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    1. House if whores

      by , 10-24-2012 at 12:42 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm at this strip club bar type area where if you buy a condo type house, you get a woman. The catch is, you don't know who you're going to get because they get to choose.

      We're all standing at the back if this dark room shooting the breeze when I notice I know some of these people. N shows up an I started explaining the rules to him. When I was just about finished, the women came out. The started going to guys they wanted to be with ad I noticed simething. My cousin was there. I would have been damned if everyone else had taken someone before me, but that's what happened. I told N he could take her instead, and he tried to tell me how they're related. Obviously not wanting anything else to do with this or see what happenes next, I head outside.

      Huge bouncers are outside along with cops, and I recognize one from the military. One guy was begging the cops if he could use his personal gun instead of the 9mm they issued him. It was a desert eagle, the way he was begging them had me laughing inside. Here's this 6'4 260 pound rock solid guy asking for a better gun.

      I met up with some guy who wanted me to take a knife back to another vehicle so he wont get caught. He said something like "do what you get paid to do". I get to the van and there are kids in it. I'm about to place the knife under the seat but one spots me. I asked her to keep a secret and she said yes, but I didn't believe her. I walked off to put it in tge back of another car, and L shows up.

      I quickly stashed it and we started flirting with eachother. The kids in the van were watching, but I didn't care. It's been way too long. We laid down and kept making out. I was dry humping her in the process, and she turned around on we stomach and stuck her butt up a little bit. I started rhythmically thrusting into it right between her legs so she feel exactly how hard I was, and every time he pushed back against me. After a while I was close to cumming. I rolled off of her and said "no this is gonna have to wait". I told her exactly what and she agreed by saying "yeah we can't have you do that too quickly now". Then I woke up.
    2. [All Alone]

      by , 09-23-2012 at 11:45 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Wednesday, 19th, 2012][12:30 PM]
      I'm in a giant open house filled with clutter. The lights are very dim and there are two main rooms. On one side of the house there's just a
      windowed wall that overlooks the sunset scenery of trees. The house is slowly getting darker and there are no lights. Alex had just left me- I'm

      Nothing is wrong, I'm just alone. I sit down and start to just relax on the couch. I slowly drift off to sleep... I wake up a minute later, a noise
      springs to my attention. On the dark side of the house, where the shadow's hugged the corner, I heard a noise. I figure it must have been my
      imagination. I shrug it off, but feel a strange alien thought in my head. I feel so alone... so... so alone... I just want something to hold on to- or talk

      I slowly trudge over to the shadow side of the house... I hear dull clicking noises, reminiscent of Amnesia. In the far right corner of the dark side, I
      bend down to pick up a stuffed animal... there was a lot of them, but I choose one that I'm most familiar with. It was a cute patchwork animal-
      yellow with purple and green... Alex had gotten it from the claw machine. I pick it up and hug it- and look at it. I could have sworn I saw it move.
      I let it drop to my side and I pick up another... I set them back down and watched them come to life. I was amazed- but didn't think anything of it.
      I must be seeing things, but nothing too out of the ordinary. It's just little movements, like an arm twitching, or an eye blinking.

      I bring the patchwork with me into the other rooms and set it on a table. Walking into the other room, I see shadows flicker and move, and things
      shift around the room. I'm convinced I'm going crazy. But I'm okay, I accept it. "It won't be forever. And this isn't so bad. It's kind of interesting.
      It's like I can control what I see." It reminds me of a lucid dream. My hallucinations started to become more real and vivid. Now I'm hearing
      whispers. The patchwork shakes violently in my hand and drops to the floor. It begins crawl around... Oh my... then it stops in its tracks... and...
      and it turned its neck to me. It whispered, "Don't be lonely. I'm here for you." I blink a blank stare back at it. (My subconscious didn't know how
      to react.) I dismiss it- and forget about it.

      With an empty mind, I drag myself across the house, like a ghost haunting eternity. I had no aim or goal, just to exist. Minutes passed and I knew
      that I was fully insane, and descending extremely fast. Everything was talking to me now. More stuffed animals were alive, but only ONE at a
      time. Next thing I know, I see a human in the room. It's- a waking life friend of mine that I know fairly well, but I don't remember who in specific.
      I know it's just in my head, and I'm making him up though, so I'm not exactly freaked out. I'm just so interested in the fact that I have this much
      "control" over my reality- I start to talk to the hallucination, "What's up, man?"
      "Not much." He replies.

      I take my attention off of him and he vanishes, and I begin to search around the house... playing with my hallucination power.
      I could stare at something and focus on it, and it would begin to move. I have "control" over this at least. I scan the back wall again, seeing
      stuffed animals that I recognized from real life and some that I did not. The house had gotten pretty chilly in the last few minutes. I can feel the
      cold wrap around my skin. It's very very quiet. Dead silent. Not a noise in the place, save for my breathing. Out of the corner of my eye I see the
      hallucination take a human form again. It's another person who I know. (but don't remember. I wasn't paying extremely-close, conscious attention
      yet at this point. He follows me around the house as I start to pick things up and clean the cluttered house. He watches me closely like a hawk. That's when the
      dream becomes extremely real. In fact... It ISN'T a dream anymore. There's no way something this real is a dream. It's a full-blown reality. I can't
      tell the difference one bit anymore. I'm semi-lucid too... I have control of my body- but without realizing it was a dream.
      I look back up at my hallucinated visitor and he smiles at me.

      That smile... it's the most horrible evil fucking smile I've ever seen. One that stretches across the face and make me choke back tears of impossible
      fear. I'm descending faster into the deepest and darkest corner of my mind. I'm very uncomfortable
      "I can't believe how insane I am." I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone to call Alex- the only person that I want to talk to right now...
      even if I was bat crazy, she would talk to me. I call, with my eyes on the hallucination that was smiling so wide, his black eyes were chinked
      behind his grin. Straight to voicemail- "We're sorry... the number you-" I hang up.

      The hallucination now has a long boning knife in his hand now. He's at my neck before I even have a chance to react-
      "Do... you know who... I am?"
      "No-" I sob.
      "As long as Alex is... gone... I get to... come out and... play."
      He casually drags the knife loosely against my neck. He vanishes when he finishes the knife's trail. I'm shaking uncontrollably. But at the same
      time stilled by my muscles. Everything is frozen in fear. My open eyes scan the room and notice new stuffed animals that I don't recognize-
      countless of them. The sun is almost gone, the light choked by the horizon. I turn around slowly 'til I'm facing a third room behind me. I watch the
      opening for a whole minute... waiting... swaying back in forth in silence... then-

      I sprint to the third back room... I jump into the room and stop... panting for second. This room closely resembles my old room of my Mum's old
      house. The TV is on and static lights up the room with white noise. I slowly make my way to the far end of the room, where I put my phone on the
      charger and try to call again- that's when I saw Alex had left her phone on the charger. I won't reach her at all now. My heart sinks so deep into
      my chest. "Oh my god... I just want to talk to Alex... I just want to talk to her... please oh god..." I cry hysterically

      My head feels very hazy, and I'm having trouble remembering the situation. What had just happened? I remember a stuffed animal... I'm crazy... a
      man in my house... I took in a shallow breath- and walked back out of the room.

      A body flickers into existence and blocks my path. Nathan appears very suddenly in the doorway, like a scream piercing silence. He has a
      wicked grin on his face. He cocks his head to the side, and smiles more, almost saying, "Where were you?" Then he vanishes again. I push my
      eyes closed to blink a few times- they were getting dry from holding them open so wide for so long. The house is caked in twilight- but this time
      I'm back in my Mom's old home. I emerge from my room into the computer room. To my left is the futon. I walk into the kitchen and hear,
      "Unwell" playing by Matchbox Twenty.

      "I'm not CRAZY, I'm just a little unwell- I know, right now you can't tell- but soon enough of you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be." I
      listen to the words and begin to sob. "This is so real. I can't do this...

      The music stops playing and Nathan is there again. He's right behind me, smiling his cold smile. It shocks me again how suddenly he appeared. I
      keep my eyes on him and slowly backtracked... then I stop. I'm suddenly filled with HATE for this DEMON. HOW DARE HE USE THE IMAGE
      OF MY BEST FRIEND!? Tears slowly well up in my eyes..

      ...until I scream and lunge for his throat. I use every bit of my strength and force him onto the futon and begin to choke him. I shake and shake
      and squeeze as hard as I can. He just smiles. I choke him for a full minute, letting my hate seep out onto his neck, before I realize there is no
      effect. I stand back up and take a step back.

      Suddenly, the futon vanishes and so does he. It repositions right where the computer used to be- to my immediate left... where we had moved it
      the second time, when we lived there. Now, Tyler sits there on the futon with a smile on his face. The lights flicker in the house and then the
      power fails. It's pitch black, but I can still see his black eyes. He can change form, but he can't change those beady black eyes.

      Alex had gone away and wouldn't be back for three days. Three days of hell... My soul was going to rot here
      <I woke up.>

      (I cried for 10 minutes upon waking. I called Alex right away.)
    3. Scream

      by , 07-01-2012 at 07:49 AM (TheSpiderSilva's Dream Journal)
      Ever seen the movie "Scream"? It's the one where a guy kills people dressed in this:

      Well, my dream was kind of like the movie. Someone called me, and was threatening to kill my sister if I didn't do what he said. I never could understand what he wanted me to do, so he killed my sister.

      That's not the weirdest part though, because we kept going back in time to before he killed her, and I'd get another chance. I still couldn't understand what I was supposed to do, I don't even have a clue.

      I must have seen my sister's dead boy 6 times before I woke up. There was one time where I thought I did what he said, and my sister was walking towards me. Suddenly, he popped out of nowhere and plunged a knife into her side. Horrible, horrible dream.

      There was more that went on in this dream, but I can't remember it.
    4. quickie

      by , 06-14-2012 at 09:36 AM
      So I took a nap earlier and got some recall.

      First was up on this bridge where we pulled,me and my bf. We noticed a couple of cats with their kittens.....of which we were like "derp da derp lets have more cats :O" lol so in the process of loading them all up into the backseat, our dog noni ran off. I went down do the area where some people where chilling underneath, kept callin outfor noni, only ended up having this wooden door slammed in my face by what looked like a bunch of druggy buff people

      I didn't wanna leave but I didn't think we could do anything more. Ended putting me in another dream, I was in some convenience store and i felt some kind of threat from some other people. I guess I didn't see in parking so... I'd parked like.... right outside the front doors. Heard some chick say "white boy thinks he can park anywhere" so I just turned and stared her down until she turned her face. I went to take my leave. Once I was in the care, all I can remember is being in a dark room and someone all of a sudden coming in, i thought they were someone trying to attack me so i made the first move, and they made movements that made me think they were trained as they just tangled me up then slammed me up against something, I then recall waking up on the table with one of them displaying a nice rather close to my face.

      I thought that honestly I didn't care, but at the same time that if i said anything they'd likely end me right there, for all I knew they'd just caught there most recent snuff victim. I woke up though and decided to leave it alone to dream later. Day I become lucid these dreams will either no longer happen, or i'm gonna be entertained stopping them; likely just gonna watch everything till whatever going on acts upon me.

      To which for each hand laid on me, I will not be moved, I will stand, look down at their hand, grab it with my own and smile at them. They will not know why I was not moved, and why, after I man handle them like the dreamer should to dc, why I just walked away, or decided to throw them through each wall between where I stood and mile whichever way I decide to try my hand at competitive bitch toss. Either way I'll likely keep it short n sweet.
      Tags: bridge, cat, death, fight, knife
      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. Hiding & Attempted Murder

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:23 PM (Hey, Look... A Dream Journal)
      Around 5:30am

      Genre: Random

      First thing I remember was that I am in a different time period and a different world from what it is today. I believe I am in either the Game of Thrones world or the Skyrim world. I was in a house, which was a large amount of distance away from anything else. With me was three other people, one man and two woman. I don't remember who they are at this point though. I get the feeling that we are hiding one of the girls from someone. Next thing I remember is that I am looking out of a window, with a pair of binoculars. I see someone in the distance, I can't tell if it is a man or women, all I know is that he/she is wearing a red jacket. I can tell this is the person we are hiding from.

      I tell the other guy in the house to go get the girls and go upstairs. We start to panic, he takes one of the girls up the stairs while I try to convince the other girl to come. I believe this is the girl that is hiding from that person on the road. She decides that she is going to run, and see if she can get away. She goes and I head upstairs, just incase the person on the road decides to check the house out. I remember I a set of keys which are used to lock the bedrrom doors. I head upstairs and go into the room. I close the door and try to lock it. It takes me a couple of tries, the lock has now changed from a regular lock to a lock you would see on a bathroom stall. I finally lock it and turn to the other two.

      The two are sitting on the bed, and I get the feeling that the man is my brother, I don't know why though. The women tells me that she just got a text from the person on the road. I turned around, and the door wasn't there anymore. Instead, the door had turned into just a thin plank of wood going across where the door would have been. I wake up at this point.


      Around 7am
      Attempted Murder
      Genre: Action

      I am in my old college, I think. I am in my old Psychology lecture. The class becomes really boringthat I resort to doodling on my paper. I am getting worried that the lecturer will notice me because I am not supposed to be there. The lecturer asks a question, and a girl that I know answers the questions. But she is in the back of the lecture, so the lecturer has to move to see her, and she moves to just in front of my desk.

      I decide to wait until the break, before I leave. Once the break comes, I begin to leave. Next thing I remember is being in an argument with someone I don't know. The argument eventually escalates and we begin fighting. I start to get the better of him, but then he decides to take a knife out. I decide to get the hell out of there, because I don't plan on dying in college. The guy chases after me and corners me in a stairwell. He lunges at me with the knife, but I manage to grab his wrist and force him back. Suddenly, a police woman shows up and helps. I notice she looks like Louisa Lytton.

      Now, I can leave. But as I walk out the door, I realize I have left my bag in the lecture hall. So, I decide to run to the room to get in, so I'm there before the lecturer comes back. I get to the room, I take a quick look inside to make sure she is not there, she's not so I go in and get the bag. I walk down the corridor with the my bag, and take corner carefully incase the lecturer is around the corners. She's not but I now notice I am in my old High School. I see one of my old teachers, and he begins chatting to me. We chat for a bit before I attempt to leave once again.

      I begin to walk down a flight of stairs, but there is a group of people there with me. It seems to be the basketball team, the reason I think this, is because one of them is throwing a basketball around. The guy throws it against a wall, and it returns back - hitting another guy in the face. I notice one of my old friends from High School is there. We begin chatting for a bit and when we get to the bottom, he asks me if I want to come to a club later with two other people. I tell him to give me his number and I'll tell him later.

      Updated 04-11-2012 at 02:29 PM by 24560 (Typo)

    6. Oneironaut Zero or Blade Home Invasion??, Okay father....., Ping Pong Balls, Adult stuff on Zune...

      by , 03-30-2012 at 01:18 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Oneironaut Zero or Blade Home Invasion?? (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Oneironaut zero or Blade Home Invasion?

      The person looked a lot like O, but it could've just been my mind associating something related to him, Blade, or even Morpheus.

      Before this dream, I was listening to the Cowboy Bebop Ending Song. It's been so long since I've listened to it, it really makes me depressed, but the music (especially the full version) is so enticing to me. I guess seeing the images pan over after the other makes me think a lot about how fragile your life can really be, but that's just me, it's hard to explain.

      Just the music and the pictures really makes you feel like you're trapped doing all of these things in life, the basic things, the things that make you vulnerable....

      I don't want to think too much about why I met Spike for a few seconds in a dream I had last night, but the fact that there could be symbolism like a fading star representing someone's death, which is what was apparent at the last episode before showing a picture of Spike at the end of the series, the choir, etc., things that made it look like he was going to die.

      And the quote he says before going to the Red Dragon's lair (an organization) to kill Vicious

      "I'm not going there to die. I'm going to find out if I'm really alive."

      And when the Wikia talked about how he lives like he's in a "dream-state"

      Spike's attitude of living in a "dream-like" existence is displayed by his careless behavior and his nonchalant attitude towards dangerous or outright fatal situations....

      He also is shown to enjoy sleeping, and that may tie into his mantra of 'living a dream.'

      I wonder why Spike appeared in my dream, and then flashed away, like a fading star dying....

      I'm talking to my father about something, and then he tells me that he thinks that I'm annoying for some reason. Something along with how I'm some kind of distraction.

      After a while, I could tell he was just in rage over something else, and was just saying that to me because he was in the heat of the moment, but after he calmed down a bit, he tried to apologize to me indirectly again by trying to be nice to me.

      He asked me,

      "Can I play this game called Runescape?"

      I respond, "No."

      Then he wants to play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and at first I wanted to say "No" to that as well, but I just didn't really care what he did at this point, seeing as he's making himself pathetic trying to apologize to me without using direct words.

      He disappears, which doesn't bother me at all, the dream was set for afternoon, maybe around 4-5PM where it's still bright outside.

      I go near the entertainment center of the house (the cabinet center is what I'm talking about), and I see that there's some weird looking Nintendo console in front of me.

      I fiddle around with other things surrounding it, like seeing Zelda collectables. I was pondering if my father was buying this for me to try and suck up to me for being mad at me, but I let the possibility fade away really quick.

      Surprisingly, the vividness of this dream was amazing, seeing how I slept around 3-3.5 hours. I did not do a reality check inside the house unfortunately, perfect chance for me to be lucid, since I'm at my apartment in waking like.

      I open the container that looked like some part of a DVD player eject out a Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Disc. It was exactly like the CD (almost), with the gold-ish tint, and the picture of Link holding a sword to where he has it angled towards the ground instead of upwards.

      (Just imagine the image of link on the right being on the CD with a gold-ish color)

      I put back the CD to get something to eat, and it seems I take a quick bite out of something that was probably Fish Cakes.

      It tasted like red salmon, and then I realize I didn't heat it up, because it tasted weird when it was cold. Then I forget to do that altogether since I look outside because the backyard door is opened.

      At first, I see some random DCs, I'm presuming are neighbors, walking their way to their homes as well. For some odd reason, I imagined things like,

      "What if a tiger randomly popped in from the backyard?"
      (that was probably and association where I was watching the AVG tiger toothpick commercial on YouTube....check it out )

      I let the thought fade away, and then for some reason, I immediately drop to the floor on purpose to land prone on the right side of my body extended out.

      I get my right hand out, and aim for outside, and shadowed the form of a gun with it, and then said, "Bang!" as I imitated the recoil of shooting a gun.

      (I know that motion I did just had to be my association with interpreting why Spike from Cowboy Bebop was in my dream yesterday).

      I had a little fun pretending I'm shooting a gun for a while, almost feeling like a kid for a few seconds aiming my fingers and random points outside.

      Eventually, seeing how I was alone in the house, I felt that I might as well close the door, since I didn't really feel like going outside.

      I get back up, quickly dash to the side of the door that was opened and extended to the right.

      For those few seconds, just those few seconds of the quick dash, I see someone trying to come into the house through the SAME door.

      I barely saw their visage to the right of the door window, and saw that they were wearing shades. The person had a dark skin tone, he was Black.

      He wore a gray, white, or silver vest, and it seems they were sleeveless because they were ripped out. The guy had muscular arms from what I saw in the few seconds of looking at him. He wore short pants, maybe blue or Khaki, not too sure on that.

      I almost had the feeling where I'm questioning if this person is Oneironaut Zero, or Blade, but the feelings started to fade because my main mood was to wonder what the heck am I going to do to defend myself.

      I also think I was in denial in it possibly being O or Blade because of how they tried to enter the house by crouching down instead of just coming in casually.

      To describe this mood of mine, imagine having no guns, and knowing that the person trying to come in could be armed, so now you feel so weak because of this, so you try to find anything sharp, and hope that wherever you hide wouldn't be the obvious choice for the invader to investigate.

      Basically, just making anything that's metal and sharp into a potential murder weapon.

      The person couldn't see me because there is a small transparent gray cloth I believe hanging over the window of the door.

      I slammed the door immediately, locked the two silver locks, take one more quick glance at who was outside the backyard.

      The person looks pretty serious, and I assume it's just someone trying invade the house silently, and I still think he thought the door just slammed shut because of the wind or something.

      He tries to fiddle around with the lock from the outside, and I take this time to turn around immediately, and since I'm in the kitchen, I immediately gear my attention to the knives.

      They were conveniently placed 1-2 feet away from me.

      (Another reality check I could've done because I knew in waking life, those knives where set a little bit further from the backyard door, but I guess I wasn't serious about awareness of the environment I'm in, despite me looking around seeing weird things happening).

      I quickly grabbed one knife out of fear, and then decided to get another. With one knife in each hand, I felt a little safer. I started to think about how I would kill the DC that was trying to lock-pick the door and invade the house.

      I decided that I should hide behind the pantry, but that would be stupid, because I was worried that the person would check that first because it was the first thing you could see on your left if you come through the door leading to the backyard.

      I believe I even thought of what would happened if I hid behind the pantry door as well, but at the same time, I felt I was already in the pantry door.

      I was so afraid, despite having two weapons in my hands, and I think I hear the door slightly open.

      I wake up, but my eyes did not open, I could've went into a DEILD and tried to see what happened, but in all honestly, I was afraid because I swore that person looked like Oneironaut Zero or Blade.

      And I opened my eyes, but they wanted to close back, so I opened it again.

      Did that just really happen? I do a RC to make sure it wasn't a FA when I woke up from it.

      And I could've used that fear to try out the Flying Thunder God Technique if I was lucid and was actually trying to be strategic....seeing as this would be a situation where close quarters combat is almost inevitable.

      And if I mastered the technique out of fear, the moment the person blinked their eyes to see I'm hidden in the pantry or whatever, it would already be too late because I would be right behind them.

      Too bad I didn't use my brain for once....


      Dream 2: Okay Father....

      I don't want to recall the details here, but basically, I was in a car I believe with my father and mother, that's weird.....still didn't do a reality check for that...

      I was listening to their ignorance, and it really made me pissed, I insulted my mother, and then my father tells me to apologize to her and calm down.

      "Okay father....." in my attempt to be chilled, still wanting to release rage to the both of them.

      Dream 3: Ping pong balls..

      I can't remember much about this one, except that I was playing tennis with ping pongs that eradicated when you slammed them hard enough. They burst like water balloons.

      Dream 4: Adult stuff...

      Nothing special, just looking at some adult scenes that I never seen before on my Zune HD.

      Updated 03-30-2012 at 01:59 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Vicious Attack

      by , 02-17-2012 at 09:01 PM (Jakro Goes Hardcore Into LDs)
      Couple of crap days again. Let's delve into a nightmare classic. One of the last dreams of 2009 I'm gonna write here.

      Vicious Attack
      Date: December 6th, 2009
      Lucid: No

      I was in the edge of our fields, and there was also my brother and his girlfriend. Some airplane flew over as and it's engine sounded weird. Dad came at the edge of the field, next to the forest wall towards us.

      Nearby, there was a relatively big barn. Under the barn's roof there was a space, from which you could see inside the barn. In that space there were couple of guys.

      You could hear from the heights, how the plane turned steeply. Someone shouted "Woo!" from the plane. My dad kept walking closer, but the guys in the barn were shouting at him for come to there.

      Dad noticed that they were calling him, but he didn't react to it, rather walking to us. The plane landed on our field. It was odd that it could land there so effortlessly so near us. The plane was white, and through it went blue stripes. It was very wide and the rudder was weird.

      Out from the plane came an old, disgusting looking old bald guy and three of (presumably) his sons. Oldest of them were around 20, the two others a bit younger. All of them were at least slightly fat. My brother was doing his boxing defense poses in front of our dad, which made me expect something of an aggressive encounter.

      The old guy started talking about some piece of metal, with what my brother had apparently hit one of his boys. It seemed though that he was just using that as an excuse revenge some grudges he had for our dad. He had a knife in his hand, and it wasn't like a small carving knife, but a big, mean-looking meat-cutting knife. The boys were armed as well, with many kinds of blunt weapons.

      "Why do you even exist?" The old guy attacked at us verbally. He started spouting some shit about agricultural law, that didn't even make any sense. Basically he insisted, that we were worthless human beings. Apprently dad had not done some thing he should have done, according to the law. What the fuck?

      "If someone has broken the law, then you call the police", I intervened, and my argument was perfectly sensible. "You can't take the law on your own hands. It would result in an anarchy."

      But it obviously did no help. This dream had already decided to escalate all the way. Somehow I got hold of the guys knife, and I fuckin thrusted it to the old guys side! I aimed for non-lethal spots (there's no self-defence in Finnish law - you kill a guy and you go to jail). I guess I should have gone for the kill, as the guy only got more enraged. I guess I'd get too if I had a knife in my side.

      "I'm gonna kill you!" He raged. But instead of attacking me, he moved towards my dad. Somehow he got another knife and slashed at my dad with it. He only hit his arm, but that got over my threshold of horror, so I woke up.
    8. Twins and BF3

      by , 01-26-2012 at 07:02 PM
      Date: 26 January

      Running around with a FAD and red dot sight. I see someone, start shooting, and since it is BF3 I wonder why I don't have to compensate for bullet drop. I then see another, and since I am poking my head up from behind a wall, I know he can't get me back, so I shoot him too. Then i get down and am wandering around, when someone form the other side of the bridge starts shooting at me. Since I am so low on health, I decide to charge him. I am nearly dead, and I jump and press B, knifing him. I see the cool knife animation of me plunging it into the back of his neck. I lay down, because I'm dying, and the police come. I am a fugitive and they have been hunting me for ages, but they leave me for they think I am dead.
      I go to the autopsy of this guy I killed.
      I then think there is some conspiracy or something going on. I look over a bridge and see four Asian girls that all look the same. I exclaim something, but it's wrong. The girls then break up into pairs, and I exclaim "twins!" I got it right. It turns out that the guy I killed was my twin.
      He and I go to this elevator in a brick column where there are other twins and some young pairs of twins (i.e 5-6 years old). My twin is wearing a blue checkered top, it reminded me of Marshall Ericson from HIMYM. I hide behind him, and we get ready to go up the elevator to whatever is up there.
    9. Jan 21

      by , 01-21-2012 at 05:54 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Second Earth

      This one was really cloudy. It started out and we were on a different planet but thing thing was it was pretty much identifiable to Earth. The part of the planet that we were on was a mountainous lush green grass covered, treeless expanses and we were in the middle of a bowl with some mountains surrounding us. Now the weird thing was that if you looked straight up, you could see the exact same landscape upside down a long ways up above us, kinda like when the girl folds the world over in inception. I was there for some kind of art camp. I remember looking up at the upside down version of where we were, which in the dream was supposed to be the original earth which meant that we were on some replica earth that was literally floating less than a mile over head with the exact same environments.

      Like this but without the water. and an identical place from "Original Earth" hanging upside down above us.

      The most beautiful thing that captured my attention while loo was that birds were not subject to gravity. There were flocks of black birds that would fly in between the two worlds constantly and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I stared for so long.

      At one point I had to get some kind of art supply for my teacher...also my friends were there (frankie and them) and we were all sitting at several wooden picnic tables scattered around the landscape. SO now I had to go get the art supplies. There was one part of the landscape that wasn't pretty and that was an old rusty building that looked like something out of biohazard. A replica of this was not on original earth. I climbed up a ladder and entered the place. The inside looked like a warm and cozy house on the slightly high price range. I took out my knife and held in reverse in my right hand. I didn't forget that I was on a strange land and that there could be aliens. For some reason I was very convinced that I was gonna run into an alien cat monster. I was walking through the place carefully, and I saw a giant swiss army pocket knife that I wanted to steal but didn't. I kept walking and passed some humans so I let down my guard a lot. They were sitting on a couch watching tv and chilling out. I kept walking through when I saw another one of those knives. I picked it up and a kid who saw me said that it was somebodies. I said that it was alright and I'll just get the other knife that I found a while ago. He smiled maliciously and told me that if there was another knife than the one I was holding should go to him and that I should get the other knife. I smiled and accepted this deal. After I gave him the knife, I wandered back with him following me to the couch area. I think the couch was now more of a love seat configuration and that there were 2 of my friends, both girls (mad mod and sarah h) I sat down and started watching tv with them. There was some strange music on and we were watching a sonic the hedgehog-esque character and I started scatting a melody over the boring music in the background. I made a grand show of it and was kind of looking for a compliment. Never got it.
    10. The Dream of the Mall Guerilla

      by , 01-15-2012 at 04:40 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      The Dream of the Mall Shoot-Out (DILD)


      I went to the bigger island next to mine to meet a local woman whose young daughter was in the hospital. I decided to accompany her to the hospital. We drove there. The hospital was in a giant mall which was partly underground.
      Once there, we got separated because I went to buy a magazine for the little girl. I was in the shopping part of the mall, outside the checkout lanes, when
      people started firing. It was a small squad, about a dozen people. I ducked being a checkout counter. I could only hear them, so I had to guess what they were doing. They were coming from my left and getting closer, shooting people as they went. I heard the victims scream.
      There was a dead female cashier close to me so I crawled there, put some of her blood on my shirt and played dead when the squad passed by.
      When I was alone, I tried to think about what to do. Other gunmen joined the first squad, it was a little army and they were obviously professionals. They occupied the whole mall, stoping the country's forces from liberating it.
      I met other survivors in the mall and we started a resistance. We gathered a few weapons, for instance I had my commando knife with me. Some of the men were older men
      whom I met in real life about a week before. There was also a man about my age which seemed to have war experience. We fought the invaders, it was a real mall guerilla, hiding in boutiques and between shopshelves. Many people died on our side. Everybody fought, mothers, children, old people.
      There were also a few conflicts within our group. I had misunderstanding with the man of my age when I thought he'd stolen my knife, but it was a close-looking one.
      In the end, after a few days, the country's army managed to get in the mall but they realized we'd done most of the work. We were tired, dirty and hungry, so we roamed the mall for food, and the police had the nerve to tell us to stop stealing!
      Flash forward a few months: the mall has been abandonned following the blood shed. The state has decided to convert the office buildings into nice flats, and me and some of the other survivors are imagining our future life there, the landscaping, etc. As for the shopping part of the mall, it will be turned into a giant market like Rungis for the whole south of France.
      End: I'm at home when I receive a phone call from a British woman. She says she wants to meet me to make a film about the attack. For some reason I can't make out a third of what she's saying, but in the end I understand that she wants to make a film and not a documentary, and would like me to star as myself.
    11. 12/23 Zombies and Uranium on the Moon

      by , 12-23-2011 at 08:23 PM (Link's Adventures)
      In this dream I was fighting zombies, well, on the moon >.> It was based off both the moon and ascension level in nazi zombies on black ops(No, im not one of those COD guys, I don't even have any of the more recent ones lol. I've just played it some with a friend from time to time). But the layout was kind of different, and somehow they never hit me, even when they got close. I remember one part where I was going up some stairs backwards while shooting at a group of zombies and when one got too close, I knifed it. But it wasn't a normal knife. It had glowing blue swirls on it, and it killed all the zombies behind it too when I knifed the one in front... It was weird but I wasn't concerned about it. In another part, I was at the highest part of the building(this is not in either of the two levels) and some zombies were coming, so I turned off the lights and went around them as they came up. I bumped into one or two of them, but they didn't react to it. I then grabbed the door and slid it shut. it was really hard though, and they started to open it back up, so I ran down the stairs and kept going til I got to the floor that overlooks the centrifuge room and heard a boy's voice that was supposed to be my little brother. He told me I had to go find the uranium and use it to finish off all the zombies, but I had no clue where it was and after that I woke up.
    12. Old lady dies

      by , 11-30-2011 at 06:04 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I feel that this one is situated somewhere "Jistebsko" or so.
      I am not sure how it all started, but there is an old lady living in a little house near a big one. She is a mother of the man living in the big house. I know her somehow. I think there is some money involved. Then once I go there with some friend and the window is open. I just get closer to the window and smell rotting meet. Then I spot her lying on the floor. She is dead. I am not sure what to do. For some reason I think that people might suspect me of murdering her. I even think that I did it. I think that I killed her with knife. So I leave. Then I come back few days later as someone calls me to check on her as they haven't seen her for some time. Well, surprise surprise!! I look inside the house again, just through the window. Now it smells really bad. I can just see her legs on the floor (the rest of the body is out of view). The meet of the legs is all bitten of my rats or perhaps other animals. I then go to the house to report that I found her dead. But the people walk towards me. They are shocked. Then they start asking me loads of questions. When they open the door to the house, the body is covered. There is a knife on the floor, all covered in blood. For some reason I think I had just the same knife. Then this man (from the house) reaches on a side... there is a little hole in the wall (near the stairs) and he pulls out a piece of paper. I take it off his hand.. I know that I wrote it. I crumble the paper instantly... than I think... "shit".. this is so suspicious. I look at the paper. Yes, I wrote it. But its about meeting some girl, some other one than I was seeing. I start explaining to the family, what the note means. I talk about Adriana (for some reason the note has something to do with her). They listen. I feel a lot of pressure on me. Then we talk about holidays... and I think "shit, I should just get out of here, somewhere far!"
    13. Adventures in the Otherworld

      by , 11-03-2011 at 08:09 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a dark, dank and empty castle. There are streaks of black all over the place. It is filled with shadows. I am in search of something. The exit?

      There's a monster after me. A creature bigger than I. It is pure black, and looks like a skeleton beast. It reminds me of the Balrog in the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, except that it walks on all four legs.

      It has been stalking me, and I keep evading it. I know I won't be able to fight it myself. Then I saw my mentor; a hunter. He was walking when I saw the shadow behind him. I shouted "Master, behind you!" He struggled with the shadow demon.

      Meanwhile, I was looking around to make sure nobody attacks him from behind. I tried to check the corridor to my right, but it leads down, to the catacombs, with an air of dread. I decided not to hang out in that area. I slowly approached my mentor who was still struggling with the shadow beast, and I walked backwards toward him, watching our back. It looked like a middle ages castle.

      Then one creature appeared. I shot him with... something. A gun? A spell? It disappeared. Then another one appeared. A vampire! He looks like a vampire from the HoMM3. He's stronger, and the "gun" didn't work on him. I hurried to free my ceremonial knife from my belt, and tried to stab him in the chest. But it didn't go deep. It just looked at me. I pushed harder, and it went through.

      I was flying wildly in the forest. I was with some allies. They also have magical abilities. We were looking for something, or being chased by something. We had to open a portal, or at least go through an open portal. The atmosphere/air/space ahead of us looked like a multicolored vibration as the portal opens. Some are trying to stretch it. Eventually, me, and perhaps some of the others, went through.

      I was in the "real" world. I was in a supermarket. They were selling nuts, and they're stored in a freezer. I saw a mirror and saw that I was fat. These are some of my mentors in N21.

      I was walking near the Bacolod cemetery in the middle of the street with Grey. I crossed the street, and looked back. He disappeared. I grew furious at whoever took him. I searched. I entered an internet cafe.
    14. Weapons

      by , 09-20-2011 at 01:49 AM
      I was at work. Up in the delivery bay (I work part time at a sports store) were some of my friends as well as people I didn't recognise. My friends were at the front of the people who were in rows, facing them.

      Walking downstairs towards the shop floor, a man started shooting a machine gun at me. Somehow I got the gun and started firing back. The bullets were unpredictable and slow and the man managed to escape by running down the stairs towards the fire exit.
      I ran out of ammo and I knew he was coming back. I ran onto the shop floor and towards the other end of the store, which was the tills. There was an empty rail in the way, which I slide under. I got to tills but the man had followed closely with a dagger.

      I struggled with the man for a while but finally stabbed me wih the small dagger in the side of the neck. The man then ran off. I didn't removed the dagger. I fell to the floor. No one was calling 999. I started to panic.
    15. Dorm and Knives

      by , 09-14-2011 at 01:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a dorm of some sort, and a school. Preparing for something, saw my light-colored pants in the cabinet. Outside, we were playing volleyball. Then I have to go somewhere. I prepared two knives. I inserted them into my nails, one on one toe and the other on one finger. Somehow, I realized a problem with that, and I pulled out the knife out of my fingernail, and it has a lengthy "tail," or the area that was inserted under the fingernail for it to hold properly. I felt aghast, and saw the red blood starting to come out.

      Then I looked at the one on my toe, and decided to leave it there, because I can use it to kick attackers. Mood is gloomy.

      NOTE: When I woke up, found my only remaining pants is a light-colored one.
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