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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Grandpa's Birthday

      by , 07-02-2014 at 04:32 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      July 01, 2014

      In A Cabin?

      I vaguely remembered a fragment of a dream where I was in a cabin with some folks. I don't remember who, or what we were doing in the cabin. I think there was a large window overlooking a hillside, but I'm not sure. It also felt a bit like a pool : /

      Grandpa's Birthday

      I was at Oma and Grandpa's house; we were all celebrating my grandpa's 91st birthday (which is actually coming up very soon; July 4th!). It should have been a happy occasion, except that Grandpa had insisted that he wouldn't live for another year, and so he was giving us all presents in case he missed our next birthdays... (Annnnd I'm tearing up as a type this)

      All the presents were hidden through out the house, with written puzzle clues for each of us. A lot like what Oma used to do on all our birthdays when I was a kid; we'd have a sort of scavenger hunt, each with a new and elaborate theme and plot. My riddle was something along the lines of "Where the biggest bird once roosted." I checked a room in their house that doesn't exist IRL, but that room was totally empty. I knew what I had to find, but I'd forgotten which room it was in; I needed to find a big writing desk. It used to have a large bird wooden sculpture on it. I found the desk in Oma and Grandpa's bedroom (I haven't been in their bedroom in years, I think. I remember what it's like but I'm honestly not sure I would recognize it if I saw it today), against the wall with the door to the hallway. I opened the drawer in the desk, and found a series of small gifts. They were all sentimental things. Each and every one of the items was something right out of my childhood, though I can't remember what they were now. Grandpa was in the room when I found my presents, and I started to cry. Grandpa, in that moment, looked a young as he was in the photos of when my parents first introduced us, the day I came home from the hospital.

      Now I'm freaking out that this dream was some sort of sign... D:
    2. The Adventurers Club and the Shopping Mall

      by , 07-02-2014 at 04:19 AM
      06-24-2014 -- Playing Runescape in the usual Port Phasmatys area, teleporting with the ecto-vial, and farming herbs and other crops, then suddenly find I am driving in what seems like the flower tract (between Dale and Stanton, over by Boisseranc) with an unidentified friend. Seems like a cross between Joe (GK forum), Calvin D. and Benny C. I am sitting in the car, trying to pour a small bit of water out of what seems to be a cross between a neti pot and a remote control, but the water keeps pouring out of the wrong place, and it seems the thing is badly cracked. I'm trying to find some way to fix it, but it is no good, and I am probably going to have to throw it out.

      The other person gets back to the car, and starts to swirl around liquid in a sort of test tube, and I'm like "Does this remind you of anyone?" We both grin and call out "Maddie!" Somehow things smoothly shift to where I am now standing in the Adventurers Club (where I just arrived) and there is a show going on. I am not surprised for a second, but then remember they closed the place down about five years ago. But then I recall a recent article in the paper about them bringing it back, so my surprise fades.

      I come across Bonnie C. talking to some curly-haired woman, and I overhear something about myself and Rob from Muskogee, and I ask "What about Rob from Muskogee?" Bonnie starts to explain that because of some sort of rumors that were flying around the club, Robert thinks I hate him, and may not come around anymore, when of course I actually think he is quite a decent guy. There is a library show starting, and Sheila (as Pam) is waving people into the library. I think I see Tim, Karl, and possibly Graham helping her. There are also some new performers, and they are all dressed in white robes and performing the actual show, and I start to worry that they aren't really bringing back the club, but just using the people and costumes to introduce something new into the same location.

      Bonnie goes into the show, but I stay out in the main salon, and something just doesn't seem right. I wonder if I am dreaming, and try to stretch my fingers, but it doesn't work, and I am almost able to convince myself I am not dreaming when I realize that my fingers are all twisted and I can't straighten them, and that several of them stop after one segment or two. Sure looks like dreaming to me. I try to fly, and manage to slightly hover ... yup ... it's a dream! I wonder if Anne is around? The show has ended, and people are streaming out. I see the red-haired Canadian maid, but no Bonnie. I really want to talk to her about these rumors, and where they seem to come from, but when I check in the library, she isn't there, either. I may have to go looking for her.

      I head out the entrance, and find that it leads out into a large shopping mall, and I see no sign of her anywhere. So I step back into the revolving door and focus on using my dream powers, and as I step out, I force it to put me out near Bonnie. I'm disappointed when I don't see her anywhere, but wait, there she is in the distance, walking this way, but it seems like she sees me, and heads off in another direction. I try to cut her off, but no good. I'm annoyed, but reach into my backpack and pull out my Runescape ecto-vial, and decide to use it to teleport away. However, since I am not playing he game at the moment, I am not going to be able to instantly refill it, so I am trying to pour out maybe about a third of the liquid, so I can use it a couple more times.

      I find myself in a different part of the mall, near an exit, and step outside. I see a police car parked at the curb, with the name of a city police department on it, but I can't remember what the city was. I step back inside, and wonder how the vial decided where to teleport me, considering I wasn't actually in the game, but then I notice a couple of planters with strange, almost flytrap-like plants in them, and wonder if that was why. Interesting.
    3. Short Nap Dream

      by , 07-01-2014 at 11:11 PM
      I'm in my bed, and I look over at my cat who's lying in my bed. I touch her, and she chirps (she never meows, she only ever makes a high-pitched "brrr!" sound) as she wakes. I go back to sleep (in the dream) and I vaguely remember a shephard, guarding his sheep, on a mountain. He was wearing blue.

      Then, I wake up.

      Updated 07-12-2014 at 04:28 AM by 69683

      Tags: short
      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    4. 7/1/14 - circle harness thing

      by , 07-01-2014 at 11:07 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment:I'm not in this dream but I'm viewing it, there are two huge circle things stood up parallel each other. I man is harnessed to the first one and wearing a swim suit. He is at the bottom of the circle talking to a worker who helps and harnesses the people or something. On the other circle a woman is harnessed to the top cornerish bit and standing on this diving board looking thing near the circle. She is wearing a swim suit too. The man starts to giggle and his giggle sounded super weird and it made the woman laugh her ass off and she fell off and went down the circle like a roller coaster and kept going around the circle apologizing to the worker and saying it was because the guy made her laugh, then she makes it back to the high platform after like 5 whole rotations. Then the man giggles again and she falls off again and flies in the circle even faster.
    5. 7/1/14 - cleaning peircings

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:59 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I walk into my grandmas house, the door leads right to her kitchen. This girl I don't know is blocking me from getting to the rest of the house so I have to stay in the kitchen. The girl has her back to me so I just see her purple tank top and her long wavy black hair and she's taller than me. I see my grandma blocked on the other part of the house by the living room because this boy and girl are sitting at the dining room table blocking the walking path. The boy points out to his sister that he had posted some pics of him and her and the girls sitting next to him gets pissed at him for posting them. Which lead me to make eye contact with her and I got nervous and tried to hide behind this girl in front of me and I bumped her on accident and she turned around. She is wearing aviator glasses and lenses are like a mirror and I see bloody puss coming out of my piercings in the reflection of her glasses so I clean my piercings in the reflection and the girl just stays there for me to use her glasses, and I can see in the corner of my eye that the girl at the table is trying to look around this girl to see who I am but she's too pretty so I keep repositioning, and then my grandma finally gets through the block and now the kitchen is really jammed and I squeeze my way back outside.
    6. 7/1/14 - dead principle

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:49 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Me and my grandma are walking into a multipurpose room in a school, teachers stop us and tell us there is a funeral in there. We look in and see a huge casket and a crowd of suited people. My grandma asks someone standing against the wall who died, and they tell my grandma that the principle of the school died at 192. My grandma said she was shocked because she knew the man and he had being doing his secrets to live long. Then I see a flash back of him and the man only looks late 50's or early 60's. Then inside the room turns into outside at night with white lattice walls all around and we watch the rest of the funeral even though he's by the food laughing and talking with people.
    7. 7/1/14 - airplane cartoon

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:41 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking in a sloppy line and there are teachers keeping us in line as we walk next to this blue and red airplane. The other people in this line are kids, they look like 5th graders, but I'm a cartoon character, like a cross between sonic the hedgehog and marvin the marshian. I'm shorter than all of them, I'm touching the airplane and I shouldn't but I feel the need to disobey, then my grandma runs through the line to get to me to try and catch me, but it was too late because I touched the airplane again and an engine burst on at full speed and I flew into the air, then I landed on the other side of the plane and my grandma was there waiting for me, we get into a different line that leads into a school cafeteria, their are middle schoolers in there. She tells me I shouldn't be wearing sandles to go in there so she makes me run around the corner to get some vans slip-ons to grow up or something but then a grab a old crappy razor scooter to ride around the corner and she tries to stop me but i'm faster, then I come back with different shoes and a new scooter. Then the line moves enough for us to be inside, and once into the door the temperature changes the sound changes and my scooter is gone and now I look like I'm in middle school too. I see that we;'re in line for the salad bar type thing in the cafeteria, I look to the roll out tables and see they're all full but it doesn't bother me. I grab a plate and think to myself that I have no appetite right now, but the line move more and I see apple crisp stuff and decide to get some, my sister is on the other side and says she got the rest of the apple pie, I tell her it's alright and that I like the crisp part of the apple crisp better anyways and put some on my plate, then I look up and see this girl watching me and I get nervous and try to get away and get my sister and grandma to hurry up.
    8. Falling Asleep... In My Dreams?!

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:28 PM
      Hi, I've been having this dream every few months, no patterns that I can see in my daily habits for interpretation (which sucks!)
      I keep having a dream in which I'm in my bedroom, and I suddenly can't control going to sleep, like something is making me go to sleep. It's an overwhelming feeling that I only resisted fully last night, which led to a very weird series of events. Here's two examples:

      Dream #1:
      I was in my bed, it was day time, and I pushed myself up out of bed. I felt an overwhelming need to sleep, and couldn't control it - like something was pushing my whole body down, only no-one was there. This was the first instance of this dream ever occurring, and I tried to resist it because I wanted to do something (I can't remember what). My back was to the door. All of a sudden, I feel hands on the back of my shoulders grabbing me, and I could see them from my peripheral vision - They were like shadows, but felt real. I turned around and I saw my friend, and then I woke up. And then I woke up again. (Dream within a dream).

      Dream #2:
      I was again in my bed last night, and I left the hallway light on before I went to sleep. My bedroom door was locked also. In my dream, I push myself up out of bed and I see the hallway light suddenly turn off. I assume my housemate turned it off and think nothing of it. I look at my door and it's ajar, but I'm not sure if it actually is or if I'm just imagining things, so I push myself up out of bed and again feel the overwhelming urge to sleep. This time I succeed in resisting it, but all of a sudden I'm pushed down (by the urge to sleep) and I start rapidly spinning around on my bed. I try to overcome the urge to sleep but it doesn't work, all the while I'm still spinning faster. I finally can move my hands and I start hitting them on my mattress, extremely weirded out and a little scared by this point, I call my housemate, but he doesn't hear me. And then I woke up. The hallway light was as I left it and my door was still locked, as I left it.

      Funnily enough, I don't notice anything different about my room (dream vs real life) until I wake up. For instance - My dresser was on the other side of the room in dream #1, I had recently moved it from that side to the other side of the room. In dream #2, my laptop was missing from my bedside table, but I could still hear the audio from it, and my bedside table was also missing (and my room was semi-clean for once, ha!).

      Is this anything that anyone can identify with? Has anyone had a similar dream?
    9. Let it Out (6/30/14)

      by , 07-01-2014 at 06:10 PM
      In bed at: 6:25 A.M.
      Out of bed at: 9:15 A.M.

      Super short dream but it was pretty dramatic.

      My mom had apparently died (don't know how), and I was standing in front of a crowd of gathered people. They were waiting for me to react to my mom's death apparently.

      Let it be said that I don't really like crying with other people present

      But I did then

      I exploded into hard sobs against someone's shoulder (sister?) while saying: I want my mommy

      Sooo yeah, not a fun dream
      non-lucid , nightmare
    10. 7-1-14

      by , 07-01-2014 at 05:06 PM
      One of my WBTB alarms woke me up out of this dream this morning:

      I am standing in front of my boyfriend, A. He's holding a journal, and talking animatedly. I don't pay much attention until he mentions dreams; he says he's been writing his dreams down in his journal. He flourishes the journal he's holding, and offers it to me.

      Here's where my memory gets hazy: I am very surprised at what A said, and my attention focuses on the journal. It looks identical to my own DJ. I look back at A, and he hasn't moved.

      *Then my alarm goes off. I drowsily turned it off and went right back to bed, I think. Didn't write the dream down until about two hours ago.
    11. DawnEye's Dreams

      by , 07-01-2014 at 05:05 PM
      I haven't been writing my dreams lately so I'll just write it today. I woke up on my bed and it was dark. I got up and looked out the window to see a red figure in the distance and ran to my parents room. The person came into the room, pushed me to my bed and started slapping me. It didn't hurt it was just weird. After that I woke up.

      I was a little girl with old friends and was eating pizza. There wasn't a lot of food and it was like we were trying to survive. The scene changed suddenly and I was at a ocean place where I faught with someone in the dream to save the world. I hit the bad guy with a boomerang I think. The scene changed again and I was surrounded by people who were in control of the world. The world was a huge maze where a ball would destroy anything they wanted. I don't recall the rest.

      In my next dream I was with someone in my house during daytime and we had to run away for some reason I don't remember. We appeared in a house with dark figured/ animal people who were having a party. The person with me gave the guards fake tickets and we ran into a room. There we saw a boy and a girl burning a paper together like they were going to make a pact.I was going to stay but made a excuse to leave. I ran and told one of the dark figured/crow looking person sitting on the couch what was going on. He listened but than laughed at me. I got up and saw a group of girls running around trying to cause mischief. I destroyed one and a old man came out of no where and told me to stop cause they were spirits. I was like no their not and used my dream powers to banish the bad one and snow suddenly began to fall. Than I saw a picture story of the girls as anime characters and woke up.

      Updated 07-02-2014 at 02:50 AM by 67570

      Tags: lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. 1 Month of DJing [01/07/14]

      by , 07-01-2014 at 11:55 AM (My lucid comeback!)
      We're one month into our Lucid comback and I must say, I wouldn't want to live without lucidity anymore. Really the world must be so dull without the promise of complete freedom if you work for it. Anyway, This morning I woke up around 06:00 and remembered 3 dreams, however I decided to sacrifise these dreams in for a WILD attempt. Upon awakening I had a new dream though the first 3 are lost in the depths of time...

      1. Failed suprise

      I'm in math class and the bell goes, I get up and walk out. Outside the room I walk along the long hallways and I wonder "Where is my next class?", I walk around for 10 minutes I think, then I enter a hallway with benches in the middle of it, teachers sitting at them correcting the exams. One of them looks at me like I shouldn't be there but I just walk passed them, then I know where I have to be. I have geography now! I quickly walk down the hall until I stand infront of the door. I put on sunglasses because I thought this would distract the teacher from the fact that I'm too late, but as I open the door she seems quiet annoyed and doesn't say a lot. There's some goodbye-party going on and the tables are placed in little groups. There aren't any places free except the table close by the door, I take a seat and look at some of the snacks in the middle. I don't take any and look around, I see my friends sitting at another group but I don't feel the need to go to them. Then the door opens and 2 more students walk in, I thought "Well, atleast I'm not the last one."
      Then I woke up.

      I will now read all my dreams again, look for dreamsigns and more...
    13. New Cameron

      by , 07-01-2014 at 04:21 AM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      Hey guys, I still exist! I meant to write this dream down in the morning, but whatever. Better late than never, right?

      The dream I remember best from last night took place in an airport. I'd arrived at an airport where I had to change planes to catch a flight back home. When I asked about catching my next flight, I was informed that the plane I needed to board next would be at an airport in New Cameron. I asked where that was, and the guy I asked showed it to me on a map - I was on that biggest main island of New Zealand, and New Cameron was a small island not too far off the mainland. I asked him how long it would take me to get from the airport to New Cameron, and he told me it would take about an hour, which was bad news for me because I had to board that flight in half an hour. I started desperately wondering if I could manage to get a different flight back home from the airport where I currently was and thought I'd have to call my parents and let them know I'd be coming home on a different flight.

      I woke up and, out of curiosity, went online to look up New Cameron to see if it was a real place and found out that it does exist but not in the same exact location as in the dream - then I woke up and realized that I'd only looked it up in another dream.

      I fell asleep again, and, in the next dream, I was a Pikachu with a human form, and I had to find books in an old library about using electric-type attacks. I don't remember that dream very well.

      After that dream, I woke up for real, told my mom about the New Cameron dream, and went online to look up (for real this time) if New Cameron was an actual place in New Zealand. Turns out (unsurprisingly) it isn't; the closest I could find was a New Cameron Street in Australia.
    14. 7/23/2012

      by , 06-30-2014 at 11:28 PM
      No dream, woke up thinking about naruto characters fighting, I also remember tenten throwing knives perfectly to hit the targets into the middle, I had asked her about something and she was explaining the answer to me but I just couldn't hold my awareness onto it, this was more like a HH because it seemed like it was on a movie screen
    15. misc. 26 lake locker room

      by , 06-30-2014 at 11:21 PM
      I was at a lake with kids from my high school and a buddy of mine, named Dylan was there, every one was jumping in the lake and having fun, but then I went somewhere else and came back, but by the time I got back to swim with everyone, everyone was already leaving, then I found my self leaving and arriving in a bath, but again I got up to go somewhere, then I came back, and when I was coming back I went threw a locker room because the bath was even farther in the locker room, and all the girls where changing and I recognized one as a hot friend in high school and I started to feel nervous, but then we talked a little bit and I saw that she kept changing even though I was right here so I decided that I would continue to take my cloth off as well, I looked over and saw my old friend naked from behind and she was quite nice looking, and for some reason I had started to notice more that I was naked so I went for my underwear but I wanted to keep an eye on all the girls in the room because I knew this might never happen again, but by the time I had looked over she had already got on her underwear and braw and continued to leave the room, and I went back to inside the locker room again but I had noticed they all had underwear and bras on, however I wasn't sure if they were dressing up or down, but as I was paying attention, I did notice they were dressing up, I was on the ground with my arms behind me just enjoying the sight until I looked over and saw a fat chick getting undressed right next to me, but then as I really began to notice it was dillan, but still pretty nasty