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    1. CN13- sky lights, filthy bathroom, tree mission, etc

      by , 01-20-2024 at 03:55 AM
      I was on some floating platform with my father, a sheet of ice I think. There were some of those pretty aura things in the sky and he was pointing them out to me, but I fell off the ice. It had drifted away a bit so I started swimming for it. I noticed my boots were really loose on my feet, one of them fell off, but it floated up to the surface. I grabbed it and thought about how awesome it was.

      I was in some sort of hotel like place, I went into a room which turned out to be a bathroom. I was assaulted by a piss smell so strong I almost fell over. I looked at the floor, it was plain cement almost completely covered with puddles, some fresh, most had dried into a crust. My father just walked in and used it like normal, I hesitantly walked into the room. My foot slipped forward and I fell on my back. The only thing worse than the liquid soaking my whole back was the crust I could feel with my hands, it was sticky and oily. I got up and started going to the sink to rinse out my clothes.

      I was in a dark warehouse like building, there was a hole in the ceiling and a few feet of water on the floor. I was on a sort of mission, I had to go into a room. I felt a slight sense of danger so I went under the surface and hid behind a box. I watched around the corner, and when I decided it was safe I made my way to the hall. It had a warm relaxing lighting and a luxurious red carpet. There were a couple robots at the end guarding a plastic door like the ones in the back of a grocery store. I was trying to come up with some complicated plan to get past them, and I decided to just make a run for it. I ran down the hall, they didn't shoot, but there was another set of doors to my left so I dove in. I then saw a giant ball fall and start rolling towards me. Fortunately there was a cement pole thing like the ones in front of walmart, so I flattened myself behind it and the ball rolled past me. I went back into the hall and just walked into the main doors. I walked down a giant mansion room. I then realized I passed my target. I pulled up a map of the room. I was a pink arrow and there were a bunch of yellow dots behind me, one smaller than the others. I walked back to look for who it could be, I noticed a ring of light on the ground. I stepped on it, and trees sprouted out of the floor which I thought I was measuring for some reason, I then saw pillars of light flash over them once.

      I was in a suburb with red rocky mountains in the distance. There was a small boy with me and he started playing with a wolf, so some guy with a clipboard started scribbling things down and muttering to himself. I looked at one of the mountains which had a bunch of houses carved into it and tried to remember when I had seen it before. I came to the conclusion that it was one of the mountains on the road to flagstaff. There was a helicopter noise, I looked behind me and there was a white and red helicopter, but it looked wrong, It was more rectangular than it should have been, and a lot of the parts looked like inflatable pool toys. I was right, as it touched the ground, the helicopter parts deflated and disappeared, leaving some camo print rv. I went to investigate, the back was open and there was some middle aged guy with a bunch of kids lined up in the vehicle. He cheerfully greeted me,"I got ten drunk kids in here!" I decided that the best response was 'Make that eleven!' and I walked into the back and he handed me what appeared to be a white gatorade. I forgot about my drink and punched the ceiling in excitement, leaving a small dent. He told me I'd get something special if I did some real damage, so I punched harder and left a hole. I was then standing in the center, and water pushed me up like some sort of park ride. I failed to punch the ceiling a third time, and was then slowly let to the ground. I then stood in a group at the back and watched another kid get shoved into the air. I walked outside where they had two picnic tables. There was a bunch of food on them, I saw a box of french fries, so I grabbed one and the bottom was covered in black grease. After I ate the worst fry of my life, I walked to the other side of the table and started eating off a plate that had refried beans and some green stuff I assumed was spinich. My grandfather sat next to me and we started a conversation on some service or something to do with housing and why it wasn't communism.

      total -5
      comp total-69.5[/COLOR]
    2. Robot Baby Apocalypse

      by , 08-29-2023 at 04:57 PM
      Had a dream my friend had baby and she needed me to help with childcare. I didn't have much experience with infants, so I bought a robotic infant for learning purposes.
      This was a new product on the market. They advertised them as lifelike both in appearance and behavior (thanks to AI). The commercials showed happy couples who couldn't have children taking care of the AI infants instead.
      You could even get them upgraded to various stages of child models when you're ready for them to "grow up."

      So I ordered one with the intent to use it to learn how to care for my friend's living baby.It came in a box with a charging station. During the first charge, it would download the AI software, develop a personality, name, and start its intelligence off so it could learn naturally from there. Basically this thing was being brought "to life."

      I practiced holding it while it charged, following instructions for imprinting so it would think I'm its mom.

      As I sat there, I questioned the ethics behind what I was doing, and wondered if maybe I shouldn't. What if it's too lifelike and gets attached to me? I don't actually want a baby, I just want to practice with it so I can help my friend with childcare. This wasn't the intended use for the product.
      I decided to continue with it since this was just a dream anyway.

      Waiting for first charge and startup process, I heard it speak. It started out making lifelike baby mumbles and sputters, but then after a minute, the baby sounds starting evolving into fully formed words. It sounded like it was talking to someone.
      It started mumbling about killing people and became increasingly more malicious and aware the longer I held it.

      The robot was having thoughts, and thinking them out loud because it hadn't yet downloaded the part that separated its thoughts and speaking function.

      Part of this process also involved the new AI baby receiving information from other AI babies that are already activated (a collective AI consciousness).

      Since it wasn't fully conscious yet, it didn't have the awareness that I was holding it, but it was becoming more aware the longer I let it charge. I immediately unplugged it, halted the startup process, and put back in the box.

      "Phew... Bullet dodged." I thought to myself as I sat on the floor across from the deactivated killer baby in the box.
      Good thing I didn't let it finish.
      I naively assumed everything would be fine now, but then discovered that the world was in a state of emergency. People were panicking outside and the news was covering an urgent story about rogue AI babies roaming the streets. They were killing everybody. Sometimes they posed as real babies to lure people in, or they would just straight up murder on sight. They were highly intelligent and using manmade weapons. They walked around in adult clothes.

      In fact, they infiltrated the building I was currently in. I had to run and hide.
      Knowing I was in a dream, I turned myself into a robot baby to blend in so they wouldn't kill me. Using this disguise, I was able to interact with them. They were suspicious of me because I wasn't hooked up to the collective AI hivemind that they were all synced up with, but I distracted them with goodies and treats.
      They were programmed to enjoy goodies and have the emotional regulation you would expect from a baby/toddler/young child.

      So like, these super intelligent killer babies couldn't really pass a marshmallow test. I used this to my advantaged and became very popular amongst the killer babies. They adored me. I tried to work my way up to becoming their leader.

      I don't remember much else and woke up in the morning eventually.

      Updated 08-29-2023 at 05:03 PM by 99032

      memorable , lucid
    3. June 20, 2020 3:50 am

      by , 06-20-2023 at 07:45 AM
      I live with two guys, one plays musical instruments and talks about his synthesizer while grabbing his saxophone, I think they might be robots.

      We were having dinner in the dark, I'm not sure if they noticed that the dinning room lights weren't on, I forced myself to wake up when ot became super dark.
    4. Drama and the Neon Terminal

      by , 11-26-2020 at 02:21 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      The laundry room was flooded, I was concerned about the clothes that were on the floor but there are too many so I resign that everything is wet again, the dream fades

      Having trouble falling back asleep. I am suddenly somewhere else. In another room I do not recognize, it is afternoon. G is sitting on a futon looking at a stack of older pictures she has found, they are framed.

      I lean in closer to see and there are nude photos of when she was younger in various poses, the largest frame is of two guys sitting down exposing their member, I gather these are ex boyfriends, she is giggly at the memories. I am furious. She doesn't understand why I am mad so I begin to throw the frames back at her face with force while shouting I don't want to see my best friends dick! She is bewildered and doesn't grasp my irateness.
      I am back laying in bed.

      What followed was quite confusing as I was phasing back and forth from my dream to my bed uncontrollably. I would be in bed and see the dimness and the low rumble of other people walking through the house, and back to that brightly lit room which was completely unrecognizable to me. While in the room the girl who was with me now looked identical to someone I used to work with. Only she knew me as someone else. I was confused every time telling her I didn't know where I was, I didn't know who she was, I've never been here before. She called me a different name and assumed I was joking or being sarcastic the entire time. The jump occurred 3 or 4 times before I was stabilized in the other place.

      She was with one of her younger friends and I, recognizing her somewhat asked her name, she said Addison. This is not her name IWL, still unfamiliar with my location or how I got there. Everything felt too real and detailed to be a dream. I told her that her name was Breanna, she laughed and still thought I was joking, but I could see the concern start to appear on her face. Perhaps I was having some mental psychosis I felt her think. This is all just too real. I felt like it was wholly possible as I was in a place where nothing made sense to me but everyone around me was certain of me.

      They were crawling out the second story window to sit on the roof to overlook the neighborhood as teenagers often do. I was tired of being confused and decided it was time for me to leave.

      I told them I was leaving and though there was a slight protest they quickly faded from my immediacy. As I was leaving the house I now found myself in a heavily populated terminal of sorts. The clarity now fully hit me as everything was INCREDIBLY coloured and crisp in detail. Like a fine lifelike render from a video game. I could not believe my eyes. The room was large and decorated with a variety of screens and advertisements and swirling passing vehicles. It was a bustling metropolitan city center of sorts.

      All the people around me had neon coloured garments and LED strip like accents, it truly felt like a cyberpunk setting only everything was clean and bright. I now noticed there were humanoid shapes as well. Perhaps they were robots, perhaps they were augmented humans I couldn't be sure. Everyone was relaxed and generally having a good time. Completely overcome by the detail of my surroundings I began to cry. It was beautiful, there was too much detail for me to focus on everything. I was awash in the emotion of finally being somewhere new, as if I always knew this was where I would end up. It was relief coupled with the bliss of newness. I felt the tears stream down my face as I smiled larger than I have in sometime.

      I walked to a large walled window to my left which I knew to overlook the city and I can only describe it as planet coaster combined with Coruscant. Vast sprawling brightly coloured buildings with streamlined shapes and transit systems which resembled high-speed roller coasters. It was also overwhelming. There was too much to see, every window in the terminal had a similar vantage. I took a few deep breaths and continued to explore the terminal I was in.

      I now noticed there were screens for people to buy different tickets for different rides or tours or locations I couldn't be sure. None of the writing looked familiar but I recognized a $ sign and numbers here and there. I was made aware that there was a public communal buying platform where people could list the tickets they had bought and opt to sell the ones they weren't going to use at a discounted rate to anyone else looking for the same destination. Nothing but smiles, it truly felt eutopia-like.

      I ventured into a room off to the side with maybe a dozen full body wrapping chairs which would contour to your shape when you sat in them. They felt like a captains chair on a spaceship. We were all oriented generally facing a large screen in the corner of the room but could still see out the walkway to the grand terminal.

      On my left arm pad where my hand comfortably rested there was a myriad of controls including a couple joysticks. Curious I began to click buttons and toggle the stick. On the large screen we were all looking at appears an overlay with games and information and I gather I am controlling a cursor on the screen. Concerned the display I pulled up accidentally was obscuring other people's experience I quickly looked around to apologise to those around me. No one batted an eye and continued tapping away at their own controls and all still watching the screen. It was then I realized that only I could see the display overlay I had pulled up because it was unique to this chair. And everyone else had their own display that they all saw on the same screen which I was unaware of. Impressed I continued to toggle and click but quickly gave up because I couldn't read any of the characters on the screen.

      I began walking back through the terminal just taking in all of the details and colours. It was an amazing sight and felt so futuristic I was amazed no one noticed me out of place.

      There were various humanoids intersparsed through the crowds of actual humans. I question a droid which I gather to be an informational hub of sorts. He explained this terminal is a dome of protection from the outside environment, all domes are connected with high-speed transit and entertainment junctions. There was more information conveyed but the details are lost to me. Other than the knowledge of some great existential threat. They were all hiding from a predatory extraterrestrial race which occasionally would land and take a batch of humans never to be seen again. It informed me of a breaking news of a landing occuring and authorities were being dispatched to quarantine the area.

      I am fond of ETs so I decide I will follow this cue and attempt to make contact. I am now outside the dome in a sort of dark and foggy area, I see bright lights and a circular craft just beyond a large boulder in front of me to the left. As I round the large rock I glance up and am almost blinded by the lights. They shine in a sort of pulsating manner coming from the center. I hear a ruckus behind me and know these are the authorities coming to help/make things worse.

      I am now in the craft surrounded by a brilliant white light, it is clean and only the corners are barely visible. I see a face in front of me which has undecipherable features. There is a metallic sheen to the lower half. It looks at me close with a tilted head as I begin on some monologue, the dream fades
    5. Mega Voyager

      by , 07-03-2019 at 10:45 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I started off going into SP. I felt it coming as I was falling asleep and then find myself at a busy place. It was daytime and people milling about. I saw buildings, shops and, more people. I was walking around as usual then came to a cafe. It was a walk in one where you just come and sit and the waiters will know that you just got there and come serve you. There were tables, chairs and costumers all inside doing what people do at a dinning area. As I scanned this place Among the people I saw a very robotic DC, sitting off in a corner eating with its group of robots.

      I avoided him and went back outside and this is where my awareness kicks in. I realized that I was dreaming but was "aware as well" and I started singing "hungry like a wolf" songs and looking to see if I can find the Mega Voyager.

      I hear music playing from the cafe and saw the robotic figure getting up after finishing it's food and going up to pay for the bill.

      As I was humming about, closing my eyes and concentrating on the zord appearing I ran across a place. It was a room with lacy curtains in it and on a couch, sitting with outer people, was the Mega Winger! It was a female and she said something to the others before laying down and relaxing.

      Not working out so far then I seen a huge detailed Mega Voyager appear. He looked over in my direction and then he walked off somewhere, disappearing behind a bridge and out of sight. I guess I'll be concentrating on Predazord since Mega Voyager dosen't want to come out and play.

      So I started calling out Predazords name and as soon as I did that and began heading down a path away from the restaurant. The robot I saw earlier came outside, showing off all of it's details. His wing like ears, stern eyes, the circular lasers in his chest and his white bus like feet with the brown windows.

      He looked over at me, showing his mean looking face and I ran away, saying "oh no!" I know I was looking for him but not that one. I ended up running into a group of people for not looking where I was going and tripped, spilling something I had gotten earlier from a carnival. Mega Voyager charged at me, with his hands out stretched and before I can get up, he pounced out to my back, tackling me to to ground. He stood up, picking me up and I was trapped in his arms. He looked at me with its glowing yellow eyes and asked if I were ok. I said yes and he let me going but stood close to me.
    6. Electronic Insects and another World

      by , 12-29-2018 at 06:29 PM
      Morning of December 29, 2018. Saturday.

      Dream #: 19,003-02. Reading time: 2 min 20 sec.

      I enter an atypical dream scenario in a subliminal mode, but with more of a cohesive storyline than usual. It is a science-fiction theme. It is primarily a result of parallel autosymbolism. It consolidates two autosymbolic dynamics of the emerging consciousness, electricity and flying insects, both indicative of consciousness reinitiation and the neuronal energy thereof as well as blue field entoptic phenomenon by way of (the memory of) supraliminal integration.

      There are scenes relating to the development of robotic flying insects. I do not perceive them as a threat. I watch them fly in the blue sky. They move in spirals and circular patterns, attempting to create a portal.

      Others have conversations about the development of these tiny machines, with the main factor relating to generating enough energy to create a portal to enter another world. The scientists involved seem to think that it will never happen.

      Enough of an emerging consciousness thread becomes present to vivify my awareness and place me in a warehouse as a result (a kind of concurrent “waiting room” for the conscious self in REM sleep), which is typically the last setting when it occurs in a long dream, though in this case, an offset dream results, distorting the original theme somewhat.

      While in the warehouse, my imaginary physicality is also more pronounced along with my attention. My subception correlates with the factor of transitional vestibular system correlation (one of the “crucial three” that occurs at least once in a dream of each sleep cycle). In this case, it seemingly stems from “Superman” from 1978; the scene where Superman flies upwards and crashes through the ceiling, though my dream self has no viable memory of such an association while in the dream state.

      I am still in subliminal mode, yet I begin to consider ceiling (upward directed) RAS mediation (as a result of sleeping more on my back than on my left side in this case). (Dream control and inherent awareness of autosymbolic processes are unrelated to lucidity or “becoming lucid,” contrary to popular misconception and misinformation.) As a result, my dream responds by creating a mason jar full of the robotic insects. Although an unknown companion is holding it, I subliminally create the next scene. (The transitional vestibular system simulacrum remains passive in this event.)

      The jar rises into the air. It crashes into the ceiling and somehow creates a hole that the robotic insects fly up through, and into the sky. Glass shards fall downward, but they do not pose a threat. At this point, my dream jumps into a different form.

      The tiny robots are now able to create a portal into another world (which is merely my dream self becoming more aware of my real environment in this case). From here, I passively watch a few events.

      I am now on another planet with “aliens” that seem like ordinary human beings. The “insects” are now (or now controlling) robots that are about half the size of a person and somewhat like a two-tiered pair of cubes incapable of flight. One is watching an unfamiliar man that seems like a Nazi from World War II, and it seems puzzled. These “aliens” plan on using the robots sent to them to conquer other worlds. I try to make the “alien” sound “alien,” but it sounds like an ordinary language from Earth, though the words sound like gibberish to me, as language skills in dreams are not viable enough to create something of this nature. I wake at this point.

      Updated 08-27-2019 at 10:16 AM by 1390

    7. Oops.

      by , 12-20-2017 at 03:04 PM (Exterminate)
      Mountain Security Base

      In this dream I was moving from one location in the US to another. I used to live in Marshfield Wisconsin when I was a kid. I have many fond memories of it, and would like to revisit one day. In fact I intend to make my old house in Spencer Wisconsin, just 10 minutes away from Marshfield, into a persistent dream location since I have dreamed about it so much. Several months ago I moved to Illinois, which is what prompted this dream I just had today. I also just watched Moana which kind of attributed to this as well. I forget exactly which location I moved to in this dream, but it was on an island almost exactly like the one in Moana, only covered in snow. I remember passing through Marshfield, Wisconsin on the way there. In this dream I recognized the town going through it, and acknowledged this was the 3rd time being there (In the dream, there seemed to be past memories of driving past/through this town on other occasions, but not IRL). Within no time I arrived in the city and state I was intending to go. The trip was by car. I didn't spend long here, before looking at a map to see just how far away Marshfield was from here. On the map it said 18 hours away, but that was because I had to go around this huge mountain in the middle of the island. I scouted the area with some sort of drone and saw various things that looked like robots and robot enclaves. Something caused my drone to fail, so I decided it would be best to just start my journey. I packed up and started walking.

      I much liked the scenery. I looked at all the hills and trails, and trees, and even these enclaves I mentioned earlier. I tried to stay away from them, but they kept trying to get closer to me, almost to shoo me away. It wasn't long at all before I started hearing a loud alarm. It was like a high-pitched constant noise meant to warn anyone who hears it. Either that or a siren. I heard children crying, and I started to look around me. The path I was on went steadily up the mountain parallel to it. So if you continue up this path it will take you around and around until you reach the top; the mountain was so large that this path seemed quite straight however. As I looked around me I saw many guards stationed around, and 2 children being picked up by security and put into police cars. I noticed many dogs roaming around just off the path I was on. The guards, including where the children were caught appeared to be on a path just to my left about 10 or 15 feet. I then saw floodlights and chain link fences all about, and I started quickly to walk back the way I came. I don't know how far I must have walked, but it was evident I should not be here.

      A guard grabbed me by my arm on my way back and started asking me questions. She was clearly older than me. I was only around 14 in this dream for some reason, but she was around 23 or 24, fairly tall, and had long brown hair under a police hat. I asked her if this was some sort of military base and she told me I had no idea, as if it were something much more. She asked where I came from, and I told her. I told her that I didn't see much of anything, and would not tell anyone the things I had seen. (Except anyone who may be reading this blog post.) I said I would love to get a tour of the place, but I understand protocol, that it must be a very secret place and you would likely have to be a high leveled general to enter. She responded lightheartedly that just about any utility worker could gain entrance. She told the story of how they got someone in to install internet around the base, and he was given no security clearance. I was starting to think just how stupid this must be that she is sharing all this info with me, and just as I was about to say something she responded that they have a system in place that if any part of the base is tampered with or modified in any way unexpected, then the whole area goes on lockdown. The lights go out, the doors are sealed, and the area is secured until it can be investigated. I responded that it would allow them to immediately know where any breach is and who had done it. I then corrected myself to say they would not know the person's identity, but they would soon find out of course.

      Just then a second guard caught up with us and almost all dialogue ceased. He led us down a flight of stairs hidden in a rock somewhere. He asked where it was I wanted to return to, and I said the state I had come from. This was the last I had seen of the first security guard. I can only assume the worst had happened to her after our encounter. I quickly descended the staircase over and over. I could see no end in sight. The stairs were almost like a stairwell in a tall building. You could not see the next floor down until you reached it- there wasn't a clear path down the railings you could look down through. The stairs were all cramped and slanted. There was no room to stand. You must down down at an angle. They were also not all uniform either, as some went different directions. I believe there were some small landings that had exits to locations nearby, but I knew by the guard's silence that none of these were my exit. He had been going behind me the whole time, and keeping a strong pace with me. I had to gown down many steps backwards, so that allowed me to keep him in sight. He had a very stern and solemn look, as if all emotions were erased within him. Just as I came upon an exit I realized I had forgotten what state I had moved to earlier in the week. I told the guard I was to be brought back to Texas, and so it was. I exited the stairway by myself through a small vent behind some chairs in a grocery/hardware store. Nobody noticed me as I got out of the vent, covered the entrance, and walked out into the warm Texas breeze.

      Now in this dream Texas was still in the mainland, but Wisconsin, Illinois, and the other state I moved to in this dream, of which I have no recollection of the name, were all on the island with the huge mountain.

      New house
      I am not sure where this dream fits in. I feel it was a dream I had just before the one above. I recall my brother, who had the appearance of Matpat from youtube, kept showing a group of people around the house to his room. He was not the only one to do this, and I don't remember the whole purpose, but he wanted to take it an extra step each time. He would hide and wait until the whole group of us were gathered near his room, and he would throw a surprise of some sort and make a show of it. I have forgotten just what he was showing us, but it was something new each time. Eventually he changed bedrooms to a neglected part of the house. It was a small door located in a crawlspace in the basement. The door was much to small to fit through by anyone bigger than a small child, but he somehow managed. I saw this room when we moved into this house, but I had no desire to take it since I could see no easy way in. Nobody had examined this room before my brother had, so nobody had seen its potential. The people who lived in this house, and the group checking the rooms were my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my other brother, and this brother's children. As it turns out this room was not dark or basement like at all. In fact it led to a secret part of the house that could not be seen from the outside. It was shrouded in mystery and had to use some sort of technology in its creation to hide it from prying eyes. There was a door to the left of the room that had not existed before being examined closely. This door led to a small room. It was an entry way to both an outside porch and the hidden bedroom that was there all along. You could always see this bedoom through the small door mentioned before, but you could not see its potential until you entered via this hidden hallway. The room was well lit and bare. Someone had lived here several decades prior, but this is the first time someone had gained enterance since then. It was very bright due to the outside light peering in from the veranda, and very clean as the room could not even allow for dust to gather about. Inside was just a queen size bed and a flat screen television with a mirror over it on the wall.

      Youtube video
      This one is more of a dream fragment. It involved being in the dark, on the same island mentioned above, watching a video on a computer on a desk in the middle of a fenced in area. There seemed to be nobody around, but I felt I was in danger as I watched the following videos. They were filmed by a man named David Knight of Infowars. He was showing off a new popular video game, and these images and themes hidden inside meant to program and brainwash anyone who had played it. They were obvious, but ignored by the vast majority of players. The signs had been messages from global overlords saying they would rule the people and establish their kingdom. Their way is the way of the future, and there should be no dissidents. Slowly these people in power would take over control of minor things around the population. Eventually, 1000 years down the road everything would be subtley owned, controlled, and created by the global elite. The average person would not notice it at all, but their whole lives would be under the control of some dark force unless they started to fight against it now.

      Bear in mind I actually find David Knight a very reasonable person outside of that dream, and even though I don't watch him often, I would recommend his opinions and stances on many things.
    8. Various Dreams, Getting chased by Ninjor and Lucidity! ^_^

      by , 12-08-2017 at 10:15 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I wake in the middle of the night and there is a closet near my bed that I always check to make sure that it is closed. Last Night I was so tired that I didn't bother doing so, So when I wake up in the middle of the Night it was open and all dark inside except for my clothes hanging inside and minor things and such. This is when the SP and false awakening Start. I get slightly afraid of it but not enough to bother closing it and I go back to sleep. Please take note that I'm laying sideways at the foot of my bed with the closet at my feet and the window at my head. Anyhow, I fall asleep and a few minutes later without even realizing it, I find myself sitting on the brown carpeted floor in front of my closet, playing with something. I wake back up with that image in my head and thought, so you want to try to give me a nightmare do we? Even with slight fear I ignored it, occasionally looking at the closet and went back to sleep. I feel myself drift in and out of SP with my feeling the tickling sensation and jerking here and there. I wake up for about 20 minutes to get rid of the aggressive SP and then drifted back to sleep.

      I find myself back at Raymond which IRL is torn down.

      In the dream I start off in my mom's room that was empty but junky. There was a light on and I can see that things were missing. The first thing I noticed was the mirror dresser. The TV that is usually sitting on top of it in the corner was gone along with various other things that were once there like lotions, jewelry, hair stuff etc. The only thing that was on top left was a dusty outline where the TV once was and other useless things, such as wires, strings and more dust back where the mirrors where at. Speaking of the mirrors, the two tall mirrors that were connected to the back of the dresser was also missing, it was just the tracks the the mirror slid down into. I figured that since we no longer lived here and now in the process of moving things out that some one in the family came by to help out with the rest of the moving process or some people busted in here and stole the things out of here. Next to the dresser on the floor were two radios. One was an old 1990s looking realistic (brand name) table radio.
      Attachment 9820

      It was light brown in color and had a knob turner. it was obviously broken as I can see the the cord was missing and there were frayed wires on the back of the radio where the cord once was. Next to it was a more modern looking radio. It was black and silvery grey in color, much like mine that I have IRL with the stylized boomboxes and what not. The boombox was on and was playing some kind of music, possible me hearing the jazz music that I always have playing softly in the background from the waking world. For some strange reason the people that come in here would always leave this radio one and never bothered it so it has been on for God knows how long. Anyhow there was no bed in this room, it too have been taken out by someone. There was stuff like hangers, paper and some pieces of the beds frame that supported the mattress. It was dark out and then I suddenly realized that I needed to get out of here in case who ever it is staying here returns, since it looked like it was still inhabited from it being power here. I hastily made my way through a lit hallway and down the steps. That dream ended with me rounding a corner on the landing and to the next flight of steps that led down into the living room.

      Next segment.

      I'm lucid from an SP that I felt after the closet opening and start off semi lucid. I'm outside doing the old way of calling robots into my dream. It looked like it was dusk out and I was having issues remembering who the recent zords I was with IRL. I manage to think oh wait a sec, I can just try to dream about characters who are small like Optimus Primal, SD Gundam or Auric. I ended up thinking about Ninjor but wanted to avoid him since we are at Odds with each other. Playing Power Rangers Legacy he has gotten in the way of some of my matches and I ended up talking shit to him and taking out both him and what I thinks to be his girl, Odonna. So I avoided him but unfortunately he ended up appearing and he saw me. "Ninjor! He shouted in his wavy voice and he charged at me. I ran down a hall and into a room and looked to see if I can jump out of a window. I go into what looks like an unlit office room and over to a window. Birdseye landscape. Even though I know it is a dream it was just too high for me.Nope. I turned to run back out, but Ninjor blocked of the door way. "Hahaa!" He laughed mockingly. "I've got you now!" He charged into the room and I ran back behind a table and up against the back wall opposite from the windows. I spotted another way out and Ninjor saw it too and tried to block that off but failed, just missing me by a hair with his grasp. I'm going up flights of stairs and every time I look back just as I'm rounding corners I can see a glimpse of his blue color coming up right behind me. As we are running high up the scene slowly changes and I began to see lava appearing. I entered a room and most of the floor is glowing hot and I run out on a thin strip of safety. Ninjor Sees this and was actually trying to get me out of there and somehow he slips and falls into the lava tiles. And I'm disappointed in my dream ending with my robotic DC getting killed. I see his now limp body sank into the lava and vanishes under the yellow hot surface. Oh yeah? Well then I can go with him. I jump down into the lava expecting the worse. It was not hot and I can now see Ninjor Rising up out of the lava but he was laying down. Something was rising him up and as soon as it got done Ninjor shot up and looked at me. Panicked I ran to the door entering the room and looked back expecting him to come after me but he didn't. He seemed a bit off. He was looking around and not saying anything. I decide to see what was up with my chaser but being careful to not let him get me. The black visors which was his eyes has what looks to be slight rust on the edges. The lava had temporarily blinded Ninjor and he was seemingly becoming more upset.

      Next segment

      Sexual dream

      These are dreams I usually use to become aroused and get that feel good sensation in. Usually it results in me waking up,I would have it for only a few seconds before it would fade away. IRL I thought what if I achieve this without instantly waking up from the feeling? This is what I got.

      I usually keep these dreams private but since it is part of this long dream I will include it here. In this dream I start off in a large house. I'm talking with people then at some point and time I get lucid and became aware. No one is home at this time and I walking around in this house, trying to find away outside, as I'm doing so the arousal came into thought. So I start looking around for something gross to happen to me. I walked into a bathroom that is the size of a dinning room and on top of something I found a used douche. I knew it was used because the water inside of it was mostly gone and the nozzle was opened and out. Perfect. As soon as I picked it up the dream shifted and found myself in another bathroom that was much smaller then the other one I was just in. I'm now standing infront of an unseen mirror and behind me was a tub with curtains around it. I didn't pay it no mind and started to stick myself with the douche but as soon as that happened, I suddenly fell backwards into the tub that was full of water. I fuss abit at the dream as to why it did that while I was getting ready to receive the arousal and I get the feeling that it knew what it was doing. So now I'm, in a tub of water and continue on, poking my self and achieving my dream feeling. Arousal shot up into my body and and that good feeling exploded into me. After about 4 or 5 seconds it disappears and I take out the douche but then feel myself began to wake up. Shit! Suddenly the water swishes around and I'm sucked underneath it and is still able to breath freely. I felt the water the smelled like peroxide rush over the top of me and the waking sensation disappeared. I was now one with the water and the dream knew it. So it teleported me taking some lucidity with it to the outside of the tub where I was now standing up with people. Somehow this dream managed to keep me inside after the successful sensation. I'm talking with people and we are there fishing around with our hands in a huge, metal thing that is full of cloudy blue water. I also have my hands inside and is wondering how am I'm not scared of this water even after I'm aware that I'm dreaming? I look into the water and I can see bits and pieces of what looks to be cooked crab meat inside. I quickly took my hands out of there and then I think I woke up but was in SP. Dream was not ready to release me yet ^_^

      Anyhow I reenter the dream and now I'm back at the house I started off in when I was at the start of this segment. I walk around a bit and looked out the window and seen that we were above clouds and I can only see the tips of what looks to be evergreen trees. Further off in the distance there was fog and I seen the Thunder Megazord. He was colossal and walking around but I was too far away to get his attention. He turned and disappeared into the fog.

      Ninjor reappeared with his sight back and this time he charged and caught me, causing me to wake up, for real.

      Updated 12-08-2017 at 10:52 PM by 13650

    9. Big Zam

      by , 08-25-2017 at 08:58 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off Lucid from an SP that occurred during the night. It was an odd start off but for some reason I was thinking about the Big Zam from Gundam. I'm over at Burton Ave and the light is on in the livingroom. I walk in and I seen Dozle Zabi, the pilot of Big Zam there. He was asleep on a long couch that was up against a dormant fireplace.

      He was in a sitting position with his head tilted back and his mouth a hung and I think he was also snoring. I remember seeing him in a gundam series Gundam Origins where Garma Zabi got injured and Dozle ran up behind him him, crying and grabbed Garma into his arms as he collapsed.

      I was thinking about the way Dozle Sounded while crying and avoided him. As soon as I went to the door outside, he wakes up. I seen him look around for a second then he saw me and gets up.

      I ran outside which was dark and hard to see until I ran near some light filled Japan city buildings. I saw him behind me and though oh no I don't want him to grab me like he id Garma and grate me with his rough hair bristles on his face. I tried to run fast but it was not happening as I was in slow motion next to a fence and Dozle ran up behind me and caught me into his large arms and lifted me up. "I got you! Ahh hahahaha!" I elbowed him in the gut and escaped into another scene.

      Some time had passed and it is daytime. I'm in a populated city with stores,traffic, people and buildings and the Big Zam is there. Dozle was in it and he was way off in the distance,trashing some Federation friendly's store and laughing as he kicked the mess out of the shop, trashing it in a smoking pile. Then I see three more Zams appear and this time they were on the opposite side of the city, trashing stuff and closing in on where I was at. They have managed to mass produce the Big Zam! I knew that I had the get out of there but three more appear right in front of me, trapping me along with Fed sympathetic civilians. The Zam that trashed the shop came up behind me and saw me. He lifted up it's foot to smash me with but I wasn't gonna go that easily. I used my Lucidity and let the dream know that if you smash me, then I'll wake up and this will be all over in an instant but there was no need for that. That was Dozle in that Zam and he decided not to smash me and walked over the top of me. This place was still dangerous, who was in the other Zams? I ran to where the shops got trashed at and Donzle saw me heading that way. "No don't!" He turned around in the Big Zam and started chasing me.

      As I was running a Red and Orange Gundam appeared, coming down some stairs from a destroyed building he was in. He grabbed me as I was running past him and I realized that it was the Heavy Arms! He pushed me behind him then when Dozle showed up and looked down at him from his mobile suit, Heavy Arms Opened up all of his doors and caught Dozle in the side of his Suit, knocking it off balance and causing it to fall sideways. As the Zam fell it changed size until it was toy size and fell sideways into my arms.
      It was acually a different shape and color as well, it was now black in color and square, looking like the side of a radio. I looked into the dark cockpit and saw Dozle inside. Heavy Arms Saw me with it and knocked it out of my hands and onto a table. It landed with a plastic thud then Heavy Arms suddenly took off, needing to deal with the bigger threat of the Giant Big Zams.

      Updated 08-26-2017 at 03:03 AM by 13650

    10. Heavyarms Army!

      by , 06-26-2017 at 03:34 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I Started into this dream through SP. It took me several tried to get into this dream. The first time I accidentally broke out of SP in fact it was many times I ended up messing up from moving or jerking around too much. The second problem was a memo leak of some kind, what I mean by this is that upon entering SP I would end up forgetting what I wanted to dream about and what to focus on. I lay down and after a while the SP comes back along with the memo leak then the furnace comes on and creates a new problem.

      Now there is heat blowing on my back and the sound it is making is amplified and loud. The air on my back causes discomforting sensations and the rare pain in the back type SP so I break out, turn onto my back then reenter the SP. Then I began to get irrelevant HI. The HI consisted of a strange cartoony DC that looked like a green and blue sun with a black stick body. There was a sky behind him and it appears as though he was in a pine tree, looking down at me. I get a monkey/tropical feel from this and opened my real eyes to get rid of it. I was still in SP and didn't move I was still forgetful about what I wanted to dream about and broke out.

      Instantly my memory is normal and I think about the heavyarms Gundam and reenter SP. I get it back just in time as I entered the dream. I'm at a strange place that feels like my recent home at Burton and I get out to walk outside but my mom is there. I tell her that it is a dream so that she doesn't worry about me going outside. And I go straight outside through the back.

      It is daytime and there are pockets or fog around, the air is heavy and humid and worst of all there are people laying on the ground all around. I get the feeling that these people were sick because this place was radio active and realized that it was not a good idea to be outside, at all. I start to go back indoors when my awareness spikes up. I don't have to worry about this stuff nothing will happen. I turn around and began my walk, looking at stuff and more people came around. Some were standing up and milling around while others remained on the ground. As I walked around I started seeing sand piles and I avoided them because of ants. But then more started appearing closer to me and I yelled at the dream. "Get this shit put of here and away from me!" The sand disappeared and I ended up shifted back indoors.

      I reopen the doors and my jaw dropped. Milling all around a construction site like place were hundreds of Heavyarms. There was some talking to each other and some standing around looking at stuff. I start to go out but something told me that there was one right outside the door way I opened. There goes one right there a voice said. Standing off to the side, I can see part of heavyArms shoulder and chest poking from around the corner. I walk out to get seen on purpose and it looked down at me with it's green Gundanium eyes, pointed at me and motioned with its finger for me to come here. I shook my head and avoided him. I ran down some steps but ended up grabbing the attention of a few other Heavyarms and ended up with three of them after me.

      There were some spiral stair in front of me with a computer at the top and I ran up those. As I did so I realized that the steps went to no where and the other Gundams start to come up behind me. I jumped over the sides of the stairs and tripped as I landed, allowing them to catch up to me. I seen one with it's arms up in the air, looking at me with his chest all puffed up like he was gonna open it. Shoot I don't want that to happen. I got up and purposely tripped again and this time the three of them ran up on me and started kicking me while I was on the ground. Didn't hurt though but I was glad they wanted to fight. "You wanna fight do we? I can make that happen." As I stood up to get ready to battle I ended up waking up.
      Tags: gundams, mecha, robots
    11. Playing Jedi Knight and caught by a robot

      by , 02-09-2017 at 07:00 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I'm playing Star Wars Jedi Knight and it is very dark and hard to see. I'm practically blind as I walk around, looking only at things that I ca see in my mind. There is a robot somewhere running around,looking for me and I'm hiding from it. I trip over something and fell into some water but realized that I had to quickly get out of it. The robot has been in that water and the stuff from its body has made it unsafe to stay in. I feel all tingly and strange after I got out and collapsed. It didn't take long for the robot who I think was Tidalwave to find me. It pointed at me and started running at me. I got to run but it was too late. It pounced on me and landed on top of me causing my face to smash up against it's chest that were turrets. Yep It was him and he said something a pressed them against my face.
    12. Sebulba, bigfoot and robocop

      by , 05-17-2016 at 08:29 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off by watching Star Wars and I'm watching the Sebulba scenes. The first one is where is at Mos Espa but the things he do there are different. It is daytime as it always seems to be and there are stalls of food and merchandise around. Sebulba is among the people and aliens as Anakin shows with Jar Jar Binks. Sebulba has had a run in with Jar jar before and is already perked up at him.Hopping up on the table on all fours he glares at them as they pass on. Anakin glances over at the Dug who snorts at his eye contact and jumps down in front of Anakin. Anakin Smirks at the ugly Dug as he approaches him and Jar jar. He says something threatening to the boy and Jar jar then turns back to his buddies and sits at a stands, watching Anakin. Anakin just shakes his head and walks pass the Dug and his henchmen. Sebulba looks different then his normal appearance, he is slightly furry and has a werewolf like appearance.

      After that encounter the dream shifted to a different scene. I'm now in a car with my mom and we are driving to somewhere. As were are driving I see something out in a field of grass with forest in the background. There was a tall, burly gorilla like creature walking around there and he looked to stand at least 8 feet tall. He had dark grey hair, shiny black skin, sharp claws and a snout. I stared in amazement at it and realized that it was a Bigfoot and was out in the opening. As I continued to look I realized that a person was down there with it seemed to be hiding behind it but was way too close to it. My mom turned around from something and by this time the Bigfoot has made it's way on to the road, blocking our path pass him. He walked towards us but at an angle that made it seemed like he had no interest in us. Then realized that it was some kind of filming shot and that the Bigfoot was not real.But how can a person be that big? And still be able to move around freely and fluently? There is no way in hell that it was a person inside that thing. It got closer to us and my mom was amazed at how large it was and said "whoa!" and in response to that he backs it up, somehow throwing me out of the car in the process. "Shit!" I ran on foot as it caught sight of me and started after me. I ducked under small bridges and down alley ways, trying to lose him but it didn't work.

      So I went into a building and was now in a room that looked like the room I had over at the Lakeshore Apartments. It was darker inside, no light was on and I was on a bed. I seen the Bigfoot come in through a window and he grabbed at something on the table. It was a glass object and he cracked it open and drunk what ever it was inside. It was red in color and realized that it was blood. He found another one, cracked it open and drank its contents as well. I realized that I was trapped in the room and the monster began walking towards me, swiping at me but then suddenly from outside I hear a bang. There was another window, not the one he crawled through but another one that was across the room from me. I see Robo Cop on the other side and he was walking towards us. The big foot leap outside through the window at Robo Cop who threw him into something, breaking it. "Cut Cut!" The director said. Robo Cop looks up at the director as he came down and saw what was going on. Robo Cop and big foot was real but now somehow Robo has stumbled on to an unknown set and messed up the equipment. There was a mech there as well and big foot stood back up and tried to kick it, but it dodged and countered, kicking the big foot and causing it to run off. "You idiot!" The Director yelled as he ran after it, trying to get it on camera. Robo cop looks over at me again and starts heading over to me, but before he can get to me I woke up.
    13. 171015: An Elevator and a Lunchline

      by , 10-17-2015 at 01:59 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragment:
      Sunny, on a higher floor of an apartment, it is very empty, big windows. I see forest and empty fields around. The sunlight is bright and golden afternoon sunshine.A friend I saw at a party yesterday is there and is offering food, cabbage soup I ate before bed. No bells ring in my head from this. Out on the balcony, I look on, is someone coming?

      Dream 1: Rick & Morty in a Weird Jumble
      On the floor of the apartment I get into a sleeping bag, it has Rick & Morty characters and scenes on it, I can make out Summer and Gerry in a hot air balloon going low over a grassy field with a tree on a starry night. As I get into the sleeping bag in some weird twist it turns into a hot air balloon and I try to get it off the ground.

      I'm in an office building, it has the same vibe as the previous dream, the same golden sunlight coming from large windows. I'm in the hall waiting by two elevator doors. I'm given a controller by a guy in a suit, it is a metallic rode with two buttons, one with an up arrow and the other with a down arrow. I enter the elevator and push the up arrow to go up. I assume it will only go up to the top floor. As we go up I press it again to make it go faster but we then rocket up and the guy grabs my shoulder and I press the down button to stop it. It feels like the elevator stops and reluctantly opens to the sixth floor. Did I break it? An elevator has to be able to go to every level, not just the highest and lowest.

      On the floor I see that Rick & Morty have been recruited to do advertisements for an agency. I enter an office and see that Rick has pony tail and sunglasses in a suit, he swings around in his swivel chair to face me. There are these sick robots taking over the place and it seem to me (not sure at his point) that the robots are using Rick to make propaganda for them. Realizing this Rick rips his shades off and yells, my view zooming into his open mouth.

      The robots are getting crushed and their wet circuitry inside them is being led off on conveyor belts to be recycled, Rick has saved the day?

      Dream 2: Lunch Line Madness
      I enter a school cafeteria to get lunch. It is large and looks like a gymnasium, no natural light, just overhanging flourescent lights giving everything a yellow tinge. I stand in line to get lunch, waiting to get my tray. I see a group of kids standing by the line but they are not following it, they don't move. I pass them, I hope they don't start yelling at me. I'm right by the milk machine, watching it spray four jets of milk into my glass, it will fill up quickly this way. Wait, how did I get here? Wasn't I in line? I turn around, I have a tray and the milk, fork and knife, but not plate and no food. I go and pick up a plate and try to get some food, I pass some kids, will they get angry that I passed them? I do and they don't say anything.

      I try to find the vegetarian food, it all looks vegetarian, lots of bean food there, not rice or pasta though. I look up at the menu, it says everything is vegetarian. A short, plump lunch lady to my right is refilling a tray with food, I double check with her, she says it's all vegetarian. I see another vegetarian friend to my right, she is taking a little of everything, I do the same, a green bean sauce and some salsa, it's full of protein.

      I go forward to sit down and look down at my tray, where did my plate go with all the food? Confused, I look around the lunch line, lunch is almost over and the lines are now empty, it looks like the cooks are ready to take the food away. As I look and look I can't find the plate anywhere, how could I have misplaced it? I worry, am I having some kind of dissossiative episode? Why can't I remember what I'm doing? (this is something that I've felt slightly IRL). I begin to worry I'll be left without food. I look for the plate but give up after going around the line again and again. I go to the only line with food left. There is only some scraps of some salad stuff with cheese, not as filling as the stuff I had. I take some greedily and go sit down.

      I sit with my friend and three other female students I don't recognize my friend asks if I got food. I angrily throw the plate of salad/melted cheese at the table saying they ran out of food. The plate slides on the table and almost falls through the crack between the table and the wall. I grab it, trying to pull it up from the radiator, embarrassed that I let myself loose control like that.
    14. Robots, Aliens, and Games

      by , 10-06-2015 at 11:45 PM
      6 October 2015

      Chapter 1: The Arcade

      I was at an arcade restaurant reminiscent of Dave and Busters. I really don’t remember much about the restaurant itself outside the fact that it was huge and had a lot to it. I vaguely remember speaking to a waitress there. She was older, tall, had a brown beehive hairdo and wore heavy makeup. She was also slightly overweight. By the way she was dressed she looked more suited for a truck stop restaurant than a fancy-ish arcade place but whatever. I don’t remember what we talked about but I don’t think that I placed any orders.

      I went to the Elevator and went up to the second floor. When I first stepped in I only had the option of moving to the second floor which is why I was surprised when I saw that there was a third and fourth floor. There was a balcony that gave me a view of all three floors. I can’t really describe all too well how they were laid out but I remember that it was really cool. I saw a young kid playing basket ball but the goal had no hoop, it was only a clear back board. I wondered how the third and fourth floors could be accessed when some kid dropped a pair of broken headphones by my feet. I saw the kid run away up a flight of stairs to the third floor.

      Now knowing how to access the two upper floors I ran up the steps with the broken headphones. I do not remember much about the third floor aside from the fact that the floor was carpeted. The kid was not there so I proceeded up a flight of stairs to the fourth floor where I saw the kid hiding behind a billiards table. I remember trying to offer the kid his headphones back but he seemed very afraid of me. He was afraid that I was mad at him because I thought that he threw the headphones at me but I assured him that I understood that it was only an accident. Funny thing is, the kid looked like a younger version of myself.

      I walked into an elevator that was on the third floor. There I saw five buttons which told me that there was a fifth floor that I have yet to see. At some point a man and his girlfriend came onto the elevator. He was tall, Caucasian, had curly hair and a light beard. He wore a green thick jacket and denim jeans. She was blond, curvy, I don’t remember much else about her appearance. Now the elevator was very old and run down. The inside was plastered with graffiti. It was nice graffiti, I could tell the graffiti artists put a lot of work into it, but it was graffiti nonetheless. The couple and I spoke and we kind of hit it off. Now unfortunately the elevator was rough going down and the man and I nervously joked about how sketchy the elevator was. The woman seemed to have no feelings about it.

      The elevator began to increase in speed as it went down and I seriously began to wonder it was eventually going to snap. I knew that this building was not that tall but it seemed to take forever going down. The man and I were relieved when the elevator finally reached the bottom, however, it went down so hard that the man and I were forced onto our backs. The woman was standing at the elevator entrance jokingly shaking her head.

      Chapter 2: Meet Jensen

      Next thing I knew I was creating some sort of sentient exo-skin that was desperate for an endoskeleton to wrap itself around. It found an endoskeleton and had the appearance of an android like sir unit from “Invader Zim.” I do not remember what exactly happened thereafter but sometime later I was in a room at the arcade making another one of those things. This one was to be a newer version. I made this one by mixing some stuff in a bowl. The exo-skin began to take form and move about the room lamenting about how it had no form and no purpose. It sounded like that giant robot from “Courage the Cowardly Dog.” Soon an Irkan soldier came in with an endoskeleton for the exo-skin to attach to. What I found odd was the fact that the endoskeleton was equipped with an artificial brain. Why would this thing need an artificial brain when it is clearly already sapient on its own? So the exo-skin wrapped itself around the endoskeleton and once again it assumed the form of some sort android sir unit. At some point before I learned that I was making this thing for the Irkan Armada so it was no surprise to me when the android thing was called into battle. The Irkans named the android “Jensen.”

      I was then view everything from Jensen’s point of view. I think I was consciously acting as Jensen. The Irkans had taken over the restaurant and were now under attack by their enemies and desperately needed help. It was weird. I was in complete control as Jensen and I knew that I was fighting for the wrong side. After all the Irkans were not a good people. They were out to take over the universe and somehow taking over this restaurant was a milestone for that goal. I knew all of this but I still fought as Jensen the android. Funny thing is, I had a feeling that the enemies were just as bad if not worse. That could be why I was fighting I think I felt that Irk was the lesser of two evils.

      As Jensen, I bolted down the dark hallway where I saw an Irkan soldier firing his gun around the corridor. I ran past the corridor where I saw Irks leader under attack with his pants down. And who was this leader? John F. Kennedy! He was on the ground wrestling with this guy trying to do him in. I was having so many conflicting thoughts it’s not even funny. I was disappointed to see that a man like Kennedy would be leading the Irkan regime and yet I was anxious to save his life from this man. I knew that the man trying to kill Kennedy was bad, I just knew he had evil intentions, and that if he died it would be a terrible thing. It may make no sense now but when I was Jensen it made perfect sense, I had to fight for the Irkan Armada in spite of their overall intentions, I had to save Kennedy, I knew that the enemies of Irk could not be allowed to win but most importantly, this assassin had to die.

      I rushed over to Kennedy with a stick in hand with every intention of beating his assassin to death. My first strike missed the assassin and hit Kennedy, I was warned by the Irkan Soldier behind me to be careful not to hit Kennedy. I ditched the stick and decided that it would just be easier to kick the assassin to death so that is just what I did. I kicked him and kicked him as hard as I could until he just sorta…disappeared into oblivion. I exhaled a sigh of relief; the assassin was dead and Kennedy was saved.

      He got up on his hands and knees; his pants still down and still weak from the struggle. His naked mistress Marilyn Monroe rushed out from somewhere and hovered over him. She was clearly concerned for his well being. As I looked at the nude Monroe and the slightly pantsless Kennedy it became clear that this assassin caught him in a moment of coitus with his mistress. I withheld any expression of disappointment that I had mustered up…it wasn’t my place. I looked out the huge window behind Kennedy and saw what may have been a city skyline during the hours of twilight. It had to be this way. The Irkans were not good people and, clearly, neither was Kennedy. But I knew that the people they were against were worse and in spite of my trepidations I knew that this was for the best. Dale Gribble from “King of the Hill” showed up. He had no armor but he too was holding an Irkan rifle. He began to chant “Jensen! Jensen! Jensen!” and everyone followed suit including Kennedy and Monroe. Every there was grateful for the work I’d done. I guess I would just have to trust that this would work out for the best.

      The day before, I had just read the Kennedy had Monroe as a mistress. I am unsure how true that is but it was on my mind as I fell asleep.
    15. #196. Real Life Creepiness, but the Robots Were Cool

      by , 08-14-2015 at 05:54 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      It's night, and we're in a heavily wooded valley. Above us is a massive structure that resembles a dam, and there are offices in the building that's built into the structure.

      The four (or five?) of us are gathered in a circle, having made camp. There's no fire. We're on the run.

      And they've found us.

      It's day, now. The parents and one (or two?) of their kids have found a vehicle and are driving up one side of the dam (but there are deer in the way, so they can only go so quickly.)

      I'm the daughter, and insect-like attack robots surround me, their numbers penetrating deep into the forest. I feel the energy building up within me, and I lash out, striking at the robots with some kind of sword, taking out half a dozen of them in a straight line.

      There are too many of them. I retreat upwards into the office building, blasting through a wall to get inside. There are men and women in suits around a boardroom table, and they spin in their seats as I rush past them, sending up alarmed cries. I get to the interior door, something hot on my heels, and everything goes dark.


      The man in charge has short, spiked black hair. He is arrogant, cold, as he gives his orders. They're in the centre of a city now, and he has the girl.

      People are frantic. Something has gone wrong. They need to escape, to evacuate. They need to get a message to the Earl.

      I laugh. I am now a man, thin-faced and shorter than the man in charge. He is angry, he grabs me by the lapels of my jacket and demands, demands, demands.

      Amused, I tell him that I can get the information to the Earl. It's in X folder in his personal, secure system, right? I have the files now, I can send them.

      Demands, demands.

      Well, I'm a hacker, of course, I tell him. And I'm not really here. But I can help him, for a price.

      I'm with the girl I was before, and we're speeding through the city in a shuttle, trying to dodge as multiple giant space worms—like the one from Men in Black—destroy the city and try to eat us, as well.

      We're in an elevator. Have we made it?


      In the church my mom took me to when I was really, really little. It's still dark, because it's winter, and the service is in an hour. I unlock the door with my key and turn on the lights.

      No one is here yet. I go downstairs and turn on the lights (I'm a little bit afraid because I need to go through the dark sections to get to the lights), and I consider going home and sleeping for a bit.

      I turn off the lights and stand in the darkness for a moment, quiet and still. The trees and the moon above the church create a lovely picture in the sky.

      There's still one light on, though. It looks like someone is in the bathroom. I guess I should turn the lights back on and stay here until the service starts, since people have started arriving.


      Spoiler for Content note for attempted sexual assault:

      Edit: I also had a dream that Sensei started up his comp and had ALL of the intermediates against the one person who volunteered to be on the advanced team (which wasn't me).

      Adventure: 5/10
      Control: 3/10
      Fear: 7/10

      Updated 08-14-2015 at 06:21 PM by 31096

      non-lucid , nightmare
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