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    1. Strange partial dreams.

      by , 09-10-2012 at 08:37 PM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      The first dream I had, I was angry at someone. I don't remember why, but it turned into a dream where I was a the father of a bride in India, and my anger made me miss out on her wedding.

      Another dream I had, there was a cat that me and my brother Jeremy were playing with. It was a little asshole and kept biting and scratching us. It wasn't as bad as it's mother though. The mother wasn't around, but the dream made me think that we had previously owned the mother for a long time. We called her "Master" and the little one had no name yet. Even though he was mean, I liked him. We played for awhile, even though when I say play, I mean he bit me and hissed.

      The later dreams I had... on and off, argueing with my wife and other people. I kept waking up with bad anxiety, realizing nobody was fighting with me, then going back to sleep hoping I didn't have any more of those dreams. But they kept on happening. Last night was kind of a bad night. Hopefully my anxiety doesn't screw with me next time.
    2. A Misplaced Word and Being Inside a Video Game

      by , 09-08-2012 at 04:42 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was reading a poem which was about three other poems, one of my poems being one of them. I was very honored that someone would pick one of my poems to write a poem about. The only thing I saw that was weird was a misplaced word, "yay", being in there.

      I then remember reading it from a different angle, like it was all in 3D. All the letters looked like they were encased in glass. Inside one of them was a reflection of the word "yay" in a light reddish-purple color. I supposed that the author of the poem-about-poems saw that and thought it was part of my poem, when really, it was only a reflection of a word from another poem.

      Then, there were all these shoes on this stage, and something happened depending on how you had them laid out. I kept moving some and knocking some over to see what would happen. There were black high heels, grey high heels, black knee-high boots, and probably more that I can't remember.

      Throughout this dream, my mouth was terribly dried out. I would try to drink water to wet it, but it was like the water wasn't even touching my bone-dry tongue. I couldn't even feel it enter my mouth.

      I woke up with my mouth being extremely dry from breathing through it, my nose being too stuffy to breathe out of. I cleared it out, had some water, and went back to sleep, finally able to breathe through my nose again.


      I was inside of some video game, one that I had beaten before, apparently. Jake was with me.

      We came up to Cinderella, who was somewhere outside, just standing in some grass by the road (which looked like a road close to where I live), and talked to her. She was dressed in her ball gown. She had this mission that she was on, saving people who were less than fortunate; they were tiny and deformed, not even really people, I guess. It was so weird. But anyway, she asked us to get this kitten in the room the tiny people were in, which was actually the bonus room at my house. She called the tiny people "middle class" something or others, I can't quite remember.

      So we got the kitten, a black and white kitten with these small black balls on the tips of its whiskers. It looked like my brother's girlfriend's kitten, save for the whisker balls. Well that room was where my cat, Belle, likes to stay, and she doesn't like other cats. The kitten just wanted to play, but my cat wanted no part in it. I then saw the tiny people come out from behind the couch. They were basically just heads and legs, reminding me of Mr. Saturn from Super Smash Bros.

      Then, Cinderella said something about how one of the tiny people had gone missing.

      Jake and I were then going through this glass tunnel. We went into this room, one that we were supposed to get for either Belle or the black and white kitten, and there was a boss to beat in there, this small, green monster that kind of looked like the Cheshire Cat. It had black stripes on its back. I wasn't ready to activate it yet (we had to talk to it or hit it or something to activate the battle), but Jake went ahead and did it anyway. I said
      "Alright, you can beat him then," and gave him a lightsaber that glowed red when drawn.
      He said something like "This is easy" in response.
      I watched him hit the creature over and over. When he was about to deal the final blow, the boss looked at me with the exact look my cat gives me when she's pissed, with ears back and eyes wide. I shut the door to the room that Jake and the boss were in and walked back down the glass tunnel.

      Then, I was in a kitchen, sitting in a chair at the table, and these two people, a mother and father, were talking to their little girl. Her parents were telling her that her grandparents and I were leaving the next day in the morning. The girl looked very sad. Then, her parents said they would leave after breakfast, and she perked up a little and said
      "Well at least I still get breakfast!"
      I was wondering how in the world I was related to this girl, because apparently I was. I looked at her, and that's when I noticed how much she resembled Honey Boo Boo from the reality show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" (in my defense, a show I've never watched, and never plan to IWL). I was then trying to get out of the chair I was sitting in, but for some reason, one of my legs was kind of stuck between the table and the chair. I kept saying "ow" trying to get it out, even though it didn't hurt. I finally freed it.

      Updated 09-08-2012 at 07:09 PM by 32059

    3. I Found Cookie!

      by , 08-30-2012 at 03:06 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I don't remember much from last night, just a couple fragments. In the first, I found Cookie, a stuffed animal (a black-and-white cat) I've had for as long as I can remember, in my basement. I picked her up and hugged her really tight because I was glad that I'd finally found her (she went missing maybe a couple years ago IWL).

      In the second, I was on some website where there was this competition going on. It was some sort of video game competition. People could vote for their favourites in different categories (favourite character, favourite game, favourite genre, favourite moment, etc.).
    4. An Odd Assignment, An Old-School Game, and a Crazy Elevator Ride

      by , 08-29-2012 at 03:22 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at what looked exactly like Jake's apartment with a bunch of other people, including my friend Rachel, and one of my old teachers from college, Mr. H. Apparently, it was some sort of class.

      Mr. H told us all to go around the apartment and memorize as many items that were there as we could "in order", whatever that meant. We all then started, and I stuck by Rachel. We named off all these items as we all scattered across the apartment. I remember seeing a lot of vegetables in the kitchen area. The one I specifically remember is cucumbers for some reason. I named off other items in my head, talking to Rachel about them. Everyone seemed excited.

      We only had a short amount of time to do this. Mr. H soon called us back, and we all sat on the couch in the living room (even the couch was the exact same as in Jake's apartment). He gave us worksheets, and we had to name off the items we remembered "in order", and answer some other questions about them. I had been trying to remember all the items I encountered, beginning with the first one, but I started to get confused, and just wrote down each of the individual vegetables and some other random things. That question was actually closer to the bottom of the worksheet.

      I noticed that others were having little to no trouble remembering the items; one girl even had over 500 items listed, I think the exact number was 534. Many were already turning in their assignments, which Mr. H was grading right away, and they were getting good grades. I know at least one person got a 100.

      I think I was the last to finish the assignment. I felt like I wasn't going to do very well. I turned it in to Mr. H, who was sitting on a kitchen chair in the living room, close to the door. I sat down in another kitchen chair close to him and waited. He gave my paper back shortly, and it said 54 on the top. Great. I got a 54. And everyone else is musing about their awesome 100s and such. Ugh, I feel like a complete idiot.

      But then, Mr. H pointed something out to me. There was some weird, small white sign between us with a red number on it. There was the number 119 written over the 54. I guess I got a 119. Um...yeah, I can live with that, that's awesome as fuck, but wtf?


      I was sitting outside my front door on the red brick stairs that lead up to it. It was sunny and nice outside; a great day. I want to say it was morning, actually. A small calico cat came up to me, and I started to pet her. She was so sweet! I was talking to her, saying she was adorable and such, and then I looked to my right, and there was a cop just sitting there, in his uniform, drinking a mug of coffee (I'm pretty sure it was coffee). He looked fairly young and had short dark brown hair and a mustache. Internally, I freaked out at first, then realized I had absolutely nothing to hide, nothing to freak out about. He looked at me. He looked content and relaxed with a happy look about his face, though not overly so. He said something about the cat's owner, whom I think was actually him.

      Then, I was playing this PC game that I used to play when I was a kid.
      I'm going to break from the dream for a second to explain the actual game. It was one of the first online games I ever played. It had come with this other game I had, some game from the "Jump-Start" series of PC games. I want to say the game was called Knowledge Land. You "walk" (slide) around a coarse 3-D world with other players with an avatar, the most common avatar being a mouse. You earned other avatars, such as tigers and even humans, by collecting different types of cards, some of which you earned by going into this cave thing and answering questions that this computer asked you, and some of which you could just pick up off the ground.

      Anyway, I was playing that for some reason, and I felt like I was a little old for it, and the game was waaay outdated, so I would more than likely be the only person playing it. But I was wrong, there were others playing. I was friends on there with some guy with a Japanese-type robot avatar. The game in the dream had the same idea as the real Knowledge Land, but it was very different graphic-wise; there was a more extensive 3-D world, and you could move about it more freely. I was helping the robot guy with something, though I can't remember what.

      Then, I was in an elevator with Andy, I think Jase, and some other guys. They were holding up these Star Wars t-shirts to their bodies, showing them off since they had just bought them. They were excited about them. I commented on Andy's, saying it was really cool.

      Then, the elevator started to move down very quickly, and I started to freak out a little because I was floating up towards the ceiling from the speed we were traveling. Everyone else seemed to be grounded but me. They were holding onto some railing I think. I was commenting on it to them. I then thought about curling into a fetal position as I usually do in these dreams with the elevator (a fairly common theme for me), but I started trying to get a handle on the handrail so I could stay put, even though I actually started to really enjoy the floating.

      The elevator then started moving in other directions, like forward and down hills and stuff.
      "Wooo!" I said, "It's like a roller coaster!"
      I was having fun. I could even see out these windows that were now in the elevator. We were being carried on this rail that was above us. There was water around I believe, and we were traveling through a building. I remember seeing lots of metal bars.

      We finally stopped and got off the elevator. I think we were in some sort of parking garage.


      I had another dream this morning, but I can't remember it right now.

      Updated 08-29-2012 at 04:10 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. A Machete to The Thumb, And Various Odd Happenings In My Room

      by , 08-27-2012 at 04:08 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was somewhere with my mom. We were inside, and I remember the colors being bright tones of purple, blue, and there was some darker red in there. She was showing me how to cut things with a machete. I don't like knives or things like that, it's kind of an irrational fear I posses in waking life, and apparently in my dreams too. I wasn't really too scared though, more just worried that she would slip up and hurt me. I kept thinking that a machete blade was so sharp, it would slice at the slightest contact.

      My mom was showing me some way to cut where you threw it in the air and it would come back down. When she did that, it grazed my left thumb. It didn't hurt, and I looked at my thumb and didn't notice anything immediately weird, but then I saw a slight line that went all around the pad of my thumb. I told my mom I needed to go to the hospital right away. I touched the cut part of my thumb, and it was barely attached. It then started to ooze some blood out the sides of the cut. Then I noticed the pain. I held the piece of my thumb to the rest of it, worried it would fall off and I wouldn't be able to save it. I knew there was a time limit on reattaching digits and limbs, and I wasn't about to let that piece of my thumb go.

      We were then at the hospital, which had the same color scheme as wherever we were before, and we went up to the counter. I was holding my thumb, and telling the ER nurse that we needed to get in quick. I hoped she thought it was enough of an emergency to send us back right away.

      Thankfully, she did. We were sent back, and my mom told me that they would put this clear gel stuff around the cut that would "dissolve part of the nerve". I thought they were going to kill my thumb, but I think it was designed to seal the wound quickly, kinda like a heavy-duty liquid band-aid.

      I sat down, and a man with messy brown hair that was a bit shorter than mine and a mustache sat across from me and started to doctor my thumb. I couldn't watch as he lined the cut with the gel. My mom was sitting to my right getting the same thing done by a woman doctor I think. She didn't have a cut though, so I wasn't sure why she was doing it. Oh well.

      When the doctors were done, we got up. My mom showed me the veins in her wrist, and how the medicine was causing some of them to look a white-ish clear color. I then put my wrist out and noticed the same thing. Apparently, that was a normal reaction to the medicine.

      I looked at my thumb, and it looked like it was healing well enough. No blood, and I could barely see the cut anymore. Then, I saw my cat underneath a kitchen table and some chairs, and she was messing with something that apparently was supposed to be my thumb, but looked nothing like it. It was this small white thing, maybe it was the cat's paw or something. At any rate, part of it came off, and some string thing extended from it, like that's what was holding it together. I then saw that the pad of my thumb has fallen off, leaving an indention where it had been before. Well crap, that sucks. I accepted it, however, since there really wasn't anything else I could do about it. I examined the thumb, and it looked like someone had just scooped a bit from the middle. It still had the lines and creases of a fingerprint. I felt alright about it, I knew it was something I just had to get used to.


      I was in my room, and my mom came in and started to look through my stuff since the people painting our house had to do something in my room (IWL we are having the house painted). I went into my closet and watched her do it, hoping she wouldn't get into my top dresser drawer where my pipe was. She then headed over there and asked something about the dresser. My POV then switched to me being behind the dresser. She started to open the drawer, and I ran out and shut it, saying
      "You don't want to look in there. Please don't look in there."
      She didn't argue or anything, she just opened another drawer instead.

      Then, I remember walking out of Peck Hall, a building at my old college, and I was with some other people, my friend JT being one of them. He had his arm around me. In front of me, I saw the back of a girl in a cute black sun dress with grayish flowers on it. She was wearing a headband in her straight blonde hair. It looked just like my good friend Kacey, whom in waking life moved away to another town last year. I asked JT if it was Kacey, and he said no. I knew it couldn't have been anyway. We kept walking.


      I remember a brief fragment about Gabriel texting me saying he was busy or something.


      I was in my room again, looking at some painting that The Sandman apparently did, of an Indian girl getting fucked by a white dude on my bed by the closet...I could hear him explaining it to me. It wasn't his original plan to paint that, he had just started to paint a hand on the closet door, and he was inspired to paint two people fucking. Lolwut.

      Then, there was some weird black contraption in my room. It was a dolly that the painters were using to carry packages or heavy loads, but at first I thought it was a weird sex toy. I touched something that protruded from the center, which I assumed was used for, well, sexual purposes. Hmm...interesting. I then saw the wheels and realized what it really was.

      I then saw this guy laying on the floor next to this girl I had some classes with in waking life named Natalie. At least I think it was her. Anyway, she was giving this guy shot after shot in the leg, right where it bends, a little below the side of the knee. They were supposed to be steroid shots or something. Natalie was giving the shots like a professional nurse would. They were talking as she gave him the shots. I said something about my mom getting steroid shots in her shoulders for her pain. He would occasionally say it hurt, but they would keep talking.

      She finally finished giving him shots. I have no idea how many he gave her; it was quite a few. I saw the part of his leg that was getting the shots was slightly swollen in the spots the needles had gone in.

      I finally got to sleep last night after struggling for hours to do so. I take ambien to sleep now, and I guess I've built up a tolerance, or this batch just sucks. Either way, it's not helping me sleep right now. I had to take an allergy pill to even have any hope I would fall asleep, which I obviously finally did after sitting up half the night watching documentaries on Netflix. Hoping that a visit to the doctor will straighten out the sleeping meds problem. I do eventually need to get off the Ambien, and I will once my life slows down a bit.

      Updated 08-27-2012 at 04:37 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Random Jake Dreams, and Meeting My Pen Pal In Person

      by , 08-25-2012 at 02:51 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Finally, some good recall again!

      I was with Jake. I can't quite remember where.

      Then, I was sitting at my desk putting a baggie with a tiny piece of a marijuana bud in it in an envelope for my friend, Grace (who doesn't smoke in waking life). I was going to mail it to her. I felt like I had mailed marijuana before and it wasn't a big problem (yeah, I'm not dumb enough to do this in waking life).

      I then was walking through what was supposed to be a high school or something. I was still with Jake. I then saw my reflection in something we walked past, not a mirror but a very reflective surface, and I looked quite a bit different. My hair was short and straight and styled in a bouffant fashion. I was wearing a short skirt, red I think, but I don't remember what kind of top I was wearing. I looked at it for a second as we walked by.

      I again saw my reflection, and it looked the same as before, bouffant hairdo and all.

      Then, we were walking through a garage, still at the school apparently, and I was smoking a cigarette. As we walked up the stairs to the door to exit the garage, I flicked the butt behind me, not watching where it landed. My dad was then walking with me, and commented on the stink of the cigarettes (apparently lots of people smoked here).


      I was going to Jake's. I went into his apartment, and immediately thought that the locks had been changed for the new roommates moving in, and I didn't have the new key. Oh well.

      I walked through the apartment, which looked much different than in waking life. I remember walking past a cabinet with these two new, gold locks on it. On the living room couch were his two new roommates, two college guys. I remember one having a very short black mohawk and being shirtless. I don't remember what they were doing, I think they were just drinking soda or something. They didn't even seem to notice as I walked in.

      I then went to Jake's room. It was super messy, and he was sleeping on what looked like a cot in the middle of the mess, kind of close to the door. I woke him up and said something about his new roommates.


      There are some fragments that I can't really place.

      One, I was watching something on TV in my room with my mom, when the bouffant girl that was supposed to be me in the last dream came on TV. I got excited and told her about the dream. She smiled and got excited too (lol she wouldn't get excited in waking life).

      Another was of me driving topless. I felt exposed. Why the hell was I driving topless?

      I then remember something about seeing my old cat, Pounce, or at least a cat that looked just like her. This triggered lucidity, and I looked at my hands to stabalize, but I immediately lost it and went into a non-lucid dream.


      I got a text from my pen pal, Gabriel, whom in waking life I've never met in person, and who lives in another state. It said
      "Wanna get a drink?"
      I hadn't realized he had texted me; it had been about 30-45 minutes since he had asked me. I got really excited and I told him yes, but he didn't answer right away. It was kinda late too, like 8:30pm or so.

      So I got online and ordered some ticket to some bar in Franklin, the town he lived in in the dream. I then somehow had the small white ticket. It looked like a ticket to a movie.

      I was then in the kitchen at my house, My mom was then telling me how she wanted me to help her with something. I told her I wasn't going to be coming home that night. She asked why, and I said I was going to go get a drink.

      I realized that he never answered my text. I then called him, and he picked up on the first ring. I was a little nervous about talking to him.
      "Hello?" he said.
      "I do want to get a drink."
      That's about all I remember of the conversation, though I'm sure there was more. I felt more at ease as we talked. His voice was soft and deep; comforting.
      I think he texted me his address.

      I then left. It was dark, obviously, since it was late. I only had about an hour and a half to drive (only 30 min. away in waking life).

      I was then at his place. We went into his room, and he was talking to me as he went through some stuff on his bed. He had already bought this six pack of hard lemonade-type drinks. So I guess we were drinking at his place. His apartment seemed a little messy, but it wasn't bad. He had short black hair, looked youthful, and was a little shorter than the average guy. He actually would later in the dream remind me of someone I'm acquainted with in waking life, Tony.

      I sat down at a desk chair, and we started on our hard lemonades. We were talking, having a good time, feeling each other out since we'd never actually met in person. I was a little skeptical just because I felt like I kinda rushed into getting drinks with him, but he seemed gentle, nice, and genuine.

      At one point we were talking about the lemonades. He was already on his second, and I was still on my first, though it was almost gone.

      I then fell asleep. I woke up, and didn't see Gabriel. I went to the bag the six pack was in, but all the lemonades were gone. I guess I had been out long enough for Gabriel to drink the rest.

      My mom then came in and did or said something, I can't remember, but I thought it was insane that she even knew where I was, that she even knew his address. Weird.

      Then, Gabriel came back in with a bunch more booze. He pulled out amber liquor and beer, which was the same color. I started to open one up, but realized it was liquor, so I started to open up another, smaller bottle instead. I actually wasn't sure if it was liquor or beer or something else altogether, but I poured it into a glass and started to drink it. The flavor wasn't bad, though it tasted muted for some reason. I could taste the slight bitterness, but it was fine.

      Then, we were talking again, I think I mentioned something about my mom coming over. I was a little tipsy, but mostly I think I was just tired. Gabriel started talking to some of his friends, whom I think were supposed to be his band. They were looking at instruments that were in what now seemed to be a mixture of Gabriel's place and a music store. This is the part where I really thought he looked like Tony. He made hand gesture to his mouth to tell the guys we were drinking. The next thing I remember, they were gone.

      At some point, I noticed his bed. It was a queen with old, dusty, worn-looking white bedding. I thought it would be perfect to share with him.

      I then took too big a sip of my alcohol. I let it sit in my mouth for a second, afraid to swallow cause I didn't want to puke, but sucked it up and did it anyway. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it was just fine.

      I feel like my mom was there again. Someone was, anyway, and I was laying on my stomach on a bed or something. Gabriel then put his hand on my back. A big smile painted my face. His touch was so gentle and soft. I trusted him a lot more then.

      Finally, Gabriel said he was going to go to bed. I asked him if he wanted me to stay or go.
      "Ummm..." He was thinking.

      I then was woken up to hearing my neighbor call their dog.

      Oddly, in the last dream, I think part of me knew it was a dream. I didn't want to wake up, and I remember looking at my hands trying to keep the dream, but I wasn't actively lucid. It was just "in the back of my head" or something. I dunno. Either way, I'm not going to classify it as lucid.

      Updated 08-25-2012 at 06:17 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    7. Abandoned In a Tornado, and Weird Middle-Eastern Stuff

      by , 08-23-2012 at 02:39 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with my mom, brother, and MK at a house that definitely didn't look like any I've lived in. I'm not even sure where we were, it felt like a mixture of my town now, a place in Oregon, and a desert.

      Outside, the clouds were starting to get dark. I saw a particularly dark patch of clouds behind the house. I then saw something on the weather channel about how the storms that were coming had a history of producing tornadoes. And by having a history, they meant that the storms produced tornadoes years ago, at least that's how it felt in the dream. The storms had been around for a long time, just not in the area I was in.

      I looked out the window at the sky, and couldn't tell if the darkest of the clouds was moving towards us or away from us. I thought they looked like they were moving mostly towards us, but not dead on. While trying to gauge this, an old man that had been standing beside me said that the clouds were moving towards us.

      Then, off in the distance, I saw a pretty good sized tornado. It was pretty much staying in place as it twisted. I looked at it for a second to take it in, and briefly I saw it on a basketball court in someone's driveway with a basketball player? Anyway, I said to my mom and brother (MK wasn't there anymore)
      "Tornado! We need to get in the shelter!"
      So we started to go outside to the shelter. My mom and brother were in front of me as we walked out the door. I then remembered that my cat, Belle, was still in there.
      "Wait! I have to get Belle!" I said.
      I turned around and went back in the house to get Belle. The room I entered had all the lights turned off, and the carpet was navy blue. Belle was laying on the floor all stretched out as cats like to do. I scooped her up and went back out the door.

      My mom and brother had left, and I had no idea where the shelter was. I started to walk up this very steep, grassy slope into a wooded area. I then noticed that Belle was no longer in my arms. I turned around, and she was a few feet in front of me. I started to go towards her, but she ran. I was calling after her, so scared I was going to lose her, when she ran into a black man and he bent down to pick her up.

      Then, right before I woke up I had this weird image of a bunch of Middle Eastern people in a movie. As they spoke, (mostly) black glyphs appaeared over them, kind of like weird subtitles I suppose. I remember one glyph looking like an emblem of some sort; it was a circle with a big "S" in the middle, and it was embellished with wings and intricacies with some spots of red and blue in it. It was the beginning of a word.

      Then, I was seeing a Middle Eastern news cast with the anchor at a desk outside with a horse mascot head on. Otherwise, he was wearing a suit, or something nice.

      During/right after that last part, I was trying to remember the dream I had just had. It was really weird, like I was still kinda dreaming but I was still consciously trying to remember the tornado dream. Not sure how else to explain it...it was odd.


      I was in a dorm looking for an outfit to wear. Jake was with me. I was going through my closet, looking at what I had.

      Updated 08-23-2012 at 02:51 PM by 32059

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    8. German Shepperd Cat , Old Shirt, My house, Singing Bird that shapeshifted into another bird

      by , 08-13-2012 at 05:22 PM
      I was in my house when i had guests i did not actually remember when they got in. They brought a pitbull a bird that could sing really well to every song, And the weirdest thing was this german shepperd cat that meow'd and barked at the same time and it sounded sooooo weird. First off i remember playing with the bird it was a small one like a parrot but when i leave it alone it turned into a pigeon (still singing) I thought it was really cool and played with it for a while it did want to go out the window becouse it was calm idk. After that i remember sitting down with the guests and there were 2 dogs i started playing with the pitbull but it was very weird becouse it wanted to bite me everytime i touch it (NOTE: it's mouth was white from the inside i thought it was normal so no biggie.) Then i told my guests that i have a shirt that has a pitbull on it and it looked very much like their's. I brought the shirt but it was old and the picture was all yellow and it was of another pitbull like an animation i did not pay much atention to it so i put it back where it was. After that there was the second dog or at least i thought it was a dog. It was actually a cat hybrid with a german shepperd it's face was very weird i couldn't even look at it from the weirdness then it made a sound some thing like a bark and a meow at the same time .

      That's when i woke up and tried to remember other details about the dream without moving an inch but that was all weird as fuck i will tell you that.
    9. Meow

      by , 08-13-2012 at 02:32 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was in my living room with Henri (my cat) and Bugsy (my friend's rabbit, who I looked after for a couple weeks recently while she was away). Henri meowed, and Bugsy copied him. I thought it was really cool that a rabbit was able to mimic a cat. I looked back at Henri, but Oliver (my other cat) was there instead.
    10. Teleportation Troubles

      by , 07-27-2012 at 01:36 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was in my room. I was showing someone (can't remember who) my cat Oliver. He was a tiny, grey kitten, the tiniest kitten you ever did see. In real life, however, he's actually black and white and pretty much all grown up. I realized this and figured I was probably dreaming. I looked at my hand for an RC and had six fingers. Now, I knew I was dreaming. Unfortunately, I woke up within seconds. I noticed the grey kitten was still in my room, concluded I'd had a false awakening, and RC'd again. Once again, this woke me up nearly straight away.

      I had a feeling that I was still dreaming. I didn't want to wake myself up again, so I just wandered around the house, paying attention to everything around me, as I'd heard that was a way of stabilizing a dream. After a little while, I decided to tell my mom I was dreaming.

      "Are you?" she asked. I showed her my hand and told her that's how I could tell (I still had the extra finger, and I couldn't even keep my fingers straight if I looked at them for more than a second or so). "Oh, okay," she said.

      Then, I decided to try teleporting again, since I'd failed before and wanted to get it right this time. I decided that maybe I could try using a portal this time. Since I'd heard it's harder to make objects appear right before your eyes, I decided for some reason to jump up, expecting a portal to appear under me. It didn't. I decided to try spinning instead. I stood in the middle of the living room, arms outstretched, and made sure I had enough room to spin without hitting the TV. After confirming that I had enough space, I started to spin. Realizing I'd need a destination, and that I should actually visualize it this time, I briefly closed my eyes, as it's easier to visualize anything that way.

      That was a mistake. I woke up right away. This time, I had a feeling I was really awake. I did an RC and confirmed that I was.
    11. 25.07.2012 - 6 x non lucid dreams and some fragments - very vivid!

      by , 07-26-2012 at 02:18 PM
      Date: 25/07/2012
      Place: Caravan bed
      Time of getting into bed: 12.15am
      100mg B6 before bed

      Waking thoughts in black
      Non lucid dreams in blue
      Lucid dreams in red

      Dream 1 - non lucid (4.01am)
      Last night all of my dreams were very vivid and detailed. More so then usual, and they are quite detailed usually!I am on holiday, and go to visit my friend, T.I haven't seen T for years, we met on holiday a few years ago and never kept in touch. We were quite good friends on the holiday.I leave my partner in the hotel room as he is busy, and tell him he can join us later. When I find T he is not doing much, just sat watching television in a small room, which is a little dark and bare. I sit with him, he offers me a cigarette and I decline. We watch the TV. It is a show about women going undercover in bhurkas (spelling please?) one women wears a red bhurka, and she is evil, spreading bad rumours and causing trouble. T is angry and shouting at the TV, but I am bored. I make excuses to leave, and he walks down the stairs with me as we have to carry some large, heavy item to be delivered downstairs. It could have been a vaccum cleaner, or something similar. Outside is bright and fresh, and we seem to be in some sort of modern apartment building, with lots of metal and glass. There are lots of steps down to the lower levels. We carry the item all the way down, and we need to deliver it to number 3 or 4. However, we cannot find 3 or 4. Looking at the flat numbers, they seem to be in a foreign language missed an obvious dream sign here, the letters and numbers were all bizarre shapes, but I blamed it on being in a foreign country! T wanders off to look for numbers, as do I. I spot a casino style room, with poker tables in it. I approach a man working at a desk nearby, and ask him where number 4 is. He tells me he is number 4, and so I hand over the item. It has now changed into a red ice bucket, with a large hole in the bottom. He seems to want to talk, but I just hand it over and leave. As I leave, some people have sat down on sofa style chairs around a large, varnished wood table outside. The table looks beautiful and expensive. It has some sort of detailing around the edges, and it is very large, and an odd shape. They are drinking and relaxing in the sun, but I cannot get by to leave. The ice bucket man kindly rushes to help me, and a young girl stands up politely to let me by. I eventually get by, say thankyou and leave, when I notice my boyfriend is sat at the table, with a bag in his hand. He puts the bag on the table with a bump, and everyone looks at him, worried he has scratched the nice table. I get him and he wants to see T, but I tell him T is boring and we should leave before he finds us. My bf protests a little, but we leave.

      Dream 2 - non lucid (5.53am)
      I am looking out of a high window, and outside my window is another building, pretty close but leaving a gap between the two. Down this gap, a bird has fallen and got trapped, and it's cries for help can be heard. Another bird is helping it by using a net to dangle down so it can grab onto it, but it so far isn't working. The net is too light and won't go down the gap. I try to help by throwing OrangesYes, the fruit.Onto the net to weigh it down. It works and the bird is saved.Now, the dream skips. The bird is a woman's bag, and I am a bus driver trying to help get the women's bag. However in the dream, I did not notice the skip, and thought it was a continuing dream. I had no recollection of the bag ever being a bird. There was no gap in events, just a switch. The woman comes to thank me for getting her bag, and she is pretty, with long dark hair. She has a guy with her. She holds up the bag, which is a beige coloured tote bag, clearly full of things. With long black handles. She is sarcastic and cruel, saying thanks for nothing, the bag is useless, and it didn't need saving. I grab her by her long hair, and parade her down the bus, showing the people on the bus how cruel she is. She attempts to fight back, but as I'm a guy she struggles. I then throw her bag on the floor, and the contents go everywhere. I refuse to clean it up.

      Often, when people are mean to me in my dreams, I get violent and want to hurt them. This always gets out of hand and I end up being the mean one. Doing things like the above, or taking it too far and hurting people because I'm angry. I have no idea why, I would never do this in RL, and I'm possibly the most laid back, anti- violence guy I know! I rarely, if ever, fight in my life.

      Dream 3 - non lucid (6.55am)
      Erm. I wrote this in my DJ for the next dream;
      My friend is holding a house party, someone at the party 'fridges' my friend with a 'score.' Seriously, I have no idea what this means. I don't even remember this dream!!

      Dream 4 - non lucid
      I am watching a TV show about a new comedian doing stand up. Lots of veteran comedians are in the audience, and throughout the show he will pick one to banter with. Brian Conley is one of the comedians in the audience, he pretends not to like the new comedian, and feigns being offended by him, but the new comedian tells him 'you'll remember this later, and look back on it and laugh.' Then the new comedian looks at the camera and says 'I know I will.' and for some reason this is hilarious, and the crowd burst into laughter.For me at the time, this was also funny, now upon waking I have no idea why. Now I am part of the comedians act. I am in a lift with some members of the public, and there are hidden cameras. I say to the people in the lift ' I have a song stuck in my head, can you tell me what it is?' And proceed to rap, or sing a bad rave song to them, dancing and making an idiot of myself. They try not to laugh at me, some try to ignore me. The audience watching on TV find it funny.

      Dream 5 - non lucid - 8.03am
      I am driving down the street when we see Katy Perry, going into a house where a Rabbit breeder lives. She is smiling and cameras follow her. We watch, but someone says it is cruel to watch her, as she is addicted to rabbits and she needs help. She buys a rabbit and leaves. We go into the house after her, and there are cages, and hutches filled with rabbits. At first, it seems cruel, there are HUNDREDS of rabbits of all size shape and colour. However after we walk around, it appears they are very well looked after. Some are just babies, they have loads of room and are clean. Some of them have curly, greyish fur and they are the cutest. We leave and go to visit my friend who has just moved house. We find her house, which is like a log cabin, built from wood. Everything. We walk up some stairs and sit at a wooden table. There is a fire in the corner. My friend kicks the fire outside every now and again, and gets ask everywhere, she then argues with her boyfriend about this. Her parents are also at the table, but I am only there to see what she is doing, because I don't really like her. I don't really like her in real life, and she has moved far away. It also didn't occur to me in the dream that we were burning a fire in a house made completely of wood.

      Dream 6 - non lucid
      I am at a man's house. He has a daughter. He cooks me some food, and we seem to be friends even though he is a lot older then me, perhaps in his 50s. The food is rather nice, but when it comes to the next course, it is wriggling with worms. He tells me he has cooked worms in it, I should eat it. I really don't want to, as I'm worried I'll get sick, he watches me closely and I slowly eat around the worms. I now realise he probably isn't my friend, and I want to leave. I must have eaten a worm by accident, because I turn into a wild, gollum-like creature, and the man is happy about this, he keeps me in his bathroom, and I climb up the walls and make horrible screeching noises. His daughter keeps coming into the bathroom trying to kill me, she is only young, perhaps 13 years? But everytime she comes in I scream and attack her, and her dad comes in to save me. He protects me and removes his daughter. I start to eat lots of chocolate bars, I eat several, dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate... huge big bars. I expect to be sick, but I don't feel anything. For a moment, I'm so close to being lucid. I wonder why I don't feel sick after eating all this chocolate? What could be wrong? Is this real? I wake up.

      Dream 7 - non lucid - 9.25
      The next few dreams were all fragments, as soon as I woke I lost the memory fast, so just wrote the basic key words. A woman dressed as a cat is performing at a live show.

      I am tagging photos on facebook, and see the cat lady in the photos.

      A black cat mauls animals to death, there are 3 animals, a rabbit, a bird and another cat.

      Updated 07-27-2012 at 10:41 AM by 55699

      Tags: bag, bird, bus, cat, chocolate, worms
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Tigerform, Mass Telekinesis

      by , 07-23-2012 at 11:15 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      [Dream happened at around 9:30AM]
      [So yay, new week equals new lucid I was a bit stressed about lucid dreaming for the past days, but now it seems to be on track again]
      [I forgot some small parts from the dream and my lucidity wasn't always on the top, but it's better than nothing]

      My old love was staying at our house. We both got a new phone from my mom as some kind of gift, so we were taking photos and just trying the new phones in the garden. While we were in the outbuilding she broke her phone somehow, so she told me to ask my mom for a new one.
      I walked out of the building and was just about to climb into the neighbouring garden for some weird reason, when i had a sudden thought... "How could my mom give us another phone? We couldn't even afford the first two..." "Oh and what is E. doing here in our garden?"
      These questions were enough to make me lucid.

      The dream was blurry and dark-ish, while it wasn't exactly night time, but it almost looked that way. Well, i flew up into the air to think. [Flying goes so easily most of the time that sometimes i don't even think about why i do it... ].
      I was hovering near the roof and was a little upset because of the dream being this blurry... i didn't really think about a goal to do, because i wanted to get rid of this blurry state first.

      I flew towards the right side of the garden and passed to the neighbouring garden. I decided to try and "teleport" to the sports center using the eye closing method and maybe it would be more clear over there.
      I closed my eyes and immediately thought of the sports center, but instead of seeing full darkness, there was a weird black girl in front of me in the dark. She disappeared fast and i felt my real body, so i knew i must've woke up. I focused back on the dream and got back in.

      When i was back i was standing near the 6th road [which is one of the biggest roads in the country]. I recognized the place by the different kinds of wheat and plant fields close to the road, the bus goes this way everytime.
      I looked around a bit, but didn't see any cars anywhere, which was weird.

      I had a sudden thought that i should turn into a lion. I didn't know how i got that idea, but i found it to be a good one, so i jumped from the road onto the field close by and when i hit the ground i knew that i transformed already. I didn't want to be a lion that much, so i changed it into a tiger form. Since the dream was blurry, i couldn't really see my hands too clearly, but i've seen that they were much bigger, cat-like and had stripes on them, so i took it as a success.

      This was the moment when i realized how i don't feel ANYTHING. It made me upset, i basically didn't feel my body at all or anything near me. I was in control, but it just felt weird, like i wasn't really there. [This is a rare occurence].
      While thinking about this, i started running through the field. I didn't really have an idea how to run on four legs, so i was kind of just running and jumping at the same time, i couldn't keep running correctly

      During this time i noticed another weird thing: There was music playing in my head... i just knew it that it's coming from my head as it was really loud and no matter where i looked, i couldn't see a source. I didn't know this music or at least i didn't recognize it. It was some kind of old jazz and rock mixed music.
      Soon i reached a side road and at this time i started hearing talking, mixed with the music from before. I didn't understand anything from it, like it was in a language unknown to me.

      Finally i noticed some cars that were about to pass onto the side road. I jumped next to a car and stood in front of it. I checked inside to see who is the driver.
      It was a guy around his 50s, he looked emotionless, but i could still feel that he was annoyed because of me. There was also a blonde girl sitting next to him, who i recognized. She was an old classmate of mine [who i always found attractive ].

      I decided that i'll take the opportunity and kiss her... just because. I didn't hear anything other than the weird mix of music and voices in my head, but i felt like something told me that i should grab her by the neck and pull her out of the car like that. I didn't want to do that, so i just grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her out through the window. I let her go when she was on top of the car's hood.
      At this moment i realized that i'm still a tiger, as my hands were still huge and striped. When i looked back at her after observing my hands, she has turned into a housecat... [My first thought was that the dream is trying to troll me... ].

      Well, i'm not into that sort of thing, so i moved on. Now i was flying instead of running through the fields. I was just enjoying the flight, even while i couldn't feel anything other than some heavy feeling on my hands as i pushed the air time-by-time around me.
      I passed by lots of fields and roads and even our garden yet again, even while i had no idea how i got back there, but i went on [and while flying, i turned back to my normal human form].

      Soon i reached some kind of city. I descended to the ground here and looked around. It made me think of a part of Liberty City from GTAIV, but i wasn't sure that it was taken from there.
      There was a long building in front of me, which had lots of small windows all over it. There were many roads going in all directions from my standing point.
      There was a parked car in front of me and i just randomly grabbed it and thrown it to the wall, it heavily crashed into it.
      [I became semi-lucid here].

      I had a feeling that i must fly to one of those windows and do something inside, so i did. I flew up to a window and looked in there. There was a mechanic looking guy just walking out of a door. I passed through the window and got inside. It was a really small room with barely any space. There was a machine of some sort on the wall with lots of cables.
      I opened some tiny door on the machine and wanted to check it from closer, but the mechanic guy returned. I hid behind the door and waited.

      The guy just leaned close to that machine and started working on it, but at the same time he started mumbling something about his co-worker and he welcomed me. I thought that he must think that i'm his co-worker. I became fully lucid here again.
      I jumped through the wall and flew back to the road where i was before. When i reached it, i started walking to the right side of the building, trying to find something to do, even while the dream was blurry and i barely felt anything.

      I turned left into a smaller street where a huge crowd was standing around. I wanted to see what they were watching with such interest.
      While going that direction, i thought that i should try some telekinesis... i didn't do it since a long time anyway.

      At first i used one hand to bring a car up into the air with telekinesis. It went really easily and i just thrown the car away. There were some other parked cars on the right side of this small road and some people were walking next to them as well. Now i held both my hands in front of me and i made two cars and two people hover up into the air. The DCs i grabbed with telekinesis didn't seem to be too scared, they took it well.
      I made them spin around in the air for a bit then thrown both the cars and the DCs far away with my powers. I heard some quiet crashing sound from far away.

      Now i walked towards the crowd and checked what they were watching. There was a stage to the left side and there was a choir made of around 30 people on it. I could only see their mouths moving, but i heard nothing they sang... [probably related to this not-so-clear state of the dream].
      Well, that choir seemed like a good challenge... without much of a second thought i held both my hands up again and tried to move the whole choir up into the air with telekinesis.
      It was somewhat hard to do, i even felt some pain and tiredness in both my arms finally as i did this. I succeeded in bringing them up into the air, but i couldn't really make them float too high like with the others.

      Some of them seemed a bit scared, but others were still singing without me hearing anything. I held them for a while and tried to move them away from the stage, but it was too hard and my arms were really tired now, so instead of throwing the choir away, i let them go.
      Some of them ran away, but some were still on stage, singing... o.o
      Soon after this i lost lucidity fully.

      [Ah well, this blurriness, lack of feelings and some sounds were disappointing... but what can i do... :/]
      [I didn't even think about my Lucy goal during this lucid, but i would've skipped it anyway, because in a blurry state like this i would rather not try to fight Lucy...]
    13. Lucy, What's Wrong With You?!

      by , 07-17-2012 at 10:18 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      [Dream happened at around 8:20AM, almost 30 ]
      [Oh well, i took 3 Negro candies yet again... which made me have a painful stomachache, but i could get rid of it after a while and get back to sleep]
      [After waking up from this lucid, i didn't get up immediately and slept back for 2 or so more hours... interestingly, i only forgot one single part from this dream during the extra nap ]
      [The dream also collapsed multiple times, but i can't really recall the places where it happened]

      I was at a place i knew well in my town, near the house of my old school's ex-principal's house. Some guy was just trying to park in that garage with luxury cars. I became semi-lucid here and grabbed one of his cars and smashed it exactly in front of the garage door, so he couldn't move his cars in our out. I laughed and moved on.
      I started with walking towards the middle part of the city, when suddenly i noticed my cat Kormi. Since i was just semi-lucid, i had an idea that i should ride my cat. I became smaller than my cat and jumped on his back. [That was weird ].

      He started jumping insane distances as we were moving towards the inner part of the city. He even jumped above a lake which should've not been there. Soon we reached a random house where he sit down on the window ledge and let me down from his back. At this moment i became fully lucid.

      I just realized what i've done and laughed at that. I looked around for a while from the ledge, then flew up into the air to check around from there instead. We weren't exactly in the middle of the city, but it's okay. I turned back to my original height now.
      [I've done something here which i totally forgot during my nap, so time skip].

      I was flying towards the old train station and admiring how nicely the Sun was shining, while i was wondering what i planned to do today... I just couldn't recall my goals for some reason. It bothered me a bit, but i continued flying around just for fun.
      Soon the world around me shifted and i was in front of our house. Oh well, i decided to check inside, after all it was daytime now, so someone must be in there.

      I flew through the closed door and started floating in the living room. I noticed my mom and dad in the kitchen. They were talking about some carnival or something like that, but i didn't pay much attention.
      I decided to go on, so i flew through the window towards the garden. [Ugh the garden... why do i get back here again o.o?].

      I was just slowly passing by the fig tree, when i suddenly remembered that i wanted to meet up with Lucy again. I got a little nervous, but then i told myself that i can't skip this now. I gotta befriend her finally.
      I started flying towards the end of the garden, when suddenly i noticed a bird flock coming towards me really fast. I wasn't worried at all, so i just let them come close.
      When they got close finally, i realized that these were SHARK BIRDS

      This image makes me sick o.o

      I started flapping my arms around and knocked most of them away, but one of them was just somehow stuck on my face, it wanted to eat my left eye.. ugh.
      I didn't hestitate and just grabbed it and thrown it away as far as i could. [Weird shark birds, you deserve this... ].

      I started flying faster now to avoid stuff like this. Soon i reached the end of the garden and while fighting the almost collapsing dream, i called out for Lucy.
      I shouted "Lucy!" "Lucy!" "LUCYYY!" for a while, but nothing happened. I got somewhat mad at her for hiding again, but then something unexpected happened.
      There was a hole in the wall at the corner of the garden and some power started lighting it up and beams started shooting out of it. [When i was young i always feared that monsters come from that corner part of the garden...]

      Soon a bigger beam appeared and it pointed to the ground. Suddenly, a monster appeared from the beam.
      But i just knew that it was Lucy in a different form, to scare me away. This monster was made up of a bottom half of a human with legs and everything up to the waist, but it had no upper body at all! It had a torn skirt on and it had two hands coming out of the legs. It also had some tentacles on top of it.
      I was staring at this weird thing and all i could think of was "What's wrong with you Lucy?!"

      I didn't have much time to think, because she attacked me almost instantly. This monstrosity ran towards me with those huge legs and wanted to hit me with the tentacles. I jumped out of the way. Suddenly i've seen myself from above and i had a sword and shield in my hands. I couldn't control myself anymore and she was just beating me without any problem. I could only stare and do nothing against it.

      Soon my body dropped to the ground and she let out a monstrous laugh, while a word appeared in front of me: Love.

      I woke up.

      [Ok... what the hell... that was weird when it happened, but it still sounds weird when i think back to it...]
      [That "Love." in the end felt like she meant it in a way like... you know... like she delivered what she wanted and is satisfied... but maybe it has more meaning than that... o.o]

      Updated 07-17-2012 at 10:43 AM by 54420

      lucid , memorable
    14. Three Dreams

      by , 07-16-2012 at 01:34 AM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I swear I could remember four dreams when I woke up this morning. Now I can only remember three. Oh well.

      In the first dream, I was in Arizona. I was excited because I'd never been to Arizona before, and I was surprised that the climate was similar to how it was during the summer back home (New York). Well, it was in the area we were (yes, there were other people with me, but I can't remember who they were now). From where I was standing, there was a desert clearly visible just up ahead. There wasn't even any sort of smooth transition; it was just an area with grass and trees, then, suddenly, desert. We went into the desert, but it was really hot and hard to go on, so we turned back.

      In the next dream, my friend Lizz and I were in some sort of building somewhere. I'm not sure what it was. It was, like, an airport or something. I'm not really sure. I just know it had a road going through it (and, yes, a couple cars did go by), which doesn't make sense. Anyway, we saw some people eating sushi, so we decided to go find where in the building we could get some. Then, we heard sirens from fire trucks outside, so we ran outside. We saw my mom's car pulling up into the parking lot, so we decided to go. Then, we heard someone announce that they had the sirens going off to tell people to be quiet because there was too much noise inside, apparently.

      In my third dream, my cat attacked my legs. I was bleeding a fair amount, but it didn't hurt, so I didn't really care. For some reason, all that mattered to me at the time was making sure I didn't get bloodstains on my pants.
    15. 11.07.2012 - An epic night of 16 dreams, 1 lucid.

      by , 07-12-2012 at 03:10 PM
      Date: 11/07/2012
      Place: My bed
      Time of getting into bed: 22.22pm
      Hot bath before bed

      Waking thoughts in black
      Non lucid dreams in blue
      Lucid dreams in red

      I was pretty tired before bed, I was up early for a meeting the day before and didn't nap in the day. Then before bed I had a hot bath and went straight from there to my bed. This was THE BEST nights sleep I've had in a long time, no problems with the bf snoring, or me being too hot, or whatever. I woke up and slept in till 11.30, and still could have slept more I was so comfortable and tired. I was very surprised just at the amount of dreams I had.

      Dream 1 - 2.48am
      I am dreaming about being lucid, and joining a lucid dreaming group on facebook. I keep chatting about how good lucid dreaming is.

      Dream 2 - 3.33am
      I am sleeping over at my Aunt's house, with my bf, my sister, and my mum. The Aunt/Uncle in the dream does not exist in RL. My mum is awake and partying with my Aunt and Uncle, while we try to sleep. We all have separate beds. I am trying to WILD, but my Uncle comes into the room. I really don't like him and feel uncomfortable. He leans over my bed and tells me in a nasty way, to stop WILDing. He then shouts at us, telling us to turn the TV off, and leaves, he has a pitbull type dog that follows him around and it is known to be aggressive and bite. My sister talks to me for some time, then I try to WILD again, this time I have my phone, and notepad and pen in bed with me. I also have a metal chest at my feet. I can hear the adults getting drunk and rowdy downstairs, and distinctly hear my mum laughing. My bf wants to pet my Uncle's dog, but I tell him he will bite, my bf tells me the dog was bought from my brother for £20. so how can he bite? The dream skips to us (my bf, me and sister) sitting on the stairs playing with sane, we are making rude shapes in the sand. The adults come home (I don't know where they've been, but it's late and they're all drunk.) they think it's funny to kick over the shapes I make in the sand, but I'm glad they don't tell me off for making rude shapes. They go to bed and there is a trail of sand behind them, so I know they've been on the beach.

      Dream 3
      In this dream, I am wheelchair bound. I control the wheelchair via an electronic graphics tabletI use a graphics tablet a lot during the day.I am in a large shopping centre, and the shops are closing for the night, there is one particular shop which a woman runs. This shop has big glass fronted doors, and resembles a dentist's room inside. It is quite modern and has a computer on a desk with lots of drawers filled with medical items. The woman is in her 30's, blonde, quite attractive but very bad temper and not a nice person. She particularly hates me, but she has reason to, as I am trying to break into her shop when she leaves. I use my mobile phone to hack the security system, and get into he shop. This takes a few attempts but once I'm in, I rifle through the drawers to find some lucid dreaming pills. I already have some in my pocket, but they are so good I want more! I finally find some, and they are like sprinkles that you sprinkle on ice cream. They are dark red. I steal them. She sees me leaving and walks after me, but I hide them in my waistband. She never finds them.

      Dream 4
      Me and my bf are sat in a field, near a small, low brick wall. We are sat on plastic chairs and it is sunny. There are several people walking round, so this could be a park, or a fayre or something. We are enjoying ourselves and just chilling, maybe we have beer? A nearby news reporter walks over to me. She is wearing a revealing red dress, which is pretty skin-tight. She is also wearing bright red lipstick. She has long dark hair and big eyes, very attractive but her face says she is bored and in a bad mood. She is holding a microphone. She asks me if I know anything about 'currant affairs.' I tell her that I am currant affairs, and laugh. Really I do not want to be interviewed. She doesn't smile in the slightest, but says 'Actually.,' in a very pissed-off voice, 'I was asking you what you know about AFFAIRS.' I then say, 'if a man has lipstick on his collar, then he's having an affair. That's all I know. My bf and I crack up at this, roaring with laughter, but she just stands there looking annoyed. Our friends join us, D and K. They are a gay couple, and we all kiss hi, etc. They are very flamboyant and camp, just as in real life. K quickly dashes off as he has to leave, and I tell the reporter that these guys would know nothing about lipstick on their collars, so don't bother asking. Again, we find this funny and laugh, but the reporter is interested in interviewing D. She asks him if he can answer some questions, and he is keen to (he likes the sound of his own voice) they ask me to leave my chair so D can sit down, and I do. I sit on the low wall nearby. Suddenly a crowd of passers by gather to watch the interview. I am suddenly wearing red, or at least I suddenly notice, and D is wearing a red shirt. There is a young guy sat near me, very close but I don't mind. However he puts his arm around my shoulders, and my bf glares at him. He is with some other young people, so I don't take him seriously, however he states that he's never met a gay before. He then says gay men are like horses, to which everyone laughs at him and asks him what the hell he is talking about, including me. I try to leave, but the guy grabs my arm and won't let go, he tells me he's never kissed a guy, but wants to try it. I know he is too young and tell him no. My bf looks very annoyed now and wants to leave. The situation is forgotten when there is a crash, and a woman who had been sittin on the back of a chair, has fallen off. She is lying on the floor, and her legs are all bent and broken. She is in a lot of pain and can't move. I try to help her up, but D tells me off, saying she could have hurt her spine and I shouldn't move her. He strokes her face and tells her everything will be ok. She has light blonde hair and is a little chubby. She starts to cry.

      Dream 5
      I am sat in my old childhood garden, on the grass. There are people around, most of whom I don't know. An old comedian nearby, complains that no one laughs at his jokes anymore. I tell him he needs new material, stuff to appeal to the new generation. He thinks this is ridiculous and the new generation have no sense of humour. I actually say; 'You need to change some of the veg in your picalilly.'For those who don't know, google picalilly. It's a type of food, I use it sometimes on sandwiches. It's amazing. It has chunks of pickled veg in it.Eventually we figure out some jokes for him. I teach him how to get a potato, and cut a hole in it, then insert a carrot, and it makes sex.What the fuck?!We paint some of the grass white, so he can use it as a base for his vegetable sex. Nearby, my Aunt is drunk and falls asleep on the grass. She wakes up, thinking she slept all night and it is the next day, I don't tell her she's only been asleep for 5 minutes. Next, there is some commotion as a nearby young couple are losing their virginity in from of a big crowd. I find it boring and a little disgusting, but everyone else is loving it. He is really going for it, banging her hard, so that he knocks some items over nearby. When they finish, the crowd clap and celebrate.

      Dream 6
      I think there was more to the beginning of this dream. I do remember I was collecting the tickets for a reason, I think someone asked me to prove if I knew my friends or something? Anyway.
      I am running around a school-like building, collecting tickets that vary is size / shape / content. They all feature a friend's name on them, and a date and event that my friends are attending. I only remember one of them was a friend R R isn't really a friend, more of an acquaintance, and I've seen him 2 times in about 5 years.The ticket said R was going to watch a bike show in Sheffield at this certain date. While looking for more tickets, I see my friend S's young son. In RL he is 2, in the dream he was 6ish?He is in a playful mood and runs from me, I play along, running after him pretending to be a monster. He is wearing a thomas the tank engine onesie. I chase him into a room, where his dad, S is sat with his parents watching telly. I feel a bit intrusive and leave, but the child runs out again, begging me to chase him! So I do, it's kind of fun, and I hide behind a door in a room filled with children's toys, so that when he enters the room he doesn't see me. I then jump out to scare him, and he screams with delight, laughing so much he falls over and I catch him. I carry him back to his dad, who is still watching telly in silence. His son then starts saying 'Giggidy,' and moving his head like Quagmire. google Quagmire and giggedy. It's a stupid thing from the TV show Family Guy. I laugh, but S suddenly gets angry at shouts at him to stop, he then starts shouting at his dad in the room, saying it's his fault the child learnt to do that. They argue and I leave.

      Dream 7
      Again, I have a vague memory of more to the beginning of this dream, but alas, I didn't write it down in time and forgot.
      I am back in my old childhood bedroom, with my sister. My sister is a young girl again, not sure about myself though. We are sat on a windowsill, watching the pitch black outside and talking. Suddenly, a squirrel hits the window and scares us, is scrabbles around a bit, and we are unsure of what is happening, but then we see it is being chased. Suddenly, a tabby cat hits the window, it's eyes are wild as it chases the squirrel. For a moment, I think 'hang on, how did they get up so high? They are...flying?' but I lose that train of thought as the squirrel disappears and the cat starts following my hand inside the window. I tease it a bit, and it goes crazy, scrabbling at the glass to get my fingers. I suddenly notice my sister is on the outside of the window, she must have climbed out when I wasn't looking!! SHe sits on the sill, in her nightdress, and the cat gently sits on her lap. I start to think 'Oh no, what if she falls off!? I must get her inside!' then BOOM. I'm lucid. I realise she can't hurt herself in a dream, so she's ok sat there. I watch the scene and she strokes the cat, and it rubs against her, purring and calm. It's only a kitten now, and not so scary and wild. I wake up.

      Dream 8
      I am babysitting my nephews. They begin to fight over a toy. The older one has the toy and won't share. I tell him that if he lets his brother hold the toy for a few minutes, he'll be happy then he can take it back. He does this and it works, they both play happily.

      Dream 9
      This was a longer dream but I only remember this bit.
      I am helping my mum unpack the shopping, and put it away in her house. I open the fridge, and start taking out food to make room for the shopping, as I am doing this, my mum is putting food inside, so essentially we are just being pointless. Eventually I realise, and give up, letting my mum fill the fridge how she likes.

      Dream 10
      My friend L has been out drinking with another friend. They get back and we are sharing the same hotel room. I notice her friend is heavily pregnant, and very drunk. I am concerned for the baby, but they don't seem bothered. I try to discuss the bad points, but the pregnant girl is so drunk she passes out. I talk to my friend about it, and even though she is drunk and seems not to care, she tells me I am right, but what am I gonna do?

      Dream 11
      I am in the bathI did get a hot bath before bed.I am in the bath at my mums old house, where I grew up until I was 10. I'm on my laptop in the bath, and get distracted, when I turn back I've dropped the laptop in the water. Shit! I panic and pull it out, then I turn it upside down and try to dry it out, it still works but now all the programs are really old, like the first ever Windows. And really bad graphics etc. I'm just glad I didn't lose my work.

      Dream 12
      I am in a train station, in a queue. When I get to the front, I ask for tickets to a certain place, for a certain date, but I keep getting confused. The man behind the counter is not very helpful. A woman stands behind him, and she is pretty stern, she keeps looking at me and making me nervous. I stammer a bit, then realise I said the wrong dates and change them around. 16th of August is what I wrote, it is a 5 day trip to Birmingham, UK. I am buying 2 tickets, one for me and one for my bf. I ask them questions but they don't help me. I try to get money out to pay, and scrabble around in my jean back pocket which is full of crap. I hand over a pot of hummusWhat the hell!? But I do love hummus They get angry, and the woman says I cannot pay with Hummus. It's a genuine mistake, but now there's a big queue behind me and I get embarrassed. I take the hummus back, and pull out the contents of my pocket, which includes lots of bits of paper, string, buttons and receipts. I find my card and pay. I'm super embarrassed. Now they kick me out of the queue, and I fight to get back to the window, I make it but they shut the window on me. I open the window, they try to stop me but I squeeze my way in and shout at them. They tell me my tickets have been printed, and are waiting in the machine behind me to be collected, I turn around, and there they are. I feel stupid for shouting and go and get my tickets while everyone watches me.

      The next dream, I'm going to write as the same dream as above. However I thought it could be another dream with the same characters, but I'm not sure cos I didn't clearly state in my DJ weather it was anew dream or not.

      am at the pub with friends and my bf. We are at the bar, it is a wetherspoons type pub, with wooden bars, kind of busy. The staff are the people who served me at the train station in the previous dream. We order drinks, and I'm left to pay while the others walk off to find some seats. I pay, and grab the drinks ( 3 x cokes and one beer) but the lady tells me off, because one of the cokes is not mine. I get annoyed, why did they put it in front of me then? How was I supposed to know? I pick it p anyway and take it, but they start shouting saying I haven't paid for it, and I need to put it back. I throw the drink at the man's feet in rage, and walk off to find the others. I hope to myself that they don't kick me out. I find the others sat on a circular table outside and join them. Soon, someone comes up to me and congratulates me on showing the barman who was boss. I smile and say thanks. Then another person does the same, and another, my friends don't know what they are talking about. I feel a little embarrassed but also kind of cool at the same time. Then someone tells me the barmaid is telling people she threw a tea towel at me after I threw the drink, I laugh and say this isn't true, but I'm glad she's pissed off.

      Dream 13
      I am walking in the pitch black at night, it is raining. I walk past a very nice yellow and black sports car with cream leather interior. I note that it's getting wet, because it's raining Dur, really? lol, I actually think this is my ADA passing through to my dreams.

      Dream 14
      I am talking to a foreign guy (swedish / polish / lithuanian?) about the film JAWS. I tell him it was a great film, and explain the concept to him. In my dream, the concept is pretty accurate, except I say the water was full of rusty junk metal. He claims that in his country, the film is totally different, and although there is a shark in it, it is not the same film.

      Dream 15
      I am lying on a bed, with my bf. He is sat over me, this is a very sexual dream. I'll not go into detail as it's explicit - but I will say it's very erotic and vivid. I wake up really horny.

      Dream 16
      I am part of a zombie fighting team. The team consists of people I have never met, one I remember as having an unshaved face, a big scruffy. We drive a van similar to the A team van everyone has to know this, google it.We are pretty good at what we do.I made the mistake after waking of only writing the main bits of the dream, and as a result when I fully woke, I couldn't remember all the details. I'm annoyed with myself yet again for doing this.After fighting some zombies, we celebrate with beer. One of the guys opens his beer near my face, splashing me with froth, it's funny, so I do it back. He then tips his beer all over my head, and my hair get's soaked in beer. I'm pretty pissed.I love my hair, I take pride in it, and whenever anyone touches it I usually get annoyed in RL. I storm out the room in a strop, and down the street, intent on quitting our zombie fighting team. I look around for a way home, but realise I'm stranded here. I wring my hair out, and the street is full of bustling people. Someone passes by in a rucksack, and looking like a hippy. I recognise him from my little school This guy was from my 'First school' 4 yrs to 12 yrs. I haven't seen him since then - 13 years ago.I ask him what he's been up to since I last saw him, and he says he's been on drugs for a few years, living in a hippy commune and just got back. He walks of in a hurry, waving as he goes. Then the van turns up and the zombie team ask me to get in, apologizing for pouring beer in my hair. I'm still pissed, but have nowhere else to go so I get in, and forgive them.

      I woke up, feeling like I'd had the best night sleep in a long, long time. I didn't want to get up.
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