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    1. Tea with the Dead

      by , 07-15-2021 at 05:22 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      I am in what looks to be some kind of large home improvement store, having travelled here to meet up with some people. It is a very large store: towards the back, the aisles actually turn into streets, which is where I need to go. I’ve been this way enough times to where I’ve got the route memorized, and when I reach the signpost with a number of street signs, I take a left onto Montaigne Street.

      Montaigne street has a rather sleazy vibe, with a sort of over-the-top neon-over-historic-district aesthetic. But it seems completely confined to this particular street, and then it’s back into plain downtown area. However, something is strange: the street I’m looking for doesn’t seem to be here. This is an area full of little winding streets, so I look around for a bit to make sure I haven’t missed it, then head back out to where the store begins and go along Montaigne Street all over again. But the street really seems to have gone now.

      I go back to the store area and browse the stationary near the front as I consider what to do next. Maybe I forgot to check something, and the meet-ups aren’t happening right now. It’s going to be a few hours before I head back, and I need to figure out what I’m going to do for dinner at some point. I also decide, in a moment of latent lucidity, that I’m going to change the name of Montaigne Street to Montero Street, as that seems to fit it better. In the end, I just decide to look around the store for a while longer.

      Towards one corner, I find a series of furnished rooms. They’re a bit like display rooms you might actually find in a home improvement store showing off appliances or furnishings, only these ones seem to be set up as miniature haunted houses. I enter the room on the far end first, one that’s almost completely dark. This one seems to have a “pet ghost” theme. As I explore the various furniture and parts of the room, certain things happen, triggered by my presence, such as noises or motion, and even the visible ghosts of cats. But I don’t find the place scary at all. It’s actually rather relaxing. I lie on the bed in the corner for a while listening to things rustle and thinking about dead pets from times gone by.

      After a while, I move on, going into a couple more rooms I can no longer remember before heading into what’s clearly set up as a haunted nursery. This room has a lot more light coming in, so it’s easy to see the furnishings, most prominently, a young child’s bed – not actually a crib, but something that seems made for children about that age, maybe from an earlier era. The bed is dishevelled, and there are several piles of feces either on it or on the floor nearby, hinting towards neglect. It doesn’t really look real and definitely doesn’t smell real.

      As I examine a chest on the side of the room facing the store, I suddenly see a large group of ghosts standing together, looking in my direction. One of them, an older gentleman in a suit, gestures that I should come over to them. I do, and they lead me to a long table set up for a meal. It seems that the store has staffed their haunted rooms with real ghosts, and now that they’re off-duty, they’re closing up the rooms and inviting me to eat with them.

      It’s only once were seated and the meal begins – tea and pastries – that they begin talking, or possibly that’s just when I become able to understand them. The older gentleman is seated on my left, and we have a conversation in which I distinctly remember telling him about my cat, Thomas, who died 12 years ago.

      At some point, the scene changes – the implication seems to be that time has passed, and I’m travelling somewhere with three or four of them. One opens the back door of a black car, and another climbs in. I realize I’m supposed to get in as well. I notice I’m wearing a smooth black coat coming down somewhere between my knees and waist and a pair of black leather gloves.

      The scene changes further after that to a completely new setting – and while the store, at least, was almost certainly located in the U.S., this place has more the vibe of a developing country, possibly in the Caribbean. The man showing me around takes me past an area where many small boats are docked. He seems to feel this is a touristy area, not really representative of the place itself.

      At a clothing market, somebody comes up to him. It seems he’s needed somewhere immediately, so it looks like I’m going to be on my own for the next couple hours. We agree to meet back up here in that general timeframe – this doesn’t seem to be a place where people make appointments more precise than that.

    2. In a Dark Place

      by , 09-09-2018 at 02:45 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      There is a woman—some dark entity had reached out for her, badly frightening her. She has shut herself away somewhere to get away from it, but it can still reach her. I can hear her screaming there—but I’m on my way to help her.

      The first thing I have to do is get out of a sort of wooden elevator running down the center of the building. I seem to have entered this way, going down, but none of the doors are opening. Somehow, I can see perfectly fine into the space beyond the shaft, but the walls are definitely there, and the doors are not only solid but quite heavy. I’m alone here in the elevator, but in communication with someone else—someone I know to be my mother, although she isn’t my actual, waking life mother. She seems to be playing some kind of guiding or teaching role.

      Above my head, everything just fades into darkness, like the heights of a cavern. Apparently, it doesn’t occur to most people who come here to look up for a while, and so this comes as a bit of a shock to them, but I can remember having been through this series of events before, and so this place holds no surprises for me. Besides that, I have access to a deeper understanding of the space I’m in: it’s defined by solfege, as if the intervals and their syllables are acting as some kind of abstract structural parameters, and they are also structuring what I am able to do in it and do to it.

      Once I finally manage to get out, I find myself in what seems to be an iteration of my old house in M---. This version looks twisted, hollowed out, dark—actually, there doesn’t seem to be a source of light anywhere, which would explain why, even though I feel vividly present here, it has an odd visual quality to it, and the only non-black color I can see here is blue. I’m using night vision. The blue is brightest in the fog hovering throughout the house, moving as though stirred by currents of air. When this fog is concentrated, it indicates the presence of a ghost—or perhaps it simply is the ghost.

      This whole place gives off a decidedly creepy vibe—a palpable sense of decay and malevolence. But the fact that I already know where all the dangers are takes the edge off the creepiness, as does the fact that this seems to be a case where there is no outcome but success. I already know things are going to turn out fine, and so I don’t let the place bother me too much.

      Now the person who is my mother is physically here with me, a couple rooms away—although, either because the walls are in ruins or because I can see through these ones too, she’s still visible from where I’m looking around the living room. Nothing much seems to be happening at the moment. I’m just keeping an eye on the blue fog. There are some mirrors there in the room: I use them to check my form as I practice jumping from side to side, moving between stances I might need to use later.

    3. Phantom Friends

      by , 04-28-2018 at 02:25 AM (Nonsense and Conundrums)
      [From November 17, 2016]

      I don't remember the beginning, but here we go.

      I am staying at someone's house. Apparently, I have done something wrong, so I am placed in this room with "evil" spirits who are meant to drive me insane.

      Yes, there are spirits in this room. One is particularly active. I can only see him when he comes close to me, and he disappears when he moves too far away. He looks terrifying: a black humanoid mass with a crooked head, bloodshot eyes and a wide-open mouth. I am at first afraid, but soon notice the way he shies away when I come near. He does not intend to hurt me. He seems curious, but afraid.

      I greet him and begin talking to him, using humor and turning the lights off to make the environment more comfortable. Slowly his form changes into something more human and then into a man, now emitting a bright blue glow. I am cracking jokes and making him laugh; as he smiles, his aura glows brighter. He is wearing something rather silly - booty shorts and a tropical shirt. He cannot physically speak, but communicates through vibrations, which works better than words in this situation.

      We talk about art; apparently he is an artist, so I conjure some of my artwork. He also enjoys talking about holidays and Halloween. He has some rather fond memories of his family. I ask him why he is wearing such a ridiculous outfit, and he says he thinks it is rather funny.

      As we communicate, other spirits gather around. One is another man and the other is a woman who adorns a tangle of red hair. They all look weathered, but lighten up as they listen in and communicate with me and the others. The dream ends shortly after this. It was a rather pleasant dream.
    4. Ghosts Took My Car Keys

      by , 04-03-2018 at 09:25 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      I’m in a car with my mother, driving down an unfamiliar road towards the house where she's living—it seems that I’ve come here to visit her and will be leaving soon. We aren’t far from the house, but she indicates that I should turn off to the right, where there’s a cemetery. I already have some idea what this is about since I know there’s a grave here that she’s been taking care of. We’ve already visited a couple times during the course of this visit. I turn into the entrance.

      Now we’re both walking through the cemetery. It’s a bit overgrown, but a livelier place than you might expect since there are kids running around doing kid things and other people who are here visiting.

      Some of the children are decorating the grave we’re headed for. They’re debating over where to put a special artifact—it looks like a small spiral seashell, only brown and lightweight like a cicada skin. Right now, they have it set on the leaf of a flowering plant, but it seems to be bending the leaf back too far.* (At some point, I couldn’t say exactly when, I seem to have become a different person—a friend of my mother’s, a man, maybe in his 40s or older.)

      Eventually, somebody gets the idea of calling up the spirits themselves and asking them how they want the grave to look. Now there are a number of them floating around, including one that is just a disembodied hand. They ask it to point to what it wants on the grave—but, unexpectedly, it goes straight for my car keys. Really? But I know I have to give them up now.

      But I also know—not from the man’s perspective, but from somewhere outside it—that they are laying claim to the keys because they like him, they think he’s a great guy, and by doing this, they can prevent something bad from happening to him that they know is in his future otherwise. The fact that he is massively inconvenienced in the process is completely incidental.

      *Note: I had spent a few hours of the previous day on website design, a lot of which is figuring out how to get thing A to location B without messing anything else up. An interesting parallel here.

    5. Ghost House Treasure Hunt

      by , 02-20-2018 at 04:23 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2018, 02-19

      Ghost House Treasure Hunt

      I am with some other people and we are going into an abandoned house of some kind. It is a large place and I am wanting to get photos and video footage of the place. It is night time outside, so the interior of the house is very dark. I have a flashlight that I use to find my way around. I hear the other people with me, I think there are two of them, but I don’t think to turn the flashlight around to see them better. The place looks abandoned, dusty and dirty, and a bit creepy, but I’m not afraid. I want to get videos and photos that I might be able to use for making a video game, I am not thinking to find ghosts or anything creepy here. I see a spider scuttle up the wall when I shine my light on it and that seems to freak out one of the men with me. I just tell him the spiders are more scared of him than he is of them. He says he’s not so sure about that. I add that the spider we saw was a tarantula, and they are completely harmless to humans even if one does bite him. I use my flashlight for light and take a few photos of the antique furniture in the room.

      I leave the first room, which was furnished like a living room. I then enter what appears to be a dining room. There are plates and silverware on the table, as well as blobs of gross looking stuff that might be whatever is left of a dinner set up many years ago. I wonder how any trace of the food is still there, animals and bugs should have eaten it by now. I take more photos of the table, the chairs, the plates, and even the gross stuff on them. I am now wanting to document everything I find, I have the feeling I won’t be able to ever return here. I see some stairs and head up to the second level. There is a bathroom up there that smells like a rotting zombie just had diarrhea and didn’t bother to flush, then collapsed by the toilet and continued to decompose. I think I might be sick, so I just snap a couple quick photos of the bathroom before closing the door and moving away quickly.

      I glance behind me to see if the people with me are still following me and I can barely make out their dark forms in the dark hall following me. I go into a large bedroom that must be the master bedroom. The master bathroom smells every bit as bad as the first bathroom so I close the door to minimize the smell. Now I start taking photos of the room. After taking some photos I go to a chest and open a few drawers. There are old and worn out clothes in the drawers. I then start wondering if there might be anything of real value still here. I start searching through more drawers. I come to what looks like a large jewelry box and I open it. The jewelry box is full of shiny sparkling jewelry. I wonder if any of it is real and valuable or if it might all be trash costume jewelry. I reach in and pull out a pair of earrings. One of the men with me says I’d better not put that on. I tell him I wouldn’t try it on until I’ve cleaned it thoroughly. He says no, he means the fact it’s cursed. I don’t take the comment on the curse very seriously. I keep looking at the jewelry. There are some nice looking pieces here that I want. Every time I go to take something, however, the man with me gets upset. I decide that in spite of thinking earlier that I could never come back, I would find a way to come back and collect this jewelry. No one else was using it, so it wasn’t really stealing!

      I leave the master bedroom and look in the other rooms. I am wishing I could get separated from the men with me so I could return to the master bedroom and collect the jewelry. In one of the other rooms I go into a closet and grope around the far wall to find another exit. I find myself in another bedroom and I go from there back to the master bedroom. I go to the jewelry cabinet and pull out anything I can get my hands on into my purse. When I turn around I see a woman with long dark hair standing in the room and watching me. She looks annoyed, but also a little amused. She says the jewelry is hers and I shouldn’t take it. I do a double take, I don’t remember seeing her before… and this house is supposed to be abandoned. I comment that I thought it had been abandoned, I didn’t realize someone might come back for it. She says she can’t come back for it, but I should be truthful… those beautiful jewels would be disgraced to be worn by a fat ugly pig like me. She says she will wait while I put the stuff back. But now I’m annoyed at her and I throw a piece of broken wall at her. That goes right through her… she’s a ghost! Instead of being afraid I realize she can do nothing to stop me from taking the jewelry. I tell her if she’d been nice I would have put it all back, but since she had to be a bitch and insult me, I’m keeping it. I walk right past her and into the hall. One of the men is there. He asks if I woke the curse. I tell him the curse is as impotent as a bullet with no gunpowder.
    6. A Near Mystere

      by , 12-07-2017 at 07:59 PM
      Night of December 6, 2017. Wednesday.

      Fading into semi-lucidity after typical hypnagogic lucidity, I go beyond a stream surrounded by rock faces into an open area. This shifts into an idea to manifest a perfect combination of sensuality and eeriness. I decide to integrate Zsuzsanna into the role of Mary Medina as in the Grimm Fairy Tales 2017 Halloween Special, but I mostly let it flow on its own without in-dream control (by way of spoken affirmations by my dream self as in some apex lucidity states). There is a sustained event with an incompetent makeup artist. Zsuzsanna ends up with only white face paint on her forehead. This scene seems to repeat after a reset.

      Although some of the setting looks somewhat like a sketchy version of New Orleans, some of the buildings appear as if they are cardboard facades about a block or two away. I ignore this feature and focus on intensifying the nature of my dream. Ghosts wander about, but there is not much eeriness or plot.

      The outcome is in a large dining room. About seven ghosts (in Victorian clothes) play Musical Chairs with six gold chairs with red velvet seats and backs. As they are ghosts, there can be no winners or losers as they just phase into and out of each other when trying to sit and stay on the chairs (and for example, two taking up the same space on the same chair). This scenario is so amusing, it pulls me out of the dream state with an almost audible laugh.

    7. Back in Haunted Time Passage House, Hidden Objects Style, Ties to Other Dreams

      by , 07-04-2017 at 05:31 PM
      06-03-2017 -- This one was from a month ago, jotted it down immediately, but didn't have time to get it on the computer until now. Much of the earliest bits have faded, but I am probably Harry Potter, judging by much of the stuff that comes later. It is late at night and I am trying to get some sleep, but I am rooming with a slightly stuck up but more or less OK Draco Malfoy. So while I am looking for a little bit of private relaxation time before falling asleep, Draco has been getting more and more into muggle electronics, so wants my help setting up his TV, cable box, DVD, video game systems and so on. So I'm kind of half-assing it, hoping in the process he doesn't stumble across porn and go nuts about it.

      I've got most of the stuff at least partly hooked up when somebody new wanders in and notices that his VCR doesn't have the cable channels tuned in, so he's only getting 6 or 7 broadcast channels, and the new guy starts to correct that, and is also showing him how to hook up and use his CB radio. Since he's now got other help, I'm more than happy to just turn around and head to bed.

      The next thing I know, I find I'm in a new circumstance that relates to several past dreams, including the Doctor Who/BtVS dream of a few months ago, and many others, including various secret passage dreams and more. I find myself outside an old three or four story house that I think I fought a plant in during another dream I can't find to link to, and I have a lot of memories of the last time I was here, and the things I had to do, but not exactly, or in what order, so I'm still having to puzzle a lot of it out.

      I start on the West side of the house, can't say what floor, but I'm kind of looking in a window at a room where the mom has fallen through a trap door in the floor (and possibly also time ala the Tonks scene in the above Doctor Who dream) to a lower dungeon-style room. The thing is, she'll need to be rescued on that floor (and in that time), not through the trap door she fell through. Meanwhile, though I should only have a limited view through the window, I can somehow see all kinds of people wandering up and down stairways throughout the house, though they should be out of sight, and quite possibly in other times. Strange.

      I move along the back side of the house, the area that most seems like the plant-fighting area, then I find myself in a hallway along the East side of the house, and there are ghosts wandering through the area, some helping and some hindering the regular people. At first I seem to be one of the ghosts, but as time goes on, I become more and more solid. Meanwhile, I am trying to use my half-remembered knowledge from previous dreams to help the regular people solve the 'puzzle' (it's all feeling kind of like a hidden object game), and am giving instructions. I point to one ghost in a room next to the corridor, and ask it to grab some tools and bring it to me.

      I realize almost immediately that this is unlikely to work. The ghost is probably not going to be able to pick up the tools, because it is a ghost. But it might be able to pick them up if that room is in the same time as the ghost, but even if it can pick them up, it probably won't be able to take them out of the room, and finally, if it did get them out of the room, then the tools would probably be insubstantial to me, so I probably wasted my time making the request. The ghost grabs the tools, and starts to bring them to me, but as it passes through the doorway, the door slams shut, and I figure the tools remain in the room. But no, the ghost kept them and brought them to me, and I found I was able to hold them, so that's why I figured I must be a ghost, too, at this point.

      I follow the East corridor to a large room at the back of the house, where there are a lot of people and ghosts around, and a lot of junk to possibly sort through. One of the ghosts is an old-fashioned housekeeper dressed in the appropriate garb, and looking just like Hermione Baddeley as the housekeeper in Mary Poppins. The room is one where I found Luna Lovegood in another time trap in a different dream, but this time there is no sign of her. Instead it is a long room with piles of junk to actually climb over, and some broken and damaged walls being guarded by an angry and dangerous tiger, who has several tiny ghost tiger cubs in the area. I suddenly manage to remember that I have to find some balls of ghost food to feed the ghost tiger cubs to be able to get by the real tiger.

      I ask the housekeeper to hand me the box full of food balls, and I start trying to toss them across the room into the cubs' food bowls, but being ghostly balls, they have no mass, so don't toss well. First I try to help them along by blowing on them, and it helps a little, but not enough. Finally I just throw the entire box of food, which gives it just enough mass to reach the other side of the room, and get a little bit of food in all five bowls. So I carefully creep past the ghost kittens, and the live tiger leaves me alone, and I crawl over more of the stuff, getting nearer and nearer to the ceiling, where I find a sort of secret passage way. It looks like there is a wall, but it's an illusion, and you can move right through it.

      I crawl up into a hallway on the floor above, and again I can remember it from other dreams (but not any particular dream the I can link to). I am now in a medium-length corridor. I crawled up through a passage at the floor level, and I know that there is another passage directly across from it at ceiling level, but it seems whatever point I have arrived at, we either have not yet found the step-ladder that we'll need to climb to reach the ceiling passage, or we haven't moved it here yet.

      There are doors at both ends of the hallway. The end close to the two secret passages is behind me, and it doesn't seem important. It is probably the first way we entered the hallway, early on in things. I seem to remember the door at the other end of the hallway being locked, and we have to pick the lock. I send my friend off to find the step-ladder, and head to the door at the end of the corridor, just to find it is already unlocked, so we must have already gotten that step taken care of.

      Spoiler for Humor and Sex:
    8. I'm a teen boy & 1800's

      by , 09-14-2016 at 09:59 PM
      D1: Non-Lucid: I was in the middle of no-where. I was just "there". Nothing before it all. Was very odd. I kept trying to build a house but it started very strange. There was just nothing. I mean nothing. I was trying to build with nothing. I started by trying to create a straight line. I spend a ton of time just trying to will a plank of wood w/ my hands to exist. Eventually I got the hang of it & built a whole town! This was an amazing dream as it was like no other dream I have ever had. I've never had a dream where there was just nothing. Eventually there was brown cracked dirt though while I was creating the beam. Now people are there. And I realize I am a teenage boy. HUH? Ya, my gender wasn't correct. I've been a different age but never a different gender. A flood came. There are cars everywhere in the water & other teens. I see 5 in particular & jumped in to save them... I woke up all hazy & fuzzy.

      Did a wbtb.

      D2: Non-Lucid: I was way back in the early 1900's. And I lived in a home that showed I didn't have much money. It was in town w/ bare old gray looking wood. I felt like the man who was w/ me was my first husband but it wasn't, it was my Mike. We stumbled upon some collectible pieces of paper which had pictures on them. They came from my fathers mother who passed away in real life when I was in 5th grade. Mike said he needed to make copies or forgeries. He left & came back w/ a big stack. We then had to hand over the originals to the authorities for some reason. Mike left & I was frantically trying to find a way to get rid of them but I was too late. I was by some railroad tracks & I heard & saw an old fashioned police car w/ the light on the top so apparently my time line had changed because there were no cars like that in the early 1900's. I started running at an incredible speed through yards & stuff to try & warn Mike that they know & that they were coming for him. I was too late. I no sooner told him than the pounding on the door began & I woke up.

      Lately I've only read books that have been written by Mediums for the last couple of months. I've read on average 3 books a week.Learning about energy more & more. I've even done some experiments which were really cool. They were in energy. Energy is everything & makes almost anything possible. I've become a whole lot more intuitive than I ever thought possible. I feel so spiritually liberated & am no longer afraid of death. Because there is no death. Our bodies die & our souls move on. It's only our body that dies. After reading so many books written by Mediums I am so enlightened. My intuition has greatly improved. And even though today I have a crazy fever & runny nose, I am pushing through & keeping up my positive vibrations. I just finished a book by James Van Praagh. It's called Ghost's Among Us, Uncovering the Truth About The Other Side. It's an incredible book! He talks about his life & how he became a Medium. His stories are incredible & inspiring. He literally changed my life. It seems of late though that I just keep having life altering experiences.
    9. Odd Dream

      by , 05-26-2016 at 02:46 PM
      Not Lucid, but pretty vivid.

      Starts out with me and a friend jogging through a park late at night, and the path ends at a big hotel in the middle of a forest. There is a parking lot, but no one is here. We decided to go peek into the hotel windows. The outside "porch lights" are on, and there's a dim glow of a light behind the counter in the lobby. After I'm done peeking I turn around to find my friend has run away into the darkness of the night, and left me alone with a creepy Bell Hop. This guy has the strangest smile on his face, and tries to get me to go inside the hotel, but I'm trying to get away from him. And the moment he grabs my arm everything morphs into another scene...

      Now I'm running through the hotel in my Dress White uniform (navy attire) after another guy in the same clothes. We both have guns of some kind, but I can't make them out. My target runs into a crowd of similar looking people, who are all acting like mindless drones, and the crowd enters into some big meeting room. As I try to tell someone that seems to be in charge that there's danger nearby I hear the cocking of a rifle, and a bang...

      My target shot me, and now I'm dead. But I'm a ghost. 3 people can have contact with me: 2 guys that have tried to kill me, and the one that just did. Then I wake up.
    10. [22-03-2016]

      by , 03-22-2016 at 09:29 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in school, inside a classroom. It was late afternoon. I was arguing with someone.

      I was a captain at a pirate ship, fighting with other captains. I just thrown an enemy overboard and taken over the ship.

      I went out of my house, I had to do something outside. On the way I though about modifying a game.

      It was a side scrolling platformer. I was a mouse that had to collect gold and reach end of stage. It was really hard, as there were many traps and ghosts flying around. I thrown knives at these ghosts and this dispersed them for a while. I tried to reach a platform, but there were really strong winds pushing me back. I've fallen down.
    11. [08-03-2016]

      by , 03-08-2016 at 04:01 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my house, wandering the attic with my mother and my pal. The place was over renovation, but it was devoid of any furniture. We were in a room with white walls, there was a window with nothing but sky behind and there were doors to another room. My mother told a story about horrifying ghosts that are a cause of her health problems. Suddenly something tried to open doors, with my pal we tried to keep them closed, but it pushed really strong. Later that day I was in my backyard, watching a wraith floating nearby my attic.
    12. [31-01-2016]

      by , 01-31-2016 at 12:01 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Everyone was preparing for brothers wedding. We drove to some kind of swamp, where we prepared everything on floating lilly pads. We even slept on those. When everything was ready, we wanted to fall asleep. It was really dark and we couldn't see a thing. To get toour beds we had to jump into the water and swim to our pads. I jumped and swam for a while, until I realised that I can't swim. I floundered in the water and barely got to my pad, but I climbed on it and fallen asleep.

      Second & third dream

      I was a witness of a car accident. Car hit a girl, and drove away. I saved her, and later on when she was in hospital, she wanted me to visit her. I drove there, first floor looked really similar to my previous school. From the entrance I went left and found a staircase. It was impossible to go there though, as path was blocked. I went back and moved right from the entrance, and found a way to the upper floor. Finally I got to hospital on the second floor - white wall, gray tiles and... suspiciously looking police officers. One was a receptionist. I went to him and told that I want to visit that girl, but he said that it's important government project running there, and that I should leave her a message and go away. I written a note quickly, and the dream faded away.

      When I woke up, I realised that it's a recurring dream. Notable differences are that the first floor in the original dream was a hospital, not a school, and reception was already on first floor. Next difference is that in original dream, I broke through all the guards and saved that girl from a secret government project. I fallen asleep and tried DEILD to recreate it.

      I found myself at second floor again. It was really dark. I had to move around blindly, until the guard turned on the lights. I heard a voice behind me. I turned around - that suspicious police officer closed way outside. He smiled to me. I received a feeling of lucidity, without realisation that it was a dream. I managed to say "Son of a bitch." and the dream faded away.

      Fourth dream

      Everything looked like an old DOS shooter game. I was running around an abandoned shipwreck. My pal was somewhere there too. It was full of ghost and strange monsters. We had weapons, and killed every monster on our way. Then we split up - he went to search for exit, while I delved deeper into the ship. Behind one doors, I found a cultist ghost. He was floating around and screaming. Behind other doors, I found wraith of ships captain. It was an evil, vengeful spirit. My pal called me to go out, and fight with the captain in the open air. I had a quick duel with him and defeated the ghost. Then we moved on to destroy a city while escapnig from cops.
    13. Adam and the desert

      by , 11-26-2015 at 08:55 PM
      Earlier, was just lucid enough to deliberately fly upward with the intent of getting a wider view, instead lost visuals and wound up in a completely different scene, losing lucidity.

      Standing on a ladder outside a suburban home, the wind shifts, hot and dry, a sense of the desert that's going to claim this place and incorporate it into my people's territory. I'm the one who led them to this place, but I feel conflicted now. I excuse myself to the man who'd been holding the ladder, and go inside to take care of some loose ends. There are too many signs of how personal an interest I've taken in this world, learning their language, getting much too attached; I should dispose of that evidence.

      Elsewhere, among the troops, I'm speaking to one of them on behalf of a man in this world, Adam, trying to make sure they take care when they process him. I say I've never seen a dreamer with power like his before. Which is true, but I'm also being careful to phrase it in practical terms, downplaying any personal attachment. I have to stress the importance of him as a resource not to be wasted. The man I'm speaking to agrees that they'll be careful, but I don't think he's really paying attention, just brushing me off. I end the scene flying back to that suburban house, desperately searching for Adam.

      The following scene focuses on a brother figure chiding me for hanging onto a ghost.
    14. Bound themselves to the chains of ghosts

      by , 07-23-2015 at 04:56 PM
      I'd been looking at a map showing three islands that had been conquered by someone else; I'm unconcerned about the islands themselves but am considering their influence over the surrounding sea routes.

      Now standing on the deck of a ship, I'm speaking to a military leader from another ship, part of the group that conquered those islands - he's a passenger, not the ship's captain. He addresses me as Enchanter, which amuses me. I express my surprise that he's willing to deal with me if he recognizes what I am - I was under the impression that his people thought of my kind as demons. Isn't he worried that he's risking corruption with this conversation?

      He indicates that many of his attitudes have changed since coming to this region. He describes how he'd arrived with four of my kind sealed on his ship; while on the central island, they'd broken free and in doing so, as he puts it, "bound themselves to the chains of ghosts." It's a reference to the past of that island - once they were no longer sealed away, they became entangled with local legends, automatically embodying the locals' beliefs. The way this man sees it, they are no longer themselves - by breaking free of their seals and into this world, they've trapped themselves in these roles, living out ancient history. He sees this as a negative thing. I don't. It's the way we work.

      Updated 07-23-2015 at 05:01 PM by 64691

    15. last night's dreams

      by , 06-23-2015 at 07:43 PM
      I had P.F Chang's chicken fried rice for dinner last night and had an especially vivid dream early this morning. I think the meal might have had something to do with it!

      Anyway--my dreams. The first I didn't record immediately so a majority of the details are lost to me.

      I go to college! But a few close friends are there (no one I know from high school is attending my college) and I’m just beside myself; I’m so glad I’m not alone. I asked them if they had roommates yet. One did, but the other did not. When I go home I tell my mom everything. I’m 200% sure more happened in this dream because I remember dorms and expanses of grass and sunlight but I have no idea how it fits together. I’m very sad about that. Ye that’s it for the first one!

      the second one was lovely and felt like it took place over the period of a couple/few days.

      They opened a new school right next to my old high school. Because the school is so close students go to both as necessary. It is larger inside than outside. On my first and second days my mom accidentally goes to drop us off in the wrong place so my brother and I have to correct her and go to the right place. It’s dark both mornings. I think one of the mornings we had a fight.
      The school is lovely. I lose my schedule the second day but before school there is a lounge of sorts to stay. On the first day I go through my schedule (I think) but on the second day after being in the lounge I have no schedule and forget where my classes are. I share a cookie with some friends in the lounge before going to find my first hour. I think I find it. Second hour not so much. I peek into a few rooms, one is a potions class. Then I decide to just explore.
      The school is a square/rectangle with hallways that are built so you can always look over the railing to see the main floor. Soft sunlight comes in windows of open classrooms and windows at the top of the building I never looked up to see. Rooms are built off this hallway. I look in a lot of them but I only remember the art room right now—a smaller room with dark wood floors with a large piece of paper taking up the entire thing nearly. The walls are lined with paint. I end up looking into a large room with a boy in it, and he is suddenly very close. Other students are coming behind me and he tells me softly to just stay still, they won’t see me. He has brown hair with light curls and a thin face. He looks tired. In the dream I think he might be a ghost. The perspective switches to third person at this point and I turn away from the door, shutting it behind me. The boys behind me are surprised but I pay them no mind.
      I see that I’m not in my own body. I’m a curvier girl with black curly hair. But I turn to a mirror beside the room and my hair turns red and straight; going back to first person as well. I’m shocked. The mirror does not reflect me correctly, fragmenting me and appearing cloudy grey behind me rather than reflecting the actual background.
      There is a time lapse, I think. I’m now on the floor of the ground level beside a girl in a dress spread on the floor. There are a couple others. The girl's hair reminds me of Rapunzel but really looks a little more like me in my waking body. I don’t know what we’re doing to her, but I suddenly feel the need to do a reality check as I feel myself waking up and do, only to have a false awakening. I lose lucidity at this point UnU
      I “go back to sleep” to a room in the school where I’m on a couch or a bed, watching two siblings sleep. I’m pretty sure I’m in my waking body again, just in a dream. Someone keeps coming in to put more blankets on them. They are both thin with black hair. The boy’s has a slight turn and the girl’s is a black bob. She’s talking in her sleep about how hot it is and I wonder if the blankets are to blame. He wakes up and we get into a conversation about what he does—ironically, he is a dress designer. I ask where he needs to measure me (across my collarbone?) and try to find a tape measure in my drawer only to find he has his own. I sit in a room in the soft sunlight and he starts measuring me for a dress. We chat a little and the dream ends.

      I've never had such a long dream!! It was exciting! I'm pretty mad that my false awakening ruined my lucidity though. How rude.
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