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    1. Being Kicked Out of My Own House, A Bit of Lucidity, and School Anxieties

      by , 01-15-2013 at 05:48 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was going to my house with Caitlin and her boyfriend, Israel. I'm pretty sure my brother was there too. It was nighttime. We had apparently bought a new house, and this one was on the market or something. But Caitlin and Israel wanted to stay there and hang out all night.

      When we walked in, a younger Mexican couple came in shortly after we did, and told us we needed to get out. They had a key, and let themselves in the front door. They were in charge of the house now that no one really owned it. They yelled at us for awhile, and then left.

      Right after they left, I remember looking out one of the windows next to the front door. Caitlin and Israel had parked their cars on the other side of the road to make it look like they were at the neighbor's place instead of ours. I remember a white pickup truck being out there.

      Of course, we didn't leave. Caitlin and Israel gamed in the living room, and I went upstairs to my room to try to sleep. All the furniture was still there, my bed included. I slid my sleeping mask over my eyes, and tried to sleep, hoping that if the Mexican couple came back, they would take pity on us because I was trying so hard to get some rest. I tossed and turned (which is exactly what happened last night IWL).

      Then, two little Mexican girls climbed into bed with me. I was happy to have them there. I figured that now the couple could never kick us out, seeing that there were small children here.

      Morning then started to break, and only one child was there now, curled up under the covers. Though now, she wasn't a child, but a kitten, a white, fluffy kitten resembling my waking life cat, Belle. I remember seeing her fluffy tail poking out and waving. It was kind of like she was still the girl, but in a kitten's body? I dunno, it's hard to describe.

      I then noticed that the little girls were playing a joke on me. They put up these really inappropriate posters on my walls of naked, HUGE women (they sort of resembled Jabba the Hutt they were so huge). One had speech bubbles coming from the mouths of the women. It was supposed to be funny, though I don't remember what it said. I was really concerned that the Mexican couple would come and see. I told the girls to take them down. They ripped the one with the speech bubbles off the wall, tearing it down the middle, leaving the side scraps taped to the wall. Underneath it was a fat, cartoon vagina.

      I then had a thought to myself "This is a dream". Wait. This is a dream! I floated up from my bed, and saw some posters above my bed. I decided to phase through the wall to see where it would take me, though I didn't really think about the destination; I was a bit hasty with that decision. I just ended up back in my room after easily phasing through the wall.

      Well, I thought to myself, I better think this through. I then really noticed one of the posters above my bed. One was of a bald, younger black man with lighter-colored skin trapped inside a crystal (it looked like the crystals you can break in Super Mario Galaxy, which I have been playing a LOT of lately). I decided to try to phase through to see what kind of world he was in. First, though, I tried to interact with him. I put my hand up to the crystal, and he did the same, and smiled at me. I started to phase through, and I went somewhere VERY briefly, though I can't remember any details because I either woke up or went into another, non-lucid dream.


      I was in a math class with a woman teaching. We were finding number patterns. For every one that we found, the teacher would give us a $50 check. I remember we were asked to find a sequence, and I was writing it down in pencil, and I raised my hand to give the complete sequence, which happened to be the numbers 1-16, in order. I was writing the sequence down on a white envelope that had been torn open. I can clearly remember writing the numbers down, correctly and in order, despite dreams liking to mix things like these up. I received a check for $50.


      I was now in a doctor's office or hospital, though it did not resemble one. I'm not sure why I was there. There was a man there too, who was getting worked on before me. A nurse then came in and examined my foot. She took a silver tool that resembled pliers/some sort of clamp, clamped it on my big toe, and squeezed down, cracking my toenail, which had old, lighter-colored blue nail polish on it. It took me a second to realize exactly what she was doing, because she offered no explanation beforehand; she just did it.

      "Are you removing my toenail??" I asked, taken aback.
      "Yes," she replied.
      "Why? It's going to hurt isn't it?"
      She replied, saying that removing the nail would make something easier, though I can't remember what.
      I then said back, very upset,
      "I don't want you to do that. Fix it! Fix it!!! There's no reason for this!"

      But it was too late; the nail was cracked in three places. I removed my foot from her grasp and refused to let her remove the nail.

      I then went on to a psychology class I was apparently taking. A friend was there with me, though I can't remember whom, or if it was someone I even really know IWL. The teacher was female, and she started to lecture, giving us the definition of psychology. I figured i should take notes. I scrambled through my things, looking for a sheet of paper. I realized I was so not prepared for this class. All the paper I had didn't have lines, and there were very few sheets anyway. I started to write, in orange highlighter, on the inside spine of a black and grey fabric trapper keeper. I write in huge letters, and spelled psychology "Psychollogy". I was desperately trying to keep up with her as she lectured.

      The class ended shortly after, since it was only the very first day of classes. I couldn't remember if I had another class after that or not (in the dream, it was Thursday, the day school starts back up again IWL). I was going through my things again, looking for my schedule. But I just couldn't find it. I racked my brain trying to figure it out, and thought that maybe I had chemistry afterwards. I then remembered a dream memory like it was real life; I had dreamed that I had another chem class, and I skipped most of the classes (I did actually dream this once; in my dreams, I remember many dream memories as if they really happened). I thought that I had tried to take chemistry 3 different times.

      I then was looking through a book I had, and I found many $50 bills tucked away inside its pages. I also found a fake-looking $20 bill that had a blank back side to it. I remembered the math class. I suppose I had forgotten about the money. I figured I should put it in the bank.


      I was in my room, laying in bed. It was morning, and I could hear my brother talking to my mom. My brother was supposed to be out of town with his girlfriend, so I figured something must had happened with them.

      I was then at my brother and I's friend Charles's house. I walked in the kitchen where Charles was, which looked different than his waking life kitchen, mostly because it looked like it was on the opposite end of the house, and my brother was there too, along with another person, I think it was supposed to be Charles's little brother (he doesn't have one IWL). Blake (my brother) was talking to Charles about what happened with his girlfriend, but when he saw me, he stopped talking. I asked them what was going on, and my brother just held up his hand to me like he wasn't going to tell me. I guessed they needed some guy time, and I was intruding.

      Charles's little brother then chimed in and said something about Blake's girlfriend situation, and either Charles or Blake told him to be quiet, or shushed him.


      IWL I'm about to start going back to school to work on another degree, and I guess I'm a little anxious about it since I haven't been in school for over a year now. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm taking some difficult classes, I have two labs, and I'm also working part-time. Glad I got a bit of lucidity, though I'm surprised I did since my sleep has been hella fragmented lately. Hoping for some better, more restful sleep tonight.

      Updated 01-15-2013 at 06:08 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Talking to a Stewardess and Going on a Trip, and a Very Unstable Lucid

      by , 10-17-2012 at 03:47 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my living room on the couch, talking on the phone to an airplane stewardess. I was apparently about to go on a trip somewhere. She then suddenly said
      "Oh! I know what I'm gonna do when you're asleep!"
      "What?" I replied.
      She then went on to say that she was going to stick a smiley face sticker on my forehead, and then one on her nose. I pictured her doing this in 3rd person. The stewardess was young and blonde, with her hair up in a bun. I saw her and my sleeping self, her with the sticker on her nose, and me with the sticker on my forehead. The smiley stickers were orange, and it looked more like we were on a bus than an airplane.
      The stewardess and I talked on the phone a bit more. She sounded excited about the things she was talking about, and maybe a bit naive.

      I then remember talking to my brother about something. We were in my room. He was laying on my bed. I was then sitting on the side of the bed. There was then another guy there. He came up and took my face in his hands to bring me in for a kiss. I was hesitant because I felt like my breath was bad, and that my mouth was dry from being thirsty. I lightly kissed him back. It felt dry and half-assed, probably because of my hesitation.

      I then was in a lobby somewhere. Sitting behind a desk was a woman who looked just like the stewardess. Thinking about it now, it reminds me of one of the check-in lobbies at Disney World. I think I was supposed to be in another country though. MK was with me now.

      I was still thirsty at this point, so I looked around for somewhere to get a drink. There didn't seem to be any vending machines, but there was a silver mini-fridge against the wall to my right. I opened it up, eager for a drink, and I saw these tiny, 1-2oz cans of soda that had the Goldfish snack crackers logo on it. I picked one up, and it was still attached to the plastic rings used to hold cans together, but decided better of it. Gross. Goldfish cracker soda. I'm not thirsty enough to touch that shit. There were some really tall cans of Coke in the back, but I didn't grab those either. I asked MK if there was just a water fountain or anything around. She pointed the bathroom out to me, which was to our right. I started to go look for it.


      I woke up this morning around 7am, and it took me awhile to go back to sleep. I finally started to drift off, and felt floaty and a little buzzy. When it stopped, I knew I was in a dream. I opened my eyes, and I was in bed in my room. The dream was not so stable right off the bat. My room seemed very dim. I got up, and heard my mom talking to someone. It was really loud. So loud, in fact, that I thought I was gonna wake up (I assumed the talking and other noises were leaking into my dream from waking life since the dream was so unstable). The talking went on throughout the dream. I didn't know how I was going to hold down this LD.

      I decided to try to fly, or at least float. I floated around a bit, but still, everything seemed extremely dim and unstable. There would be moments where it would flicker into everything being bright and more stable, but they literally were just that: Moments. Lame. There would also be times where I would feel like the way to make things brighter would be to open my eyes more, but when I'd try, I'd start to open my real eyes and I'd have to stop before I woke up. I do feel like I ended up outside for a tiny bit, but it was too much for my unstable state.

      There was a time or two where I did wake up, and would have to drift back off into the dream world. I remember one of those times, I didn't open my eyes or anything, and I started to "roll" around and around slowly, at least that's what it felt like I was doing. I thought about it as I was doing it, about how people can "roll out" of their bodies, and how I'd done it before when I was a younger on accident, and then again intentionally a few years later. I also heard the buzzing in my head that I associate with SP, and focused on that, and it intensified before I entered the dream again.

      I was back in the dream, again in my room, and it was still dim and seemed to be fading. I remember, at some point during this, I was laying on the foot of my bed, and thinking I was doing it IWL too, and that I'd wake up there.
      Spoiler for Explicit content:

      What a waste of an LD. Though...there wasn't really much I could do with it being so unstable. I spent a lot of the dream trying to focus on the dream enough to where I wouldn't get that interference from the waking world, and I'd be able to exercise more control, and have a more vivid environment. I actually did have a friend who lives very far away from me in Ireland who wanted to meet up with me in dreams last night. There was no way I could have done that with this LD I had. During the dream, I honestly forgot about that since it wasn't stable. If I had stabalized it enough, maybe I could have been able to find him, or at least my subconscious's projection of him.

      Updated 10-17-2012 at 07:21 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Sep 26, 2012 - Mall with Friends

      by , 10-17-2012 at 04:48 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Went up to a mall with friends. Are we avoiding someone or something? Side of the mall. No escalator. Stairs. Almost off.

      Boat. Seaside. Yellow orange sunset by the sea. Circling a mall.
    4. [The Spiraling-Star Phoenix and The Fall of the World Tree]

      by , 10-10-2012 at 11:31 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Saturday, October 6th, 2012]
      Two Doctor/Professors/Scientists in orange?- faintly reminded me of Half-Life 1 and 2. There were scientists and professors like them in a lab
      setting that resembled my Mom's old house. I walked around watching them. There were grey figures walking around the room too- obviously
      robots or androids of some sort.

      The scientists were bustling around the room that I was in, programming the androids/cyborgs.
      "Why are you so glitchy? Why are you stuttering?" One stops a dark grey robot to fiddle with his CPU brain.

      <memory skips>

      Brent and I in a small but long room, Bowser is in it and we're trying to get to the other side. He pops up every now and then and we knock him
      away each time.
      At the end of the room, a giant arena sits.
      Giant MegaBowser falls from nowhere and starts jumping and crushing Brent, though he respawns. I wait until Bowser is distracted and I toss a
      green koopa shell at him and knock him for a loop. He's dazed for a moment; But he jumps again, and I watch his shadow carefully to avoid him. I
      warn Brent this time to watch his shadow, but he doesn't listen and gets hit a second time. I throw a giant koopa shell this time and it almost
      finishes Bowser off.

      <memory skips>

      Now, Brent and I are in the old house's living room. The scientists are gone. I'm interupt him from a phone call with something important, and he's
      enraged because he was trying to hear something talk so he could get numbers. At this point I get annoyed and annoy him further. He gets up to
      chase me or hit me.
      I get away unscathed and end up talking my Aunt about Brent. She seems to know exactly what Brent is up to.
      <dream changes>


      Me and Alex stargazing. "Wow the sky is so pretty..." I amuse myself with our view of the night-sky.
      Alex says, "I wonder if there's anything else in THAT direction." or (I wonder if there's anything else that's not over there...)
      We were talking about galaxies and planetary life or something else important. She points a certain direction as she talks
      I say, "Nah, over there it's just the planets. And over there is another- and another there..."
      Alex points something out in the nightsky. "What's that then?"

      I look up. I giant explosion of stars and in the middle- a spiral of orange. The entire explosion resembles a phoenix, spray painted in MS PAINT.
      The star-phoenix glimmers and pulsates slowly, and has layers of orange spraypaint. It's absolutely breathtaking and tragically beautiful. We walk
      towards it and it starts to resemble a giant tree split in half, as if it were struck by lightning and on fire. It was a World Tree falling from a worldly
      hill. What looked like wings before, now seemed like split trunks on their way down. My Dad appeared next to us, and I noticed there was a giant
      iron overhang nearby with his truck underneath it. We ran to it as the tree began to fall in our direction. We made it under safely just in time. It
      crushed the area around us except for the overhang, but the overhang wouldn't stand much longer with the weight of the tree on it.

      "Don't worry, it's definitely gonna fall." We raced to his truck to save it from being crushed.
      "Oh, I'm worried." I spit out.

      <dream ends>
    5. [The Spiraling-Star Phoenix and The Fall of the World Tree]

      by , 10-10-2012 at 11:18 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Saturday, October 6th, 2012]
      Two Doctor/Professors/Scientists in orange?- faintly reminded me of Half-Life 1 and 2. There were scientists and professors like them in a lab
      setting that resembled my Mom's old house. I walked around watching them. There were grey figures walking around the room too- obviously
      robots or androids of some sort.

      The scientists were bustling around the room that I was in, programming the androids/cyborgs.
      "Why are you so glitchy? Why are you stuttering?" One stops a dark grey robot to fiddle with his CPU brain.

      <memory skips>

      Brent and I in a small but long room, Bowser is in it and we're trying to get to the other side. He pops up every now and then and we knock him
      away each time.
      At the end of the room, a giant arena sits.
      Giant MegaBowser falls from nowhere and starts jumping and crushing Brent, though he respawns. I wait until Bowser is distracted and I toss a
      green koopa shell at him and knock him for a loop. He's dazed for a moment; But he jumps again, and I watch his shadow carefully to avoid him. I
      warn Brent this time to watch his shadow, but he doesn't listen and gets hit a second time. I throw a giant koopa shell this time and it almost
      finishes Bowser off.

      <memory skips>

      Now, Brent and I are in the old house's living room. The scientists are gone. I'm interupt him from a phone call with something important, and he's
      enraged because he was trying to hear something talk so he could get numbers. At this point I get annoyed and annoy him further. He gets up to
      chase me or hit me.
      I get away unscathed and end up talking my Aunt about Brent. She seems to know exactly what Brent is up to.
      <dream changes>


      Me and Alex stargazing. "Wow the sky is so pretty..." I amuse myself with our view of the night-sky.
      Alex says, "I wonder if there's anything else in THAT direction." or (I wonder if there's anything else that's not over there...)
      We were talking about galaxies and planetary life or something else important. She points a certain direction as she talks
      I say, "Nah, over there it's just the planets. And over there is another- and another there..."
      Alex points something out in the nightsky. "What's that then?"

      I look up. I giant explosion of stars and in the middle- a spiral of orange. The entire explosion resembles a phoenix, spray painted in MS PAINT.
      The star-phoenix glimmers and pulsates slowly, and has layers of orange spraypaint. It's absolutely breathtaking and tragically beautiful. We walk
      towards it and it starts to resemble a giant tree split in half, as if it were struck by lightning and on fire. It was a World Tree falling from a worldly
      hill. What looked like wings before, now seemed like split trunks on their way down. My Dad appeared next to us, and I noticed there was a giant
      iron overhang nearby with his truck underneath it. We ran to it as the tree began to fall in our direction. We made it under safely just in time. It
      crushed the area around us except for the overhang, but the overhang wouldn't stand much longer with the weight of the tree on it.

      "Don't worry, it's definitely gonna fall." We raced to his truck to save it from being crushed.
      "Oh, I'm worried." I spit out.

      <dream ends>
    6. July 2, 2012 - LUCID DREAM: "Glowing Tentacles"

      by , 08-24-2012 at 01:39 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      around 7 to 8 a.m.:

      I felt like I was pulled through my toes while I'm lying down. I see a lot of glitters. Sparkling. Not bright but distracting. I thought "Finally, I'm aware as I am about to fall asleep!" The feeling of dragging stopped. I smiled. I knew i'm in a dream now. I "woke up" in a strange place. My feet is hanging from the knees down on a cabinet. The rest of my body is "lying" on thin air. I said this is a dream, so I should be able to go through the wall. I pushed "up" with my face, but got stuck. I can't go through the wall. Starting to lose awareness. Told myself I'm aware while I'm dreaming. Not very helpful.

      "Blacked out" due to lights, i.e. moving sun. Still got glimpses of light and images. Tried to morph my hands. The most it did was glow white and more fingers. Tentacly. Losing awareness. Decided to just observe. Still no good. Glow. I asked Master Zombie to appear and teach me. I saw the Isetann grocery where I did that test yesterday. Fell asleep.

      Dream: Dorm. Travel. Orange. Glow.
    7. My common themes: work, food and travel

      by , 06-01-2012 at 04:24 AM
      1. I was at work, and one of my patients was having problems and had come in for some testing. He was first in line which a lot of people behind him. In the meantime, I was running the test on Dr. D. C, an echo tech, had another patient on the table next to Dr. D, and she was showing me how to hook someone up. It was similar to doing an EKG but more complicated with extra leads. I had to attach both an orange lead and a blue lead at each location. The blue leads were shaped like monkeys. Part of the test was to see if the patient developed a certain taste in his mouth.

      2. My husband was leaving for work and taking the minivan, which was parked across the street. I had to take the kids somewhere, but I hadn't driven in awhile and had to find where I had parked the other car. [This situation should have tipped me off since we always keep the cars in the garage & I drive daily] I thought I saw the car parked down the street so I sent the kids to check it out. While they did that, I went inside to grab a snack. I looked in my nightstand, but it mainly contained food I don't like: packaged cookies, canned asparagus and tubes of herb paste. I found one tiny packet of airplane peanuts. My bedroom looked right but the house itself was a small bungelow unlike any place I have lived. The neighborhood had small older homes with no garages. Then my coworker, L, and her husband gave me a ride in their van. We talked about sleeping in the back of the van. They had a mattress back there because L's husband works out of town and travels back & forth a lot.

      3. My husband, T, Mom & I were in Toronto staying at a nice hotel. We were in the lobby and I saw someone that I had met at an investigator mtg last year in Montreal. He was standing by the pool table talking about how much he likes to travel on business, but he had mixed feelings about his next trip since he always drinks too much. So of course we all hung out at the bar and I introduced him to T & Mom. He said that we should all come back to Toronto in a few months and meet him there, and Mom said she was already planning another Toronto trip anyway.
    8. Patterns of Blue Light (Not really a dream)

      by , 04-24-2012 at 01:10 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      I was taking a nap. I tried to lucid dream, but I ended up not getting a nap at all. However, this was still quite interesting.

      Whenever I close my eyes, I see patterns of blue light. I see waves of glowing blue all moving around freely, with some occasional orange thrown into the mix.

      This time it was very vivid. At one point it was so clear I could see the rough edges instead of blurriness.

      The strangest part is, at one point my heart started pounding for no reason. It quickly went back to normal, though.

      I also remember feeling vibrations in my feet at one point, but it went away after a few seconds.

      Spoiler for Picture:

      Updated 05-08-2012 at 11:24 PM by 54449

    9. Our Poor Family and the Atomic Bomb That Did Little

      by , 04-10-2012 at 05:39 PM (The Realm of the Child)
      Dream Type: Non-Lucid, Memorable.
      Dream Mood: Depressing, Scary, Confusing.
      Dream Setting: My mother's home, My high school.
      Dream Characters: My mom, A bunch of my friends and classmates.

      I do not remember much of what happened before the main portion of the dream, but as the first part, I had come back to my Mom's house, finding it made of all Minecraft blocks, well, poorly made by my mother, that is. She was complaining and mournfully telling me about how we didn't have enough to afford good housing and that my step-dad would have to work for the rest of his life to have a comfortable life (Which is strange because he's already retired). Still, there was one room in particular that was strange. The roofs were made of either blue blocks, black blocks or water blocks, which felt like rain as I stood under it. There was a loud noise when I stood under the room, and so I decided to redecorate the whole house with wood blocks and whatnot. It turns out that noise in the one room was actually a helicopter that was flying left and right over our house because there was a bear next door to us.

      The next part of the dream started when I was eating with some friends at my high school on the football field. Somewhere before hand, we have heard that some other place had gotten a bomb of some sort, and not long later in the distance, we could see a large explosion that seemed like an Atomic Bomb, rubble and dirt flying from behind the building. It did nothing to us, per se, though even in the dream I wondered if it would hurt us. We were told to evacuate the school, and so I did. Strangely, I could only walk really, really slowly, though I got to the front of the school, where I encountered a plethora of orange cars there. They told us to get into any of the cars and to drive home. I saw an empty car that was free for the taking. I thought that I should get in and go, but I was scared for some reason.
    10. 67th Shared Dreaming Attempt - BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 02-12-2012 at 02:59 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      Somehow, I managed to get to the pyramids. I was flying very fast towards them, so much so that the sides of my vision blurred. My body was straight, hands by my sides, feet together, but I was not tense. To become tense at such a velocity, I imagined, would be rather painful. Frankly, I do not know whether I was lucid or not, and both seemed applicable for the situation and my thoughts.

      A hard, orange haze had a dramatic presence here, at sky level, far above and around the pyramids, but not in my flight path. The sun provided limited light through the deeply foggy orange sky. For whatever reason, I always enjoyed when the sky was cloudy enough I had an excuse to stare directly at the sun without hurting my eyes, which is a heavily surreal experience for my eyes, who do not understand why there is a large, blurry, somewhat-bright circle where the sun should be.

      Getting closer to the pyramids, I saw sand rolling in a cloud, clockwise around them. In fact, I saw a vague wall of wind circling the pyramids. The occasional foggy ripples in the air formed a cylindrical barrier of wind, extending into the thicker haze above. Luckily, the barrier seemed to have a big section cut out in my flight path, so I flew right through.

      At this point, I could be considered 'dangerously' close to the pyramids, enough to risk face planting directly into the side of the ruined side of the Khafre (Center) pyramid. And at this speed, I may also shatter each of my vertebrae and turn into an organic accordion. As hilarious as this would be, I turned suddenly to my right and began circling the pyramids clockwise along with the dust and wind. I made an amusing not that the sudden change in forward velocity should have crushed my ribcage and destroy several vertebrae, but not turn my into an accordion, so it would not have been so hilarious.

      I circled in a tight oval around the pyramids. I looked down on the Menkuara pyramid. This pyramid is the smallest pyramid, and was also the closest one to me when I entered. It was still the closest to me, but that was because I was almost directly above it. On one of the sides of the pyramid, the outward side I think, something was certainly happening.

      Of course, I have absolutely no recollection whatsoever of what it was. It could have ranged from a little dust devil to a giant sand worm, or a gunfight, or anything. But whatever it was was small enough to fit in the shadow cast by the pyramid.

      Shortly after I began descending for a closer look, I woke up.
    11. cutting blanket; king tut statues; frog river

      by , 01-04-2012 at 12:54 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big, empty room. The room had a grey, concrete floor. There was natural light coming in through a window somewhere.

      A brown blanket lay in the center of the room, on the floor. The blanket was made up of small squares. For some reason, I was now cutting the lower squares off the blanket. But I was leaving a couple of the central squares in one of the lower rows attached to the upper rows. So now the blanket looked like a square with a bit of a lip at the bottom.

      As this was going on, a movie was playing against the back wall. It was black and white. The film was old and scratchy. There were also four or five straight lines that ran vertically, up through the center of the frame.

      The movie looked like an Abbott and Costello movie. But Costello was a kind of serious character, and the other guy was a young, kind of bright, but shy guy.

      The Costello character was telling the man something like, "I don't think your idea for using the edges of the film-frame and putting sound on them is such a great idea. I don't think people will like it. It's too bothersome."

      I now realized that the lines running up the center of the frame were the soundtrack lines that Costello was referring too. I thought that they were bothersome -- if they had to be right in the center of the frame like that!

      But then I realized that those were the lines for this film. The film the man had made had the lines on the outside of the frame, where they weren't visible.

      I understood that Costello's criticism of the man's use of a soundtrack in his films wasn't valid. But I somehow knew that Costello knew this as well. In fact, I knew, Costello even thought the use of soundtracks in film was a good idea.

      But Costello didn't want to let the young man know he thought it was a good idea. He didn't want to support the young man's development. Costello felt that the young man was smart enough as it was, and that the young man would be so successful eventually, that he shouldn't have to support him in his efforts.

      I thought that this was a terrible sentiment on Costello's part, and that the young man was probably in dire need of help.

      Dream #2

      I lay in bed, on my back, in an otherwise almost empty room. It was almost completely dark in the room. The bed was set next to a wall, which was to my right. The bed itself was rather narrow.

      I looked out to my left, across the room. On the wall at the head of my bed was a window. It was pretty heavily curtained, but it let in, at the far end, a tiny corner of orange streetlamp light.

      I noticed, in the corner of the room that was dimly lit by the streetlamp light, three statues. The statues were all Egyptian busts. They were all set on square pedestals, but they were arranged in a really haphazard way.

      I knew somehow -- maybe from some narration in my head? -- that the busts were all supposed to be of the boy Pharaoh Tutankhamen. But all the busts were wearing the ubiquitous headdress of Nefertiti. And one of the busts, the lowest one, facing me most directly, was of a really chubby boy or man!

      Dream #3

      I was out on a beach. It was a nice, sunny day. There were a decent amount of people out on the beach, but not too many.

      For some reason, I suddenly felt like I had to leave. I turned to my right and began heading away.

      But as I left the beach, people began giving me troubles. I'm not sure what these troubles were now. But I think people just constantly kept getting in my way, even though there weren't a whole lot of people on the beach.

      I may finally have thought I'd counter the problem by flying. I may have started flying a couple meters above the ground.

      Now I was moving through an area of the beach with orange sand. Two enormous, black guys now came charging down the beach. It looked like they were just trying to start trouble. They had huge, long dredds and black, Oakley-style sunglasses, with silver rims on the tops.

      I may possibly have stopped flying. I may possibly have thought if these guys saw me flying, they'd just pull me down and pummel me. But once these guys passed me, I knew that I had to get out of here once and for all. Soon there wouldn't be anything here but trouble.

      I may possibly have gotten onto a bike like the bike I rode in junior high school. Or I may still just have been walking.

      I ended up on a concrete path in a park. I took this park to be a park from my high school years IWL. It was kind of like a trail on a small greenbelt running through a suburban residential area. It seemed like the path descended from here and went under a bridge.

      Either on foot or on bike, I descended under the bridge. Once I got beyond the bridge, I was in a much more forest-like, tree covered area. The path may now have been dirt, rather than concrete. There was a river on my right side. Trees also seemed to be growing up out of the river.

      I suddenly noticed a gigantic bullfrog sitting on the stump of one of the river trees. The bullfrog must have been 60cm tall! It looked pretty intelligent, too. It seemed to register my presence and be a bit worried about whether I wanted to hurt it.

      I acted calm and walked forward, trying not to regard the frog at all, so it would feel less worried. But now, up the way only twenty or thirty more meters, I saw another one of these huge frogs!

      I decided to get off this trail. I think I was afraid of the frogs. But I also think that I thought that if I kept having to act like I didn't see or care about every frog that worried as I passed it, I'd get bored as hell pretty quick.

      But also -- the trail itself may also simply have just ended: being cut off by the merging of a small creek on my left with the river on my right.

      I saw that if I jumped across the small creek on my left, I could land on the opposite bank. The bank was steep, but short, dry, and grassy. I could easily climb up it and out of this park altogether.

      But as I turned left to face the opposite bank, I noticed another huge frog! This one was also kind of worried about me. I was now in between two huge frogs that were all shifty and nervous. And I was afraid that if I jumped, my motions would be so fast and scary to them that they'd have heart attacks!

      I wondered how I could jump without scaring the frogs. The only thing I could think to do was close my eyes and jump. This way, the frogs would see that I wasn't looking at anything at all, and so I couldn't be jumping because I was trying to attack them.

      I closed my eyes. But I couldn't remember what the bank looked like. I didn't want to hit something bad. I tried to open my eyes again to get a good memory of the bank. But when I opened them, they were all groggy and grainy. It was really hard for me to focus on anything.

      Finally, the frog off to my right said, in something like a female voice, "There's actually a good patch right up around here."

      I looked up to the frog. I went to where the frog directed me. I jumped across the little creek and landed on the bank. I started climbing up the bank.

      All this time, the frog was still talking to me, in that kind of female voice. She was kind of friendly, like a really smart scientist, or a librarian. But I had the idea that the frogs really weren't comfortable with my presence here.

      At the top of the bank, I turned around to look back down at the river. The river wasn't there anymore. I was just facing a red brick building, which seemed to be set a meter or so down into a sandy trench. I was out on a road, it seemed, on the outskirts of a very small town in the desert.

      But this didn't even register with me. Down at the base of the building I saw a rectangular slat of an opening in the wall. Two sets of female eyes looked back out at me. I knew these two women were the frogs I had just jumped past on the river.

      I felt bad for not having spoken to them. So I did want to say something to them. But I also felt a little shy, like somehow these frogs were of a higher station than I was, and would thus be put off by my acting too familiar with them. So I wanted to keep whatever I said short.

      I said, "Yeah, I'm sure I'll come back here. So if I do, I'll talk to you guys again. I used to ride my bike up through this park all the time when I was a kid."
    12. The Genious (Between 21st July 2011 and 22nd July 2011) --- First Dream

      by , 10-19-2011 at 01:24 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I'm sitting in a mall, at the food area, near a Pans Company.

      I look up and see television screens (or just windows?).

      Outside I see kids playing football on the grass.
      One has black soccer shorts, orange shirt, is blond and has curly hair.

      His hair has streaks of pink.
      Sitting by my side is a gray-haired man, of his 40 years with a laptop.
      He tells me that this player has an girly look, and that he is his father.

      He also tells me he has straight A´s at everything in the school, especially in mathematics. I tell him that all geniuses look strange, but as a father he should be proud of the son he has.

      He doesn´t seem very convinced.
    13. Oct 9 Dream: A Flute Tune

      by , 10-11-2011 at 03:19 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I heard a flute very clearly (I was able to play it in my mind well after the dream). I was in the small eateries in front of Doctor's Hospital in Bacolod. I was going to eat, or was eating there. The place looked like a place where I can sleep. There were beds and rooms. Orange mood. Sexual mood. There are other people. I, or they, were naked.

      I also met a girl I considered "older sister." We were going out for an adventure. She looked like a ranger/adventurer.
    14. Sword Base

      by , 09-14-2011 at 07:09 PM
      I dreamed that there was a crowd of people in a big room which looked like Sword-Base from Halo Reach. At one point they were all chasing this sea lion. It ran into another small room and tried to activate the force-field door to shut the crowd out. However, it was still half in the doorway and it pushed it back into the room with the crowd.

      Then there was a seagull carrying a whale back to it's natural habitat. It was flying over a bit of ocean. There were lots of small islands consisting of just rock and some sand below the steep cliffs. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over these islands and the few clouds. It was beautiful - like something out of a painting
    15. Take the Carrot Path Across the River A non lucid 8/4/11

      by , 08-05-2011 at 12:29 AM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)

      I was standing by a river talking to a zebra. The zebra had a deep voice and was talking about necklaces or something like that. It lifted it's hoof and pointed toward the river.

      I looked and saw HUGE carrots staying still in the river, with flat tops, like rocks. I can remember the orange color was really bright and almost blinded me.

      The zebrah told me if I wanted a macbook I would have to hope on the carrots and get across the river. I went over and hopped on the first one. It dipped down a bit, but held still. I got over easy. When I looked across the river the zebra was gone!
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