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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 101 dreamsigns, and I GET LUCID!

      by , 07-13-2014 at 09:18 PM
      I'm walking home from town with a couple of bags of grocery shopping, crossing the ringroad roundabout by the police station. I'm coming down the stairs into the underpass and notice that the headroom at the bottom of the stairs is very restricted, so I'm stooping to see if I'm in anyone's way.

      I spot John Fieldsend and his wife, who I've never seen outside of Shrewsbury, where I used to live years ago, and a girl I take to be their daughter (though far too young but hey) I greet them with "Hello, Fieldsends" I also notice that I'm not wearing and shoes and the ground's a little wet so my yellow socks are getting wet. I decide I should get my shipping home before I go back to town to get my boots which I "remember" I left in a shop up town.

      Coming out of the far side of the underpass (onto a street that's not the one normally there) I notice the sunny well lit ambiance and identify it as one of my dreamsigns. All of a sudden I realise that seeing the Fieldsends counts, too, and the very low headroom in the underpass, and having no shoes on is also suspicious. I decide to do a reality check because I'm more suspicious than convinced. I start levitating above the ground and now I *know* it's a dream!

      I ditch the shopping bags and fly up above the houses. My dream starts to fade rapidly. It's getting dark and I'm nowhere near any surfaces to fondle. I try spinning but the dream keeps fading. I'm now aware of my sleeping body and realise I can't keep hold of the dream. In retrospect, it might have been an FA, but I just rolled over and went back to sleep, not even smart enough to try a DEILD, Doh!
    2. The (much too short) apocalyptic view and some uninteresting stuff

      by , 07-13-2014 at 07:58 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Another lucid dream, once more proving to me at least some parts of me seem to be regenerating. Or not decaying further. Either way...

      ...the first part of the dream I can recall begins with me being in some kind of 'mall'. While it felt and was treated like a shopping mall, it much more looked like a home, that was maybe a little bigger than an average house. The interior was largely gray with some white, relatively normal I'd say, it didn't look fancy but acceptable by my standards. I remember the living room, there was someone I didn't know, a Playstation (1) and a staircase when walking through the room, which felt very spacious as it was connected to the other rooms, no doors or stuff that made you feel you changed the room.
      I eventually walked up the stairs, and remember a more white kitchen like room, with an silver oven placed at an convenient height to work with. Somehow I felt and noticed that the dream played during a different time than reality, I was somewhat in the past, and first upon realizing that planned to make use of it to change things for the better.
      I'm not quite sure what happened, or how, but then I'm standing on a small ledge, outside of a building, 20 m above the ground or something. The view I saw was... absolutely amazing, apocalyptic and dark. A feeling emerges I couldn't describe, a more valuable experience than I could ever get from watching even the most emotional movies in real life for hours. I'm falling down and I
      realize I'm dreaming, I feel relaxed and fine.
      I'm in a big zone, I don't even know what it was, a train station, a building, maybe just an open place with some constructions. I was testing around with gravity, and again I also was flying a little. My girlfriend was there as well, she asked me if I was still dreaming, I did an reality check and replied that I was of course still dreaming. After some more time of being lucid but somehow doing nothing fancy I felt my focus fading for a moment, then I woke up.

      Man, if just for once I would actually start doing something relevant upon becoming lucid...
    3. LD#98: Something you should have told me three years ago.

      by , 07-13-2014 at 12:06 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in some unique parkway area, already partially lucid, in the rainforest. There are pathways and boardwalks leading around jagged peaks jutting out of the ocean. Exotic tropical flora covers almost every available square inch of the ground. It was magnificent. I could not however get the full view of the location as it was a rainy, foggy, muggy day.
      I am walking down the pathway when my dream guide shows up, and
      BAM, fully lucid. But she doesn't look like herself, she's way old. Usually she's a teenager like me, but now she's probably in her 50's or 60's with greying hair, and wearing a running outfit. But I've seen her be everything from a toddler to a really buff man, and go through about a million outfits along the way. I just know her when I see her.
      She asks me to follow her, then turns and runs the other way, and I follow. So I begin pushing across the ground, not so much running as I am just hovering to keep pace with her, and she begins talking.
      She slowly comes out and says that she is telling me her name. First name, then Surname, then middle name. (Why this was such a big secret until now remains a mystery...) But here we are. Her full name was (and I guessed on the spelling, Just pronunciation)
      Maneimonei Qui Tarr
      Two years ago, she told me to pick a name for my dream journal. Now she tells me her actual name. You know what, there is no way I am going back and editing the 100-odd entries that reference the placeholder name Lia. So my dream guide will simply be referenced as Maneimonei from now on.
      I repeated the name to myself several times as to not forget it, and layer down some stabilization by rubbing my hands together. I was not certain how much longer this lucid dream would last.
      The two of us arrived at a large stucco building with a small ventilation duct cut into the side. She crawls inside. I try to follow, but I don't fit.
      I try to shrink myself to go inside, but cannot. So I begin pulling on the sides of the entrance and making it bigger. I crawl in, pushing on all sides of the interior of the building making it bigger as I go. I wake up.

      Updated 07-14-2014 at 03:41 AM by 53527

    4. Turn Down for What?

      by , 07-13-2014 at 11:12 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Standing in a rather plain room. Empty walls, beige carpet. I begin hearing the intro music for "Turn Down for What" and start acting like the character from the intro to the music video. Before any lyrics start, I realize I'm dreaming, and want to combine it with the TOTM. The first one I think of is to get naked. I think about how I'm going to do both, and wake up before doing either.

      // I was thinking rather introspectively, to the exclusion of everything I was doing. Maybe that woke me up?

      >> Next time: Try thinking while still interacting with the dream.
    5. Father Room to Elementary School to Living Room DILD

      by , 07-12-2014 at 11:19 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Dream started with my Father Mother and brother all inside Father room , it was near night we were discussing what place will go to. That's when we all agreed that the place that cost $500,000 was best , I began to become excited that this was going to happen and couldn't wait for it. I ask my Father does he think he could do this every several months however he did not answer and continue to lay down watching television. That's when we all fell asleep that's when the next day began and the sun began to rise up. I got up to my surprise my brother has already been waiting for me to wake up, I knew today was the day for the trip so I felt excited again and quickly went inside the bathroom to prepare. As I am in the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror and realize I had facial hair and a lot of it, it was very long. I then starting thinking when I woke up why wasn't my brother surprise about the new appearance but decided to accept it and thought it must've all grew over last night. I came out and waited with my Mother and brother for Father to arrive however I knew this was going to take hours and decided to fall back to sleep. The scene began to change and the alleged dream began I was in my elementary school however it was 3rd person point of view, I saw this boy who was ask by another kid to watch his cat . The boy agreed to watch over his cat as he went inside the school however right after the cat owner leaves the boy snatches the cat and went behind the school. He sat there talking to the cat telling the cat that it had to die as he didn't want to be caught and knew the cat owner were suspect him if he steals it. A police guard started walking toward his direction and this made the boy panic to where he decided to run leaving the school off in to the woods and I never saw the boy again. I then wake up from this dream and got out of bed , it was night and I began getting excited realizing he'll be here. I went out to the living room and look through the window and saw Father coming inside. I started running around in joy in till I trip on the ground and fell. I got up and went inside Father's room looking for other stuff my Father enter inside as well and told me he won't be able to do it this night as he car needed to be fix. I told him I understand and decided to go back to sleep, that's when I back in the other dream where the police was talking to the cat owner saying he did see a orange hair kid running away which made the cat owner angry. That's when 3rd person point of view was gone and I finally realize I had my own body again. The police officer, a commander and the cat owner come toward my way and I realize I needed to walk with them. As we all walk the scene change to a door which I open it and left the door open for the commander and others to enter in. We all appear in my living room, it was dark blue outside through the windows which told me that it was soon to be night. As we stood there the commander decided to hit the cat owner in the face, the cat owner began to panic and ran all the way upstairs. I notice this and began thinking again wondering if commander is going to attack me as well, he was in the kitchen and began gliding after he did a loud howl he starts flying viciously. I began to panic and decided to run toward him to fight, as we collided he disappear and I hit the front door with my face. I became lucid however I could not stop flying around I had no control of it as I am flying around I tell myself to stay calm and to try landing. My flying began to get lower itself as it enough for me to start walking, I still felt like there was a force pushing me away. I also felt very light headed I wonder if I had any dream control but knew it can't be much I had a hard time stopping that. I test to see if I could make a DC appear by closing my eyes however it did not happen and knowing the chance that this could wake me up I did it anyway. I woke up. Lucidity Time : 55 seconds

      Updated 07-14-2014 at 02:00 AM by 67903

      lucid , false awakening
    6. "Miniature Soccer"

      by , 07-12-2014 at 05:32 PM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid # 61 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background: I Meditated before going to sleep. WBTB

      Lucid Dream # 61, day: 07/11/14, time: 3:27-4:40am Am" Miniature Soccer":
      I am in what I think is San Francisco. It looks like there is some special event. I see people walking by. I am just standing there dazed. I see a bicycle pass by me. I am looking at the city lights while it darkens. I started to finally walk. I see another bicycle or was it the same one. I am now engaging in the dream. I realized that a carnival came to the city. I go inside and see that it's a miniature soccer match between insects. I realized it was a dream.

      I started rubbing my hands to stabilize. I look around and my perception looked like an old 1960's camera. It had distortion along with those black dots in the film. I then wanted to fly out of the carnival tent. As I am ascending I see garden weed start to grow from the ground and it went all the way up to the tent. I thought I could breach the tent but when I got there it was difficult. It felt solid. I kept pushing through, my head got in and when it did I woke up.

      Updated 08-02-2014 at 05:33 PM by 65865

    7. "Angel of Death"

      by , 07-12-2014 at 05:13 PM (A Dreamer's Dreams)
      Journal Entry Lucid # 60 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
      Background: I Meditated before going to sleep. As I was going to sleep I tired to notice the process of sleeping to induce a WILD or OBE.
      As I start to feel the sinking sensation and I became aware of it, it disappeared.

      Lucid Dream # 60, day: 07/07/14, time: Unknown-6:49am Am" Angel of Death":

      The girl I once liked was in my room. She started to touch my private part and it felt good but I know we can't be together. It felt wrong. I left her and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I thought to myself it could be a dream. She wouldn't do this in waking life.

      The bathroom light was off. I see a blurry image of myself, it gave me chills. I then go to my room. I look at that mirror and I see myself as an eight foot tall giant, wearing a black hoodie. I then turn around to see that it is not my reflection but Death. He had his staff with him. I couldn't see a face, the hoodie got rid of that.

      A man shows up and distracts Angel of Death, "Killing one guy won't solve your problem". He teleported me to my house and I am watching it on tv. I felt powerless because he too my flight from me. When he teleported me, my perception changed, everything looks like a poorly 3d animation. They were having an intellectual conversation that I couldn't keep up with. They even said words I didn't know, they might have just made it up though. I grabbed paper and tried to write down what they said. I thought, "how stupid is that, this is a dream, if I write it down it doesn't matter!" I threw my paper away. I tried to enter the TV screen to stop Angel of Death.

      Death pushes the other guy. He then summons me. He had an army of robots connected to a plug. They had these arms that were bluish and transparent. They used that to lounge at me. I used telekinesis and threw them aside. One of them threw a punch at me and I noticed it. I extended my arm and stopped it. He kept pushing at his arm and it got closer and closer to my face. I then pushed back with a burst of TK. I then went to the plug and I exploded it by clinching my fist.

      There is a kid at church, in 6th grade and I introduced him to LD. He has been wonderful in dream control. The one thing is, he is extremely violent towards DC. He suggested if I have any trouble with dream characters I use TK to stop their heart. Creative but brutal.

      And I remembered what he said. I started to fly, I didn't think much of it. I point my hand at Angel of Death and I clinched my fist. He grabbed the left side of his chest and fell. I thought about what I have done. I felt guilty. I went to him and I looked closer and realized that he was a machine. It was circuits that I blew out. I felt relieved. I starting thinking about Death and the irony that it has life.

      I see the kid from church, ES. He said, "what now?" I looked around perplexed. I remembered that I wanted to make a portal. I told him that we are going to make a portal. I went to a supply closet and I said this will be our portal. I didn't really imagine a destination but I just wanted it to go somewhere else. I opened it and it didn't work. I tried over and over again but still nothing. He started to get bored. I told him and his friends that we could just fly away. I went to the window and I told them we are going to have to jump. His friends advised him not to follow me. I am flying outside their house. He started to fly to. They then tried it out. As we were flying I see a door in the middle of sky. I go to it and I open it. It has a shining light.
      I woke up.

      I think the reference when the man told death "killing one guy won't solve your problem" he might have been talking to me as well.

      Updated 08-02-2014 at 05:16 PM by 65865

    8. Fragments

      by , 07-12-2014 at 07:36 AM
      In the past two weeks, the dreams have been intense, but I did not write any of them down.

      In one, Boden didn't recognize me and didn't want anything to do with me. Boden, if I haven't mentioned him yet, has been with me from the beginning of my lucid dreams. I tried to get his attention. It was heartbreaking. Like I didn't exist to him. Like I was now so unrecognizable he couldn't fathom my being "good enough" to know his name. I felt crushed.

      In another, I don't know who they were, but one was a young woman (feisty), the other a man around my age. I had to leave in a hurry and ended up walking around the city in the dark, in the rain, in a minidress and a flannel shirt the man lent me because it was cold outside. Every hotel I came to turned me away.

      Sometimes I dream of just walking away from it all. Leave behind the stress I'm always under. I have nowhere to go and in the dreams it always seems to catch up to me (ain't that something?). Well, life recently has caught up to me. It's a constant struggle. The dreams I have are the only outlet I have available.

      Lucid dreams I can go anywhere and drop any worry. I have friends who actually want to talk to me or spend time with me or just support me. Real life is so different. If I could choose a world to live in, it would be the dreams.

    9. research

      by , 07-12-2014 at 07:15 AM
      Hello again and sorry for not posting recently. I have been trying some things recently with dream control that required a little field testing. My new medicine has helped me find a way to increase the duration of rem sleep through dream control. I was trying to find a way to stay in one dream instead of several dreams in one night. This has turned out to be a double sided coin however. You can stay in rem for longer and wake up sooner but on the other hand I have found out that you can also increase the duration of rem past the 'normal sleep time'. I can do this without the medication but is easier when on it. I believe that this may be a cause for some cases of people in a coma. I would like to test this longer but would have negative effects that I can not deal with having to pay rent and all. If there is anyone else who can do this and would like to try for me please pm me. I have slept for an entire day doing this. Your sense of time goes away after about 8-12 hours. If we can find out how this works we might be able to enter the dreams of people who are in a coma and help wake them up.
    10. Dreaming 101

      by , 07-12-2014 at 05:38 AM (A Strange and Nonsensical Adventure)
      Dreaming 101 (DILD)

      Forgot to post this a while ago. One of my favorite dreams.


      0040 - I'm rushing to my college class. (Note: IRL, I'm not in college yet, but I don't notice this) I'm taking 5 courses at a time, as my schedule says, and one is on the 10th floor. At first I go up to the 8th or 9th with my friends, but realize that my class - D--- 101? is in 1029. Someone else and their mother is looking for the room as well, and notices me going there. I go in - it's a tiny entrance - find a seat, and sit down. I find out that we actually weren't supposed to be there, and that we were really lucky. I don't know what the class is about. The people in charge tell us to form groups of 5 or so, and everyone starts mixing together. I start panicking. I look around and see no one I can ask. I go up to this girl and ask, but she's doing some homework and says no. I look around again and Emily waves to me from across the room. I am relieved, and go sit down next to here. I say something about her saving my life and she laughs. Even so, I am disappointed in myself for not having made new friends in college. The people start talking, and it becomes apparent that we're supposed to "take a hit" of this substance. Me and Emily have never done drugs, and we don't want to. (Someone I know, possibly Emily, is sitting next to me) We get cups of this liquid gas and the person next to me decides to drink it, which we're not supposed to do. I inhale the gas, once, twice, imagine dropping into the ocean, and feel water all around me. I am asleep, and dreaming, and know that I am.

      I don't remember what happens next. I think I start exploring. Oh - the other person may have been Stephanie. I'm with her in the dream. We're in a city, and I keep jumping and flying up and up and up, and she grows really big. I reach this overhang/cliff and grab onto the building, but it's weak and can't support my weight. I notice the big drop down to the street below and the arrows pointing in a line underneath me and tell S that she can go through the tunnel underneath to see me do an awesome drop. She doesn't really want to, or doesn't care either way. Not sure. Anyway, I keep holding onto the building wih a hand or two and my body keeps jumping up or floating up - perhaps on its own, or I have to keep doing so for some reason. It feels like I'm in space or constant antigravity or something. Eventually I jump too far and my legs overbalance and I flip over the edge and fall down.

      It was realistic, I think. Fairly vivid. I fell down but I knew I could fly up, and so I did. It was somewhere around this point that I really realized that I was dreaming. I did an RC and everything. Things became clearer, more vivid without me trying. I fly around the city, looking at the cars, which weren't rendered properly, and we get up to the point up there. All the while, I remember the college course, and realize that it's about being about to control your dreams and trips and all that.
      When I meet Snape and crack my eyes open briefly in real life - or was it the college class? - I close my eyes immediately and imagine a well in the ground. A voice says, "Hover, don't drop," and I think I return to Snape and all that. New Yorkin' 2 on a billboard in rainbow letters somewhere in a city. Across the billboard there is another big poster, where the words all fluctuate. Snape is there, rather scary. Had to somewhat DEILD back in. He made a potion and reluctantly gives it to me, but says that if i take it, my other class will not be something. I decide not to take it.

      I decide that I've had enough of a cloudy, foggy atmosphere and fly up past the overpasses crowding the city. The sky is beautiful and rainbow and full of stars. For once I am truly excited that this is a dream. There may have been an airship. I looked at the cars, which looked wonky and all that. At some point, the dream ends.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. Vulture's Story Chapter One: The hulking bounty-hunter.

      by , 07-11-2014 at 09:50 PM
      I recognized a micro-awakening around 4-5AM, I stayed still and SP hit me fairly quickly, The dream created around me and I found myself in a large city, I noticed I had a womanly body and suddenly remembered Vulture, I morphed into her and decided to begin her story here, the name of this city was appearantly Maetropol.
      I decided to take control just a tiny bit to advance the story somewhat, I went into a small alley (I envisioned a bounty hunter café there) I went inside, many bounty hunters were there, all with their unique style, I went up to the bartender and asked for a job, he just laughed at me and said "aren't you a little young kid?" after that I got pushed away by this hulking guy "Leave the bounties to the big guys" I jumped up and yelled in his face "Well, come at me then you incompotent gorilla" He didn't appreciate that remark, he pulled out a large mace and began to smash at me, demolishing some tables and the floor, I decided I had enoug and I went outside, he followed me furiously, I quickly punched the ground and surrounded my two fists with stone. I lunged at him and I had hit him right in the face, he got knocked back a few meters, I quickly fired off those stone gloves at him and he went through to the street where he got hit by a truck. I went back inside, everybody now treating me with respect, I remember a guy coming up to me and telling me I had done a good job, I went back to the counter and asked for my job, I got a discription of a man with brown hair and brown eyes, appearantly he overthrew an evil general not long ago, I'm usually for the good guys, but when I hear what my reward was I immidiately took the job, the reward was 500.000$, I wasn't planning on giving up on that many money. I suddenly felt the dream fade away, I prepared for DEILD right that moment.
    12. Task Of the Month - Semi-Success?

      by , 07-11-2014 at 07:53 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Two more lucids to report! One really short one in which I accomplished nothing, and the WILD from last night that was a failure at my own task, but may at least count toward the TotM.

      I didn't post my brief failed attempt yesterday, so...

      Onward to Fail (DILD)


      I'm talking to my parents, when I reach up to feel my hair and notice that its longer than it should be. It seems to be as long as it was before I cut it short, which means it's well past my shoulders. How could it possibly have gotten so long again?

      It couldn't have. This only happens when I'm dreaming, I remind myself. I instantly recall the task that I've already failed at once. I'm supposed to find Dreamer and then find an elevator to Hell. I walk off, starting to call for her, but quickly feel myself losing the dream.

      I try to stabilize it... No luck.

      I'm pulled into a false awakening.

      My problem seems to be that I'm too worried about stabilization, which causes me to think too much of my physical body. Since my attention is more on worrying about waking up, I lose the scene.


      Critter (Non-lucid)


      There are three black widow spiders in front of me, having a conversation. They are neutral to my presence. They also seem to be males, which means they're not venomous. Still, I'm not too keen on being bitten, so I am doing my best to get what I need without coming into contact with them.

      I reach around their webs, only to be bitten by a different kind of bug. At first I think it's one of the spiders. I jerk my hand back and the bug comes with me. It's this weird blobby thing; I can't really call it an insect because it doesn't have six legs--- it only has four. Still, it's insect-like. It is white and globular; each part of its body looks squishy and balloon-like except for its legs, which are serrated like a grasshopper's. Its body is clearly intended to try to camouflage it as a rabbit. The bug's hind end is equip with blobby extensions made to look like rabbit ears. It's real, insectoid head protrudes from its back. (Although since it seems more like the bug walks upside down and backwards, like a human trying to do a crab walk, I suppose the head is actually protruding from the creature's stomach). It is the size of a small baby rabbit.

      ((This is the best I could sketch it with my non-existent art skills.))

      I stare in awe at the strange creature for a while before I learn it can talk. This surprises me, despite the fact I found talking spiders perfectly normal. His name is Jack and he becomes my friend.

      Journey Toward Hell (WILD)


      I'm lying in bed awake with my eyes closed when I feel a slight vibrating feeling that means I'm about to enter sleep. It would be great if I can turn this into a WILD since I wasn't even aiming for that. The vibrations grow stronger, and by the second wave I am fully within sleep paralysis. I figure I can just get up and start the dream. I'm wrong. I open my eyes, but I seem to have opened my physical eyes instead of my dream ones (something that I'm able to do while trapped in SP). When I do, the vibrations feel like they're tearing my head apart. I quickly shut my eyes again.

      Surely if I just lie here, it'll HAVE to turn into a dream. I wait, but nothing happens except for more uncomfortable vibrations. I try to move, hoping I can just get up and walk into a dream. I'm completely unable to budge a single muscle, phantom or otherwise. Normally I can imaging rolling out of the bed to get the dream going. This doesn't work either. Maybe WILD isn't the best technique for someone who suffers from chronic sleep paralysis anyway.

      Finally, I'm able to lift my dream arm. I grasp around blindly, reaching for something that I can use to pull myself up out of my body. I reach a dresser and finally manage to succeed in untangling myself from the physical world.

      I'm standing in my bedroom just in front of the door. I do a quick RC just for good measure, but it's not necessary. I'm already lucid.

      I run out the bedroom door, ending up in my childhood home. No way am I going to fail at my task this time! I do my best not to think of the dream ending as I exit my house. It's night time and pitch black outside, unlike in real life where the sun has just barely risen. I sprint across the street toward my neighbor's house. I call out for Dreamer, banging on the door.

      The door swings open and a sleepy looking purple-haired girl stands there staring out at me. Finally! Some hint of success! "I found you!" I exclaim in delight. "Now we've got to find an elevator and make it down to Hell!"

      I grab her hand and pull her out of the house, trying to convey the necessity for speed. We start to run down the road together, full throttle. "I know where an elevator is," she tells me, seeming to understand what's going on now after her brief confusion. "Follow me!"

      As we run down the street, she asks me why I'm asleep at such a strange time. At first I don't understand; then I remember that she lives in Australia. "Oh, right. There's a huge time difference between where you are and where I am," I tell her. "Last time I checked, it was 7:00 in the morning here. That seems like a while ago and my alarm is supposed to go off at 7:30, so we really need to hurry!"

      She leads me to a section of the street that never fails to have some kind of evil within my dreams. I hope this time will be different; I don't need any distractions. Dreamer veers to the right toward a farm that used to have donkeys irl. We run through the dark field toward an outhouse-shaped building. Suddenly, an evil looking farmer in a tractor begins riding toward us. I feel a twinge of fear at his appearance, but I ignore it.

      We run into the "outhouse" which turns out to be far bigger on the inside than on the outside. I expect there to be an elevator in here. Instead, it's filled with hay and dirt. Dreamer and I climb up and hang from the ceiling like ninja's hoping to hide from the evil farmer. He'll never look up here, I tell myself.

      He does. He looks up and sees us as soon as he walks into the building. An evil grin spreads across his face. Once spotted, Dreamer and I drop from the ceiling to face him. The man wordlessly turns and pulls a lever by the door. The floor drops away beneath us--- we're falling into a pit which most likely leads to Hell.

      Dreamer gives me a helpful smile. "Does this count as an elevator?" she asks.

      I don't think it does. I summon a platform beneath us. It's one of those circular platform elevators that I've only ever seen in video games. There's a vague rumbling noise as the elevator slowly descends deeper and deeper into the ground. It's dark, and there's not much scenery, so I start to become concerned with losing the dream.

      "Can't this thing move any faster?" I complain. I run from wall to wall, trying to keep focused on the minimal imagery. It's no use. The dream fades and
      I have a false awakening.
    13. The Terrifying Mustache Man!

      by , 07-11-2014 at 04:09 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I fall asleep, and immediately see a face directly in front of mine, maybe our noses are a full nose distance apart at most. A man is staring directly at me, sporting a big, regular mustache, and smiling happily. Looking right into my eyes as his wide face remains motionless. I scream in terror, completely surprised by this man, because just a moment ago I was laying in my bed, waiting for sleep.

      I wake up with a jolt, then question why he was so terrifying for me? I think it was the surprise factor of going from being by myself, to having a face all up in my face.
    14. Paralyzed Lucid in Bed, and Dream of Babies

      by , 07-11-2014 at 11:18 AM
      Awake Non-Lucid Lucid


      I woke up to my alarm playing "Helter Skelter". I went to the bathroom and stayed up for another minute or two for a total of around 5 or 6 minutes. I then stayed in my bed for an hour and thirty minutes until I fell asleep.


      I woke up in my bed,hearing the usual sounds when I'm lucid (rushin, et cetera). This time I wasn't scared. I attempted to someone to walk into my bedroom, but nothing happened. I tried to get up, and all I did was lay there. I was paralyzed. I close my dream eyes, thinking that I'm in sleep paralysis or something, and that I just need to wait a few more minutes. I ended up awake at 4:29.

      I then layed in bed for another whole bunch of time, waiting to go to sleep, accepting that I failed to have an LD this night.


      I remember babies, and my hometown. There were good and evil babies, and devil babies. I especially remember a certain demon baby. I also remember the playground in my hometown.
    15. A lucid adventure involving Cookie Monster, Demonic moms, child-abuse and Constantine.

      by , 07-11-2014 at 08:26 AM
      "Yes!" I said to myself as Sleep-paralysis sets in "Now, don't think of anything scary... like the grudge...
      fuck!" said I getting scared, but Luckily for me, nothing happend. Instead I left my body and felt myself floating
      to the ceiling. I opened my eyes and looked down onto my bed, empty. "Jesus, my bed is a mess." I said.
      I tried to floath down, but gravity had not set in, so I pulled myself down on an invicible rope.

      "Okay..." I said happy. "... Gravity is setting in." I realized as I walked down the stairs. When I reached the ground
      I looked up and saw, with horror, my mom sitting in the faraway couch. "Okay, Kasper, concentrate... Atleast you
      can use your trick to spawn Constantine... Just use the script" I assured myself. My mom looks up.
      "Hi! Mom! uhm... is Constantine outside?" said I, trying to be confident. "Yes, she is." my mom said calmly.
      "Where you going?" She asked. "Grocerie-shopping with Constantine" I said, sticking to the script. "Shopping
      for what, dear?" She suddenly asked. Dumbstruck I panicked, because this she never asked before. "Uhm...
      Cookies!" I said. "Cookies... What...kind... of... cookies?" She began to say, in a robotic voice. I reached
      for the door, ready to make a run for it. "the...salty ones?" I said quickly. "WRONG COOKIE!" She suddenly yelled.
      I screamed, for my mom changed into a demonic nature. Eyes turning red and spinning... I shrieked, while opening
      the door wildly. "Hello Ka - 'NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!'" I yelled, interrupting Constantine mid-sentence. I grabbed her hand
      and ran away.

      "What happend?" she asks confused. "Vincent's... favourite... monster!" I stuttered, running
      at high pace. She looked back. "Your mom?" She asks. "No!... Cookie...monster". "How did that happen?" she asks me
      in a confused tone. I stopped. "Things... tend to turn demonic if I panic. For some reason my mom left the
      script and asked me something new, so I panicked. Cookie monster, for some reason, came up in my mind so I
      said 'cookies' and... - 'COOKIES!'" Interrupted by my mom, still chasing me. I grabbed Constantine her hand
      again and ran back in a wide circle to the house. Slamming the door shut behind us, I let out a sigh. "That was close"
      I said. Suddenly the door started to open. With haste we held the door shut, with our back. Re-acting the scene
      of Jurrasic Park. "Search for a shotgun!" I yelled, while wildly looking for a shotgun to blow my mom her head off.
      At the end, there was no shotgun... "Keys" Constantine said and locked the door. "NOOOOO!" My mom yelled outside.
      Feeling safe for a second, we came to the conclusion my mom had her own pair of keys. "It knows how to open doors!"
      I yelled,still trying to re-act Jurrasic Park in a vain attempt to spawn a shotgun. As we were holding the handle,
      a voice behind us spoke. "What's the problem?".

      I looked back. "Who are you supposed to be?" I asked annoyed.
      "Your father" he said. Getting angry for someone to impersonate my dad, I lost lucidity for a second and wanted
      to punch him in the face if it was not for the reason I had my hands bussy holding my mom outside. Luckily, I came back.
      "Do something!" I yelled. "Oh, your mother is in one of her periods again" He says, while shoving us away and opening the door.
      "WRONG COOKIE!" My mom yelled at my dad. "I know, hon. I know, come with me" He said reassuring, while walking away with my mom.
      We waited until the yelling of cookies was over, before we left the house and went to the opposite road.

      "This is NOT what I wanted" I said angry. "The only thing I wanted was to spawn you, then we could just walk
      and talk... Maybe about my dad or what Anne said. But nooo, I changed my mom into a monster... AGAIN!" said I in
      a frenzy. "Do things turn demonic often?" asks Constantine. "I once punched my cat in the face... it turned demonic.
      One time I came here and my dog was acting apeshit. He acts apeshit IRL too, but now it was, like, tottaly apeshit...
      so I punched him in the face. And he turned demonic" I explained. "you... punched your mom?" she asks. "No, not yet
      that is" I said back. "Thing is..." I started, "... I once changed the entire world into minecraft! Then I lost
      lucidity and transformed into a mindless Steve... But I could do stuff! I once spawned a dragon, I did lost
      control of it, but there are times I just can't do shit... I want to re-create a scene of Godzilla and King
      Ghidorah from GMK and spawn Lars in it so he can see - 'is he black?' - intterupt Constantine me. "What? Who?
      No, he is not black!" I said. "Why would you ever ask..." I began, but suddenly fell to the ground.

      "What's happening now?" I thought to myself, when I suddenly found me and Constantine standing in a wooden house
      with multiple floors. "This is so not going as I want it to go..." I sighed. I looked at Constantine and noticed
      she changed faces again, but always keeps her black hair. "Why do you do that? Changing how you look?" I asked her.
      "Because I want to look different sometimes" She said back. "So WHAT was the point of you taken me to shop for clothes
      the entire time yesterday?" I asked baffled. "No point" She said calmly. I let out a sigh. "Constantine..." I began,
      "... do you, like, hear me when I talk or think about you when I'm awake?" I asked nervously. "Yes, but not clear.
      Like a radio with a lot of white noise. Words pop out, sometimes sentences." She answered back. "Oh... uhm...
      about some of the things I think sometimes... You know..." I said in a little voice. "No problem for me" She said.
      "Oh great" I said reassured. "You know, I found you as a kid..." said I. "Yes, but you asked me to take the form
      of an adult" She said. "I only did that because we were thrown naked into a room and I didn't like the fact you
      were a naked kid" I pointed out. "So, I changed" she said. "Yeah, you did" I said back. "I woke you up when you
      saw me" she points out. "Yeah... you DID do that, yes" I said. "So... Why re-act our world with shopping? This
      world is far superior!" I remarked. "You really think that?" she asked, frowning, in a voice that I felt slightly
      offended by.

      "So what do we do now?" she asks while we climbed the stairs. "I don't know... maybe I transform
      myself into a woman?" I said suddenly. She stops. "Do it" she says. I closed my eyes and said "WOMAN" and opened my eyes again.
      "Did it work?" she asks curiously. "I don't know... I don't see anything" I remarked. "Maybe I'm flat-chested?
      wouldn't be a surprise IRL if I would have been a girl... Ah, no, that doesn't belong. No, still a guy" I said.
      "Why not start small?" she said. "Small?" I asked back. "You know... wish IT away?" she said. "... and then
      build it. I would show you, but you would just wake up again" She points out. "No, let's not do that at all" I said sharply.
      "Why a woman, though?" she asks curiously. "'Cause your sex has it easier then us" I said unknowingly. She let out a sigh
      and suddenly walked further on her own. "What? What is it? Constantine?" I said, following her. Suddenly I collided with a
      person. A whole crowd appeared on the second floor and Constantine was nowhere to be seen. "Watch it!" Yelled a guy and pushed
      me away onto another guy sitting on the edge of the balcony. "Watch it!" said this guy and pushed me back. I got
      pissed. "No, you watch it!" I responded and pushed him with my whole body, causing us to fall over the balcony.

      Luckily I discovered I had super-strength and with one hand I catched the edge and with the other the foot of the guy I made fall.
      "Wow, that was close!" I remarked. I looked down and saw the guy I was holding looked rather lifeless... I saw his neck in a weird
      position and it was dragging on the floor. "Oh Jesus..." I said. I let him go. A hand reached for me, I pulled on the hand, making
      a second guy falling down and break his neck aswell. "Oh God!" I yelled. I pulled myself up. Suddenly every Dream-character
      began to yell, making a hurricane of noise. I ran away, they ran after me. It was as scary as in the movie Inception. Suddenly
      I was in a room and out of the other door, guys in white came in. "No, not you guys! I'm NOT GOING BACK! You guys captured me for 3
      nights in a fuckin' row and held me in a looney-house before I could escape. And fuck the talking Taco-guy!" I said furiously, remembering
      a past event. I said out loud "KATANA" and swung my arm, while grabbing an innocent Dream-character. "STAND BACK!" I yelled, while
      holding my weapon against his throath. "OR I..." I began, realizing it was not a katana but a plastic knife you find in fastfood-chains
      like McDonalds. "... slith...his...uhm, throath?" I stuttered. For a second I thought I was fucked, but the crowd seemed to take
      my warning seriously. So I just went into it. "STAND BACK!" I yelled. "Easy, easy" said the men in white "Noone should get hurt". Out
      of the other door, a cop-woman came in with a gun "Oh, no" I cried. I was so not in the mood for my brain to simulate what it thinks
      a gun-wound would feel like. "What are your demands?" asked the cop. Now, from my experience with movies... and I watch alot of movies...
      this was not going to end well for me, it never did in the movies. "I want Constantine!" I yelled. "Ok..." said a guy in white and got
      closer. "But let him go, take me". I was more then happy to replace the two.

      "No! My husband!" yelled a lady in the background.
      A crowd formed around us. The cop holding her gun at me, the white men getting closer. A woman crying.
      I almost began to laugh how absurd this situation was going, while all I wanted to do was talk with Constantine while walking
      down a road. "What's happend now?" Asked Constantine, pushing her way through. "Constantine!" I yelled and threw away the guy to his
      crying wife, making them stumble. I grabbed her hand and threw the plastic knife at the guy while yelling "take this with you!"
      but rather then falling on the floor, it pierced the guy head and fell down dead. Everyone, like the cards in the world of Alice
      in Wonderland, jumped in the air to get me. I fell down on the floor and yelled "Constantine, do something!" She bended over me and
      created a bubble that defended us and suddenly a white flash appeared and we were in an empty room, but the same house.

      My vision was distorted. I heard a voice. It said "Hey, there. My name is Paula!" It seemed my vision was zoomed in, suddenly I saw
      I was looking at breasts. "Ack!" I fell backwards and restored my vision. A woman was standing there, with a huge cleavage. "Holy, STOP
      you going to wake me up!" I yelled. She laughed. "You are not used to much are you?" she responds back. I didn't like her tone. "Who are you?"
      I asked. "My name is Paula Shefe" She explained. "Paula Sheevee?" I asked. "No, look" My vision zoomed back in at a necklace that
      resembled a dog-tag. "Ahn, Shefe" I remarked "Wow..." I said, "You DO can read in dreams! it's even crystal..." I began, suddenly noticing
      I was, once again, looking at breasts "Ack!" I fell backwards again. "STOP MESSING WITH MY VISION!" I demanded. She responded
      with more laughter. Constantine was chuckling aswell. "Damn you women!" I expressed. I began to walk away and they followed me.
      Suddenly a kid came up and as frustrated as I was at that point I said "I'm gonna punch the snot out of that kid". "Sure" says
      Constantine. "Murder, treason... what is child-abuse anyway?" she pointed out. "You're god-damn right" I remarked. "Falcon...." I began,
      suddenly I was in my room, "... punch!". I hit a brick-wall. I shaked my hand, suddenly realizing I woke up.

      - Because this is my dream journal I made it like it was a story. All the actions that happend, happend real. 85% of what is said was said indeed, some stuff were from other lucids I put into this to fill in a long gap where
      just nothing happend. I began with only "I said" and stuff without emotions, but this got rather dull to read, so I made some emotions into it that I think would fit best. In short this is a story closely based what happend in ly dream. The character Paula original had more lines in my lucid, but I decided not to include them, because most of what she said was perverted. Figures the way she looked.

      Updated 07-11-2014 at 09:00 AM by 70000

      lucid , nightmare , memorable