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    1. Dream - Alternate Dimension And Pizza

      by , 10-23-2017 at 10:54 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 4 OCT - 2017
      Nap Time Range: 4:50 PM - 5:40 PM

      Dream No. N206 - Alternate Dimension And Pizza

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at my old house but forgot what I was specifically doing. Apparently I was shopping at Fountain Gate shopping centre before the dream started. Also, I don't live at the same address as in real life; it's somewhere unknown and completely different.

      I was with a few other people and told them about this new dimension that I could go to which would allow me to be close to WB without her knowing. I then invited them to actually come with me; apparently WB herself was also in that group. I ended up showing them all my house near the beach which was a small wooden cottage. There was a lake nearby surrounded by cement pavement where some Home and Away events were taking place... It was actually the real Home and Away cast doing this.

      The dream scene then shifted to me being back at my old house again. I was eating some of my mum's home-made pizza which tasted better in the dream than in real life. I then woke up due to the phone ringing.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 04-25-2018 at 09:23 AM by 93119

    2. My crush as a player - Haunted house at the beach - Another haunted house

      by , 06-17-2017 at 09:18 AM
      So, I got three dreams and to make it simple I'm just going to write them all at once. None of them was lucid. Btw I'm writing all my dreams to my own notebook too and because it's my main DJ I might not write here at all if I don't feel like doing so. But here are my dreams from last night:

      #1 This dream was pretty short. I remember my crush being there. He smiled weirdly and was trying to get me date him even thought he didn't really like me. I knew that but apparently I still fell for him...The dream ended.

      #2 At first I was hanging around with some girl. I didn't know her IRL. We were at the beach and there were some random red stairs so we were hanging there. Then my companion changed to my family and relatives and we went to some house. It was round and off the ground (it had pillars). It wasn't that big and I think it was red too. The house was haunted and had quite disgusting history. Also it was swinging like a boat for some reason. Some of the walls were unstable. There was propably some secret room. I felt sick and was afraid some ghost would show up. Others had no problem with the house and seemed happy. I went outside. I puked. It was very weird but not as bad as IRL. The dream ended.

      #3 Another haunted house dream. This time the house was more big. It looked gray. The dream begann already inside it, I think. There were people I know IRL including my sister. Most of the people were girls and younger than me, but there was one boy who was the same age as me. Some went to a room that seemed scarier than the other rooms. Or atleast I felt like it was scarier. They got stuck for a while and the boy went to save them. I just ate salad that someone found. There were plastic forks. Weird . The dream ended.

      I also remember having a fourth dream, but I only remember that I was in school in it, so it doesn't count imo.

      Updated 06-18-2017 at 07:48 PM by 93459 (added a category)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Dream - An Unreachable Seminar & The Dock Of Fort Beach

      by , 05-04-2017 at 09:51 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 4 MAY - 2017

      Dream No. 106 - Separated Sections

      Dream 106 A - An Unreachable Seminar
      It was Monday the 14th of February in Katrina's accounting class and she mentioned that we wouldn't be having class on Tuesday the 15th of February because we were going on some kind of excursion. It then skipped to Tuesday and we arrived at the building that this seminar was going to be in. The accounting coordinator, named John in the dream (his name isn't John in real life and his appearance in the dream was also altered) said that we all had to take the lift to the 12th floor. As always, I was scared of taking the lift and so I hesitantly approached John to tell him. Grumpy John followed after me while I tried to find stairs.

      I eventually did find stairs but they only went up to six floors and then it was a dead end. At the top, he grouched at me that we would have to take the lift but I wasn't having any of it. Once we got to the bottom floor again, I said to myself, “Nope, I'm going home”. Just then, my mum appeared and said we could go to the shops. The dream scene then skipped to these shops which looked like a good shopping centre but it was really just one, long, bendy corridor. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 106 B - The Dock Of Fort Beach
      I forgot what I was exactly doing at the start but I do remember these to baby boys, one with hair and one without. My dad would give me one baby to carry but the baby would appear extremely heavy and I'd start to drop him. The dream would always make me lower the babies to the ground and unintentionally hurt them. As I'd then give one baby away, my dad would always offer me the other one and the process would repeat itself. I eventually told my dad that I had enough and so he stopped giving me babies.

      I then found myself walking along a wide version of Canals in Venice. I was on the skinny path side next to the tall buildings while my brother was on the open side which on-looked to distant scenery. He then asked why I was on this particular side and I told him it was so I didn't have to cross later on. He then had to find somewhere to cross over himself... He eventually found a skinny metal bar across the river which he crossed over.

      We then ended up this place called The Dock of Fort Beach which actually wasn't an open coast, it was more like a contained which I remember calling the “basin”. One end of of the so called basin had steep cliffs on each side and as you went further to the other end, the terrain would become more even. My whole family was at that place, including RC (and no, her full name is not "Reality Check"). I wanted to try and “fly” up to the top of the cliff from the lower end of the basin... So I would flap my arms and each time I did that, I would get slightly higher (just how Kirby moves in Super Smash Bros) but I would never be able to get high enough to land on the cliff. I tried again a few times before I gave up.

      I then said to my parents that I was going to “go to sleep for a few minutes” but what I was really insinuating is that I was going to see Dreamy WB for help but I didn't want to say that to my parents. Then I actually shut my eyes and it was just like I was having a light sleep in real life. Although I couldn't see Dreamy WB, my mind was still visualising her (like in real life when you think about things). The basin had no water around but I felt these waves coming over me like I was at an open coast. Each time I knew one was about to come, I'd take a breath in and hold it until the wave went back down. Eventually, a wave went up and completely covered me and that's when I woke up to find myself still in the basin dream scene.

      The cliff now appeared lower to me and more accessible. I tried the same flying move and this time, decided to go slightly higher than the cliff top to ensure I wasn't “cheating”. When I was on top of the cliff, my dad was so amazed that he wanted to take a photo of me. I was worried when sitting in my pose that I was going to fall off the cliff but I didn't. He then took the picture and showed it to me... But the preview on the camera wasn't me, it was replaced with an animated lion's face, like something from the movie Madagascar. I then really woke up.

      There is much more to the "sleep scene" and the effect of the environment afterwards than recounted here. I do have some thoughts to share on it... So stay tuned for my first "Behind The Scenes" Journal!
    4. failed atom bomb - lucid 2017 DJ 33 LD #42

      by , 02-25-2017 at 11:19 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)

      I become lucid, but decide to go along with the plot. We are running from an enemy who we have threatened with an atom bomb, but I am having difficulties summoning one. Soon they will realise our lie, and take us hostage. I try, but I CAN'T! The enemy knocks on the door... I take emergency action holding a female DC, and teleport to a beach...
    5. A Beautiful Beach, Cool Water, and…Almost Kicking Someone

      by , 02-07-2017 at 08:17 AM
      Morning of February 7, 2017. Tuesday.

      I become intensely aware and feel cheerful, though I am not lucid, during what seems to be the last stages of someone leaving an area that he had been caught trespassing in late at night. I am not regarded by any of the characters in this situation even though I am fully physically present. The owner of the land remains at the rear of a guard’s large building, giving warnings to the other male who had trespassed. This other male however, is now with a guard at the front of the building. I watch him and the guard through the window from outside (on the left side of the building when looking at the front). Each time that the owner of the property shouts something at the trespassing male, the trespassing male then “interprets” and relays to the guard (on his left and not close enough to the window to hear the owner) what the other male had supposedly said.

      The property owner loudly informs the other male that a helicopter will be coming with people to arrest him. He will also be fined a large sum of money; at least a thousand dollars. He gives a number of minor details. This results in the guard being told (by the trespassing male) that a helicopter will be coming to take the trespasser to his home and that someone will bring money to give him (rather than him being fined). Everything the property owner shouts is changed by the other male to become a beneficial event for him. The guard does not realize this at all and writes down the instructions on a notepad. Even though the situation is hilarious, I am only mildly amused.

      I turn around to see an amazingly beautiful beach and nighttime scene. I walk towards it, thinking that I might take a helicopter from an island not that far from shore (which I may be able to walk to because of sandbars). I notice an orange beacon in the center of the island. There also appears to be a park shelter or some sort of small utility building on each corner of the island.

      Still, once I am on the beach itself, my perception and clarity becomes extreme. The scene is so beautiful and blissful, I become distracted and forget that I had been thinking about getting on a helicopter or going to the small island.

      I notice two sandbars just off the beach. I go to the closest one and roll around and slide with the incoming waves in the wonderful cool water and white sand. Two other people, an unknown male and female, are also enjoying themselves. I first think that they may be playing with some sort of sea creature such as a dolphin or octopus, but this is not the case. As I walk past them, I am somewhat annoyed. I would like to enjoy the beach more without strangers around.

      I see a large park shelter. There are three pairs of picnic tables, each pair touching end to end and the ends perpendicular to the front opening of the shelter. Two couples sit at opposite sides of the building. I walk in from the right side, having enjoyed being barefoot in the cool water and sand, but I soon notice a lot of crumpled empty packages from vending machine products and other rubbish strewn on the floor. There is a puddle and it looks like someone had even peed near one wall.

      I decide not to go fully into the park shelter and absentmindedly say aloud, “this is a real pee place”. The other male in the water looks up and asks me what I said. “It’s a pist-place!” I say.

      “You can’t expect people not to take their stuff out to enjoy nature,” says the male (which also seems to mean that he thinks it is okay to throw trash everywhere as well as put various recreational junk on an otherwise isolated pristine beach). As he says this, I notice an equidistant series of small yellow cube-shaped plastic boxes across the front of the park shelter (which I am certain were not there moments earlier), each overflowing with various items. Some of the items are for sports and recreation on the beach.

      “I prefer water, sand, and rocks to this junk,” I say. I start to become really annoyed and kick an oversized green Monopoly house (about the size of a football) from the top of the contents of one of the boxes as it flies at the other male, almost hitting his head. I kick a couple of the small storage boxes, also missing him. I then decide to kick him directly in the head with my right foot.

      Just as I somehow lift my foot high enough to kick his head, I wake up with my right leg thrashing out like a real kick (while on my left side). (Thankfully, I did not kick anyone or anything in reality.)

      • A beach in a dream is liminal space autosymbolism, a typically heightened stage between sleeping and waking, similar to bridges, parking lots, and porches, all of which represent a liminal link between the dream self and conscious self identity during the dreaming and waking process. I usually become much more aware in liminal space (especially as it links directly to the waking transition and emergent consciousness factor). In this case, I was only one step down from ordinary lucidity and at the highest level of (non-lucid) liminal dream state awareness, with full-body awareness.
      • The first situation in my dream is some sort of comedic transmuted “return flight” precursor where another male takes on my dream self’s role. (I never actually see a helicopter and my dream is altered into a sustained increased awareness rather than ending here as it should which is likely why the waking prompt was more extreme than usual.) From here, I deliberately sustain my dream without lucidity and even the personified preconscious element shifts to another scene (not that common). Water and its dynamics symbolizes sleep in real time, which is how I am able to additionally sustain my dream by focusing on the beauty of the beach and ocean (known as reinduction). The fact it is nighttime is a circadian rhythms factor of the deeper unconscious (which delays the emergent consciousness factor).
      • A waking prompt is a biological necessity, typically brought on by the dream self or something else falling, flying, collapsing, rising, and so on. In this case, my hypnic jerk actually seemed changed into a semi-conscious act, as if I knew I had to do this to fully wake (and as usual, the personified preconscious was the focus of instigation).

      Updated 05-18-2018 at 12:36 PM by 1390

    6. Dragons, sharks, talking trees, and Captain Morgain

      by , 01-21-2017 at 12:39 AM
      19 Jan

      As me and this guy are leaving, he constantly worries about there being sharks in the ocean. I try to calm him down, looking for logical explanation why there may not be as many sharks as he expects. We have to slide down a platform to exit the building, however, it is covered with blood and also quite slippery. I take forever to get down without falling.

      We are close to the exit, ocean shore nearby, as I can see that the sharks we were trying to avoid are actually dragons. I quite clearly see a number of dragons in the surrounding wood areas and know we have to stay as far away as possible. We choose a rather painful way to do so, hiding and moving in a part of the shelf which stretches to accommodate us. I inspect the shore for dragons but see special trees (3 of them) instead (with faces and talking, like in lord of the rings). I carefully approach one, expressing my admiration, he speaks and says he likes me too. I ask for guidance for our group and he recommends us to go speak to Captain Morgan, who is a nearby pirate woman . I try to catch her attention and ask her to help us on our mission, though I am not so sure what we were supposed to accomplish.
    7. Splendid Competition Nights 3 and 4 (Monday night and Tuesday night): ZOMBIES

      by , 01-19-2017 at 06:33 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I've been rather busy, and I actually forgot to get online yesterday until I was already laying in bed and there was no way I was getting out of it. D: I'm heading to bed soon, but I have to get home first. Still on campus right now. Lot of homework already.

      Dream 1 (Technically Lucid): On Monday, I took a brief nap while sitting up on a chair in the library. I only remember a few fragments of my dream from that: I was at the beach, then I was at Costco, and then my notes say "loved, romanced" but I do not remember that.

      I was lucid for only a split second when the dream first began, and then it faded into a regular dream. I was only asleep for maybe 5 minutes or so. Does that still count? I think I started to try and figure draw but then I lost lucidity. At any rate, if this doesn't count as a WILD, please let me know and I'll take out the points accordingly.

      Unfortunately, I did not remember any dreams from that night's sleep. I was so tired!

      Dream (Full Not Quite Lucid) 1: I was walking around in a place that looked similar to my university's library. For some reason, I thought in my illogical dream state that it would be cool if everyone around me became a zombie. Then I realized that I didn't actually want it to happen. And then the dream faded. .____. This is because I woke up IRL to the sound of my roommate yelling "Escape this garbage!" I freaked out, but then I realized he was just sleep-talking. Or at least I think he was. Anyway, scared the crap out of me.

      Dream 2 (Fragment): There was this cool tunnel structure with tiny little sugar guys living in it. As in, creatures made out of sugar or candy. They converted some piece of their dwelling into a hot tub, and relaxed in it. I think that this dream was influenced by this cute teacup dragon illustration I saw shortly before bed when I was browsing some of my favorite art blogs. ^_^

      Updated 01-19-2017 at 06:36 AM by 58176

    8. January TOTM - Pencil - success, Pandora - fail

      , 01-04-2017 at 05:10 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Finally had good conditions to WILD.

      Took a nap in the afternoon, so went to bed later.
      Last night bed 11:30pm - 2:30am
      2:30 am - 2x300 Alpha GPC
      2:30am - 3:30 am one more hour of sleep for 4 hrs total
      3:30 - 4am - WBTB
      3:50 - 2x4 galantamine
      4am sofa

      Estimated length - 45-60 min

      5 am still heard the chime on my watch, after I already turned to both sides than back to my back and finally fell asleep shortly after when I felt first signs of falling asleep.

      Woke up 6:27, after last part of the dream was already non-lucid - FA of me writing down my TOTM.


      (I wanted to do the opening of a forgotten christmas present, massage, tell pencil to draw. I realized I have not used a pencil in a long time, so before bed I was visualizing how I will pull out a pencil from my back pocket and I thought about if it will be regular one or a mechanical one. I also visualized pulling out my box cutter, cutting the tape on a present and opening it. And how I will open my door and there will be Pandora.)


      As soon as I realized I'm asleep, I got up and went to my front door, as I visualized it before bed. Opened it but there was nothing. So I went to the window to get out that way.

      I flew to the neighbors window and I felt naughty, because I knew it's at night, he is asleep and I will be intruding. I looked in both of his beds which looked like someone slept in them recently, but they were empty. I looked again, and there he was, under a sheet, on his back. I giggled and went down on him. I wish there was a nice way to describe this in detail, but there isn't, so this is all I can say. I was wondering if he will notice and wake up. Another girl joined us. I was like "I didn't need help, but ok."

      I'm standing on a street, looking around what to do. There is an area to my left with lots of people, between some trashcans. They are watching something going on and I know I was part of it before. Not as a spectator, but as a performer. From my previous dream you can guess what it was about.

      I remember I wanted to do some of the Beginner tasks just for fun. So I kneel down and my hands touch beech sand. It's so soft, like the softest flour, cool to the touch because it's nighttime. I play with it, take it in my hands and let it run through my fingers. I smooth it with my hand and watch the pattern my hands make. (It's so simple but very cool detail and I will do this from now on often.) I decide to look for some seashells and I find a huge mollusk with some seaweed, but it opens and I can tell it's dead. I wonder how come It doesn't smell.

      Throughout the whole even, at least 3 times I realized that I can't see well. I brought my hands in front of me and forced myself to see them. They were slowly appearing in better detail, until I was satisfied and moved on.

      Somewhere in the middle I realized this is quite a long dream and it's nice and stable, almost no fadeouts, only dream scene changes. I was not worried about it ending or me waking up at all.

      I remembered the "Tell pencil to draw something" TOTM.
      I sat at a desk, pulled out a pencil from my back pocket (just as I visualized before bed. It was logical, because I carry a pen there at work, but have not seen a pencil in a long time.)

      I looked at it as I pulled it out. It was a regular pencil, with forest green shaft, white band at the top and black top. No eraser. I put it down and say "draw something". I look at the desk and there are some marks as if someone draw with an eraser. That's not good, so I ask it again. I lose the scene here.

      I end up at the similar table again after something else, pull the pencil out again and this time it's shorter, as if it was drawing a lot in the meantime. Some female is sitting opposite of me and we are talking and watching the pencil. I ask it to draw. It does some calligraphy ribbon on the desk itself, but it doesn't look like a drawing. I look at it and when I look back, surprise! There is a beautiful, technical drawing, like from a blue print, of an airport. 2 runways, 2 passenger buildings with boarding attachments and some perimeter buildings. It's clean, no shading or anything else. Only blueprint, except it's on white paper and with the lead tip.

      I pick up the pencil to examine it. I want to read what kind of pencil it is, the manufacturer and anything you can usually see on a pencil.

      There is a lot of writing on it, lot more than it should fit. There is something in faded golden letters on every side of this many sided pencil. Left and right side of lettering is faded, the middle is more readable. I look at the lead and it's loose, ready to fall out. Great details.

      I am hover flying over the street. I am sooo happy about this. The feeling is incredibly good.

      I want to turn but realize I have low control. I decide that it's my dream and I can do whatever I want. So I slow down in nice and controlled way, turn around and fly where I wanted to.

      Hrm, the inevitable sex. With others, by myself, came to happy ending 2 or 3 times.

      6. FA
      I'm at my moms. I rush to the desk ans start writing down my dreams. I draw the airport picture too. If I didn't, I would have not remembered how it looked after I woke up for real.

      My brother is in some radio program and so am I. I'm some "performer" and the tell me they will need me to do it now, and also say some commercial. I tell them no way, I'm writing this down first, nobody talk to me till I'm done.

      I retreat to my room to continue. My mom barges in telling me stuff, and I yell at her to not talk to me. My dad comes in with vacuum turned on, I yell at him too. Mom tells me through the door that they are leaving to some fun place and to go with them. I don't even reply. I don't want to lose the memory of my dreams.

      THANK YOU! I LOVE my higher self, my subC and my mind. My partners and friends. : D
    9. feeling trapped

      by , 12-11-2016 at 03:33 PM
      On holiday, a man has been trying to do something that makes me feel trapped. He has a longcoat even though it is summer time. Is he a detective? idk some kind of official maybe.
      So sitting at a table with him in a large cafeteria with glass doors opening onto a grassed area, bathed in sun.
      I pull out a large knife as big as a machete, and plunge it into his neck. Strange orangey blood starts to pool as I push it further in. Fairly sure he is dead., I exit. Escaping from the resort my main feeling is sadness that I did not get a chance to spend time there, on the beach or anything LOL It is now early evening an the sun is setting.

      In a classroom, large teenagers are sitting in with my class, the older kids are getting the younger ones to misbehave. They are chewing gum and making noises in class. I'm really annoyed with them.
      Finally I look down at the work we are supposed to be doing, it is in latin! and I cannot even understand it.
      I tell them to make sure to do their sentences properly with capital letters and full stops.
    10. 08-12-16 - Tigers, Ducks and replays

      by , 12-08-2016 at 11:30 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretation

      “Imprinting a tiger”

      In the dusk I find myself walking into a garden. Et is elongated and narrow and towards the end there is a house. I look to my right into the hedge. At the grass I see a female duck and below her chest a small duckling that soon meets my eye. As we lock our eyes together the duckling starts a trip out into the uncut grass towards where I am now sat down. Behind it follows it’s mother, trying to establish contact with little luck as it seems the duckling has already imprinted me as its mother.

      I feel both excited and ashamed. I feel guilty for robbing the duck of the chance to bond with its off spring, but also excited and joyful of my own bonding with the creature. I look down at its little beak and let it push its body against my knees and one of my hands. Then I look up at its mother and try and stroke its chest. It lets me, but with an air of calculative anticipation and scepticism, which makes me apprehensive, if persistent.

      I then look down again at the duckling. I don’t recognise the absurdity that the creature has now transformed into a miniature Tiger of maybe 10-12 cm in length and is crawling about on my right thigh. When I look up at the mother duck again to explain that I am deeply sorry that I have stolen her chance to bond with her infant.

      When I look up mother duck is now wearing glasses and a pearl necklace, and quite frankly it would be impossible to describe if she looks more like a duck than a human. She explains “That is OK I had a clutch 3 months ago.” and frankly she sounds relieved.

      “Travelling in trains with Liv”


      I am standing on a lengthy and wide platform on a train station. It is morning and the lighting foretells of a sunny day, which has yet to breach the foggy clouds above and around. It seems like late spring or summer. I am standing with Liv and we are going somewhere. The conversation we are having is about finding the right train.

      There is more to the dream, though I recall nothing but this fragment.

      “Getting to the shore, 4 metal objects in the water”


      I am on the water. The sun is bright and the ocean water which I am on is very bright and lightly blue. Up ahead I see a beach, a wide and almost white sandy beach. I think my Dad is there with me and he asks:

      “Do you remember us being here?”

      I look up towards the right and in the distance gaze upon a little island around 50-100 metres from the shore. As the foliage behind the beach the island is covered in lustrous trees and other greenery. I remember this place, I have indeed been here before.

      (In writing this I recall a dream of way back, perhaps detailed somewhere within this journal. I am in Holstebro, where we throw our family reunions, and as I walk down the forest pathway that in waking life take you to the river in the dream it takes me to a cove. From this cove I rush across the open water to an Island, which is the one I see in this dream.)

      I jump out in to the water and submerge myself. Light penetrates the surface and everything looks very bright, if blurry beneath. I loose four metal objects I have in my pocket and for a moment worry if I still have my phone in my pocket. I check that it is empty and then sweep the sand below and pull up the objects, where one of them is a key. Then I head for the beach.

      End of dream/recall
    11. Star wars ooh yeah

      , 12-02-2016 at 11:08 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed around 9pm coz early shift. I switched to sofa for better recall at 11 pm.

      I'm on a shore of an ocean. Can't see the water well, because it's at night. Standing on some walkway few feet above the sand, looking down. Me and others from my group of safety guards/lifeguards are looking for some coins/tokens and other things that someone left in many places on the beach. They have some significance. I open my hand and show others what we are looking for. I see some coins on the sand but when I zoom my vision in, it's just an american quarter. I find this a productive task.

      Change of scenery
      I'm walking on a sidewalk with a chainlink fence on my left side that has branches of a bush growing on it. I spot a huge tank on the grassy lawn behind the fence. I quickly duck, but it's too late. They saw me and a skinny, long cannon on this rust-red, 2 story high tank which is long and wide as 4 normal tanks, starts turning towards me. It looks like a tank from star wars.

      I stay hunched over and I ran alongside this fence. I stop in the middle, where I see another military vehicle, that is like made of some see-through plastic. Somebody catches up with me and in effort to see over the fence, he kinda pulls it down a bit. I fall down on my back because the enemy saw me and eagle like tallons couple of feet long are grabbing at my legs. Someone either lobbs a granade at it or something similar, but I'm able to pull away.
    12. #220: Stunned

      by , 11-30-2016 at 12:23 PM
      I'm inside a building (my own room?). I'm near the coast. I can see the coastline, though the beach doesn't exactly look appealing. There's a fence and some industrial activity. This is supposedly somewhere in east Indonesia. I'm talking to a guy (a friend of mine perhaps) who is sitting atop a building somewhere which is under construction. It's a building not too far away, but far enough away that realistically speaking, I shouldn't be able to hear him. He's sitting on the edge of what is currently the roof. He's giving me some advice about ways to continue my travel. One of his suggestions is to fly back to Jakarta and to then fly to some far away island in the east. It would seem not to be the most logical route, however it is apparently the cheapest way to get there.

      A bit later my friend Mark is at my door. He's presenting me with two gifts. At first I'm reluctant to accept them, but he insists. One of them is some MYR - not sure why's he giving that to me. Another is a stun gun or similar stunning device. I put them in my room. Not much later we see a man who is dressed similar to an anti-terror unit - all black. We assume there to be a whole team out there. At first I want to use the stun gun, but I fear going out there with a gun shaped object is not the brightest idea. Mark wants to have the gun, but I believe I tell him no. I then proceed to lock myself in the bathroom. Perhaps they won't look in here? Small chance. I really don't want to get shot by a stun dart though. It's gonna hurt. I consider coming out with my hands in the air. Would that work?
      Tags: beach
    13. Tabatha

      by , 11-27-2016 at 12:18 AM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I woke up 6 hours into my sleep and stayed up for 25 minutes. I went back to bed and tried WILD/MILD. I kept waking up fully after noticing that I was about to start a dream. Eventually I fell asleep into a non-LD

      I was crying in a corner, I was really sad about something, couldn’t remember what it was I was sad about. Scene skips, I’m in a beach. A girl talks to me and tells me to come surfing with her. A huge wave washed her board away. I jump in and start swimming against the waves to recover it, but the waves are too strong. Suddenly I start getting stung by jellyfish. They are everywhere. I swim back to shore, get stung a few more times. The girl is wearing a red bikini, she has a really hot body. She has shoulder length smooth, pitch black hair, dark brown eyes, light skin but with a bit of a tan, beautiful smile, and a small mole on her cheek. I turn around and see a huge wave breaking right behind me, we get pushed towards the shore. The beach is flooding and we are required to leave and go inside a building.

      The building has huge glass panels and sun is shining in. The floors are white marble; people are in a rush. I try looking for this girl, I want to find out more about her.
      Suddenly I remember I am dreaming. I stand against a pillar and watch the DCs walk back and forth as if they are late for work. Everything looks so real. I plug my nose and confirm I am dreaming.I feel like I’m drooling and wake up.
      I stay still for a minute and then stand up
      . I do a RC, I am dreaming. I have no vision, I feel the carpet and make my way to the door, hoping to get vision soon. I wake up again. I stay still, and I feel as if my head is sliding forwards on the bed. I stand up again, do a RC. I am back at the building, looking for her.

      I wake up, look at the time, do a RC, I am awake. I switch positions and go back to sleep.

      I am at a beach with my family. We are on an inflatable deck, drinking. I am with my brother, his wife, my cousin, her boyfriend, a couple of friends, and the girl from the previous dream. Her name is… Tabatha?.. my brother gets a few drinks from the swim-up bar. I ask Tabatha if she’d like a drink and smiles. My brother’s wife says we make a cute couple. Dream skips, I am with Tabatha on shore. We are speaking in Spanish, she has a Venezuelan accent. She has to go back to the hotel soon and get ready as she is grabbing a plane later that day. I am sad she is leaving, but we have fun at the beach. Dream skips. I’m driving her to the airport, I ask her where she’s from. She says the name of a town I’m not familiar with, but it also means something dirty, we laugh. I drop her off and we kiss.

      I'm always amazed by how our brains can make up such a well-rounded character and bring them to life in dreams. I felt a little bad about the fact that it didn't cross my mind once that I have a gf, but then, it was a dream lol. I'm a little frustrated that the past 3 or 4 lucid dreams have all been fairly short, to the point where it feels that I am in a long dry-spell, but I guess that's better than nothing.

    14. Blue Kite, Allosaurus in Doorway, Little Winged Man

      by , 11-11-2016 at 05:11 PM
      Morning of November 11, 2016. Friday.

      I find myself on a beach in daylight but possibly towards early evening. In the first segment of my dream, there is a focus on a blue kite that is near the shore but over the ocean. Who it belongs to is undetermined. The end of the string is apparently caught in some large jagged rocks and cannot be reached. I decide that it might be mine, although that may not matter since I do not see anyone attempting to retrieve the reel. Still, my “mission” seems to be to get the kite.

      While standing near the rocky area I look back and notice an allosaurus in a doorway. The size orientation does not make sense as I get the impression it is a normal doorway (even though it is out of scale relative to distance), yet the allosaurus is also supposedly large. It looks like a model of one, such as the one from “Land of the Lost” (1970s television series) but is “walking” against an invisible barrier so that with every step forward it sort of slides back. It is almost comical. I do not want to miss out on my kite retrieval but I also do not want to be caught by surprise though I eventually decide it is no threat. The implications do not make much sense. The wall that the doorway is in seems incompletely rendered and not fully in the immediate setting, fading out around the top and ends.

      Looking out towards the ocean, and at the same level of the blue kite (and to the left of it by about ten feet perhaps) I see a small man with wings wearing only a dhoti. He is very quickly (to an unrealistic extent) scribbling random unfamiliar symbols (except for a spiral) onto his chest and wings. I notice most of the supposed writing continuously falls off (which of course is not really that logical), becoming ash or ash-like. I feel a sense of both amusement and puzzlement.

    15. November 8 2016 Non-Lucid and False Awakening

      by , 11-08-2016 at 06:13 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was this giant beach with different rock cliffs on the outside. The left side was mostly rolling fields and the right was a big cliff. There are rock cliffs in the water and on the sand as well. I believe that I'm in some sort of summer camp like Rockbridge that I've been to in the past. There are cabins in the fields and kids are in there for free time. Kolby is there hanging out with some other people walking around. I remember thinking I didn't fit in with them. At some point, a younger girl and guy come up to me and say my name to me which startled me but we sort of laugh. Then they're on the beach with me doing whatever. Someone tells me that the boy is cute looking but a douche. There's this rope that I'm holding onto which is attached to the middle of the sky and swinging me around the entire map. I'm swinging and spinning around the beach and around the cliffs.
      On the right is the cliffs made up of separate rocks. It must be 100 yards or more high. I'm climbing up with some friends and people are falling off. There's a group of older moms there for some competition at the top and they are telling me to leave but I'm trying to hold on. I'm afraid I'm going to fall off.
      At some point I'm in a gas station that I think is a McDonald's. Two of my fraternity brothers are there and I ask them to make me a frappe but then I feel bad making them do that so I just say I'll get coffee somewhere else.
      Another dream I'm in these hallways with a group of guys. The point is that there are girls trying to freak us out, like a haunted house. At the end of the dream there's a girl from my high school named Bridgette tickling me.
      False awakening, my friend Mason is in my college bedroom. He asks me if I've told my dad about his recent grandfather's passing and I tell him that I don't talk to my dad much, to which he replies with something about being born by him which confuses me. I get into the shower and he's trying to mess with me.
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