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    1. Pop Star Showdown

      by , 09-06-2011 at 11:57 AM
      7 Aug 2011

      On a long journey, we were originally three. We were in a canoe traveling down a river through a jungle which looked like South America when one of my companions deliberately capsized the vessel. The boat sank and we could not get ashore because the shore was deadly for some reason. We had no choice but to swim along the river. My other companion was angry and tried to drown the offender, holding his head under water for about twenty seconds at a time, then releasing him before repeating. I told him to leave it and follow me downstream. He did but the guilty man tried to swim against the river, but eventually defeated, went with the current and joined us again by which time Mr Judge Jury and Executioner had cooled off enough to accept him back. It was generally accepted to have been just a bad joke though no word was again spoken on the matter. Somehow I had a very large stick which seemed to have come from the boat though what purpose it served I am sure I do not understand. It could have been a punting pole. Anyhow, I thought it prudent to hold onto. We reached a small tributary stream and decided to swim up this. After some distance the trees ceased and we were allowed ashore. The current was not strong at first but a rain surge headed down stream against us. We struggled on until the point where the trees thinned and then made our way ashore. I said, "we should stick to the water until we're back in the trees." what I meant was that we were heading back to a plantation from which we had come and since we didn't know how far it was, we needed access to the water. As we progressed, our party seemed to grow with random people who seemed to be adventure seeking. We came to a rocky pass which was guarded by a native tribe who seemed very interested in war. They had large bundles of spears ready to throw at us and many men as well as numerous other armaments. One member of our party suggested that they would be willing to accept another contest in place of war. This was agreeable since we had few weapons ourselves and no skill in war. I approached to parle and was accepted due to my courage in casually grabbing a bundle of spears from one of their warriors and examining it. One new member of our party was Lady Ga Ga, as played by Cher. The war tribe had Beyonce. They were to go head to head in a battle of wits. They were to each construct a rope structure which would be set fire to. Who ever made the rope structure which lasted the longest was to win. If Lady Ga Ga won, we would be permitted to pass. If on the other hand Beyonce won, we would have to turn away from the river and find another way. This was a great spectacle which was enjoyed by all. Lady Ga Ga won but it was late and we decided to stay and party the night, continuing in the morning. The next day, the party had been replaced with my school year group and we were on a coach. We were heading to a beach resort to stay for a few days. It was kind of like a cross between Jyndabine and Schoolies. On arrival after a long journey, the weather was beautiful and we were all dressed and ready for the surf but we were instructed to get into our school suits and attend a formal greeting upon which I discovered that my suit was missing along with many other items which I had packed. This caused me to destabilize and I was thrown out of the dream before I could realize that it was a dream.
    2. My most recent Lucid

      by , 09-03-2011 at 05:26 AM
      Navy- Lucid Dream

      Black- Forethoughts\Nonlucid

      This isn't my first by any means, but the first I'm writing down on DV. By this dream I'm able to keep stable for what feels like 20-30 minutes most of the time, and I'm able to control levitation\telekinesis.

      False Awakening in my room and I find that I'm lucid. I began stabilization techniques and then I teleport myself to a jungle-like place.

      I began flying, and I notice a few details such as plants and animals, but don't take much more notice to them. After a few minutes of this, I start to fade to black, which is when I start floating in an abyss that seems to be recurring throughout my dreams. I find it's very cold and I can't feel anything or move. My vision begans to blur and I see figures in the distance. They don't look human, possibly a spirit? I then return to my room as one of the figures approaches me. After returning, I almost immediately wake.
    3. Conflict and the Sacred Dice 8-15-2011

      by , 08-25-2011 at 04:07 PM
      So much happened!

      I remember waking up in bed with Sean, except he didn't look like Sean. He was still black, but he was tall and very muscular, with a large muscular chest, and I don't think he was completely human. He kept bothering me to get up because he had company coming. So we both got up and he started putting on some awesome clothes, some sort of weird armor that was a mixture of spartan and space elements, medallions, and other things I don't remember. He was some sort of military commander.

      The next thing I knew he was gone and there were two other women standing off in the corner of the room; I was in a drab shirt/gown, picking up handfuls and handfuls of tiny dice from a table behind me and pouring them onto what was once the bed but was something else now. The two women kept nagging each other. One kept complaining about "Why can't I have this?" or "Why can't I be that?" while the other answered annoyedly "Because you don't have enough this" or "You haven't had training for that." Their auras were similar to that of two guys I know, Tyler and Scott, respectively.

      I think that's when Sean came back. "We're moving the men out," he proclaimed. "Your men and your men," he pointed to 'Tyler' and 'Scott,' "will be headed for (some place I don't remember), and I'll send my men to (some other place I don't remember... I'm horrible at these kind of details...)." He was referring to little lego men on a game board, I reflected in my mind's eye.
      "What about my little guy? He teamed up with you guys yesterday," I told Sean meekly. 'Scott' answered instead.
      "He can't go with because he never fully declared his alliance with us by moving his residence to our base," he said. I knew this base was a place where my little guy would have had to risk his life and relationships to get to, and the both of us had been naive enough to think that he could be a part of this group without actually risking his life. This was no regular army, but a group of rogue soldiers who were fighting against the government.

      I gave Sean a pleading look. Why hadn't he told me this?

      "He's right," Sean said, "You should have known this." He turned to leave, and waved for Scott and Tyler to follow him. Sean was always the unbiased man, I reflected half-proud of him but still disappointed.

      The next thing I remember is watching my Mom play a video game where her character (which looked similar to Sock Boy) was flying through the air in a Jungle area; she soon maneuvered him so that he landed on his belly on a vine-slide and slid down it for a long time as it twisted and weaved in various directions. Suddenly it wasn't a game anymore. My consciousness was following him to this hidden wooden structure that was half-built into a cave, where we could hear this monstrous noise from inside, growling and snarling and destroying things. I knew this was the place where all the sacred dice were kept. I waited silently outside until the monster emerged. He was big and ugly, and giant brownish mass of teeth, thick limbs, and ooze, looking around with only one eye. He sensed my presence (even though I had no body at this point), and charged in my direction, so I turned and ran. I needed to tell someone.

      The next thing I remember is my consciousness following a gorgeous black woman as she soared through the sky. She reminded me of Storm from the X-Men, except she had really long, dark-brown hair. And she looked angry. She landed on a ledge on top of a very tall building on which one of the women from earlier stood waiting for her. This second women no longer held the aura of Scott or Tyler... I didn't recognize her at all. My focus was on the black woman, her thick, sexy lips; her white lipstick; round, piercing eyes; thin, strong arms; a long, slender, sexy neck; and the tints of grey weaved in with the few braids in her hair. This woman was in her early forties but still seemed very strong. She approached the other woman - who was not fully human - and got right in her face. She began blaming the other woman for the monster in the dice keep, demanding to know who had leaked its location and why. The other woman became furious and tried to defend herself. Finally she got right back into the first woman's face and put her foot down.
      "I CHOSE to work (with whatever organization at some specific time which I don't remember) so I could HELP you protect it, to work WITH you!"
      The black woman took a step back, knowing she was wrong to have blamed the second woman. But she was still angry.
      That's when my mother woke me up.

      Updated 08-25-2011 at 04:24 PM by 49444 (added date)

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. A night on the town looking to pull

      by , 08-23-2011 at 11:35 AM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      23-08-11 I am in town at night and a lot of people have been out partying. It is night time and I am headed home. On the way back I decide to do a little parcour, not because I can do it, but because I want to try.

      It is working out fair, nothing fancy just jumping from this bench to this trash can with the occasional jump off a wall.

      I get on a roll and I get to the end of the pedestrian zone and due to my momentum and confidence I decide to take a leap out over a couple of cars.

      Mid jump I realise it is police cars and they realise that I am free running. So as I am hanging in the air they drive to intercept me (gravity aint what it normally is so they have plenty of time, and this might also be the reason for why I am doing so well ^^).

      I just manage to jump over the police car though the driver is trying to force me to land on it. A big mean looking officer gets out and asks if I have been running out of building and generally getting into trouble (I get the feeling he doesn't like me or maybe just free runners in general). I show him my teeth and tell him I was just having a bit of fun and that I suck too much to do pretty much anything complicated.

      He lets me go, but he isn't happy about it.

      I continue homewards, but as I get closer I notice that the street leading up to my building has been taped off with police tape. Since I am not the only one walking this way we are told by an officer that we must go around to the other side of the building taking a longer road that first off leads downwards to a tunnel.

      I don't want to, mainly because the first officer I spoke to was such a dick, so in defiance I jump up and grab some metal fencing on the top and get myself up. There are some women that help we by lending me their hands to stand on. I know I can get up myself, but I am not too proud to accept the help as I know there is an officer walking behind them.

      I get up and head for my building, there I see the officer that stopped me in the streets. He is looking at me with a video camera though I have hidden behind a metal fencing and the angle should prevent him from looking through. But he is looking straight at me though!

      I decide to jump back into the tunnel and take a less defiant approach of getting home after this, though it pisses me off!

      In the building I go up with the lift and find myself in a flat, which is weird, because it isn't my building after all and normally the lift would be between the flats. I decide to go look for Mark and Drew's flat, as I believe this to be their building.

      I am at a narrow cave entrance, looks a bit like what Craig has to go through in cowboys vs. aliens. It is night time and dark.

      There is some sort of droid sentinel in the entrance. It shoots out a conal blue ray that will lock onto your presence after a while and get you shot. We need to get inside and we loose a couple of droids from the sentinel before we figure out what to do.

      The conal beam narrows and widen in a set pattern from a line to the cone, though the pattern is rather rapid it is possible to jump from hiding spot to hiding spot while it narrows, if you do get caught in the beam you still have a second or two to get away before getting disintegrated.

      I run in with a droid that resembles R2D2 a bit and I have to drag him sometimes, because he aint fast enough. It gets hairy once or twice but we manage to get to the end room behind the sentinel. There is a staircase leading up to the main rooms, but before we ascend I throw R2 up to know the sentinel off its position, which results in it falling off the piece of rock and break when it lands.

      I move through a door and notice a hell of a lot of people walking by higher up, though they are walking very strange. They are walking with their legs spread fairly wide apart and in a set motion that makes them look like robots.

      I also see some women dressed in red and the dresses are so big that it makes them look a bit like caterpillars. It is about this time I become lucid.

      As unattractive, as the women are I decide to.. well go for it. I figure I can animate her a bit more and I firmly expect there to be attractive curves under all the clothing.

      I struggle a bit with the caterpillar suit, but finally manage to get a hand slipped into her panties and start warming her up till she is nicely hot and sufficiently wet.

      Then I wake up >.<

      I am in a room in a rather big house. I don't recall much before realising I am dreaming and doing a reality check via telekinesis.

      There is a camouflage jacket in front of me hanging on the wall. I pick it up and drag it to me using my mind only.

      I don't really recall what I am doing before I decide to step up on what could be a fireplace mantel. I create a portal on the floor without looking at it, to go to Chichén Itzá.

      I then jump backwards and let myself fall into the portal on the floor. I feel myself sink into the floor and then after a short while I am surrounded by light. These would be the ley-lines also located at the pyramids. I start flowing with the lines which is basically just a stream of light.

      However I notice I can't really see anything besides what it looks like with your eyes shut and I wake up.

      FA: However I look up and notice there are two comic books. Not just of the same series, but the exact same copy and there is a little animation (like the one in my previous Dresden/Vamp themed dream indicating residual magic).

      I wouldn't have two copies of the same comic hanging on the wall (Oh yeah, they are also hanging on the wall! XD). I check my hand and see it in extraordinary vivid detail. I count the fingers, there are five of them, but hang on I am positive I am dreaming! Oh, there are five fingers plus the thumb = six. OK! Dream time onwards!

      I fly out the window while looking at the glass as it isn't breaking, never get tired of that! and expect El Castillo to be on my left as I have had success with before.

      No luck this time, though I do find myself in a city vastly different from the one I live in, though normally I would find myself in my own neighbourhood. The city or town can best be described as a combination of Bergen (though without the fjord), something Austrian with a jungle surrounding it.

      I keep flying about expecting El Castillo to turn up at any time, which doesn't happen.

      The dream is much brighter than the others I have had this night. The atmosphere is thick with jungle feel, very moist and hot, but the sky has the Bergen ever-cloudy look.

      However I fly up one of the roads at one point and to my left between two buildings there is a giant, yes a giant! It is a man and I think the only thing I tell him is something like “You are a fucking giant aren't you?” (my flatmate later pointed out I might have hurt his feelings like this, so my apologies if I have! =P).

      While I see and address the giant it is night time.

      I fly onwards, not sure how (and I don't even think about it in the dream) but it is daytime again and I arrive at a misty edge. I perceive this to be the edge of my dream area and decide to expand a bit. I first command an increase in clarity, which happens. Then I command for the mist to disappear, which makes it thin out a bit, “No completely!”, which makes the mist turn red “The red mist also!” which makes it vanish completely and I can look out over a jungle area, which some houses on the hill sides.

      I expect El Castillo, but it doesn't appear to be my night, though some of the larger houses on the hill sides take on a partial pyramid shape (meaning they only recede on two of the sides).

      I give up and decide to try and find someone I can have sex with (Think this is fairly common when I have had alcohol the night before, though normally when I drink I don't turn lucid).

      I fly back towards the first town and come across some strange wooden fence things that makes me unable to fly because they are so close to each other and I need a bit of falling space before I can fly (I don't normally need this, my lucidity has been directed to my balls at this point it would seem).

      I end up at a little café and find Djana there, I try and approach her, but know she might not be the best bet. So I move on to a woman sitting at the next table, she seems familiar with shoulder length dark hair and delicate facial features, though I can't put my finger on where I have seen her.

      I try and kiss her (without talking to her first) she leans away from me and tell me to stop and that she is there with a new boyfriend.

      OK. I think, after participating in this shared dreaming project, I might have to start considering things like consent just in case I am actually dealing with external entities. I can't remember if I apologise (if I didn't and someone had a nightmare of someone assaulting them amorously, then please accept my apology!)

      New approach then! “I want sex! anyone around interested?”. I get a fairly quick reply from a woman next table, though I can't recall any of her features. I think grey is the best word to describe her, grey clothes and bland features, fairly boring, but hey lets rock.

      Think we manage to agree to get away from the restaurant before I wake up.

      Notes: Right OK! drinking and dreaming tends to lead to sexual desire in dreams, which probably shouldn't come as a surprise as I react the same way to the stuff when awake =P.

      Something about getting a soldier in an arm bar after he has crossed a bridge in a forest. He tells me he concedes and I ask him if he would mind going over and pretend to be my prisoner by the bridge so I can capture more.

      He doesn't want to play ball and I find it unfair, because it is only a game and I should be able to catch more. I let him go and he starts resisting so I get on top of him and start pounding his face with my fists.

      There is a black guy coming up from the bridge, he looks at us, I don't know exactly what happens or why he does it.

      I am punching Rasmus and Thomas is the face while they are sat next to my dad (I think) being punished for having done something stupid.

      I know people will hate me a bit for it, so I justify my action by telling someone that it will take a bit of heat off both of them, though really it was just for vengeance.
    5. Chichen Itza

      by , 08-17-2011 at 12:35 AM


      Recall: good

      I am taking a nap and laying on my back. I had woken up from dozing off and was laying there a bit (too long for DEILD). Suddenly, I felt the first round of vibrations. I don't move, keep my attention focused. Another round of vibrations and I determine it is okay to sit up.

      I sit up and pinch my nose, success. I had trouble separating from my other body. Although I am sitting up, I can still feel the bed on my upper body. My vision is also very blurry. I stabilize for a second, and my vision clears. However, I am having trouble breathing. My real body is on my back, and I think my tongue may have semi-blocked my airway. I decide if it was a real problem I would be forced to wake up, so I wheeze and trudge on.

      I open the door to leave my room, and I enter this white hallway. It looks somewhat like the scene from a previous dream. It appears like a white maze. I decide to just bust out the window and fall to the ground. I land in the courtyard area of a hotel. By now, my breathing feels normal again. I head across the courtyard to what looks like a little bathroom area. (I can't remember exactly what my goal was.) Eventually I find Mohammed and he greets me. I rub my hands together and spin as I respond to him. I remembered that I could try and go to Chichen Itza like all of the IOSDP people.

      I say to Mohammed, "want to see something cool?" I divert my look and draw a circle up on this ledge. He gasps, as I look back. There is the familiar red glow. I tell Mohammed that we are dreaming an climb up on the ledge. We approach the portal and I say "ready?" as I grab his hand. I visualize a jungle and the temple as hard as I can. After a few seconds, I run forward. In the time I was visualizing, he thought he should start a countdown. The last thing I hear as we cross the barrier is "five" as he started counting down.

      We end up in a jungle. The trees are green and relatively separated. A brown layer of leaves cover the ground. I run forward over the forest floor until there is a part in the trees. I look up and I can see the top of Chichen Itza, except it is animated. It looks like Simpsons animation. I am pretty excited for successfully teleporting here as I round the bend and approach the foot of the pyramid. Once we arrive there, it is no longer animated.

      I remember something about a beacon that you are supposed to use at the pyramid. I point my hand to the top of the temple and focus. A blast of green energy shoots up into the air. It looks like a glowing green ribben attached to the peak of the pyramid. It slowly bends down into a green arch and disappears. I want to try a kameyameyah, and decide I can have fun while trying to signal other dreamers. I use my right hand and make a small circle at the top of the pyramid. I put my left hand into my pocket and pull out an arm that I expect to be like Portal. I don't look at my arm directly, but it just looks like it now has 3 fingers in the shape of the Portal arm. I make another circle, and a glowing, yellow outline forms.

      I ball my hands together and get into a fighting stance. I get pretty low to the ground and focus my anger. "Kame." I don't feel anything yet. "Yame." I pause and slowly feel a tingle. Eventually I can feel substantial pressure and I release. "YAH," I say with full force. A white/yellow energy blast goes right into the portal. It then shoots straight up out of the other portal atop the pyramid. Eventually, it too bends down and disappears.

      I decide to go on top of Chichen Itza to see what it is like. I take off by looking at the sky. After like 30 ft. I need to shift my power to my legs. The extra boost of speed makes for a landing with little finesse. There is a hole in the top that you can jump into. It only goes down like 3 ft, but then you can crawl into another small corridor. I decide I might get stuck and didn't venture further. There are no other DCs/dreamers about.

      I start to leave and I decide to try some wand magic. I reach into my pocket and pull out a wand. I get a glimpse of the jungle and suddenly the scene returns to the bathroom. I didn't go through a portal, but it didn't really phase me. There is a half wall that NS and two other people are trying to climb over. "Winguardium Leviosa," and I lift them off the ground. They laugh as I return them to the floor. I want to try a killing curse on someone so I walk back outside looking for a DC that is being an asshole. There is a hotel pool and it is packed. At first glance, no one looks to be causing trouble. I don't want to hit an innocent DC so I give up. Eventually I start looking for women. I find a lady who is a little thick floating on a raft. She has a cute face, and despite being a pool, I can't find anyone else better. I jump on as I lose the dream.

      Updated 08-17-2011 at 12:52 AM by 41128

    6. Save the Population

      by , 08-10-2011 at 07:09 PM


      Recall: poor

      This dream had a lot of jumps, and I will just put in the bits and pieces that I remember.

      I was with a group of like 30 people playing some weird game. I remember it being like tag, but we gave it some zombie reference. We were running around some complex until the scene changed to us all hanging out in this circular area. It was like a 50 ft. diameter circle that we couldn't leave. After awhile we just started sitting down and throwing things at the "it" guy. He was kind of chubby and started feeling bad about what was going on. I felt bad so I changed the game to try and lob the ball into his shirt pocket with his help. So we were kind of on a team instead of just hucking balls at this kid.

      The dream scene changed again, but kept the same people. It felt like a field trip. We walked into this room with a bunch of small black fuzzy balls on the floor. I was jumping from ball to ball in this wet stone room. Eventually there is some hubbub and it turns out some guy is proposing to his girlfriend. I thought it was a stupid place to do it, but she said yes and I was happy for them.

      Another DC and I have to go downstairs for some reason. I am suddenly wearing a helmet and this big coat, even though it isn't cold. We see someone who is in charge of the building we are in. He is looking at the fire alarm and apparently they need to do a fire drill. My buddy and I ask if we can be the ones to pull the alarm and he said sure. We tried once and it didn't work. We started pumping the alarm to see if it would work. I made a Jurassic Park reference by pumping it 3 times effortfully to "charge" it. It still doesn't work so we go to another alarm. Neil Flynn walks up and for some reason I am hiding from him. I am glad I have this helmet to hide in. I avoid contact and we try the second alarm, it fails.

      I head back to join the group and when I reach them, I somehow become lucid.
      I look at the crowd of people and say something along the lines of, "we have to have sex or you will die/the world will end." It worked pretty well. A beautiful girl approaches me and I am suddenly naked. I am looking for a second companion and some dude walks up and asks if he will die too. I said yes, but then I realized he was a dude and told him to leave. A second girl shows up and we have a 3-way for a bit until I lose the dream.

      I don't remember having an FA or waking up, I just started standing in this rainforest cafe looking building. This confused me. I knew I just had a dream, but this seemed so vivid. Mohammed was walking with like 4 people down these stairs. I join with them and ask what is going on. He said some other guy is going to propose to his girl. I didn't know the girl by name and suddenly a photo flashed into my vision and disappeared. She was a brunette in a red dress. The camera shot was from above her and she was sitting and looking up at it. She was a cutie. It looked like a facebook photo.

      I ask Mohammed if all of this is real and he said either yes or he thinks so. I look at a flower that was next to the stone steps. I lift my hand and try to move it with telekinesis.
      It works, and seeing that girl got me in the mood again. I found some girl off to the side and we start going at it. The dream is fading to black, but I can still feel her and I am so close. I am just able to finish as I lose the dream. I wasn't worried about having a wet dream because I could tell it wasn't going to be one. It felt like I was orgasming, but there was no muscular part to it. The pleasure was there, but I could tell that my dick muscles (?) weren't contracting.

      I have an FA, and it appears to have been a wet dream. I was upset because it didn't feel like it would be. I wear my wet boxers to the bathroom of my parents house. My dad for some reason is sitting in the tub with his clothes on and sunglasses. I try to dip back out before he sees me but he does. I try to cover myself, and I wake up for real.

      ...And I was right by the way...nice and dry

      There is one more dream fragment that I can't seem to place:

      We were in the rainforest cafe place with Sam. We had to cross this ravine thing to keep going wherever we were headed. This girl acrobatically jumps on like 4 angled platforms and then lands safely on the other side. Sam was reluctant to go because he thought there would be spiders over there. I said there are spiders here, and I look down. I spot like 5 in like 5 seconds where we were standing. The platform we were on had a comforter on it, and the spiders would walk up and around the folds. I get grossed out by seeing so many and tried to get off the platform quickly. I make it across.

      I am also walking around the stone steps for a bit, and it turns out this place is a minor league baseball training facility. I think it is funny they have all of this jungle stuff also, but I thought it was kind of cool too.
    7. Tiger Swimming a non lucid 7/16/11

      by , 07-16-2011 at 07:55 PM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      Didn't have any lucids last night, sadly but I did have some pretty interesting non lucids. Here's one of them:

      I was watching a tiger slowly walking in a wet forest. The tiger started running extremely fast when it jumped off a cliff, into a lake.

      The lake water was a vibrant blue and the tiger was a pro at swimming. It was like a dolphin. It could dive down and come shooting back up.

      I watched it go underwater and into this underwater cave. The cave was full of crystals and diamonds and the tiger seemed like it could breath underwater. It kept going deeper into the cave when it literally melted into the wall. It left a hieroglyph imprinted into the wall.

      I might go try to find the same cave when I become lucid again. I'll add it to my goals.
    8. Log Powered Wagon 12/13/2010

      by , 07-11-2011 at 02:54 AM
      I was in a gold mine like tunnel underground with some "DC friends." All around were roots and beams. Along the right side was a really long shelf with logs. In front of me was a (horseless and engine-less) wagon which the DCs got into. We were after some creature and we needed to move fast. The wagon was log powered so naturally I needed to run behind it grabbing and throwing logs as I went. On top of that I had to grab the correct log at the right time, which wasn't easy because they all looked alike. (They felt spiritually different) The wagon was going faster and faster and a few logs came really close to hitting the DCs in the head. I was having trouble keeping up when we finally came to the end of the tunnel.

      Just outside the tunnel were two dead creatures that looked allot like raptors. All the colors outside were extremely vibrant and the scenery was forest/jungle like. I asked "What do we do if plan slightly failed" DCs felt like strangers at this point but still friendly. One grabbed a dead raptors tail and thew it into a nearby ravine almost simultaneously another DC throws the other raptor. The throwing happened lightning fast. I wasn't lucid but I think I was beginning to suspect something (because of the raptors go figure)
    9. 05/02/11 Backlog of Dreams

      by , 05-03-2011 at 12:48 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      A Large Problem
      I am at Alicia's house, we just got back from a vacation of some kind and I need a ride home. There are quite a few others there with us, apparently they have been on the vacation with us, and many of them are also waiting for rides. One of the women is bitching to Alicia that she thinks Alicia should take us all home, or at least her. I think she is being rude. I call my mom and ask if she can come to give me a ride home. She says sure, she will come pick me up right away. I wait there with Alicia and the others for a while. The other people there seem to start disappearing, though I never actually see them go. I assume they got a ride home. My mother takes quite a long time to get there, but finally she does. She is in a car I don't recognize, the car is tiny. She climbs out of the car and I see she looks about three times fatter than she was when I saw her last. She had been in the process of losing weight… so what happened? She waddles over to see me and say hi to Alicia, I note how out of shape she seems. I am worried for her health. She says she is here, let's go home. I say ok, when we get in the car I ask her what happened to her diet. She says nothing, her diet is going fine. Why do I ask?

      Living In Filth
      I am in a house that looks absolutely disgusting, though I know it is not mine. I am looking through the house for something, trying to see if I can find anything of value in the place. I look into a room that smells particularly bad and I start looking around, though I am sure I don't want to be in there very long. I am about to leave when I see something horrible… there is a cat in there. The cat is lying in a pile of filth, there is nowhere else for the kitty to go, and the cat looks very sick. The poor kitty is missing most of its fur. The cat clearly once had a long plush black coat, but huge chunks of that coat have come out, leaving bald spots over a large portion of the cat's body. I go to pick the cat up, the cat's body is limp and unresponsive. The cat seems to be barely alive. I get on my cell phone and call someone, maybe the owner of the home? I am talking to a woman. I say that there is a cat in the filth, not responsive, and is just lying there in her own filth. The woman says there is a healing gem in the house, in the living room, use that. I go to the living room, or what I think is the living room. It's really hard to tell, the room is also filled with filth. I am digging through the disgusting filth trying to find the healing gem. What if I can't find it? A patch of my skin is turning green, rotting off… this place is making me sick, too. But I don't want to leave until I find the healing gem and save the kitty!

      Note: I have a long haired black kitty named Shadow. The image of the sick kitty was so vivid in my head when I woke up that I had to go into the other room and check on Shadow, pick her up, and love her. She responded with a purr.

      Real Life DDO Skills
      I am on a vacation with my mother, we are leaving the hotel to go on a visit to a local theme park that is similar to Disney Land. It isn't actually Disney Land, but I know it will be a lot of fun. We get to the theme park and go over to the ticket stand, but the tickets are around double the price we expected it to be. This park is less well known than Disney Land, so we had expected it to be a lot less expensive. Their website had indicated it was a lot cheaper… but the lower price doesn't include any of the rides at all, I really don't see the point of that ticket. My mom and I leave the ticket booth, deciding it is too expensive to go in. On the way back to the hotel we are discussing our options, and we eventually decide I should sneak inside and ride the rides for the day. She says she will give me money for food. She says she wasn't really interested in the rides to begin with, so she will spend the day doing something else. I agree to the plan, but there is one problem with it. I will have to either improve or buff my sneak skill before it is high enough to allow me to sneak into the park.

      Someone Is Watching
      I am in a hospital data center, it seems I have landed back at the same dead end job I had before I went back to school and got a bachelor's degree. That is really depressing. It is Halloween night, and I can see quite a few people down below in the parking lot dressed in costume. The hospital itself is entirely closed, so at least I don't have to worry about getting customer service calls for the night. The people down below start dispersing, it seems there was a party down there but now it is over. That is also a bummer, I missed out on all the free candy. Another worker stuck there at night comes into the room and tells me there is a suspicious character wandering around the property, so he would recommend I stay in the data center with the door locked. He leaves, and I lock the door behind him. As luck would have it, now I start having to go pee. The restroom is a short distance down a dark hall from the data center. I look out the window at the parking lot again, there is now a creepy looking guy in a costume standing there watching my window… or it looks like he is watching my window. I have to go pee worse. I am also getting a bit hungry. The vending machine is a short distance down the dark hall as well, though in the opposite direction from the bathroom. Great, I am hungry and I have to go pee and there is a creepy guy out there. I figure I will have to go eventually, so I should go ahead and go out there while the creepy guy is in the parking lot. It will take him time to get up to the third level where the data center is.

      Protective Custody?
      I am with Alicia, we are going to the U of A football field to see a game. We are talking about some random things, about how well we expect the U of A to do this season… Alicia asks me if I think my mother might take more of an interest in college football if the NFL doesn't work things out in time for the next season. I'm not really sure if she might or not… Alicia and I go into a room that is on the ground level with the football field. I look out onto the field and I can see the grass looks quite a bit thicker than it normally does, but I don't notice this as odd. Alicia is looking out over the field as well, she is also complaining about our view, saying it will be hard to see what is going on out there. Something starts looking strange to me, I look around to see if I can identify what is out of place. I finally decide to do a reality check and I find I am dreaming. I remember I have plans to go meet up with MoSh and see about finding Sam. I think I'll just bust out a window and fly off. I guess I really only ended up being semi-lucid, because the best thing I can think of is to smash the window with a chair. I pick up one of the chairs and slam it into a window. This has very little effect, which surprises me. I should certainly be strong enough to smash out the window… I hit it a few more times and finally crack it, then it finally comes down. Alicia is asking me what I am doing, why am I breaking a window? To my surprise, the window doesn't lead outside. It leads into a room that is filled with styrofoam popcorn. The popcorn falls out of the room in huge piles, and there is a woman with long dark hair in the room. The woman is sitting on a bed, looking out at me over what is left of the popcorn. She says someone shut her in the room. They said it was for her own protection, but she thinks that is a load of bullshit.

      Summoning Problems
      I am outside riding my bike down some roads in the middle of the desert. I note the fact it isn't hot, in fact it is a very nice day for a ride. I am getting close to home, I only have one more hill to go up before I get there. I think that hill looks far too difficult to ride my bike up. I do a random RC and I realize I am dreaming. I don't become especially lucid, though, I don't remember any of my goals. I just want to play around with some of my dream skills. First to make this hill a bit easier. I focus on my summoning. I try to summon a bike with a little motor to help me with the hill. Epic fail. I try again… epic fail. Well, maybe I'll try something easier. I ride my bike up the hill, it is easier than I had expected. Of course I am dreaming… so I shouldn't get tired so easily. I get home and see that my home is an apartment rather than my own home. I am a bit thirsty after that bike ride, so I summon a coke. Epic fail. I try again, and I am finally able to summon a can of coke. Only one problem… the can is the size of a peanut! I focus on it becoming bigger. It grows a bit. I say I want it bigger… it grows some more… bigger… finally it is the size of a normal can of coke. I open the can and start drinking it.

      Beach Combing
      I am on a beach, it is a wide and beautiful beach. I feel I have absolutely nowhere I have to be right now, so I decide to explore the beach and maybe play in the water for a while. The water is quite cold, but there are a lot of interesting places to explore. I head down the beach and find a rocky area with a lot of caves and inlets. I start looking inside the small caves and inlets. I find some gems on the ground. I wonder if they could be real or if they are just decorations and souvenirs for explorers to find. I pick up a couple of them that I think are especially pretty. I continue exploring, and I finally reach a dead end in one of the caves where there is a large treasure chest sitting there open. Most likely it is there for tourists to take souvenirs. I look inside and take a couple of treasure pieces, I take a necklace and a pair of gemstone earrings as well as a few gold coins, then I leave the rest of it for other explorers to find.

      Demon Jungle
      I am at the edge of a jungle, preparing to go into the dense foliage on the hunt for something that redefines the word evil. I know I am not alone in this hunt, someone else just left me to circle around behind the target. He will come from that direction to make sure the thing doesn't get out by going that way. So I go into the forest, searching around for traces of the thing we are hunting. I find the thing has left an obvious trail. The trail is a little too obvious. It could easily be a trap. I continue following the trail, but I am also being observant for any kind of a trap. In spite of being watchful for a trap, I step right into the middle of it. I am in a small clearing when a circle of dark mud forms around me. The mud bubbles up from the ground and forms into dark mud figures that are circling around me. My mind immediately goes to DDO, and I pull a sword out of nowhere… out of my ass? I swing the sword and cut through a couple of the figures. Cutting mud is ineffective. I shoot flames from my hands and dry the mud into dust that blows away. Something is moving in the trees… I see glowing eyes in there, sinister eyes. Something moves into the clearing. I can't really see what it is, though, it seems to be cloaked in a cloud of darkness, it seems to be blurred out of existence… weird… it is attacking me somehow, I can't even see it move, but there are razor sharp talons cutting at me. I heal the cuts immediately and shoot fire back at the thing. The fire burns the cloud of darkness away. I attack with my sword. The thing blocks with its talons, cutting at me, attacking with a fury. I am finally able to block the talons with my sword and fire a blast of flames directly at the creature. The flames burn all the way through the thing and it is incinerated.
    10. Fragment (April 29, 2011)

      by , 04-29-2011 at 06:43 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      General text non-lucid dream awake lucid dream

      I don't really have much to say on the dream/dreams of the night. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, but I barely had any memory of my dream at that point. I didn't write anything in my journal at that point because I was so tired and I had so little information. I had another dream between that moment and the time my alarm went off. My recall of this one was also horrible, so I'm not even sure what fragment belongs to which dream.

      One fragment I can remember is standing in line to an amusement park. I was with my grandpa and I pointed to a wooden roller coaster that was built around a small mountain. I yelled, "OMG!!! That's my favorite ride!" Although I don't remember anything after that, the roller coaster probably woke me up.

      This fragment was even worse. All I remember is being in some place that was a cross between a jungle and a swamp. I remember being in a Jeep with some other guy who had a funny mustache. I also keep getting a vision of a giant steel robot in the jungle.

      I guess I need to work on dream recall a little more.

      Updated 04-30-2011 at 03:11 AM by 32005

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. insulted; debbie harry exorcism

      by , 04-24-2011 at 01:58 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some kind of big building like a museum. The building seemed to have a couple of floors, the upper floor and lower floor visible to each other. The lower floor was far down from the upper floor and was connected to it by a bunch of ramps. The walls were fronted by brown wood panels, which were set aslant from the real walls. Mild lights beamed down from the high ceiling.

      I was on the upper floor, but I was talking to an old lady who stood in front of some painting down on the lower floor. The old lady had grey hair in a big perm. She may have also been wearing a blue, polyester suit, like from the 1970s.

      I was apparently either a Nazi or Jewish. Somebody, not in the museum, had said something degrading about me because of what I was. The person who insulted me may have been something like a Nazi.

      I was complaining to the lady. The old lady told me something like I should go right now to confront the person who had insulted me before. She told me something very specific to tell him. It may have involved dropping her name.

      I may then have imagined a view of me walking outside, into the black night, in some kind of suburban area. I then imagined, without sound, being in some kind of public setting and standing before a black man, as if I were in the process of telling him to stop degrading my Nazi or Jewish character.

      Dream #2

      Some man had died. Something about this had caused a ghost or demon to occupy the man's place. So now there was some kind of exorcism being performed.

      It was black night. A black man was chasing the ghost, who looked like Debbie Harry. The black man was dressed in some kind of outfit with a straw-woven chest plate made out of long, white beads and a tall headress that looked something like a fountain made out of straw and grass. The man kept hitting Debbie Harry on the head with what looked like drumsticks with padded tops.

      The man was chasing the ghost along a weird structure that was like a maze of ramps made out of wooden planks, like a bunch of wooden bridge-like ramps. There were flat areas as well, also made out of the wooden bridge-like structures. The ramps and flat areas were all lit up by light bulbs like the light bulbs on amusement park rides.

      The wooden structure was as big as a mansion or an apartment building. It seemed to be on the shore of a beach, at the edge of some kind of dense jungle.

      The ghost may finally have run into some high up, central area of the structure. The central area was really lit up with a bunch of lights. It was either something like an altar or a throne.

      Updated 04-24-2011 at 02:04 PM by 37466

    12. Lucid Dream 180: The Ancient Bowl

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:47 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      February 18, 2011
      Lucid Dream 180: The Ancient Bowl
      Series: Friends, Episode 2
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Exploration/Sports

      I decided to lay down for a nap around 1:00 and try to WILD. After a short period, SP set in and my body felt like it was being jarred around as if I were in a car. After some random flashing lights and some other brief HI, the scene formed around me. I was in the back seat of a car. My friend Shawn was driving and Christoff was in the passenger seat. It appeared to be raining. I wanted to give the dream a moment or so to stabilize, so I just reached in my pocket, pulled out a blunt and fired it up in the back seat. I had some brief conversation with Shawn and Christoff, and we stopped somewhere. The windows were foggy and the pouring rain didn't help with visibilty, so I didn't know where we were. Shawn rolled down his window and began talking to a familiar voice. It was my ex. She got into the back seat beside me and immediately said, "Oh, HE is here?" I paused for a moment and thought, "Yup, I'm getting out of here. Otherwise, I may kill the bitch!. I didn't bother opening the door, thrust my body headfirst out of the car window and took flight before hitting the ground. It wasn't raining anymore and I found that I was within a deep jungle setting. My flying was too slow for my liking, so I touched down and took a running start and entered flight again. I flew through a vast jungle. Over and under heavily vegetated limbs, around massive trees, and busted through some thick brush. I came upon a huge waterfall and flew toward it. I decided to see what was behind it, but there was nothing, but a rock facing. I turned and flew up the waterfall. The front of my body skimmed the falling water as I soared to the top.

      I reached the top and noticed a wall off in the distance. As I approached the wall it seemed to belong to an ancient temple. I flew into the wall and grabbed the ledge. I pulled myself up over and stood atop the wall. There was a large green field out in front of me surrounded on all sides by, multi-layered walls and seating areas. It appeared to be a large dilapidated temple/stadium/colosseum. The walls appeared to be made with large blocks stacked on each other. The blocks looked similar to those used in a pyramid. There was ivy drapped across many of the walls and I felt like I was in an area from the video game, "Shadow of the Colossus." I looked out into the middle of the field and saw a giant Colossi roaming the area. It was mostly covered in white fur/hair. I hopped off the wall and about that time, someone else climbed the wall and took off running toward the Colossi shouting, "Join me Ollie, and help me defeat the colossus!" I looked around, but there was no one else there but me. I shrugged and took off toward the colossi. I tried to shout at the strange individual to avoid its legs, but before I finished the colossi had already stomped the guy. Nothing was left but a smashed, bloody, pile. I flew around the colossi's head several times causing it to turn a circle and trip over its own legs. It fell to the ground and let off a giant shockwave that cased parts of the stadium to crumble. I leapt onto its head and sank my teeth into the soft spot on the back of its head. I bit down hard and ripped out its brain with my teeth. Black blood gushed all over me.

      I suddenly heard a roar of cheers. I turned around and saw a group of people running toward me. Daledo (my friend Dale, but we call him Daledo...pronounced "Dale-doe") was in the front holding a football and said, "Yes! Now we can play football! You in!?!" I replied, Hell Yeah, I'm in!" There were eight people at this time. The other team kicked off first, and using my lucidity, I completely rocked three of the opposing four players. Our guy easily ran the kick back for a touchdown.
      I lost lucidity for a bit somewhere around here. I regained it just as the other team was about to score. It was fourth down and like 1 or 2 (the endzone on each side was a large wall that you had to touch with the football to score a touchdown, lol.). They threw a pass and Larry (friend from high school) caught the ball and stuck it out to touch the wall. I dove/flew toward the ball and knocked it out of his hands just before he touched the wall. We recovered the fumble. The next play I went deep, using a little extra "lucid" speed to break away from the defense and caught the ball down field. I had burnt the defender and would have easily scored, but my right leg locked up. I immediately noticed it was locked into the exact same position my waking bodies leg was in when I had been in during SP (bent significantly). I got tackled and couldn't properly stand up. I knew my dream was becoming unstable, so I began to stabilize. I waved for Daledo to come help me stand up. I got up and managed to unlock my leg.

      Daledo proceeded to throw 3 straight absolutely horrible passes, that minor lucidity couldn't even help me get to (was avoiding god-mode lucidity for obvious reasons). It was 4th and like 5 yards. I looked at the other team and noticed that they now had like 30 players...all standing in the endzone along the wall. I told Dale to toss it high and I would kick off the wall and get it. I took off running at the snap, kicked off the wall, and was two whole body lengths above everyone else. Daledo didn't throw the ball and got absolutely rocked. I thought, "Damn! That was a Ray Lewis hit." I then noticed that it actually was Ray Lewis who hit him. The ball bounced around before the other team scooped it and took it to the house. I walked over to Daledo and said, "Damnit Daledo! Why didn't you throw the ball? I was wide open!" He looked dazed and said, "There were a couple of guys." I replied with a confused, "What?" He then mumbled, "They weren't up to anything good. They were trying to make trouble for me." I replied, "Ok, but why didn't you just throw it high?" He then began to mumble again, "It was my neighborhood. I would have gotten into a fight and my mom would have got scared." I laughed and said, "Your mom would have got scared if you threw me the ball?" He then jumped up with a cheesy grin on his face and said, "Yup! She would have said, "Your moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air"." He then began cheering "I Bel-Aired him in his own dream!!!" I couldn't do anything but laugh. On the next kick-off, my leg locked up again. While trying to fix it, my arm locked up too. I knew I couldn't hold on any longer and I woke up.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 03-20-2011 at 08:41 AM by 22654

    13. Deleted

      by , 02-12-2011 at 10:47 PM (Torra)
    14. Village, carnival cycle, Plane in a jungle, Party with Marek,

      by , 02-08-2011 at 10:03 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am riding a bike down the road, through some village. I am starting to recognize that place, but cannot remember exactly where it is. It just feels familiar, as if I knew the place. I am riding, without peddling, as the slope is fairly steep. It must be spring time as there are patches of snow every now and then and all feels really wet, even the road. I look briefly around and see just a few houses scattered around. Then I notice that the road is turning sharply right soon and after a few serpentines it goes up the hill again. Now I realize I am wearing a mask. The one that has been used in the movie "Scream". I am also dressed up in a long, black, loose robe. For a second, I get worried that it may get to the wheels of my bike. However, this thought is quickly disturbed by another person on a bike that I am overtaking. I just balance and he (I feel it is a man), and nod as a "hi" (interestingly not realizing how absurd a perhaps scary would that be). But as I look at him, I see he is wearing exactly the same costume as I have, only the face mask is much bigger. He nods at me. I notice the smile on the mask, thinking, how appropriate.

      I go through the right turn, hearing and feeling the road metal under my wheels. I feel like I am rushing somewhere, but I don't know where. Here I notice another biker in front of me. He is quite far, but as I am getting close I can see more details. I am in awe!! The mask is so cool I am thinking to myself. It is mostly gray, plush whole body costume, with some pink parts, which meaning I don't really understand. That is about to change. As I get just a few meters away,
      I recognise it is some kind of bizarre mixture of Eeyore and Piglet characters from Winnie the pooh! The whole body part is more like Eeyore and on the top of the head, there is a small Piglet one, as if sitting on Eeyore's head! I am totally amazed by this mask!!

      Then suddenly someone on a bike passes by really fast, and I feel anxiety a bit, as I know that there is another sharp turn soon. The person reaches the turn and flies off the road. There is a big house, looking like a watermill. (I assume so as there is a river flowing right behind the house). Nevertheless, that biker flies right into the river, just where a huge water whirl-pool is raging. He is going to drown, I am thinking to myself. I am thinking we have to rescue him somehow, otherwise he is going to die, for sure. Then suddenly a huge rod with a hook at the end comes out of nowhere, pulling the man out of the water. There are some people around, clapping, humming that if I didn't call help, he would have drawn. I am confused, as I cannot remember calling anyone. It all happened so quickly.

      The next dream: 4am
      I am standing in front of a jungle. (I assume so, because of the kind of trees it is made of, not like in usual forest). I walk in. It seems that it is just a thin ring of trees, shielding a glade, from being seen from outside. I see a plane wrack, or something that at least looks like it. It looks like silhouettes of a plane, covered by moss and little trees, that must have been growing over for quite a while. I walk around, having the wrack by my right hand side. It is very peaceful there, just what you would expect from a place like this. Occasional sounds of birds and animals, echoing in the embracing silence. Then I go close. I climb up, on the top of it. Here, a man appears. Strangely, I am not surprised. As if I was expecting it. This man walks me around, showing me the place. He talks all the time, but I cannot understand (or don’t remember) what he is saying. We walk to the end of the right wing. It is all a bit slippery.

      There is another man standing, waiting for us. It must be captain of the plane (!!!!). We start to chat, in a very friendly tone. He is telling me loads of things about the plane, the surrounding, as if he was a tour guide. Then he stops. He is looking at me, as if he expects me to answer to something he said. I look at him. He keeps gazing at me, so I start looking around for a clue, what could have he asked me about. I notice little windows on a side of the plane, through which I can see as if half naked women. But nothing specific, just some silhouettes or so. I look back at him. Hi nods and says… “yes”. Then he says they film porn in here. I keep looking at him. He starts laughing and asks me whether I want to see. (at this point I am falling asleep again, and my words become totally random ((damn!! :-D)))

      The next dream:4:15am
      Mk and I are in some camp or a cottage village or so. It looks like the spring village from the other day's dream, but this time we are on the top of the village, on the top of the hill. We are walking and chatting. It feels like we are going to explore the place. Then a group of people approach us. They are all young. It seems like they are on some school trip. They ask us if we want to go with them for a party, where they are going. Mk and I look at each other, make that kind of face saying “why not”, and we agree to go.

      However, Mk says he needs to change his jacket. So we cycle home quickly. (I am not sure where we got the bikes, as we were walking initially, but hey, it’s a dream right?). Our house is somewhere in the middle of the ‘slope’ village. It is an old, cold house. It seems like my grand mum’s house I think for a moment. Then, Mk says he needs to “take a dump” (literally). I wait outside. I can hear him shouting something and laughing. 'Bloody hell', I am thinking to myself and laughing too. Then he walks out (from (as I now realise) a disproportionally small house) and says it stank so bad, that his head started to hurt! Well, I am laughing at it, obviously. :-D

      We are on our way to the party. It's quite a walk up the hill. I think it must take us some fifteen minutes. The road curves up the hill, but we are taking shortcuts that cut right through, straight up.
      When we get to the party, there are many people. We have to tell the security a code, which is “chicken fricassee” (!!!). Apparently, this is what is cooked as a main course there. The party is kind of boring, or old fashioned. It is in a huge village hall house. People are walking in one big circle to a rhythm of the music being played. We just stand there and watch it. Occasionally, we chat shortly with some random people. Then I wake up….
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. 50 Cent and The Rock

      by , 01-23-2011 at 11:27 AM
      50 Cent and I were just hanging out and havin' a good time. Then The Rock came up to us and told us to follow him. We did and he led us to an African jungle. When we got in, there was an African tribe there with spears ready. They speared The Rock and 50 Cent and I ran for cover and then fought our way out of the forest. With guns of course.
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