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    1. Gathering storm, [DILD] Resurrection

      by , 06-14-2015 at 10:22 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in school, sitting on a chair in a classroom. There were other students sitting there too. Teacher was talking about something I cannot recall, as I haven't focused on the lesson. I looked through the window at grim, gray sky. Suddenly I said aloud "It's going to be fun." And then sky became dark, and storm luds gathered. It started to rain.

      [DILD] Resurrection - recurring dream, this time ending with LD

      It was many years after portals were invented, and people had access to other dimensions. Many fantastical creatures came to earth. Some of them were hostile and started war, and some of them were just trying to survive. To stop banditry and fight against invaders, humans made a Confederation of Dimensions. Their mission was to capture criminalists, and fight off invaders.

      I was walking with two business partners in a river, swamp valley between high mountains. We were taking remains from a battle that went on there, and cleaning tracks of bandits. I looked atop one of the mountains, and saw an orc encampent. We took some more stuff and went along the river side.

      Suddenly I appeared in entrance hall of prison, chained with my two business partners. We were probably captured for helping bandits somewhere in the past, and now we were guided to portal, leading to a prison. The security officer told us to keep our hands in the air as we walked through crowded corridors of confederations outpost.

      There were many people, and other weird creatures, whispering about us. I felt that my whole left hand is sweaty, I tried to put it down, but an invisible force tried to keep it in the air. Finally I managed to put it down, and the chain slept off my hand.

      Security officer looked at me, and I looked at my hand. He ran for help, while I used this situation to run away. I took a path through old sports hall of the outpost, and ran away towards swamps. I jumped into lake, then went out of the water and hidden in bushes. Guards couldn't find me, so I went out of my hideout and swam to nearest buildings.

      There was an industrial area supported by orcs. They built war machines there, to win wat with humans. I jumped out of the water and climbed up a fence. I looked at the square, and saw a woman with a child. She was a blonde woman in her fifties. Shea had blood soaked eyes and was wearing casual clothes - pale brown t-shirt and jeans trousers. She held a hatchet in her hand.

      The child was a boy. He had dark hair and blood soaked eyes, and he was wearing casual clothes - a brown jacket and jeans trousers. There was a man walking on the square. Suddenly the woman charged towards him and hit him with the hatchet, killing him.

      She dropped the hatchet down, and was preparing to eat the man, but I jummped down the fence, grabbed the hatchet with my left hand, and striked her in the back of her head. The boy escaped to the swamps. The strike was enough to knock her to the ground, and she couldn't stand up.

      She tried to kick me, and I said "Try again, and I'll chop your legs off!" Then I turned around and ran away. Suddenly I realised this is a dream. I made a nose RC, and ran. But then I stopped, dropped down the hatchet and turned back. I walked back to the woman, and gestured with my left hand saying "Resurrect!"

      My voice was changed a little, and echoed all around. I looked at my hand, and then looked at the woman. She changed, her hair turned white, eyes were green and no more blood soaked, and she was much younger, like she was 20 again. The resurrection must've had a rejuvenating effect. She told me to come closer, and gave me a kiss.

      After we stopped kissing, I thought about going on an adventure, but suddenly everythin turned black and I woke up.
    2. Lewd Guy in Elevator

      by , 06-04-2015 at 05:05 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I took an elevator going down, but I almost missed pressing the (G) button. A guy entered. He looks big, overweight, and dark skinned (at least darker than me). He started moving his hands all over his body, making lewd sounds, while looking at me. I kindly told him to stop doing it. He retorted that he wasn't doing it for me, at the same time the elevator opened on a higher floor (33 or 34 although I was going to the ground floor), and a woman (office attire, wearing glasses) entered, so he said it's not like we are the only two people there. I told him we were. I was partially annoyed.

      I eventually ended up in the lower ground floors and the maintenance room or something.



      - Slept at around 4 a.m. Woke up around 10:30 a.m.
      - Was making green jokes the day before
    3. Forest and Sex

      by , 04-23-2015 at 11:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a forest. I was with some people. Then there was only me and a woman. We had sex. After that, I walked away and kept thinking if I used a condom or not and hoped that I did. I felt regret as I walked away.


      - Slept at around 10:30 a.m., woke up around 3-4 p.m.
      - Was awake for over 24 hours.
      - Had a lot of coffee.
      - Met with a potential tenant replacement.
    4. March 16th fragment

      by , 03-18-2015 at 05:57 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Putting a cord-like rod into something, it sucked it up. Someone with me had done theirs and it hadn’t, so mine had gone wrong. Now we had to go find where it had been taken.

      I remember climbing up into an attic where it was dark and I had to fumble around. I found stacks of papers and stuff stuffed here and there amongst furniture and dug through some of it.


      I’m talking to a woman who confided in me how she thought she was a bad mother. She has an older girl and a younger girl who were in the house doing their own thing. For some reason, I feel sympathetic and try to reassure her about it. She seems to feel a bit better and goes off to get an alcoholic drink…

      Notes: I slept really deeply, think my exercise routine is starting to get to me. Hopefully I’ll get used to it soon. I wanted to go to bed today halfway through and nearly fell asleep in my supper.

      Updated 03-19-2015 at 12:58 AM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    5. Ivory

      by , 03-15-2015 at 11:53 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #423 - DILD - 6:08AM

      I'm at Subway. Some man is being a jerk to a woman and she leaves him and comes to sit at my table. She becomes very flirty and ends up asking me to join her for diner later. She's older, but extremely attractive (she looks a lot like Zooey Deschanel) so I say 'yes'. I tell her that she is very beautiful and she responds with a flirty smile.

      Later, I am walking up a sandy hill with sparse vegetation and I get the idea that I am very near the ocean. I'm preoccupied with the conversation with the woman and I keep replaying certain parts in my mind. I keep thinking that I sounded like an idiot the way I told her she was beautiful, but I think I am just being paranoid because she still wants to see me again. I suddenly become semi-lucid as I walk up this hill realizing that I no of this would ever happen. I anticipate seeing the ocean as I reach the top but the hill seems to morph in an odd way so that I never quite reach the top.

      I am non-lucid in some industrial building. I see the woman again and we have some pleasant conversation that I can't recall. I then leave and somehow become lucid as I step outside. I look around and see that I am at some shipyard with storage containers all over the place. I get the feeling that I am in 'the bay area' and still near the ocean. I feel a love for this area and feel like I remember it from somewhere I lived long ago. I am overwhelmed with a feeling of nostalgia and I shout, "I LOVE THIS TOWN!" I walk along a type of boardwalk among the multi-colored storage containers. I see some containers are floating in the water and decide to play around by jumping from one to the other. I notice that though I can see water I can't see out into the bay because there seems to be a high wall of storage containers surrounding the area. I end up having some trouble jumping far enough and I barely grab on to the edge. I have to pull myself up on top and I find the effort is exhausting. This happens several times and I wonder why I am not able to just fly around. When I stand up, I am now on a concrete area inside a warehouse. There is an metal can like paint thinner would come in and has some logo on it. There is a green label with black letters that read "Ivory". My brother walks up looking overly disgusted and annoyed to the point that it seems cartoonish. He says, "Oh you've been talking to Ivory [the woman]. Good! Take her out of here. See that can? It's says 'Ivory'. Take anything that says 'Ivory' and get it out of here. He turns, storms off, and I wake up.
    6. Sparked + Victorian Gentleman + Let the Right One In (NLD + DILD + FA)

      by , 03-12-2015 at 07:36 PM
      Ritual: WTB 1am, WBTB 6-7am recording NLDs, woke 7:45am with DILD + FA.

      NLD, "Sparked": Walking home at night. Someone drives past in a dark vehicle and I say, "Turn on your lights!" Then I feel embarrassed when I notice she is actually walking. She enters the apartment two doors ahead of mine. The door next to her place is open, and there are people just inside it who give the impression that they are workers, not residents. My bed is the first thing I see when I open the door of my apartment, and I'm pleased to see a large box on it. Oh good, that thing I ordered has arrived.

      After looking through the first box and strewing its contents, plastic wrap and styrofoam all over my bed, I open a smaller box that has also arrived. It contains a speaker that I ordered. When I first pull it out of the packaging I am disappointed: the surface is surprisingly dirty. Is it just shelfworn, or did I get a refurbished one by mistake? I'll be annoyed in the latter case, since I thought I was ordering a new one. There is some molded styrofoam that seems like the original packaging, if that's any clue.

      The speaker weighs almost nothing, and I remember that this is a special lightweight system. It's portability is limited by its size, however, at about 8x10 inches. The back of it consists of flaps are supposed to fold together in a clever way. As I go to remove the last of the styrofoam supports, something unusual happens inside my head, like an electrical disruption.

      I remain calm and think I'd better tell my roommates about this in case it incapacitates me and I end up needing medical attention, so I say aloud: "Hey guys, something weird just happened to me. I felt a "pop," saw a flash of white light, and now in the back of my head I hear a tone that is steadily increasing in frequency."

      "You need more sleep," someone suggested. He could be right, but I didn't see the relevance. I do want to go back to bed but I'll have to clear all the box mess off it first.

      What was happening to me? I had a contextual clue, at least: "It happened when I touched the speaker for the first time." Perhaps the device had built up some kind of strange electrical charge that I had triggered?

      All this time the tone was whining to higher and higher pitches, and I waited with curiosity and slight anxiety to see what would happen next. When it seemed like it had become so shrill that it would soon pass beyond my auditory range, all that happened was that I woke up.

      Note: The other day I read about "exploding head syndrome." This might have been a minor instance of it! The "popping" sound and flash of light are apparently classic symptoms. This is only the second time I've experienced something like this.

      DILD, "Victorian Gentleman": I'm at a computer trying to order something online. I don't recall what it was, but the cost was over $200. There were some complicated webforms to navigate, and then after some difficulty finding my wallet, my credit card was missing. Meanwhile my stepmother-in-law comes over and offers to let me run her card instead. "No, no, no, no," I say quickly, trying to deter her, having just spotted mine on the table. Too late, she has already run her card and made the purchase. Well, that was nice of her, even if it wasn't what I would have asked for. I should show appreciation. I hug her and say, "Thank you."

      Walking outside afterward, I have second thoughts. Was I rude to simply thank her? Maybe she hadn't intended the action as a gift. But even if she had, perhaps it would have been more polite of me to ask when she wanted me to pay her back, and that would give her the option to be magnanimous and say it wasn't necessary. But if she had assumed I would pay her back, wouldn't it be rude of her to create an extra hassle for me that I hadn't asked for? I had told her "no" and she did it anyway. I conclude that under the circumstances, my response was adequate and I should let it go.

      As I walk back in the house, behind me I hear a man's voice, distinctively low and gravelly. It is really familiar. Who is that guy? I think he must live next door; I'm always hearing that voice. I sneak a look back before going in and spot him: he is older, gaunt, with straggly grey hair. I think he looks like an aging biker or a math professor (they can look more similar than you might think!)

      I continue in the house and decide to repack my suitcase, which is in disarray, when it occurs to me... wait. I have the impression that I hear that man's voice all the time, but I suddenly suspect that I only hear it in dreams. Could this be a dream, then? I realize that it is. This gives me the confidence to go back outside and approach the guy, intending to find out who he is. I would not want to so brazenly walk up to a stranger in WL, but this is my dream so there is no reason to hesitate. As I step back through the door I find myself with handful of silver rings in my right hand that I am putting on the fingers of the left. Why did I grab so many? I'm going to have to put multiple rings on each finger to make them all fit.

      Only one person is in sight now, a dapper gentleman in Victorian dress walking by from left to right. He has a neatly trimmed beard, a black frock coat, and a top hat. I've always been fascinated by that era, but in dreams I've never been successful in my attempts to meet historical figures. I wonder if he'll really acknowledge being from that time period. Maybe he's just dressing up?

      I get his attention and ask, "Are you from the Victorian era?" He confirms it. I'm interested now so I start walking alongside him, suggesting, "Tell me about yourself." As he begins to reply, I look more closely at his face and realize that he is strikingly good-looking. On a whim I seize his arm and pull him off the road, then push him against the door of a nearby house and start kissing him, thinking meanwhile that in waking life I would never do this with a stranger. Though taken by surprise he responds willingly. The only thing marring the pleasure of the kiss is a little piece of fingernail in my mouth—I must have been biting them—and I try to move it with my tongue so it won't come into contact with his mouth, which would be awkward. During a break in the kissing I manage to swallow the bit of nail, and the gentleman never seems to notice.

      After that interlude we continue together down the street. It's odd that I so quickly lost interest in my more intellectual inquiries and succumbed to mere erotic instinct... and annoying, in that I never did get to hear the DC's account of himself. My lucidity apparently faded quite a bit in the process (it was never very keen in this dream), because it doesn't occur to me to ask again, and instead I just walk along with little further thought.

      We stop at a shop whose front opens right onto the street, and the gentleman wants to buy an unusual kind of candy that I've never seen before. It is some highly-processed, artificially flavored substance that comes in brightly colored plastic packages. The package can be activated in such a way that its contents will burst out like a foam snake. This is marketed to kids as a toy as well as a snack: they can have mock battles trying to hit one another with the candy snakes, then eat them afterwad. The girl minding the shop explains this to me while showing her a green stain spot on her T-shirt from where one of the candies had landed on her. So they stain clothes, too? I look down and am glad to see that I'm wearing something casual.

      FA, "Let the Right One In": I wake up and get out of bed to record the dream. I don't notice anything unusual as I'm walking across the house, but pause in confusion as I go to sit down at my computer. Where's my chair? Why would my chair be gone? Surely I'm not dreaming? At first it feels improbable but gradually I realize that I am. Interesting... well, I want to explore this, but I don't want to lose my memory of the previous dream. It is still clear in mind, so I review the events and even recite a list of key words aloud to help fix my impressions. Then I look around to see what this new dream has to offer.

      In contrast to the relative normality of the house, correct in layout but more sparsely furnished than normal, the view outside is catastrophic and extraordinary. A wide frozen river of swelling ice is flowing motionlessly where my patio should be, and cascading down toward the city in the distance. Just beyond it looms a mountain of pure white ice, with a matte, knobbly texture like that reminds me of spray-on styrofoam. Craning my head up, I can just see the narrow peak glittering in the sun. Everything looks incredibly clear and vivid, beautiful and frozen but apocalyptic.

      The landscape is packed with people, whose clothes provide little patches of bright color. Bodies are frozen into the river and wander in groups along its banks. The only place free of people is the slopes of the ice mountain, steep and white and pristine. As I turn my gaze from the east, where I saw the river and mountain, to the south, the view becomes more grim. A whole crowd of people outside presses right up against the glass wall of my house, looking longingly inside, their bodies almost grey with cold and frost. I feel compassion for their plight, but I'm not sure what to do about it. My house is not big enough to accommodate even a fraction of the throngs who want to get in.

      The people on the left, closer to the river, were all standing very still, but as I continue along the wall to the right, the people on this side are becoming more restless, with a few actively trying to break in. Some are attempting to cut holes in the glass. I wonder how long before they'll get through, and realize that I might need to start warding the walls against them. Then I see a segment of glass fall in, and realize that one woman has just succeeded in making a hole. It is about three feet high and a foot or so wide, in the shape of a narrow heart or mitten. Before she can slip through, I aim my flat palms toward the gap and begin to refreeze the glass (I don't seem to be distinguishing between ice and glass here). After a thin layer of glass or ice manifests over the hole, I pick up the piece that was removed and put it back in place, willing the gaps to fill in.

      As I continue along the wall, the situation is getting even worse. There are already more holes. In fact, one woman has just crawled inside. I pick her up like a manniquin to remove her. The crowd is too think to restore her to ground level, so I toss her on top of the others... she can crowd-surf.

      I come face to face with another woman who has made a hole in the glass. "You're not real, you're not real," I protest against her attempted incursion. It occurs to me that I should respond to her vaguely threatening presence with kindness. I embrace her and kiss her on the mouth, but she is oddly inert. It's like kissing a doll. I have nothing but a faint impression of staring blue eyes... blank eyes. "You're not real. Do you understand that? The reality of you is that you're not real."

      She remains stiff and unresponsive, but doesn't back down, so I try an alternate tack. If she wants to get in the house so badly, then I will welcome her. I grab her arm and start tugging her inside. At this she actually resists, telling a woman standing near her outside, "Don't let go of my arm."

      This is an interesting development. "Don't you want to come in?" I taunt. "A minute ago you were clamoring to come in." The dream ends.

      Updated 03-13-2015 at 08:55 AM by 34973

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. Infomercial Dreams

      by , 02-20-2015 at 01:20 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      There are spiders using telekinesis type powers to propel themselves rapidly around my house, stringing strong webs as they go. I chase after them, trying to clean the webs away and close doors to keep the spiders out of the other rooms in the house. One spider in particular is really loud, and is yelling to the other spiders. He's giving a sales pitch, talking about how he has found some high quality katana swords in several colors, he has blue, candy red, and black right now, starting at $1800. They sound cool, but I don't trust the spider.

      I turn a corner and find myself in a coffee shop, cornered by a salesman and woman, trying to sell me their book that tells how to make thousands of dollars a day from home. I know that crap is all a scam, so I get up to leave, but am blocked in by several tables and chairs, stuck in the corner. I squeeze by, and the salesman makes an offer for me. If I buy the book for $45, he guarantees I'll get $500 today, and if not, I can return the book for a full refund. In the stupor of the dreamworld, I accept his crazy offer and pay him the $45.

      I wake up briefly and notice that infomercials are on TV, so I turn the TV off and go back to sleep.
    8. The Crypt Keeper

      by , 02-15-2015 at 11:56 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #411 - DEILD - 5:13AM

      4AM WBTB, Galantamine/choline with peppermint tea.

      I wake slightly realizing I lost focus. For some reason I was pretty wired at WBTB and had a hard time getting settled. I don't recall dreaming, but focus on DEILD. I feet a familiar shift in my body almost on command and exit pretty quickly. For some reason I head to the bathroom to find a something like a really tall crypt keeper coming at me trying to bite my face.

      LDGuy's 3D Art-crypt-keeper.jpg

      I reflexively put a protective arm over myself and push away with the other. The room lights up and now I think of it more like a zombie. Fear starts to creep in but I remind myself that it's just my dream and the fear goes away. I remember how easy zombies are to kill in The Walking Dead so, I grab the thing with both hands and smash it's face into the mirror over the sink. I am shocked when I see neither one of us have a reflection. There was a definite face impact on something but it seems more like a window than a mirror. I look loser for a reflection and find two alternate versions of myself. On has a curly white-boy-fro and is standing in the door way. The other has long straight hair and is smiling at something in to the right that I can't see. I remember the Crypt Keeper and get back to mashing it's face into the mirror again. This time I really hope for a reflection and I see it now and, even though my reflection is absent, I am satisfied. I smash the thing one more time and see it's jaw drop away. I figure that has to be good enough and I have a strong desire to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

      I wander into the kitchen and find the rest of the house is way too dark. I try a light switch with no luck. I try snapping my fingers but I get a weird visual of my hands flapping around really fast in the darkness. I feel really rushed and worried that I am taking up too much time messing with stuff, but I remember Dreamers' time technique and calm myself. I have all the time in the world. I decide to just go outside now, but I'm still stuck on the idea of making light. I snap my fingers, but it just feels really weird. I try making a fire on my finger but nothing happens. I find myself at the door but when I try to open it, it's locked. I fumble with the deadbolt with little success until I remember how ridiculous it is to be worried about all that in a dream. I pull the door extra hard and there is a jolt and a pop like something broke and the doors opens.

      When I get to the porch I begin to float. It's a dull, grey, overcast day and the air feels extra cool. There is some silver colored van parked in my yard. I notice the tail lights are lit up so I decide to go investigate but my I can't seem to make myself float over. About the time I start struggling the van drives ways. Yell out at the driver as I return to the ground to run after it, but it's long gone now and I don't care enough to pursue. In the street, I see it's made of gravel rather than asphalt. I find this mildly interesting but mostly ignore it. I start to feel rushed again, but remind myself that there is plenty of time and not to worry about it. It helps some, but I know the dream time is limited and there's stuff I want to do.

      There is another car stopping in the street and I recall one goal. I want to see how far I can stretch my arms to grab something. I reach out at the car and my arms stretch out and snake around until I can feel something. It I may have reached about 20 feet out and grabbed the edge of the wheel well. It's an odd sensation and as I am experiencing this I ear a woman's voice close in my left ear. I reflexively forget about my arms and the car and spin around to see who's talking to me. To my surprise, I see no one.

      I walk down the street looking for the woman with out luck. While I'm doing this, I recall other goals. I think of the Pegasus TOTY but I feel like this dream world is really unstable. In fact, it feels really taxing trying to hold it all together. I recall another task, to see how running feels now that I have started to do so in waking life. I turn to start, but I see a woman walking across the street. She must be the one so I head over to her. I talk to her but my words feel jumbled and her reply makes no sense. I struggle to talk clearer, but about that time the dream fades into a dull white color.

      I open my eyes facing my wife's side of the bed. I see she has her cell phone on and the light from it must have woke me up. She has her phone partly under the cover like she is trying not to disturb me, but it's still really bright. I ask, "What are you doing?"
      She tells me, "Just... this."
      I think shes just being rude and I become really pissed off that she woke me out of a lucid dream. In a huff, I roll over to my other side jerking the covers and say in a loud whinny voice, "You woke me up! What the hell?"
      Then I realize something feels off. The sensation of rolling over was very dull and numb. This is a familiar effect of my dream body. Happy again I say, "I'm not awake!" I roll back over but end up on top of my wife. She has put her phone away, but for some reason I ask, "What was that anyway?"
      She replies, "I'll show you... hold on."
      Before I say or do anything else stupid, I go ahead and do a quick nose plug to make sure I am really dreaming. I feels redundant, but I enjoy the confirmation. Now I say, "You're not real."
      Then, my wife's face morphs into the Crypt Keeper from earlier and I bail. It's not that I am afraid, but I really don't want to deal with that nasty thing again.

      I recall my running task again as I head back to the front door. I start running while singing, "Run run run baaaby." When I get to the door, I wake up. This time for real.

      Updated 02-16-2015 at 05:46 AM by 5967

    9. Jet Pack!

      by , 02-14-2015 at 04:33 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am flying a jet pack! Zooming through the air for at least 2 solid hours, I fly from southern VT to my mom's house. I run out of fuel in her front yard. The jet pack uses the final bit of fuel in one quick burst, sending me 30 ft up in the air then dropping me like a rock. I hit the ground hard, then walk inside and refuel the jet pack. I use the jet pack to hover over a chair, a sofa, a desk, and a bed that are in my way in a hallway. I get to a room and see a young girl looking into the window. I go up to the window and yell loudly, startling her. "Did I scare you?" I ask through the glass. "Yes" she nods. I feel bad for scaring her.

      I crawl out of the room through a small chamber with cinder block / concrete walls and a dirt floor. It's way too small for comfort, and there are other people ahead of me. I'm not the first to have to go through this, so I follow the others. The room gets smaller, so I have to crawl on my back and pull myself along grabbing the ceiling. There's no going back now. At the exit, a beautiful woman is giving her milk to everyone. Kind of unusual, but it seems to be the only way out of this room, and it isn't optional. I crawl toward her on my back to get out. She shakes her boobs at me, gives me a hj, and lets me go. Very unexpected!
    10. Fluffy but Deadly

      by , 02-03-2015 at 07:34 PM
      I woke up at about 3:20 AM. I felt a little drowsy but stood awake until about 4:00 AM. At around 5:26 AM, I slipped in to sleep paralysis.

      I laid on my right shoulder facing one of the bedroom walls. At first, it was really hard to tell whether the scene was real or not. I stared at the wall and tried to understand what the actual texture looked like. There was an obvious difference but I had a hard time trying to remember what the real one was like.

      After soon realizing there was something wrong, I began feeling the strong sensations taking place. I started panicking. I jiggled around trying to get out of this state but knew I needed to start moving my fingers first, but that was too long of a process. Suddenly, after losing control of myself and feeling more of these powerful sensations, I heard somebody's voice behind me, someone seemingly standing besides my bed.

      "Step" a woman in a soft, vividly voice spoke out to me, "Step in."

      I cried out for help. My body quaked in fear. There was nothing I could do. My lips were sealed shut and whatever was inside the room with me had the power to make me cry out some more. The vividness of these scene was so intense for me, I couldn't believe it was fake until I was able to wake up and move my muscles. Fortunately, I was able to experience this paralyzing ability again but it wasn't as strong as the previous one. However, the third time I performed this fearsome technique, was just as creepier as the first one, probably worst one.

      I did just as I did in the first one this third time going through sleep paralysis, but there was a little bit more sunlight in this one. I stared at the wall in front of me and observed its texture. I didn't question my current mental state until I tried getting out of bed. The sensations started taking place. This same familiar feeling made it obvious about what was to come next. This time, however, I rattled my body around the bed to prevent hearing the creepy lady again. I heard her voice a few times, but it wasn't as loud as the last time. That wasn't the worst part, though. My mind started to imagine more dream elements.

      As I was keeping my eyes closed, pressing each eyelid down towards each other as hard as I could, I heard a gentle, yet uncomfortably noise bouncing at the opposite end of my bed just below my feet. I couldn't make up of what it was, I could only tell that when it bounced, it sounded a lot like a beanbag chair. In between jumps, this object, whatever it was, would pause for a very brief moment and continue hoping away. It wasn't until I heard this strange sound coming near my bed when I started to panic tremendously.

      I was afraid. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. The closer this unknown creature came to me, I begged the dream to be over. The sound came closer and closer, and when the figure finally jumped up just inches away from my face, I felt it. This thing moved its head up towards mine as if it were observing me. It pulled itself in closer and I felt its furry, rabbit-like skin on my chin. The vividness of this moment made it so I didn't wake up a 4th time and perform this technique again, for the day. I kept my eyes closed as I noticed it sniffing me.
    11. Young Lady and God

      by , 01-10-2015 at 11:01 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a room. It seems like night. I was looking for someone or something. The room is inside a several-storey apartment. Not sure how many floors there were. It looks... old. Some parts were wooden while others were cemented. The furniture added to the "old" look because they look used. Dark green.

      I ended up in a floor where a girl was sitting. There's something like a veranda in that area. I'm not sure how young or old she was. At times, it felt like she's young, like 12 years old, but she seems too "tall" even though she's sitting on a chair. I asked a question about the thing/person I'm looking for. She said something about not seeing it here. She also mentioned something about God. I made a snide remark/question about it, but I made it while I was "walking away." Not exactly walking "away," because I was facing her while walking down a stairs, and the railing is blocking our view of each other. She was looking at me, looking like she wants to say something as I disappeared down the stairs.

      I was in Rob's place. I remember thinking about crystal and food.
    12. Star Wars Droid Smash

      by , 12-16-2014 at 03:28 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #389 - DILD - 11:39PM

      Bedtime: 9:30-10:00PM

      I was surprised by an early night lucid last night. I don't have much for the entry because I nearly forgot it. I did my best to recall upon awaking but I was so tired that I quickly fell back into a non lucid dream before I could make and entry.

      I should note that I was trying to get lucid prebed. I simply fell asleep being totally aware of all body sensations similar to an SSILD short cut.

      I find myself lucid talking with some woman. I am having a hard time understanding and retaining what she is saying but I feel like the information is important. I tell her that I can't understand her and the word appear in a font on a wall from something like and overhead projector. I start reading but my words sound like gibberish and I quickly realize the words are just random letters or something like a foreign language. I shout about how nothing is making any sense.

      I have an FA and tell Rex about a lucid dream that involved the three stooges. For some reason I have trouble pronouncing 'stooges'.

      I am in a field hiding behind a log having a bow and arrow shootout. I am loosing and shout at a woman to help. I call her by my wife's name. I know this is the wrong name but I just go with it. I look over the log and see a guy running up on my. I shoot him with an arrow but there is no tip and it looks bent a broken. I only hope the close range does some damage. As I release the arrow I shout, "Die mother fucker!"

      Since my LD was so weak, I decide to go ahead and do my WBTB. After a period abstinence the day before, I have 1/2 a bottle frappuccino (about 6-7oz.) at WBTB. I was really tired and didn't stay up longer than a few minutes of trying to rouse myself in the kitchen. I feel asleep once again focused on body sensations and repeating goals as a mantra. I didn't get lucid but I had some very vivid and cool dreams.


      I am extremely late for work at my parents old house. I try to put a lunch together. I look in the fridge but nothing looks good or right.

      4:03AM (Star Wars KOTOR style)

      I am walking through a starship with some battle companions. There are large orbital droids with blue force fields attacking us. I fight back with a red light saber and force push powers. The lightsaber hilt resembles a blue baseball bat handle. I find it looks odd but feels very nice in my hand and gives me great maneuverability. I make a lot fancy movements putting my weapon into a blur of red as I spin and slash through my enemies. My force push shows some light faint blue energy from my hands as the droids smash into walls and shatter. At one point I lose focus and miss a droid with my lightsaber. I think to throw my lightsaber but fear it wont return. The droid glides over my head and behind me. I try force pushing behind my back but it misses. I do a backwards thrust with my lightsaber and cut the droid in half without looking. At one point I assist my friend with a blue lightsaber by trusting my lightsaber to the hilt into a larger droid. I watch as the metal turns molten.

      I am now separated from my companions but I think I see the one with the blue lightsaber enter something like steel elevator doors. I follow and cautiously peer into a small corridor with gold shimmering beams of light along the walls. I can sense danger and I decide to pause. As I step back I see a new type of ominous looking droid materialize before me. I dodge a red streak of blaster fire as the doors close. I consider reentering to attack but my lightsaber is now acting crazy. There seems to be some red light poking out of the butt of the bat handle and the lightsaber and I am able to use my finger to push it back in. It doesn't hurt me and when I look back at the other end, I see that the beam of hot red death is now a harmless balloon. As I run away from battle I notice that I can hear air hissing into the balloon causing it to enlarge into an irregular shape. I try to hold back the air but the balloon continues to grow. I panic that I will be without a weapon and pat my side for a blaster. Then I remember that I can use the force and I drop the now useless lightsaber with new confidence.

      I come to the end of a metallic corridor and find a large air duct. I recall that this was the way I sneaked in but I sort of feel that I am just making this all up now. I find the space is much smaller than I thought and as I try to squeeze in, I become super claustrophobic. I look for another way out and see Darleen from work exiting the corridor through a side door. I follow after her and wake up.

      5:19AM (Snooze alarm)

      I am at work and see there isn't much to do. I ask Darleen what the deal was and she said there was a problem in Engineering. She tells me that when is all resolved she will be "dancing with joy."
      I jokingly ask, "Who is this Joy person?" Everyone laughs.

      Updated 12-16-2014 at 03:31 AM by 5967

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    13. Matrix Snippit

      by , 11-08-2014 at 02:59 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Being chased by super-human bad guys, I feel like I'm in the matrix. Running full tilt to get away, I turn a corner and end up in the street, with a hummer right in front of me. Without breaking stride, I dive forward through the air like superman, and smash through the windshield of the hummer, landing in the passenger seat right on top of a baby in a child seat, next to its mother.

      Realizing that the agents can take over the mother's body in her spot if she is too startled, I lovingly move her baby to the other seat, and give her a reassuring look. Then I help her into the seat next to her baby, and take the wheel, driving very quickly to try to escape.
    14. The Noise of Angels

      by , 09-03-2014 at 11:03 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Visiting a monastery with my meditation teacher, someone mentions "The Sound of Angels". And then we hear it - a noise so high pitch that I don't actually hear it with my ears, but rather, I feel it in my head. Deafeningly loud, it pervades my whole perception of sound until that's all I experience. Then it stops, the maker of the noise pausing to take another breath before continuing. I join in with the noise making because I don't know what else to do really.

      Everyone stops as a well respected woman is now inside another building, giving some rare advice. I open the door before I can really think much about it and see just one person sitting with her. This person is very nervous and doesn't look prepared to take the advice and use it, so I sit down with them. The woman has a hard time with English, but there is a book she is reading from that we all have a copy of. I gently read along with her to encourage her that she's pronouncing it right. We come to a spot where a bunch of pages are missing. Maybe 20 pages. My book has them all torn out, and so does her book. She looks at me, not knowing what to do next. I tilt my head back toward the heavens and start making "The Noise of Angels". The woman is astonished that I know how to do this, and I figure out from her that it is really rare to be able to make that noise. To me, it is like a cry; a wailing; not really very pleasant, and yet very calming at the same time...

      The monks nearby join me in making the noise, and I appear to be the noise making leader at this point. For no other reason than I know how to make it easily. I do it as I breathe in and also as I breathe out, so I can sustain it with only minimal gaps during the transition of the breath. It also feels like I'm flexing my ear muscles in order to make it - the ones that affect your hearing and ear pressure.

      My meditation teacher and Shiela start to talk about the noise. Apparently, ever since Shiela has discovered that it exists, she has found several movies about it and has not been bored since the discovery. I follow the two of them upstairs in a big house. Shiela turns off to go into her room, then my teacher turns to go into his room, leaving just me in the hallway. I see my friend D in the hallway. We smile and say hi. Seeing a bathroom, I realize I really have to pee. But it's the only one nearby, and I don't want to take it from D, so I leave in search of another. At the top of the stairs, I see a rather exposed bathroom. Waist high walls, and a shelf that makes it really hard to tinkle into the drain because I can't get very close. I try anyway, using my precision accuracy I've developed with the tinkle cannon, but part way through, get a feeling that Shiela will soon come this way. I stop part way through, and flush, then go down the stairs.

      At the bottom of the stairs, is a sink. The base of the sink begins to leak from my flush, and spreads across the wooden floor to a thick rug. I run over and grab paper towels, soak up the wet rug area, then wipe it up back toward the sink. I recall the sink had been leaky for a while, so I am happy to have finally found the source of the leak - the toilet above. J-Rad is also happy we found the leak - I see him in the other room.

      I wake up to find the same frequency noise emitting from the chime bar on my alarm clock!
    15. Printer Troubleshooting

      by , 08-29-2014 at 03:24 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a BPO, taking calls, but I kept interleaving a phone call I received. I was talking to a customer. She needs to check something, a printer, to see if it works. At first I was confused what we were talking about. It's like I woke up while taking calls. I gave her instructions, like trying color and black and white cartridges and another PC.

      Then we were talking face to face in a mall. The center was in a mall. I reassured her, and tapped her on the shoulder, and told her though that if it still doesn't work, she will have to get a new one. On the phone, I thought she was an elderly woman, but face to face, she looks young. Or was it vice versa?

      After our talk, I went to line up to buy tickets to Bulacan.
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