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    1. 5/26 Crime and Beautiful Eyes

      by , 05-27-2012 at 04:32 AM (Link's Adventures)
      I was at a airport with two guys I know in real life. We were on the runway, running away from security guards. I don't remember what we did, it may have been simply being on the runway, but we were all running away from them, splitting up. I reached a nearby city, but I continued to move and weave through crowds, knowing someone was following me. I figured maybe the cops were now following me... Someone grabs my arm while I am moving out of a crowd and I turn around as they leave and I see a beautiful blond girl holding my arms with piercing blue eyes, but the bottom parts of them are rimmed with orange. They were very pretty and unusual. I knew she was also hunting me down to turn me in but I was captivated by her eyes and all I could say was, "Your eyes are so pretty". She apparently thought I was just trying to distract her and said, "I'm not going to fall for that one again". And I said something back but I am not sure what. Something about asking her to do so one more time(but not like as a trick, but to believe it because seriously, it would be amazing if someone had eyes like that ). Then she simply turned away for some reason and let me go and walked off and vanished into a crowd. Then one of my friends ran by and I woke up due to my alarm clock... -.-'
    2. The Immortality Olympics

      by , 05-20-2012 at 07:33 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Not one of my more interesting dreams, but I'll log it in here anyways.
      Me and and large group of friends I know from school headed to this big event that was comparable to real life Olympics. The prize for winning it was being granted immortality. We had to go and practice that day, in order to prepare. Our group leader was some bald man who looked very familar to me, but I can't quite place who he was. I think he's this guy from church I met, like, 6 years ago. Haven't seen the guy since, so that's probably why I had trouble figuring out who he was at first.
      The man (although I recognized him now, didn't know his name) ordered us to get dressed and ready. We all bought out this large hotel where we each got our own room, and I went in mine, the silence becoming almost creepy. I changed my clothes which were actually the same clothes I was wearing the previous day IRL and went outside to look at the city, feeling anxious about all these upcoming events. The city was large, and somewhat blurry in the distance. The sun wasn't out that day, it instead being very cloudy, so a gloomy hue colored the atmosphere, fitting my anxious emotions.
      We practiced that day
      though I can't recall what we actually did and we got to go home to our families. I went to my grandma's, and my friend Aaron came over so we could play a videogame together. As we were playing, I told him about the upcoming 'Olympics', and told him I had to run for a very long time, and that I was extremely nervous.
      That's all I remember. I do recall the dream continuing for a bit after I talked to Aaron, but I don't remember what happened.
    3. Six In A Row – [5/6]

      by , 05-17-2012 at 09:34 PM (Do you mind...?)
      After having (or remembering) four dreams that night, I thought I could take advantage of the following, longer REM periods and try out the WILD technique. But eventually I got scared by the thought of sleep paralysis and directed my thoughts to something else – the film “The Avengers” – to calm down. And this affected my next dream.

      #005 | Meeting Thor | In the city | Day | Long

      “MOVE! Everyone, get out of my way!”
      A loud voice brought me back from my daydream. I was sitting alone in a lively street café and just finishing my sundae, as Thor (or rather: Chris Hemsworth dressed as Thor and acting like him, too), passed by – looking rather displeased. A bunch of noisy people followed him, and they got more as the people from the café noticed this special guest, got excited or curious and approached him, too. Thor, being visibly annoyed by that and feeling very uncomfortable with the situation, pushed them out of his way harshly. For a second there, I smirked because I’ve had to admit I was slightly amused by that - but also very angry at this man for threatening these people so roughly. I stood up from my seat as Thor was coming near and at the moment he glared at me I gathered my courade to confront him.
      He stopped (as well as the crowd) and looked kind of puzzled for the source of this call. “I’m here.” I remarked. Thor gave me a confused look, followed by a displeased one. “What?! I don’t have time for your-“ - “You’re threatening these folks pretty gruffly.” You could hear some whispers in the crowd. I didn’t really know what to say and felt incredibly stupid, but I just had to do something. “What?” – “See… I get it, you’re some sort of celebrity, but that doesn’t give you the right of being rude.” He came near, and seeing his huge guise I tried to back away from him, but my curiosity held me fixed at the point I was standing. He lowered his voice. “Look, all I want is some peace and quiet. But now I can’t go anywhere… since even more people seem to recognize me every day.” He sounded frustrated. So he didn’t want any harm, he was just feeling uncomfortable, I thought. My precious little thing. I internally shook my head. Did I just call this enormous creature “my precious little thing”? Geez, being a fangirl and a normal person at the same time is hard. “Okay… I’ll count to three.” He didn’t seem to understand me. “One…” But I couldn’t explain it in front of the crowd. “Two…” He and the people looked tense, because no one knew what was going on with this weird girl starting to count loudly. “Three!”
      I grabbed his hand and began to dash towards a sideway, which was located right next to the main street. The people must’ve thought we’re heading towards the latter and went that way as we escaped from them. After a short chase scene I stopped and waited quietly to see if anyone was still following us. No one did and I finally was able to relax, leaning on the wall and gasping for air. Thor seemed to be completely fine and asked me if I was okay. “Me? Yeah, I’m fine. I’m fine…” He smiled and thanked me. After catching my breath I asked him what he was doing here (on earth). He replied that he wanted to look after the humans and the earth, but eventually got caught up in a whirlwind of activity, since a lot of people started to recognize and pursue him. I chuckled and told him that it’s because of a new piece of art called movie which tells the people a bit of the story surrounding him and Loki, his brother. “People enjoy this piece of art and talk about it, so they recognize you right away and want to talk to you out of admiration, I think.” – “Ah, I see…” He looked somewhat gloomy. “You were right. I was really inconsiderate.” I snickered and told him that it’s alright, and that they’ve probably already forgiven him. Then I invited him to go for a stroll down a more tranquil road.

      Aaand~ I forgot what happened after that, again. In my DJ notes I speak of “classmates who are standing on the pavement and making fun of Thor”, an “adventure”, “Thor cleaning his hands with my sleeves”, the number “105” and “me and [one of my best IRL friends] gaining a lot of EXP”. If I can eventually make out what happened, I will edit this DJ entry.

      Oh! I just remembered another scene. My classmates thanked me, my clothes were quite dirty and one of my friends (whom I look up to) dragged me to the side and praised me. She told me I proved to be a really great person and that everyone should be proud of me for doing what I did.
      That was, or still is, such a nice dream memory! (Especially since I don’t have a lot of self-confidence and this boosted it. Kind of.) Plus, it gave me an example for how dreams can affect the attitude and thoughts of a person positively.
      (But now I really want to know what I've done...)

      Updated 05-18-2012 at 04:53 PM by 52938

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Just walking and Chilling, I just want to sign my freaking signature!!!!!!

      by , 05-15-2012 at 07:45 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Just walking and chilling (DILD)


      I'm walking in the back alley or some remote and quiet area was what seemed like a city beyond my view. I start spacing out a bit, and as I'm walking, something doesn't feel right. I nose plus reality check,
      and I can breathe through my nose.

      Instead of getting too excited, because I know there were so many things I could've done, especially with the city that would be apparent if I had been able to stabilize a little bit longer.

      I believe I was wearing dark or blue jeans, alone with a white dress shirt with short sleeves, and there really thin black lining on it going vertically or horizontally.

      It could've just been the shade, but yeah, I saw myself in third person view for a while, like seeing myself and looking up from the ground, and then I established a first person view again.

      The area I'm in, it had a huge contrast compared to the city that would appear if I moved a bit further.

      I'm going to take a moment to describe the feeling and the environment around me, since there's not much going on except me focusing only on the external.

      When I realized that I was dreaming, my hands were extending out in front of me, and my eyes slowly opened. It was completely dark at first, but I could still see the city from beyond exhibiting a very bright energy.

      The place I'm in had this sense of calmness despite it being a little dark, it was just dark enough for it to be considered as shade compared to the city out there.

      There were small hues of purple on the skyscrapers I was walking through. When I looked up in third person view, these skyscrapers were huge, and I literally so the point of view from above as if I'm zooming in my perspective at a certain point.

      I said that now because in waking life, it isn't like that, normally, I would only see this rule being applied loosely in things like How-To-Draw that include a section on perspective and everything.
      I just want to freaking sign my Signature!!! (Non-lucid)


      This dream happened after the lucid I had. I heard the alarm play the two times I set it for the late morning.

      I honestly don't know how I'm remembering all of this, but hey, if my mind is giving me the experience back again...no use complaining!

      And I really need to start describing my dreams more and more, really helps with linking things back together.

      I'm riding my bicycle at University Drive in College Station, and I believe I'm wearing something related to the sleeveless cardigan sweater I was wearing in waking life
      (because it was kind of cold in the morning, and I didn't want that to interfere with me trying to go into a dream).

      I also had a orange shirt under it as well. In my mind, I was wondering if I should head over to Jin's Asian Cafe around here, but I already passed the road to get to it from University Drive.

      Then I decided that I should just go ahead and go the extra length to get there. I stop at the intersection at University Drive, turn to the right, pass through whatever eating areas were there, only focusing on going to Jin's Asian Cafe.

      I believe at one point while riding on the University Dr., I was waiting for a few people to
      pass by, but I got impatient, and there was a round curb.

      There was the metal pole that would be the support for the stoplights above on the left, and I saw that there was a little space I could ride my bicycle through, and if I timed it right, I could dash through the people walking slowly without bumping into them.

      I managed to riding into that tight space, and then....I saw this girl.

      Not your ordinary girl, compared to the rest of the dream characters in this dream, at least the females, she was completely different, and although I shouldn't focus too much on her, seeing as I didn't really care about anyone in the dream because I was hungry
      (talk about biological needs....hahahaa).

      Anyway, she had black hair, and it had a shine to it that made it looks so realistic and full of depth. I believe she was wearing black lipstick or dark red lipstick as well. She wore one of those Black trench coats, probably because it would be better at resisting the slightly cold weather in the environment.

      I know I started to feel cold the moment I saw more dream characters wearing jackets as well, not all of them did though.

      Anyway, back to the girl, when I almost ran into her with my bicycle, she freezes and is in a slight shock.

      We both gaze into each others eyes for a while, and even though it only happened for a split second, something tells me that she was trying to get my attention by randomly appearing and accidentally bump into me, go through that whole "Oooh I'm so sorry" phase and introduce each other like how Mako had the Moped accident with Asami in the Legend of Korra.

      I just know those two characters are going to reach a conflict and have some kind of dramatic breakup...the potential is just SITTING RIGHT THERE!!!! No chick that hot would just randomly go up to a guy and go out with him without having some kind of mischievous plan....right?? /legend of korra rant

      But nope it wasn't like that, I managed to just barely stop myself from accidentally ramming into her with my bicycle by stomping my right foot on the ground, since only one side of the brakes (the right side I'm presuming) was working.

      (And it's like that for the bicycle I have in waking life...).

      I just treated her like she was just a random dream character, I get on the bicycle lane, and then as I'm going to head right, (sorry, I'm back tracking again because I remembered more events as I was typing this out) I have to stop AGAIN to wait for another slow walker going through the lane for walkers when the light showed up for them.

      I tried to restrain myself from getting pissed off, but this dude was being slow, and I don't know what's up with random people like the lady in the black trench coat suddenly being in my way.

      But I couldn't take it anymore, I screamed,


      I knew the guy registered my rage towards the general people, but I was trying to indirectly tell him that, and I knew he heard me. Yes, you fucking heard me, but he looks down the ground and tries not to look at me.

      I look at him in rage, then shifted my attention back to turning right from University Drive (again, sorry for the back tracking there). Anyway, as I'm riding down to another stop sign, there aren't a lot of cars around the small intersection, so I immediately take a right.

      I'm riding, and the road itself to the right had a slight slope to it. It wasn't bothersome, but I felt that was I'm trying harder and harder to pedal the bicycle, the gears might make that weird shift, and that sound where you know it's trying to go to the right level might occur.

      But I kept going, despite it being difficult to ride the bicycle. I finally reach Jin's Asian cafe, and now, I had to find a place to lock my bicycle in place. There weren't any bicycle rails to do so, and I saw one bicycle on my right lock their bicycle around some small pole.

      I turn to my left, and I see some weird furniture on the parking lot, but I ignore this, like I normally do. I can't remember where I lock my bicycle, but I'm sure I found some area, because I wouldn't be caught dead without my bicycle if I'm using it.

      I go inside the restaurant, and I see an Asian lady who looks similar to the one I normally see there at the store, the shy and quiet type. She's not really all that enticing, but she has a nice and kind behavior in waking life.

      However, the one in this place was kind of cute, though my recall on her complete visage is slightly blurry.

      I take a moment to sit down, and there are other people who are waiting for their To-Go meals as well. The environment was kind of tricky to analyze and test my reality and all, since I'm not really used to the area in waking life because I only went there a few times recently before leaving to go home.

      It takes me a while to realize that I didn't order anything To-Go as yet, so I quickly get up to the counter, and tell the lady that I would like Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice.

      She asked,

      "Anything else?"

      I respond, "Ummmm, how much would it cost if I wanted to have the cheesecake as well?"

      She inputs some information down on the cash register,


      Not to make myself look like some guy who knows too much about the prices of this area, I do know that cheesecake was definitely not that cheap in this restaurant, it's actually $3.99 in waking life because I remembered the pink menu I got from them in the mail.

      I find it funny that I'm aware of that in waking life, despite not being aware of other things....I guess when it comes to food, I have a better awareness for these things, hahaha....hmmm that could be good practice for dream awareness, but again I might be oblivious and ignore those subtle alterations.

      Anyway, instead of doing a reality check, I said "Okay" with a slight smile, and she tells me the price for everything in general, and I forgot how much.

      I would assume it's over 12 bucks in total, at least, since the Sweet and Sour Chicken would be $9.65 including tax alone, again, there I go again with remembering the exact price in waking life! XD

      I check my wallet, and it looks exactly like my wallet, except my debit card isn't there, but I wasn't too worried about that since I knew beforehand in this dream somewhere, that I had over 20 bucks. I know I had at least one ten dollar bill, 2 five dollar bills, and a few 1 dollar bills as well.

      I take a while to decide I'm going to give my money, because I wouldn't want to use a ten if I could use the the two five dollars along with the several one dollar bills. I forget what I decided to do, and just hand the lady the money.

      She inputs the amount on the register, and takes out the receipt and I have to sign it.

      That's another thing I didn't pay attention to, because I would only have to sign it if I used a debit card, but not cash....oh well. Something to work on next time, I guess.

      I go ahead and sign it anyway, and I'm doing pretty well signing my name in a dream on a receipt, except when I tried to sign my last name. I wrote something completely different in cursive.

      Instead of asking the employee for another receipt to sign, I cross out the random last name I put, and tried to put my actual last name this time, but the pen started to run out of ink.

      Ugh....DAMN IT!!!! Always happening when I really freaking need a pen...I changed my pissed off demeanor back to a neutral state and told the cash register lady that the pen isn't working. She looks up at me, and I give her the empty pen, and she gives me a new one probably.

      After this, things start getting a little TOO dramatic. I can't remember much during the transition phase, but there's some old man who is wearing a light brown suit along with a white dress shirt underneath it, and he's also wearing a light brown cowboy hat as well. As for the pants, I can't remember how they looked, and prefer not to look down there anyway.

      It seems he's annoyed that some order of his isn't getting through, and he's a little TOO angry, because there are other people waiting for their To-Go orders as well....man...old people....

      I don't mean to disrespect them or anything, but wow, after him getting pissed off, it was kind of annoying because it was distracting me from getting this fucking signature signed on the receipt! After indulging in the moment with this man's rage, I turn my back, and then I heard a cock of a weapon..

      Are you fucking kidding me old man...you're THAT impatient over an order that hasn't gone through for you as yet?

      He's not aiming the gun at me, but I silent turn my head and see that he's holding an old-school revolver. He starts getting more confident, obviously since he has a gun. I'm not sure if I had a gun in my dream, and I would assume I wouldn't anyway since I'm going somewhere remote and humane like this restaurant.

      The guy starts threatening the staff members, and I'm just like......annoyed by this point, even though I should be scared because this guy was being a bit sporadic and could've sublimate some of that rage towards me.

      God damn it, why can't I just sign my fucking signature!!!!!@$%@#%$

      That's all I remember unfortunately...I know I had another dream after or before the lucid I had at least, but it really doesn't matter...I hope..

      Updated 05-15-2012 at 08:18 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , lucid
    5. Touristy Things

      by , 05-15-2012 at 07:50 AM

      I'm coming from the airport, now at the train station. I'm thinking about which train to take. I haven't decided on a destination yet. My brother and a couple of other people are there, and they are also thinking. We choose different destinations. I need to take a couple of train routes.

      I end up in a small city or a town. It's pretty late, not many people around. There is a grocery store, but it's closed. Someone enters, I think he's a guard, but he lets me in. I'm happy since I don't carry much food.


      It's daytime and I'm at the center square at the town. There are people there and I'm talking with some of them. We go inside and there is a seminar hall there. I pick a seat and look at the stage. There are two people there, dressed in a weird way, I have a vague memory but cannot really describe it. They are talking about biology and they have a fish in a tank as an example. It's weird enough to be interesting even though I know nothing about the field.

      As I leave I'm thinking about the fastest route back home.
    6. Dreams

      by , 05-14-2012 at 05:15 PM
      a1: Found myself near my house with a friend I haven't seen in a year in his mom's truck. He's talking about how someone else had to have dental surgery on the trip?
      a2: Teleport to this urban enviroment with some of his friends and him, it's almost like a video game, I knew how to fly helicopters.
      a3: His friends start driving up a hill in these jeeps, they come up next to a roadblock and my friend pushes them off in an armored car right after I take off in a helicopter. -end-

      1: Found myself in an overgrown city with a group of people. Survivors of some sort. There is a statue and my dad says we could put a mattress inside of it.
      2: we were next to a little pond filled with water, the water was like jell-o, you could walk on it. I come across my sister's boyfriend and he has some needles and some pills sitting next to him.
      3: My dad asks if I did any of the drugs, I say no, he doesn't believe me. -end-
      4:Vines were lining the walls of everything, the road, the trees, the buildings. Weird.

      1: I find myself on a hill in the snow with a man in white robes. He tells me I have to walk slowly to the statue in order to not be killed. I do so, it works.
      2: He tells me I need to start garrisoning my men, war is coming. We need armor and supplies.
      3: I go to a city down the hill, city guards salute me and I tell them I need iron and food.
      4: I find iron. -end-
    7. Carrot and Anderj101, Talking to Carrot

      by , 05-13-2012 at 01:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Carrot and Anderj101 (Non-lucid)


      I took 6mg of Melatonin last night, set the alarm to wake me up around 3.5-4 hours of sleep.

      I had the alarm wake me up another time after that, and I typed up this dream in the mean time before going back to sleep to wait for the second one to ring.

      At first, it seems that I'm the only one in the backyard of a random house, but both my father and mother were there, they were just in different areas of the garden. It's really bright outside, but I don't necessarily feel too hot.

      There's this huge tree stump that I'm walking on, and I'm wondering when we're going to get out of this place. There's a random female dream character walking back and forth on the other side of the gate, which was kind of weird for me. I believe she had dark brown hair,but didn't get to see her face sadly.

      The place has fairly high grass, almost reaching to the top of your ankles. The dream shifts to where I'm on top of some really green hill with someone who probably is my father. He's wearing shades, and we're looking over at some people below.

      It's still a bit bright outside in the dream, and the area almost looks the same as the place near my apartment, except that there's a really huge peak somewhere in the middle this time. Some people look familiar, one person on the bottom looks like Anderj101, and I don't know what they're doing, but it looks like they're waiting for something to happen in the mean time.

      I told my father that these are people I know on the forums...

      Shit....are you kidding me? He wouldn't even be the last person I would tell ever about this forum, but I said it without feeling hesitant, so this is all the work of my sporadic non-lucid state of mind. He didn't really take what I said too seriously, probably to respect my own business.

      Then the dream shifts a bit to where I see this girl that looks like Ashley M--almost said her name
      (for personal reference: girl with light brown hair at A&M)....Anyway, Ashley wanted to get some guys to help her carry a mattress I'm assuming. It looks an awful lot like mine, dark blue, and having a gray bottom.

      I decide to randomly join in with carrying the mattress. It wasn't too heavy, and it was pretty small for a mattress, so I don't know why she would need 4 guys to carry it. Anyway, me and 3 other random guys carry the mattress while moving forward in a completely different environment.

      It seems like the setting is early morning, or early evening with the sun fairly close from being out of sight. The guys helping me carry the mattress, one by one, start to take their hands off it, and I'm still holding it awkwardly.

      It takes me a while to realize this, and then I tell and yell at time a bit, not too loud, just out of surprise. One I believe started to laugh a little bit, but I didn't see their faces, just the back of their heads.

      They started to run, and I started to run as well. It takes me a while to be cognizant that I'm still holding on to the mattress, and then I put it on the top of my head, and started dashing for those guys for being silly and not helping me out.

      I realized that they were basically useless, and I could take care of holding it myself. I believe I dropped the mattress at some point in this moment of running.

      Then, another dream shift, I'm in a fairly busy area, and most of the dream characters are Asian.

      (Just using this to remember how rushed the dream felt at this point)

      I didn't notice this yet, but I was holding my pillow on my left hand, and running like crazy looking for Carrot (DV member). Dodging people and trying not to cause too much of a scene, I finally see Carrot running as well.

      I don't know exactly why she's running, but as I'm running, I notice something barking, and I turn my face to the left, while still running, and see a black and brown dog.

      It had a mix of a German Shepherd, and the face of The Sulimov Dog.
      Basically, a hybrid between Lapponian Herders and Turkmen golden jackals

      It didn't seem to be after me, but rather, a companion? I ignore it, unfortunately, since it was a brief moment and was too concentrated on why Carrot is running so quickly.

      I take advantage of my environment with a fair amount of people walking in a city by blending in with the crowd, still maintaining a steady run after her. I see Carrot finally decides to take a break and walk a bit, and she turns to her left to see if whoever is chasing her is gone.

      She looks relaxed, and then turns her head back in front to walk. I come in casually, like nothing didn't even happen, and told her while having my hand on her left shoulder about something related to me and her having a party before I have to leave and go back home.

      The dream shifts to where I'm sitting down with a blonde female to the right of me at a restaurant, but I only recognized her hair with peripheral vision, and I didn't seem too interested in the table I'm sitting next to her.

      The reason being was that I was seeing that the dream was going to fade a little bit, and it sucks that I didn't get to see the face of the blonde to the right of me.....damn it lol, dream signs of blondes are getting a lot more frequent now.

      And I'm not even picking out random blondes, she was RIGHT there next to me, sipping on some kind of beverage. I believe she was also wearing a strapless Khaki dress, but it looked a little bit lighter in material, so that's the best thing I can associate with it, not really keen on the fashion stuff for women.

      And I noticed that the table cloth had red and white squares, but I didn't pay too much attention to that.

      I believe I was talking to someone in front of me, and even though the speech was diluted a bit, signaling a dream fading or something of the sort, I could tell that I didn't really want to engage in the conversation in the first place.

      The interesting part of this dream is that as I typed it up in a Dream Journal program, I was looking for breeds of police dogs on Wikipedia, and the Sulimov Dog was the BEST match for the face of the dog that I saw in the dream.

      And it's a Russian dog too (I think?), seems either it came to light in the dream because I read an entry of Sinoblak's where she met Eva and her playing Russian music (Eva that is), or it came as a coincidence.

      I don't think that's mere coincidence, homologous association at least, but not coincidence....because my mind likes to associate a few things late at night rather than during the day, sometimes.

      And another interesting thing was me holding a pillow. I never held a pillow before in my dreams....ever, at least, all the ones that I recalled. I wonder if it's because I watched the commentary and walk-through of "Catherine" for the XBOX-360/PS3 on YouTube.

      Spoiler for Vincent in Catherine:

      Spoiler for Random stuff about Catherine the video game:

      Talking to Carrot (Non-lucid)


      I decided I should sleep for 1-2 hours, I didn't really expect a lot to happen in that time, but it was good practicing to listening for the alarm though.

      When the alarm started to ring, I kept my body still, and dozed off to sleep was I was trying to recall the dream I had before it woke me up.

      All I remember is that I'm talking to Carrot, and probably someone else as well.

      Updated 05-13-2012 at 02:06 PM by 47756

    8. Lucid yesterday

      by , 05-10-2012 at 09:21 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I think it was low level because I wasn't focused on goals or anything.

      I was down town at a random city with a girl who I think was my girlfriend. This other girl came up, and she was much hotter than the girl I was with, and apparently more drunk. She almos fell over for no reason but I caught her just in time. Our faces was inches apart and she stroked the side of my face and looked deeply into my eyes. I told he that I had a girl even though she looked amazing. Oddly enough I had the feeling that theses DCs were actual people. I think we were talking about being in the dream, but I don't even remember what was said and how I became lucid.

      We walked into a bar and there was a lot of small talk going on and then he girl who was supposed to be my girl, started making advances on this guy who was laying down in a trough of ice. The guy slapped her and walked away. I figured I might as well make my move on the other chick, but she denied me.

      Rejection wasn't settling right with me so I headed to the back and told myself S would be behind the door. Not only that, it was a complete scene change. We hugged and I said it was weird that we would end up in my parents room. Then I told her how perfect she was....things got emotional. I started crying while expressing myself. Words couldn't come out like I was mumbling but she smiled the whole time. Then everything faded.


      I'm at the movies with K and a random DC were watching some movie. The title had "light" in it and it was kind of a b horror flick. I think the monsters looked like alligator hybrids. Anyways, I was too distracted by it because the girl there kept playing my dick. She'd do it so anomalously too...like she wouldn't even be paying attention, but her hands would be right on my crotch. I looked at k a couple of times and was like wtf. This chick was cute but it was random as hell. You know how when you're bored and you tap your fingers across a table? That's exactly what she started doing. Eventually I gave in and stopped trying to move her hands out of the way but then she weirded out. Wtf
      Tags: bar, city, girls, mild, movies
    9. Ancient City

      by , 05-07-2012 at 03:29 PM (Far-out, dude.)

      I was in some sort of ancient roman city, although I wasn't in first person. I was more of a hovering camera, observing other people. This day was special - there was some sort of religious uprising going on, and I was observing some events taking place in the central city square.

      I was looking at a roman teenage girl, wearing white robes. She was on a sort of balcony, which didn't stick out of the building, but was more of a small room that didn't have an outer wall, and had pillars there instead. She was searching for something in a tall and long cabinet that spanned the entire back wall of the balcony - it looked like something out of a church, with books on some shelves and various other objects. My view turned and I could see that this balcony opened up to a huge city square, larger than Trafalgar square, round and much lighter colours - the colour of building material in roman cities. In the centre there was a tall, 10m or so wide stone spired tower, twice the height of the average building around the square. It was mostly just a stone cylinder until about 10m up, where there were no outer walls, just small pillars holding up the conical roof. In this circular balcony, there was a huge humanoid figure, quite fat - sorta like a 5m tall santa - but I knew immediately that it was in fact an incarnate god. Surrounding the tower in the square were thousands of people - protesters - all calling for some sort of religious reformation - the god in the centre being their spokesperson. After remembering all this detail I thought I might draw it - that's the garbled figure you see above.

      My attention turned back to the girl, who rushed down the stairs to just outside the front of her building, where her father was. Her father turned out to be a priest, who was proclaiming something religious, trying to be heard among the crowd. She asked him something, and he pointed to a book on a stand, on the balcony she was on before. She went back up and looked at it.

      I was looking back at the square, from a few metres above the crowd, watching the god doing his thing, when out of nowhere an explosion appeared on him. It was a large explosion, but it just knocked him back a little and dazed him. Then I saw the girl zooming away on a flying-moped device... apparently she had tried to kill the god. Who tries to kill a god with a small bomb? Actually, considering both sides of this religious thing had supernatural abilities (gods on earth, flying mopeds), I can't really have understood the situation

      I then saw a sort of replay view of the inside of the god's mind during the explosion - I saw his conscience (represented by a mini version of the god ) get knocked out of his frame of mind by an expanding ring of cloud, and then rush back again, through the cloud ring, back to the centre of his head. That's the last thing I remember. Still a more logical dream than some other's I've had
    10. Tattoo Story, fragments

      by , 05-05-2012 at 11:14 AM

      A man who makes tattoos for a living is telling me a story about a woman who took a large tattoo and then decided to have it removed later. The man removed it himself and it was a very dramatic thing for him. It took at four long sessions and apparently was more painful to the customer than making it was.


      I have a punch of laser pointer pens. The lasers have different colors and they have some elemental properties connected to the colors. They all seem to cause some kind of painful sensations. I test them with a couple of other people.


      I'm in a city center, inside a building complex, a shopping center of such. I look around and decide to have a coffee. I notice I don't have any money with me, so I don't. I look around and start heading home.


      I'm in a group of tourists in a bus. We arrive at a city, very much like the one in the previous piece. I check that I have money with me this time. We're looking for a particular building, but I'm actually more interested in the layout of the city than in sightseeing.
    11. Lucid flying Fail

      by , 04-30-2012 at 11:18 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was in a building I identified as home in the dream, even though it's a totally unknown place. It was night, everything was pretty dark and the light in the room was pretty dim. There were some plants standing around and I think I remember seeing a bunch of jackets on the wall next to a door which was to my right, the room was pretty long and there was a small window ahead.

      Something compelled me to do a RC so I pinched my nose and got lucid. Though at first I wanted to go through the door to my right I went for the window ahead of me with my gained lucidity, I prepared to jump out and did another RC to be sure I wasn't doing something stupid, even though I pinched my nose really hard I could feel my nose in reality being free and taking a deep breath. I tried to hover a bit and that worked, but with my low level lucidity a just fell down like a stone when I jumped. Some 10-15m on my way down I was looking upwards to the window I just jumped out, being calm and just taking notice of the fact I don't get the hang of flying right now. The impact was pretty hard (for the ground) but I didn't feel anything much so I got up and walked around a bit. I practiced some walljumps and after a minute or two I saw this dude standing on a roof. He noticed me as well and apparently thought I was some kind of cyborg or mechanical doll, created by a scientist who also created a similar being that once fought this dude. He was happy to see me it seems, because he wanted a good fight so he started attacking me, my lucidity goes down and I see myself roughing him up good with several interesting moves, partially in slow motion.

      Updated 04-30-2012 at 11:22 AM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. 4/24/12 Naga!

      by , 04-24-2012 at 12:31 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Dream 1: I remember being with my friend who was a guy. He didn’t seem that familiar, but he was my friend. We were riding my polar bear dog (This was probably Naga from the Legend of Korra)

      Somehow we were in school, but we had taken a break so I could go ride my mount. (Still unsure if it’s Naga or not) We dismounted, and I tied the huge dog near a fence near our school. Once we went inside, we were swept away by a moving bus that folded out of the school. We were on a field trip.

      We arrived at a gym about a couple of seconds from our school. Everyone walked in and sat on the bleachers. I sat with my friend and another girl who I knew. I was shuffling around trying to find a seat with my friends away from everyone else.

      We listened to the speaker go on about something. For all I know we just sat there for a minute or two and got up and left. We went back through the way we came, into the bus. We felt it lurch and fold out of the gym as it had folded in. I heard my guy friend say, “I like riding Naga better than being on this roller coaster.” I looked at his face. It was a slight greenish color, and he looked dizzy. “Hold on,” I said. “We’re almost there.”

      The bus folded back into the school, and we got out. We walked outside and the dog was happily sitting on its haunches waiting for us.

      We mounted, and walked down to the road. By this time the moon was out. The only lights out were the streetlights around the neighborhood.

      I grabbed Naga’s reins and moved her along, walking down the street. No one really took notice of her. My friend said that he wanted to steer her. So we switched places. Somehow I had grabbed some rope on the back of her saddle, probably misleading rope. My friend got her to jump into the air and start flying. They flew so high, but I wasn’t on there. I was still holding onto the unraveling string below. I was floating for some reason though.

      They came back down and I got on once more and took the reins. We took off on a run towards the city. We reached some buildings and some busy streets. We ran into oncoming traffic, but we just jumped over cars. Easy peasy.

      Walking our way was a couple of friends from school that I knew. They were running away from something, I don’t know what.

      I ignored that thought as we walking into some sort of restaurant. Naga was looking pretty tired so we just sat inside. All of a sudden, I saw Naga walking away. I followed her into a lit up alley. She layed down, but was getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Afterwards she retched, then lay limp on the ground as still as a puppet.

      I ran up to her and felt her. She was no longer there. I cried and cried. My poor Naga. :/

      Updated 05-03-2012 at 12:38 PM by 32984

      Tags: bus, city, naga, school
      memorable , non-lucid
    13. 4/14-15/2012 (More of the Stars)

      by , 04-15-2012 at 08:55 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Swimming in the Stars

      I am exploring some big building. I think my brother has an office in this building. Apparently, the place is being remodeled, because everything is torn up and looks kind of delapidated. I think that this is a bit odd, because ordinarily the building seems modern. I do a nose pinch reality check just in case.

      At first, I seem to be unable to breathe, but after I try a bit longer I find that I actually can. I realize that I am dreaming. I immediately forget about the plot of the dream, and decide to jump out the window. The window is closed, and I smash through the glass. Kind of fun. I try to fly, but lately I have been overthinking "how" to fly, instead of just doing it like I used to do. I glide down to the street below. I appear to be in a city, much like that of the dream/computer game I am building. I look up into the sky, and the tops of the buildings, and realize that all I need to do in order to fly is to just let myself float. I bounce up a bit, and look above me.

      I see the stars in the sky, and feel the same urge I had in the last LD to fly into the stars. It is like a big pool in the sky, inviting me. This time, I fly upwards, into the night sky. Instead of flying any particular direction, I just go up. This part is a bit hard to explain, but I realize that I can float in the sky, almost like I am in orbit in space. I can see the city below me, a lovely skyling against the sky. There is just a little bit of color in the sky, as though the sun had set a while ago. I let myself just drift in this state, which is almost like I would imagine someone high on drugs would be. I find a beautiful, peaceful, almost euphoric feeling in doing absolutely nothing except float like this. The world appears to float below me like the Earth turning beneath an astronaut, and I watch, wrapped up in this feeling. It's like another world in and of itself.
      Tags: city, synthos
    14. 4/7/12 37th lucid: I'm far away from home.. and other dreams.

      by , 04-07-2012 at 02:48 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Technique Used: SSILD

      Clarity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I don't remember at what time I was lucid, but I guess I was right from the start. I looked around. I saw that I was in some kind of city. I didn't like it I felt alone. I decided to run up to a nearby eighteen wheeler parked in front of me and ask about my dream guide, since that is one of my ultimate goals. I started to run, but it seemed like my legs wouldn't work! It was like I was running in slow motion. I tried to believe I could run, anything is possible in a lucid dream.

      I finally made my way to the window of the large truck. A pudgy woman sat in the front. She looked down at me with a frown. I quickly asked her, "Do you know where I might find my dream guide?"

      "We have nothing like that here," she said. "Come back with a couple hundred dollars and maybe you can apply to this school here." she pointed in front of me at a school not too far away. It looked like a large private school.

      I sighed and walked away. Moving on, I decided to explore. I looked into a nearby forest. I walked down the slope, trying not to trip on any rocks or limbs. Then the thought came to me that I should stabilize. I remember Mzzkc's method of stabilizing, taking a bite out of a tree. I didn't take a bite out of it, I just picked a small limb off of a tree and tried to take a bite out of that. It felt really weird in my mouth, like it wasn't supposed to belong there.

      It only raised my vividness just a tad. I continued on. I found a small shack, well it wasn't really a shack. It was just an awning with people under it watching a TV. There were four guys. One I recognized, my youth leader. Only he was skinnier, and was growing out this long gotee looking thing. I watched what they were watching. It looked like some kind of show that was supposed to embarrass the people on it. The first person was a girl who was supposed to sing a song, a Taylor Swift song actually. She sang horrible. Next there was a girl that was supposed to dance a weird dance blindfolded.

      The dream ended shortly after.

      Working in the Mall
      I remember walking around a mall, looking for something to do. I eventually found some kind of little restaurant with pool tables and such. I found a waiter who looked just like Gibby off of iCarly. He told me about a waiter job he had to do in Chicago that got him embarrassed. I don't remember the story though. He was telling me this while leaning over a counter.

      The Lesson
      I was at my mom's house with a couple of guys I knew and one of my friends. I'm not sure what we did, but we did something bad. That resulted in my dad teaching us all a lesson. I was supposed to drive a car or something. I got in the car, ready to drive it. I started it and was going. Once again, I forgot where the breaks and gas pedal were. I found them.

      As I was going, I was trying to remove the stuff on the dashboard so I could actually see. I heard my dad in the back go, "Good. Good." I swerved to get into the right lane, while almost hitting a couple of cars. Instead of the breaks, I hit the gas, and I sped up a tree on the side of the road. The car fell back down on its side. I got out of the car and said I was okay. It scared me to death though.

      Then my dad had to drive us home, showing us all the obstacles that he could easily maneuver or something.
    15. Our Last Breath - Dream 02/24/12

      by , 04-05-2012 at 02:58 PM
      This was a pretty neat dream and I feel that I should share it. In my dream I was on another planet, but similar to earth. There was plenty of people around, all human as far as I could tell. As I was wandering about the city I was in I noticed these huge machines set in the ground that were sucking all the oxygen out of the planet's atmosphere. Somehow I knew it was being stored underground in huge vaults. Pretty soon people started running out of air and dying. I didn't die but soon found an oxygen tank I could carry around to breathe with, and other people started doing the same.

      Once almost all the breathable air was gone the machines shut off. There was only certain pockets of breathable air left in the city, and many people had died and their bodies were everywhere. Strangely there were many people left though who seemed not need oxygen. In fact they released sulfur dioxide gas into the air so they could breathe that. The gas came out of nozzles as a greenish looking gas, but once it dispersed it was invisible. It was pretty evident these people were not human to be breathing that. I understood in my mind these beings were called the Sulfarians. They seemed content enough to leave the remaining humans alone to go about our business though. After that I get a group of people together for the purpose of attemting to liberate the stolen oxygen stored underground. It was about when we blow open one vault of air is when I awoke.

      Now I'm a guy of course, but in my dream about 3/4 of the way through I notice I'm a woman in my dream. I have black shoulder length hair, and although I don't see my reflection I can tell I'm fairly good looking by the way others in my dream act nicer toward me. I can even tell I have "the goods" under my shirt even though I don't actually feel them with my hands. How does your brain know what it feels like to have breasts when you're a guy?
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