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    1. Ethan & Aliens

      by , 05-13-2022 at 11:01 PM
      Followed a biologist named Ethan to an alien planet. Him and a group of researchers set up a base of operations to study the native wildlife. There was a slothlike creature that he was creating a 3-D model of (they recorded many different animals and plants). They brought a dog with them and whenever I went near the dog, I started levitating. At some point I asked whether there was something causing me to levitate around the dog or if it was a dream thing. Suddenly all of them looked at me demonically and I got scared and either woke up or got a false awakening.

      This hasn’t happened to me in a while. I think maybe I broke immersion too harshly and spooked myself.

      It was a fun dream though so I decided to go back into it with WILD.

      I reappeared in a futuristic version of Earth in which many years had passed. Everything was tightly controlled and monitored. People weren’t allowed to communicate without a device listening and tracking them. The government kept tabs on everything people said.

      I decided to look for Ethan. After messing around with my phone a bit, but deciding the phone wasn’t worth it because of the tracking, I looked for him in person. I found him in a truck parked in an alleyway, and told him I could break him out.

      He didn’t want to be freed, though. He was worried about the government catching him. Turns out they were following me anyway. They already knew.

      So (in my dream dragon form) I grabbed him and flew out of the building.

      Outside, there was a shore and what looked like ocean. I started flying over the water in a random direction until I saw some land. An escape, I thought.

      I thought we were making it out, but then I realized they had cows on a boat heading in that direction. We were heading straight for a slaughterhouse.

      I realized in that moment that there was nothing out here. The whole world head been reduced to this one island and section of ocean.

      I was still being followed and they were laughing their butts off at the fact I was going straight for the slaughterhouse. I turned back and was captured. I didn’t want anything to do with the void beyond the ocean, so I just let them take me back.

      I then journaled this dream inside the dream and then woke at 5:09 AM real time (checked clock).

      I went back to sleep and re-entered the dream again, back to being caught.

      I don’t think much happened but they brought me back inside and seemed like they weren’t sure what to do with me. They knew what I was and that I wouldn’t be here long. Eventually I woke up again to 7:00 alarm.

      Updated 03-13-2023 at 01:43 AM by 99032

      Tags: aliens, dragon, ethan
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Place of Right

      by , 05-13-2022 at 03:29 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      I seem to be staying with a large group of people in a sort of vacation rental house. It’s late night, early morning, and having woken up, I’ve checked on the cats to make sure they’re still here, where they’re supposed to be. (I notice at some point that I’m not wearing pajamas, but an olive green cargo vest over a multicolor shirt, which strikes me as a little odd.) The cats are fine, but it looks like other people are up and about as well – the other young people there seem to be gathering together in an unused room, and there’s an atmosphere of anticipation, as if some spur-of-the-moment plan is being put together. I don’t really feel like going in to see what’s going on, though – I walk past to the bathroom down the hall.

      After that, somebody actually comes along to invite me to join them, and there’s a jump to another location, this one outside, along a street of what seems vaguely like a small city. We’re near an ice cream vendor and his cart, and somebody has apparently managed to get a really good deal on a large quantity of ice cream. The man scoops different kinds out and hands it over to the people who are also out here now. An older man explains to me what’s going on: everybody is planning to travel together to Prague to see the Pablo Neruda museum. (This places the location firmly in Dream-Prague, as no such thing exists there, as far as I know.)

      He has a picture of it, like a newspaper clipping in black and white showing the front of the building, which strikes me as familiar. There are four odd statues out front, roughly human-shaped. One seems to have a head the shape of a crescent moon. The man states that the museum is located in the Place of Right. This confuses me for just a second. Then I tell him that the name would probably be something more like “Law Square” or “Legal Plaza” translated into English. My memories of the place suggest that the association with the law comes from a former era and is not representative of the present-day location, that it’s located near the Mala Strana area (possibly by association with Nerudova Street) or a bit south of that, and that there’s a Gothic tower in the square as well as the museum.

      All of us are in Croatia, and I’m not sure if I feel like traveling all the way to Prague, especially since I visited the museum relatively recently. But it would be an interesting experience in its own right, traveling there with all these people. And maybe they could use someone who knows their way around there. Somebody brings me a cup of ice cream, white with flecks of chocolate or cookies in it. I take it. I don’t really like ice cream that much, especially not first thing in the morning, but it would probably just sit there and melt if I refused.

    3. short lucid

      by , 05-12-2022 at 06:17 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Was climbing on some crazy rocks. Made the mistake of looking down and it was a crazy drop.Started panicking then the dream ended.


      My family came to visit me in canmore... They thought I was gay for some reason. It was extremely uncomfortable.


      Vague split second sex dream...


      Had a power nap. Was in a vague dream and lucid instantly. I was walking in a never ending house. I kept calling and intending to find Jamie. Eventually entered a room that seemed like hers or that her presence had been there. Went down a stairwell which led to another hallway and another stairwell. Randomly ran into some guy from work then I was at a mcdonald's.
      Tags: cliff, jamie
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Friday, February 11

      by , 05-11-2022 at 11:43 PM
      I’m lying with Melissa in our bed. The setting feels exactly similar to our bedroom in real life. It seems like nighttime, though it’s not very dark in here. It’s a dim lighting that’s not suggestive of any particular time. She’s on my left and I reach my hand over to rest it on her lower stomach. There is a slight, firm bump. I ask her what it is and she responds that she’s pregnant. I respond that I’m not ready for that, but she makes it seem like it was planned. Again, I did not think that was the case. There is a sense of helplessness that things will be proceeding in a way that I don’t want and am not ready for.
      Tags: bed, pregnant
    5. Wednesday, February 2

      by , 05-11-2022 at 11:39 PM
      I am with Melissa and Stella in my Subaru, parked somewhere. A police officer? approaches me on the driver’s side. I think he’s in uniform, though it’s a simple one that, to me, indicates a high rank. It also seems like he may not be on duty but is just approaching in a friendly manner because he sees Stella. Stella crawls over me to approach him as well. He has short ginger hair and a calm energy. He extends his hand to her to let her sniff her. This she does, as well as some protective growling and barking. He remains calm and I can tell that she responds positively - she continues some growling but with a wagging tail.
      Tags: police, stella
    6. Thursday, January 27

      by , 05-11-2022 at 11:34 PM
      I am somewhere outside, on a walk. The place looks familiar (from another dream?). I’m coming up a slight hill to a smaller river. I think I usually go to the right but I veer to the left this time. There’s a sense of happiness at doing something new. I also have Stella with me. Some or all of this water is frozen solid and she and I walk on it.

      *I was with Dad yesterday and we were talking about how the pond here froze over.
    7. Wednesday, January 26

      by , 05-11-2022 at 11:31 PM
      I’m in some department store, looking for a new coat. The store seems small, cramped, and dim. It also seems like there are only coats on the racks. There are several people in here, only some wearing a mask. I don’t think I am. I run my hand over a coat that catches my eye and notice it’s $80-90. Thinking that’s a bit much, especially because I think that’s a sale price, I rethink how much I really need a new one. Now I’m in a different store - the outside looks like a CVS and the inside looks like a cross between that and more of a department store. I think I’m with Mom and Makayla. There’s an employee inside the entrance with a handful of masks, but no one in here is wearing one. There is a sense of things being ‘back to normal.’ I think I’ve come here for a pedicure and something else. Now I’m about to enter one more store. Kelli and Carl are with me. It’s the first time I’ve seen them in a while and I’m not sure if they’re going to wear a mask into the store - it feels awkward not to if they’re going to - but none of us do.
      Tags: coat, masks, store
    8. Tuesday, January 18

      by , 05-11-2022 at 07:16 PM
      I am with Melissa in some building. I can’t tell if it seems more like a casino or a huge apartment building. I think we’re trying to go up a floor or two and end up taking a staircase that actually takes us lower. At some point, the staircase opens to an area with half a dozen or more staircases. It seems they’re leading in all different directions. We end up on what must be the ground level and then outside on a sidewalk. I was briefly thinking about what it was like for the architect to design all those staircases in that one space.
      Tags: stairs
    9. Sunday, January 16

      by , 05-11-2022 at 07:11 PM
      I am climbing on some rock formation. It seems really small. I can’t tell how high up I am - it seems like there’s a patch of ground off to the side but like it’s still at a high elevation. Danielle from work is on this ledge. I’m trying to find a good grip and a small chunk of the stone comes loose. I take it and want to pass it to her but she’s just out of reach. I don’t really want to throw it down to the ledge but I gently do and it lands okay.
      Tags: climbing
    10. Tuesday, January 11

      by , 05-11-2022 at 07:10 PM
      I am somewhere, in a kitchen it looks like, and eating what looks like one of the Oreo ball desserts that Melissa makes. I’ve either torn it apart or have only taken a small bite. The thought then crosses my mind that this is an edible, and I start to wonder/worry if I’ve eaten too much. Now, I’m sitting in some unfamiliar living room, in front of a TV. The edible is kicking in; it’s noticeable but not overpowering.
      Tags: edible, kitchen
    11. Wednesday, January 6

      by , 05-11-2022 at 07:09 PM
      I am either at a concert or watching a recording of one. I seem to be extremely close to the small stage, with a point of view a bit taller than I really am. I think it’s the Jerry Garcia Band playing, though I can only see Jerry on the dim stage. He looks like an early 70s Jerry right now and in the next moment he looks like a 90s Jerry. This makes me wonder if this is a recording or some kind of psychedelic experience (i.e. me just hallucinating his earlier appearance). He sings and fumbles with some lyrics but returns to the right words with a grin. He’s now singing Friend of the Devil and does the same thing. Someone in the crowd starts singing the wrong verse - Jerry confidently sings the correct one and then says “nice try.”

      I am in an airport or other large, public place. I need to find a bathroom and end up walking into one (there are no walls or signs or anything). This space is slightly raised and features a dozen or more circular booth tables. Walking closer, I see that they are not tables but an almost full circle or urinals. There are so many of them and it’s so empty in here that it's almost both peaceful and overwhelming. I pick one that seems to be slightly off to the side in case someone else shows up.

      I am getting on a bus. The driver, a lady with a perfectly relaxed and peaceful energy, stops me on the way in to give me what looks like a stamp or a blotter. She has a small stack of them and picks one out for me. It features a tiny psychedelic design, what looks like space or just a stellar design. This bus is smaller and has been converted. Melissa is with me and we sit on its floor, against some pillows. The energy here is also incredibly peaceful and relaxed.
    12. Trouble with Dream Control

      by , 05-11-2022 at 01:12 AM
      Another lucid, another entry.

      I awoke in the middle of the night. Usually, I go about it by getting out of my bed, maybe drinking some water, and going back to bed to do the attempt. This time though, I didn't really feel like doing all of that. I decided to try something new. I'm sure you've felt very drowsy after waking up; so drowsy that you can barely open your eyes and have to try really hard to do so. I was in this state. I resolved to at least fully open my eyes, since I wasn't going to get up. Turns out, that was the perfect amount of awareness I needed. The moment my eyes were fully open, I laid down and closed them again. I did my relaxation breaths, and began saying my mantra. Almost immediately, I was going into a dream. If you guys have ever seen the new Moon Knight show, then the transition from wakefulness to dreaming was like when the main character blacks out.

      The dream, like the last 7, was less than ideal. After I got up, it was so real that I had to check to see if I was dreaming. I kicked a nearby radiator, and I didn't feel any pain. Right now I'm unable to describe it well. It was vivid, but also not vivid. I still did not feel like I was fully in the dream world, but the dream world itself was clear.

      So, I recalled back to when I kept reading these stories where people just shout "Stabilize" or something like that and it works. I thought stabilization was based on sensory input so I wasn't really sure it would work, but I was open to the possibility since anything is possible within a dream. So, last night, I tried something similar. I said, "Ok, Dream. When I snap my fingers, I want you to stabilize. I want this dream to be as clear and as Vivid as possible, OK? 3,2,1..." I snapped, and nothing changed. I snapped again, and still nothing. The dream ended shorty thereafter.

      For reasons I don't think I've made clear here, I think i'm rushing. It used to be because I was racing to try and stabilize the dream before it ended, of course to no avail. I'm rushing now because I just want to get it over with so I can do cool things in my dream. I've got to take it much slower than I am, I think.

      Still, it is kind of frustrating. I have problems with dream control despite believing in myself. I thought that was all you needed. Even once I got past the stabilization hurdle, I want to summon something, but I've never been able to do it. I've controlled the dream before. In a lucid a while back, I was flying. After I landed, I couldn't summon anything. In my first lucid ever, I tried to summon something but again, nothing worked. It seems like that action in particular is where I'm having problems, but to be fair, I haven't tried much else. The only other thing is stabilization, but is that dream control or just stimulating my senses? I guess now that I think of it, I don't really know what it means to stabilize. I guess it means to stimulate as many senses as possible to boost your presence in the dream.

      Well in any case, commanding the dream to stabilize didn't work last night, so I guess I'll try touching stuff and rubbing my hands together. Maybe I'll stretch or spin around. I wonder if exercise works. Anyway, after that, I'll try and find a dream character so I can talk to my subconscious about where my mental block is. Maybe then I can finally get some dream control. I should probably take my time too; maybe then I'll actually get a dream that lasts longer than 2 minutes.

      I think I have to treat this as the beginning of my journey. I'm getting frustrated because I've been at this for years now, but It's only the last 3 months where I've actually learned anything. It was then that WILD finally clicked for me, and I was able to use it to get consistent Lucid dreams. Maybe acting as if I only started learning how to lucid dream 3 months ago will help reduce frustration.

      **As for the blue guy that showed up to make me lucid a couple weeks ago, (I named him Azure) He has yet to appear since then. Sad

      Updated 05-11-2022 at 01:17 AM by 96394

    13. ccclxxxiv. Space dread, foreign land, art/drawing class

      by , 05-09-2022 at 06:37 PM
      2022 May 8th


      Something like NMS. Flying through space in a system of a few planets. There's a Dyson sphere surface (like in FL before entry) and there's a planet which just seems to be melding or embedded with the sphere surface (which in itself appears impossibly flat). Something feels slightly trippy as I start to warp towards this planet.

      (recall gap)

      Border control place, at an Arabic-looking kind of building. Some kind of ID is needed to enter this place, which is an unspecified foreign country.

      (recall gap)

      Then I'm in a drawing class. Feels like college but with a mix of university too. There are photocopies of classical Roman-themed drawings which are sitting upright on a conveyor system and going around the classroom. I'm late to the class and don't get a brief and such. I start trying to draw based on one drawing of a gladiator down on the floor, the composition is focused on his head, wearing one of those brass helms. (Like in Jean-Leon Gerome's "Pollice Verso")

      I get about halfway through drawing this with a BIC pen and then somebody takes away the reference drawing I was using. I get annoyed by this and I try to simply wait to get it back and make attempts on my own to continue my drawing but it seems like it's not going to happen. I try to ask my tutor V for help but this doesn't go so well because he's trying to talk and me and others keep interrupting him and he forgets where he was with it, so he never really finishes circling around to any of us.

      Then the class is ending and my drawing remains unfinished, even though I'd been trying to make do without the reference. As people are leaving, someone takes the drawing I was working on, though I don't realise at first. When I do realise, I get annoyed and a bit frustrated by how everything was going.

      I just can't find the drawing anywhere and assume someone stole it. V and JC were waiting for me to finish looking because V was offering to give us a ride home and now they've been waiting a bit too long and just leave without me. It's now night time outside and there are other people around, so I am unable to distinguish who they are or where they went, in the dark.

      At this point I try to reverse time, without much fine control over how much time to reverse. The dream ends after a failed attempt where I reverted time too much, I think.


      - The main "trippy" thing about what was going on in the first segment was more or less what I could only ever describe as a feeling of dread when I first played some games like FL and when I experimented with placing planets and objects in such ways that the effect was so unnatural and which meant that when physically navigating these instances in a ship created a feeling very much like a fear of unknown and a sensation like falling. I can't really describe the effect on me too well because it has always felt particularly unique and I've never heard any special term for it, so weak comparisons are the best I can do.

      - I haven't thought much at all about something like the mentioned gladiator's painting for quite some time, though it is definitely amongst my favourites in paintings of such styles. The closest thing I can think of right now that has any associative resemblance would be thinking of a hairstyle for a character for H.
      -- The other aspect of this in the segment, is that the drawn reference of the gladiator that I was looking at was exceptionally well drawn and originally in graphite. The dead gladiator's expression was that of shock, looking sideways to his right, which relative to the position of his head would be "up". The point of view was at eye level to the dead gladiator and there was a fracture or some other kind of damage to the helmet. I distinctly recall there being chainmail under his helm.

      - The whole atmosphere to the drawing/college segment was one of a transitional phase, much like university actually had been. There was some dedication on my part but I was still not "in tune" with all of it. Although I do not recall exactly the quality of my own work too much in this segment, it wasn't too far off the original drawing I was looking at for reference. Symbolically, as this had the feel of a transitional phase and there are aspects of hindrances and frustrations, this is likely related to some of my current issues, which are not with some external factor this time but with an internal one, since it reflects the seriousness I want to put in while also reflecting something of myself to be lacking, with regards to having the required drive to push myself along where I want to go. (I am not feeling able to adequately express the sentiment of the relevance of this to myself right now)

      - Again this dream shows a strong symbolic element relating to three principles; individuality, group and collective, which seem to be strongly recurring elements at present, or perhaps my mind is much more focused on noticing this type of recurring element lately.
    14. My dream map: 4th edition

      by , 05-09-2022 at 01:33 PM
      anyone every experiance this?-mydreammap4.jpg

      Explanation: A dream map is an interconnecting map detailing places you've been to or seen in your dreams, lucid or not. If a line connects two places, they are connected, if not they are not. Question marks depict a recall gap. I got the idea for a dream map from a certain thread on Uboachan's yume board. It's very fun seeing how your dreams connect to one another and helps you remember the landscapes so you may go back to them later and explore more.

      The first through third editions of my dream map are nothing special. So I'm starting here on the most recent fourth.
      lucid , non-lucid
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails anyone every experiance this?-mydreammap4.jpg  
    15. ccclxxxiii. Mid-level questing and guild participation

      by , 05-09-2022 at 11:38 AM
      2022 May 7th


      I'm on WoW, I'm playing as a human paladin, by the gear probably level 30ish. Model is vanilla style. I'm with a female caster, a night elf or a human, I think it changes. We're part of the same guild, one which I just joined very recently and we're doing a quest together. This is an alt for her, but this is a main for me. She has a mechanical squirrel mount. She's the same level or a bit higher and her character seems more life-like and "flowing" in terms of animations.

      There's another player nearby from the guild who is at max level. The quest me and the caster are doing requires killing an NPC that is scripted to put a certain buff on us, but I kill the NPC too fast at first. I think I apologise and get the feeling she may be annoyed by the fact I killed it too fast. A random player of a similar level appears and joins us for the quest. We do the thing properly this time and then this player leaves us again. Neither of us lost much health and I sufficiently use a holy light rank one to heal her. I think about how I wish I had flash of light.

      She quickly goes to duel the max level guildie nearby and gets very low HP, so I use some current-rank holy light casts on her. I think she's amused by all of this. She says she's spoken to management and I've been cleared (DRG intrusion) for "dungeon proc ID". I'm not sure what this means but can guess, I tell her. She tells me that she can see the raw data and where ores/herbs spawn and such like.

      Earlier. I'm with other guild members in a large communal bed thing, about seven of us I think? We're all supposedly trying to sleep. And at the foot-end of the bed there's player information, like there would be in the guild roster, but physical. I'm next to all the other paladins, I see, and many of whom are level 70, max level I think. I'm a noob in the guild. The guild has been around for seven years, I think to myself, and then I spot this paladin who's been here for five years and several months, being one of the oldest members who's still around.

      Even earlier. Something about an adventure and a town on water and natives or something. (Was not interested enough to write down recall and too tired.)


      Another WoW dream. Something about being a rogue. I'm in a forest not unlike Feralas and there are tall mountain sides near where I am. Again, something to do with a guild and a quest. I remember looking through or into a tree trunk of a large tree?


      - These dreams have two primary meanings that I'm seeing currently; one part is a sense of nostalgia for what playing the game was like, while the other part is the currently recurring collective aspect to my dreams lately.

      (Need to make further notes on this but am unable to concentrate enough at present)

      Updated 05-09-2022 at 06:56 PM by 95293

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment