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    1. Lucid Dream: Making Out and Flying though Solid Objects

      by , 05-28-2014 at 11:19 PM
      I just realized how long it has been since I have written down any dreams. What a shame since I have had some decent ones in the last few months. My lucids have been few. But I have had enough to know that I'm still a "lucid Dreamer". If I put more thought into it I could increase my numbers significantly.

      My last LD was a few weeks ago while I was on my backpacking trip in Coyote Gulch. I always like to have LDs when I am in cool places. It makes the experience more memorable.

      So I will share it now.

      Lucid Dream:

      The start is fuzzy. I do remember something occurring that made me question reality and I started to fly. I was pretty happy because it had been a while since I had had an LD. I remember just trying to get the most of my flying by trying to feel the wind and movement. I remember the dream starting to fade so I rubbed my arms with my hands and then hugged and rubbed my body with my arms.

      I remember seeing this guy and wanting to make out with him. I remember sitting on a couch with him. I know he knew I wanted to make out, but he was looking back and forth between me and his girlfriend that was sitting next to him on the other side like he was trying to decide what to do. I told him, "If it makes you feel better, I'm not real." And then I added, "For that matter she isn't real either." But as is typical of most of my dreams, I thought he was real. I told him when he woke up and his "girlfriend" and I were gone, he would be glad he made out with me in this dream.

      I don't remember much about what happened after that. I think we ended up kissing a little. But nothing too memorable.

      Then I was flying again. I seemed to be inside this large old building, like a cathedral. I was near the top. I saw this pane of glass. As I got closer I was that this window had two panes. I suddenly had the desire to attempt to fly through them. In every LD I try to do something that I either haven't done before or something that is a little difficult for me. This way I feel like I am growing in my lucid dreaming skills. I have had trouble in the past flying through solid objects.

      So I flew at the window and started pushing myself through. I went slowly and there was some resistance, but I was going through--which made me feel successful and happy.

      Unfortunately that is that last thing I remember doing. At some point I woke up.
    2. Snake-Kong and the Mouth of Hell

      by , 05-28-2014 at 06:46 PM
      Okay, this is a bit of a long one with a lot of miscellaneous actions, but the really interesting parts are in red...

      I stood in a circle with a large group of people at an outdoor celebration of sorts, headed by the owner of the restaurant I work at. He spoke for a while, then we all dispersed to mingle.. however there was a colossal snake slithering around the entire time, often getting close to me. It was about twelve feet high and was extremely wide and long, with huge beady eyes. It was a mottled brown and black color. I told a couple people that I would go and meet the snake, but I knew he could smell fear and it scared me. I walked around a while, talking to DCs and avoiding the huge snake. Eventually I was outside a large tent-corridor a distance from the gathering, and the snake came through. It kept trying to come through various doors, but I would zip them up before it could enter, though I was letting it smell me so that when I came toward it, it would know me and be friendly. A DC distracted me by pointing out a comic behind the snake that I knew explained its back-story, but I couldn't see it clearly.

      The snake transformed into a massive gorilla, like King Kong. He charged through the door, grabbed me, and picked me up, taking me a distance away into the night. We spoke a while, and though I can't remember the details, I knew that by talking to me he learned about the concept of death, of which he had been blissfully unaware before. I also knew that he associated the concept with me, which made me feel threatened, though I was acting cool, calm and interesting on the surface. He wanted to show me a trick, as he had apparently spent his life forced into circus work. He threw me lightly into the air, and though I could imagine him tearing me in two with ease, he lightly caught me. I let him throw me again and relaxed myself utterly, and knew pure joy as I knew I was safe in his massive grasp. We went inside, and I was now friends with the snake-ape. There was a council of his owners. I attempted to slip past them, but they offered me a breakfast fajita, which I politely accepted. They began to talk to the proud and insolent Kong, who was newly awakened to the concepts of mortality. One of the chiefs asked, what were you talking about? I responded, we were just talking about life. Technically true, dream self, well played. The gorilla was talking about his past, perhaps his mother had been poached by the corrupt council. They attempted to assuage him with soothing, honeyed words that shuffled the blame from them. One woman turned into a bird and massaged his back with her claws, which he liked. Before I figure out the conclusion, I awoke.

      Wake, sleep, dream. I was in a classroom without a teacher. The kids were passing around bowls and bongs and getting ripped, myself included. Then, authority figures entered and demanded we register our drugs, mainly acid, as weed was still illegal. I kept the bubbler I had hidden under a blanket.

      I was home again, and my mother left, exhorting me to be moral. I got in a car with some friends and went to a hill near my house to smoke the ganja I had left over from the classroom. We went into a massive trailer and sat in a circle. A couple other friends came in, along with a guy who must have lived there, then they left to go adventuring. I sat and smoked a bit, got bored and left. I came across a group of women playing volleyball in an empty swimming pool, and saw others climbing pine trees. The hill was well populated. I walked down to the university gym and saw more girls playing volleyball, and some guys playing a game. There was food on the sidelines and many morbidly obese players.

      Next, I was at a camp or retreat of some sort. We were all hanging out and I was acting a clown, cracking jokes and goofing off. I went to the bathroom, walked in and cleaned a urinal, then walked out. Turned out I was in the ladies restroom! A couple guys followed after me, too. A tall, extremely beautiful woman came up and laughed about the mix-up, and I told her she now had to use the guys, because it was all mixed up. She had writing on her lips. I offered to kiss her, but she asked, right or left? I said, right, and presented my right cheek for her to kiss. Later, we played a game like hide and seek. I decided to hide in a box, but couldn't decide between one or the other side of the room, so I didn't have time to get the box closed, and was immediately caught.

      I'm in a magnificent cathedral. I'm with someone, and see a friend about to go play a guitar onstage, and he waves at me. A priest walks up to me, and asks, are you confident?to which I simply say, yes.He leads me to a wall. There is a small, tight mouth, an opening, on the bottom of it, covered in runes and glyphs, wrought in beautiful stone work and pouring out red and orange. It looks like the mouth of Hell. He says something to the effect of, it's good you're confident, you'll need it, or we'll see, I can't remember. I barely fit in the gap, and began a slow facedown descent, using hand-holds on the passage to keep myself from tumbling. I see two scorpions, and wonder, why am I down here? I'm not even Catholic. After a while of indecision, I exit into sunlight and fresh air. Another priest stands there and asks, what you doing? The real challenges are ahead, you must face your demons.I pathetically say I need shoes, look down and I'm wearing them. He extols me to have courage and continue, so I go back into the mouth, down, down, down. I'm on a stair case that's unbelievably cramped, with hundreds of even tinier scorpions that I run over, worrying that one is in my shirt. I'm now in a dark, quiet and misty stone corridor bathed in glowing white and blue. I enter a room to the right, and find myself looking at two animal spirits floating over stone wells. One I can't access, but the other purports to be a mirror of the soul, and speaks proudly and with disdain. From a third person perspective, it consumed me, and I now look like Harry Potter. It was all fire within, and he discussed a Reformation of sorts. Whether the historical one, or a personal one, I don't know.

      Then, there's my brother next to me. He has a beautiful amulet and he gives it to me to help me. I thank him, and awaken.
    3. 28/May/2014: Lucid Dreaming, OH YEAH.

      by , 05-28-2014 at 03:14 PM

      After I woke up in the morning I went back to sleep and started lucid dreaming. I'm getting experienced in this, At first I tried to do a few things in the lucid states but I woke up a few times. I just went back to sleep in the lucid state then! I believed "I am lucid dreaming" Prior to falling to sleep and then I did it, All while believing "I Am Lucid Dreaming" instead of finding a way to be lucid after falling asleep.

      I thought I should remain doing things I can do in a lucid dream, And at first I wanted to turn myself female but that didn't work at the time as I kept getting too close to my physical body? I then found I just imagine it instead of physically moving. Then, I flew since flying is something I can do in a lucid dream that keeps me aware of dreaming. This is a whole world of itself, You can let your imagination run wild in it - Want to see life as the other gender in a lucid dream? You can!

      I also had a dream that had to do with Pirates of the Carribean on this morning and it involved the scene (Or a re-creation of it) where Elizabeth's hand was cut.

      EDIT: What was I, drunk with ignorance when I wrote this? Who has insight about what's going on (and what isn't going on) here? I'd like some aid, please.

      Updated 01-16-2015 at 04:52 AM by 61868

    4. Task of the Month for May 2014

      by , 05-28-2014 at 02:04 PM
      I started with an amusing dream about a time trial downhill skiing / cross country rollerblading competition which started off quite believable but slowly changed into a mad dash down stairs and escalators in a strange shopping centre slash airport type location. After a while of whizzing through this odd location I reached a sort of semi lucidity in which I has a sense of the unreality and flexibility of the situation but wasn't lucid enough to call it a dream. There were bunches of dream signs but I didn't recognise them as such at the time:

      * old place of work/workmates
      * feeling of familiarity without knowing where from
      * feeling in an unspecified rush
      * repeating sections of activity (going down the same slope multiple times)
      * more that I can't remember off the top of my head

      I had a very brief awakening, during which I realised that the preceding was a dream and I now had a chance of a DEILD. I think I actually had some non-lucid dream to start with, but I have no memory of the content. When I gained lucidity I was in a sunny location with stone terraces and balconies. I remembered the TOTM and immediately spotted a large block of sandstone which I decided to try to levitate by The Force. I doubted myself for a moment because I knew it would be heavy and I didn't want to jump in at the deep end too much. Fearing I might just get frustrated by negative expectations, I briefly considered finding something smaller to levitate, but then realised that I could just make the rock lighter, which worked beautifully!

      After that I thought I'd move on to to the cinco de mayo task. I was about to go off in search of a bar but realised that there was one conveniently just behind me! I sat at the bar and asked the barman to share some slammers with me. I've only had tequila slammers once before (not much of a fan of tequila, really) so I got a bit confused about the process and ended up chugging a whole glass full of lime segments rather than just biting one, but I reckon that was close enough!

      I lost lucidity a little after that and drifted into a strange dream about being late for work, then woke up to realise I *was*!

      Updated 07-31-2014 at 02:51 PM by 69407

    5. The Practice Effect Mist and the Golden Bicycle

      by , 05-28-2014 at 11:28 AM
      Morning of May 28, 2014. Wednesday.

      There is a long first section to my dream where my wife Zsuzsanna and I are living in my older sister Marilyn’s house on Loomis Street. (She died this year in February.) It seems unusual that we now apparently own her house, especially as this was a rented house in real life and my sister had lived in a different house for some time after I came to Australia (though this erroneous factor occurs continuously in my dreams, as I never saw the house she had moved to after my move to Australia). I am aware of Marilyn at one point but when I look up she moves swiftly “in reverse” back to the kitchen (as if I were rewinding and resetting my dream). I notice a pile of clothes in one bedroom that belong to my brother-in-law (still alive) and my sister.

      Later, I am at the front of the house. I have an old bicycle that I will be riding east down Gillette Street. At this point, I feel very good, though I am somewhat concerned about the traffic. However, there are not many cars after a time. I am able to ride the bicycle without incident. After going east down Gillette Street about two blocks, there is a (fictional) bicycle shop to my right. I still feel very good, but I think the bicycle needs to be fixed up a bit. I go into the store and have the bicycle set up near the center of the main large room so that I can work on it. The owner is behind the counter and does not even seem to notice me (until later).

      I have a special bottle that resembles a small cylindrical spray-cologne bottle with a light blue tint. The liquid inside it that sprays out as a mist is virtually infinite. This has something to do with “the practice effect” in that the more I use, the more will be available and the more effective. In this case, it is a mist filled with nanobots that automatically clean, repair, and build even as they continue to improve themselves with a more and more efficient design. I spray the mist on rusty spots on the bicycle and over time, more and more of the rust is gone to be replaced by the original chrome surfaces. I spray it on the seat and the black seat takes on a copper sheen and transforms into a different shape.

      The bicycle shop owner comes over with an unknown male customer and I say how the seat will now be more comfortable when riding. At this point, a bicycle seat falls onto the floor from a high shelf behind me. I point at it and say, “What a coincidence. I had just mentioned ‘bicycle seat’ and one fell from the shelf”. The other two males appear to be perplexed.

      I continue to spray the mist over the bicycle and it becomes more and more newer-looking. I decide to add a headlight. I spray over the front of the bicycle and the invisible nanobots build a very nice-looking chrome headlight. There is a larger rectangular area on the bottom for a brighter light and two small eye-like squares near the top for signal lights. I also create better brakes and go back over the surface. Eventually, the bicycle, though with chrome aspects, also has copper and gold sections. I study the difference between the copper and gold nuances and I am satisfied. I notice several other features of the shop turning copper and gold over time, including parts of the shelves, checkout counter, and so on.

      Eventually, the owner seems puzzled by a section of his bicycle shop, which seems to have partially expanded into a clothing store with craft store aspects more to the east. A few sections of elongated clover-shaped copper and gold felt pieces have ended up on the floor. A few other customers are walking around. It is not quite clear what he is looking at. At one point, it looks like two pieces of golden-colored felt sewn partly together with a bit of stuffing coming out. It seems like a propeller for a large stuffed toy airplane.

      This dream borrows from the science-fiction novel “The Practice Effect” by David Brin and additionally uses the typical dream ability of cleaning and improving dream features.

      For new readers or inexperienced dreamers: Something falling off a shelf is precursory symbolism representing getting out of bed, especially as it is a pillow with composite autosymbolism relating to flight. A shelf is autosymbolism that signifies being unconscious, analogous to being in bed. This dream is autosymbolic of the natural vestibular system ambiguity of REM sleep, biologically resulting in associations with falling, flight, or both. Therefore, it has no relationship with waking life or interpretable factors. An airplane is often only an autosymbolic extension of the physical body during the vestibular system ambiguity of REM sleep. Therefore, it is usually unrelated to waking life. In this case, only the propeller as a pillow is present. A pillow is a dream state indicator that represents increased awareness of one’s real environment while still in the dream state and is sometimes precursory of “The Periphery of Lucidity” as in many childhood dreams, and although my dream becomes more and more vivid, apex lucidity does not initiate. Preconscious RAS mediation remains passive here, as a checkout character being autosymbolism for exiting the dream state, likely due to my (subliminal) willingness to wake and harmonious attitude about RAS factors. In my childhood, I typified this common type of dream event as “failed flight waking symbolism”. Use of the word “failed” does not imply a negative connotation as it is a biological dynamic of waking from REM sleep. Therefore, attributing conscious self meaning or waking life meaning is unintelligent. A bicycle is also relevant to vestibular system dynamics, not as dominant as a fully featured airplane. Gold symbolizes a more viable closeness to the conscious self identity while sleeping.

      Updated 02-27-2018 at 06:59 PM by 1390

    6. The Interdimensional Girl

      by , 05-28-2014 at 11:28 AM
      Morning of May 28, 2014. Wednesday.

      I am on my way to a supposed meeting with an unknown male. I am not sure why. It seems to relate to some sort of business, perhaps even the local black market.

      I end up talking to a male who had been sleeping against a concrete wall on a shabby makeshift bed in a cul-de-sac area near a large shopping mall. He is rather large and stocky. Even though he appears to be homeless, he also seems to have enough finances to eat fairly well, though he is dressed informally in shabby clothes. Over time, another male is in the area and also talks with him. The other male does not seem homeless.

      The unkempt homeless man seems like a sort of scavenger and street-opportunist and also talks about stealing jewelry and anything else of value from various females who shop in the region. Apparently he has not been caught, although his present sleeping conditions actually seem worse than those of some jails.

      Eventually, a young female seems to literally step out of my body as if my body was some sort of “portal” for interdimensional travelers. She is dressed in old-fashioned clothes, almost ballroom-like and she regards the other males curiously. The homeless male asks to see more of her necklace and the girl lifts up the chain so that a larger pendant rises up from behind her fancy lacy blouse.

      From here, things go a bit stranger. The rays of light coming from the pendant are too bright to directly look at and there is a very slight audio effect that is somewhat wind-chime-like, almost inaudible, and with a very low-volume higher-pitched continuous tone “matching” it - seeming like two isolated higher frequency bands (with no spanning broadband ranges), but again, almost inaudible. In fact, the rays extend a fair distance, possibly reaching two or three city blocks away. The homeless man covers his eyes a bit but still tries to see the girl and the necklace yet all that is visible for the most part is bluish white light. The girl starts to make fun of human beings (even though she looks like a normal human being herself) and what they do and how they move, seemingly with great pleasure and miming and continues on like…

      “Oh look I’m a human; I can walk around on two legs. Then I can sit down. Then I can stand up and oh look I can walk around on two legs again. Then I can sit or stand…”

      “Do I have a brain? Yes, I do, but only in my head; I can’t see or even guess what is ahead in my future very far and oh look, let’s just walk into this wall since we didn’t see it coming” (mimics walking into a wall).

      “And, oh look, now that I have walked into a wall, I guess I will sleep here from now on with my two legs. But sometimes I will sit or stand and then walk again…”

      This is likely exasperating for the other two males but I do not mind it so much. Eventually, an additional normal-looking male (except for the fact that he seems dressed as a swashbuckler) begins to appear in various “pieces” in a holographic form about five feet from our little group…not fully forming by the time I wake. I get the vague impression that it could be a holographic “shell” that I may inhabit when going off for a time with this being.

      Updated 04-08-2018 at 10:25 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Dragon Bridge - Encounter

      by , 05-28-2014 at 09:23 AM
      In all my life, I can recall two dreams about dragons. The first was in childhood and the dragon was something more like Godzilla. The second is the following dream I had a few months ago and neglected to post to Dream Views.

      I was walking across an abandoned bridge. It was clearly abandoned as there were broken down cars and a number of makeshift shanty homes on it. It was day light and the sky was bright but completely overcast. I didn't see a single person on the bridge. As I walked along the bridge I looked over the edge. Below, on the shore was a forest and more shack-like homes. I saw this rouge-ish looking woman with red hair standing with a rugged looking man.

      They spotted me and started anxiously motioning to something in the woods behind them. Out from the woods, crawling on all fours was an enormous gray dragon. Around its neck was a frill of flesh like a lizard. It was around the size of a full sized bus. As soon as I got a clear view of it, I took off running further down the bridge.

      I recall thinking, "I doubt it can make it up here quickly." It looked too massive for much speed and it wasn't walking particularly fast. I got to section of the bridge that actually had multi-story apartment-like buildings. I ran to it, turned the corner, and hid behind a cement support column. I thought I lost it. I waited a few moments and peaked around the column.

      Rounding the corner, completely silently was the dragon. It was opening its mouth, which looked like an enormous black beak. Its eyes were black with some white showing and it looked intelligent. An enormous burst of flames came steaming out of its mouth directly at me. It was a furious fire filled with wind. The wind generated by the breath, apart from the fire seemed dangerous and absurdly powerful.

      I pulled back in time to avoid the flames but the cement column I was standing behind was breaking apart like cheap plaster.

      I suddenly had the sense that I was not just confronting a dragon. But something very evil. Perhaps even the devil. The fire was still blasting past me. Some strength started building inside me. I felt the power to strike back even though I was unarmed.

      I looked into my right hand and concentrated. A black energy started to draw inward to a single point in the center of my palm. An energetic black sphere started to form. It grew to about the size of baseball.

      As soon as the fire stopped, I leaned out from around the corner and threw the black fireball as hard as I could directly at the dragons face. It exploded with such force the dragons head violently flung backwards and it made an expression of shock. I took off running into the apartment complex. I came to a wood door which I entered and locked behind me. The door lock was very old fashioned, and weak. I looked around and was in a run down bathroom. I could hear the dragon forcing its way into the hall way. The flimsy wooden door trembled with its footsteps. I recall thinking, if it can smell me in here I am caught for sure.

      -Then I woke up.

      Updated 03-26-2015 at 09:22 AM by 32174

      memorable , side notes
    8. 00:00 Wednesday 2014-05-28 long night full of vivid dreams, FLEW TO SPACE!

      by , 05-28-2014 at 07:37 AM
      Long night full of dreams, experienced vividly, memory a bit fleeting since no recording until morning

      23:58 bedtime

      remee on, 10 minute signal interval, 4.5/5 hour delay
      left remee signaling every 10 minutes on all night, I think it helped me to sleep more lightly. I noticed the lights several times during the night (being awake, I think, or in light sleep) Also, afternoon nap for 1.5/1.75 hours, it was harder to get to sleep at bedtime but lighter sleep and more aware of dreams, but nothing lucid.

      00:00 Wednesday 2014-05-28

      + I FLEW TO SPACE! Saw the earth descending and shrinking beneath me, cities lit in the night-time regions, I was scared to leave the area of the earth for fear of never finding my way back again.

      + In the home of my college friends, do lots of stuff there, they have young children, I revisit them later in the night in another dream, they were playing music featuring the instrument that I play, I say "you always play such great <instrument> music," I hear the instrument very clearly, like it's playing a long solo or a concerto.

      + A buffet with very elegant and nicely sized sushi, I think these are good sized and a real meal (I eat one?)

      + I'm designing some animations in a video game, the screen is live before us floating in the air, I'm trying to show my client (a woman) my work to get her to review it and approve it but she just won't listen to me, I see these animations for a long time, I'm comparing my animations to the build-in animations and how they cover the avatars of the people displayed on the bottom of the screen, the animation is called "over the rainbow."

      + I'm gathering up a board game to take with me to play later and realize I've forgotten the dice, I see them on the ground, starting with the 20-sided die, they're probably required to play the game, some guys say yes they're required, I see more and more strangely shaped dice, 8-sided, 4-sided, 5-sided, then really bizarre irregular shapes.

      + I'm trying to close and secure the sliding door of a rented room, trying to get the panels of the door to connect to one another and to the door frame, it's really flimsy, I think I just can't leave this room with the door open, I think I've left the keys in the room, I debate hopping over the door panels to go get them, I eventually do.

      + I'm flying around a neighbourhood looking at cars driving and thinking about where to park.

      + I'm traversing an unusual freeway exit with my wife, trying to choose the right path through to our destination, we're mostly DO and flying. The earth/ground is unuusally shaped, like rounded tall hourglass columns with steep sides, we're standing on top of one and I think I'll fall down one of these columns if I try to walk down

      + I'm DO flying around large indoor spaces, like concrete parking garages, with my parents, looking for the elevator, I know this area is inside a national scientific laboratory, I see portions of large scientific machines poking through the walls and floor of the garage, I see people with shopping carts near cars?
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. The “Why”

      by , 05-28-2014 at 05:27 AM
      Morning of May 27, 2014. Tuesday.

      I am somewhat lucidly walking through the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, which is a “repeat” of a dream section from (earliest) 1974, called “Diamond Cave” in I believe the main variation. I am aware of the prominent symbol of my earthly path. Sometimes I tend to view the symbol as two souls joining as one once on the material plane - or “twin flames” that are as such from the beginning of the birth of the first (even if the second has not yet been born).

      I see the ceiling vista as the “V”, the horizon outside as the top of the “T”, and the vertical line of the “T” being both the “door” and its reflection that “meets” the viewer in a somewhat illusory sense, almost implying that one is “walking on their destiny” (or “reflection”) before even getting to it. In one version of the dream, I had become more lucid than usual and simply ran and ran through the “endless” hall, sometimes knocking the arm (or other features) off of a figure. In one case, they were endless arrays of male and female Greek statues in static poses.

      There are many ways to look at the same lines, symbols only having the “power” they are given throughout life. The “Y with arms” as I called it when young was of course the symbol of the publisher where I first contacted my wife.

      Some unworldly people had thought it ominous (just as some are “afraid” of pentagons, hexagon, octagons - and probably are not so sure about circles or squares either), when it is really only a version of the Yen symbol (for Japanese currency) and I have seen it with both one stroke and two when it actually represents Yen in print (just as the dollar sign varies with either one or two strokes, and that goes back to S and C and other forms of Yin and Yang).
      side notes
    10. Ill-Fated Return to School; Family's Mars Voyage

      by , 05-28-2014 at 04:02 AM
      I was with an old music teacher, a phenomenal character and wonderful director, and one of my better high school friends. Someone else was with us as well, and he was describing to me things I could work on, flaws of mine. One was, when you start to talk, you have interesting things to say, but you start out by being BORING. After a while, I went to leave, and my old director gave me a very understanding and penetrating look. I smiled back at him, but I felt fake and a little hurt.

      I was back at my old school, a private Christian school. I was a new student, though it was more of a return than my first exposure. As I walked up, a friend's brother gave me a love note from a girl. I said, that's art. He agreed. I was assigned a locker, was given an American flag outfit, and puffed a cigarette an assistant manager of mine was finishing, as a couple people were smoking in the hall. I entered a social studies class, and as I went to choose a seat, I couldn't decide where I fit in. I usually sit in the back so I can see everything, but I wanted to be more focused and thought the middle would be better. I sat in the back anyway. The manager at work was my teacher. I realized I hadn't done the given assignment that everyone else had (man, really took me back to school days), so I slipped out of class. I didn't have my books, either, and decided to retrieve them.

      I ended up getting on a bus and traveling down the block a ways with a whole group of other people. The only notable DC was a young, tiny red-headed, blue boy who became scared at one point. I comforted him with a hug. We proceeded to wreck several times, sometimes flipping in the air. Our bus became a semi truck at one point, caught fire, exploded, returned to a bus. I ended up running ahead of the group once we got out. I had lost one of my USA flag shoes, but I had a Vibram on instead. Everyone was fine, because my dreams like safe car wrecks like that. I re-entered my school, and a boy greeted me and said there was naught but a minute left in class, so no point in returning. I showed off my bicycle to him, and a couple friends of mine came in and got food and dishes from a stocked kitchen the school had. We talked about how nice the school had become, a scholastic paradise compared to what it had been.

      Wake, sleep, dream. I was on vacation with my family, in town at the beach. We're sitting outside a building, my brother, sister and mother all go inside. I have a large piece of black paper, and I'm writing on it with my finger. It's a message to a woman on Mars. My whole family is going to a colony there, my sister longer than anyone, because it was stated she had been to the Dominican Republic (she does often travel). We return to the house, and I quickly go to the computer to email a woman, perhaps the same one. I wonder at why all I want to think or talk about is dreams (!!) and that it's good that she's my dream guide (!!). Great thing I became, lucid, or not. Missed freebie. Anyway, there's a strange segment of a hologram coming from the email that shows a couple people from school again.

      Afterward, or maybe in the email, I'm in a series of music videos. In the one I remember, it was quite hilarious; I was in a flamboyant, red, pimp-like outfit with feather, a hat, the works. I have a gang, a gaggle, a skulk, a pride of people behind me, and we're all carrying drinks. We're facing off with another group. As the leader, I dramatically pour my drink, maybe a beer, on the ground. The rest of my group follows suit, but the drinks from the taller ones fill up the shorter people's cups again so they have to pour them out again. There's another segment I can't remember.

      Next, I'm at home. There's a guy about my age with short, blond hair, who calls himself Patrick.. o'Leary, if I remember. He's mowing our lawn, though I end up finishing it. We make conversation, and at one point he says I might not even remember, it's not a big deal, but I had pranked him, or something of that nature. I can't remember and am confused. I ask, did I get you too drunk? He laughs and says never mind, and no. However, there's a strange vibe lingering in the air, like he's being outwardly fake but inwardly analytic. Next door, a cook at work is lying on a driveway looking in a mirror foppishly, sporting a mane of blonde hair that he doesn't have in real life. I say, hey, dude, to him. Patrick says, hey, Tony. We go inside and meet my mother on the way in. She gets a set of keys from Patrick, and is laughing and friendly but says she'll keep him accountable. I have covert plans to maybe offer Patrick some ganja now that my mother's leaving, even though (or due to how) I've quit smoking in recent days (hence the REM rebound). The strange vibe stays around, but we're quite friendly together. Before any more events transpire, I wake, disappointed to miss such a clear and present dream sign as the email.
    11. Lucid dream: False awakening

      by , 05-27-2014 at 10:41 PM
      I am lying in my bed and I am in my old house that I recently moved out of. I get up out of bed and I sit down in my chair and something feels "off". I looked all around me and I then gained lucidity. I then started wandering through my old house. Everything looked much different. As soon as I was going to decide what I should do I started to wake up. I was loosing lucidity and I forgot all about dream stabilization. I then awoke in my bed and performed a reality check. I was back in reality and I decided to get up.
      lucid , false awakening
    12. 5/25 & 5/27 I'm Scared Placeholder DEILD, WILD, DILD, +DILDx2 During 2 Part Nap

      by , 05-27-2014 at 09:01 PM
      5/25/14 DEILD, WILD, DILD between clear awakenings ~4am 7am 8:30am

      5/27/14 2 Nap DILDs between awakenings and NLDs- day off wake from each around 10am & 11am; shutters in odd place, good waking awareness

      I think the return of multiple LDs in a night is due to the self-hypnosis script that StephL posted and so far I have used only once but I think it was more effective for me due to the over 1 year of background work on self-awareness and other lucid dreaming fundamentals...I guess we'll see.

      I hope to fill in the details later but Girl Friday was there a lot.

      I'm scared that I may start to nap too much. I never had much success with naps and to have 2 DILDs in one 2 hour nap session this morning could draw me in to more naps.
    13. Instant Lucidity and Guides? (/O w 0)

      by , 05-27-2014 at 05:04 PM
      I couldn't sleep last night and ended up falling asleep at 6am. But I got lucid as soon as i entered the dream. I was on my bed and decided to go outside because the house was empty and the quiet surrounding was kind of creeping me out. I got outside the house and saw the world was filled with trees and the ground was covered in bright grass and orange colored leaves. It was really pretty so i went out to explore it. But suddenly a anime guy with a gun appeared and tried to shoot me. I ran calling for help and he cornered me in a house. Eye came out and stopped the guy from killing me but he disappeared quickly. I decided to leave that place and found my dad in the street. We were walking to a party but he pointed to a sign that showed the people changed it from 12 to 1 to 3pm. But out of no where I lost my clothes and covered myself with a curtain i found. There were other girls too. They were naked and one was kissing this guy in a bathroom stall. I thought she was kissing someone i knew so i told them to stop. But when I opened the stall they disappeared. My nephew than appeared and i told him this was a dream. He was just playing around but i told him to follow me cause we were going to go on a lucid dream adventure. We ran,appeared on the stairs of my house and kept running to the door entrance but when i opened it my nephew disappeared and there was a fat girl with a white mask, small blue lights around her and in the corner of both my eyes i could see creepy black creatures smiling. The girl looked like a spirit. She started to speak to me but i couldn't hear anything she was saying. It was so low so I told her to speak up but she just kept talking and talking about something. I than got a little scared so i told her I believe in Jehovah. I think she said "oh you believe in" than kept on talking. It was annoying but i woke up after a little bit.

      In my second dream I appeared in a random place in front of a entrance to a huge basement. There was a dark skinned lady who i met in my other dream about the ointment in the basement. She seemed really nice and welcoming as she was preparing for a party in the basement. I had a feeling she was going to tell me something about someone I knew though. I asked her is this about [insert name here]. She said yes. I than asked her if he was evil and she said yes. She told me to come down because she wanted to show me something. I was scared I was going to get bad news. I walked into a room with her that took us into a hospital. I told her I was scared but she reassured me it was going to be okay. We walked into a room and there were fat people being checked by a female doctor. The lady guide told me to sit down so i did. She said If I kept talking to this guy my skin will get paler, I'll gain more weight and stress in my life.Like the people who were old and fat in the room. She even showed me a patients arm there who was really light. I told her ok and saw she had a chicken in a black plastic case. I was like Ooo~ chicken~ Than took it and bit it. But it was really nasty cause the meat was like a squishy ball of fat, so i spit it out. Than we left the room together. I saw the cookie monster a few other people there. I was going to get some chips but i decided to wash my hands first. I started to wash my hands but i woke up.
      Tags: dream, guide, lucid
      lucid , memorable
    14. Bunch of fragments

      , 05-27-2014 at 04:44 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night, bed after 10pm

      DRs remembered at 3:40am

      - I'm on an airplane. Seats are at comfortable distance from each other, more like on a bus, than an airplane. There is a disruptive passenger, and someone I know finally said something to him, but others are telling him not to bother.

      - Somebody wants me to cut some watermelon for kids

      - My cousin R is developmentally stunned, and we just noticed

      - Going with someone to a small town by car, stopping along the way in some grassy area

      - My department manager hands me a check for 3700 dollars. I think it's because the computer that sends checks to my account for direct deposit is broken. But he says "you deserve it" and the amount is more than my weekly pay, so Im not sure what it is for.

      DR 1 at 7am

      I'm on a street. I see some bad people running towards me. I quickly run into first door, which happens to be an abandoned restaurant or food shop. I'm trying to find an incospicuos place ot hide. I think that a closet with some shelves will do. I open the closet door, that's made out of light colored polished wood. There are 3 large shelves. I start moving some items from the middle shelf, so I can get in there. I climb in, and as I do, I can see through some opening, that the enemy fighters have entered the room.

      So I don't have time to close the door, or they would see me do it. Now one of them is looking inside the cabinet and I squint my eyes, as if that helped so he doesn't see me. When he steppes away, I see more of them walking in the room and every time I'm about to close the door, I hear or see someone in the hallway. I finally manage to close the door.

      DR 2

      I'm in a one story, long building. Has a feel of a school. I'm telling someone to clean up before they leave. So we are pulling weeds from vegetable gardens and picking vegetables into a shopping cart.

      There is a ghost there somewhere, in some of the rooms, but I can't see him. Some others can. I'm asking them to tell me how it looks like, or where it is.
    15. It's All So Real

      by , 05-27-2014 at 04:28 PM
      I initially didn't intend on posting this because it wasn't that exciting, but I figure since I started this journal to keep track of my experiences I should include the small accomplishments too. This dream happened yesterday morning after going back to sleep around 8 or 9.

      Normal Lucid

      I'm on campus in some building, I don't recall what I was actually doing. I'm on the second floor looking outside a large window down at the people below and I see my girlfriend, E, exiting from another building across from me. I think about how it's rare to see her on campus and that I should go meet up with her, so I start going down some stairs nearby. I end up outside on the wrong side of the building and somehow get on a bike (I don't own a bike, but sometimes use my roommate's). I think about which way to go to more easily get to her, looking left I realize that the buildings are blocked off so it would be hard to go that way, so I head to my right. I'm biking around the side of the building, dodging some people, and end up riding through a muddy patch, a bit worried about splatter on my clothes but not thinking about it too much. I see E up ahead standing in a group of people and start biking quickly towards her. As I get close, close enough to almost hit her with the bike, she looks up at me with a startled expression and I realize that it's not her.
      Somehow this immediately makes me realize it's a dream. I just know it is and don't need to reality check but I want to practice it anyway. I quickly go over my mental check and realize I don't recognize my location and remember falling asleep recently so I know it's a dream. My vision starts fading (possibly from thinking too much? may need to work on that) and I'm afraid that I'm waking up, but remember to just stay calm and focus on my surroundings. I touch the handlebars on my bike and start looking at my hands, then quickly my vision returns (this was really cool for me because it's the first time that's happened and I'm glad I could stay calm and present in the dream ). I start to observe my surroundings, I see my bike is blue and the handlebar grips are black with a ridged rubber texture. The large building in front of me is made of brick, some people standing around in front of it and trees nearby. To my left is a big open patch of really lush green grass and I see an old man sitting cross-legged and meditating in the grass, which seems really enjoyable. I'm amazed at how real it all feels, like I'm really there, and almost in disbelief that it's actually a dream. I don't have an intended goal set up yet because for the first few dreams I just want to practice getting used to the dream scene and exploring, and there just seemed like there was so much to take in I didn't know what to do. I stood in awe for about 30 seconds and then woke up.

      This was a really amazing experience even though it's so short because it showed me how real the dream can feel, and how in the moment I can be in it. I felt like I had had lucid dreams before but looking back after this experience I feel like what I had were mostly false lucid moments, like dreaming that I'm lucid dreaming and waking up with the memory rather than actually being present and experiencing it. I really think the way I'm going about practicing now is a huge improvement over the last times I got into trying to lucid dream. My meditation and present moment self-awareness exercises are making my dreams (and waking life) feel more in control and not as much on auto-pilot. I am able to stop and think before I act a lot more and actually pay attention to what is going on in my mind and body rather than just letting my thoughts control my actions. I think this is having a major impact on my dream quality as well since I can step back and observe my thought process and see what is going on.

      Also as a side note, looking back over my journal since starting LDing again in February, I had about 1 lucid moment a month, but after this dream I had 2 lucid moments for May. Slowly but surely improving!

      Updated 05-27-2014 at 04:39 PM by 53121

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