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    Side Notes

    1. 3 Short Lucid Dreams - First in a long time (27.7.14)

      by , 07-27-2014 at 06:54 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm inside a abandoned house which looks old but classical to an extent. I feel a little creeped out by look of the house and the fact that it's empty and abandoned. I reach a room which has metal panels which I thought, may have had computer technology attached to it.

      I'm now sitting on a couch with Kayley in the lounge room of the house and her dirt bikes riding outside. Kayley mentions something about them.

      People start to come inside the house as if it's a party. I see Tilly from the reality TV show Big Brother, and others that myself and Kayley recognize. We both look at each other as if we know and secret which no one else in the room knows. I get up and greet Tilly, by shaking her hand i think. The other guy we knew is sitting at the table with us. Kayley greets him and says his name by accident. He's name was Matt. Matt is surprised that she knows his name and is a little suspicious.

      I begin to become aware inside the dream at some point. I don't think I did a reality check.

      I'm looking through a beautiful stained draws. I open up some compartments with another DC. I compliment the look of the piece. She doesn't mention anything back to me, and is just standing near by. At this point I'm pretty much lucid and my animal instinct kicks in [i really gotta kick this out of my mind when lucid lol] I begin to seduce her by touch her feet and stroking them very lightly. She is now caught in my intentions and begins to take her clothes off. She's down to her underwear and I feel it's time for me to lay down and bring her into me. Dream ends.

      Dream Fragment:

      1. I'm outside doing something. Think it was linked to previous dream.

      2. I'm laying on the ground and Jade is laying over the top of me with her breasts in my face. They have a bad odor smell to them. I tell her that they smell.

      Dream 2

      I'm walking towards the train station via Daryl's street and seem to be off to the shopping center. I realize i forgot my bike and seem a little unsure if I should turn back or continue walking. After if-ing and are-ing I eventually decide to head back to get my bike. As I'm walking back I see a girl from my school Jess. She has very blonde hair, you could almost call if white. We smile as we pass and I decide to do a reality check by looking at my hands. I notice I have extra fingers but it doesn't click with me straight away and decide to do it again and count. I have 7 fingers. I try not to get overly excited as it's my first time being lucid in 5 or so months. I see Jess walk passed again with someone else but I ignore them and decide to stabilize the dream. I rub my hands together, spin and even shake my head, but the head shaking my head feel off. I'm in a room with about 4 of so DC's. I'm a bit overwhelmed of what to do in my lucid dream. I walk up to a DC and annoy him a little. I try to talk but my voice is slurring as if I've had a stroke. Dream ends.

      Dream 3
      Recorded at 7:40am

      I'm back inside the abandoned house in the kitchen. I'm already lucid and don't think I needed to reality check. I see a man which seems to be a teacher of lucid dreaming or maybe just giving his 2 cents on what was happening. He tells another DC the reason he became lucid is probably due to the fact he was excited.

      I have a water bottle in my hand and decide to pour it over my face to see if it helps stabilizing which didn't really have much effect except a slight feeling of cold when pouring it. I see Sabrina from a talent show "The Voice" Australia. I find her attractive and pull my non hard dick and slowly put it in her mouth (face palm). Before I get any pleasurable sensations, I awaken.

      Side Notes:
      Woke up a few times and had a headache, which kept me up a little, which may have played a factor in being more aware in dreams.
      I try to DEILD my way back into each dream but I seem a little impatient and cut it short. I did see light flashes at one point. By me trying this, it may have played a part in my awareness in the upcoming dreams which gave me lucidity.
    2. Jason The Biker (26.7.14)

      by , 07-26-2014 at 03:58 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Recorded at 8.00am

      I'm at Daryl's old house with Dianne and Kayley. We're sitting in the lounge room and talking about movies. Dianne mentions about owning all the need for speed movies and that she kept them all tucked away under the TV in the unit. I have a look and notice that she had about 3-4 movies of need for speed [there's only 1 need for speed movie IRL. I figure she meant the Fasf and Furious movies]. Dianne mentions about putting on the movie Gladiator. I get excited and tell them that it's my favourite movie. I see a scene of Russell Crowe in the battle arena. He's angry and starts to attack the enemies. He lunches and stabs the man in the throat. It looks pretty gruesome and real.

      I'm now sitting down on the floor in a room full or people. People are introducing themselves by saying their name. I tell everyone I'm a faggot. Most people have a laugh and some are rather confused at why i randomly said that. I think quick of an explanation on why I said that and mention to the people sitting in front of me that they should probably move away from me and give me front row view. We must have been watching something for me to say that.

      Im with Josh and we are inside a pub. We're purchasing tickets for something.

      I walk towards the entrance of my primary school and just hands me a ticket with a envelope. The envelope has the ticket number written on it in blue texture.

      We make our way back into the pub and I give them my tickets. They tell me it's invalid and I cannot use it. I check my pockets for another ticket in case I grabbed the wrong one, but couldn't find anything. I start to feel a sense of danger and quickly grab a few things off the bar and leave the pub, leaving my wallet behind.

      I'm thinking about Jason, the nemesis of Freddy Krueger. I see him coming my way and I try and hide by walking around the medical clinic as he walks around if also. Keeping out of his sight. I'm now about 100m up from the clinic and I see Jason coming my way on a motorbike. He doesn't look as big and scary as the real Jason but similar. He is quite slow at trying to grab me and I keep pushing him away as he gets closer on his bike. Eventually he gets a hold of my arms and he seems pretty strong. I pull free and grab a nice sized stick that's not too far away. I begin hit Jason with it, over and over again. It doesn't do enough damage as I was intending too.

      I'm now in the clinic of pub and I ask for my wallet that I see on the counter. They mention about my invalid ticket and give me a refund, and tell me it may have been due to me not showing my concession card. I tell them I didn't show my concession card as I only thought I had to if I get asked. They tell me that I was lucky not to get a $50 fine also.

      Side Notes:
      Reminder to add an alarm which turns itself off after a couple seconds.
    3. (July 25, 2014) Dark Theater

      by , 07-25-2014 at 02:43 PM
      July 25, 2014

      7:56 final wake

      Rating: 4/5

      3mg melatonin at 11:00PM before sleeping around 11:30-12:00-ish

      + I cant really remember my first dream well but it was at night and involved driving around. Thats about all i can give for this

      + This dream was much better. It started with a racing theme. I was at a outdoor race track during the day . I started on the road outside of it and decided to walk the track to see what it was like so i could go to it one day and know it. So i go walking into the track area and see that it is in the woods, as there are trees growing everywhere. It is not thick though, there is no low bushes and thick brush. I look and see one way signs pointed to the right so i follow them. I walk along it to see that its not all that great, looks like it needs to be repaved bad. Each turn, you can go left or right but they all end up at the same spot. After a while of walking i see a mc Donald's and some kids trying to get on the roof. I ask them if they are trying to get on the roof and they tell me yes but start walking away. We walked separate ways to a school building to a stair case outside. It was big, and made of solid concrete. We went up to the highest level the stairs there was to a dead end, when i told them i could climb to the next level. So i climbed a little ledge next to the stairs and grabbed on to a tan colored metal frame that pivoted on a point and swung on it, and swung right over a gap in the wall onto the next floor. The guy climbing with my gets up too, but the girl is not able to yet. We get up there and notice its a old theater. Its a relatively small room, with theater style rows if seat folding chairs bolted to the ground. They have bright red cushion, the carpet here is red, the walls have striped wall paper with a tall beautiful dark wood trim. Like i said, the room is small so we walk past only about 15 rows of chairs to the doorway into another room. This room I have seen in my dreams before. It is a lobby area. This room is almost to dark to see in. There is a reception counter, and by the door there is a big chair on a raised platform. This room is not too big or too small but it is a theater lobby. There was an additional hallway in this room i started to go down when i heard that the girl found a way up but was lost on the floor looking for us. I headed back to the room between the lobby and the theater seating and went down a hallway that i needed a flashlight for. I heard her call and thought it was the door closest to me and i took the board holding it shut off when i heard her again, i looked farther and saw her in a to looking into a mirror. I go get her, put the board back on the door, and begin heading to the lobby. When i get there, there are two security guards waiting and they catch us hanging out on this floor, i ask them how they knew we were here and I believe they say they saw us go up. I try punching one in the face but for some reason they wont land. We walk back into the theater room but before we get there, one of the guards turns into the big psycho that monitors the insane asylum in "Outlast". I run down a hallway and hid behind a door. The room i just entered is about the size of a average bedroom, stuff is broken, knocked over, or thrown every where as if something really bad happened her. The only light comes from a fire in the fireplace. I slowly open the door enough to look out into the darkness of the hall way. Seeing nothing I open the door up and run to the theater room where the normal cop hands me a spell book. I read some, cup my hands and launch little fireballs at the advancing bad guard but he just stops and looks at me like its some sort of joke. The one guard whose normal says wanna just go? And the other one says yes and they leave. I sit in a classroom secretly cupping my hands and make fire balls by thinking of it in my mind. I am not lucid though it looks like a good idea for when I am.

      + this dream i start by driving yellow a 240sx and I pull into a lot to turn around. Its an over cast day and the roads are all wet. There is quite a bit of cars out driving and parked in the lot I am in. I get out for a bit and use a little 240 on the pavement to show myself how I want to drift it. I get back in my car and start going back onto the street when I am stopped by a crowd of people. Apparently we are all going to my grandmothers funeral we get into the seating room when i wake up.

      Updated 07-25-2014 at 02:51 PM by 62947

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    4. 00:00 Friday 2014-07-25, LDs #45, #46, Gifts from the Subconscious

      by , 07-25-2014 at 11:12 AM
      Did "everything wrong" last night: ate a big meal late, had wine fairly late, went to bed late and really full, but had some excellent dreams. Thanked my SC ala gab many times during the day yesterday for my dreaming experiences and "put in my order" for the kinds of dreams I wanted. Started asking myself "what's odd about this?" during the day after reading Patricia Keelan's bio on LaBerge's Hawaii retreat web page.

      Things I did right: ate dream-friendly lunch (almonds, turkey, cheese, tart cherries, milk, flax seed powder), exercised, day practice, added back in some PM targets (hit some, missed some).

      02:00 bedtime (argh!)

      08:42 (wake time 08:23)

      + plane hijack/crash, they're trying to knock everyone unconscious on board by the G-forces of sudden turns. I feel the turns and every time one happens people on board say "whooooooa!", I feel the blackout coming close but it never overcomes me, I think middle-aged women have taken over the plane. The plane crash lands in Southern California and I think this is a joke because it's not really an abandoned location. I walked by the plane outside now looks more like a large ocean ship I pass it by on the left, I see ahead of me there's a mirage that looks like water, there's someone else with me experiencing the mirage, but I know it's a mirage that will change as we approach closer, we step forwards and the pools of "water" resolve into the large eyes of a big moose sitting on the ground. There's a tree nearby with a well of water inside it, and the moose allows us to drink from it.

      + I see old friend DD and her mother and infant "daughter" standing at a garden fence outside a garden, I feel strong affection towards them and go to join them and say hello. DD and her old mother (a crone with a large witch nose) are walking swiftly through the aisles in the garden which has rows of tall trees laid out in a rectangular pattern. D ignores me. I hear a voice narrating a story that the nearby house (two houses joined together sharing a wall) is haunted/cursed because people used to come there for affairs. I get close to D finally and say a hearty hello but she just says "yeah, hi" sarcastically and keeps moving. I'm really hurt and angry by this rejection, I leave the garden, walking over/slamming the "gate" which is a large colourful bunch of folded paper like Christmas wrapping paper and it falls over behind me on to the ground as I stomp away, I hear D say sarcastically "good job, <my name>". I feel a bit bad because I think this was D's daughter's toy. I hear my sister's voice behind me saying "where has this happened before?", she's trying to chastise me, I'm mad and shout at her over my shoulder
      Spoiler for profanity:

      I see an advertisement for quarters (the coins) being an important part of Thanksgiving dinner (!), the quarters are rolling around on dark streets, I have a close up view, some announcer talks of the important in choosing good quarters (so that the turkey will be good?)

      + My wife and I are talking in my childhood home garage (only realize location after waking), her eyes change from brown to blue and back several times and I'm frickin astonished by this and keep trying to manoeuvre her eyes into better light to see better (SC Gift #1! I missed this one! argh! LD on a silver platter!). She walks from my left to my right and back to my left, to stand by the door, where her eyes seem to settle back to brown, she says "yeah that happens sometimes."

      + (lucid) I'm seated in a very large (outdoor?) bright theatre. I have a friend seated next to me on my left. A few rows down and to the right on a landing, only about 10 feet away, I notice 2 guys have appeared (they weren't there before) and they're singing. These guys are goofy/geeky/weird looking, wearing a lot of odd jewelry/clothing, each one is holding a microphone and singing, they have good voices and harmony, I see them very vividly. I'm thinking about how goofy they look but they probably get girls because they're in a band. An aide(s) starts walking by us up the stairs in the aisle, they're holding prizes, one of them is a large drawing (1m by 2/3m about) colorful (crayon) drawing of something (ship/balloon?) with the word "Dream" or "Dreamer" clearly written (printed) on it (SC Gift #2!), some of the letters are reversed (the "d" and/or the "r"). I think "really? I've been seeing so many t-shirts recently with "dream" written on it, might as well RC," I do a nose pinch and some air leaks through but it seems mostly closed. Hmm, I'm a bit confused, I try pinching harder and breathe again, the air is mostly blocked but some still gets through. I decided to try gravity, I jump a bit into the air and float slowly down, Aha! Yes this is a dream! I run up the steps to the aides who are a few rows above us now, and tear off the poster from the easel and bring it back to my seat, I want to save it for later when I wake up . I then climb up some steps looking about the theatre (more of an amphitheatre), it's filled with people. I'm looking for a CG for a smooch. I settle on one and give her a quick kiss I do not want to engage for too long though. I keep walking, and see a CG blonde with a cream dress, maybe late 20's early 30's. I sit with her and put my hands up her shirt. There are multiple layers and I go under about 3 before I feel the skin of her back. I'm concerned my hands are cold and I don't want to shock her so I put my hands back on top of one layer of clothing. After a bit I put my hands back to the skin and move them around to the front. Her clothing is really tight on top of my hands.
      Spoiler for 18+:

      I wake up. Argh! I'm sleeping on my stomach so I think that explains the unclear/partially blocked nose pinch. Try to relax and go back in but too excited/awake.

      Probably 2 hours awake at least, drifting/snoozing, doing counting breaths, SSILD, relaxation, trying to get back to sleep, get the "I WILL LD if I can fall asleep again" feeling, I think about getting up for the day but I don't give up, keep relaxing, and eventually sleep...


      + (lucid) Indoors in some random house, well-lit. I'm rubbing my left hand in circles on my son's right shoulder, he's intently watching a TV/microwave, I realize I'm dreaming but feel my awareness is at the bottom of a well, very unstable, just keep rubbing and rubbing his shoulder and eventually feel substantial enough to move, and start walking a bit into the scene. I find myself standing at a white square small ceramic sink with no faucet in a non-descript room , and I'm running my hands around the back corners of the sink (left hand on left side/corner, right hand on right/back corner) back and forth, to stabilize. I decide I will do sivason simultaneous focus and try to maintain focus on both my dream body and the dream environment and walk towards a door but immediately feel very dizzy/unstable. Stand still, more hand rubs. Things stabilize a bit. I start walking down the hallway, it is my current IWL home. I think about going out the front door, decide to jump out the kitchen window. Walk down the corridor, turn left into the kitchen, the window is there (wrong kind of window), through the lower panes I see the bright sunlit outside, I don't hesitate and immediately run towards the left window pane and dive headfirst through it, don't feel any glass, the world orientation sort of rotates and swirls a bit to simulate my dive then I'm on the ground outdoors, "COOL!" I think. The ground is made of the same floor / ceiling tiles as the kitchen, then things start fading, I think just a moment and the scene will clarify to a proper street scene, then I wake up.

      This was a notable LD because it probably was just a waking moment and I was able to hold on to it and turn it into a proper multiple-scene (if short) LD with a cool dive out the window.

      Updated 07-25-2014 at 03:49 PM by 65364

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    5. Hired Trailer (25.7.14)

      by , 07-25-2014 at 01:11 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Recorded at 9.00am

      I'm at old house with Dad, Jane and Tim. A TV infomercial is on TV. It's explaining about water distillers, but not getting into the proper benefits that'll catch your attention. Either Jane or Tim look as if they're intrigued on what they just saw on the infomercial and wanted and dialled some numbers on their phone. As they're dialling the number, they change the channel on the TV to horse racing. I then realise that they were calling up to put some bets on the horses.

      I'm with Dad and we're being chased my being with guns. I think I start to shoot back and forth with the enemies. I shoot someone near the stairs on the map with the tall wires above the map.

      Dad and myself are near the bottle-o near the settlement.

      We must have hired a trailer to transport something. It was a strange set up. Dad had to sign some documents for for trailer. I was after some water for my veggie shake and didn't really want to request distilled water in particular as not everyone drinks it. Dad speaks up for me and says that he only drinks distilled water. One of the men says he's we have rain water and goes off and fetches it for me. I'm stoked that he has some rain water but start to think about it's purity and how long it's been sitting there. There's also a huge tub of rain water sitting in the garden. It doesn't look the freshest as it looked to have a whiteness to the surface. The man hands me a small bucket of his freshest water which looked clear. My cut up veggies fall into the garden and I pick them out and put them back In my blender cup. I worry that the veggies would be extremely dirty but i put them in anyways. I pour the water into the cup and fill it up to much. I see the man come over and put a container of water back inside a container of water. I try to do the same as i finish doing what I was doing and feel a little confused and clumsy trying to do what he did.

      I walk over to the table and see that Dad who looks like I Sabrina from the talent show The Voice (Australia). I notice that he's done about half of the form. The form was like a rating system but was a little strange they way it was set out.

      Dad must have been upset when asked to come back down to the office to go over some final things to do with the trailer. He didn't do it and just wanted to go. The men were not happy about this and I think we started getting chased again like earlier (or what happened earlier with the gun fighting was actually this, not sure).

      Dream Fragment:
      A little girl shows me her phone and what she had just searched for on safari. I show her my phone browser, which has the exact same thing she searched for. She become a little upset thinking that I checked her phone without asking for her permission. I felt as if I had a 3rd eye moment.

      Side Notes:
      I need remember to take my time and think about the dream I just had for more then 10-15 seconds. I usually just fall back asleep expecting that I won't remember it.
    6. The Smoking Hero, Making Up The Numbers (24.7.14)

      by , 07-24-2014 at 01:51 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 6:10am

      I see a scene where Ellen Degeneres is interviewing a black guy. [i think he's famous IRL]. They're sitting on single seated couches. He's smoking while getting interviewed and Ellen seems bothered by it and whooshes smoke away from her when it drifts over.

      I'm now in the car with Kayley. She's driving and I'm in the passenger seat. I see that Kayley is smoking [she doesn't smoke] and It reminds me that it need smokes for when I get home. Kayley shows me my deck of smokes which I left with her. I have a look in the pack and notice that there's quite a few still left. I see a smaller cigarette compared to the rest of them and think that it might be a joint. I think about smoking it but then think about how I usually feel when I smoke [anti-social and dumb lol]. I light up a smoke and start to smoke it [i don't smoke]. I expect it to taste like home made smokes. It doesn't have a very strong taste at all.

      I arrive at a house which is either Daryl's old house or close to it. It looks like it's been abandoned or trashed a little. I see armed forces take position outside house. I take a peek out and see that they have guns drawn. It's blurry at first when looking at the soldiers but as I focus more it becomes clear. They begin shooting in my direction and I flee into another house. This house has a futuristic feel to it. Metal walls and massive automatic opening doors, which open like a supermarket door would. I see a scene of a commercial. It's showing some text and some artwork while explaining that black people need to send this message onto a white person. For some reason I feel I should give it to Kayley. I feel bad for Kayley's house and ask her to reload the scene so I could do things differently and change what has happened.

      The scene has been reloaded and I go into Kayley's house and see that nothing is inside it.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 8:20am

      I'm playing football on a football oval in a real match. I feel hesitant to get fully involved in the game. A couple times I get and run as hard as I can after the ball but lack top speed [I'm a quick runner IRL] to chase down the ball before the opponent reaches it.

      I see Luke Nite on the opposition team. We rough each other up a little to show that there's no such thing as mates during the game. A free kick has been given and it's up for grabs on who wants to take it. Jeff Bradsure offers to take it. He looks more leaner then he usually looks. He lines up for the shot and kicks if from the 50 meter mark and kicks it through the goals for 6 points. I start to wonder why I haven't been benched yet, due to not getting a touch of the ball yet. I look to the bench to see if we have enough players for subbing one another off and on. I could see 2-3 people on the bench.

      I'm now off the pitch and walking along side the oval. I see soldiers laying down looking for targets. I line up my gun up to head height and pull the trigger. I'm after headshots only [previous day I played a game where I needed headshots to unlock a gun]. I reach some sort of skinny trench and I think I've been spotted by the enemy near the exit. I see him and kill him also.

      I see a restricted and patrolled area up ahead. There's explosive barrels bunched up in front of the ramps from stopping people from using the ramps for riding or driving over for fun. I get on a quad bike bike and avoid the barrels and head straight for the ramps. I get a decent amount of air and seem to be having a good time. My bike begins to bounce higher and higher each time I land. It gets to the point of where I am bouncing at least 20 meters into the air. I keep just missing the barrels as I land and just my judgement. I either mention or show my Dad of what I'm doing.

      I'm now at the end of the patrolled area and it feels as if I'm at the end of a map (as if I'm I was playing a video game). I get off the bike and walk to where I expect it to end and I see that there's paint there. I try to see if I can walk beyond that point and to my surprise I could continue walking. The area seemed to be deserted and had the feeling of half night and half day.

      Side Notes:

      I have a good nights sleep. I have a decent chance to attempt a quick wild as I awaken. I see fairly vivid imagery and scenes which come and go. I stay completely still hoping for the dream to appear. I start to think about my dream I just had and figured it would be close to my time to get up, so I stop the wild attempt and focus on my last dream I have just had.
    7. (July 23, 2014) First Lucid Dream! DILD

      by , 07-23-2014 at 03:06 PM
      July 23, 2014

      No supplements or sleep aids used.

      Rating: 5/5 For first LD

      Break through! First Lucid!!!!

      It was short lived but great! It was also on one of the first REM cycle, if not the first. It felt so far back after I woke, and it was the first dream that happened out of a series of many. I did it without needing a reality check. I was outside my friend Jacob's house at night standing next to his dads truck when I saw a flying picture and thought to myself thats not right, I must be dreaming! I got so excited, almost woke my self up instantly but calmed down. It felt as though I was losing my grip on control as well the more the dream almost stopped. I tried to spin but couldn't so i mentally calmed it down. I walked out into the street under the street lights beam if light. Once it got a little better I immediately started flying over all the houses. I still did not have a good grip on the dream as it was my first time. I saw a lot of other houses, different than what would normally be there. The street was not there like normally, just back to back houses with yards separated by fencing, some white picket sone black steel bar. I decided to land in the back yard of one and go inside. I went in trying to summon a DC. I tried the light switch and it came on, so i didn't try to mess around with it anymore. The house was dimly lit with yellow light bulb light. It had dark brown trim and beige walls. I walked through trying to summon a specific DC but a different one ended up coming. but unfortunately, I woke up then due to excitement of finally having a lucid dream. I put all my thought into this, so I only remember small fragments of a few later dreams.

      Updated 07-24-2014 at 12:55 AM by 62947

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    8. C4 Assassins, In Pour Taste, Pallet Life, Antics Before School, Paranoid (23.7.14)

      by , 07-23-2014 at 02:36 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 3:30am

      I'm in the game of Battlefield 4. I check the score board and I notice that it's 5 vs 0. I decide to change teams with another player. We're in a tank together and we're getting snuck up on by the enemy which are trying to use C4 to send us to the heavens. I see them on a pile of rubble and hit the gas and make a successful get away.

      I'm walking down a street where the Beavers live and I see a scene of a person acting like they're a bouncy ball. They are bouncing back and forth through a tight spaced area. It seems as if it keeps going through a cycle.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 7:44am

      Im walking with Germain Ivanks and maybe his brother. Germain brings up convocation about Lachlan and that he is getting kicked out of his own house that he built due to being behind in payments. The building company will take money out of his house until he pays. He is going to be moving in with his parents again. Germain also mentions that his Bungalow isn't finished which I thought is where he would be staying [It has been built IRL].

      Germain talks about Hayley Ball and that she looks amazing since losing weight. I agree with him and mention she's pretty smokin' these days. I tell him that we use to talk to one another in Facebook now and then but eventually I started ignoring her.

      We're now in front of an open fridge.I see a Facebook comment area in my vision and notice that Germain has uploaded 2 photos. 1 of a minor trophy and the other a major trophy. Meaning that Hayley has upgraded from minor to major. I pour myself a shot of something. I put in which looks like dirty water with a shot of spirits. I take a sip and it tastes like absolute shit.. I scrunch my face up to it. I let the other fellas try and their reactions are pretty similar.

      Dream 3
      Recorded at 7:44am

      Im working at my old job at Hafele. I'm looking at a pallet of goods. I see some eye glasses which don't have any lenses in them. The pallet looks pretty heavy and I'm worried it may be over the weight limit. I see a truck pull up which confirms that it doesn't matter too much about the weight as it's going via truck and not van.

      Dream 4
      Recorded at 9:00am

      I'm at my house sitting in my Dads lounge room with him. Someone is on the computer across from the lounge room.

      I see Luke Brea come through the garage entrance and we have a little chat. He walks over to the computer and talks to whoever is on it [think it may have been my brother sitting at the PC]. Luke says he's going now which was strange considering he had only just got here. I thought maybe it was because Josh wasn't here yet and didn't want to be here without him. Josh arrives shortly after and I mention to him about Luke making a brief appearance. [I think we're all meeting up before school starts].

      I'm now in a shopping centre in my home town. Im with a few people. Josh and maybe Dave Clarke are the only ones I remember. We are playing around and doing some silly moves to the music in the background, outside a cafe. I break out into a "what I think of" as a bit of a stylish dance. A couple of girls in the background which are sitting at a table smile and laugh at me. I feel happy that I made them laugh. There is 2 girls, 1 with blonde and other with ?brown hair?. The blonde hair girl looked like a mans.

      As we're sitting down chatting, I see Eddy Ivanks. I think that we may be late to school and see that it's almost 9.00am. I'm drinking bottled water the whole time I was sitting down.

      Not to far away from where we just were, is where you buy frozen ice blokes, which are in all different shapes and sizes. We all line up in a single line with the rest of the crowd. I remember that I've been drinking un-distilled water and feel not too happy about it. And to make things worse, I forget to bring it to school with me.

      I see Jordan Chichi near us and we greet him. I think Ben Forskin mentions his old nick name to him as he greets him. It brings back memories and I think it's great and laugh.

      As we leave the area I see a small shop selling food. Inside the shop is some kind of stage play going on. It's pretty high class stage show they're putting on. The food they're selling is only a small range. It's set up similar to sushi and I see a savoury piece with orange stuff in the Center of the savoury shell.

      As I'm about to leave the area I see Dave Clarke come by and he's wearing one of the most coolest suits. It really suits him, perfectly fitted. Dave's waiting at the small shop and he mentions about him being in a good head space and I agree with him and that I've noticed it in his persona and to continue doing what he's doing.

      As we all leave the area we're all feeling pretty hip and cool. Kind of have a certain swagger to ourselves. Those two girls from earlier are chasing Dave. They look as if they're in love with him and won't leave him alone. Dave doesn't want a bar of it and tells them to go away as he's not interested. I walk up to the girls and talk to them. They actually look a lot better then I first thought when seeing them earlier. I tell both girls, especially the blonde one that they both have majestic looking eyes, which they did, they really stood out, and that I wasn't trying to cut in on Dave but just had to let them know not too feel too bad about Dave as they could get a lot of guys no problems.

      We continue walking and reach a crowded area and have to stop. I continue talking to the girls and I feel quite small and hunched over for some reason. I hear about a fight break out in the distance and try and get a look but I'm too short to see over everyone. I catch a small glimpse of who was fighting.

      Dream 5

      I'm in court/street where Germain lives. I'm on the lawn of where we used to kick the light post. I have some devices set up on the lawn and using the power from the house without the owner knowing. I think I have a couple girls with me, or they're just observing. I start to feel a bit paranoid about the owner knowing what I was doing, as I am pretty close to the window. I see the certain's move as if someone is taking a little peak out the sides of the certain's. This makes me even more worried. I can now see the blinds nearest to be open up. I'm convinced they might be able to see me and decide to pack my stuff up in a tightly together and hope that they don't see it.

      Side Notes

      Pretty happy with my motivation last night. Coming off a poor night the night before last, I've now recorded the most dreams in one night since getting back into lucid dreaming.
    9. 00:00 Tuesday 2014-07-22 epic long multi-sleep-cycle recall

      by , 07-22-2014 at 08:40 AM
      Another awesome multi-sleep-cycle dreaming night with good retention, woohoo just need to start converting these to lucids somehow.

      Will fill in details later when I have a real keyboard

      16 minutes of voice recorder notes. Remee on, first waking came just about exactly at remee signal interval (4.5 hours)

      + escape from the bad boys to the golf course (near-epic)

      + signing a contract to take care of the doctors baby for 2 weeks for free

      + my kids catch me with NSFW content on the laptop and unclothed lying on the living room floor, very embarrassing

      + KS's father allows me in the club, luxurious and crazy tennis, exchanging gifts with Arnold Schwarzenegger

      + attack on our club I am a newbie with a shotgun getting advice from a veteran I shoot an opponent starting the war

      + playing chess he's really pushing his pawns my pieces are not yet on the board put them there use queen to back up my pawn break

      + tennis test I pass with faster and faster and more and more accurate volleys I may play Ivan Lendl I go lok for my shoes and socks to get ready to play

      + elevator in the hardware store they're evacuating go outside it's cold/rainy need to get back to the other section of the store which is far away
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. 3rd Time Lucky, Dr. Mechanic, One Man Team (22.7.14)

      by , 07-22-2014 at 01:58 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      Im in the same place as my previous dream where I was capturing a flag. I'm listening to updates of a UFC fight between Anderson Silva x Chris Weidman. It's the 3rd encounter between the pair. The last 2 went to Chris in crazy circumstances.

      It sounds as if Anderson is winning this match and will most likely regain his title which he lost in the first fight to Chris. I want to catch the end of the fight and rush over to a TV to see it. I must have missed it, as I can only see some sort of talent show. I think that maybe the fight was also apart of the talent show.

      Dream 2

      Josh and myself are at a mechanic, which looks similar to casey automotive's. We check to see if anyone is there. All the lights are off so we expect that it's closed. We head around the back of the factory and hear some voices. It's dark and can't see who is there. We ask if anyone is there. The owner responded to us and comes over towards us. I feel bad due to him probably not catching him in work hours. We tell him about our car as we walk over to it.

      He recognises the problem and pulls out a MRI scan of a brain. He shows us the match box sized growth inside the skull. He tells us what it's called (was similar for arachnoid cyst) and mentions that he knows how to treat it. I get very curious and start to think that it's probably the distilled water he is about to mention.

      Dream 3

      Im inside the game of Battlefield 4, playing capture the flags. It's myself vs everyone else. Every other player included Daryl and Sarinas family.

      I've taken the flag. I know that everyone will be cornering off majority of exits for me to sneak through and cap my flag at my base, so I lay low and hide until the heat dies off. I hide outside and notice it's mars colouring with rocks etc.

      I hear someone coming my way and decide to sneak out without anyone seeing. I'm successful doing so, and make a run for it. I don't really know exactly where my base is, but I just have a feel of my to the base. Im non-stop running, keeping my attention on what's in front of me only. I keep coming across door that I have to enter through. I start to think about the tactic i just pulled and how its so far worked. I haven't seen any of the enemies as of yet.

      I finally reach my base, which is a bedroom with a door that has a V shape cut out of it. It's a small room with a couple beds.

      [i don't think I went through the process of capping the flag. Maybe getting to the bedroom was enough for a cap?]

      I make my way to where everyone is, which is in the lounge room. It's pretty dark and hard to pick up on everything that's in the room. I feel pretty good about myself for making my way to the base, and I expect everyone to be surprised to see me and mention about the flag. No one mentions anything which is a bit of a bummer. I see some of Sarinas family, Daryl, Jane and Tim. Everyone is sitting down on couches. Jane and Tim give me some sort of pep talk?

      I'm back at the base and I'm with my brother. I tell him about sleeping in separate beds tonight and that I would sleep in the one I was sitting on [the previous night we must have slept in the same bed]

      Side Notes
      Im starting to become lazy and going back to sleep. I move around a bit after awakening, therefore expecting that my dream recall will be history, which isn't correct. I need to keep to one routine and stop changing. I'm back to the sleeping mask as of tomorrow and sticking with it for a period of time.

      Updated 07-22-2014 at 02:12 AM by 24939

      non-lucid , side notes
    11. 3 Dream Fragments (21.7.14)

      by , 07-21-2014 at 12:38 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragments

      Recorded at 8:30am

      1. I read a Facebook message. Dave Clarke comments about the size of his dick in a way of that you kind of had to put together certain things he was saying to get the correct answer.

      2. I'm playing Battlefield 4 on one of my favourite maps. I'm killing the enemy. I get injured and make a run for it so I can regain health. I'm hoping that I don't get flanked. [i notice that the map is not identical and has certain things that are different]

      3. I'm at my house and hear of someone slept in their clothes, due to being cold [i think it was Dave]

      Side notes:

      Struggling to remember to recall dreams. Will try and sleep without sleep mask to see if that helps.
    12. (July 19, 2014) city maze

      by , 07-19-2014 at 03:42 PM
      July 19, 2014 9:53AM

      3mg melatonin before bed

      Rating: 4/5

      I had a few dreams this night that were good. The first escapes me at the moment.

      The second dream has to be one of my favorite ones yet. I cant remember everything I did because there was just so much! Started out with a small group of people in a big city full of random obstacles, buildings, themes, ect. While some spots remain blank I can still remember some. We started in a white building all together, was dim lit and had whit walls but nothing in it. We went out into the street, I don't know what they did but I started by trying to climb high. We were all being chased by a guy with a circular saw too to make things crazier. I went my own way first into a building that was being built still. I went up a metal grate staircase to the second floor. It was kinda dark up here. The floor was steel grate material, wall was sheet metal, there were tools and pipes laying around all over the place. There was a lot of rust as well, as if it was started then abandoned. I hid in a concrete pipe that was up there at first, looked through a window it had, waited a minute but it started rolling forward so I got out and stopped before it hit a rail and made a loud noise. I went farther into the room up a steel beam staircase to the 3rd floor. But looking below it was never ending darkness so I got up quick. Once I made it there, I heard the saw rev a few times, and saw a shadow go by above me on the fourth floor. This floor(3rd) looked like the one below, and I could still see below because of the metal grate floor. This floor had some windows around part of it though. I went left after coming up to the floor into a hallway. (This part is hard to piece together because I end up going into a room I was in earlier in the dream, but cant remember when I was). I came out to an outside area on top of a roof to a house, I see that people are parked nearby and I quickly duck into a hole in the roof into the house. The part i first ducked in was damaged by fire, so I went thru an open door way into another room. It is full of small glass items, and there is a lot of tables. It is a small room that is crowded. I knock over something, then someone tells me it is my grandmothers stuff. I look in one more room and it is basically full of the same type of stuff. This place does resemble my grandmother house. Greenish carpet, yellow cabinets with decorative glass things in it. My grandmother kept appearing and disappearing throughout this house.

      Unfortunately that what i remember most vividly from that dream, theres much more I'm blanking on. I basically explored this huge city going from room to room and building to building doing what i love in real life. There was so much to see.

      +for this dream, the beginning is a bit tough to remember. The whole dream is on a overcast day. I am with a group of people, some real family, some people i have never seen. We are riding through a grass land trying to get to a enemy camp. The field has pale green grass, and pine tree lines on either side with a few pines in the field, it is not flat either, there are hills. We drive up to the camp where we get out of the vehicles, and hide near the road where they are working. For some reason one of our cars is visible and i somehow mover it to the side by pushing, and i viewed the move of it in 3rd person for about 2 seconds. So me and this girl move into the crowd of people unnoticed and quickly get a job clearing streets, and doing geology work to blend in. First i ride in the back of the white pickup truck, while the girl drives, and i clear debris with some sort of scoop thing. Then we get to a entrance in the rock, where i get out and do sone work, thinking about my rock hammer i left at home in real life, still not knowing I'm in a dream. I break some of the dark grey rock and find a opaque light orange crystal. I take it out by hand and it is about 1.5" long and has a great crystal structure. I put it away and go to clean more rock but then i wake.

      Updated 07-19-2014 at 05:48 PM by 62947

      memorable , dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    13. Hot Meal Of Death, Memory Lane (19.7.14)

      by , 07-19-2014 at 01:17 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 7:40am

      I'm walking around a party scene with my cousin Russell. I see Fraser and he's looking stylish as usual with 2 light dark women and a few guys. As Fraser does, he is working his game on one of the ladies by moving one of the girls hair out of her face, playing it cool and planting the seeds. Both of the girls look to have Aboriginal backgrounds. Fraser's girl has beautiful tight curly hair.

      I see a photo of the group together.

      I'm now at Blaxland and I'm with Jamie Coop.

      We're outside Pizza Hut and I allow Jamie to have a ride on my bike, expecting him unco on it, which he was. He looked very uneasy trying to ride the bike. He rode the bike with his hands close together, trying to steer the bike with not much luck. but to my surprise it was all an act and went from 0 to hero in a matter of seconds. He rides up a ramp which is placed in front of Pizza Hut and whips the bike out, getting some nice air. I'm gob smacked and couldn't believe he was acting up the whole time.

      Jamie jumps into a car and continues to show off his skills. Somehow I know he doesn't respect either American police or police in general and he continues to drive erratically.

      Jamie is now dead, I'm assuming it's from him driving and showing off.

      I'm holding a bowl of food. It's hard to tell what it is. It has kind of a watery texture to it. I either just know or have been told that Jamie is in fact dead and is in my food. I think that he may have been burnt in the car accident and this dish is trying to confirm it. I'm hesitating if I should eat the food, but for now I try and find parts of Jamie in my food. I move my spoon around, trying to find anything, except I can't really find a thing. It's as If he was cooked down to ash. Eventually I find a decent sized bit of bone with a pork chop sized bit of meat hanging off of if. I remove it from the dish and continue to look for more. I find another, this time a bigger sized piece.

      I'm at Blaxland and I see a piece of paper which has a list written on it. It had a list of drugs on it, about 7 or more. The drugs were explained by having what was in them etc next to them. I think it's what myself and Jamie were going to do for a cash making job on the side of things. I think about if things did go to plan that I wouldn't want to be known as a cook but just a distributor to people.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 8:55am

      I see a reality TV show. It looks as if they have famous people inside a house living together. There's already quite a few conflicts going on, mainly with the rough tattooed looking blokes.

      I see myself in the mirror and I look a little off.

      I've broken up with my childhood girlfriend Marleigh and she seems pretty upset. I'm extremely happy and can now do as I please.

      For some reason Im back with either Marleigh or Kylie (M or K), which I regret but I had to do it.

      I've moved back to Blaxland house and it's bringing back memory's. As I walk around the backyard I think about the times of playing cricket. The inside of the house looks different. M or K tell me about how the cat is going with the move. He's getting into meow wars with the rest of the neighbour cats. I go and check my the cat and see that he is over in Sue and Mikes yard, laying in the long grass down the side of the house. It's a black and white cat, so I assume it's Charlie. I get his attention and he climbs up onto the top of the fence. I start to pat him but he seems a little bit like my other cat Izzy, which tries to gently bite you when you pat her sometimes.

      Side Notes
      I awaken and this time I ask what was I dreaming about. I get caught up in non dream thoughts but drift back to dream recall soon after.
      Working my way backwards helped.
    14. Issues with Faye

      , 07-18-2014 at 03:32 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      So... I've been planning on posting new entries to my DJ here on DV, but I'm not quite sure where to start.
      My dreams are one hell of a mess at the moment, and they're probably not much fun to read.
      It seems like many of them are centered around hurting me one way or another.
      Usually this is done through Faye, a recurring DC.
      They're not nightmares though. Well, at least most of them aren't.
      I usually catch those when they start and become lucid, allowing me either change or stop them.

      Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

      I'm hanging out with some waking-life friends.
      We're at V's place, up in his attic, where he has set up a bar and a large couch to relax.
      Overall I'm having a good time, but there's something making me somewhat uncomfortable.
      There's a woman with us that I don't think I have seen before.
      But everyone is acting as if we've all known each other for years.
      In fact, at one point, she is telling a story about her and I getting into trouble
      when we were on vacation together.

      What? I don't remember this woman, and we were supposedly spending out holidays together?
      What is going on?

      We have a few drinks, discuss some things that I cannot recall, and end up talking about what everyone
      is currently doing in their lives. It's mostly a discussion about what our expectations were a few years back,
      about what we would be doing now, and how everything actually turned out.
      It's my turn, and I walk about making video games, and that I am not quite certain how I am going to transition
      from university life to working. I haven't fully decided exactly what I want to do yet, but I do know
      roughly which direction I want to go.

      The woman I do not know interrupts me, and starts saying hurtful things.
      I don't remember exactly how she said it, but she was basically stating that I will never amount to anything.
      I am shocked. I do not understand how one of my friends would ever say anything like that.
      I have a good relationship with all of my friends, nobody would ever do this.
      But for some reason it really hurts. To the point where I actually consider whether or not I am a failure as a person.

      Fortunately, I slowly become aware of what is actually happening.

      I am dreaming.
      This is a dream.

      I attempt to look at the facial expression of everyone, to see if they agreed with what the woman said.
      But they are all gone. I find myself alone with this woman now.
      She looks pleased with herself. She has accomplished what she wanted.

      I try to elevate my level of awareness by thinking about my current situation.
      There is some improvement. Enough to realize that the woman is Faye.

      "Wipe that grin off your face"

      I am pissed.
      She keeps doing this lately and I absolutely hate it.
      I decide to confront her about it.

      "Why do you keep doing this?"
      "You are doing this to yourself. Remember, I am a part of yourself"

      I remember having confronted her before, and she said the exact same thing.
      Why is she my dream guide again? Lately her influence on my dreams has been purely negative...

      Here's another example, where she attempts to distract me (from lucidity):

      I am walking through the city together with a friend of mine.
      She's rushing from shop to shop, looking at all the things.
      Despite the situation being so hectic, I become lucid.

      I also quickly realize that the woman I'm with is Faye.
      I immediately decide that I want to leave. There is nothing of interest in this dream scene.

      I concentrate, trying to leave the current scene behind and go to Riven instead.
      But Faye interrupts me. She grabs my hand and drags me away.
      I tell her to leave me alone, but she won't listen.

      I feel anger building up inside of myself.
      She's done this a few times now, trying to break my lucidity.
      And usually she succeeds...

      "You're not going anywhere!"

      My muscles tense up from anger.
      Suddenly the buildings around me begin to collapse, seemingly as a reacting to tensing up my muscles.
      It's an odd feeling.
      First there is some guilt from destroying the buildings by accident.
      But that quickly disappears once I understand that nobody was in these buildings.
      After all this is a dream.

      Unfortunately Faye is having none of it.
      She takes control of the surrounding DC's and makes them yell at me.

      "Why did you do this? Why did you kill those people?"

      Things like that.
      I eventually loose lucidity...

      These dreams are quite frustrating.
      But I think that I can fix this mess if I manage to reach a high level of lucidity.
      By that I mean, if manage to think clearly within a lucid dream, and be aware of this goal,
      which is difficult with this level of interference and distraction.
      Still, I'm confident that I'll manage to fix it... hopefully soon.
    15. One Groggy Morning (18.7.14)

      by , 07-18-2014 at 12:46 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Recorded at 8:50am

      I'm at Blaxland house and I'm awoken by friends. We're in the lounge room talking.

      I'm now in a car park with Dad and others. We're parked far away from where the main entrance. A girl comes up to us and encourages us to follow. We follow and she acts a bit strange. Seems to be falling over often. Game of thrones?

      I'm at Rodney's house but it's not his. We're all in the lounge room watching TV. I see Rodney on the couch and the ladies at the dining table. I see DVDs on top of the TV.

      I walk around for a minuet and see a mix of peanuts. Rodney had honey macadamias next to him.

      Rodney asks what I got up to this morning. I tell him that I got up, felt pretty groggy, noticed the fellas were over, didn't talk much due to being so groggy.

      Side notes

      Dreams have been hard to remember. Which may be due do stopping my auto suggestion before bed or because I haven't been feeling the best as of late due to distilled water detoxing.
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