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    1. beach boy

      by , 08-21-2011 at 01:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had walked away from a group of people. I was now out walking on a beach. It was a sunny day. I was walking up toward a cluster of small sand dunes rooted with little clumps of brownish and greenish grass.

      I met up with a boy, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. I had known him from the group of people I had walked away from. He may have been the son of someone in the group. The boy was kind of tall, about my height (I'm kind of short), a little skinny, but muscly, darkly tanned, with slightly messy, brown-black hair. He was wearing red, knee-length swim trunks and no shirt.

      I just thought I'd be cool and say hey to the boy. But he started asking me questions about my life, as if he was really interested in me. The boy started asking me why I was taking business trips to Philadelphia and Chicago, did I like taking those trips, and why did I like taking them?

      The boy even seemed to be attracted to me, which I couldn't quite believe, and which seemed a little weird to me. But I may also have felt attracted to him.

      We walked over the cluster of dunes and were in some kind of small valley of sand. One side was bordered by the dunes. The other side was bordered by some kind of small ledge of brown or dark tan stone.

      The boy and I sat down near the ledge of stone. The boy sat with his legs bent out casually in front of him, and his hands joined together so his forearms were wrapped loosely around his knees.

      I sat down and explained to the boy that I just took business trips because I was told to. It was something I did to further my career. I liked Chicago and Philadelphia. But that wasn't why I went to those places. (IWL I have never taken any business trips.)

      I may have felt that the boy was going to try to kiss me or that I wanted to kiss the boy.
    2. 21st July 2011

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:04 PM
      I am in a house, or maybe a abandoned warehouse. I am upstairs and I am looking around, I can see that there is no furniture here and it looks abandoned, it's pretty dark, there are no lights on. I am with a young boy, he is only about 11 or 12. I look about because I can hear a noise coming from somewhere, I am walking towards the stairs, I am now stood at the top of them. The noise is coming from them so I look about and inbetween the wall and the stairs i see a rectangular piece of hollow metal, I look a bit closer and realise that air is being blown from it, I am thinking that it may be some sort of air conditioning vent or something. I turn round and walk back into the center of the room, I am now standing next to the young boy. I see small ghost like figures that are starting to surround us. I look to my left and see a shadowy figure move quickly past and dissapear behind a box or something. It's still quite dark and I really can't see very well atall. Me and the young boy are now screaming our lungs out, I am petrified of these ghostly figures, I am holding the boy trying to keep him and myself safe. I can feel the ghost like creatures touching my arse, they are grabbing at it tightly and it's scaring me. They are all around us and are trying to scare us. I look forward and I am looking into the room that adjoins ours, it is bright in the center of the room, like a bright area of light. I can see a lady in the room where the light is, she is sitting on a wooden chair. She is an oldish lady, her clothes are colourfull and she has short grey curly hair. She is calling to the boy, she says " call out your Mothers name and they will be gone" The boy shouts back "NO!". I grab him and shake him, I am now scared out of my wits I scream to him "tell me her name, say her name" again he says "NO" I drag the boy and take him to the lady in the next room, I say to her " Maybe you can get it out of him so i'll leave it to you" She says to him over and over " say your mothers name " , he is screaming really badly, it sounds nasty and angry then out of nowhere he yells "ROACH" I think "bingo, thats it" I am now yelling "ROACH, ROACH" I am saying it louder directly to his face, he begins to scream painfully louder, I am looking at him and his body begins to dry up and wrinkle, suddenly he falls to the floor, I am shocked and I am looking at him, he is now just a dried up corpse, he is grey in colour. I am looking around and notice that all the ghost like creatures have now gone, I look back to the lady and she smiles to me. I am now walking towards the stairs, I am stepping carefully down them as it's still quite dark. The stairs is made from concrete there is no carpet on them. I get to the bottom and am now looking into the room infront of me, I see blue...it's a man but just the top half of him, he isn't human he is like ice and he is very wide, the edges of him are pointed and his eyes are very bright. I am again petrified, I think he is one of the bad ones but then he smiles to me. He is pointing to a board that is on the wall to his right, it has like diamonds or small red lights around it. He says something to me but I can't remember what, I think it was something like "see you won!". He looks very scary but he's not, he's actually really nice like the other lady.
    3. Sleeping At The Rocky Beach

      by , 07-25-2011 at 07:33 PM
      I don't remember all the details except of how wonderful it felt to be at the ocean.
      I was a teenage boy in the dream. I don't remember ever being a different gender before in a dream, so this was a first time experience! I had sandy blond hair and I was fairly good looking. I was on summer vacation and I was enjoying playing some games (I think it was ring toss) at the fair. This girl came up to me and I thought she was cute, but not my type. She seemed pretty friendly, though, so we hung out that day. Later, I told her I was tired as we sat near a rocky area overlooking the ocean. So, I lay my head on her lap and just gazed at the ocean and all the clouds. I was near my favorite type of place in the world--a large body of water--and it was almost about to rain (which is my favorite type of weather). I didn't really pay much attention to the girl at this point, though I sincerely appreciated that I didn't have to get up and waste my time trying to find a pillow. I just remember that I kept falling asleep and then waking up to the sounds of the waves and the occasional clap of thunder in the distance. When I woke up, I felt a sense of loss. I always feel a sense of loss when I have a dream involving a large body of water.
    4. Should She be Drinking Mama's Milk? / My Boy Choked to Death / A Kind-of Hot Girl and Me

      by , 06-30-2011 at 12:44 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I have recently had several dreams that I was unable to journal.

      I remember seeing a girl of about 12 or 13 walking with her mother drinking milk from her
      mother's nipple. They were just walking like everything was normal.

      I had a dream the next night or the night after that that my boy was grabbing these button
      things. There were so many, he couldn't get them all without putting some in his mouth. I may
      have recommended he put them in his mouth to hold them, and then to grab the rest with his

      I then realized he could choke on them, so I told him to just open his mouth and let them
      fall out. He started to let them fall out, but he choked on one. I tried to hit his back to get
      it out of his throat, but it didn't work. He quit moving.

      There was another dream where I was in a college environment I think. There was a girl who
      was OK looking, but I found her to be incredible in my dream. I was going to kiss her. She pulled
      away, but implied that later in the evening we would sleep together.

      I had taken some B vitamin's 2 nights in a row that I had vivid dreams.
    5. Solid Snake!? Possible Share?

      by , 06-27-2011 at 01:12 PM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      My recall of this dream isn't as vivid as i would like it to have been, but the dream itself was incredibly vivid.

      I was helping someone I just met complete some sort of goal. I didn't know who they were, but I decided to help them anyway - they seemed pretty genuine. He was probably around 14-15, with blonde hair and defined features. We went on some sort of Metal Gear Solid style adventure in some sort of chinese village to help figure out the secret behind the recent shortage of cucumbers. It was believed that the cucumbers had been poisoned and so they had to recall massive amounts of cucumber stock - but this was not the case.

      We went to a store which reminded me a lot of the local Go-Lo and talked to a woman in her mid 20's about it, and she said she'd demonstrate and asked for a lighter. Confused, I pulled out my lighter (er, what? I dont carry one) and handed it to her. She took a massive bite of a cucumber and spat it at the flame of the lighter, creating a giant fireball! That explains why they recalled them!

      We went to the middle of China Town, and found my friend's dad, who helped us find our way. I have a memory of running around here very fast, and not realising I was disturbing those around me. Jeremy's dad showed us that we had to walk slowly and bow in respect to everyone we passed. We got to a bridge, where I bowed to an asian man sitting at a table I swear I've seen in a cafe in my dreams before. We crossed the bridge slowly - but it was different this time, it was a zig-zag shape. We made it through and made our way to the graveyard, where we were to open a casket right in the middle to find out the secret behind the cucumber.

      We walked carefully around the perimeter of the site. The casket was in the middle of a sort of digging site, with dirt piled high all around it and the casket alone in the middle. We were almost at the center when someone grabbed us - Solid Snake!?

      'What are you two kids doing disturbing the ___(cant remember) festival?'
      We questioned him about the festival, and at one point he seemed embarrassed about it. I'm not entirely sure what happened after this, I believe we might have solved the case, and the last thing I remember was playing minecraft - something about my body and arms being made out of minecraft materials.

      My friend, forcee says that last night he had a dream with this same boy in it, he matches the description perfectly. Interesting, if this was a dreamshare, it'd be great to find out who it was!
    6. Car Robbery!

      by , 06-22-2011 at 05:26 AM
      I am at a high school dance (although I am 20 and in college now). I go out to my car for something and I see a black man come up to me and start to get into my car to steal my things. I am horrified and try to tell the people in the car next to me but they think I'm kidding and that the robber is a friend because of how calm we both appear. I am trying to dial "911" on my cell phone but the calls won't go through and I notice I have been dialing "991" over and over instead.

      Later, a girl who I sense is evil has a crush on me (I myself am a heterosexual girl). The girl bites my lip and makes it bleed. She starts to shake as if she is possessed and says that blood makes her crazy. I make out with her with intent to have sex with her but I never do.

      -At this point I "woke up" and wrote the above in my journal but when I woke later, nothing was there. I believe this was an out of body experience as I have been practicing this a lot lately.-

      Later, I am at the water park and a little black boy sprays me and my mom with a spray gun full of orange liquid. I assume it is orange soda (delicious). People around me are shouting and happy. As the boy sprays me I lift a blanket I am wrapped in to shield the spray and laugh.

      Later, I am in my recent ex's room wearing a blanket again. He is sweating and asks, "aren't you hot?" I take the blanket off, say, "no," and put the blanket back on.
    7. boy, acting like a dog, green lightening, Nancy Drew, polka dot Alice outfit.

      by , 06-09-2011 at 04:51 AM
      I was a boy (kind of) and I was on some kind of Indiana Jones adventure and we (I was with older people) we in a dessert but in this area of the dessert we stopped in there were huge holes. And suddenly flashes of green light came down. And after the entire adults disappeared.. "I" (the boy) started acting like a dog and started filling the holes.

      Next I was female again ( think Nancy Drew-I was with 2 other girls in the dream who look excatly like Bess&George) we were going on a vacation of some sort. We got the one house. But (we) had to climb up a tree when another car pulled up. There were 2 people-both were female. One was an older woman but with blond hair and the other one was maybe 7 or 8 with I think black hair.

      This girl was wearing a sort-of Alice outfit-only difference was this girl's outfit was entirely polka dots. But the older women was muttering about them going on vacation and had identical keys to the ones I knew I had in my purse. The girl noticed us in the tree and go over to talk with us. But just as the dream ended I noticed there were shackles or rope tied around her hands.
      lucid , memorable
    8. D:

      by , 06-04-2011 at 05:22 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      I had a dream where I was trying to keep these people 'things' at bay, while I searched something on the computer,
      And then I was walking down my street, and I knew I was dreaming, so as I saw a truck pass the street I willed myself to travel towards it, but the dream faded. I then was sitting in darkness, so I attempted to visualize a dream scene around me. It was extremely dark, and I saw a boy riding a bicycle. It was one of the really really old ones, the ones that have the HUGE wheel in the front, and a tiny wheel on the back. I was going to teleport to him but, yet again, the dream faded. Again... I visualized a scene around me, but it was so foggy, that I just flew around in darkness until I woke up. (I probably should have tried to anchor myself into the dream, but I didn't. My family was stomping around in the living room, and I had vaguely heard it in the background of my dream. I guess that is what woke me up.)
    9. Black Cat Carcass

      by , 05-08-2011 at 05:38 PM
      Dreamed on May 07, 2011
      For some reason, I had this dead black cat (I seem to remember something about obtaining it in a grocery store?) & there was an evil spirit trying to inhabit it. So, I kept the carcass in my room until I figured out what to do with it. I remember seeing it on my nightstand rotting. I had to keep banishing the evil spirit from the cat's body but it wouldn't give up. After a while, I had my brother go downstairs to distract my mom so that we could get out of the house without her seeing the dead cat. Our plan was to go bury it. So, while he was doing that, I wrapped up the body in an AC/DC shirt & then went downstairs. When I got to the landing, there was this little boy waiting for me & my brother was gone. It was Halloween, so my mother told me to give him some candy, which I did even though I knew the real reason the boy was here--the evil spirit was inside of him & he temporarily inhabited the boy's body to get to the cat. I remember tickling him, acting like everything was okay. After I gave him the candy, he tried to run up the stairs to the cat (he didn't know I had the body with me) but I caught him & put him outside the front door. I then proceeded to go for a "walk", but I actually rode my bike to a graveyard, with my boyfriend (the little boy was gone when I left). When we got to the graveyard, the whole scene was really spooky & it was kind of dark out. There were open graves everywhere, & I remember seeing these big, fake eyeballs on the ground as well. When we went inside the gate, I realized that there were cat carcasses everywhere. I felt disgusted & scared & started to cry--I think I was barefoot at this point--so I just set the cat down instead of burying it as planned. My boyfriend & I got out of there as soon as possible & all of a sudden, we're at the top of my staircase & it starts to snow. The snowflakes looked like little yogurt clusters. My boyfriend said that he had a bad feeling about going downstairs & that he didn't want to, but my reasoning was that we were gonna have to face it sooner or later. He then decided to leave & ran down the stairs & then disappeared when he reached the bottom. He left me there to face whatever it was alone. So, I go downstairs & there's a creepy, sinister, ghostly, aristocratic man sitting in the recliner waiting for me. He orders me to get dog treats for him to feed to my chihuahua, Candy. I think I feared that he would hurt her. Anyway, I got the treats for him, which were in a tiny bag, so consequently, the treats were tiny as well. He acted like the treats were really important for some reason. Then I showed him that Candy could do tricks, & he seemed in total disbelief that she could beg. He wasted the whole bag in a matter of minutes, throwing handfuls of the treats at her. When he ran out, he demanded for more & I explained that we didn't have any more & would have to buy some at the store. I didn't really realize this while I was dreaming, but at some point, he turned into a woman. She had this piercing, scary beauty about her & she made me feel more uncomfortable than the man did. She made me sit on her lap & she showed me how she killed herself by touching my temporal lobes with her hands. The vision that came to me when she did this was her staring back at me in a crouched position with big, beautiful, frightening eyes & I asked her, "How can you be so beautiful & frightening at the same time?" She replied, "It depends on how far you're willing to be corrupted." She then stabbed herself in the eyes with what I think were golden-colored flats, which were, apparently, my shoes.
    10. dance shows and concession stand

      by , 04-27-2011 at 11:42 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some kind of a small performance space. There were folding chairs all arranged before a small stage. There may have been 50 or 75 chairs. The floors were wood. The area with the chairs was dim. I stood at the back of this area.

      The space behind the chairs was empty and lit, possibly with a combination of incandescent and fluorescent lights, as if the overhead light were incandescent, but a light from some other room were shining into the space as well. An adult woman was teaching a little girl how to do some kind of traditional dance. The girl may have been dressed in a dark pink leotard and some kind of sash that gave her a traditional look.

      I stood there for a moment watching the little girl dance. The woman then told me that the girl wasn't ready to perform yet. The woman would give her a bit more rehearsal and then let me watch her. So it would be best if I didn't watch her right now. I assented and walked away. The woman may then have started training another girl or a couple of boys and girls.

      I sat in the seats at the very front. I was the only person in the audience. I sat there in the dark, looking at the stage. There was some kind of set on the stage, maybe colored blue and gold-orange. At some point a black woman and her son sat down in the row behind me and to my left.

      Somehow the idea of food came up. The boy wanted some kind of sweet food, maybet sorbet, from a makeshift concession stand which had been right where I was standing while I had been watching the girl dance. The boy told his mom, "It sure is good we waited, isn't it? Now the sorbet is ready, and we get it for free!"

      I realized that we had been given tickets for free food from the snack bar. The tickets were like red, carbdoard circus tickets. But we'd had to wait until a certain time before the food was given out for free.

      I stood up to get some food. For some reason I felt like I needed to beat the son to the makeshift concession stand, which may just have been a big, red cooler and some cheapish folding screen, with the dance instructor lady pulling food out of the cooler.

      But I now heard an announcement on an overhead speaker. A woman's voice said, "The food being handed out right now is only rotten food." I understood that the timing of the good food being handed out was messed up. So I headed back to my seat to wait for the good food to start being offered.

      But before I got to my seat, I started seeing things as if I were a camera. My view floated to a few different adults. At each person, the view would freeze and some little screen-title would pop up, saying who the person was. The people were all kind of young, edgy, and cool. They posed as a rock band. But they were really a group of spies. There were one woman and two or three men.

      One man I remember sat in some booth like a shop. He sat behind a turntable, as if he were a DJ. He was white, with red-blonde hair and chunky, black-rimmed eyeglasses. He wore a striped shirt.

      Behind the man were all kinds of circular objects, like plates or records. They were all colored differently, and each had some variation of a wave-like pattern running through it. One circle was yellow. Another was grey, with a dark grey squiggle-wave humping up in the center. Another was blue, with some kind of white, shell-like cloud pattern in the center.

      Another member of the band was either a black man or an Asian woman who sat in the front row and far left side of the folding chairs. I think at first he was a really nice looking black man. Then my view went through the other members again. Then when I got back to him, he was a really cute Asian girl.
    11. didn't stop a rape

      by , 04-25-2011 at 11:36 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      Two kind of burly, fat, white guys managed to rape two guys and a woman. I saw the men and women close up, as if I were right near their faces as they were getting raped (all three at once?). I wanted to stop the men from raping the people, but I was on some kind of drugs, and I was too numb or dumb to do anything. Plus, I was probably also afraid of the whole situation.

      I later heard or thought over the story of the men. They had done something like this before. They may have been something like bodyguards. They always guarded one particular celebrity. The celebrity was either a young man or a boy, and he was possibly very pretty. The celebrity didn't have much in the way of a personality. He was kind of a pretty face and not much else. But his father was possibly really mean to the security guards.

      So, at this time in the past, the bodyguards heard that the father was going to be gone and that another celebrity, possibly male as well, was coming to visit the first celebrity. So, to revenge themselves on the father, the bodyguards raped the visiting celebrity while the first father was away.

      For some reason I thought, Well that kind of makes sense. That was revenge. But this time, it doesn't make sense at all.

      I was now outside in the daytime. I was in a place that looked like an Ancient Greek plaza. There was a long, rectangular fountain-pool running along one side of the plaza. The plaza seemed to be enclosed by stone walls.

      A woman was walking in the pool. The water went up to about mid-calf on her. The woman was young, white, kind of cute, with short, red hair. She wore a long, white toga and possibly a wreath around her head. The wreath may have included small fruits.

      This woman was the woman who had gotten raped. But now it was like she hadn't quite gotten raped, but like she had only gotten harrassed a bit while the two men had gotten raped. The girl seemed to remember nothing. She said she was so hung over from last night's party. She had apparently had a lot of booze and drugs.

      The woman walked back and forth in the pool, and I followed her. I didn't feel like I deserved to talk to her. After all, I hadn't been able to protect her from the men.
    12. Damp Towel with a Wristwatch

      by , 04-19-2011 at 10:40 PM

      From the night before last
      *This is a veeeery rough draft that I may or may not get around to cleaning up*

      A Boy to Include?

      a blond boy joined us
      cheap necklace/pendant
      I had one in the same symbol too
      (on reflection, i don't recognize it)
      ashamed? that mine was a weak metal
      it looked somewhat interesting though
      I didn’t mean to make a wet towel hanging high on a hook on the wall fall. caught it and the wrist watch that had been laid atop it, tried to put them back as they were.
      I wondered at the dampness near the watch

      I was 13-17
      the boy was maybe 11
      we debated over if he was too young
    13. telling on kids

      by , 02-08-2011 at 12:45 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      I was in a place that may have been like a mix between a bedroom and a clothing store. The place was small and crowded with clothes and other items.

      A group of black kids had done something to me. Possibly it had something to do with something perverted about me. They might have stolen or ruined a bunch of women's lingerie that I owned.

      I had discovered this upon either waking up or coming out of some small place like a dressing room. At first I didn't say anything. But when I didn't react, the kids, both boys and girls, got really rowdy, taunting me. They may now even have threatened doing something to my mom.

      So I decided to call some woman who was an authority figure over all of us and tell her what was going on. I picked up a cell phone off a couch that a bunch of the girls were laying on. As soon as I started dialing, a few slightly overweight girls gathered around me, yelling that I better not call the lady. But I had already dialed, and I wasn't going to hang up.

      I got some weird message. The woman said she was out. She gave some big explanation about why she was out, which sounded like a blog-style rant about how hectic life is.

      I now stood in a doorway at the woman's apartment. The woman had just taken a shower and she was walking around, getting dressed. She was really pretty, blonde, probably in her late 20s. She probably had a towel around her body and a towel around her head. She kept talking on and on about all these airheaded things that were apparently reasons that she was too busy to take my call.

      I was trying to place the girl. She looked like a celebrity. Cybil Sheperd? No, her eyes were pale green and thin, her hair was too long, and she was too tan. Eventually I was amazed at how out of it this girl was. I thought, She can't help me. She's useless!
    14. A girl

      by , 01-18-2011 at 04:44 PM
      I dreamt about a girl (I don't know here name).
      We both went to the barber. The barber was a gypsy but she did here work very well. The girl looked even more beautiful as before.
      At an other moment, i was standing in the dark against a fence. There was somebody of my class around us. When I placed my hand on here side, the boy from my class yelled (in dutch off course): "What do you do?!?" But it was no problem for here. It was a blissful moment
    15. movie theatre couples; calming touch; pulling weeds

      by , 01-04-2011 at 01:52 PM
      Good morning, everybody. Happy New Year.

      My dream recall was pretty terrible over the past two weeks. I was just relaxing and doing holiday stuff.

      I recall three dreams from last night.

      Dream #1

      I was in a movie theatre. The movie ended. I walked out into the hallway. I was waiting for another movie.

      There was a woman in the hallway whom I recognized as having sat behind me in the theatre. She had seemed to take an interest in me in the theatre. So I thought I would return the interest.

      But as soon as I acted interested in the woman, she ran down the hallway and started playing with a light-skinned black boy who looked about 10 years old. I understood that this woman and boy were lovers. The woman had just acted interested in me to trick me and make herself feel good.

      There was now an Asian boy with me. He looked about 10 years old. The second movie was starting. I walked the boy into the theatre.

      We at first sat in the back rows of the theatre, where I had been sitting before. But now the back rows were so crowded that I was getting annoyed. I left the Asian boy in the back rows (he seemed to want to be there) and went up toward the front of the theatre.

      The theatre's seating swung around in weird ways, and the aisle between the groups of seats curved like a snake.

      The movie was starting. I finally sat down in an aisle seat a little closer than halfway to the front of the theatre. I was surprised by how empty the theatre was up toward the front.

      The movie image I saw may have had something to do with a road on a hilltop, a clear, blue, summer sky, and a white, 1970s-style car.

      Dream #2

      I was in some living room with an old female friend, G. She sat on a couch or chair to my right while I stood. She may have been sitting on the arm of the chair. She felt almost as tall sitting as I was standing.

      G had been making fun of me, saying some really nasty things, which I found typical of her. I got mad and was just about to go away. But G began stroking my arm in a really seductive way. She said some really nice things to me. I became aroused and thought I might stick around and see whether I could have sex with her.

      Dream #3

      I was in a space for a flower garden in a park. The garden space was maybe 20m wide and 7m deep. It was a sunny day, but the light felt slightly grey.

      The garden space was full of weeds. The weeds were single, slender flowers that looked like tulip stems topped with cream-colored hellebore (or lotus?) blossoms. The garden space was densely packed with the flowers.

      I was "killing" the weeds by pulling off their blossoms. I had gotten about halfway through the garden when I stood up to look at all my work. I saw half the garden full of just stalks. Beneath, I saw dusty soil.

      I wondered why I was just pulling the blossoms off. Why didn't I just pull the flowers out of the soil by the roots? That way, I thought, any remaining roots would die from the cold before they could sprout up again. Something about this thought made me think that the month was November.
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