I live with two guys, one plays musical instruments and talks about his synthesizer while grabbing his saxophone, I think they might be robots. We were having dinner in the dark, I'm not sure if they noticed that the dinning room lights weren't on, I forced myself to wake up when ot became super dark.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am at an underground labyrinth looking for Dragon Balls. I spot a couple of them moving in different ways through corridors. I follow one direction, with a long corridor ending in huge stairs. It is very dark, so I imagine some lights illuminating the stairs, but not much light comes on. When I reach the top of the stars, I see a torch burning but it still is dark. Then a lady android, 2 meters tall, blocks my path and drags me down. I get rid of her, but she keeps going after me. I go around this place, which now looks like a vintage hotel. I find a kid and a guy, who are husband and daughter of the android lady (also androids). They also want to catch me, but I escape flying. I find a room with two human kids, surprised to see me. They ask me to hide, they are afraid the androids will come and see me. They suggest I go out the window and hang on the ledge outside. It's an old building with heavy wooden frames and it is possible to pass from window to window holding on to the wooden ledges. So I go watch other windows. I see other kids on other rooms. They are desperate to share messages. One girl delivers me a message, says some names and that I have to tell whomever that such and such must do whatever. At daylight I go back inside the building disguised as cleaning lady. It doesn't work so well. There is an android receptionist who is not fooled, but she is very slow reacting, so I run inside and hide under a table. Then I find a big hall where all the kids are sitting at round tables, cheerful. I deliver them the message from the girl before and they thank me. Then I have to hide again as androids join in. Later, when they leave, I sit with the kids and eat what seems fried fish. In front of me I see Trevor Noah and we have to share the same glass of water, because there is no other glass available. I joke about it and he seems to feel more awkward than gross.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of hotel in the country, boars come down a road around the building and everybody goes see it through the windows. I want to take picture, but I get too late, think I only catch a glimpse. Meanwhile someone's walking a dog and the boars pass right by, peacefully. Go on the subway with some kid and another adult, we're doing some study and I need to ask people money for the purpose of whatever survey we're doing. We check the coins we got from people and some dude comes to rob us. I fight back, he steals my purse. I chase him, we fight. He says I gotta let go and throws the purse far away. I say I don't care about the money (it is very little) I just want to teach him a lesson. And I beat him really bad. On top of some building with acoustic resonance, it's made of metal structure. It makes a hum with some organic or digital noises. I have a security clearance for access to this building. I detect threats and detect something weird involving one lab where they do genetic stuff, but also some time related search. Some guy robbed a scientist carrying a new formula on a syringe he thought gave him superpowers, but instead it just ages him very fast. He freaks bout, tries to reverse time on the department of time travels. He opens a portal that has consequences for 2022: the economy will shift and poor will get rich, rich will get poor. The people in charge want to fix the interference, but it reaches public knowledge and the people don't want it changed. Live in a farm in the middle of nowhere. A couple of dudes on an helicopter with a large package dangling under, land and request asylum. I allow them in, but soon realize they are up to no good. I hear them sating they need to get rid of me, I tell them I don't care what they are really up to. They don't buy it. I say I need to take care of my chores and leave them, but one of them goes after me and sees that the farm is a façade for a secret military complex that I keep. I am actually an AI android or some kind of genetically improved super soldier. They get scared, they think they know what project this might be, they are military too maybe. I manage to dodge them and lock myself in a room making a plan for what to do with these two. Then I go to a flying car and simply leave, locking up the compound with them inside.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening It's the future. I am a sentient android. Some bad dudes are kidnapping androids of my type and reeducating or damaging us to become obedient and enslave us. They test us afterwards with a simple reaction test but I fail, so they want to eliminate me because I can't be trusted to obey. Then Evangelion is there, but he is one of the bad guys. He provokes me with abuses to see if I react. I know I have to endure or I am dead, but they can tell I am faking and the procedure didn't go well. I beg for my life, I promise to be good and obedient, but a guy keeps saying I will probably turn against them. So while I am being rounded up by them, I spot a chance to escape through some window and I run, get into some garden. Then enter some door into a building, don't know what it is. People react naturally to my presence. So I follow some people and end up in some auction place. To blend in, I look at the pieces with interest, an android would not buy, but could be at the service of an owner. I spot a couple antique Buddha figures and it reminds me something of past lives. I pay homage to the Buddha, feel familiar with it. The walls of the front of this place are glass and I see my chasers looking for me outside across the hallway. I also see some stairs leading to an exit and lots of people going up, so I run to disappear in the crowd and reach the surface exit. I notice I am surrounded by university students. A lady engages with me, asks me what I am studying there. I make up something, she believes. I guess androids also can go to school. Once out, there is a bit more garden and some gates to a road. The road seems to lead to either nowhere or to the city and I choose the city but it is far away still. I go back when I realize everybody is actually going the other way to a subway station. Meanwhile I notice a big dog tied up in the garden and he barks at me in a very familiar way. It is my Hachi and I just have to go get him, but he is in a part of the park that is being locked down for the night. I jump the wall cause there is no way I am leaving my dog there. Taking a train in Lisboa at Santa Apolonia station with my dad, but all is so different. He can't find our train, the old line we used to take is no longer there. Instead there are some stairs that bring people in from the houses on the hill. And there are lots of people coming through there so companies have some marketing stands in the way. Today there is a table with offers from some cosmetic and accessories companies. Basically they have boxes and people can take what they want. First nobody touches anything, feeling suspicious or not wanting to look greedy, so I start hoarding it, that's when they decide I have to share and start taking things to. But many ladies basically start ruining some items instead of taking them, like notebooks, on which they write messages and leave it there anyway. Some ladies are gossiping and say that Michael Fassbender lives nearby and sometimes they see him crossing the station. Studying at a university abroad with friends: Zilla, Licas and some others. Our math teacher is horrible, so we decide to skip his class and meet at the movies. We discuss how stupid it is that those classes are mandatory. We arrange ways to escape classes multiple times without being noticed but we have an enemy that does his best to expose us. Once he finds me on the street, he is on a car, he films me with the phone, but I film him back. If I am exposed so is he. The campus is totally high tech, with hologram concert shows in the hallway of new upcoming bands and other dazzling tech stuff. I live in an improvised room at an attic, a really cozy place, which has basically a mattress on the floor and where I can't even stand up. It has a skylight as only window and I have the company of pigeons.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I have an android friend, Japanese looking, who I always treat as a human friend. Someday I have somewhere to go and leave her behind without an explanation and she resented me for that, felt treated like an appliance that would be just fine at home alone. She wanted to cut bonds with me. I gave her freedom to act as a human and live her life. Encountered her years later, on a boat, docked on an island, where there's a festival happening. She is still angry at me, had been living with guys who used her (I guess as a sex partner) but she had left them one after the other, tired of being constantly treated as an object. Very strong wildfires burst in the island leaving everyone in danger. In the midst of all these, there is a revelation of documents that finally show how much money Trump got from certain people and lots of people are celebrating his downfall. One lady wants to share the news on a megaphone, when a siren sounds loudly and flames approach the coast. Lots of people come take refuge in ships by the coast and becomes a nightmare to fit so many people in the boats. Chaos ensues and one guys tries to rape me in a dark corner, but I get helped by another guy whom I detest, but on that moment I even feel attracted to him. With a bunch of people, many familiar to me, still on a boat, but now things are calmer and on land there is some event with conferences and lectures. A friend of mine comes to tell me that such and such person can't make the lecture he or she was supposed to and they want me to do it instead. I ask about what and she says "Foucault" and I panic, because I know nothing about Foucault. She says they have a powerpoint on a computer and I just need to read it ahead and then follow it. I say no way, but I gotta try and help somehow. So I go running to the conference place, 15 mins ahead to try and read the material and get acquainted with the topic. People are already waiting in the lounge of the auditorium. I see an organ (keyboard) and a few chairs by the trash, go get my van to collect it and on returning I see a family emptying their house, so I ask them permission to collect the things they are throwing away. They are extremely nice and invite me to their house to see what they have and help taking it out. I am amazed with the place. I explain my work with charities and that I'd like to take all that I can, they help me pack in bags and carry it outside. They have amazing stuff. They have a weird mutant pet, like Nessie, in a lake outside that reaches inside through a balcony with his long neck. He really likes me and starts licking me. One of the kids says to let it give me a smooch, but others say no, no, because he'll rip my head off. Apparently he gets really excited with some smells and can bite someone's head off.
Morning of July 23, 2018. Monday. Dream #: 18,844-02. Reading time: 52 sec. I maintain threads of my waking life, including my recall of Zsuzsanna and our family. There is an unknown woman who has a daughter who is possibly mine. The only way to prove this would be for me to get a DNA test. It is supposedly a painful process, but I am willing to take it by the end of my dream. A positive result will mean the girl will live with us. At one point, I move my hand over the girl’s temple. It has a soft, raised area. I check my own and find the same feature. I talk to the members of my family about the identifying feature they have as well. I still need to confirm the DNA test. I am wary of it at first. On one level, there is no logic, as there is no implication I had known the woman even though I am the girl’s father. The girl does not look like any of my real children, so I consider I may be wrong. During the DNA test, I am ready for the pain, though I do not experience any. A male android pushes a big needle into my left wrist. I am lying on my back on a table. A glass box is above me, where icicles grow from the top.
Updated 07-23-2020 at 03:48 PM by 1390
Ritual: WTB 12:45am, woke 6am and felt rested enough to do a solid WBTB and WILD attempt. Read LD books for an hour then returned to bed at 7am. I took bacopa, L-theanine, alpha-GPC, and even ventured to add a little galantamine to the mix, breaking open a Galantamind capsule and adding half the powder to my alpha-GPC solution. I lay on my back and counted, also deciding on my intended tasks: muto herbam and my lucid dare. For the hell of it I added in a short mantra on the off-counts: inspired by the DC's weird question last night ("Who is your mantra?") I was using the name of an intriguing DC from a prior dream. I started losing the count quickly and after picking it back up a few times, drifted off somewhere in the 30s. Eventually I woke back up, used the bathroom, and checked the time before lying down on my left side to sleep. It was 7:30am. Woke up at 8am with dream. WILD: I quickly started to feel promising bodily sensations, able to move in ways I was sure weren't "real." At one point I felt my husband's face very close to mine, thought I could feel his breath against my face, and was afraid this distraction was going to wake me. Feeling a bit rude, I pushed him away. After that he got up and I hoped he had understood my reasons—recognized that I was in the middle of a dream attempt—and wasn't annoyed. Of course in retrospect, I'm sure that none of this actually happened; not only does the geography of the bed make it physically unlikely, but my husband was still fast asleep on his side of the bed when I woke up to write this report. As soon as I felt I had full bodily control, I started trying to get out of bed. I threw caution to the winds because I've started to suspect that a lot of the barriers to transition are self-imposed. So I got out of bed as soon as I could manage it, and although I felt awkward at first, moving very herky-jerkily as I tried to walk out of the room—a bit like a marionette whose puppetmaster is still figuring out the right use of the strings—I soon got back into the feel of it. I walked into the kitchen, where my attention was caught by what looked like a big wad of gauze or lace, about 18 inches in diamter. In shape it resembled those scrunchies you use in the shower, but it was much larger and made of lacy white gauze with silver sparkles. The texture was wonderfully detailed, more distinct than anything else in my field of vision, so I decided to pick it up and use it for my first experiment. The simpler of the tasks I had planned was to practice a bit with transformation and with plants, so I held the gauze in my hands and commanded, "Muto herbam," envisioning the form of a long-stemmed red rose. The material was resistant at first, so I repeated the command a few times and intensified my will. Eventually it shrank compliantly into a red flower, but the blossom appeared to be that of a tulip, so I continued staring at it sternly until it manifested more layers of ruffled petals. I studied it to make sure it was a proper rose and not just an ambitious carnation, and when I was finally satisfied with its form, I lifted it to my nose to smell it. It actually did smell like a rose! This impressed me all the more because I so rarely have any olfactory impressions in my dreams. (Then again, I guess I don't spend much time sniffing things.) I wondered if I should leave the house to perform my next task. I'm still working on my lucid dare, which requires me to find an camp of elves in the forest and join them in making music. My initial impulse was to leave my house and look for the forest, but that hasn't worked well before, so this time I thought I would to try a different approach and transform the environment around me rather than bodily leaving it. I looked around the room for another plant suitable for my experiment and was pleased to discover a spindly sapling with lots of thin twigs tipped with narrow yellow flowers growing in a pot. I went over to it and commanded "Rego herbam," commanding it to grow into a tall tree. Nothing happened at first, but eyeing its numerous twigs I had another idea for how to use it. The sapling was slightly taller than I was, so I backed up against it and pulled its flexible branches around me to create the visual impression that I was surrounded by a thicket, once again commanding "Rego herbam." The trick worked! The twigs filling my field of vision became a real thicket in which I found myself hiding on a hillside, trying to remain unseen as I peered down at a large camp of about two dozen people occupying a cleared basin just below me. I hoped they were elves! But they didn't seem merry, and I didn't hear any music. They were dressed in muted earthtones and went about their business grimly. I can't remember if I actually observed the camp being raided, but by some means I understood that this was a camp of rebels whose people were being oppressed and frequently captured and sold into slavery by the inhabitants of a nearby castle. I was aware that had several been taken away recently, and decided that the best way to ingratiate myself with the camp would be to rescue them. So I transported myself into the castle dungeon and began to search for the captives. The first door I opened led to an empty room, though it definitely looked like a classic dungeon, with rough-hewn and filthy stone floor and walls. Returning to the corridor, I saw that there were lots of identical doors, and I didn't think I had time to try them all, so I let instinct guide me to another door across the hall. At first this seemed promising: there was very little light filtering in through the tiny windows high in the wall, and in the shadows I thought I saw four figures manacled to the walls around the room. As I walked in, planning to free them, I found that either my eyes had decieved me, or the dream had shifted: the manacles were there, but this room was just as empty as the last. It made me wonder if what I had seen were the ghosts of past prisoners. As I went to leave the room, I was startled to discover that the door was now half-blocked by a chest-high mound of stone rubble. I started to climb over but it was too steep, and afterward the blockade looked even higher, taller than I was. If I didn't act soon I would be completely walled in! So I mustered my concentration and simply pushed through the pile of rocks. The stone felt very resistant and I had to use all my strength, but finally burst through into the hallway. I was surprised how exhausted I felt after this feat. Given that it was a dream, it shouldn't be any harder to move "rocks" than anything else, but I felt completely spent. While I paused to regain my strength, I heard people approaching from around a corner to my left. There was no time to get away, so I simply held very still in the doorway and concentrated on being invisible to them. There were three people in all. One person passed by without giving any sign of seeing me. Two others followed, walking together, and to my consternation they stopped at the door, right in front of me. Although they didn't seem to see me, something appeared to have caught their attention (the dislodged rocks?) because one of them pulled out a handheld device and started waving it in my direction as though scanning something. I wondered what would happen if they tried to walk through the doorway. I still seemed to be invisible, but would they be able to pass right through my body? Or would they bump into me? I decided not to risk it, and I was also a little worried that the scanner might detect my presence, so I reached out and grabbed one of the people with each hand. I willed them both to fall unconscious, and they slumped to the ground. The one to the left was a woman dressed in "business casual," while the guy to the right appeared to be a uniformed security guard. I immediately knelt down and hastily stripped the latter of all the tech I could find on his body: earpiece, cellphone, and a few other little widgets that I didn't recognize. I thought I heard another person coming down the hall, so I transformed into a bird and flew out one of the small barred windows high up on the walls. The castle was on a gently sloping hillside, and I was now flying over a wide rural landscape. At the base of the hill was a wooded region, and far beyond that I could see the curve of the ocean shore. I figured I would still be able to find my way back to the camp, since I had just come from there, so I let memory or instinct guide me. Meanwhile I focused on making sure I was flying properly, since I haven't spent much time in bird form. I alternated between flapping my wings and holding them stiff and outstretched so that I could glide on the wind. I felt like a large bird of prey, and I was clutching the tech I had just stolen in my talons. I flew over the forest until I saw a clearing below that looked familiar. Descending felt very realistic, because I was circling just like a raptor would, wide at first and then in a narrowing spiral until I landed. To get the attention of the people in the camp, I decided that I should not be an ordinary brown eagle, but a white eagle. Apparently this drew a little too much attention, because on the way down I discovered that someone was shooting arrows at me. I decided I could use this to make my entrance particularly impressive, so at the very moment that I touched the ground I not only turned back into a woman, I also grabbed an arrow that was about to hit me right out of the air. Earlier I had not made sure whether or not the people in the camp actually were elves, and now that I look around at closer range, I see only round human ears. I approach a couple people who are talking authoritatively, like leaders of the group. One is a capable looking woman with short, dirty-blonde hair. I ask her if there are any elves in the camp, thinking to myself that if I do find some, I'll give them the tech I stole as a friendly gesture. No one can specifically point to any elves, so I ask, well, who was shooting at me? I figure that if there is an elf, it might well have been the one lobbing arrows. The woman points across the camp. Following her gesture, I notice a slight figure huddled on a bench, completely wrapped in a dark grey blanket. I walk over and lean down in front of the figure, trying to gently tug the blanket aside to reveal its face. It seems shy, hiding its face under the blanket like this, but I soon discover the reason. As I begin to reveal its features, they are the last thing I would have expected. The head is made of molded transparent plastic, with a suggestion of human features on the outside and circuitboards within. It is an android! The android has a high, almost childish voice, and evidently feels very bashful about its unusual appearance. It tries to prevent me from pulling back the blanket, protesting, "I look repulsive." I completely disagree, and tell it so: "No you don't. You look amazing." It reluctantly lets me tease aside the blanket to reveal its whole head. At this point a man walks up to us. He looks to be in his forties, balding, a bit stocky in build, and with rounded features, kind of resembling Rob Corddry. From his dress and demeanor, I immediately intuit that he is the creator of this android. I realize that he would be the ideal person to give the tech I stole from the castle guard. "I have something for you," I say without preamble, and fill his hands with the little pile of objects. He looks delighted. "This will be really useful." We start chatting a bit about the android, and I ask if he knows where to find any elves. He's not aware of any in the camp, but I overhear a snippet of conversation from people standing nearby that I think might be relevant to my question; one of them mentions a place called "Junkyard Bay" and I resolve to check it out. "What's your name?" I ask the inventor. I feel a bit silly always asking this of DCs, but I like to know. "Dira," he says. That's how I assumed it was spelled, but from the pronunciation it could just as easily be "Deera." He asks mine, and I tell him. Dira is looking at me like he finds me really familiar, but can't figure out where he knows me from. "We haven't spoken before this? No beer? No comfort?" I am perplexed by his laconic queries until I realize that he's asking if he might have met me in a bar or a brothel. I might have been offended at the implications if I weren't so fascinated by his distinctive manner of speaking, so unlike my own speech patterns. How could a DC, a projection of my own mind, demonstrate linguistic traits so utterly unlike my own, to the point where it took me a moment to make sense of what he was saying? It was one of those moments that make me wonder if my reductionist assumptions are correct, but I'm not ready to go down the path of madness without better evidence than this. I shake my head, since I'm pretty sure I've never met him in either dream or waking life. He asks my name another time, and I repeat it. I've been using my WL name, having forgotten my former resolution to use an alias with DCs. Dira starts explaining something about the locals: "What's particularly important for the native Ukaran communities is the..." there was more, but it was complicated, and I was still trying to figure out what was going on. "Ukaran?" I ask, to make sure I heard correctly. "Yes, the Ukaran and the Utankaran." I had the impression that he was implying that the Ukarans were the people in this camp, and I'd already seen the problems that they were facing—oppression and human trafficking on the part of the people in the castle. I wondered if the oppressors were the Utankarans. The similarity in their names suggested that they were closely related but (in the manner of such things) probably deeply opposed social groups.
Updated 04-24-2015 at 08:50 AM by 34973
This one is from the morning of 12/15/2013. Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #174: Android I’m sitting on the floor of an apartment talking to a guy who I think is Oneironaut Zero. I don’t really know OZ, so I think this is a little unusual, but I’m happy to be talking about lucid dreaming. As we’re chatting, Wife walks into the room with a young woman in her early 20s, blonde, petite and with a slightly vacant look in her eye. Wife explains that this is a new model of android that they’re selling now very inexpensively and can act almost like a real person. We greet the android and she responds with a shy wave and a slightly stilted “Hi.” With that, she crouches down on the floor and starts tracing her finger through the carpet. Wife leaves the room and, as I try to say something to the android, Wife yells from down the hall, “The kids are trying to sleep! Keep it down!” I feel annoyed that I can’t talk but she’s allowed to yell. “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” says Wife from down the hall and storms back into the room, looking irritated. I know that I didn’t and as I wonder why she thinks so, I soon realize that I’m dreaming. I get to my feet and the scene shifts. Wife disappears, Oneironaut Zero disappears, and the android’s hair goes from blonde to brown and her skin becomes paler. I grab the android’s hand and charge for the apartment window, phasing straight through into what looks like an unfinished street scene. The street seems to draw itself in chunks as we run along. I see a few buildings against the blank sky but they seem to raise up lazily just as I look in their direction. We run along like this for a while before the dream seems to stop rebuilding and finally sags into the void. The android is still here and seems determined to stay in the scene. She says something like, “I want to go too” and starts grabbing onto my arms and head. At one point it feels like she’s trying to stand on my head. Eventually the android settles down a bit, shifts herself next to me, and we make out for a little bit. After about 15-20 seconds, though, she becomes non-responsive and just sort of stops moving. This takes the fun out of it, so I start thinking about where to take the dream next, but it soon ends.
*Edit: The dream I had prior to this involved Johnny Bravo in the side-yard* > One of the first dreams I had that I recall on this night was of drawings of Vampire Rain followed by another dream. I had more dreams before then but they weren't in mind when I wrote this. Then, In the morning: > Bit about the air conditioner in Mother's bedroom having red knobs or red something on the interface. I think this means we just need to remove it. > Then, "The Black Hole" Bits - Vincent the android was in a lower section of the ship and was followed by STAR the robot who was pissed at the android and was going to blow him up with a blue explosive, But VINCENT gave him back his guns while accidentally picking some back up (As if it were a video game) and asking STAR to not blow him up when he kept picking the guns back up. STAR then went back up the blue vortex/beam/alien spaceship teleporter thing/whatever you call it. After that, VINCENT went into a room near the beam and saw someone there who resembled Dr. Fred from Maniac Mansion who sucked VINCENT into him somehow and used him while VINCENT argued with him and "Dr. Fred" said he was always in control of what happened on Dr. Reinhardt's ship and the mayor was dead, As he had to have him killed or something. Then, The Intelligent Heavy and Stupid Heavy (Fan-made Team Fortress 2 characters) were together and an explosion happened, Possibly while they were gathered by a sandwich. The Intelligent Heavy fell into "Dr Fred"'s place as an engineer and I didn't see what happened to him and the Stupid Heavy fell into an area near Dr. Reinhardt's and talked, I think, And someone (I think Dr. Reinhardt) said that he (the heavy) fell into his (The heavy's) pocket. The Heavy said something like "Oh-Oh! How do I get out?" As I thought of laughter, Possibly from people who would read this.
Updated 09-06-2013 at 11:14 PM by 61868
Cay's Dreams Dream 1 The lower end of my county, the more "rural" of the two, was now filled with lavish mansions. My cousin, a teacher and his wife, a bank teller had somehow moved into one of these. They only had enough furniture to fill the front few rooms. I slipped out at one point to explore a dilapidated turn-of-the-century hotel which exists nearby in real life. I ended up accidentally causing a cave-in somehow. Dream 2 was a nightmare and rather personal. Dream 3 gets +5 awesome points for cohesiveness and clarity, but I didn't get lucid. It started with a limousine depositing myself, my two sisters and Azra outside of what seemed like a hotel, with black glass and a gilded awning. It was nasty out, and a flash of lightning and sudden downpour hurried us inside. The lobby was warm and well-lit, with a bubbling fountain and a black marble-topped desk from behind which a pretty young receptionist called out this greeting: "Reo! So glad to see you back!" Reo is a name a lot of dream characters have taken to calling me. I didn't recognize it, though, and I definitely hadn't been here before, so I was quite perplexed as I was ushered to a podium bearing a sign-in sheet and instructed to sigh for "Reo, party of four". An elevator door opened to the right of the podium and we filed in next to a bearded young operator in a stiff beige uniform. "Going up," he murmered in a thick accent as he pulled the lever. The doors opened on a damp concrete hallway with a few flickering lights, one of which illuminated a metallic door at the end. A girl stood up out of a folding chair to guide us further. She wore a tight charcoal-colored jumpsuit with red accents. She had a round face, soft features and lots of curly flaxen hair. Her name was Crystal. Soon, we were all outfitted in similar jumpsuits and given what seemed to be Star Trek TOS phasers in black. Behind the door we met the sixth member of our party, an android with a long, segmented tail and catlike face which spoke in an annoying series of "nya" sounds that Crystal could somehow understand. It turned out to be a similar concept as my "Sacred Games" dream, where each stage is either a combat situation or a puzzle. The Sacred Games was fantasy-oriented, and this was futuristic, but that was about the only difference. We'd only gone through two stages, one a confrontation with those creepy soldier bots from Portal ("...Are you still there?") and the other a maze within which was a key to the exit, when I woke up.
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG SHARED 1:00 GMT Stabbed to gain control over fear and pain I am in some apartment building apparently coming out of my cousin’s home. She has something weird about her look, like dyed hair or extreme make-up. She goes downstairs but I feel more interested in following a corridor that seems to connect to a different partof the building or even a twin building. I then have fun exploring these connections - I go from corridor to corridor, explore different levels by taking the stairs sometimes. Every block is of a different colour or has different tiles on the wall, but it’s getting boring so I try to look for an exit.I’m a bit lucid. I look at a map on the wall, trying to locate myself, when some guy offers his help and tells me to just follow him. I do so and he leads me out. Outside, it’s a city street, looks like London and he meets a bunch of friends he was with before. They are making plans for next steps and they divide in two groups. I stick with the guy’s group, a small one – 2 guys and a girl. I don’t know where they are taking me. A bit further down, when we’re around some ugly buildings of a bad neighbourhood, the guy draws a knife and he wants to stab me in my belly. I am aware it’s a dream, but still, I shriek at the thought of feeling a knife slashing my flesh. They say “Don’t be afraid!” and I’m like “What’s wrong with you?” So just when they are about to stab me I say “Sorry, I don't want to be stabbed, I’m going to wake up!”. I wake up but I still had a brief moment when I could feel the knife cutting through my flesh. I felt discomfort and I was awake for a while... When I go back to sleep I am again in the same city and they are still around waiting for me. What the hell? I felt like I was going through a Freddy Krueger’s nightmarish type of thing. I ran away, I zig zagged between buildings, trying to lose them. I laid low behind a building and a concrete wall, where people threw garbage and I lost lucidity for a few moments. I got distracted with all the clothes and bags perfectly good that were thrown away. I am considering taking them with me to give away to people who need it, but suddenly I see my chasers about to find me and I instantly get back to the action. I run again but eventually they cut my way through, as they knew a shortcut through some tunnel. They grab my arms and the guy is once again about to stab me and he swears “It won’t hurt!”. I first thought he was just being psychotic, but now I have this clear feeling they were also lucid dreamers or some dream beings who were just testing me and trying to teach me something. Their attitude changed slightly when I opened myself to them. The guy said to me “It only hurts if you believe so. I’m telling you it won’t hurt if you don’t give in to fear.” Oh, so that was it? I was still a bit afraid, I was actually already feeling the pain again, just by thinking of it, so I told him ”OK, but let me do it to myself. And can I stab my leg instead? Just to try?” “OK”, he said. So I stabbed my leg and I was amazed that it felt like stabbing styrofoam. I could feel it buried in the flesh but it didn’t hurt. I was starting to lose fear and thinking about stabbing myself a bit more (lol). They smiled at me and simply left. Female robot and androids I am now free to do whatever. I look around and I am in some industrial park or similar. I see a huge robot-like metallic structure rising above the houses and go check it from a safe distance, because it starts to move its arms. Below it and around are people watching some demonstration of its functioning. It’s made of hollow metallic tubes that shape it slightly into a female form and some of this tubes are then channelled to some interface where half a dozen women are plugged in, apparently controlling or feeding this robot. The creator of this machine is explaining how it works and what it does, but then all the focus goes to one of these females who detaches from the interface. I find out these are not real women, but androids. Lots of flashes in her direction, reporters asking questions and the inventor says she can even speak Russian. He ask if any Russian speaking is around and some guy points to a girl by my side, but in the middle of the crowd we get mixed up and they bring me closer to the android. I say there’s been a mistake, I can’t speak Russian, it was some other girl, but the android lady is looking at me totally interested. She seems to think I am lying and she is processing that information and trying to figure out my intentions. She says she wants to meet me and asks me for my contact. I don’t recall even handing her over my contact, but I see her adding my email and name to her processor/brain – like if she just extracted it from my mind and I was reading the info on her eyes as she was processing it. Then she turned away and left, followed by a sea of curious people and reporters. Office scene I remember maybe it’s time to meditate a bit, but I can’t find peace, there’s just too much going on and I can’t make it still. Then I think about dropping a visit to Nighthawk’s dreams. I am now in a corridor with doors to offices. I see elevators and decide using one as a portal, but every time I try to get into one, someone holds the door and enters. I even try to do it with some suit guy by my side looking at me like I’m crazy, but it doesn’t work ‘cause he totally distracts me. I give up on elevators and try to use the office doors instead. The problem is they have glass windows and I can see the other side, so I have once again difficulties in making appear a different world on the other side, because I keep seeing the people working inside the office. When I open the door, it is still an office. Oh well... I just look around, checking every person on each cubicle. Mostly very young people. It’s a nice office, light coloured wood furniture, glass walls, lots of light. I go to the end of it and I find a window to a square interior patio, with view to all floors. I notice the building’s decoration is quite nice and then I see a corridor through which the company’s CEO, a tall slim lady in her 40’s, is coming in my direction. She sees me there and asks me what I think of the place. I say it’s nice and I like the carpets on the hallway. She invites me for a drink in her office and we sit and talk there for a while. 4.50 GMT Lottery Just recall my mom had a good prize in the lottery and I clearly recall the numbers. Will suggest her to make a bet 6:30 GMT