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    1. Water Skating

      by , 03-31-2020 at 09:40 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      In the earliest part of the dream I remember, I'm stepping into an elevator. I seem to be able to see through its walls, into the shaft and the mechanism it runs on, and the rough, dark area around it. I want to go up a floor, but after getting about halfway there, the elevator stops. Then it goes back down, past the floor I got in on – down and at an angle as it follows the track. It seems to be headed down to the basement floors, which annoys me. I hate it when this happens.

      I think it must have dawned on me around then that the earlier experience I was thinking of took place in a dream, and that this too was a dream. But it’s hard to remember exactly because once I’m out, the dream turns out to be one of those lucid ones where my senses don’t seem to be working properly. I can’t control the dream; even moving around is laborious. But, knowing that these are problems that often goes away on their own, and that I rarely experience them in outdoor areas, I keep going, trying to make my way up to the surface.

      Eventually, I do make it up. I’m in an unfamiliar house with large, light rooms, including a sunporch, visible through a glass window. Since the problems from before don’t seem to be affecting me anymore, I step straight through the glass to the sunporch, then through that glass to the area outside, where there’s a small lake.

      There’s ice on the lake, which gives me an idea: I could try ice skating in a dream. But the ice is breaking up and thawing even as I watch, and it doesn’t seem quite right to freeze it again. But this is a dream, after all, so why shouldn’t I be able to skate on liquid water?

      I step out onto the lake, surrounding my bare feet with a slippery layer of air, and kick off. It works perfectly, a bit like self-propelled jet-skiing. It’s an exhilarating experience.

      The lake is long and irregularly shaped, with small, rocky islands, purple and green with lichens, and beds of rushes and lily pads. It’s bounded by a stone wall too tall for me to be able to see over, not far past the lake’s edge in some places. And there now seem to be a number of cats around, sitting on the rocks – watching me, perhaps. Near one of the wall’s corners, I see one that looks like the feral cat my household took in but who died of cancer the previous week. I reach out and pet him – something he would never allow a human to do – and he responds affectionately.

      After making another round of the lake, I’m starting to get curious about that wall. What’s on the other side of it? I circle back, pick up speed, and jump towards it with the intention of going through – and suddenly find myself bodiless in empty space. I guess there was NREM on the other side.

      I prepare myself for maintaining awareness in this state – but it only lasts a minute or so before I wake up.

    2. cvi.

      by , 03-31-2020 at 04:11 PM
      Dreams for the mornings of 26th, 27th and 31st of March. 26th and 27th enclosed in spoiler to reduce general length of the DJ entry.

      The last few days I have had decent dream recall from morning awakenings but I have felt too tired to make initial notes for them (28th,29th,30th). Sleep has been unusual for this past week, keep getting up too late despite several normal awakening times but might be starting to improve again.


      Spoiler for 26th content:


      Spoiler for 27th content:


      I had some sort of pre-sleep half-dream. I was starting to "paint" with just my mind (telekinetically) and was having ideas for a new painting and what I might paint next in my art room.


      I was in Sweden. I was with one or both of my Swedish friends and we were in their metro system. The stations were tall and spacious, but what really caught my attention was the shapes of the architectural structure. A lot of long and abstract shapes (just the kind of thing I'd like to build with concrete) and all of the stations we went through were mostly concrete, which I think my friends disliked. I think I liked it despite the lack of colour just because of the shapes.

      The stations were very well lit and quite busy. I remember we went through one station on the train and there were small island platforms with crossings between them that went down on the rail level, which seemed to imply a high degree of self-responsibility from people.

      Another part of the dream or a different dream, I was trying to get to or from university?

      Dream Fragment:

      Something like the cities game I've played recently, but mixed with actually travelling through the city. I was trying to manage some sort of power dams, three of them to be exact, and they were using water from a mountain like a custom map I made in WL that had a dormant volcano lake.

      There were some flow issues eventually, especially because the water was getting completely drained by the dams and this disrupted where it wanted to flow; the water from the source started making its own way in opposite directions and this annoyed me.

      Dream Fragment:

      In some kind of office. I remember the typical fake ceiling and light fittings. It must have been afternoon; there was a nice and golden light coming in through blinds that covered the windows. The dream focus was on two characters. A stereotypical "madame" and her butler. She wanted to check if she had won some prize with this organisation which did travel tours as rewards? She was obviously naive with her direct interactions with people and the world. Someone representing the organisation felt a bit odd and sinister.

      - The pre-sleep state was interesting because it was like what I used to get as a child, just not as strong. It came on very subtly and on its own.
      - That state's content was a conscious decision, because I quickly understood that I was more creatively receptive at this stage compared to normal thought, just a shame I didn't interrupt it to make any notes about the painting ideas.
      - I was a bit disappointed to not have made notes about the sex dream right after it had happened. In the last few days during the first morning awakenings I have dreams with great recall and think to myself of short word descriptions for the dreams so that I can remember them even if I fall asleep but this technique hasn't worked very much so in conclusion I really need to just write down dreams as soon as I can if I'm likely to fall asleep again.
    3. Saturday, March 28

      by , 03-31-2020 at 04:58 AM
      I am somewhere outside? with Melissa, Pepe, and his mom. I think they both look high and then, sure enough, she lets on that they are. She confides in us that Caesar is the head of some pot farm/ selling ring or something similar. I can see it, imagining him and his boisterous personality right now. Now, I am climbing up through some tall and thin wooden structure. I pass through ‘floors’ that are spaces barely bigger than my body. Each side of the space, I think even including the top, is a mirror, making for a trippy experience. I now get to what seems to be the top. It is different because the sides are concave, joining in a small ceiling, and it seems there’s nowhere left to go. I don’t accept this possibility though, and push on one of the sides. It opens and reveals a vast, dim space that I think may be the pot farm.

      I am in New York City with Melissa, walking along a sidewalk. The street is busy and I can smell and taste the putrid emissions from passing trucks. The sidewalk is close enough to the street, but it thins even further at one point, leaving hardly any space for foot traffic. We pass a tower with a parabolically curved glass facade. The glass is mostly translucent, but it gets much dimmer higher up. There is a space behind the glass, in which there are large advertisements. Melissa says something about how they won’t even be visible. I agree. We end up in a restaurant that seems familiar (from another dream, I think). I notice a couple about our age in the booth behind us, across from me. They are dressed pretty nice for this place and sitting on the same side. I think about their life. I notice a man in sunglasses sitting alone at a booth diagonal from us. Melissa asks to trade sides, and we do. I look through the fairly short menu and decide I want pretty much the first thing on it, some corn dog things. The waitress, brunette and maybe 30+, comes over and seems out of it, like drunk or sad or something. She gives us a minute. I look at the extensive beer list in the back. They’re sorted by brewery (they must all be local - I don’t recognize any), under the brewery’s logo. The price per beer is then listed after the name, lowest to highest, separated by slashes. Most of the first prices are six to seven dollars, but I see prices like 9,16, 27, 59, etc. I think these prices must be for bottles and/or pitchers but that they’re still ridiculous. I guess that’s just how it is in the city. Nothing sounds too good anyway, so I figure I’ll settle for a slightly cheaper bill. The waitress returns and sits by me, putting her hand on my shoulder. It could be a nice gesture, but with how she is slightly rubbing her hand it is taken a little too far. She takes Melissa’s order and then mine. I say ‘I just found something, where did it go?’, trying to find it again. I find it and tell her while also pointing. She doesn’t say much. She comes back and sits again. This time she reaches over and grabs my crotch. I am a little shocked and put my own hand over it. When I move my hand, she does it again and then leaves. I text or tell Melissa and she just shrugs it off. I want to tell her what kind of reaction there would be if the genders were switched.
    4. dreams.

      by , 03-30-2020 at 09:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Again i had longer dreams but they still evade my memory when I have to write them down. I should take notes but I'm getting lazy in my old age.


      Only a brief flash of walking with jamie down some steps in a park or something. That's all. this is the only dream I had of her this week. Although I'm frustrated she isn't around much in them anymore I guess something once a week is consistent.


      I'm driving with someone into a parking lot of a large apartment building. I have false memories of running around the hallways of the apartment complex, and most of it seemed abandoned.

      As wee pull in I see C and C come out of a stairwell. And yes It's the C i tried to date last summer and failed miserably with. Mainly because of Jamie being upset in a dream and a string of jamie synchronicities scared me out of it. Twin flames, or alien love bite, or whatever you call it - God forbid they actually talk to you in person or write you. But somehow they raise all hell when you try for something else....

      Anyway the driver notices the C with bigger boobs and asks me about her. I say those girls are skanky and the one he fancies is already in a relationship. We park and get out, and my C notices me. She walks up to me and gives me a big hug. I think she is apologizing for something. I'm surprised since she pretty much avoids me like the plague. The hug IS her though. It's so nice and warm. Then i wake up.

      Jamie really needs to step up her dream hugging game.


      I'm in a room with Jesus and he says, "what Are you doing in my dream?" Not sure why he would say that, if he really meant it or said it in a joking way. There was no context.
    5. Friday, March 27

      by , 03-29-2020 at 12:50 AM
      Carlos and Kestlie have come over to Melissa’s. I am with Melissa, and I think we’ve walked out to meet with them. We are walking back along the sidewalk and Kestlie is talking about tattoos.
      Tags: tattoos
    6. Thursday, March 26

      by , 03-29-2020 at 12:49 AM
      I am walking towards Lake Tahoe from Opa’s backyard (it is not actually the house’s backyard, but an expanse of land, seemingly all the way to the shore, fenced in, maybe 40 feet wide). It is full of larger rocks and water, like a drainage ditch, but with no perceptible slope. I walk on top of the light grey stones; there are enough to make this easy. I notice a couple walking not too far behind me. They seem to notice the ‘yard’ and the man comments ‘why would someone do that?’ or something similar, I think because it’s expensive. I get closer to the fence on the right side and on some larger rocks as the middle is thinning out. The fence is about to end in this direction, though it turns 90 degrees to the right. The fence seems to be a chain link with slats. There’s one wooden section though, which I am climbing on in my attempt to get to the lake. The couple is still nearby, and the guy mockingly says it’s illegal to just cross over now. I am now in a tree, with my foot in a crotch to rest my weight. I notice that the girl is blond and nearly flat chested, with a strapless, black bikini top on. I think the guy is blond too, and they both look somewhat older than me. They ask where to go from here (I guess standing on the ground with no problem, unlike myself) and I tell them I honestly don’t know. I see a section where the water has pooled in a shallower area. It is still and topped with numerous small spiderwebs. I tell them I wouldn’t really go that way. A few men appear and wade through the water with no problem. I say they can probably go that way now that someone ‘stirred’ up the webs, though I’m not entirely sure they’re listening. I think I’m down from the tree now.

      I’ve arrived at Dad’s house, and there is some get together going on. I go into my room to put some things down. The room is actually unfamiliar, but the bed is made with my Grateful Dead blanket. Sara is in here with me.
    7. Tuesday, March 24

      by , 03-28-2020 at 10:33 PM
      I meet up with Scott at what looks like a school foyer. I’m here for the CCW course and it looks like it’ll be just me. He sets up a target and I get the sense that he’s going to be leaving. On the target is a paper, of which we have a whole case of stacks. I ask him a few basic things, including if the target is about 25 feet away. He says yes and then makes his way out, which I still find kind of odd. I fire off a couple rounds with this pistol, impressed with how closely grouped they are. I shoot a little more, hardly, if at all, feeling or hearing the gun
      Tags: gun, school, shooting
    8. Monday, March 23

      by , 03-28-2020 at 10:30 PM
      I am outside with Melissa, alongside what looks like Geiger Grade. We are on the north side, and it almost looks like it did before all the construction. I think we are walking on stilts. She wants to cross to the other side right now, but I look back and see cars coming. We just wait until the intersection, which was very close anyway. Now, we are in what feels like a very large garage. There are a few inches of water on the ground and partitions about every foot, hanging down with several inches of clearance above the ground. Melissa is somehow going above them, but I choose to go below. I simply hold my breath as I pass under each partition. I think I have fins on and I notice the ease with which they allow me to move through the water, enabling me to clear at least two partitions at a time.

      I am going to some work dinner. I’m arriving at the same time as a blond girl that I guess works with me but that I don’t really know. The hostess asks her how many, and she replies ‘one.’ I’m a little put off, as we seem to be the first ones and I thought she would just get a table for all, but I guess not. When she returns and asks me, I tell her ‘two’ in case Melissa is coming. She seats me at a glossy, wooden, rectangular table next to a wall. There are a few open seats but there are also 2-3 Asian boys and Anthony from jewelry. He seems slightly surprised to see me, and I feel likewise. I say hi. I’m going to introduce myself to the others, but I think I let too much time pass to where it would now be awkward. I’m now sitting at a different table with Brooke. The waitress has not been over in a long time; when she does come over, she grabs some dishes and makes no intimations of offering further service, so I take it upon myself to ask for a glass of water and a Macallan 12 year, neat. Brooke also asks for something. She says okay and walks off. I am eating tiny, raw eggs, breaking off a part of the shell to get to the contents.
    9. Sunday, March 22

      by , 03-28-2020 at 10:29 PM
      I am back at work after having been gone for a few days. I take the elevator up, noticing that it’s different. There is a different interior of different colored panels and maybe a different floor. One of the small ceiling panels is popped open and there is a ladder left under it. I peer up into the space, right before the elevator settles at the second floor. Walking into reception, I see Princess and Mairin. No one says anything, but we smile at each other as I walk through. I briefly think that Mairin will think I’m already going to the bathroom or break room, but I’m going to the known theft. I don’t see the bin, but there’s a bunch of stuff strewn on the floor. I start consolidating shoe boxes, papers, tags, and a lot of brand new pairs of shoes which I grab by the security lanyard. I don’t get why they keep putting merchandise in here, and I think I really need to start telling everyone not to. I think I put everything in a cart and end up outside with it. Emmanuel is out here and talking to me; he is not exactly annoying, but I feel like I can’t relate all that well to him. For some reason I am transferring the things to another cart? This cart is also up in the back of a truck. I also add two or three sodas (orange and in plastic bottles) to the basket part of the cart. I then lift it out and set it down and push the other, empty cart off towards the concrete base of a light post (there are two other empty carts haphazardly left by it). We walk back now and end up awkwardly close to an old lady with a cane walking the same speed. When we get to the doors, she, for some reason, holds it open for us. I’m thinking now that I’ve got this done I can go back to the office and listen to some music. I consider Pink Floyd and maybe something that’s around an hour and a half so I can maybe listen to a few. Inside, this looks more like a high school hallway. It’s fairly crowded. The associate Jared comes up to me and asks me what to do if he thinks a kid switched shoes. I ask how old, trying to gauge intent. He then sees the kid approaching and nods towards him. He looks to be at least ten. He has his hood up, looks somewhat sketchy, and I think is also carrying his old shoes. I’m honestly not sure if he’s trying them on or trying to switch, but I am distracted by a girl who is clearly trying to walk out with our shoes. She has two huge groups of them, one in each hand, holding them all easily by the security lanyards. She’s wearing a tracksuit, and I think I recognize her from trying to do this before. I turn around and start walking out in front of her. I take my radio and turn the dial where she can see it. I wait outside, for some reason facing away from the doors, but never hear her come out. *As I am waiting, I am woken up by my alarm going off.
    10. 27 March 2020 - Lucid, TOTY

      by , 03-28-2020 at 09:49 AM (squidnapping's journal)

      I’m in bed with Mum lying next to me, Adam is in the room too, it occurs to me this is strange, I look at digital clock, it says 7:18, and then look away, look back, it says 7 but the rest has been wiped away, I realise it's a dream. But I absolutely find it impossible to move properly, to move my arms or even turn my head. I start to hear my 9:20 alarm, and try once to sit up and turn it off, only to realise I am still in the dream. I consider that it isn't even really going, and I am just imagining it. (Shortly after I do wake up to it. I snooze it and go back to sleep.)

      Then I’m in the main living room, and I crawl across the floor, I know I’m dreaming, and I decide to lie down on the carpet and close my eyes to go into another dream, a deeper level. After a few seconds I decide against it, get up and go to the front window. It’s darkish out there, dark twilight. Dad I think is out there. I phase through the glass, and during this I’m telling the dream, I don’t remember in what words, but to feel longer, to put more time into the dream, to experience it longer than it really is. I sort of float down to the ground, then I start flying up towards the sky. I remember wanting to do the saving-someone-from-aliens Task of the Year. I swim through the air like it's water. As I fly up, I address the dream, state rules for how it’s going to run: when I get to space, a voice with tell me I’ve reached it (so I won’t keep flying on into oblivion, coz that s**t’s scary); and I’ll have lights put in my eyes so I can see. I can tell when I get to space, because it's dark and because the earth is below me now; still, I instinctively grab a small ball that I see floating past me, thinking it might be Earth. Part of space lights up after I give the command for the dream to give me lights in my eyes; I say “thanks!”, even though the light isn't from my eyes. I recall I’m supposed to find an alien spaceship, so I choose what’s near me that already looks like a spaceship and perhaps accuse it of being one, or label it one. I do see some aliens on it: little stuffed toys, kinda like the little green and blue alien on Toy Story. However the ship is probably two feet across, and the aliens are smaller than my hand. I need to find the human, so I open a little compartment and pull out another alien creature. I figure that’s just a suit or disguise that the human is wearing. I take the little creature and place it on something else floating near me, and will it to change form. It changes a little - becomes thinner and grows blonde hair - but I’m thinking I need to have it turn into some specific person or I won’t be able to count the task. Then I notice Abigail Breslin standing nearby, she says something but I don’t remember what, might not even pay attention, I just point at her and then say ‘turn into Abigail Breslin’, and then my alien becomes a second Abigail Breslin. Now I have my human, I banish the spaceship, “banish!” I say as I point at it, and I start to threaten “or I’ll destroy you” but then it disappears or zooms off - kind of a cross between the two, like it starts to disappear before it shoots away. Then, aware I need to get the kid home or the task won’t be complete, I’m a bit fearful that I’ll wake up too soon. I ask the girl where she lives, to show me. As I fly her down, I can see on the earth the places like on a map, and we’re above the US which is lucky coz that’s where she’s from, and she points out which state, might start with a K, and I follow her finger as I fly us down; “that’s my town; that’s my street; that’s my house right there.” It’s pretty easy to find, doesn’t take long at all. I’m quite excited coz I’m almost done. We get to the ground, and I take the girl to the house, and her dad's working in the garage and she runs in there. Anyway, my task complete, I enjoy the street a bit more, it’s got nice houses, wide white driveways and red doors. I think it’s here I see Mum, and I am just about to go and try do something else, but after seeing her I wait a moment and then go and hug her, feeling i can't pass up the opportunity to hug her, it’ll feel real and I haven't hugged her in a while.

      Updated 03-30-2020 at 07:17 AM by 96266

      lucid , task of the year
    11. Strange Leaks

      by , 03-27-2020 at 09:25 AM
      Morning of March 27, 2020. Friday.

      Dream #: 19,457-02. Reading time: 2 min 24 sec.

      In this dream, part of my immediate waking-life identity meanders. Although I recall factors of real life (mostly only that I have a family, not where I live as is often the case) in the second section after the preconscious initiation (a typical unknown intrusive male), the setting remains ambiguous.

      The preconscious personification (sleep-wake mediator) activates atypically in the middle of my sleep cycle. I am near the center of a large, mostly featureless room with many other people. When cognitive arousal initiates, I have a pile of books next to me on my right (potential waking orientation as I sleep on my left side) as I sit on the floor. The man comes over to me, claiming I have a book I am not supposed to have, due to copyright reasons. It is a blank sheet music book for writing music. The publisher’s name is Fabergé. I argue with him for a few minutes, saying his claim is ridiculous because it is just a blank sheet music book (so I am denying cognizance while sleeping as well as ignoring the preconscious). I soon see him sitting with an unknown man.

      As a result of suppressing cognizance modulation to sleep longer, water reinduction (virtual melatonin mediation) occurs. I am in the small upstairs bathroom of the King Street mansion (irrelevant since the 1990s) in Wisconsin, though it is erroneously on the first floor and has a crawlspace beneath. I take a dream journal (from the late 1990s) from being tied with a cloth to a horizontal pipe near the baseboard and water sprays out. I am unsure how to stop the leak, as I do not want my book to get wet. Water is rushing under the floor, so I have to go outside to check. I consider calling our landlord. (I think of our present landlord in Australia, validating my dream initiated a thread for the emergence of partial recall, though the real-life leak was under Zsuzsanna’s sister’s house recently.)

      I now recall I have a family, though the setting is still wrong. When I go outside to check the leak, I am looking at a variation of the Cubitis house in Florida (irrelevant since 1978, so setting changes are not always in chronological order as water reinduction is opposite to the directive of emergence). The nature and layout of the scene have changed, and the leak is far from where the original orientation would correlate. There are two leaks from a long horizontal pipe unrealistically situated outside, about two feet from the ground and a few feet from the front of the other part of the house, though coming from the south wall of my Cubitis bedroom, implying its location has replaced the small King Street bathroom (typical errors in dream continuity as the Cubitis house had no crawlspace and the King Street house’s bathroom, again, was on the second floor). However, the leaks soon stop due to a bubble growing around the connections, keeping the water inside. Eventually, two big irregular bubbles shaped somewhat like hourglasses (temporality reference implying water reinduction is ending), float up from the pipes. I no longer see any leaks.

      Precursory cognizance kicks in again with the general reference to the condition of the sun (analogous to the lack of true identity and cognizance in the dream state). Zsuzsanna is with me outside. We are still erroneously in Cubitis, in the front yard. I see that the “sun” looks like Earth floating within a frying egg, though its lower right area is spreading out in an irregular form as if the egg is runny.

    12. reoccuring characters who only appear in good dreams

      , 03-27-2020 at 01:16 AM
      I notice that most recurring characters in my dreams have at least one bad dream one way or another, so I thought it would be notable to list the ones with only good dreams to see if there is a pattern:

      Lindsey Stirling (my favorite artist)
      Iulia (real life friend, I dream of my omnipotence and sharing dreams with her)
      Virsieras (genius inventor and inferred architect of my awesome dreams, though the dream with her world featured had an unsettling ending)
      my soul mate (even our break up felt fine)
      my subconscious (a bit cold acting, but his physical appearance seems to guarantee a good dream)
      John, my alter ego (we have friendly competitions)
      Jamie, a long time friend for years

      Notable people who appear in bad dreams:
      - Mastermind (a smart man chased by an organization)
      - dream guide (couldn’t help on phone)
      - my sister (a weird dangerous situation)
      - my mother (due to her strict teaching irl)
      - Abby, my crush, due to our falling out

      Updated 06-16-2020 at 12:16 AM by 92249

      side notes
    13. tower of bowser

      by , 03-26-2020 at 09:46 PM
      I'd repeated some mantras of positive feelings in bed. I had trouble sleeping but I felt... nirvana? The atoms or electrons in the air just danced and shifted. Then there were triangles of angels just reverberating in the air. I could feel the energy of everything around me. The entirety of everything was all alive. It was like a specific frequency, or combination of frequency that I had to hit to get to this spot, I dropped it and got it back up a couple of times. I did an RC. It was state of sheer ecstasy. I understood some things:

      It is simple to be what you want to be, yet simple isn't always easy. It is easy to be kind, loving, and be in the state of joy and it's just as easy to be depressed and despondent. I will keep it up.

      Blonde guy, violin

      First dream was in a university campus and I was headed for the class inside one of the buildings. I think I went to a class already though.

      +I recall having visited this campus in a dream before, I think twice. That time it was a school trip and we watched a movie and drank a coffee

      After finshing the class and heading out a blonde guy he is hitting on me and tells me something that he'd do if I went with him. It didn't sound that pleasant at the moment so I blew him off. I was headed home or back.

      I was now in a large old mansion like a haunted house. It was just very old wooden and mostly empty and cold. I was with my friend Steven and Y and we were heading deeper into the mansion and we found a desk that had some instructions. It was showing us how to create instruments and we were suppose to follow the instructions. I watched as the other two make their own violin like instrument, Steven made it much better I'd say. But I was distracted and couldn't make my own. Mine was like a ukulele and I just couldn't make it in time. We had to leave here now.

      Heading back to the campus and I began to see the same building with the class. I thought about the blonde guy from before and was now interested in finding him. I mean he looked a bit rough, but I should probably give him a chance right? I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

      I went head and walked towards the right and found a building there. I went inside and there was a huge lecture hall and full of students there. I noticed I probably went to the wrong place and when I tried to go back the way was blocked by people. Something happend, I forget here. I was singled out for some event in this lecture, it was a topic about a new experimental subject, and me and this girl was under scrutiny. I left after and towards the left and going down the stairs and tried to head out here but there were full of girls there that blocked the way. It was mostly black women here though.

      Transfer students/ bowser's tower

      I was among a people or friends here that were new transfer students and I helped them around although I wasn't even sure of the place too much. Their house of residence was a bit to the left and up, from my current spot. We were shopping inside a super market now and was at the cashier getting ready to pay when a random man shows up and he began to molest one of the 2 girls that were transferred here. She majestically kicked him twice and I finished him off with a punch or something but I don't recall exactly what I did now. He ran away and although things were good some policemen showed up. Policemen actually, although the people in the store saw what happend and were on our side, trying to help us, it was obvious that the policemen were called by the jerk from before and he probably had told them that we'd assaulted him. So we went through the door to the left side and tried not to stand out too much. Walking towards the house. We were back at the house and there were other transfer students here.

      There was something we had to do, something I had to do. What did I do here? I can't remember but I had an urge to do something... I remember that I had to find the villian of this story that was like bowser and I went to go defeat him. He came to our residence and I fought him for a brief moment before he got away. We went after him...

      The world was sort of in chaos now. It was getting swallowed up by darkness and to survive we went to climb up the tower. The tower of our villain to survive. Me and my companions managed to make it up first. The tower had no entrance so you had to climb up from the side like mountain climbing and only the top part of it had inhabitable buildings and temple like places. Anyways I got to the top... but now I was the villian.

      I was bowser and I fought our hero and I felt genuine sort of love to the hero. It's like a love of rivalry? Love towards a truly worthy opponent. I felt it and disappeared...

      I was back to being our MC but bowser was gone now... We rested inside one of the buildings atop the tower where there were some beds inside. But bowser was nowhere to be found. Some of the others who had climbed the tower began to get here now but something felt off. Bowser wasn't the one... there were a bunch of cloaked menaces, they were the one behind all this. I sought to find bowser... he was behind a cell. My companions were against this idea but I went for it.

      I had a phone with a pen and a DJ but that DJ was filled so I tried to write on the phone but the phone's color was too blue for my taste. I tried to change the background but had trouble doing so.


      I had 2-3 chances for AP. I felt that perfect state for it but I just didn't react to it fast enough. First 2 times I didn't react in time and the third time I did react in time but used a wrong technique,

      I was lucid during a couple of moments during microawakenings in the bowser saga, but they were all before awakening or during sniplets where my sensations weren't all inside.
    14. Demon school test

      by , 03-26-2020 at 04:10 AM
      Big meat

      Dream about a tan guy cooking big slabs of meat or steaks. No meat dye just natural meatiness getting bbqed.

      I remember thinking about bbq the day before.

      Demon school test

      I was at the demons school and was taking an exam or test. It was a writing exam or memorization thing and I had to move across a super long vertical scroll of texts that ran for like 1km or half a mile. Didn't have time to read it slowly, just tried to memorize in a glance. At the end of the scroll was a different version of the same thing, but were drawn by someone so it was easier to remember. The texts or image was about the history of the demons and how they'd had a big demon invading a city in the past sort of thing. Basically this was all just a history class.

      May be continuation of other demon school dreams.

      Burnt face
      I was in house #25 and ppl came over to play. I saw my gramps downstairs and after eating at the table, he showed me that he had built a pc all by himself. Looking super proud did he, this computer was huge but mostly empty space inside the case. Was about to go play and noticed my face was burnt. Went upstairs to continue my activities though. We played some sort of board game.

      Sliced off shield

      Just recall slicing off bits of shield with wind magic or something similar against a knight that held it. It was the top two corner of the shield.
      Time dilation

      I remember practicing time dilation on a rooftop.

      Movie class

      A class but was watching a movie. I was picked on by some kids but a real cool badass girl in the class came by and rescued me.
    15. Feeling Lost DILD

      by , 03-26-2020 at 12:26 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself falling through the dark. I was lucid and saw that I enter a different world where it was like I was trapped in a huge black square. The bottom of it was a shiny rainbow color platform that kept going up and down like a huge ocean only the ripple effects was so intense. Inside this square, I could heavy vibrations and a lot of different kinds of energy. I continue bouncing up and down and feeling the pressure of it all.

      It was soothing for the most part. Then all of sudden I was gone from there and in a mall. I flew around there and bump in to a guy who was holding a lot of rice. It all fell to the floor and he quickly tried picking up as I apologize. He said it wasn't a problem and I continue in till I saw a woman who waved at me and told me about the area. I then found myself in embarrass when my pants just magically disappeared.

      I look around for some reason I became calm cause yea I'm dreaming. I then went to sit a table to wait for an order that I knew was coming. A lot of people came to my table all of a sudden and sat next to me. For some reason I lost lucidity here.
      Tags: darkness, mall
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