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    1. Escorting Someone Home

      by , 12-09-2014 at 09:55 PM
      This one's from December 05, 2014:

      On several planes, taking someone's bf back to her to Hawaii. Passed through my home city at one point and kept going anyway. Ate food samples in airport (everyone was selling food, like kiosks of food at every stop). The couple had a baby I think, and I knew them from a forum. The bf was supposed to be away temporarily (went to visit parents or something like that), but he decided to stay longer and just mess around. At one point he turned blind for some reason, and fell down the plane stairs. (Like the seating of the plane was like theatre seating). I ended up giving him a smoothie to fix him.
    2. Plane and Bus Disasters

      by , 12-09-2014 at 06:09 PM
      Morning of December 9, 2014. Tuesday.

      I had a typical semi-lucid “make everything crash and explode” dream of much the same nature as from childhood, though the childhood dreams mostly related to deliberately making cars slide around on a highway and crash into each other. Normally, I am never directly focused on the humanity involved in such disasters.

      In the first part, from a distance, I deliberately (with telekinesis) cause a 747 to lose altitude and crash into the middle of a city (I guess influence from “The Medusa Touch” movie from 1978 never wore off). From there, I teleport to the location and then cause parts of the still-exploding-and-burning plane to hit a specific bus and then guide certain pieces of that bus (starting with the separated bottom, sides, and roof), to fly a fair distance through the streets of a residential neighborhood to wreak additional havoc. I have no concern of being hit by flying, exploding, and burning pieces even though they are fairly close to me at times. I feel much younger and am fast on my feet.

      Later on, there is a scene with several unknown people, mostly males. One has what seems first like a toy flintlock pistol. Over time, after seeming mostly toy-like, I then have a closer look at it and it seems to be a real rifle in some ways, appearing much larger. I take aim with it in a realistically rendered manner but eventually give it back to the other male. It still seems somewhat distorted (toy-like) and with foil-covered plastic parts, including the hammer and trigger. Another unknown male on the other side of the street seems to be communicating particular sentences with me with facial expressions alone, though I do not recall any ideas from the “conversation”.

      In an earlier dream, I am reading some sort of Internet-like screen, though it seems to be something different than the Internet. Apparently, it is some sort of forum-like communication but more indirect to where postal mail or something similar is implemented. An unknown female “talks” of a friend’s dream (with hand-printed writing) that featured a window and then asks what a window means in dreams.

      I write a long paragraph of what windows (when as a dominant feature or main focus) in dreams have meant for me. I explain how a window can represent a portal between different levels of consciousness or focused awareness. I reflect on one dream where I seemed to be “stuck” in a window, half in and half out, and was semi-lucid at the same time, but in an uncomfortable frame of mind, both unable to wake when I wanted yet unable to enter back into deeper sleep. In another dream I had crawled through a window and became far more lucid than I had been prior to that - a lucidity more defined than some waking states. I relate how looking through a window in some dreams seems akin to watching television in reality. Finally, in a dream from childhood, having jumped from a bridge (while pursued by a brontosaurus), I landed on a window, breaking it, thus “breaking” my dream (I could no longer look up and back into the previous dream scene and see any sign of the brontosaurus) and setting about the waking process by then picking parts of the “broken dream” out of my feet and path.

      At any rate, my hand-printed message, in ink, takes up about half a page. There are other things on the paper, which look to be similar to an order form or application of some kind. I plan to scan it and then send the scan digitally, I think.

      Updated 12-01-2015 at 04:37 PM by 1390

      Tags: airplane, bus
    3. The Plane Crash

      by , 11-14-2014 at 06:12 PM
      non-dream dream lucid

      Had that nap, practiced SSILD cycles, had a really vivid dream that could've turned into a LD if I'da noticed a few things.
      Went to bed around 8:30 or so, woke up around 11:45 or so?

      Dream fragments:
      Looking at Twitch, Twitch not working, Looking at Youtube, youtube kinda works and I learned of a gaming marathon. This was being advertised by some guy who had >1m subs on youtube. I think this is what I was doing on the airplane.

      The Plane Crash
      Recall rating: 9

      I'm in some huge airliner. I don't even know how I got here.
      I'm on my laptop though. Pretty soon after I need to go to the bathroom, so I start looking around.
      Eventually I find the area where they do laundry (I'm not sure they do laundry on planes, but they do here). There's some DC with me, and we start looking at these washing machines.

      I'm in a medium sized white room with pinkish coloring. There's two rather large white machines in front of me with green pipes heading into them. Looking at the pipes I notice a yellow ring around the green pipe. The green pipe is also really wrinkled, as if it's just a green cloth covering it.

      I look at it whirr for a few minutes before wondering how the machines are loaded. I then notice a passageway around the machines. I walk towards it, noticing that the passageway has quite a few steps in it. The floor at the bottom is a bit more dank than above. I then notice the fronts of the machines, which looked a gigantic front-load washer and dryer. I notice they both have windows.

      I look through the windows, and next thing I know I'm on a huge white disk with a gap near the edges. I look around and above are some twisting pipes.
      Next thing I know after that I'm looking at the machines again, and some of the backs are gone, revealing a huge window where you can see a huge tank of water with clothes in it. It's actually pretty blue water and you can see out the window the other side through it.

      The DC that was there told me that it could withstand the plane doing loops without any malfunctions.

      After that, I walk out, and I look around. It's like a mix between a house and an airplane. Drywall walls and ceiling bits, but it's obviously a plane! I want to get to the staff area cause I didn't know how I got here. So I find the stairs to the next floor, near a row of seats. The stairs have the same dry walls (with a window on the landing), and gray carpet floors.

      All of a sudden I hear a loud sequence of beeps from the PA system. It was 5 repeats of a 5 beep sequence. After that it said "Please return to your seats and fasten yourselves in. This thread has been hidden from view." in a deep woman's voice, almost robotic though.

      I immediately start running back towards the bathroom/laundry room. Once I get there I hesitate going in because the machines will be all over the place.

      So now I'm in the corner between the stairs and the laundry/bath entrance. That's when I hear a muffled explosion from somewhere in the plane, and feel a hard rumble. I bolt for the stairs, but the plane starts rotating slowly (almost ominously) and before long those stairs aren't stairs anymore.

      I grab hold of the railing of the stairs. I then look out a window while holding on (I guess I changed position?) and I can't see anything, just sky. Before long though I see an airfield start rotating into view. You can also see some woods surrounding it. We're really up high above the air strip so I don't know how they'd land it. At this point it's quite obvious that we're out of control, and if we're not lucky we're smashing into that airfield.

      We continue rotating, now starting to dive while rotating, and we can see the field in more detail. There's a black airstrip with gray markings. I have loads of anxiety from this, quite understandably. I was breathing quite heavily. Miraculously the pilot manages to stop the rotating and begins to level the plane out, but there's too much vertical velocity and we smash into the airfield.

      At this point, everything freezes, goes white, and then I
      wake up, thrusting my eyelids open with quite a bit of force.

      I notice I've not moved once, so I try to recall some details about the dream, and then I try to DEILD. Unfortunately it doesn't work as I'd opened my eyes already.

      I give up and start writing this.


      "beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, beepbeepbeepbeepbeep, Please return to your seats and fasten yourselves in. This thread has been hidden from view."

      Updated 11-14-2014 at 06:28 PM by 24562

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Physics Exam

      by , 10-20-2014 at 12:10 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1: I am running to my final exam up a hill through huge doors into the physics department. Then I run down some hills jumping like crazing yelling info about the exam to people behind me (cheating). I'm not doing well but I don't seem to care. So much more buy I dont remember - I think my dad was there too.

      Dream 2: I am in an airplane.

      Dream 3: I am driving to work for the big layoff meeting.

      Dream 4: My bowling alley has an incredible daycare facility.
    5. 10-5-14 "You're the epitome of idiocy."

      by , 10-09-2014 at 05:44 PM
      There was this huge mansion where all the lamps were alive and worked as household servants. The color of their lampshades determined their status in the household. The darker the color, the higher the position. One had a light-blue-colored shade, and she found a big tub full of black dye. Needless to say, she was soon very important.

      A highbrow British terrorist hijacked an airplane and threw the pilot overboard. As he flew away, he muttered under his breath, "Who did that guy think he was? You, sir, are the epitome of idiocy".
    6. “Domino” Explosions

      by , 07-16-2014 at 12:16 PM
      Morning of July 16, 2014. Wednesday.

      Zsuzsanna and our family and I appear to be living on Barolin Street though it seems more like my Cubitis bedroom inside at one point. There is no fence as on Barolin Street and the house is much closer to the road (Highway Seventeen) than the Cubitis house was, so it is an interesting new composite as is usually the case.

      I have this unusual heightened sense of mortality for some reason, especially at one point where I am lying on the bed near the windows. It seems to relate to our bedroom’s closeness to the main road and the steady traffic. However, it also seems to relate to airplanes that fly over now and then. This dream soon seems to be directly influenced and “scripted” by noises outside, including at least two low-flying airplanes.

      The airplane in my dream is flying south (assuming Cubitis - but north if assuming Barolin Street). It is fairly loud and seems to land in an area of town I cannot fully see as it moves down behind the buildings, though it does not seem to be landing in the right area. I hold the anticipatory impression that there will be a crash landing. Even though it is likely in the distance, perhaps two to four miles away, there is an explosion that affects all of the cars on the road just outside, which are also all going south, the explosion’s repercussions being like some sort of domino effect. It is unusual in that the airplane’s explosion seems to mildly threaten our house with debris or fire even though it is supposedly far away. Not only that, each and every car’s engine explodes very quickly and smoothy in a series (south to north) and yet not a single person is hurt. They just get out of their car and look around. Of course, they cannot drive their car anymore at this point. Only the one part of the front of the car looks a bit damaged or different, in some cases, only larger and more squarish.

      This scene repeats a little later but this time with a little more detail. It is almost as if this happens on a regular basis since we seem to know what to do in going into a different room in the house for a short time. After the explosions, I look outside and see all the people standing near the cars (all on the right side) and very similar minor damage to each front, all cars in an even row, equidistant, and all similar models. After I wake, I hear an airplane flying overhead after a short time in reality, thus there is not much to this dream other than RAS mediation triggered by real low-flying airplanes - even though it would otherwise be typical autosymbolism related to vestibular system ambiguity, which is why I also typically “expect crash landings” in the dream state regarding subliminal associations with the usual waking start or falling sensation as such. Additionally, the people on the right of their car relates to waking symbolism most often being to the right.

    7. Airplanes // Cuddles // Little boy

      by , 07-06-2014 at 03:31 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      (catching up on a few days' worth of Dream Journal entrees... so they're not too detailed)

      July 03, 2014


      I remember taking about 6 rides in an airplane from one place to another. I don't remember much about the landscape or even what I did during the flights... I think I was the co-pilot for at least half of them.


      I was at an old friend's place. I've known him since middle school. My roommate was also there, for part of the time, and maybe one or two other people. We were all watching a movie, or something... I was sitting next to him on the couch, and I remember that a few people left, and then it was us two, and my roommate left. I leaned on his shoulder, and he put his arm around me, and suddenly we were snuggling up to each other like it was totally natural. We cuddled for a while, and would have done other things if Kristin wasn't there... He whispered in my ear that I should text him when we left.

      Then, when we did leave, I was standing outside with her as we waited for our ride (I think it was her boyfriend, but I'm not sure) and I texted my friend, "Sooo... should I come back in?" And I was horny as fuck, man. He texted me back: "Yesssss."

      But I woke up as I was climbing the stairs to his room.

      Little Boy

      There was a little boy living at my house. That's all I remember, haha!
    8. 7/1/14 - airplane cartoon

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:41 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking in a sloppy line and there are teachers keeping us in line as we walk next to this blue and red airplane. The other people in this line are kids, they look like 5th graders, but I'm a cartoon character, like a cross between sonic the hedgehog and marvin the marshian. I'm shorter than all of them, I'm touching the airplane and I shouldn't but I feel the need to disobey, then my grandma runs through the line to get to me to try and catch me, but it was too late because I touched the airplane again and an engine burst on at full speed and I flew into the air, then I landed on the other side of the plane and my grandma was there waiting for me, we get into a different line that leads into a school cafeteria, their are middle schoolers in there. She tells me I shouldn't be wearing sandles to go in there so she makes me run around the corner to get some vans slip-ons to grow up or something but then a grab a old crappy razor scooter to ride around the corner and she tries to stop me but i'm faster, then I come back with different shoes and a new scooter. Then the line moves enough for us to be inside, and once into the door the temperature changes the sound changes and my scooter is gone and now I look like I'm in middle school too. I see that we;'re in line for the salad bar type thing in the cafeteria, I look to the roll out tables and see they're all full but it doesn't bother me. I grab a plate and think to myself that I have no appetite right now, but the line move more and I see apple crisp stuff and decide to get some, my sister is on the other side and says she got the rest of the apple pie, I tell her it's alright and that I like the crisp part of the apple crisp better anyways and put some on my plate, then I look up and see this girl watching me and I get nervous and try to get away and get my sister and grandma to hurry up.
    9. Early April 2014

      by , 04-20-2014 at 03:13 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The last few nights I have dreams of planes crashing.

      Date unknown - The first dream I was on the plane that was crashing. It was a small passenger plane, with about 6 or 7 other people, that was trying to ascend over a mountain after take off. I knew there was going to be trouble because the aircraft tilted heavily to the left as it left the pavement. The plane struggled but it did not make it over the steep mountain and crashed near the top.

      Date unknown - In the second plane crash dream I can't remember the plot but I remember looking out a large window in an old Victorian style building that overlooked a large modern city and towards a river. It was night time and as I gazed out the window a large passenger plane fell out of the sky and crash landed nose first, where I could see it in the distance. It caused a huge explosion not of fire but of light and it illuminated the whole sky before it faded and everything went dark again.

      April 20th - I don't remember the subject of the dream I had last night but one image stayed with me when I woke up: I am looking down on a wooden coffin. It is open and inside lays a deceased woman wrapped tightly in a white shroud so that only her face is visible. Her body from head to toe is covered in brightly colored flowers of all sorts. The flowers around her head are arranged to look like a halo and the flower over her heart is a large sunflower. She looks peaceful and her pale skin contrasts the bright lively flowers all around her.

      Updated 04-20-2014 at 03:16 PM by 6048

    10. Seaside flight and a giant tk maxx

      by , 04-10-2014 at 06:13 PM
      I am in a small commercial jet plane, with members of my family, and we are flying over norfolk, from west to east. It is a lovely summers day as we fly low over the shoreline.

      I don't see any Seals in the water but i turn to my niece Nelly and say "look out for the Seals" at which point the sea then gets the occasional Dog swimming in it, sometimes with its owners, often without.

      I then spot a hippopotamus in the water, then another, and another, of which i point out to my niece again. And then all of a sudden we see Polar Bears in the shallows, white to begin with, but then the colour degenerates to a dirty brown colour, but there are quite a few Polar Bears in the water.

      Suddenly my niece shouts "look, Pigs!" and sure enough, in the shallows are pigs wallowing in the sea water, several of them. And their all dark brown pigs.

      The place suddenly begins to bank left and plunges down towards the sea, but narrowly missing it as the plane rears back up again. As this happened i could feel my stomach being pulled backwards, like it does on a rollercoaster or, quite fittingly, on a place which is pulling some trick moves in mid air, the acceleration seemed tremendous.

      I then wake up, no recollection at all, then halfway to walking to the bathroom this plane dream came flooding back to me, and shortly afterwards when i sat on my bed i breifly recallled another dream, less intense but still interesting to a degree.

      It appears i am in Norwich on a shopping trip, nowt unusual, happens all the time.

      Wherever i am i have a very good vantage point of the city, i can see over it for miles, but one building really stands out, a massive abstractly coloured red and black building, which is apparently TK Maxx, and for some reason i want to go there but i am unsure which roads to take. I can see quite a few roads leading off into teh distance but i am very unsure which one to take, but internally i decide to use my iphones satnav to guide me.

      Interesting I say? well yes, because it appears i am viewing this dream through some kind of Instagram filter, X-Pro, giving my dream the feel of a cross processed look, which used to be a photography thing back in the day of 35mm film, we processed c41 film in E-6 chemicals, or vice versa, to make the colours a bit more funkier, now all you need to do to get that look is swipe a touchscreen on a mobile phone.

      Interested if anyone else experiences colour shifts in dreams, this happens a fair bit to me, i sometimes even see monochrome in my colour dreams. As a side note, i have had a camera in my hand since the 80s so maybe thats why i dream like this?

      Oh, and i never have and never will shop in tk maxx, i just dont like their stores, too cluttered and confusing.
    11. Competition #17, Night 6 & 10 Party, Teleport, Cosmos, Side Show

      by , 03-17-2014 at 07:11 PM
      Night 10 (3/17/14) WRRW MILD woke me at end of first 90 minute cycle - unusually early awakening for me and dream content was MILD related false lucid where I was affecting the dream content with MILD-like thoughts. Odd one. WRRW=Wake, Recall, Re-enter, Write. Three minor dream signs show up in next dream recorded before WBTB: truck, grocery store, police(thoughts of only).

      DILD: I am in a version of what is closest to M. Blvd but 2 levels. I am making more bubbles (kids bubble bottle with bubble wand inside) and something on the label of the bubble bottle seems to tell me that you can dilute the solution up to 50% and not affect the quality, so I add water. I hear a baby crying (minor dream sign) and look out the window and I can see that the neighbor's window is open and the sound seems to be coming from there. I then see a ~1 year old boy playing in the back yard, newly walking and looks somewhat like boys of my family, even myself or son. Inside our house some lady that is at our medium-sized gathering/party blows some bubbles that apparently land on an antique television that is up against the wall and a small fire starts. I run over and unplug the tv and blow out the fire. I say that these old appliances are dangerous. I go to make a label for the new bubble solution that I apparently put in a pill bottle and am looking for a marker write directly on the bottle but it is writing too light. I then decide to use post-it's and I notice writing already on the top post-it note and then the next 3 or 4. Something feels off. I think "wait a minute (my father-in-law) is here, this must be a dream." I don't remember seeing him or thinking about him during this dream before this point. I am still in a bit of disbelief due to how wrapped up I had been in this scenario up until this point. I look over to my wife kind of testing her reaction "hey your Dad is here, this must be a dream" and she looks at me like he is supposed to be here and with a "what are you going on about" look. Nope, this is definitely a dream, he passed away. I head over towards the living room and I see one of my son's college friends "E" and I take a lengthy detour but it doesn't derail me! I give her that look like "you know you want it too" and we start going at it. A good test to my lucidity is approaching. It is my son and a friend coming down the stairs and I think to myself, no worries, this is just a dream and I continue.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      along with kissing while being careful not to get too lost in all of it. It is so realistic, the sensations are amazing. I decide it is time to move on and I fly up and phase straight through the ceiling/2nd story/roof as if it wasn't even there. I see a body of water and decide it would be fun to swoop down and do a little partial dip into the water still 'naked as a jaybird.' I then fly back up and hover above the water. I think about my 3 step tasks for the competition and still need to do steps 2 & 3 so I do a closed eye teleport (step 2) to space! Awesome!! I went from a daylight scene over the water to immediately being in dark outer space!! I think about step 3, mass telekinesis and something that I have been wanting to do for a while, moving a planet! I looked over to a grayish planet (the vividness of the dream was somewhat reduced at this point) and I am beaming with confidence and moved the planet what looked like a meter or so...but I am guessing it was what must have been the equivalent of thousands of kilometers considering the distance that I must have been from the planet which took up maybe 5-10% of the area immediately visible (without looking around)...but definitely larger than the typical moon display from Earth. While floating there excited over my success and considering what I want to do next
      I feel myself fading back to bed quickly. I try to DEILD but I only get minor vibrations and just lay there smiling and recalling all that just happened and how the dream started. The part before becoming lucid took some effort to bring it all back.

      Night 6 (3/13/14) excerpt/from competition thread: I am flying in an airplane over water and enjoying the view from the cockpit. We get into a cloudy spot and I start to become concerned that I am flying too low as the water didn't look too far down before hitting the clouds so I looked for the altimeter but didn't find it and decided I better start pulling up. The clouds break and we are approaching a large city on the coast with skyscrapers. I feel like I already suspicious of this being an unusual situation and something about the scenario cues me in that I am dreaming. I think it was seeing this sign down below that got me thinking sexually all of the sudden and realizing that I can take action on that feeling in situations like dreaming. Either way I realize that this is a dream and phase through the cockpit and start flying with my dream body in a more gliding way enjoying my new freedom of movement. I swoop down towards the city and i am on the ground on the wrong side of the building. I fly up and over the building and back down to this place that is set up like a carnival side show with DCs all around. There is this woman that is part of the show who is supposedly from Syria with belly dancing like attire and she is getting undressed. It was very realistic and decide to get undressed and join her. I stop and do a quick finger through palm RC but it indicates awake so I float up a little and then continue getting undressed before fading back to bed. I felt I could re-enter the dream but my shoulder was so sore that I just had to move and I could feel my body shake a bit and my muscles become fully functional but I try anyway and eventually have to get up for a while like a 2nd wbtb but mainly to allow myself to get back to sleep later.
    12. 2/15/2014

      by , 02-27-2014 at 05:18 AM

      I was at work but in a barbershop. It was my Friday so I wasn't worried about overtime. Suddenly, I notice it's 8pm and an older woman tells me I'll be staying until 10. I get in my car and call Desirae but see her in the parking lot that looks like the one in Los Lunas High. I ask her if she's stalking me and we start talking. The woman shows up and I saw "You know it's my Friday, right?" she says, "Yeah well we're all working." I get out to go back to work and we see an airline plane. We hear that he won't make it to the runway behind us from that height. The airplane does a backspin but it fails and the plane crashes right after I exclaim that the pilot is an idiot. There is a huge explosion with fire and smoke everywhere around the crash site. I yell at Desirae to get the camera and I run into the bathroom to pee. I notice the toilet water is deep blue and start peeing. When I started peeing in my dream, I was also peeing in the waking world.
    13. Dream fragment of hotel bed bugs and airplanes

      by , 02-26-2014 at 11:42 PM
      Woke up late and had no time to write down my dream, so now I just remember fragments of it.

      I had to go on some sort of trip with someone and the hotel beds were covered with bugs that looked like stink bugs. I had no choice but to sleep in the bed anyways.

      An aircraft of sorts was crash landing and another aircraft came up under it to catch it. They landed safely.
      Tags: airplane, bugs
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 25 Jan: Alternative "Lost"

      by , 01-26-2014 at 12:04 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am in small town, people walking around, going to places and then a loud bang and we see an airplane blowing up in the air and parts of it falling down. One big part of it falls at the end of the street I am in and makes many buildings collapse. Me and other people start running the opposite direction and scream to people coming in our direction to turn back and run for their lives. When I'm almost being hit by debris, I see an entrance to an underground place, maybe a subterranean park and I run down the stairs. There's another lady inside and I tell her to move away from the entrance, which gets blocked with debris. There are some stairs to the right of an elevator. The power is down, so we cannot call the elevator. We try the stairs, but on the next floor they are also blocked with debris. I have an idea, I open the elevator door - it's one of those that you can open by sticking your fingers in the crack between the two and pushing them apart. The elevator is stuck half way on this floor and the top floor is just above us, so I climb through it and bring the lady with me. We open a trap door in the ceiling and find ourselves on a terrace. It's not vey high, just 1 or 2 floors above the ground, probably the upper levels of the car park. There are other persons on it already, close to the edge, looking at the street. Everything below is a chaos, people are confused about what to do, but when they start organizing themselves, a couple of guys with guns decide to take over the decision-making and to rule us. One of them points the gun at me and I instinctively punch him, throwing his gun away, and then kick the other in the croch. Then I grab the gun and the first guy shows intention to fight back so I shoot him in the leg. Still, they attack me and I try to shoot again, this time to kill, but there's no more bullets. So I run and some follow me.
      Soon I realize we're on an island and there's no place to go. I feel that I'm in an alternative version of "Lost" and I even meet some of the characters of the series. When I and some of the others who escaped, get in the jungle, we encounter them and They tell us to follow them. They live in a fortress on a smaller island offshore and we have to swim there, because there's no boat to take us.
    15. Airplane; taking pics; homeless guy;

      , 08-09-2013 at 06:00 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Friday 8/9/13

      Last night bed 12:30 - 9am

      DR 1 - I'm in a sleek airplane. Just like the one on Hawaii 5-0 last night.

      DR 2 - I'm looking at something pretty in a distance, trying to figure out, what it is. I realize it's a small island with it's reflection in calm urban lake surrounding it. Trees on the island are of fall colors. Deep orange, yellow. I'm taking a picture of it with my camera and as I zoom in, I see incredible details. Ground with no grass, fallen branches. I need to zoom out a little to see the island.

      DR 3 - I'm standing in front of my aunties door with a homeless guy. He puts piece of plastic in my shopping bag I'm holding and a piece of broken hockey stick. Those two pieces are of same shape. He asks me to buy him another piece of plastic like that for his foot, coz that one broke.

      He is also drug addict. Person living in there is his mentor. I'm going inside to look for him, but a guy tells me, he is in the hospital for a rehab. He tells me to eavesdrop by my aunties bedroom door. I lean over, but don't like doing it so I leave.

      DR 4 - I'm in a large one story house. Hear some noise, but don't see anything. Few minutes later a young guy comes to my view by the sliding door. he just climed up the dirt hill to the house. He is all bloody, His elbows and knees have dried up blood and some deep scrapes. i bet he took a tumble while hiking. Then two guys are holding up someone between them. He is also battered, I'm thinking they all had some hiking accident. I let them in.

      (I think this was the first dream of the night and there was a lot more after this happening in the house.)

      I'm glad my recall is back up. I'm also going to bed sooner than I used to and that could be a reason as well. Tried the looking at eyelids and saying I'm dreaming like last night, but didn't have any results from that.
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