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    1. Fragment: broken leg epidemic

      by , 08-03-2014 at 12:38 PM
      I was away from the office but heard that a coworker had broken a leg. When I came to the office building, the elevator door opened and they were wheeling away this coworker and another coworker both on the same stretcher and from the positioning of their legs, I assumed they both had the same leg broken. I thought maybe I should not go up, since there seemed to be an epidemic of broken legs in my office, and I did not want to get it.
    2. Alone

      by , 08-03-2014 at 12:20 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in an unfamiliar store (white theme). I was alone. It's facing some sort of field, and then beyond it, I can see the mountains. The sky is blue with whispy clouds. Then, there were invaders. Boneys? (from Warm Bodies) I tried to run. I tried to close the door but there's no lock. I ran to the back, and tried to close the door. The lock was a small, flimsy hook that's upside down. I can't escape. A Boney went through. I wasn't afraid. I was like, "Oh, well, what did I expect?" I died, but I didn't see how. It's like a game. I died and then I try again. This time, I hid below the desk, and then rolled out. I closed and locked the door behind me as the Boneys got inside. I then somehow made the place a trap, and explosive. I ran to the train station. From their, I saw the explosion. Somehow, I thought of Ukraine.

      I was in the train station, waiting for the train, going somewhere. I was alone. Then suddenly, there were lots of people in the station. We were waiting for the train. Someone needed to pull the lever, and somebody called and instructed Mark. The train the showed up was on the other side, going to the left. After a while, a train from our left arrived, which is weird; we're at the end of the station, supposedly, so we're in the wrong place, but it went back (left side, facing the tracks from the side) after we boarded. People seem to be in a hurry to board it but I was just not in a hurry. When we were inside, there was still a lot of spaces, as if the people didn't board, or went elsewhere.

      I went around, looking for cooler area in train. I was going to the mall.

      I was with friends (suddenly). We were looking for a place to eat. KFC? Others (Mang Inasal image but different name)? Leo was there, I think, and so was Jen.

      Then I was in the mall, but I was alone. My friends were gone and so were all the people. There was nobody there. I was in a part of the mall that was familiar. I was there in another dream before. I believe it was attached to a port: once a boat port and then an airport. I was thinking that something was a trap. Everyone went to attend an event, but I didn't go. Then I saw (in my mind) a snake man. Poison. I called the president asking if the event had something to do with snakes.

      I saw the snake man handling a cobra. It's still wild, not a pet, but somehow, they understood each other, so it's not biting him.

      A parking area, like the gravel parking area "behind" our university.
    3. The Apocalyptic Floods

      by , 08-03-2014 at 09:06 AM
      Morning of August 3, 2014. Sunday.

      This dream was the same morning as “The Right Student” (posted only on a couple sites) and was quite long and vivid (more vivid than the other dream). It also has a couple of the “same” scenes and overall theme as from my wife’s dream of the same period of time.

      At the beginning, I am aware of an approaching time of tsunamis and floods that will basically destroy much of the world. This is different than other flood dreams, in that the “tidal waves” are unnaturally large (even as high as the atmosphere itself) and widespread, going up and over entire regions. I am not sure of my dream’s location. It may be Brazil.

      There is a point near the beginning where my wife and I seem to have about twenty children (as well as our own real ones being in-dream) or more (all around the same age of about four to ten) - yet they also seem to just appear out of nowhere somewhat like in-dream tulpas, or possibly orphans from previous flooding elsewhere. Still, they all refer to me as their father over time as if this is the “reality” as such. I carry a few here and there. This is before the larger waves approach. It seems to be in a large park just outside the big (unknown) city.

      Later on, I and a few others plan to save a small group of people, to be the only ones left alive on the planet. This seems fairly effortless even when my mental focus is less “precise” (this is not a lucid dream - I take it all as “reality” at the time). When the tsunamis come, they are extremely high and destroy many buildings. However, I have some sort of detailed and “automatic” (survival-oriented) telekinetic nature and am able to cause the water to flow around aspects of the sky and land - there are several points at which the tsunami moves around from what seems to be a huge “invisible dome” created by my telekinetic will, though it is a force and not of any material.

      At various points, we are in buildings that are eventually destroyed. One scene involves an elevator shaft (much the same scenario as my wife’s dream) and another, going out a window of a second or third floor where the water is up to. It is interesting how no one in my localized group is injured or easily washed away as others are.

      In one scene, two cars are going down a road towards where my group and I are. A huge wave slams into one car, carrying it from the road and into the trees while the other car, only a short distance in front of the other, is saved by the forces that block the water under my will. People are glad to be safe in what is technically “the end of the world” - as the waves are worldwide and covering most of the planet. This implies that we will have to live on a makeshift raft-like structure at some future point, I think, although I am able to mentally rebuild a building here and there - even in a scene where water has destroyed a part of a building and where the water is “frozen” in position (though still moving and “cycling” in that isolated position) and bricks float about within the “held spray” before realigning. I save a few people from drowning by mentally lifting them from the water as well as creating an invisible “wall” in some scenes.

      Again, I am not lucid, yet find it interesting that my telekinetic ability is so “automatic” and effortless throughout (and I am not worried that I will perish), although I sense that others are adding to this overall force at times with their own focus and survival instinct. There is also the nature of the water itself, which often seems more reflective than water in real life as well as having its own light-making properties. In some dreams, water and light seem to be some sort of hybrid composite that is not possible in reality.

      Updated 06-19-2015 at 08:08 PM by 1390

    4. 7/22/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:47 AM
      I woke up and started getting ready for work. I couldn't find anything to eat and I was late so I just went in my boxers. I was working with Rafe and Tim in Albuquerque. We almost missed a Lowe's but steered the van towards it. Jim and Rafe got off and took forever so I started playing with their pistols which had a weird design. Some Asian people came up to the van, asking why we were there so long and they asked me for my ID. I called Sandy to ask for Rafe's number but called the post office instead.
    5. 7/19/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:43 AM
      I was in China and was making fun of some girl. I got on a bus and left somewhere. I was with my cousin and while we passed through a bridge, we saw a Ferrari parked on the road. We thought it was gonna get hit by a bus. When we got off the bus, my body had a workout meter that would glow throughout my body showing heart rate and other workout stats. It glowed a neon green when activated. When it was active, people would know where I was and they'd come to get me. I walked through a field and saw water so I asked "Why am I in China?", counted my fingers, and looked at my watch. Everything seemed normal so I ran to a bus stop and got in and was part of some zombie apocalypse.
      Most of the people were dead or zombies but a few people and I camouflaged with them while they looked for survivors. A girl kept talking to me which attracted zombies but I told her to shush. We then left to look for the other survivors and I ran like a zombie up some stairs. Before I made it into a room where survivors were, I got bitten by a dog. The bite felt painful I shot the dog and went into the room. Knowing that I was soon going to die because of the bite, I taught some kids how to use my guns and after a while, a few zombies burst in saying that they wanted us alive. I killed them with a desert eagle and there was only one girl that wasn't bitten but she didn't want to leave alone. She reminded me of Sarah from the Walking Dead game.
    6. 7/18/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:33 AM
      I was in what looked like a cave. In the middle, there was a rock boulder and around that boulder, there was a lot of water. There were people swimming and doing activities so I went swimming underwater. I was bragging about my skills in the water and recognized people from the flight and I fought some guy and a few people. I also used a gun underwater and shot stuff.

      In my other dream, I was in Venezuela and was at the apartments. I walked on Victoria avenue and saw people I recognized. I went to school with Bojorquez and someone else. They tried to make me flinch anby pretending to come at me but I didn't do much and they started laughing and when I asked what was up, they didn't do anything.
    7. 7/16/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:14 AM
      I was in an apartment complex and was walking to Laurie's apartment while I was covered from head to toe in a silk robe. When I got to her house, I saw through the window that she was kissing a guy we were helping out earlier. I knocked on the door and when they answered I yelled at them. She told me everything was okay. I said "No it isn't" and all these monsters and skeletons started appearing so I used magic against them. I was conscious not to use anything other than water magic against them.

      I was at some apartments and was looking for people to fight. Jason and his brother were there and they said they would and I gladly accepted. They never showed up but a girl fought for Jason and I beat her so bad I took her to a hospital. She didn't get treated so the next day she ran up to me and hugged me and said that she was taken care of at a church. I was at a car dealership and was wearing my work gear. It was getting time to close so the place was rejecting costumers but they let 2 ladies through. A man came up and did something and before he left, he said that he had children in his car and he's kidnapping them. He sped off in a golf car and I yelled and pulled out my gun and shot a tire but missed. I ran and jumped on the car and made my way to the front of the cart while the guy ran red lights, making me worry that we would crash. We went down a hill and I was trying to convince the guy to let me and the kids go but he wouldn't say anything. He even threw my phone out when I set it down. As we approached a hotel, he slowed won and I opened my spray holster, which he noticed but I quickly asked if he had chips to eat. When he stopped the cart, I sprayed my whole bottle on his face. I told him "Don't open your eyes, fucker, this is Phase IV" somehow knowing that he knew it was a powerful pepper spray.I got out the cart and he tried to speed off but I shot him until my gun went click. I reloaded K83 and told people to call 911 while I kept my eyes fixed on the guy. People refused to call 911 and they started turning into the guy I had just shot. People had to take me down to calm me. Eventually backup arrived and witnesses started being questioned. A black guy was talking something about not snitching.

      Updated 08-03-2014 at 04:26 AM by 67773

    8. 7/14/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:09 AM
      I dreamt that I was in a Wal-Mart asking Jim to change my schedule to have me working on the weekends.
    9. 7/12/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:08 AM

      I was at the apartments and the whole area outside the pool was flooded with water. There was a hot, curvy girl that I swam by while I was underwater. She was wearing a bikini and I could see a lot of her nicely-drawn tattoos. I saw another, skinny girl swimming really weirdlike and I said "I wanna swim like that". I got out of the water and went into the apartment where the clock on my phone was going crazy.
      I said "This is a dream!" and looked back at my phone. The clock was still going crazy and I thought of things to do. I was with a girl who I think was Laurie and told her I was dreaming and that we should do stuff. I increased lucidity many times by saying to myself what to do. I was at my apartment but when I exited it, the area outside it was enclosed. When I exited the enclosed area, I was outside still in the property. I was going to practice my magic abilities but didn't know which, so I started using telekinesis. At first, I couldn't lift stuff so I tried again and I reminded myself that it will only happen if I believe it will. After I did this, my telekinesis started working. I picked up small stuff and even closed doors. My lucidity began to fade so I said "Increase Lucidity to Lucidity Max!", which increased the vividness of the dream and my lucidity. I rubbed my hands and counted my fingers but counted 5 at first. I asked the girl what sort of magic I should practice and she said to practice on my water magic, so we walked outside towards the pool. I started telling the girl how the whole area around the pool was flooded recently and how good it looked. There were puddles from the flood. I forgot to close the door to the inside of the condos so I turned around and closed it with telekinesis, The keys were in the lock so I tried to get them but some kids opened the door, which made me run up to get the keys while the parents' kids yelled at them. I walked towards the pool, which was populated by people. There was a little area with a table and I tried using telekinesis on stuff. The girl asked me how I knew what I was picking up and I said "I just look at the stuff I want to pick up". I brought my hand closer to my ear and said "When I use telekinesis, I will hear a sound of wind." I used telekinesis again and as son as I grabbed something, a short, faint sound of wind could be heard.
      I played around with telekinesis and messed around with people. I suddenly wondered how I would remember all of the dream. My right eye started to close and I said to the girl "Let's go inside and have sex before we wake up" She followed me and I thought I would remember this whole dream. I decided to wake up and after a couple of tries, I woke up.
    10. 7/11/2016

      by , 08-03-2014 at 03:43 AM
      I was in a room with a few people and a beautiful girl. She was wearing a cop uniform so I followed her around and eventually asked her for tips on the application process. Byers was there and I told him to STFU and so he left. I continued talking to the girl.

      In my other dream, I was helping someone move those big boulders they use for construction.
    11. 7/10/2016

      by , 08-03-2014 at 03:41 AM
      I dreamt that I was at work driving and couldn't find the ATM we had to work on.
      Tags: work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. "Met Vegeta"

      by , 08-03-2014 at 03:29 AM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid #68-69 Dream,Lucid, thoughts in dream,(Comments)
      Background: I didn't meditate for this but I put on Robert Monroe's Audio tape about focusing and fell asleep while listening to it.

      Lucid Dream # 68, day: 07/30/14, time: 1:32-5:22 Am " Met Vegeta":
      I was with AL and his sister BY. I am in their supposed house. They had the same house. I feel so relaxed, I am beginning to fall asleep. I am now at an airport. I see a man, he is moving his lips, I start to listen. He said," If want to be at focus 10 you just have to say 10". I was confused, I turned and kept on walking. A women shows up and says the same thing. Then another man tells me I could use force field. I am confused. I realize that I had played the mp3 before I went to sleep. I said, "Focus 10" like he told me. I started to gain lucidity. The world isn't completely focused. These men tried to run towards me. I then use telekinesis to throw some of them. I remembered what the man told me, "I could create force fields". I am on some sort of bridge on a building. I believed and I put my hands out. The men that came after me stopped dead in their tracks. I am amazed that I created a force field with no straining. I then woke up in the dream room of my cousin. I have lost lucidity.

      I wake up moments after the audio ended when Robert Monroe does his countdown.
      I went straight back to sleep. I see dragon ball z characters fighting. I became lucid shortly after. I am at church when I became lucid. These children are bugging me to make the dragon ball z character vageta to become real essentially. I then go to the poster that vegeta was on and I pulled him out of the poster. He was still in cartoon form but he had life. He was way taller that I expected for him to be. I then told him to entertain the children. I then lost lucidity some where after that waking up. I then had an extensive dream about an old high school friend.

      Lucid Dream # 69, day: 07/31/14, time: 4:20-5:22 Am " Jaguar Motorcycle":
      Dream was about Doctor Who. I see Marta Jones and she is in the sewer looking for some sort of clue. She climbs out and aliens showed up and chased her. I then get a physical form. I become lucid. In the middle of the street was a yellow car. It is hard to describe but it had no real form until one goes inside of it. I went inside and it was a fast farrari. It didn't have controls, just willpower to maneuver if want to turn it turns. As I was going down a hill, the car transformed into a motorcycle but in a jaguar form. It looked like it is jumping and the front paws hold the wheels together, the back holds wheels and I am in the middle, it had a glass protection.I kept on riding until I woke up. .

      Updated 11-19-2014 at 11:42 PM by 65865

      Tags: short lucid
    13. Leaving Daryl Behind (3.8.14)

      by , 08-03-2014 at 12:31 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I'm with Daryl and we're playing cricket near my primary schools crossing is. I hit the ball which rolls down the road. Daryl chases the ball but the ball is too quick. I tell him not to worry about it and that I would chase it. He stops midway to allow me to fetch the ball. I run after the ball.
      Auntie Riter is now with us at the crossing. Auntie and I leave and walk over to the doctors which is 10-15 metres away. I sit down in one room and Auntie in the other. There's around 10 people waiting to be seen. I see that the TV is turned on and has something interesting on while people wait. The chairs are really comfortable (most aren't where I live). Even the lady behind me is talking about them being comfortable. The lady starts rocking back and forth, making my chair do the same thing. I find it a pleasant feeling and think about pretending to put a coin in the side of my chair as a joke to keep going if she stopped. I see some darker skinned people around me and we're all being extremely friendly to one another. There's an announcement in the doctors saying that if you don't have anything overly serious that you won't be seen today [i think it was getting late and closing soon]. It now feels like I've been sitting down for a few mins since the announcement but I lost track of time, it's as if I was day dreaming for that period. As i come to, I see there's some nurses that have come out to ask what's wrong with the remaining people sitting. The nurses seem really friendly and they're saying bye to some people. One of the nurses says bye. We both kiss one another on the cheek.

      Auntie and I leave the doctors. She doesn't seem too happy about how they treated the not as sick people, by sending them home. I see that Daryl is sitting on the grass near the crossing. He's looking miserable and bored.

      Im now walking through a town then into a shopping complex. I walk passed a shopping centre which has TV's that people can watch at the entry. Myself and some other people walking passed get drawn into watching the singer that's on the TV.

      I walk into a store and look around. I realise I have something in my hand and think it may be best if I ask for one of their store bags so they don't have to check my items as I leave. I line up and asks for a bag. The checkout lady jokingly says no you can't have a bag. I joke back and pretend to be upset that I can't have a bag. I help myself to a bag. The darker skinned people from earlier are behind me and I smile and act friendly towards one another. They're quite full on in their personalities. Even know I was comfortable and friendly towards the people, I still felt a little uneasy about them.

      As I leave the shop I see my Uncle Bryce. He asks me a question about where a store is. I point him in the direction of where I just came from, which was 10 metres from where I am sitting. He is kinda confused while looking in the direction which I gave him. He repeats again where he's wanting to go which is Aldi. I get up and open a door which is near us and point into the distance at the Aldi store, which is 1 or so km's away.

      I can now see the deploy screen of a game I play regularly (battlefield 4) which has commentary of someone explaining how to know if you're dreaming while playing the game. I'm quite intrigued by what he's about to say as I tend to have a few dreams about this video game. It starts to feel as if I've been engulfed inside the game and inside a helicopter which is not under my control, but that of the man commenting. It's now in 3rd person and I see the helicopter shooting down attack boats. I can even see the crosshairs on the screen also. We seem to be getting chased by enemy's. The air crafts don't look normal and have a kind of a stealth bomber look to them. Our helicopter drops bombs that can kill pursuing enemies in their paths. The first attempt fails, so we speed up and try again in case we were too close the previous time. We fly into what looks like a underground car park and can see one of those stealth bombers parked up. It looks a strange colour as we approach it. We either fly or roll over it as we pass.

      Side Notes:

      Training myself to stay still and remember my dreams as my alarm goes off. Had trouble first few nights as the alarm needed to be closer to me. I put it on my opposite pillow and if worked a charm. I was awakening without moving a muscle and thinking about my dreams. Too bad a fell asleep a lot during the process, need to be a bit more aware. May need to tweak alarm volume to find that perfect volume to not wake me up too much or too little.
    14. 8-2-14 Pewdiepie's a vagrant.

      by , 08-03-2014 at 12:23 AM
      There were these three strange tiny creatures that lived at the base of a tree in our yard. We took care of them. One of them was quite elderly.

      Pewdiepie had a weird mechanical pig made out of plastic, and one day it escaped from him and sped off down a highway. He chased it, and it led him to an apartment building. Inside, a man with dredlocks was begging. He handed Pewdiepie a costume which would make him look exactly like the vagrant, complete with dredlocks.

      There was like this international frisbee match, and my mother and sister and I were sitting in the very top row of the bleachers. It was the end of the game, and the players were just fooling around. I decided they needed a standing ovation, so I stood up. Soon everyone in the stadium was standing and clapping. And I remember saying to my sister, "Look at what I made them do!" I was so proud.

      Then we discovered the eldest of the three small creatures had disappeared, though we guessed it had only died of old age.
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