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    1. Fragment, Cute Spanish Boy (Nov 11, 2012)

      by , 11-13-2012 at 11:57 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      Fragment- a girl is making a band video or a video for band. A boy eats of the tip of a big ants head.

      Dream 1- Dream starts off with my family talking about going to an amusement park. My little brother gets in trouble when he says something about scaring my dad in an amusement park. I then remember being in my bed when I look outside and see this cute Spanish boy flirting with this other boy at his door. He is tan and tall with short dark curly hair. They then leave each other and next thing I know the Spanish boy is in the vent above my bed I forget what we say to each other but he was sneaking back into the house because apparently he was living with us. He then disappears from sight.
    2. Old friend on the bus home (Nov 9)

      by , 11-10-2012 at 12:17 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      After a bit of this dream I get on the bus to go home and on the bus is a friend of mine who move away about a year ago. I don't remember how our interaction on the bus went but I think that I was overjoyed to see her. Later on the bus ride a few people on the bus begin playing the final parts to our Opener band performance.
      Tags: band, bus, friend, school
    3. Band Games (Oct 13, Oct 14, 2012)

      by , 10-14-2012 at 02:36 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      The marching band and I are outside on the field when Mr Austin tells us that we're all gonna play a game in groups and that we should play with people were not afraid to get comfortable with.

      We then all go inside and get with our groups. I was gonna play with another group but I then play with the drumline so that I could play with the guy that I like.
      Tags: band, dream, love, no lucid
    4. Stage Band (Sep 30, Oct 1, 2012)

      by , 10-06-2012 at 02:12 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am at marching band practice and we are practicing our drill but instead of doing it on a field we are marching to our spots on a stage. There is a page of drill We are stuck on because our bass line keeps running into the snare line. Our instructor than tells us that on the step off we move up one then move backwards to our spot. We try this and it works perfectly. We then march our whole show on stage.

      The dream skips it is nighttime and the drumline is heading outside the school in front of a cafe section where people are. Some of the wind and brass section join us. Before we even perform for the people at the cafe the dream ends.
    5. Weird High School Reunion, and Quitting an Unjust College

      by , 09-30-2012 at 04:48 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was watching something that looked like Pokemon with Jake on the TV in the living room of my house. It was nighttime, and I was gonna try to sleep, so I paused the show. Then, Jake unpaused it. We kept going back and forth like that, until I got irritated and told Jake I was trying to sleep, and that's why I was pausing it.


      I was watching some movie, or was involved in some movie-like situation, where the woman who plays Dr. Cameron on House was a photographer, though she looked like the character she played briefly on How I Met Your Mother, Zooey. Yes, that's right, I was in the band again at my old high school. My old band teacher wanted some photos of apartments made. Apparently, this got done every year. My band teacher really liked her photography for some reason. She was supposed to be taking pictures of apartments for him. He started to look at them, and they were obscure pictures. Like weird pictures of inside the apartments. I remember one being of right outside the apartment, the stairs leading up to it and the sign above the door which read "APARTMENT".

      Well, the band teacher didn't like that. He was looking for pictures of the apartments from a bird's eye view, not this weird abstract stuff. He fired her, and then, someone told her she was going to die at 25. She didn't believe it, since she was 24, but apparently, she did end up dying.

      Leonardo DiCaprio was in there somewhere too, but I'm not sure where he came into play.

      I was going to some high school reunion thing (IWL a couple of weeks ago I went to a brief choir reunion to sing the National Anthem at my old high school's 10 year anniversary, where they named the football stadium). I remember Kayla being there. I put my purse in a locker in the girl's locker room, which, in the dream, was underneath the stadium. Many other people were there as well. The lockers were very tiny, and I didn't have a lock, so I just put my things in a locker in the middle of the wall of tiny lockers and hoped for the best.

      I also saw a girl I knew of in high school and actually met and had classes with in college, Megan H. In IWL, she's very conservative and Christian. In the dream, she was a photographer, and only put on the front of being very conservative and religious, though I seemed to be one of the only ones who could see that. She had apparently gotten in big trouble with the law at some point, like gotten arrested, but I'm not sure why. She still acted like her bubbly, Christian self in the dream, though it seemed almost strained. She came up to me with a smile and started talking to me. She was holding a camera.

      Megan, Kayla, and I all went up into the stadium, which was HUGE and very packed with people who had gone to the high school in the past 10 years. It was nighttime outside. As we were walking, I heard the brass players that were on the field play this one chord, and I got annoyed, because they were going to start playing some silly song that they always played in high school (the brass sections were such goof-offs in high school IWL -_-). They were a few of the brass players that went to high school with me. I remember specifically a trumpet player named Micheal being down there. They were wearing their high school band uniforms.

      We sat down on the far right edge towards the top of the stadium. Megan sat behind me, and I think Kayla as well. Megan started to talk and talk and talk to us. I turned around to listen. She started talking about weaves, and some black guy with, and I quote, "plastic in his hair". A big black girl with a weave and a white V-neck shirt that was sitting next to Megan (who btw is very white haha) turned to her and said "Mmmhmm!" as if she was agreeing. I then turned back around, and everyone around us was quiet and turned around staring at us, as if they were waiting for us to shut up so they could do the National Anthem or something. I felt a little embarrassed at first, but Megan kept obliviously talking, and I just ignored the stares since I had barely said a word; it was all Megan. I then thought about a waking life memory, how the choir alumni had been down there a couple weeks prior doing the National Anthem instead of the band alumni.

      Then, I wanted to check my phone for the time or something, but it was dead. I would hold down the button, but it wouldn't turn on. I had had a feeling it was going to die, since when I had gotten there the battery was so low. I got up to leave during this part for some reason, when everyone was waiting quietly for the National Anthem. I was the only one getting up to leave. I started to go down a stairway that lead to underneath the stadium, but the dance team was under there doing some slow, almost interpretive dance, and then behind them, I saw pom-poms and only a little bit of the cheerleaders. I went down another way.

      I was then back at the lockers, and lots of people were there again. Part of the wall and lockers had been removed, and you could see to the other side of the wall, which was the guy's locker room, I believe. It reminds me now of Minecraft; it looked as if "blocks" had been removed from the wall. I asked someone who did this, and I think they said some Freshman girl did it or something. At any rate, my locker was still there. As I opened it to grab my purse, I hoped no one had stolen anything. I felt the bottom of my purse to see if I could feel everything that was in there. I was especially checking for my wallet. At first, I didn't feel it, but then I did. Thank goodness!

      I checked my phone again, and it was still dead. It came on very briefly, and then died again.

      I was then riding home with Megan's family. Megan's dad was driving. We got into my neighborhood, and he dropped me off at where my street starts so I had to walk a couple houses down to get to my place. I got out, and was holding this blue notebook. Papers and folders were crammed into it and falling out. I was trying to get it all together, when I said to Megan's dad
      "I've been unemployed for 9 months," and I said other things as well, but I can't remember what. We had been talking about how I'd been, I guess.
      He responded with
      "Good morning, Superman." He smiled when he said this.

      I then woke up.


      I was at my college again, but it was like it was mixed with Minecraft. I remember going through some caves, seeing obsidian and torches and some wooden doors. I saw lots of zombies too, and they would change appearance randomly with the light levels. I killed them.

      Then, I was heading out of the cave and onto the campus. A tall, handsome, kind-looking Arab man then approached me. He didn't speak English very well. He offered me a single pink rose, and asked me to walk him to class. He told me his name, but it was something really complicated, so I can't remember it, and couldn't throughout the dream. Anyway, I took his hand, and I walked him to his class. We were walking over blocky, stone Minecraft terrain that was imposed on the campus. It was daytime outside. We talked while we went to his class.

      This happened again too, where he found me standing at another cave entrance, and asked me to walk him to his class. He gave me another single pink rose, and we walked around campus to his class. He was so kind, a very sweet person whom I really enjoyed being around. This time, before we parted, I gave him a big hug. It was so warm and loving, a beautiful embrace. We lingered for a while, just hugging.

      For a little bit, I thought about how JP had been represented in some of my dreams as an Indian or Middle-Eastern man. I then thought that this man was nothing like JP or the character that represented him, and carried on, walking by myself now that the Arab man was gone to class.

      Then, he stopped showing up. I was really upset, because I knew it was because the dean of the school, who looked like my old high school principal, Mr. Nolan, didn't like him because he was Arab, which automatically made him "suspicious", as if he were a terrorist or something. I was absolutely furious. The area I was in at this point was cave-like, and had another, older looking Arab guy around, and some other people as well. I think I asked him where the other guy went. When I asked, I simply referred to him as Ahmed, because I couldn't remember his complicated name. I don't remember what he said, though I already knew what happened. I was going to take action; this was absolutely disgusting and ridiculous.

      I went into the dean's office. Apparently, Mr. Nolan wasn't there that day, and the guy standing in for him looked kind of like an old assistant principal, Mr. Lichens, except for he had a bowl cut and was much skinnier than the real Mr. Lichens. He had the same color hair, red, and glasses though, as the IWL Lichens does. He looked up as I entered. I immediately started to go off. I began by throwing a small object, and yelling, filled with rage, (this isn't word-for-word, but it's as close as I can remember it)
      "I quit this school! You bastards, Ahmed is not a terrorist! He is a nice person who just wants to learn! You're just afraid! Not every Arab is like Osama bin Laden!"
      I'm sure I said some other things too. Lichens lookalike started to look angry the second I started to yell. I stormed out, and he immediately got on the phone with Mr. Nolan, telling him that I just quit the school, which I could hear through the door I had come through. God damn, I was angry. I was so very, very angry. It was so unfair that they did this! I turned around and yelled at the door, hoping he could hear me through it as I could hear him. I think I called them bastards again.

      I was then standing with some people, one I remember being a girl named Melissa that worked at the job I recently quit. She was standing with another girl, apparently her partner. They were so in love, it was so sweet. I hugged Melissa, and she was whispering to me about how happy and in love she was with this other girl. I was very happy for them.

      I was then getting some things out of a cubby in the band room from high school. My tennis shoes were in there. I thought about all the high school band kids there.

      Updated 09-30-2012 at 05:30 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    6. Blind Eye (Sep 19, 2012)

      by , 09-27-2012 at 12:11 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      I was at school with my pet beagle and I was there for some band event. I had something to do and handed her leash to a former band member and left to go do something and when I got back her left eye was bigger, like it would pop out and it was dark green. I asked him what happened to my dog and he avoided the question for awhile but he finally told that when he was practicing he sound his snare drum down and it hit her in the eye.
      We are now back at home and my brother asks what happened to her and I regale him. I then tell her to go to bed, but instead she jumps into the open dishwasher. I almost break out into tears as I try desperately to get her into her cage.
      Tags: band, dog, dream
    7. Dans l'eau (Sep 15, 2012)

      by , 09-16-2012 at 10:51 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      After a day at the fair, me and the band congregate on a beautiful cliff over-looking the ocean which was litt beautifully by the moonlight. It would of been incredibly relaxing had I not remembered this dream. As the band is talking I hear the water becoming agitated and I immidiately grab our drum major and run off to the side where the cliff circles a wall and a gap becomes clear. I get ready to jump it but stop just before because it was too large. I lose my footing and plummet towards the ocean and I know what monsters wait below. I then find myself struggling to escape the dreamworld. My window in RL becomes visible but the dream is still trying to take hold. I feel my bed start to shake me kicking It trying to awaken somebody so that they can come wake me. I finally manage to break free but unable to move as I am now in sleep paralysis for a few minutes until I finally regain control. (this was my first SP encounter)
    8. Band Sleepover Frag, and The Murderer

      by , 09-01-2012 at 04:10 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in marching band again. We were having some sort of sleepover. It was nighttime, and we were in a house. Next to me was this girl that looked like someone who was in band with me in waking life, Nancy. She was a freshman and I was an upperclassman. For whatever reason, I had taken her under my wing, so to speak.

      She asked me to pull a wedgie for her? I said ok, and she leaned forward, exposing the top of her panties. I noticed she was wearing two pairs of underwear, one peachy/skin-toned, and the other a bluish-green.
      "This one?" I asked as I tugged the peachy one.
      I pulled on it.

      More happened in this dream, but I can't recall what right now.


      I was in bed with JP. It was nighttime. We were in what looked like a hotel, but it was supposed to be at a school. We were both students. I'm not sure why we were in the same bed, there was another bed in the room but it was occupied I believe. I suppose it was like a dorm or something. The bed was next to a big window, with J being on the window side and I on the other. The window showed that we were on a higher floor, I think, and you could see trees and lights from buildings.

      As we were laying in bed, he was saying something about my birthday being the next night, and how he was going to give me "birthday sex". I don't remember what I said. I wasn't really thrilled at the prospect, but this guy was scary (and is in waking life as well).

      The next night, on my birthday apparently, I stayed in another part of the dorm/hotel. I was worried that JP would get upset because of this, but I didn't want to stay there with him. I then had this huge "flashback" of the college years ago, when a dead woman was found in an indoor pool, stabbed to death. They had to remove the body before they had a funeral service. I then made the terrible connection: JP was the killer from years ago. He was assuming a fake name at the college, the name James Holmes (the Batman movie killer from Colorado).

      I knew I couldn't stay. I was in him and I's room, and the light was dim; nighttime again, but there was a lamp that was on on the nightstand. Someone called him and angered him. When he got off the phone, we were then in the living area, and a man appeared from a doorway, looking panicked and concerned. JP went and stabbed a man in the chest. I was sitting on the couch, watching in horror. He came to me then, and carefully chose a short, fat knife from the many knives that he had, all the while talking to me in a cool, calculated, heartless manner. I tried to back away, but he had me. He stabbed me in the lower left chest, but not too deeply, since I was resisting. I felt the pain as he cut me.

      Then, it was like the scene was being replayed, only differently. We were in the room again, and his phone started to ring. I spotted a brown spider crawling on the floor with spindly, long legs. I got up to leave the room, and JP said
      "You better not leave, this phone call may make me angry." I left anyway as he got on the phone.

      I went to the living area and across the room to another door. I barged in and my parents were asleep in the bed there. My mom's head was facing the head of the bed, but my dad was sleeping opposite of her, with his head at the foot of the bed. I shook my dad first saying "Wake up! Wake up!" as I moved on to shake my mother. My mom woke up, and I frantically explained the situation. In the back of my mind, though, I knew we were doomed. She got out of bed, I'm not sure if she said anything. My dad was the only one of us there with the means to defend, and I could not wake him up. I kept trying, but to no avail. I then left the room and ran out the front door as fast as I could. I could run to the lights of the city, or the sparse, dim lights of some homes to my left. I went towards the homes, figuring he wouldn't be able to see me with the dim light. I tried to frantically think of what to do. Should I head to a house and try to knock until someone answered? Or should I run out to the woods? Either way, I felt doomed.

      I awoke this morning being quite afraid still, the feelings carrying over from the dream to my waking self. I'm still calming down, and it's been over an hour since I woke up.

      Updated 09-01-2012 at 07:04 PM by 32059

      dream fragment , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    9. Trying to remember to be lucid in dream - Getting hit by Van on bike - and some more...

      by , 08-31-2012 at 04:45 PM
      non-lucid commentary

      Went to bed tonight with a strong voice saying I'd be lucid

      Woke up. Had in my mind a list of things that I had to do. It was like I was trying to remember in my dream that I was supposed to do reality checks in my dream. It wasn't quite a dream though. It was more of a fixed idea that was posted onto my mind's eye

      2:45 AM
      Went to my old house in SP. It also had the feel of a place I work at. Two people that I'm familiar with were there. I considered staying and watching t.v. in the living room. Eventually I went to bed. My family was there in the morning. I woke up late. There were feet of snow on the ground surprisingly.

      Later I was in N.B. It was like a party atmosphere. A mixture between New Brunswick, Seaside, and some market. The bars were advertising specials. A guy told me to give him my bike in a joking way. Everyone was friendly. I wanted to see my friend MC again. In the dream there was a schedule that I was supposed to follow. It was a sleep schedule. There was only a small time frame devoted to REM sleep which disappointing me.

      5:55 AM
      I'm at the library watching t.v. when JL's band starts performing which surprises me because I was at the show that is being televised. The t.v. disappears and I am at the show. The band is really stoned. They are smoking bowls out of their mic stands.

      A girl from work is in bed with another girl. They are getting high.

      I see some dough in the refrigerator and I want to make some myself.

      6:45 Am

      A guy from my work breaks his arm and comes in to my office. I tell him to sit down but down put the chair beneath his butt and he falls down. The bone is sticking out of his arm. I try to call 911 but I can't figure out how to work my phone and I keep ending up calling the wrong person. I keep calling 811 instead. Trying to call 911 in a dream but not getting through is definitely another dream sign and it appears later as well.

      Later I am walking down George Street. I am at a crosswalk when I witness a girl ride her bike thoughtlessly into the street and get hit by a van. I go to help her. The van doesn't leave immediately but still nobody comes out. The crash causes traffic but nobody else is coming out to help. Nobody on the street at starbucks is coming to help either. It is just me. The people in traffic are beeping. I wait with her and try to calm her. I want to move her from the road but she can't move. I assume that somebody is calling 911 but we wait for a while and nobody comes. Finally, some of her friends arrive to comfort her and to help with her recovery. I try to call 911. I get through but the male operator doesn't believe my story. By the way, the girl is beautiful. I demand to speak to another operator. It is a woman. She doesn't believe me either. I go to some other friend and tell her to call 911 because they don't believe me. As she's calling, we're holding each other. The operator believes this girl. Afterwards, I go to starbucks.
    10. July 9, 2012 - Dream 2

      by , 08-24-2012 at 02:04 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Bus. A video. 5 videos. Japanese boy band interview. Porn vids. Escape. Boat to the beach. Sharks.
    11. 2012: from Udora to Israel

      by , 08-11-2012 at 03:19 AM
      I haven't updated my journal in a while. The following dream happened this morning on the 10th August.

      It was early in the day, and as it turns out, a French citizen who Patrick Geryl, a 2012 survivalist partnered up with, was going off to Israel.

      Friday morning. I'm browsing through the Barometer Bob show. It turns out that the host was ill the previous night, and so one viewer comments on the Stormchat group on Facebook, "I wasn't planning on this".

      Well, I'm back at my high school now. Apparently this was a school day in the middle of summer, and I'm talking to this girl about something I saw on twitter the other day.

      "Say, did you hear about that article?"

      "What article?" she says, apparently full of interest.

      "That one about the fact that apparently, psychiatrists will suspect that you're a psychopath if you don't have a Facebook account!"

      "Really? That's pretty funny!"

      Now, I don't know what it was about this particular conversation. Maybe it's the fact that I never talked to her much, or that she was originally planning on majoring in psychology, or even the school she's going to. But something about the talk makes me wonder whether she really liked me. Whatever it was, she looked awfully beautiful that morning.


      Somewhere around this time there's a discovery made of a large vertebrate fossil near Udora, Ontario, about 30 km NE or ENE of a town called Newmarket. We find the specimen neatly preserved in igneous rock.

      This doesn't make any sense. Much of Southern Ontario was covered by seawater during the Ordovician, meaning that nearly all the rock would be limestone, not volcanic. And there weren't a lot of vertebrates to speak of.

      I'm compelled to write a fairly comprehensive Wikipedia article, and it turns out to be quite long as well.

      Back in Israel, I'm visiting a special agency website. As it turns out, it's offering a journalism job to "entrepreneurial Facebook users", whatever that meant.

      Somehow, I'm back at my high school again, attending a graduation convocation for band students in the music room who will be leaving for the year. Someone gives out between three and ten tips for future students, and they're quite worth paying attention to.
    12. Alarm, What is this, Titanic??, A little privacy please??,

      by , 05-08-2012 at 12:12 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Alarm (Non-lucid)


      It's late at night, I'm in a random house, I look at some chick that is sleeping in pink pajamas, I can't make out her visage though, but from what I remembered, she looked cute sleeping.

      I think I was eating something, and was going to get up to put the cup and plate in the sink. I wanted to go somewhere near the female that was sleeping, but when I do, the alarm for the house triggers. It startles me a little bit, but I quickly go to the alarm thingy that you go to enter the code.

      Apparently, the code was related to personal bank stuff....lmao, and I even said the code in a form of a question to someone. Don't know if they responded back, but how could I not tell that I said a personal bank pin to a random DC?

      Then I see my father come out of the door, but he's in a passive state, probably still tired, and he sees the alarm is taken care of and goes back to sleep.
      What is this, Titanic?? (Non-lucid)


      I'm with a group of people, and it seems we're inside a ship because there's water coming up all the way to our knees. I believe me and a girl decide to stay together.

      The girl herself? Not even attractive enough. Either I was extremely fucking horny or extremely fucking stupid to stay with this girl.

      The reason I'm saying that is because the group that's heading out, one of them apparently was going to bomb the doors, meaning we couldn't get out. But I didn't know what was going to happen to us, maybe the water levels might increase gradually, and we'll drown together.

      The girl on the other hand, she didn't care at all on what's going to happen, it seemed she had an abnormally active sex drive, and she was fixated towards me.

      Like, I swear, this girl would be up for any kind of sex. I can't recall too much, but judging by her positive emotions, this girl was probably past the level of insanity. We're going to die either way, and me and her both decide to stay inside the ship that's going to flood...*facepalm*

      Come, at least be Eva or some other hot chick with a vagina. Looks don't matter? pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftt okaaaaaaaaaaay
      Spoiler for 18+ Stuff eeeeew:

      The dream shifts to a completely to where I'm in an area that looks like a place related to my University environment. There was a blonde lady who looked a lot like my AP English 4 teacher I had at High School.

      For some reason, I assumed that this lady was looking for her son, and in my mind, the son was the one who was going all freaky time with the chick from the last shift. The problem is, the guy didn't look like her son AT all.

      Weird logic being sustained in my mind, no doubt, but as usual, I don't do a reality check from something as abnormal as that. I started talking to myself and laughing mentally at this women, and I believe one of those speculations were,

      "Aww poor woman, it's sad that she's not going to know her son is going to die until later on..."

      Don't know why I said that, but hey, guess I'm a real asshole when I don't have control over my dreams.

      There were people lined up near some fence, and apparently, it seems to be some kind of collaboraiton with singers and instrument players.

      The weight size of these people was hilarious, one looked like a bloated balloon, some had bigger proportions in other areas, it was just awkward just to see them do hand formations and even dance.

      By dancing, I mean twisting their bodies to one side and to the other, not exactly professional dancing, but who am I to blame them....I only know two-step and three-step back and forth dancing...meh.

      So I get closer to this group, and go under this small area under what seems like a bridge, and I'm standing in front of a person that looks like a guy's brother that I knew in the Tennis team I was part of in High School.

      I basically have to extend my right hand, with one finger pointing up, and I have to make a reverse U sign from right to left to inform whatever group to move their fingers the opposite direction. And apparently, when they do that, music starts playing.

      I get out of synch at first, but I finally get used to it and synch it right. Then some random guy tells us that he admits that he doesn't give us the instructions online, making it hard to understand what the hell we had to do just now.

      What an idiot....

      Then he starts bragging about this 1:1 interaction is nothing compared to how he has to do 5:10 or 5:20 with other people

      The ratios I mention above just means interaction with people, so I guess he gets 5 people to interact with 10 or 20 people at once. Didn't really see what's the big deal with that, you're just responsible for a few more people.

      Whatever. That's all I remember.
      A little privacy please?!?!? (Non-lucid)


      I'm headed to the bathroom, and my perspective is weird in this dream. While I'm in the bathroom, I can see what's going on in the kitchen or living room in the house, and the people in it.

      It seemed my mother and Kim (another dream with her again...) were going to the bathroom as well.

      Kim was interested in what I could be doing in the bathroom, and starts laughing while she questions me on what I'm doing.

      Ooooh I don't know.....obviously freaked out that you're asking me that question!?!?!?

      (The reason why I'm kind of annoyed is because she's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay older than me and not really good looking....if it were a younger woman, sure come right in!)

      I brace my back to the door, because I have a feeling Kim is going to go inside, but my mother comes in and says she has to get something in the bathroom.


      That's all I remember.
      Biology Lab Stuff (Non-lucid)


      I'm in Biology Lab, the setting is different, the TA for the lab is the same one I had for Biology 112.

      It seems that it's the end of the lab, and everyone gets out.

      I think I have another dream shift before or after this one, and I'm talking with a woman who looks Indian. I guess she's average on looks, and I forget what she was telling me.

      I was telling her how I was compared to some other Indian girl I knew in waking life. We'll call this girl I'm mentioning Hum.

      I told the lady that I was in the top 3%, while Hum was probably in the top 8-10%. I don't know how I got that random percentage for Hum's ranking though.

      I think me and the lady were going to enter a building, but I can't remember.
    13. Spiral Lucid and the Band

      by , 11-28-2011 at 06:58 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      I was on my bed. I heard the lucid dreaming induction, and I realized I was in a dream. I "woke up" and saw the surroundings in a spiral. I can barely make sense of the view. I also forgot to take off my contacts, so I might have subconsciously included that fact in my lucid dream.

      I tried to "follow" to spiral, as I felt my legs move or float towards the wall, and beyond the wall. Then I was standing in my room, but everything is still out of focus. I got dizzy, and then I was back on bed. I thought I woke up, but I immediately went into another dream.


      I was in a room with a LOT of people I "know," or at least in the dream. I don't know any of them in real life, yet I felt some sort of kinship with them. We were gathering for something. We're a music or band. I'm not sure if we were setting up the place or bringing it down.

      After a while, a new set of people arrived. Another "band," but they're still part of the "group." One I distinctly remember has long, curly/wavy hair reaching past his shoulders. I think he wore red shirt. We rearranged the place, putting up some chairs. I checked the nearby room, but the chairs there are mostly broken down, or at least not good to support people.

      Then everyone's gone. Probably elsewhere. But "I" was "under" or viewing the underside of houses. I think it's the same house, but I'm looking at the "underground" of each rooms. I, along with a companion (not sure who, or whether it was a guy or girl), looked at how some of them have dripping "water," and how the spot immediately below it is wet. Some are clean. It seems they "throw" those wet stuff into a "hole" on the floor, and it drips down to the ground.

      Then some police arrived. They were looking for us. We had to hide. I saw a closet, and went into it with my companion. I hoped to remain invisible amidst the variety of stuff in that room/closet.

      I was in an office, with lawyers. We talked about something. A case? Then something about a 10-year-old girl?
    14. Brittany Conducting Band (Nov 10, 2011)

      by , 11-12-2011 at 10:00 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      The dream opens with me looking through a window like hole in the wall on the second floor of the school. I'm watching a pep rally and the band is playing right now. The drum majors are conducting on atleast a hundred foot tall platform. The drum majors are one of the normal ones a man but the other is unrecognized, some random lady. On the ladder heading to the top of the platform, I spot Brittany. Once she gets to the top she asks the lady if she can conduct. The lady allows her to and she clims off of the platform. Now Brittany is conducting and you can see her smiling wide. After a few moments Brittany starts to close the distance between her and the edge of the platform. Finally with a shock... she falls off. The dream fasts forwards and Brittany is back at the pep rally and she looks horrible! Her whole body is mangled and disgusting.
      Tags: band, dream, scare, school
    15. Weird Vibes From These Dreams. November 7th, 2011

      by , 11-08-2011 at 06:51 PM
      I had an involuntary WBTB when I woke up with a fever at 6:30 AM. I had to force myself to write down a few key words in my dream journal, but then I dropped my pen, and I wasn't going to get up to find it.

      First, I was in the old house, which was a lot bigger. There had been word of a plane that was going to drop this bomb. I think the bomb was supposed to cleanse the area, like it was a good thing, but it also had potential to be dangerous. The whole neighborhood was sitting outside on our lawn, and they were worried that a second degree flood was going to happen, and if it did, we would all die because there would be no one to save us. Brian told us to gather just the important items, and to close and lock all of the windows and doors. Only the front door was left open. Then we heard the sounds of plane approaching. I looked out the front door to see an incredibly low flying airplane that flew away from our house, so it would have come from the backyard. It was a pretty amazing sight. I also saw an insignia on the plane that indicated that this was the one that would drop the bomb. When it was out of sight, we all felt a big rumble. The plane had dropped the bomb in our backyard. We all hit the deck, and I remember worrying that it was going to be deadly. The bomb exploded and an orange gas swiftly rushed past us and the house from the backyard.

      Then I was playing this Super Nintendo game that looked like it could have been on the Playstation 2. It looked like the guy from Uncharted, but it wasn't, and the game was that you had to shoot these alien monster things that were following you around, but the catch was that everything was almost in pitch black. This dream then shifted to first person, and I was the guy. I was in this room that had three paths to choose from. While I was deciding which way to go, I had to keep charging this gun and shooting the monsters that came at me from the right. Since the right path was almost pitch black, and the forward path was cold and icy, and the back path is where I came from, I chose to go left. It was a lot brighter in this path, and part of the game was that you can subdue enemies and then take control of them. At one point, the dream cut to a shot of me in a room with Mom and Brian, and I was playing the game. There was also this one part where there was this tourist attraction in these ruins, which I'm guessing took place in the same setting as the video game. The tourist attraction was this really long zip line that crossed this very large body of water. On the zip line were carts that you had to stand on and hold onto this pole so you don't fall into the water that was like a mile down. Below in the water was a giant, swirling whirlpool. It was a very unsafe tourist attraction.

      There was a small part of a dream where Finn and Jake from Adventure Time were dream sharing and having an adventure in it. Then Finn said, "Yo dude, I gotta go to the bathroom." Then they woke up. There was also this glimpse of the Futurama characters looking down this gigantic hole in the ground.

      Every time I woke up throughout the night, I would still be in a slight dream state, and I would get another "letter" of a band name or something. It was weird. There were a lot of dreams that involved bands this night. I don't remember them specifically though.

      The last one I remember is that Sean and I had a babysitter, and she was really hot, and I decided to make a move, so when she was going to meet me in the bathroom (I don't know why) I went there first and stripped naked so she would walk in on me with no clothes on. She never came, and I was waiting for some time. I got annoyed, got dressed, and went to see what was taking her so long. She was making sandwiches in the kitchen, like hoagies and whatnot. I said fuck it, and I went to the living room to go sit down. The furniture was all rearranged, and it was DE that my mom did this. Sean and I were complaining that the way it was arranged was stupid because now you had to walk around everything, because it was all in the way, and for some reason the arrangement was making it physically hard to sit down. Sean was playing Pokemon Red, and I was watching. In the dream, it was in first person, and I mentioned that it was a lot different than Yellow Version, which is a top down game.

      There was also a dream that had a hotel room, but that's all I know.
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