and who ended up taking me home with them?” I rub my eyes for a moment, then look around the room while asking myself, “Where the fuck am I? Why does my head hurt so much? Did someone put something in my drink again? Have I been raped again? God, I hope they at least enjoyed it, because I can't remember anything.” As my eyes start to clear up, the living room triggers a lot of distant memories. This is a place I have been many times before.

      I sit up on the couch while looking around the room, trying to put the pieces together. The familiar medium oak wood paneling on the bottom half of the walls and light floral wall paper, separated by a dark chair rail. The large wooden console TV adds a hint of familiarity, as well as the classic 1970's dishrag color scheme sofa. A familiar canary yellow Western Electric rotary-dial phone is hanging on the wall and I've seen these yellow and pink floral curtains before. The circular textured tan and brown ultra-shag carpet only appears in one place in my memory cells. After a brief moment, I fully realize that I am in my grandmother's old house-trailer and quickly become lucid.

      I look around the living room and kitchen for my grandmother, but she is nowhere to be found. The couch is not comfortable to sleep on, so I pick up my pillow, blanket, dream journal, flashlight and a couple bottles of water, then wander toward the bedrooms to find the spare bed. The master bedroom has a king size bed with 2 people sleeping in it. Strangely, neither of them is my grandmother. The guest bedroom has no bed at all and is packed full of random junk. I go back into the living room and drop everything on the floor, and then say to myself, “Let's try this again.”

      I look at the floor and watch my feet lift off the carpet. I hover slightly off the floor and look toward the bedrooms again. I feel the dream collapsing quickly, so I look back at 'the floor and rub my hands together. My vision is almost completely blacked out, so I slowly close my eyes and yell, “STABILIZE NOW!!!” as loud as I can. I gently open my eyes and see that I am back in the same room and the clarity has improved significantly. Now, I can smell the mold in the air conditioner and the woody smell that the house-trailer always had. My eyes are able to perceive the flickering of the circular fluorescent ceiling light and my ears can detect the soft buzzing from the ballast. The extra plush carpet tickles my feet slightly as I hover just slightly above it.

      I glide my way back to the bedrooms again. This time, the master bedroom is absolutely huge with four king size beds in it that they are all empty. I float through, then turn around and go towards the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom is even bigger than the master bedroom and it has a king size water bed next to a couple of windows. On the opposite wall is a huge sectional sofa with a low table and some lamps. I turn back to the bed and decide that this is where I am going back to sleep at. The water temperature is perfect and its covered with a huge, fluffy blanket. There are several pillows stacked up and it looks really comfortable. The headboard has bookshelves on both sides that are full of antique books and various ornamental items.

      As I stand there looking at the bed, something sparkles in the window. I walk over to the window and see nothing but darkness outside. Deciding that I must see what's on the other side, I try to open the window, but it's stuck. I look around the room for something to break the window with, but there is nothing solid enough. I hold my hand in front of my face and summon a baseball bat. I put my hand down and see a wooden baseball bat leaning in the corner. I pick up the bat and whack the window, knocking a small piece of glass out. Realizing that the glass is going to put up a fight, I draw the bat back behind me and pummel the ever living shit out of the window. After several strikes, the glass gives way and falls out of the window frame.

      I float up and climb out the window. There is a ledge under the windows which connects to a large 3rd floor deck. I hover around for a moment, and then do a nose pinch RC to reassure my lucidity and validate the dream state before I do something stupid, like jumping off a 3rd story ledge. I step to the edge of the ledge, then jump up and fly into the sky. My first thought is that I want to fly as high as I can and see if I can still see the house. I start to fly and the dream starts to fade. I stop and rub my hands together again and stabilize once again.

      Suddenly, I remember the tasks of the month: walk on water and control at least two of the elements. I look down and see a swimming pool. I fly down and hit the water, but sink quickly. I jump out of the pool, and then look to my right to see a couple of DCs hanging some very large balloons on a clothes line. I take a couple of steps toward them and they immediately stop and look at me with a frightened look. I raise my arms into the air and command the air to fill one of the balloons. The balloon quickly inflates and floats upward on the clothes line. As this happens, the DCs eyes get wide as they take a couple of steps back and stare at the balloon, gasping in disbelief. I look at them and say, “What's wrong? Wanna see that again?” I inflate a second balloon, but the others will not take any air because they have large holes in them.

      I jump up and fly past the balloons, then realize that I need to control another element. I turn around in mid-flight and look at the balloons that wouldn't take air. While in flight, I raise my left arm and clench my fist, then point my fist down toward the Earth. When I raise my arm, there is a hole in the Earth and the displaced dirt is floating just above me. While keeping the displaced piece of Earth up with my left hand, I use telekinesis to push the balloons and the clothes line into the hole, and then I bury them with the dirt that I was keeping elevated with my left hand. At this point, both DCs shriek in terror and run away.

      Feeling quite satisfied, I start to fly away, then realize that I should try the pool again. I fly over to the pool and land on the deck by the water's edge. I stare intently at the water for a moment, then take a step onto it. The surface gives way, but I am able to walk about ankle-deep in the water. The water is very squishy and soft, but it supports my weight. As I walk, the water makes a sound similar to that of walking in wet shows. I walk across the pool, then I turn around and raise both arms, commanding the water to solidify. Instantly, the ripples in the water stop moving and the surface takes on a matte finish. I carefully step onto the surface again and it feels sort of like walking on a water bed. The surface feels solid, but it's squishy underneath. I walk across the pool again and step off onto the deck.

      Being thoroughly satisfied with the accomplishments, I decide that I should wake up and write it all in my dream journal. I close my eyes and say, “Wake up! NOW!” I awaken into my bed and reach over to grab my dream journal. I flip open the cover and slide the pen out of the coils. I reach up above my pillow to turn on my flashlight and it won't turn on. I think to myself, “Shit, I must have bumped it last night and the batteries are dead.” I open my eyes and see a dark room. I press the switch on the flashlight again and the circle of light appears on the ceiling, but no light is reflected onto my journal, nor the rest of the room. I look at the flashlight and the bulb looks like a black hole which is sucking in all of the light around it. I press the switch again and the bulb lights up brightly, but there is no light in the room.

      I give myself a nose pinch RC and it passes. Becoming a bit confused now, I look at my left hand and count 7 fingers and a thumb. I say to myself, “Nice! False awakening strikes again, dumbass!” as I become lucid once again. I quickly jump out of bed and turn around to see myself still laying in the bed. I think to myself, “This is very nice, but I don't have time for an OOBE.” I slap myself in the face a couple of times while yelling, “WAKE UP AND WRITE THIS SHIT DOWN BEFORE YOU FORGET IT! ...WAKE UP NOW! ...DO IT! ...DO IT NOW!”

      I wake up in my bed once again and pass both a nose pinch and finger count. I reach over and grab my dream journal, flip it open and slide the pen out of the coils. I reach up and press the switch on the flashlight that is wedged between the mattress and the wall. The flashlight lights up properly and I commence logging this entry.

      (Note: My maternal grandmother passed away about 17 years ago. She was the only relative that would listen to me and what I had to say. She was always interested in having conversations about anything I wanted to talk about. Most of my other aunts and such were not open to hearing anything that a younger person had to say. They would always say things like, “Children should be seen and not heard.” My grandmother was also the only relative that was not obsessed over the fact that I had no interest in girls. My aunts and uncles would always harass me and ask when I was going to get married and start having kids. Needless to say, it was always an enjoyable time to visit with her, and it was a very sad moment when she passed on.)
    14. 3 short LDs

      by , 09-22-2011 at 01:48 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Didn't get much done in them. I had a WILD where was trying to get Thor's hammer again for the TOTM, but I woke up, and then tried for a DEILD, and woke up, and did another one. Key highlights were flying, and being pinned to the bed and not able to do anything =/
      Tags: deild, fild, flying, sp*, totm, wild
      lucid , task of the month
    15. Somewhat-Lucid

      by , 09-19-2011 at 07:16 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was dreaming that I was in a big complex, much like my old favorite boarding school (Talenta). It seems I was doing some sort of missions there, after one was finished I have been assigned to the next one together with a bunch of other people. I was apparently searching for something; I know that some sort of voice explained to me that in this mission, unlike before, everyone could stray through the complex at will to search. At the start of this mission it was day, I saw the complex from the outside a moment, it looked a lot more like my most recent school though.

      Some info: My old boarding school consisted of 2 Buildings which each were constructed out of 2 long blocks, connected through a thinner strand of building. Each of the blocks has one quadratic staircase, where 3 of the 4 sides had a stairway, and the last side was connected to the hallway that led to the rooms.

      I was in the second floor of this connection (unlike in reality, in the dream there were three floors in this connection). I walked around a bit and ended in the top of the stairway of one of the buildings. I went down the complete staircase without touching the stairs, only using the handrail and centrifugal force (I think somewhere at this point my awareness slowly started to rise). I went down a bit too far and nearly went into the basement, which was pretty dark; it also was night after that. I stopped, placed my feet on the floor again and normally walked up the few steps, turned left and went into the connection again. Somewhere at this point I looked out of a window, the scene I saw was a real place of my old boarding school (I think I kind of know what window I looked out of). At that part I also remembered that there should be new educators in this complex and that I should meet the new ones. In the night scene I saw an odd moving Zeppelin, that also looked pretty crazy, it had four arrays of strange constructions, and they were slightly glowing (I can’t describe that thing so I’m not going to try further). I finally came to the thought something was off and did the nose-pinch RC.
      I could breathe through my nose so I became aware that I was in a dream. However upon realizing, the scene drastically changed and I was in a big room with a green, grass like floor. There were a bunch of tables and chairs, and also a bar; however it didn’t resemble a pub at all (as far as I can tell it also was day again). On the green floor was a bunch of different Pokémon (pretty odd because I played some of the games but couldn’t consider myself a fan; I remember I first saw an Eevee and Lugia/Ho-Oh later). I remembered the TotM but there was nothing in my surroundings that I could use. Somehow my vision turned black, I still primarily felt like watching a movie, even though I was pretty much completely aware, “and now someone turned off the screen”. I did a reality check again and tried to get the scene back as I remember it, and the “screen was on” again (it was after that that small forms of Lugia and Ho-Oh appeared to be chased or followed by the others). I got to see a little bit more of the odd scene but woke up very soon after.

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 11:09 AM by 48127

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
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