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    1. Face changer, crocodiles. Fast car. Visualizing dreams.

      by , 05-16-2021 at 04:20 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I just woke up in the night and visualize a landscape. I'm in the landscape I visualized (I can't remember how sudden I got into the landscape) and talk to a girl in a chair. We are doing the homework together. Three guys start to pick on us and push the girl down to the ground. I'm not defending her at first but later on I hit one of them. They become angry and easily win over me. After a while they start to pretend to lose and jump back when I hit them as if I was really strong. They run away and I walk to the next room. There is a crocodile in a water pit and I look down on it. It starts to climb to me and I have a big wooden staff to defend myself with. I try to poke it away but my arms won't do as I tell them to. I try to run away but I can't. The crocodile eats me. After some time I walk to the next room. I sit on a chair and look at a person in front of me. I have the power to change his looks and move his eyes apart. He looks pretty weird now. He starts to look like a new person.

      I just woke up in the night and think about the last night were my visualization worked. I visualize a car from the driver perspective, seeing the feet of the driver pushing the gas. I'm in the dream and I'm sitting in the front seat next to the driver to the left. It's my cousin C. First off she's driving in 70 km/h but raises to over 140 km/h. It's going really fast and there is a bump which makes it so that I fly to the sky and fall down really fast (semi lucid here). The car crashes and I land next to the car. C and I run up a hill to the forest. There is another car driving and we jump into the front seat as her mother drives.

      Notes: The day before I thought about how a dream would not be able to adjust the speed to the speedometer but it felt really real in that dream. We slept in their house that night.
    2. ccxlvi. Backwards ride, Last settlement

      by , 04-04-2021 at 03:01 PM
      3rd April 2021

      Some in-line thoughts and notes.


      I am in a car with H. We are driving down a hilly area. I'm sitting facing the back of the car, but I'm in the copilot seat next to H who is at the driver's seat. The steering is not on the side it should be. It's sunny and I can see sharp shadows from the sunlight. H doesn't seem to b ewearing sunglasses or straining despite direct sunlight in his eyes.

      Behind us, or in front of me, I see a teal van coming down the same road. As they get close I see through our windows it's an old man and his young daughter. They are somewhat playfully fighting over the wheel but it concerns me. It's not somethign to fool around with, I feel. And I fear they may collide with us as they are going past us.

      There's a transition but I don't become aware of it in the dream. I am now walking towards a table which seems to be part of an esplanade on a plaza. It's in a tight spot between two buildings with white painted render.

      H is sitting down at the table and I take the seat directly in front of him. Adjoining our table is another table. Sat to my right, is the girl from before. I try to tell her something about some dangers? And then, before I talk about the whole steering thing, H tells me not to bother and I realise at this point that I have no memory of the last few minutes.

      I think I ask about what happened but don't get a clear answer and now the father is also coming back and sitting in front of his daughter at the table. We each have a meal, but oddly enough I don't pay any attention to mine.

      Before all this. Me and H are in a town. It's dark and night time. Can't see too well except for some faint light at the edge of street light fall-off, away from where we are. We are going back to the car but H can't remember where it is exactly, but I did know exactly where it was. The car was like dad's car?

      Before that, not sure what the place is anymore. Looking through a cabinet of some sort. There are drawing pads and other things. Me and H talk, they apparently belong to a childhood friend of his, called Tania. I ask what kind of things she drew? He tells me that when they played in the garden she would pretend to have superpowers she'd imagined/come up with and she drew some furry characters, in answer to my question. I vaguely recall seeing one or two drawings, focusing on faces and muzzles.


      Before the other dream, before the first morning awakening. Something in a town, medieval-like but also old home like? There's a WoW feel. My old best friend, D is present in the dream somehow and we talk or something. There's something about T3 gear and tanking. I can't remember anything else but even writing about this made me feel nostalgic for some reason, not just for the game but for this friend too.

      4th April 2021

      Scraps and fragment:

      Dream recall mostly faded and no notes taken. I remember at the end of one dream, I realised faintly that I was dreaming and so it was time to wake up or something. There was a hazard situation? But I'm not sure in what context now.

      I had a very long dream sequence. In the dream I am in a dark land. I think it was brighter before, but it was night time and I am in some countryside area. In the distance I see burning towns and things like that. The path I am walking along is patrolled by demons accompanied by a dog-like creature on a chain lead. I am able to use some sort of invisibility ability, every twelve seconds or so. It lasts just long enough that I can hide in a corner and when they go past me, I use the ability to make sure they can't see me. I feel like there's some kind of spotlight on the three of us.

      The dog senses me on some level but they leave and my invisibility fades and I move along. There are other patrols and so instead of continuing down this road going downhill I instead take an uphill fork in the road, which is narrower and seemingly goes unpatrolled. I don't feel any negative emotions, but I suppose I just feel neutral about everything.

      Transition? I am at a town of some sort. It's seemingly the last surviving settlement in this area. At some point I see the settlement from an RTS-like point of view. There are many sub-cultures in this town, who are seemingly self-segregating in cultural terms. But I also remember going into shops and talking to people. Life seems normal and there is a modern feel to most things. There were many little plots involving interaction with others in this dream but I don't recall any in enough to detail to remember any of them fully.
    3. ccxli. Giving a boy a ride, Tank-driving and deity avatar fighting

      by , 03-23-2021 at 03:00 AM
      21st March 2021


      At a dining table? Not sure if it's even in a room exactly, but there's a feel of the dining room at my old home. Mom and T are playing some strange eastern game or something involving objects they throw over to each other. The table is long like a festive dining table? Something about decorating it.

      The trim of the table has been painstakingly put together from dozens or hundreds of strips of decorative paper or something. Another bit uses some kind of holographic projection. I wonder or ask why it simply wasn't all done with the projection method.

      (recall gap)

      Some bit in a town. Looks like my native country, streets very similar to that of towns near where I used to live. I'm coming up a hilly bit on foot. There's someone I'm supposed to meet and pick up but I have to tell him I won't be able to. I see him by some kind of public transport stop.

      He's a black teen, with short hair. I ask him if he's waiting for one of us, from my family. He confirms that he is. I then explain that I won't be able to take him because I don't have a car right now. Dad or L is using it?

      He doesn't seem to be disappointed and explains that he got a vehicle of his own and will be able to use that; it's some kind of trike?

      I ask him to be careful, I think I'll feel responsible if he has an accident.

      22nd March 2021


      I'm in a tank, at first in some kind of RTS-like view mode, but soon after moving around this scenario for a bit it changes to a regular (closer) third-person view.

      I find some targets along the way and destroy them, as I'm headed somewhere. An enemy base of some kind? The enemy units seem frightened and try to keep as much distance as possible and avoid me. I fire the main cannon but also use the secondary gun to destroy enemy targets.

      I remember feeling myself use a keyboard and maybe seeing it too (old yellowed keyboard?) to control cannon pitch and yaw. I also have a secondary type of ammo for the cannon, some miniature warheads, which I use a few times?

      Eventually, after all the ground targets are down, I head towards a square-ish hole in the ground. I switch to a first person view now, in which I can see the cannon sticking out. I "crawl" down into the hole slowly, not wanting to fall down as there is a drop and a boss down below. Some kind of giant, an avatar of some deity I think.

      I try firing one of the warheads into the room below since I don't actually have direct line of sight to the boss but it doesn't seem to affect it, as a health bar for the boss an a UI remains unchanged.

      Hesitant, I eventually go down. I engage this avatar in combat using my main cannon and trying to keep my distance from its swiping. The avatar has a muscled and male form, it's colouration is dark, maybe a black tone like basalt.

      He talks to me as he fights, but I cannot recall what about. I don't do much damage and the boss kills me eventually. I respawn in a chamber adjacent to the boss room. The whole place has an ancient classical look to it. Although this passes me by in the dream, it actually reminds me of Act2 levels from Daikatana.

      The boss room itself had a very similar look. It is octagonal and with a few (sort of) central pillars. There's a shallow level of water and it looks clear. This water is also present in the other large room I was respawned in.

      After a tiny bit of exploring? I try to get the boss to come out of his room since there's actually more room to fight him in this one. It doesn't work though, he's apparently "leashed" and eventually I just go back in the main boss room again.

      I can't recall the rest but the dream went on for quite a while.

      - I don't know why but I feel compelled to register a sudden observation. Lately in dreams I feel there has been some absence of emotion.

      - The deity's avatar was probably based off some recent boss fights in some games.

      - Although it's unusual that I had some awareness of the keyboard in a way that made me step out of "tunnel vision", for the most part in that dream I was just immersed into its reality in the same way that I am when playing a game in waking reality.
    4. ccxl. Black cat, Expanded cafe

      by , 03-23-2021 at 02:42 AM
      17th March 2021

      (didn't capture recall before it faded)


      I am driving; I'm in the middle of a fast changing situation?

      I made a game of some kind and I'm playing through it. Maybe it's like Doom in gameplay but some part of it makes me think of AvP.

      18th March 2021


      Black cat, rubbing it under where the rib cage started as it seemed to be where it enjoyed it most. Unusually, this unnerved me a bit for some reason. H is sitting next to me and giving the cat attention too. The cat resembled Y. (in-lne note, it's possible it unnerved me because a dream character is effectively a part of me, and I don't particularly like being touched under or on the sternum but I wouldn't have much of a problem with doing this with a pet if it's what it wanted)


      At my old home's town. Driving down through the avenue that is by the church. I'm a passenger. The driving and such are all on the correct side.

      I see the cafe that's to my left, the one that has the office supplies shop. It's front end is being expanded, like they're adding on to the in-door esplanade space. In the dream I assume this has something to do with Covid and social distancing.
    5. Welcoming death. Winning money.

      by , 03-13-2021 at 06:53 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Doomsday is coming and we are about to rescue earth from a meteor by launching a rocket and explode the threat. We ready the rocket and launch, the rocket is going up but suddenly it turns of to the left and explodes on the surface. We go in a car and try to drive away from the location the meteor is going to crash. We drive by a lake as a big missile i penetrating the water and starts to spread a relatively slow explosion. I'm driving and see it closing in. I look back and scream "finally, I welcome you death". I feel a bit ashamed because my dad is sitting next to me. The fire closes in and eats me and I feel my body evaporating. We wait for the car to explode and suddenly it does.

      Notes: We watched a movie some weeks ago with very similar action.

      I'm in a big school and we have just played some kind of sport in the gym. I forgot my shoes and go back again. Gabriel is with me and we keep on walking. There is a door that is locked. Gabriel opens it with his key but I think to myself that it would be better for me to open the door so that he does not need to waste his keys. Mr Beast comes and congratulates me that I won 2 million kr. I am very happy and we are about to hug but then I think about corona and we stop halfway. I instead go on my knees and hug his very long legs. I ask him what he would have done if he got this money when he was in my age. He says: "I would probably have bought a bunch of CD-discs just so that I could make a tower or something as stupid." We laugh together.

      Notes: Our conversation was in swedish.
    6. Driving. Rich cousin. Almost falling of mountain.

      by , 02-11-2021 at 02:44 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm with my sister and dad in a car. My sister is driving and she is very bad. She drives off the road and I have to maneuver the car to safety.

      I'm on a boat with Tobias. I ask him what he is working with and he says that he has become a manager of McDonald's. He says he earns 220 kr/h and he asks me how much I earn. I am about to say 98 kr/h but change to 114 kr/h. I admire him.

      Notes: There has been a lot of boats in my past dreams.

      I'm on a big mountain with Cecilia, dad and Stefan. Cecilia falls off the cliff and Stefan and dad helps her up. We talk about the dangers and that you have to be careful. I look down the mountain and it is much steeper and taller suddenly. If I was to jump I would fall down for a minute I think.
    7. Golfing

      by , 01-15-2021 at 07:45 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm with dad William and John and we are playing some kind of golf but with bigger iron balls. Dad is giving William some piece of advice about not shooting too hard. William is really good and gets it just right. It's John's turn and he ruins William's ball and shoots it away with his own ball even though they are on the same team. John is sorry but William says it's okay. John accidentally shoots William's ball away again.

      Me and dad are driving a car with some problems.
    8. cciii. Amputated leg; Driving, social contact, journeys

      by , 12-30-2020 at 01:05 PM
      Long dreams but poor recall again. Dream vividness/in-dream detail has been fairly high.

      29th December 2020


      Was getting out of a house, getting ready to go somewhere. I climb some roof or something like and for some reason I get something really bad in my left leg, it's very painful. My leg gets amputated below the knee.

      Then I'm in a classroom? I walk around, dealing with phantom limb sensations. I tell some therapist I'll try the mirror box theory later when I get a chance, to try and teach my leg/brain that things are different now. I see B from school and talk to him about some drawings he'd made.

      The phantom limb can somehow still hold or move a sandal at the end of where my foot would actually be. I can see the old missing bit of my leg, as if it was phasing in and out.

      30th December 2020

      Dream, fragmented:

      Driving on a motorway/highway. J and my siblings talking to me in a street? I'm in a city of some kind, it's day time. It seems quiet but not overly so, just like not a lot of people actually live here or lead peaceful lives. J was comforting me in some kind of parental way, but I don't remember about what.

      At some point my view changes and it becomes top-down. Things look a bit like Factorio. I launch a nuke ICBM from a silo and after going up out of sight it comes back down only a few structures away from the silo. The silo is OK after this but most of the rest in the area gets destroyed; robots quickly start replacing most of it and I try to manually place some alternate structures.

      (transition gap)

      At a castle, there with mom and T. We take a walk around the outer area of the castle, close to the walls. At some point I climb up some tower. It's really high up and I can see the sky and the sun, as well as distant mountains. Sunset.

      Later in the same area, something about a couple of roofers. I take away a couple of carrier bags and T helps me. I ask if they have some drinks because I'm taking the cola away with me. I accidentally lose grip and drop the carrier bag with it down a flight of worn stone stairs. I don't worry and let out an "oops". T gets slightly upset, or annoyed.

      Then at ground level in an inner courtyard area. I look around and see limestone? yellow-ish stone, into which there are relief carvings and sculptures. I feel compelled to clean these carefully, they're covered in moss and general dirt.

      (transition gap)

      Then I'm on a bus with aunt B and mom. B is telling a story about ravines in Germany and how they are very popular attractions. The bus driver is sort of at the middle/back of the bus. It has a weird layout but looks standard otherwise. I think the driver struggles with seeing where he's going and it feels like there's a lot of traffic around us. It's an overcast day but I remember we go through a tunnel at some point. I remember seeing the ravines my aunt was on about, but partly in my mind, but as vividly as if real?

      (then, many fragments)

      Views of animated scenes with M/M themes. I think something to myself, a kind of feeling of envy (about the authors?) but the specifics are lost. I look up images of Zor'Drak for some reason. The same themes again, explicit in some cases. One picture is of him with an open maw and a tiny creature on his tongue, pleasuring itself; they both seem to be enjoying the activity. There's a light and warm glow coming from deeper inside the mouth. The description mentions "Ezekiel" and it seems this has something to do with the smaller character.
    9. A Late Show, Obama's Bass, and The Sick Terminal

      by , 12-25-2020 at 02:50 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am working on a late show, I am with 2 older women and Stephen. I mention a movie called "Dead Relations" talking about the dark comedy, I tell them I think Helen Mirin and Glenn Close are in it. I am wrong IWL I believe. The real movie is called Death Becomes Her. We are all walking through the capital together in the rain. Stephen starts giving some monologue on a monument facing a field but the lighting is all backlit and you can't see him that well. One of the aids mentions this and we turn him around to face the light. I gather we are doing a livestream of some kind for a special event.

      We are in a car together that feels more like an SUV there are two older women sitting next to me and in the passenger seat and Stephen is driving. I ask him if he's just along for the ride or if we have the pleasure of his company all night. He looks at me through the rear view mirror and says I'm all in it baby. And we are all pleased and laugh at him.

      We get back to the offices and there are two ladies working in a small room with their own computer, they know me well. I gather we have a casual relationship and they enjoy when I stop to talk to them. They ask me if I am here to work on a late show and I say yeah we're doing a livestream. They are older and I gather they don't fully understand the concept. I now feel like we are at the white house possibly and in some back hallway office. I am in another room and notice one of the aids has been posting selfies on the work forum and we understand this is wrong and she is divulging secrets to the public. In one of the pictures she is holding her dog.

      I am with Obama in some random living room and I gather he is going to play the bass along with some TV program like a karaoke. He gets upset that no one watches him when it is his turn to play.
      I only walked away for a few minutes to get something before he started, I only see him play for a few seconds before he stops, saying 'I'm done with this'. He leaves and we all leave with him. I am driving a small futuristic looking chevy volt towards the airport. I gather he is also going to the airport and they are behind me on the road. I accidentally drive in the back entrance which is like a long tunnel/causeway and notice Obama's SUV behind me, they must be taking the VIP entrance.

      I know that I am here by mistake. I park my car in the service area where other people are walking. All my baggage and stuff is in the car. I gather it is a rental. The valet is bothered that I left my car there but I am walking around looking for the right place to be. When I find my correct entrance I go back to move the car. The car is gone and I understand some woman just got in the car and drove it out into the vast parking lot.
      I am bothered because I have to make a flight and all of my belongings were in the car. I spend some time looking in the parking lot for the car but am never really successful. I concede that perhaps I will only have the things on my person, then I realize I don't even have my phone on me, double whammy.

      After some time walking around I am back in the terminal, there are long lines most everyone has a mask on. I gather the flights have all been delayed and there has been a massive error with their computer systems and people are getting irate. I now jump behind the counter to help the only guy who is working frantically trying to alleviate the tension. We are tag teaming fixing a printer while entering in everyone's information manually from a clipboard.

      I get to know some of the passengers in the meantime and most of them are kind. I start cutting sheets of paper that are the tickets printed out on long old style printer paper to help the guy out. We are suddenly in the back part of the airport, it is dimly lit and everyone is sitting around waiting. I gather the management has discovered there are several people who are sick trying to board the plane so we have all been quarantined in a back large room while they figure out what to do with us as a whole. I notice there are a few sick people with masks on and showing obvious symptoms.

      I stand on a desk with the announcement microphone on a black cord held up. I begin some monologue about how none of us are going to get where we are going because some of us are unwell and trying to travel like everything is normal. I ask if it is really worth it, do other people's lives matter enough to you to not travel. Think about it, if it were your son, or your grandmother, would you sacrifice them just to get on this plane? Please consider other people and choose not to travel if you are sick, if you are sick please leave now if you have the slightest compassion for other people.

      Everyone watches me intently and I can tell some people are affected by my talk. I see a small family of four who are all sick with their heads held low begin walking to the door. Another girl who is younger and traveling on her own tells me she will not travel because she isn't symptomatic but she was exposed just a few days ago. I am grateful for everyone who chooses life and the plane begins boarding.
    10. Alligator Fields, Goth Invasion, and Fragments

      by , 12-24-2020 at 05:17 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am with K and the doctor is also there. She is barefoot wearing a flowing black dress and her long wavy dark brown hair hangs in front of one of her eyes and lays softly on her shoulders. We are in a large green field with scattered flowers and tall trees lining either side like a narrow pasture. We notice alligators of varying sizes on the sides of some ditches coming up from different places. People are scared and so is K. The doctor and I are excited and treating it jokingly like an adventure. I am more curious than concerned however K is shocked by our nonchalants.

      I hold K's hand while the doctor deals with some of the alligators in a passive way. She is comforted but still cautious of the gators. The doctor is in his original metal tube TARDIS. He fades away leaving us on the edge of the field by a set of very large wooden doors. People are leaving but there is still a large gator by the door. I assure her the doctor will be back because he always comes back. I hold a metal tube in my other hand while walking her to the door.

      I invite K to come with us. She asks us if it is always like this. I tell her this is a typical Tuesday. She is flabbergasted by the excitement and declines more adventure. I am surprised by her fear but understand her cautiousness. The dream ends as we walk hand in hand through the large metal studded wooden gateway.

      I am in my basement with a friend. I walk out front and notice a worker in a work van sitting right in front of my car. There are random graphics on the side of the white van I gather a neighbor has called them for some duty like copying keys. My friend has left my godson's backpack on the sidewalk next to my car. As I walk out there I notice some taller skinny girl in an all jean skirt walking in front of the house on her phone.

      She doesn't seem to notice me. I mention to my friend we shouldn't leave the backpack on the sidewalk as there might be valuables in it, and would be super easy for someone to just walk off with it. Walking to my car which is bumper to bumper with the work van being worked on I notice my car doors are open. The girl walking by just casually gets in my car without saying anything and starts going through it picking things up like she owns the place. We are both taken aback this is happening and I give a curious yet amused stare towards the girl while standing feet away. The girl doesn't realize I own the car.

      After talking to the worker of the van for a few seconds, I ask the girl 'how are you doing?' She says 'Great, just tryna figure out who owns this fine whip!' I now notice she is somewhat goth/punk looking, pale freckled skin and short dark hair with coloured highlights and not bad looking either. I am still shocked she was rummaging through my car. I tell her 'This is my car, just what do you think you are doing in there?' She just shrugs and says 'looking for stuff'

      Somehow it transitions and we're now in my basement all together. My friend is there on my bed and the girl is sitting on the futon with her knees to the side. We are casually talking and I am somewhat interrogating her. Still trying to figure out what she was doing in my car. She is attempting to comfort me by telling me that I am alright and shouldn't worry. She slyly is giggling and taking pictures of me with her cell phone while I am talking to her. I call her out for it and it's no big deal. I now notice one of her other friends is on the couch across the room just watching the whole thing. He also looks like a taller goth kid with long black bangs. As we are talking I notice he now has a girlfriend with him who is laying on him cuddling while we all talk. I start to notice that her friends are starting to just appear in my room and I am not even sure if I trust her yet. She takes my headphones out of her bag and throws them at me. I say 'See! Was that so hard? How can you expect me to trust you or your friends if I don't even know what you've taken from me!'

      Suddenly another friend barges into the basement from the garage door in a hurry. He is portly, red-faced with some random black band t-shirt and a stuffed backpack on. He says quick things to the friends and immediately goes into my bathroom. I am through with this. I tell everyone 'Alright! Get out, I don't know any of you and I have a bad feeling I am being taken advantage of here!' The girl seems cute and I apologise to her but she has to see how this is wrong. The portly guy comes out of the bathroom and just walks back outside and leaves through the garage. I wonder if he has taken from my food pantry in the garage.

      When I look outside to find him I notice there is now white marker written/drawn all over my black car. Random words and symbols cover every square inch of my black paint like some teenagers binder. The girl mentions she has the same car as I do and I tell her she is lying. The portly guy is no where to be seen. When the friend and the girlfriend get up to leave the girlfriend is down low at first and I almost pet her like a dog. Laughing at my sudden lapse in logical judgement. I am now unsure of their genders as they are referring to each other as her. I let the girl use the bathroom before leaving and tell her maybe I'll see her around sometime but it will take some time for me to forgive her intrusion and theft.

      There is a fragment of me driving my car down the street. It is night and cold and snowy. My car hasn't been started for a while so I barely get it cranked and gather the engine is trying to die so I just let it idle while I coast down the street hoping it will catch up and rev to life. My windshield is completely covered in frost save a small gap in the bottom left I can barely see through. It also feels like my seat is too far reclined and I am having trouble controlling the car (most of my driving in dreams is either from the passenger seat or the back seat and usually stressful). I see shadows and yellow flashing lights on one side of the window while it is still heavily obfuscated by the frost. I know there are cars parked on either side of the road in my neighborhood and attempt my best to keep the car centered without hitting any of the cars on the sides. After a time I flick on the defrost and turn the air on full blast, the window clears up within seconds and I see I have kept the car in the center with no accidents so I just continue to drive around the block warming up my engine.

      I have a fragment of being stuck in a dock/asian market place. There are many dim lit rooms with prepared food and second hand goods on tables for sale.
      Everyone seems like a prisoner/drowsy to their life. Everyone looks down and is just slowly going about their business. I am moving quickly from room to room, it feels like a flea market inside an old fashioned run down corporate campus. It starts to feel partially post-apocalyptic even. I make it outside and somehow fly up over the roofs of the building.

      This opens up into a massive expanse of never-ending run down weathered corporate buildings, none are over two stories tall. It is reminiscent of those shack slum villages you see in Brazil or India, buildings showing the gradient of the hills they are built upon. Only every building is mossy, run down, and soiled with algae on the sides. The dream fades as I look down over the watery docks I am hovering over.
    11. Same transition as yesterday. Tickled, driving car. training center. Flying to India.

      by , 11-27-2020 at 08:44 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Yesterday I went from waking to a dream in just some seconds. Or I went from a dream to another dream. I don't know. I tested out the exact same thing this night and it worked again!

      I wake up in the middle of the night and do my RC (pinch my nose and try to breath). I think it doesn't work at first but suddenly I am in a big yellow courtroom with a woman judge that is slamming her hammer against the table. The last time I did this transition it was very unstable and I feel that this dream is also unstable. I look at my hands and they look really real. No extra fingers and no distortions. I am in the front desk that is about to be interrogated. I walk up and fly out of the window. There is a big city outside that reminds me of Karlskrona a lot. I see my hands as I fly and it doesn't look this real in my normal dreams. I am happy because I feel the wind against my face and my hair swining backwards as I fly. I fly up and down some times just to feel the wind. I fly up and hesitate but end up doing a loop in the air with a 360 spin to it. I feel alive and happy. Without thinking about it I stretch out only my right hand in front of me and I am able to fly really really fast when I do it. I use both of my hands and it doesn't go as fast. I think to myself that I might be able to reach space with this speed. I start to fly up to the sky with one hand in front of me like Superman but as all references to which height I am flying at disappear I can't fly anymore. I try to find a star that I can focus on but it is too far away I think to myself. I fly against the city and see a lot of people. I think about dancing and suddenly I fly into a big empty room. I think that I will be able to see dancers here but I can't see anything. I look around and find a secret door in the wall. I open it up and see two pretty fat ladies dancing. I inspect them but walk out again. There is another secret door in the empty room. I enter it and see two really good looking ladies dancing, the dream becomes unstable and I wake up.

      Notes: Wohooo! This flying was so trustworthy and it was so blissful, calm and refreshing. I really wonder if it was a dream from the beginning or if I actually went directly from being awake to a full scale dream. It almost feels too good to be true.

      I'm in church and two guys walk in through a door. I think to myself that they might tickle me and they change appearance as I think so. They become taller and now have black hair. I quickly try to wake myself up but I can't. I am somehow able to escape and run to the cars. I take their car and escape. It's a pretty old car and it doesn't go that fast. I see a fast cool car and walk to it to drive it. I am semi lucid here because I thought it was okay to take the car because it's only a dream. Just as I am about to enter the car another man takes it and drives away.

      Notes: The tickling is awful. I hate it so much.

      Dad is driving us to a training center. There is a man that welcomes us and we see a picture of a big training center. We enter and it almost looks like the picture. We jump around and enjoy ourselves.

      Notes: I read about the biggest training center in Sweden yesterday.

      I'm with Pia and Monica. We start to fly and we each have a kite tied to our backs. It gives a different but non the less fun flying experience. Whe you fly upwards the kite drags you backwards and wants you to loop. The same is when you fly down. I experiment with the feeling and go up and down. We see a star and Monica says that India is there. We fly fast but Pia is slowing down and is tired. We leave her behind. As we fly it becomes day and night because we fly so fast (haha that would actually mean we went around the whole earth and already passed India). I ask Monica how many days and nights we have to pass before we come to India. The whole sky is filled with lightning clouds that are grey and agressive just 2 meter above us. Monica and I fly to the ground and crouch because we don't want to get hit by lightning. The lightning clouds are maybe 10 meters above us, really close to the ground.

      Notes: What an interesting dream.
    12. Spider gang has infected our house. Dog house. Driving car with old classmate

      by , 11-20-2020 at 09:11 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm at home but everything is not alright. There is a big monster in the jacuzzi. The monster is like a big pile of slime but more structure and an outer layer of skin too. There is a body part that is going out and there is a big eye on it. There is slime leaking next to the eye. The monster's gang is called the spider gang. The monster is having upsight over us so we don't take the secret thing on the upper floor. Me and dad are going to take it anyways. Dad gives me a key that is able to unlock the door to the next floor. I try to but the key hole is very deep so I have to put the key in to it's maximum length. It doesn't work at first because it is reverted too. After I have turned the key to the other way it works. I look on the jacuzzi and notice that the monster is aware what I am doing. I quickly walk to the lower floor instead. I talk with dad and he says that there are other openings with a voice that tells me that we are being eavesdropped by the monster and he looks in the direction of the windows on the lower floor. I try to climb out through the first window but he says that he meant another one. I walk to the window next to the kitchen and open it. There are many details and a vase that I have to move before I am able to enter. I climb on the gutter and reach the roof. I keep on climbing on the roof until I reach the front of the house. There is a ladder and the roof is getting unstable. Dad, who is already inside tells me to jump to the ladder. There are some tense moments where I don't think that I am going to make it. Everything I grab is unstable. I grab the ladder and it starts to move in another direction. I grab the roof on the other side of the house and I am able to drag myself up. New fragment. Dad and I am running from an angry mob. I think Rick (from Rick and Morty) is the leader of the mob. New fragment. There is a spider and a fly on a wall. Dad says that the spider is tougher than the fly. He pinches the spider and squishes it. He puts back the broken spider on the fly. The spider is given life again, or it was never dead and hunts the fly as it runs away.

      Notes: That was eventful. I watched a video of a spider eating a fly some days ago.

      I'm driving car with William from middle school. I know that he is annoying but I think to myself that if I am nice to him we can be friends. We go faster than the allowed speed. William tells how I drive wrong when I make a mistake on the road. I have to put my hand on the road in order to increase the friction so that I don't go off in the sharp curves (I don't know how I was able to do that in a car). William and I come to some kind of park where families are. Another friend of William is there and we talk with him.

      Notes: I don't think I have ever dreamt about this William. Some days ago I talked about him with mom.

      I'm in a barn with hay, other humans and dogs in it. I go down on my knees and cuddle with a golden retriever. It is trying to use me as a height so it can jump over the obstacle that is holding it in the barn. I go away to the other dogs and cuddle with them instead.

      Notes: Dogs have been a theme in my last dreams.

      Updated 11-22-2020 at 09:08 AM by 97565

    13. Greek scenery. Heist, being cut up. Breaking up in a responsible way. Babies and annoying gamers.

      by , 10-29-2020 at 01:12 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm at a greek scen and looking at people who are acting. There is a naked man on stage.

      I'm in a fancy house with many people at a party. I go into a big room and into the toilet. There is a person that kills me and cuts me up into very small parts and my view becomes like a movie. They put my body into a sack and cut down more people and put them into the sack. Annika puts the sack under her shirt and applies a fake stomach over it. She looks pregnant and I am somehow feeling her stomach. They walk out and there are two indian people who are with the heist. They walk into a hotel and to the elevator. The woman starts to cough up fake blood and the man starts to scream for medical care to take their attention. They get a room and walk up to it.

      Notes: I watched a video where Gatis Kandis showed how to hide toilet paper and put it under his shirt so it looked like he had a big belly.

      Tuva is my girlfriend but we don't see each other because we don't have anything to do together. I take a moped and drive to her because I want to break up with her and not just let it pass away because that would be bad. The moped I use has a broken pedal and sometimes I have to push really hard with my foot for the engine to start. There are some cars in front of me and back and I drive past Pastabaren. Eni is there and greets me, he thinks it's cool that I drive the moped. I reach Tuvas home and walk in. Her family is there and I meet her parents. When I walk in Tuva says that I absolutely can't express my love for her. I tell her that I need to tell her something in private and that I am not going to express my love for her. She follows me to the porch and I tell her that I don't want what we have to just slip into the water slowly but that it is better that we put an end to it here and just be friends. It comes out very good and I am able to express myself. She says that I am right and we walk in again. There is a 2.5 litre juice package that I have never seen before. I take a glass and pour some into it. It's so big that some of the juice is spilled out. I walk out and meet Eni again. He seems happy.

      Notes: I've had a similar moped situation where I have to manually start it over all the times.

      I dig some gold by scratching the surface with a big stone. Some other people are there and I show them how to do it too.

      I'm in church and Elina has a baby there. I play with it for some time. I walk to my cousins and see that Therese also has a new baby. I play with it but it is really slippery and I can't hold it for long. I almost drop it but Peter saves the baby. I tell him that she is really slippery. The Children are very annoying and Jonathan and Oskar is fighting over a mobile game.

      Notes: I love babies.

      Updated 10-29-2020 at 04:28 PM by 97565

    14. Experimental mantra. Driving.

      by , 10-19-2020 at 07:12 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Tried out the mantra "I am going to dream about love" to see what my uncounscious thinks love is.

      I'm outside with mom. She is supposed to go breastfeeding.

      Notes: Breastfeeding may be a symbol for new family members? Maybe my love is for getting a bigger family.

      I'm at Håkanssons' and they have all these cars with motorboats on them. I am supposed to drive one of the cars. The boat is on the car's back and it is hanging pretty loosely. I get nervous and think it is going to fall of. We drive to town and everything is going fine.
    15. Most lucid I have ever been.

      by , 10-05-2020 at 07:41 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm talking with Diego. He says that he doesn't have any parents.

      Notes: I helped Diego with some math yesterday. I read "To Kill a Mockingbird", and just read about Dill who doesn't have a dad.

      Fragment I'm in some kind of game with lava. I need to get some kind equipment in order to pass the lava.

      Notes: My brother talked about about a game he plays where he needs some new equipment in order to proceed.

      I'm cooking Hasselback potatoes in the kitchen. Andreas E is constantly calling me just to ask me how I am. I tell him I am okey with a short reply all the times. New fragment. I'm in my room with a hose. I am shooting water in my room and try to put my thumb by the mouth of the hose in order to get a more spread out water beam. I don't succeed. My mom calls to me that everyone has to help in the new potato land.

      Notes: I read about potatoes yesterday. Andreas has been writing sometimes. I think Andreas has the role of Martin more in the dream because he constantly asks me how I am.

      I woke up 05.19 and wrote down the past dreams then. I tried to WILD and have my breath as focusing point but fell asleep.

      I'm driving our car up to our street from Albin's house. There is a stranger next to me in the car. He says that I am driving wrong but I think I'm doing it right. He keeps on telling me that I do wrong. I succeed in parking by our house.

      I'm in some kind of game where we jump on big rocks and Bowser is there. My brother is also there. I realize it's a dream and fly away. I fly to my house and there are my cousins. I have almost perfect lucidity and it feels as though I have all my IRL memories. I remember that I want to eat something good. I go to the kitchen and find Peter there. I ask him if there is anything I can eat. He takes the frying pan and show me some kind of bean mess that looks disgusting. Peter takes his hand in the food and shoves it around which makes it look even less appetizing. I don't want to eat it anymore and fly outside. Morgan and mom are there. I fly up to the tree which doesn't have any leaves in the dream. I fly around it and I feel such blissfulness. I fly in many different positions that makes me really happy. I fly on my back, stomach, I stand on my feet and fly upwards with my feet pointing up to the sky. That was really trippy. This dream has such good stabiliy and everything feels really real I think to myself. I try to fly as high as I can and above the atmosphere. Unfortunately I can't go higher than about 15 meters above the ground. There is like a soft ceiling that I can't break through. I ask the people on the ground if they want to join me. Some people start to fly modestly and carefully. I fly to the city where the dream starts to fade away.

      Notes: The flying was so easy and it made me feel amazing.

      I am in city with my friends from school. There is a big glass cage where some people stand. I become more and more lucid. I start to fly in the glass cage and look at the people. I grab two of my friends' hands and try to fly away with them. It is difficult to fly with the extra weight but I manage okey. We walk to Saltö and Gabriel talks about some kind of karate. I look at Signe and she looks different from IRL.


      Remembered some more dreams during my morning routines.

      I'm sitting on a bench in school with the school's guitar. Eni comes through the entrance with his own guitar equipment and someone behind him also has some music instruments. I tell Eni that he finally brought his own things to school. He laughs and says something about how it was time. I'm happy when I think about what we are going to play.

      Notes: I thought about how me and Eni probably isn't going to play with each other anymore some days ago.

      I'm looking at my face in some mirror and see that my right eyebrow is cut in half and that the right side of the right eyebrow is just a circle with hair on it.

      Updated 10-05-2020 at 11:43 AM by 97565

      lucid , non-lucid
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