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    1. Concious Death (3rd layer dream)

      by , 09-19-2010 at 05:31 AM
      To start this, firstly I define the first layer as reality, second layer is your first dream and the third layer is the dream beyond that ect.. Beginning the dream, I knew immediately what I had to do. It was myself and three of my friends two males and one female in the group. My friend had these white pills and told the group that they would help us 'escape reality'. I don't take drugs at all in reality, so myself accepting this I knew I was dreaming, rather than control it, I went along with my conscious. The four of us proceed to a public bathroom in a remote campground, somewhere in the high desert, there is pine trees but it is mostly desert chapparel. Inside the bathroom we enter the shower room. We all disrobe and then take one of these pills each...In the second layer dream I instantly fall asleep

      I awake to find myself in a third layer of a dream, with the same group of friends somewhere in the distance. I am in field, at the north end they are playing soccer with a seemingly infinite amount of balls that keep flying off into the forest, at the south end of the field they are playing basketball w/ soccer balls (again seemingly infinite). I walk towards the north field knowing my friends are up there, the people playing their games give me very intense, angry looks (intruding on someone else's dream?). I reach the north field and the female in the group has become a close high school friend of mine, we talk about how well the pill is working (this is extremely strange for me as I am concious of my choices from the second layer). The dream at this point begins to feel like a reality, and that the second layer was the 'dream', and that I had taken this pill and woke up into reality (however I was really in the third layer). The dream progresses, I begin to get extremely angry, frustrated with the fact that I don't know what real and what isn't. The four of us friends then meander out of the field and down into the forest, where a clearing appears and a crowd of people are watching a bunch of vehicles. We join them, and its a bunch of cars with faces talking (very much like the Disney Movie Cars). Then mater from the actual cars movie comes out and starts talking, at which point I realize it is a dream and I become extremely frustrated and angry. I take off in one of the vehicles and start driving down the road. Suddenly we are in a caravan of cars transporting some important person. I know my friend (one of the male friends is behind me) and I am sick and tired of being in this alternate reality and I want out, I pull over off the road, make a 9mm gun appear in my holster and I shoot my friend in the head, knowing that it is a dream and that it will be alright. I know now that the rest of my friends will not be happy with this and that likely and hopefully I will be shot in return, thus escaping the third layer via death. I turn my back to them and start walking away, holding my hands up high and flipping them off. I receive 3 shot gun rounds to the back, it hurts, it conciousely and ligitimately hurts in the dream...I keel over on the ground bleeding my friend then walks up "dude what the hell were you thinking? We were enjoying this world"...He proceeds to shoot me in the head several times..I take it..it does nothing but hurts immensely...I dont die...I scream to him "why can't we escape this world!?!" He helps me up and we begin to walk into a campground. We reach a three way intersection, there is a picnic table, a trashcan and a pine tree, to the north is a trail of unknown destination and to the left I remember is the bathroom where we had originally taken the pills and woken up in the third layer. We head back to the bathroom only three of us though, as I had killed my one friend (somehow he stayed dead). In the bathroom we took the pills again my friend said something along the lines of a word "hypnocrint" (perhaps the name of the pills in the dream?). I awake to find myself back in what seems like a familiar setting, it feels like reality, it feels like I was never sleeping. my three other friends are still there, the fourth returned, and we are in a kitchen this time with a door on the south and one door to the north. I hear children in the room to the south, distraught and still confused about reality (although this second layer I had awoke back into seemed like one-hundred percent reality). I debate whether it is reality or not, I begin to make a sword appear in my hand for the purpose of slaying someone for the 'test of reality'...I realize then that this is wrong and immoral, the sword dissapears as I trick my concious into believing this was reality.. I realize 'o my friends brother and sister are home I don't really want to deal with them, so I'll head through the north door..I open the door and his grand-parents are in this other room and begin talking with me casually 'crap I don't want to talk with his grandparents'.
      The alarm sounds, 7:50am. Finally I am in reality, inside my college dorm. I had never been concisouly in and out of dream layers like that before and never have had difficulty escaping a layer, I felt trapped in the 3rd layer and it felt like weeks that I was down there.
    2. Conglomeration of Dreams

      by , 09-18-2010 at 10:11 PM
      If you can be bothered reading this all the way to the bottom, I will be impressed. It does contain at least 3 dreams from one sleep in a single sitting. Continue at your own peril!

      Notes Normal Dream Lucid Dream

      For the past week my recall has been terrible, with me only remembering a couple of fragments. This morning I woke up and started thinking through a dream - still half asleep. Suddenly I realised, "I should be writing this down!" So I hurriedly turned over and started writing. Part of the dream was lost, the part I was thinking about before I started to write it down.

      First (?) part of dream was forgotten, but I recall entering a dark building. I was sure that I wasnt myself at this point, like I was inhabiting someone else's body. It was an orphanage, and I had the distinct feeling it was where I had grown up. Moving through the building, I found no-one about. Dumping my stuff (when did I get it?) in a room, I moved to another corridor and there was a guy who I knew in real life. Wearing nothing but a very short towel. Not being gay, this was not exactly a particularly pleasant thing for me to witness. "You must be looking for [his mother], here follow me." He led me to the reception (of sorts) and I knew that there was another part of the building behind it, that I didnt get to see. I was taken to a room, "Terga 4" (definitely saw that written down) which incidentally was the exact room I had dumped my stuff, and also grown up in (the person I was inhabiting)

      Dream Change

      Cutting grass in my current High School, although it seemed slightly different. I couldnt place why exactly in this dream. In any case, I had finished cutting two portions of the grass, and was just about to start the third when I was informed it was military property, and was as such dangerous. WTF? I moved outside the school, along a path. There was a box which provided electrical current to some wires, one along the first portion of the road, two along the second. I reached the start of the second portion the first time I walked along it, being led by a friend. The second time along, I was the one who was leading, and I'm sure we were being followed by a couple of idiots. At some point along the path I touched a wire to see if it was live It was before telling the others not to touch them. For some reason we walked on the part of the road that was narrower, on the grassy bank to the right hand side. When we got to the end of this road, there was a house.

      It was dark, or at least stormy, with an illuminated house opposite us, atop some cliffs. A river went by in front of us, making a bridge lower down the only viable way across. Luckily there was an elevator for us (me + several others) to go down. We had almost all managed to fit into the elevator, only two people were not in it with us. As we started to go down, the idiots who had followed us arrived. We touched the ground below, and the idiots cut the rope that would have allowed the other two to get down. Interestingly enough, I predicted this would happen.

      We had to get across the river, and once again I predicted what would happen next. The bridge broke. Luckily we were carrying the wooden elevator floor with us, and this allowed us to float. Unfortunately, I somehow fell over the edge and got trapped between a submerged post and the current of the river. Next thing I knew, I was floating near the house, and I remember a distinct feeling of WTF? How the hell did I get over here? I could hear the two friends who had been stranded up on the other side of the river, but not the friends who were actually in the river.

      Dream Transition, like a scene change in a movie.

      I was back at the first part I wrote about, but there were two changes: I was younger, and I definitely was myself instead of inhabiting another person. Were the two above parts of the dream linked? It would appear so, because there in the distance was the house, but it was daytime. Riding a tricycle, alongside a girl. We were both of about 7 or 8 years old at this time. Of all the parts I've talked about, this is the most difficult to remember. Things were fuzzier, more indistinct. I have no idea who the girl was, and I dont get the feeling that the major part I forgot explained who she was. All I know was that we were playing, and suddenly, she wasnt there. I asked no-one in particular, possibly my brain, what had happened to her.

      She had died.

      I suppose I knew already, but subconsciously. I think she died of cancer, although what variety wasnt explained. It was very sad, because it was like a childhood friend had died, and I didnt quite understand why.

      Dream Change

      Sitting down in the shower room, for some reason I put my thumbs on my nostrils. Breathing in still worked. Why? Had I not covered them properly? I tried again, sticking them right in, blocking my nasal passages completely, and yet I could still breathe in and out. With a sudden realisation, I was lucid dreaming! This was only the second time I could ever remember going lucid, and the first time with a conscious reality check, (albeit one I have never used before) and this made me pretty pleased. Feeling incredibly pleased, I sat for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of awareness. I was by this time quite tired of dreaming, I doubt I could have taken much more, so it was quite a relief when I woke up.

      Im completely happy with the Lucid lasting only a few moments, because it has happened only once before. My goal now is to have a longer lucid dream, where I explore being aware.
    3. Robbery

      by , 09-14-2010 at 06:01 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:24:20 AM PDT
      Important: No

      My friend has a gun. He tries to shoot me. He is African American. My friends give me gifts because I'm about to die. B-3 gives me a shotgun. I tell her to put it together for me. I try to shoot him but missed. I lock onto him with my arm. Ring the police. They don't take me seriously. I let my friend go. He opens up the garage. A human powered car is there. We talk about it.

      Also. Something about a stepfather.

      Tags: b-3, black, car, death, gun, police
    4. Dead person

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:59 PM (The Midnight Train)
      Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:05:11 AM PDT
      Important: No

      Dead person
      I am a kid. I have a babysitter. She disappeared. I look for her. I tell her friends that she disappeared as well. We find her dried up in a cubicle. With muscles. Wide eyes. With ear phones. Lying on the ground. I think I may have predicted her death. She is a student. Set in Thailand. Maybe in a uni on a balconey.
      I see a person get off the back door of the bus. I throw a magazine on to a persons lap in the bus. An orange bus.
      False awakening!
      First failed reality check!

    5. Super WTF night

      by , 09-14-2010 at 04:28 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I had a dream that my guides were trying to teach me how to remember music from dreams. I remember hearing this song:

      I also remember Raven Knight learning a song. She was at the keyboard and smiling. she was saying as she was playing. "Yes, I can finally play this music!!!"

      Super WTF dream

      At first I Remember trying to enter a room with a bunch of guys in it, but i had to fight my way through.

      Later I'm with Jaas climbing a snowy mountain and walking up trails at night time. We go up one until it goes almost straight up. Jaas falls and we both slide down the path. We pick another directiion but eventually the same thing happens, so we go down the mountain.

      Now I'm walking around... from my lower lip to my chin is a zipper holding my skin in that part together. I am trying to zip it up but it hurts.

      I am by a strange fire with some people, I think my brother's gf jen was there. I have a bottle containing the reamains of the DV member Vira. In the dream I am told she died of liver failure from cancer or something. I open the bottle and her remains are mixed in with shampoo. I pour it on the fire and a huge smell fills the air. It smells like bubbly shampoo and well... death. Jen says that was someone who recently died that Iput on the fire. I said yes. She said from the smell of it that it seemed like the person's death was rather quick.

      Don Juan

      some dream with don juan in it. I can't remember what happened, just that he was in it.
    6. Foot message. Red shirts at war. Arsonist.

      by , 09-13-2010 at 09:45 PM (The Midnight Train)
      My Mom takes me to Bobae to have a foot message. She says that it will improve my intelligence. They use the messaging apparatus.
      I drive myself to Khaoyai in Thailand. Dad tells me the directions before I leave. And if I get lost, "ask." And drive up a freeway and turn left. It's a u-turn and I come to a check point. I am worried that I do not have a car license. From there I go to a shop to buy camping supplies and the employee has curly hair and a black top. My brother, P-1 disappears. So I decide not to buy anything.
      Deja vu! The shop scene repeated itself.

      I am at a red shirt (political movement) camp. I see lots of people in red shirts, hanging on the underside of a skytrain track. Someone, maybe a red shirt leader tells me, "don't tell any journalists that."
      "When attacked, all must retreat!"
      I pick up dog plates from outside the house where red shirts are gathering.
      Back to the shop AGAIN! I talk to a girl from the movie 'Big Boy' Thai movie. I smell a magnet in the shape of a cap. I say, "my Dad used to like buying these things."
      I get a phone call, but don't pick up in time. I look. Not P-1 (who is missing). I browse through my iphone apps.

      I burnt down a building. A person was in it. So I buried the person. We go into someone's house to that we think is open to the public. But it's private and the owner tells us. I open a youtube video for the guy who's with me. I open my email instead (autopilot behavior). He reminds me. So I look up a video about ninjas and firecrackers.

      Updated 09-14-2010 at 04:51 PM by 35484

    7. Subway Terrorism and Two Fragments

      by , 09-08-2010 at 01:25 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm taking a trip with my college friends into New York City. We ride the subway, then get off and start to negotiate taxi prices to get to our next destination. There are 15 of us, and the lady at the counter just kind of laughs when we ask if we could get a decent rate. At this I snap, and pull out a sniper rifle. I order everyone to the roof, and they obey fearfully.

      Everyone lines up along the ledge of the roof, while I take a fortified position near the back. I start sniping, one after another, and feel great sorrow when I catch one of my friends with a bullet. Soon the police arrive, but without proper backup, and I snipe several of them. I then notice a stunning woman in a white dress swinging her legs out of a nearby window. I put my scope on her, but then notice she too has a rifle. She smiles at me and starts shooting at the crowd. Eventually the police get a machine gun emplacement set up and start to pepper my position, and the concrete blocks that shield me start to give way.

      I awaken into my dorm room at college, where I get up and breathe on a mirror. I start writing the salient points of the dream in my breath as my friends are playing Mario Party in the background on the N64. It's hard to get the words to stay (failed RC), but I feel satisfied at some point. I then real awaken, angry...

      2. I'm playing backgammon and discussing world issues with former president Bill Clinton.

      3. I go to a concert in Columbus Ohio where Avenged Sevenfold is doing an experimental set and recording it directly to Youtube.
    8. Apocalypse

      by , 09-05-2010 at 05:23 PM
      I am on an airplane, returning from London to Mexico. But I have to stop at New York. I see from the airplane window that there's a storm, and I sense things are falling apart. Then I'm in the car, in a bridge and things ARE falling apart. My dad, the driver, stops and we get down at an apartment. I go up and all families are going crazy, in the apartment where I'm staying the father says "Everybody, you must only have a walkman OR a blackberry, only one, not both." I grab my blackberry and my best friend, the apartment is starting to fall. Everybody is ready to die. I tell her to come with me, everybody knows we're trying to save them. How? Supposedly, I know how to. So we run and stop at a restaurant, this man calls us. He tells us we have to sell some things, and that we should sell it to the laundry next to us. Meanwhile, the apartments that face the bridge are all falling, everybody is ready to die,, except me. We go to the laundry, and there's no people to sell the stuff to. So I tell my friend not to enter. We come back to the man and he tell us that we have to go into the laundry or he'll punish us. My friend wants to go, but I stop her. I know there's a business going on that we shouldn't enter. I tell the man we're not going. He's sitting with another man, and the other man tells us he doesn't want to make us prostitutes, he hates to do that. Then the man that wants us to enter the laundry to be made sex slaves gets up and threatens to kill us, then siamese twins came and stabbed the man with a small knife, the man turned and stabbed the twins, and the three fell down to the floor, dead. Me and my friend ran, crying because of the twins and got to a place nearby, full of sand, and with inventions from the ancient until now. There we recieved notice that it had all finished, and we were safe. We had made it. I was not ready to die.
    9. Some mandarin and village invasion.

      , 09-04-2010 at 04:19 AM
      I was sitting around a long rectangular table with heaps of people. One of the ends was just to the left of me and a blonde girl was sitting there. She was speaking some simple Mandarin but I couldn't understand very much of it. The way she was saying it to us it was like she was showing off. And when she said something everyone kinda looked at her while she said it, were like "wtf we can't understand this" and then continued back to their normal conversations.
      I remember that she said something that I DID understand, and replied back to her and she didn't understand me lol.
      Then she said some sentence and I recognised one of the words out of it (a word that was said several times in the sentence).
      I had to ask someone what that word, "zhou", meant. I can't remember what the definition was, but I was like "oh yeah! as in Ao Zhou (which means Australia); why didn't I guess!?"
      I can't remember much else from here.

      Creepy dream:
      I was in some small, poor village in some European country. People were getting hungry and the only food we had were corn crops. The other type of crop we had, wheat, had run out because the farmers hadn't replanted it that year. The corn crops weren't going to be enough to survive.
      Standing in the kitchen with a friend (I don't know who), we realised that people were invading our village.
      My friend and I ducked down behind the kitchen bench. There were quite a few knives on the bench so I grabbed some for us for defence. I had to pick and choose between them to try and get the sharpest ones.
      I noticed some guy enter the house behind the kitchen bench. After waiting for 10s or so, I decide to take attack first and lunge upwards towards his neck with my knife. It slashes his throat and puts him in enough pain for us to run away.
      {Memory loss here}
      Next thing I remember, I was running away with the friend and someone was coming after us. I decided to go at them. We were battling with kitchen knives lol.
      Next thing I remember I had somehow killed the guy, and I remember feeling so horrible about it. But I was telling myself that I had no other choice, that it was either my life or theirs. I remember feeling how I could die at any moment now because of the people raiding the village.
      Too bad I didn't do a RC xP
    10. 2 liters of mountain dew distortion. assassination at the pool. victims of assassination at new pool

      by , 09-03-2010 at 02:16 AM
      September 2nd: I was in an apartment room that was mostly brown (like light brown walls and brown couch) with some other teenage kids that were slightly larger than an average teen (in weight) they appeared to have some metal band t-shirts on that i don't remember. but two of them held mtn dew distortion in 2 liter bottles one of the kids had cargo shorts that were dark blue and he had long, frizzy, brown hair. I asked them where they got it from. and then i thought about how i would get to the store, even though i never been to the neighborhood i was thinking of.

      phase 2: I was at a hotel swimming with a group of people in what appeared to be a normal indoor pool. but the ceiling was at least 20ft up the room felt massive. but at one point it was apparently a girls only swim so I swam to an area of the pool that inclined down and went underground. i followed it slowly and it lead to the boys locker room. there were people obviously changing. I went up to a locker and stared at it for a second. (the room was pinkish and had green lines on the wall) I then walked back and went through the otherside of the locker room and went through a short circular water tunnel. It had lead me to a huge set of ivory stairs and some form of wealthy congregation at the bottom on the stairs headed to the left. I knew it was a wealthy event because of the area and the clothes people wore like dresses and suits. I remember one young woman that had brown hair and she wore a silk silver dress that shined lightly she had a fit figure as well. I decided to head to the Right. on the right there was an incline to another area; there was also a white overpass that had stairs on both sides up high as if it were a bridge to somewhere else in the hotel. I kept walking the incline and as soon as i got up I saw a purple and orange sky which seemed very surreal i then got up and saw an above ground swimming pool that was also in ground because it was cemented in. there was a lounge area with tables and umbrellas and then also a bar. the floor was tiled in a checkered form(not fully but sort of) I think. I stood by a guy I did not know at the pool Then apparently over in the lounge section there was a man in a suit that killed another man by breaking his neck. the dream then transitioned to the next phase

      * note phase 2 and 3 went together sort of
      phase 3: the next phase introduced the people who were wanted by showing their faces the only memorable figure was the girl who had stolen black goggles and had done something else. it showed her (she had brown slightly wavy hair and a nice body. i thought she was hot until later.) wearing black goggles and she had picked her nose randomly. it then switched to her wearing white shades in the sunny daylight, then the sight of vision moved and it paned in on a pool there were the three of the criminals playing a game with inner tubes to get the inner tubes farthest in the amoeba shaped pool. The day was sunny and i stood and observed until pool goers got pissed at the criminals and then a white lawn chair with purple stripes was thrown into the pool. i dove in and went under the chair. apparently one of the bad people in the trio jumped on the chair and i felt the pressure of his weight on my back i didnt wanna die so i fought back but eventually I woke up
    11. Murderer

      by , 08-25-2010 at 02:58 PM (The Midnight Train)
      At the apartment. Emptying rubbish bin. Organics go on the green grass lawn. A woman's head goes into the pond. A boat is about to run over the head. A small boat with one of the maintenance crew sail towards the head. I move it out of the way.
    12. Fragments for August 21 2010

      by , 08-23-2010 at 02:54 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm following my friend MB at her college. She changes clothes into a very pretty dress, then goes into a local casino and sits down to play blackjack. She's doing all right, but I decide to log onto a computer terminal and anonymously transfer money to her account for betting.

      2. I kill a childhood bully, Nick E, with an axe in the backyard of my college dorm.
    13. Back-to-School Shopping and Two-Part Movie

      by , 08-14-2010 at 05:13 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. Mom and I are doing my back to school shopping at the mall. I wander off into the mall proper while she stays in the department store; when I return she has a $150 gift card to the store! We leave the store, and on the ride back she tells me how she saw a fight between a shopper and an employee. She was called to witness in a trial of the employee and got the gift card for her time. The prosecutor in the trial, however, was her former boss as a paralegal, and she expresses sorrow that she didn't continue her own legal career. When we get back home (to our old house), Dr. C from the research station is pulling out of the driveway in the station van. We wait for him to move, then I move in. As I do, however, I scrape the bottom of our new car.

      2. The whole family, along with my (deceased) maternal grandma are going out to the movies. The film we see is made from a collection of short subjects. The first is set in the British Museum. In the movie, Mom and I often shop at their gift shop for ice cream and cupcakes. One day, after we buy our sweets, I'm suddenly attacked by velociraptors! I run and flail my arms wildly, still carrying my mom's credit card in one hand. Someone offscreen then throws ice cream at the raptors, which seems to pacify them. Relieved, I move to exit, but as I do I'm told that I owe over 24 pounds. Apparently waving the credit card orders food for whatever I "circle" with it. I refuse to pay, and finally it dawns on me to ask why there are dinosaurs in the museum. The film jump-cuts to a London park, where a young bird skeleton is shown stripped from escaped raptors. The short ends without resolution, cutting to a static screen where the audience is advised to use hand sanitizer. This I do, but the rest of the family looks at me rather oddly.

      Soon enough, however, the second short begins. This takes place in Soviet Russia. The camera descends on a snowy provincial capital as a voiceover comments on the permanency of the ruling party. Something to the effect of if 30 members were removed from office, the party would still remain in power. The film cuts to inside the capital building, where the Russian government is in session. A senator from Kamchatka has something to say; one of his counterparts snarkily remarks how a disabled person could take the podium if they had wheels. The senator announces some sort of breakthrough, but promptly falls dead. His aide throws a white sheet over him, then pulls it off with a magician's flourish.

      The senator is alive, but as the sheet is pulled further back, we notice he isn't quite right. In fact, he soon turns out to be hideous. He's a hermaphroditic freak, with breasts studding his body in odd places and an extra penis hanging off his chest. Somehow the whole family is now present in the movie and recoils at revulsion towards the sight. My grandma, a devout Catholic, starts screeching "That's heresy!" as I lose the dream.
    14. NightCrawler's Twilight Tales

      by , 08-13-2010 at 04:40 AM (Twilight Tales)

      Dream Guide, Betrayal, & Suicide

      Sam Winchester from the TV show Supernatural was there. I recognized him as Sam. He walked up to me and told me he could teach me to control my dream powers. At first Sam had short hair and I decided I liked it better that way. Then once I agreed to let him train me in controlling my dreams we started walking through the woods with some random young boy. Then I realized I was dreaming, so I turned to the little boy and grabbed his face. Then yelled “I’m dreaming haha! And I know it!” The I ran back after Sam and the little boy did nothing because I knew it was my dream and I had control. But when I caught up with Sam he had long hair and I was mad about it. So I shut my eyes nad focused on imagining him with short hair. But when I opened my eyes he was some older man I thought was quite ugly. Then I got angrier because Sam was doing a bad job of teaching me dream control.

      So I shut my eyes and focused again and when I opened them I was in a gothic house and Sam was sitting in a chair in some magician’s outfit. He kept rolling his eyes because I could not control my dream and had stuck him in that lame outfit.
      Then I lost control and it was like a normal dream, and the setting changed. I was living on a farm in a really rural area. A guy that resembled Ian Somerholder was apparently my boyfriend. I knew I was completely in love with him. All of the sudden people were ambushing the barn and trying to shoot him and my family. Ian and I decided we had to confront these people so we walked out of the barn together, hand in hand. I turned to him and told him “Never forget, I will always love you.” Because I knew we were going to die soon. He said “I love you too”. Then the bad guys with guns were standing there saying they did not want to watch some sappy peep show. So I turned to them and asked what they wanted.

      Then Ian walked over to them! He was on their side! He betrayed me and had tricked me into loving him. I felt crushed and so upset in that moment. He told me they wanted to kill my family and take our money and gold. I was furious and destroyed at the same time, partially having a breakdown. Then Ian grabbed me and dragged me inside with his evil co-workers. He told them to look for my family while he took care of me. Then he locked me in some basement and told me not to move, I would eb safe there. I was still furious but I realized in some sense he had cared about me, he did not want me to die.

      So I stayed in this gross basement thing beneath the barn then saw some creepy guy was living in it! So I screamed for Ian to get me out. I broke out of the cellar alone since he never came back for me. I walked through the barn only to see my families bodies sprawled on the floor, face down, dead. I knew there was nothing left for me here so I walked to the edge of our land where a cliff meets the sea. Then I jumped off and did a graceful dive into the ocean far below. As I dove deeper my body slowly disintegrated in the water into a shooting stare then I knew I had finally died.
    15. school- 8-12-10

      by , 08-12-2010 at 02:18 PM (My Randomness)
      i only remember bits and pieces of this one, i had to wake up with an alarm, and i didn't try to remember any dreams. it all takes place at school, the first bit is me being in the gym. theres a bunch of other people there, standing around goofing off. then they tell someone to come over, a dude in front of me. they have the door open when they say it, and when the dude came over, they shoved him outside and locked the door. everyone started laughing lol. the next bit i remember is being outside of the school, it's not my school on the outside. i went somewhere to get a box for something, but i didn't want to go back into the school. i wandered around the school, wasting time. the next bit i remember is being next to a teacher and a set of stairs leading into the school. i asked the teacher what was going on and she said that some kid i didn't know died of cancer. a bunch of people were coming to the school to honor him or something. i tried to feel bad but hot people from my school kept showing up in slutty clothing, and then walking up the stairs right next to me lol. thats all i remember.
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