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    1. Humanoids

      by , 12-17-2011 at 12:00 PM
      I was driving on a highway, it was night time and I was with my family. There was an exit I took and it was very damaged and I saw someone else get out of their car. Then some "people" I'll call them "humanoids" touch the other drivers ad changed them, they were noe doing what the humanoids told them.

      I drove back to the city and tried to tell everyone, but it seems the humanoids are like the Transformers and had been hiding there a long time. I decided to leave with my family we were on the way to the train station while I started thinking "What if they're not bad?". My Dad dissapeared from the dream. I continued with my Mum and Sister tobanquet-type place with bronze walls it was a really high-end place. It had rows of tables with people eating one guy said something racist and my Mum retaliated, I just moved her along and kept going. I also remember seeing police come out of a van they were pretty futuristic.

      I saw the tunnel leading to the station as me and my family ran. I saw one guy jump over the stairs because the stairs were long, like a ramp for a wheelchair user. I ran down and around. I remember seeing a guy with glasses, a tattoo (I think) and a guitar gig bag he saw an old lady with two shopping bags and said "Can I help you with that?".

      As soon as he touched it he turned. It turns out the old lady was a humanoid.

      In Eastenders, Lauren was naked and so was her mother Tanya but she was covering up. Lauren was spraying stuff onto Tanya. Then Ian Beale came in with a sick and I mean SICK-looking grin on his face and started spraying the stuff on Lauren.

      Side Notes
      It was a mix between a dream and a nightmare. I think it would make a good film, if you could stretch out the plot. Or a book, I'd buy it.
    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 12-17-2011 at 08:47 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dragon (DILD)

      I see it: the cause of the rampant destruction, taking place just down the block. A green dragon, female, on a tyrade, clearly looking for someone, I can’t help think that someone is me.

      Figures. I think, making my retreat into a nearby flat, flying up to the second story, fire-breathing giant right on my tail. Unfortunately, I quickly find I’m not as safe as I’d like to be when the dragon bursts its head through the wall.

      I don’t want to deal with this right now, I realize suddenly as the dragon exclaims her joy in finding me. I walk up to her, reminding myself this is a dream, and walk out the door to the roof-top balcony. Hopping down, it’s clear the dragon isn’t going to leave me alone simply because I’m not interested in fighting. A burst of flames hits me hard, but fails to phase me.

      Fine. I’ve got some stuff I wanted to try anyways.

      I pull a katana from my side and throw it to the ground in front of me. Another, and another, I pull from the air beside me. Tossing them around me. Raising my hands, I direct my TK at the lot of them, but. . . I’m meeting some resistance. Inexplicably, I can only manage exerting control over one, so I figure I’ll just go with it.

      With a thought, I fling the blade at the dragon, whirling it through the air, toward her heart. It strikes a glancing blow before flying off to the side, making a shallow cut, minor damage it seems. I bring it back around for another strike, but the dragon is producing weapons of her own, hurling them at me in much the same way, but with a much straighter path. I’ve only got a moment to react, but although the energy behind the attacks is palpable I manage to fully deflect them without much effort.

      After some more back and forth, she tells me she’s impressed.

      By what? I can’t help wondering, I haven’t even done anything yet.
      Deciding I’ve had entirely enough of this unnecessary fight, I take to the air, slowly approaching the dragon. Deciding to finish this, I activate my Geass forcing an imprint of my will onto hers; my wishes would become her wishes, my will, her will. For a moment I feel it work, but again, I experience that same resistance as before. She puffs a bit of agitated smoke at me.


      Not skipping a beat, I land some quick, devastating blows, get her in a lock, mess up her neck, and drop her to the ground. She doesn’t get up immediately, so I figure things are done and begin moving back into the city.

      That’s when she starts to get up again. . .


      I’m on a Torchwood investigation, leading a three person team to the site of the most recent rift activity.

      It’s the flat from before.

      One of the women on the team, my partner, goes to investigate the scene of the fight from earlier. On the roof-top balcony, I show the rookie how to break in the Torchwood way, using a specialized lock picking device to get us through the door and into the room in question, where we’d find exactly what we were looking for.

      Updated 12-18-2011 at 08:48 AM by 25167

    3. 12/13/11 Black Out, City Lights

      by , 12-13-2011 at 01:18 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I walked into my school's gym. It was pretty dark, but there were people inside. They were watching a movie on a projector I think. Avoiding them, I walked all the way around the gym to a small, dim room, only illluminated by one light bulb. There were about 3 kids in there. They crouded around a small crate. I pushed my way through, and looked into the crate. I saw cokes inside it. Mainly Mountain Dew (what mainly they looked like) and Diet Coke. A teacher was beside me now. She picked up a Dr. Pepper off of the floor that fell out of the crate and handed it to me. She told me that she thought I might of liked it better. I nodded.
      We had to pay for the cokes, but I didn't, and the teacher never caught me.

      Now I was inside our school's high school hallway. I can't remember which room I was in, or what I was doing, but I do remember that there was a black out in that part of the school. I remember seeing a flashlight earlier in one of the rooms, but I ignored that and felt my way to the end of the hall. For some reason, a random room down the hall's lights never went out.

      When I found my way to the lunch room, there were 2 people in there. It was dark in here as well, but a single fluorescent light bulb flashed in the far left corner. I told them that someone shut off the lights in the high school hallway, and we need to find out who it is. I remember walking outside with them through the back doors in the lunch room. It was light out now. There was a tree where there was never one, right where we came outside. I think we just stood there, and waited. I remember a picture of us kneeling on a brick step, with the leaves falling all around us, looking into a window.

      Now we headed back inside through the way we came. All of the lights were turned on now. I talked to one of the girls with me and we ran to the high school hallway. There was a ton of kids there. The library was open, but it wasn't a library in my dream. It looked like a little stage that popped out of the wall, that had a side door on top of it going into a closet of some type. And there were props on that stage. Also on the stage, were some guys snickering at us, and one looked familiar. I think he was in my class. They told me that they had my sister in this closet. Somehow, my friend turned into Sonic the Hedgehog! She grabbed me and ran into the closet. "She" was so fast that the guys didn't even notice we went inside. Now I was looking down into a bowl inside the closet, and saw a tiny, shining thing dancing around in it. Maybe struggling. I realized that it was my sister! It was so cool. I have no idea how she got into that form.

      City Lights
      We were on a sail boat. I think my cat was driving. Yes, I know it sounds weird, but she was a fantastic driver! She was a bit bigger (fatter) than a normal cat, and stood up like a human when she wanted to.

      My mom and I were the passengers on this boat. When we got to a good spot on the water (we may have been in a river, but I remember boats being parked all around us), we looked up and saw the moon. It was so vivid and so clear, and very close. On the water, I saw shining lights dancing around the moon. It was a breathtaking scene.

      I just remember blackness. Now my cat was driving a car, and me and my mom were coming along once again. She (cat) was driving in the city. We parked at a very tall mall building. When we went in, we were mesmerized by the first floor. Tons and tons of beautiful things, but so expensive. Each floor had a specific theme, and usually had cut out cardboard people to show excitement.

      I can't remember which floor we were on, but I walked all the way to the end of the room and saw the cardboard cut outs. It was a family of four (mom, dad, sister, brother) all happy and smiling as they watched TV and played games in their living room.

      We were on another floor now. I found a scarf, in which I tried on. It was bit too heavy to be a scarf, but it was pretty. It had green on the edges, and had sparkles that dotted the rest. I looked on the price tag, I can't remember the price, I just know that it was expensive.

      Blackness. And now we were about to go on a high way. There were many cars coming, so we had to yield to them. My cat was still driving. A cop was standing obout 10 feet from us, with a grenade launcher mounted on his shoulder, aiming at us! I ducked. My mom told me that he did that because we weren't allowed to "park" there, in which we weren't, so he would try to shoot us with his grenade launcher. He looked pretty furious and he also looked like he didn't have the guts to do it. All of a sudden, my cat gets out of the car and now she's walking onto the high way, cars are screeching and turning trying not to hit her, but some fail. They graze her some, but she's alright.

      The cop was still there. If I had become lucid, I would have took his grenade launcher and shot him in the face. I would have also saved my cat.
      Tags: cat, city, mall, mom, sam, school
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. The Wonders of Living in a City

      by , 11-26-2011 at 09:39 AM
      I am working with a guy to unclog toilets. The plunger isn't working well. Also ew.

      We were tricked by some evil guy. We're working as a team trying to disable a bunch of atom bombs in the middle of a large city. There are dozens of video game cartridge shaped bombs (like the oooold Atari 7800 ones) covering the outside of a large metallic cube, which is taller than I am. I try taking the bombs off one by one, but there are just too many, and we are almost out of time. I drop a bunch of the bombs in the bay, but it's not good enough.

      I'm waiting at the train station, but the 'train' is just a single carriage with a seat on top that could hold two. I get on and hold tight to the handles. The rail is like in Minecraft and has glitches. The track goes through a solid block. I jump off, but the cart goes through. I manage to get back on afterwards.

      For some reason, I'm off the train before quite reaching the station. It's a major station, and there are a lot of lines crossing and going different directions. I try to navigate through to the right train and have to cross tracks. I get stuck between two tracks, with two trains going by me at the same time. Scary.

      At the station, I'm looking through the shop to buy something to make me feel better. My parents are there. They think I want them to pay. I really don't, and I feel guilty anyway.

      I get on another train. This one is a real train, but it's an old style, and there are tables and chairs like at a restaurant instead of proper seating. I remember something about an odd device. I sit in one of the chairs and drink from a glass of water (wait a second, was this someone else's glass? ick). I look out the window. A bunch of people made really impressive Minecraft-ish structures in real life. I stare and stare as the train passes by them. There are so many, so beautiful, so impressive. How could they accomplish so much in just 6 years?
    5. Fragment Collection 6

      by , 11-15-2011 at 10:10 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Odd Entertainment:
      I was in an entertainment park, there were more people than in my average dreams but still less than in a real park. I was having fun on a stationary ride much like a wave swinger but going a lot higher, when the ride was over I just occasionally jumped the 40m down, someone apparently had a problem with me leaving the ride like that, but I told him to go se someone about it and wether anyone cares, so he just left me alone. In another part of that dream I was ridiculously hungry and I remember some unknown girl (maybe I was there with a group like a class etc.) buying some burgers for me but not finding me though I was always less than 20 meters around. She ended up throwing them away, turning around, seeing me and then running away crying. I was pretty annoyed at my potential free food and food wasted generally as well, not to mention I had no clue what was going on either. And went into one of the restauraints and tried to relax but some other people (probably out of this group) were making a ruckes and one of them poked me and got a threatening reaction from me. They gently left me alone for a moment and as I started to relax in the dream I woke up.

      Bazillion years old:
      I was outside, it was very cloudy and slightly dark already. Everything looked a bit blue due to the light. I had no clue were I was heading, the place looked remotely like my original town of birth but it was to much off, effectively leaving me not knowing were I was, just knowing I had some sort of target. Out of the grass this dude started to attack me, but I repelled him every single time, potentially injuring him all the time but while he couldn't do anything to me he wasn't eager to give up as well. He eventually told me how ridiculously old he was, something between 10^30 and 10^40 I think, the phrase alone was darn long. But I just tried to go on and kept on fending him off until the dream faded.

      Devil Cat:
      I was on some sort of huge wall, made out of stone and I could pretty much look down into the land. On the wall was a tower where I went up I think. The main part was about this cat, it was frustrated and told me that people were declaring it as some sort of devil (obviously meant in a negative way). I remember stroking the cat sometime afterwards, she was white with big black dots, and the black dots were a lot warmer than the white.
    6. 2 Dreams 1 Frag

      by , 11-10-2011 at 10:58 AM
      Dream 1
      I was in my old school's computer room and was listening to my college teacher say stuff about my current project. He said it was due on friday.

      Dream 2
      I was in a futuristic city, the rays of the Sun reflected off the buildings and made the city glow bronze. Three/Four girls (I can't remember) came to me and we started having sex (yeah all 3/4) like a foursome/fivesome. One girl really caught my eye, she had greenish/blue hair and a nice body. I spent most of my time on her.

      I was on the Island of Sodor, yeah Thomas The Tank Engine land and I saw loads of diesels in te work yards. I saw one truck tied to a train that was on a track next to the train. It was weird.
    7. December 19th, 2008

      by , 10-26-2011 at 12:21 AM
      DE= dream-established. A fact that is known without a dream character explaining it, or an event explaining, hence it is just established by the dream.

      Despite being sick, it was a good dream. First, I'm trying to convince Brian he is having a LD but he wont believe me.

      Then I was a girl doing something (I don't remember) and I was in a bunch of magazines (lol nothing like that) and I was looking through them, but it was me. Next I was in a blimp going through the city in M.U.G.E.N. We kept coming close to crashing, but we would hit a building in a way as to bounce us into another blimp and then we would bounce back and be fine. Two blue tooth brushes high-fived every time we did this.

      ..............|> ....... <|
      ..............|___ . ___ |
      ..............|___| |___|
      high-fived here^

      Then, I had a dream that I think I had before. Not sure. I was Aang in the beginning and I lost my powers. So did every other bender. Then, I was me and I beat a giant monster, but then I lost my powers. It supposed to be destiny that monster kills me. I ran home (old house) and got these essences. Magma and fire was at our house along with some items. Water was at an ice place like in Ocarina of Time, but it was in first person view and I was with Anthony and the place was set up differently. Grass was at some other place. I only had time to grab one. I grabbed magma. It's the strongest. Mom and Andrea were looking for me to take me to the fight with the monster. It was very sunny out. I managed to go out the side door and run away. Eventually, I got captured and was about to fight someone in all black in front of a castle. His aura was purple. I started to leave and a little girl said: I don't think you're quitting already." Battle music came on. The evil dude took out swords made by his energy, and the background changed like in Earthbound. It was very dramatic.

      After that, and I don't know if this is related to the previous dream, but I was in some room with a bunch of swords that dropped down where you were and left proximity.

      OXO O=sword. X= proximity blast

      It was an above view. This was supposed to be how I died. Nicole was there. I kept dodging and waking up, then going back to sleep. It went on like that for the rest of the time. (When I'm sick, and I think other people are like this too, one part of my dream will be stuck on loop.)

      I just remembered that at one point I was an anime character walking to Anthony's. We went to the ice place. I returned there later to see water essence. I don't remember much more.

      Updated 10-26-2011 at 12:24 AM by 50698

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Railroad complex

      by , 10-25-2011 at 03:56 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was in a ridiculously huge sized complex (easily city-size) on some railroads together with my girlfriend. We jumped onto one of the slow going trains and I even had some sort of seat with me, and we stayed a while driving around the complex. The biggest part we got to see was looking like some concrete desert, with nothing interesting around. After some while we came across the more complex parts and I saw crossing railroads, people and strange rooms. At some point we got down because we didn’t wanted to be seen, but somehow my girlfriend was gone for the moment. I went to one of the rooms, which was sort of like a big open bathroom, with a glass door and walls and individually closed cabins. For any very odd reasons I had the keys for the doors and was doing some senseless stuff around there, locking and unlocking the door a few times in the process. Some of the dudes (a lot bigger than me) seemed to be pissed about the possibility of being locked in there. After some short but actually harmless fight I decided to cancel this shit and killed him with fire, he was pretty much exploding. There was some woman behind me, saying something and the scene was changing a lot, looking back the complex was gone and instead I locked straight into a city in bright daylight. I think some water came rushing in from the left, were the street was going down into the main city I think. The dream didn’t stop there but my recall became pretty hazy.

      Judging by the city my recall resumed later:
      I was in a bus or tram sitting on a seat besides the window on the left of the vehicle. There was a girl sitting on the handrail in front of me and my girlfriend right of her. She told me to switch to the free seat on my right, so I did and she leaned back onto me. We both chilled there for a while till the dream faded.
    9. Just until dawn

      by , 10-25-2011 at 03:53 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was on the street of a completely unknown city, it was a pretty rural place and nature didn’t seem to be impaled much to build that city. It was night and the sky was clear, as I looked up I saw several flying objects, up closer than normal planes. I saw a few space shuttles, and talked to some of the DC’s around about that. Then I saw something completely strange and began to follow it as good as I could. Apparently one of the houses there seemed familiar to me after the trees on the right side of the street cleared up, it was standing on a small hill. I went inside searching for some binoculars. The house was constructed in a strange way but it was pretty cool. I talked with some voice inside of the house, it probably told me something about that I should continue my WILD attempts or something like that. But I opened one of the doors and looked outside (it was early dawn, it looked very beautiful and realistic), and I said something like “Instead I should make use of this dream first”, and I immediately remembered what I wanted to do upon becoming lucid, I tried to apply the lucidity visor but my vision turned black. I had barely enough time to be annoyed that my lucid faded right the moment I was going to make use of it but I didn’t have any time for stabilizing.

      It was pretty odd but interesting to become lucid through saying it like that myself even though I had no prior knowledge of dreaming.

      Updated 04-17-2012 at 11:08 AM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. City Building

      by , 10-25-2011 at 06:50 AM (Ultra-Rad Dreamage Supreme)
      I woke up at about 7am this morning, quickly stirred for a moment and managed to doze back off. This is where I entered a lucid dream that was reminiscent of a game I’ve been playing recently called Cities XL, which is like a more in depth version of Sim City. In this dream I built a floating city in the sky like the Cloud City in the Empire Strikes Back. Rather than explain what it looks like, I’ve included a diagram of the layout of the city. All the buildings were spirally and futuristic with air buses and hover cars flying around. I didn’t really place the buildings individually, but I remember zoning areas for things such as residences, businesses, a space port, and industrial complexes and the buildings kind of manifested themselves within the designated zones, much like the game. I specifically remember there being a large city hall with two massive carved stone monoliths on either side. For some reason, a detail that sticks out in my mind is the low income housing, which were cone shaped structures hanging off the underside of the giant platforms the city was built on. Even though it didn't last very long, it was still a pretty sweet dream
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Hi I'm new-dream-city.jpg  
    11. 2/3 Sun: A Few

      by , 10-24-2011 at 04:54 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      High School Friends
      This was a longer dream, I only recall the tail end of it. I am in my bathroom from the Daisetta house where I lived during high school. I am standing near the sink, talking to two old friends from high school BS and TC. We are talking about college. I am bragging that I already finished college before I even got my high school diploma. I explained that I was going back to get another college degree and then I wanted to travel and swim with dolphins. Weird.

      Couldn't get back to sleep because my mind felt too alert. I got up for about 30 minutes and then laid down again. I tossed and turned for a while, I don't know how long. Eventually, I drifted into some lucid dreams.

      Naked Chicks
      I transition into the dream and the scene is exactly like waking life. I am laying in bed on my side, facing the way. Just a bit of dim light comes in from the window. But then there's an interesting different. Two naked girls are on my bed. One is laying on the edge of the bed near the way. The other is on her knees at the foot of the bed and then she crawls over the other girl to the head of the bed. I know I'm dreaming. I can barely see in the dim light. I reach with my hand for the girl who is laying down. I roll her over toward me and run my hands along her body and squeeze her breast.

      I transition into the dream and it's my bedroom again. Now it's more light. Sadly, there are no naked chicks. I sit up and look out the window. I phase through the window glass and jump out onto the rooftop of the adjacent building. I jump from rooftop to rooftop, trying to keep control and finesse of my jumps and vision. Then on one roof I see a man learning over the edge with a sniper rifle. I am behind him. I sneak up to him and grab the rifle out of his hands. He struggles with me but I overpower him. I throw it over the edge of the building.
    12. Leonidas like (Between 12th August 2011 and 13th August 2011) --- Second Dream

      by , 10-22-2011 at 12:16 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I am someone very similar to Leonidas ... I leave a fortress city, to its exterior. I see the city wall which extends through the endless desert ... the sky is very dark brown, very dark ... the whole dream is in sepia tones.
      I say something, but I do not remember what.
    13. The City (Lucid Dream #26)

      by , 10-21-2011 at 10:38 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:05 AM by 44350

    14. Best Recall since school started.

      by , 10-17-2011 at 03:33 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:04 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , false awakening
    15. Fragment Collection 1

      by , 10-14-2011 at 12:56 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Save the crocodile:
      I was walking on a normal street, a few people were annoying me. I came acrosse a sandbox with a small bridge which turned into a pool with a few crocodiles. I fell into the pool and grabed one of the heavily injured crocodiles, and carried it with me. The same bridge suddenly extended over a vast see with an island in the iddle. Inside was a huge gate with an ridiculously huge room behind. I saw some sort ofbig endboss which I had to fight in order to save the crocodile.

      Violation of natural laws:
      I was in a complex of two buildings that sort of extended underground and were connected above the ground. There were thunderstorms all over the place but the clouds were just a few meter above the ground. The connection was flooded but rather than flowing down the water stayed up there. Down in one of the buildings I found an odd pyramid, I brought the top of it back into its original shape through some impossible geometric modifications.

      Sort of lucid:
      I was in my current home town and I have been fighting some people together with a few companions. Without reason I did an nose-plug RC and noticed I was dreaming, however I didn't understand at all what that means and just continued with the dream, being in a hazy state of mind.
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