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    1. Thursday, June 14

      by , 07-21-2018 at 09:02 PM
      I am looking at a map that must be on a computer (it looks like Google Earth) with Melissa. I start zooming in on Nevada, and we can start to see streets and buildings while the whole country is still in frame. I continue zooming, trying to pull the northwest portion into focus. There is a street that seems to transverse just about the whole state. As I get closer, lines of houses along the road pop onto the screen. Some of them are in pairs, facing each other and diagonal to the road. Melissa says something about it being by her neighborhood. I scroll a little to the left, and we see on the map an image of someone walking. I get closer, and we see that it is Melissa. She is wearing her work smock. I think this must’ve been when she was still walking to work (She never has, though).

      I’m outside in a back or side yard? seated in chairs with Dad, Jon, and another. We are talking about beer; Jon mentions a [some flavor: peach?] ale. I think it sounds good. It is dim/dark out.

      There is some type of long and thin dock. At the end of it, I have dropped something into the water. It is deep, but not too deep - 10 feet? It is cold though, so I wouldn’t want to submerge myself. I end up prodding some pole down and only needing to extend my arm into the water a little bit to retrieve this blue mop head?
    2. Monday, June 11

      by , 07-21-2018 at 08:56 PM
      I am outside somewhere that looks very familiar - very similar to Frenchmans. There are three lines of people, with about 20 or less in the largest line. I get into the ‘Lovebug’ line and none of the people my age in it look familiar. Someone clarifies that we have ‘moved up’ to Fireflies, so I move over. The lines now proceed up a moderate hill on an old, overgrown dirt road. I am wearing pants and long socks. The socks are kind of annoying on my ankles and the pants are hot and not giving me as much flexibility as I’d like. Someone walking with me makes a comment about them taking us on a strenuous walk. I don’t think it’s bad, but as I look at the incline and overgrowth, I could see how it would be for someone not used to it. We’re now reaching a crest in the hill and a building up here. I end up in this building - a bar and grill or something - with Dad. We’re seated at a table close to the corner and the bar, and we’re going to try a beer here. A lady comes over, I think we need a little longer, then it takes a while for her to come back. Looking out the window, I think about how there’s still a little ways to go. I am now back outside and walking. I’m with Jon, and we’re on more flat but forested terrain. It is greener and almost more inviting. The air is cooler and it is more dim and not as exposed. There is also a small river up here. I think there may also be a house, as Jon is saying and keeps saying something about ‘Jim’. He also keeps saying something about a spider (the image in my head is a large, black one, maybe a black widow). There are multiple wooden bridges across this river as we move onward. They are dark wood pieces placed parallel with the river, creating a flat bridge with supports every few pieces. When I watch Jon walk over some of them, the pieces move, swiveling, like a bead on a necklace. He’s been fine so far, but when he jumps onto one of the bridges, quite a ways from the bank, the pieces give way, causing his legs to slip through and him to be caught on one of the supports. He does have a grasp, but appears mostly stuck. I end up by him (in the water?) and am going to help him up. He places a small, circular, water-logged piece of meat onto the wood and then proceeds to clamber out of the water that seems turgid and turbulent yet somehow still.

      I am outside somewhere that seems like a college campus or some other communal area. It seems slightly dim out. I have a pack of cigarettes and am smoking one. Others here are doing the same. I hold it between my middle and index fingers, noticing that everyone else does too. I think Niki is here. This carton is overly large and light blue. The inside slides open, revealing the cigarettes that also seem too large and like they’re made of plastic. I smoke one down, self conscious of my aggressive in and exhales, and want another, ashamedly. I think I smoked it too far? and it felt like the soft plastic piece sort of broke off when I got to the end. I think I now go somewhere with Niki - though it feels not as if we’re going together - but simply to the same place at the same time. Chelsea is here. It is brought up how she’s all but kicked a heroin habit, but is about to take it up again. We try to dissuade her, but she is blank, resolute, inconsolable. It is brought up where she would find the substance, and they say you need only follow this street. My gaze follows it down. It’s well known that it’s not the best place, and must be known for a prevalence of the drug. I think it’s residential, though it seems dirty and desolate out here.

      I am outside and moving through some dirt trail between houses in a fairly rural neighborhood (almost like Dad’s). It seems I cover a lot of ground too quickly, almost like I’m watching it happen, instead of actually walking or running. I come to a straight-away that ends in a left turn that dead ends at the side of a house. On top of the path is a dilapidated train track. It follows the straight-away but is a few feet/a body’s height off the ground when it rounds the corner. I wonder how I am going to move along this, as it twists right before the house and may be incomplete in a section. The wall that the track runs into is a neutral color (light blue/grey?) and is slightly aged and worn and bare except for one large window. Through the window I see a partially drawn curtain and two chairs. I can hear people moving about talking inside, and these people are moving out of this house. It’ already pretty bare, but I start moving cups and other everyday items off a shelf. I think the people here don’t know that I am here? I now start moving stacks of DVDs (the ones we have at Mom’s, I’m pretty sure).


      Later today, I go on a walk with Mom, on which we seem to come to some realizations about the first and third dreams from last night. What prompts these realizations is the sighting of a small bridge being constructed in a front yard. I find this significant, as the bridge as of yet only consists of the support pieces. I liken this to the recounting of my dream bridge and its support pieces and other swiveling pieces. I tell Mom that this dream involved multiple bridges over water and Jon jumping onto one, only to become stuck and in need of my assistance. I find it necessary to detail the background to this dream having any significance, that being me viewing the movie Hereditary on Saturday night and consequently contemplating a séance of my own with a plausible intention being contact with Opa. mom and I agree on the bridges, water, Jon, and my helping Jon all being symbolic in strict relation to Opa and his passing. Mom is the one what mentions that Jon was the one not present and therefore behind in coping with the situation. I seem to be helping Jon in this process and to me it seems to be because of my recent inclinations towards the idea of performing a séance to contact Opa. i believe the bridges are direct symbols of the ‘bridge’ to the ‘other side’. As I write this I begin to experience chills when contemplating the ‘turgid and turbulent yet somehow still” water, probably because it represents what the symbolic bridge physically bridges. Is probably significant that Jon surmounts the bridge. I am unsure of the piece of meat, as well as any meanings ‘Jim’s house’. During a pause in writing this, currently being unsure of the presence of ‘Jim’ and the spider, I go to the garage. Kneeling down by the fridge (which is right where the Black Widow used to be) I get a pre-recorded phone call in which the voice tells me his name is Jim. i immediately think it’s odd that it’s a Jim, but it isn’t until I’m recounting to Mom that I got a phone call from a Jim that it hits me that it was right by where we had the black widow, the one from the dream. Later on, still unfinished with this analysis, I text Kat telling her briefly what happened and asking if she’s had anything happen that has to do with Opa. She tells me a little while ago she had a dream of him in a silver Subaru, then she mentions how he is probably wishing he could’ve been at the graduation. It then hits me that the very beginning of the dream is probably a representation of the graduation. In it, I say ‘moved up’, which directly relates to Opa, while the whole scene can stand for Makayla’s graduation. As of now, it seems that the annoyance of my long socks and pants is the only part without apparent symbolism. As Mom and I started discussing the bridges, I realized that the train track in the third dream bears much resemblance to this image of a track or some sort of conveyance with missing or otherwise inoperable pieces. I believe this represents the contact or attempt at contact with Opa. The train tracks are an overt reference to Opa’s involvement with the V&T as well as a visual metaphor. The neighborhood is significant as well. I also feel that the tracks dead-ending in the house seems to be significant, as the house is another symbol for Opa or for the ‘other side’. The window conveys pretty much the same meaning, and the two empty chairs do not feel arbitrary. Mom mentions the two chairs that were always in Opa and Oma’s living room, and though that is true, the chairs in this dream were wooden and straight-backed, facing each other slightly, seemingly symbolizing conversation. I think it is symbolic that I never really see the people but only hear them (an image of the ‘spirit world’ or the impression of people contacting it) and also that they are moving out of this house. After all of this, I am left with the feeling that these dreams did not by chance occur so noteworthy and significant-seeming directly after my inclination towards conducting a seance. I with impressed with their impression, considering my lack of detailed dreams for quite a while, and believe that alone makes them significant. And then the sighting of the partially constructed bridge was the conduit for the deeper, real meaning. Every association produced varying levels of chills, which is enough for me to know that I have found the dream’s real ‘meaning’. I believe the dreams were some spiritual connection to Opa or an affirmation towards the idea of contact, with the same feeling of knowing I had about the dream in which he came into Starbucks when I was working, though not quite as understated.
    3. The Butler did it

      by , 07-21-2018 at 09:00 AM
      Morning of July 21, 2018. Saturday.

      Reading time: 3 min 2 sec. Readability score: 80.

      In my dream, I am Cadbury (the butler) from “Richie Rich.” Nothing in my dream had anything to do with anything that had been on my mind lately, though was based on dream representations from many years ago. It was surreal but intriguing.

      Two girls are visiting a neighboring castle in one scene, though the backstory implies that their father does not want them here. They live in the castle where I am serving as a butler. I am in an unusual room that looks as if it is part of a garage. The girls are annoyed when two of their pets come over; a dog (like Toto from “The Wizard of Oz”) and a cat (our youngest cat from real life). They are talking to the owner of the castle when this occurs. I take the blame, and they make comments while calling me Cadbury. Perhaps I had left a door open. The girls round up their pets, and we make our way back to our castle.

      We come to an area where we have to walk on a very narrow ledge before reaching the front entrance of the castle. It is high above a large body of water. Without giving it much thought, and before getting onto the ledge, I push one girl (the one carrying the dog) so that she falls to the water far below. The other girl does not notice and keeps going despite how difficult it is to stay on the ledge. Her cat walks across on its own. I realize that I am carrying a small empty plate in my right hand. I let it go, as I have to have both my hands free to hold onto the corner as I put my legs around to stand on the ledge. It falls far below into the water as well. I vaguely wonder if it will serve as evidence if they find it, as it would have my fingerprints on it. I soon become very annoyed in trying to walk on the narrow ledge and decide that I have to try to get into the castle by a different route.

      I find myself walking on parts of a submerged house. It is near another small residence. The castle is now at a distance. I try to balance myself as I eventually find myself walking in another area near the castle. It is an entire section of the castle that had also been submerged on purpose and is face up. It had been this way for many years. There may have been a conspiracy with the past residents of the castle. Thus, this big section was deliberately submerged. Despite its size, it still moves up and down somewhat as I walk upon it. As I walk, I make larger and larger waves that eventually slam into the castle, going under the door. The sense of weight and momentum and the setting, in general, is incredibly vivid and realistic, as is the sound and movement of the water.

      “Cadbury, what have you done?” calls out a voice. The large wooden door opens, sliding upward. Two unknown men are present. I see mud on a big television to the right, but I see no evidence of water anywhere, even though an extensive amount had just washed under the door. “You were told not to use this entrance,” one man says. I assume he is the owner of the castle and my boss.

      We stand near the entrance. One man gives me a drink that seems to be red wine. The castle owner makes some derogatory comments about me and wants me to clean the area.

      “I shall be taking my leave of you, sir,” I say formally. “I do not like you, and I do not like this place.”

      The other man says I can still stay and seems very friendly. I wake at this point.

      The last part is the typical meeting of my dream self with the preconscious and in this case, the interconsciousness as well. The preconscious avatar, whose task it is to wake me with dominance and annoyance in some cases, is my “boss.” The interconsciousness is often more cheerful and helpful.

      It partly relates to marrying and being with Zsuzsanna instead of a classmate. There is too much to it to get into here. Zsuzsanna (before I met her in waking life) pushed Susan off a castle structure. That castle was in orbit around Earth.

    4. 2,987 words - selected parts in bold

      by , 06-25-2018 at 03:00 PM
      I went to bed around 8. I spent most of the day watching cartoons and playing on Pokemon Showdown, so it was surprising how many dreams I got.


      Round 1 of dreams.

      I initially remembered more dreams, and even re-remembered them once I woke up from round 2. But the memory had vanished by the next time I went to retrieve it! I was lucky to even recall this. There was actually a lot I initially remembered and I made sure to think about it a few times over instead of lingering on the one detail I was stuck on, to form a more solid memory.

      I think there was something at my nana's. Maybe with my uncle or Aunt C or more relatives.

      There was a part where I was at my college house. I remember being in the room 2 or 3 loft. There was something about a chimney leading up. A square hole in the ceiling.

      There was something about a T V show or movie. Maybe a cartoon. Something about 3 episodes. So I figured that all 3 fit in the half hour time period. But then 4 episodes were listed. So I figured 2 fit in a half hour and the whole show aired for an hour. The writing had a green background, with black text. I might have navigated a computer monitor.

      Then I was going down the stairs from this movie theater thing. Mr. Krabs from Sponge Bob was the manager. There was something about taking out insurance before going down the stairs.

      I woke up and recalled a good amount. I even remember the feeling of going back through it and being glad to remember further back into it. But I can't get it any more.


      Round 2 and 3 of Dreams. I think I woke up at some point in between these and fell back asleep but I'm not sure where. There were earlier parts that I forgot. I think I woke up with only one dream memory at first. Something gray. Then thought about round 1 of dreams and went back to sleep.

      I remember being in my high school. Mr. E had told me that everyone should be resting and relaxing, not working too hard. I got to the gym class. We were all seated in that lobby between the weight room and the wrestling room.

      I wanted to tell everyone that Mr. E said they should be resting and relaxing. Not working too hard. But I felt bad about telling them what to do. The person didn't really look like Mr. E, but just the same hair color.

      I was sitting in a line of people. I think M C was there. I wanted to change my socks. I had grey socks. But I didn't want anyone to see my feet. In the dream I imagined my own feet and didn't want others to see them. So I thought of going behind another set of doors to change my socks.

      I remember drawing an octopus, or trying to. I made it have a tongue thing poking out of its mouth. And I was going to give it lots of extra tentacles. I was drawing in pencil on white paper.

      I remember a part with C P. We had been friends in the dream. I wanted to tell him that I had seen his little brother one day in the nieghborhood. He said he already heard my story.

      I wished that he hadn't said that. I really wanted to tell him the story again, and had hoped that he would just sort of humor me by saying he had never heard it. That would be putting more focus on emotions than facts, which was what I think can be more important some times.

      I remember seeing lasers in the sky. It was night time. There were some yellow lines of lasers and some other laser things. R M had a remote control that he used to control them.

      Soon, we were flying above the high way, shooting yellow lasers at cars. I thought it was all just a visual show, and not really doing any damage. Then, one of the cars shot one white orb of light up at me, which I barely dodged. I realized that we had probably been blowing up the cars every time we shot a laser at them, so we could stop now.

      I remember getting down to the high way, and it was day time again. There was a truck which was said to contain oxygen. A rectangular vent on the side was open. The driver said to put the plug in it. The plug was another rectangular thing with black goo dripping off of it. "Are you sure you want this in the oxygen?" I asked.

      I remember a guy had pulled a prank which was not looked on favorably. I wanted to vouch for him because I usually support the under dog. But this one was too much for me. I had a yellow piece of chalk I was using to write on the bricks and pavement of the ground. As I went around thinking, 'Sorry, I don't know if I can help this time...'

      I remember arriving at a restaurant area. There was one restaurant which was built on a 45 degree hill. I looked around there and might have seen families dining.

      I kept walking along and got to an area with a high step up to the dining floor. My mom was up there, so I went up to see her. She was sitting accross from Uncle M.

      I wondered if I would sit next to Mom, or next to Uncle M. There was a chair next to Uncle M but it turned out to be wobbly. I went looking for another chair.

      The table they were sitting at rotated and then L N was sitting there. I think my mom was talking about stuff, and left. It was some kind of meeting. After my mom, or maybe it was another woman, left, L N went on to take their inventory and complain about them. I think complaining is great. However, something about how she took the woman's inventory reminded me that I need to go to A C A.

      I thought of an A C A meeting I could share on. I thought about what I would say in the 4 minutes. then, I realized that by the time I get to the meeting, I might forget all about that, or it might not come out right. So I just had the realization for myself in that moment.

      As I thought, I found myself swimming or body surfing in a body of water. It was very colorful with blue water and orange sun shine from the sun rise or sun set. I was able to do hydro kinesis. Meaning, I seemed to be able to pull the waves in various directions. I pulled them toward the center which was in line with the direction I was facing. I pulled in some bigger waves, too.

      I think I was doing a big crawl stroke. I reached a wall, which I guess was the destination, or resting point. It was a cement wall. I didn't have any fear of fish, even though it was deep water.

      L N and another woman were swimming behind me. Before they got to the wall, I reached for their hands. They looked tired, but I felt bad for taking away their chance to reach the wall them selves.

      I guess we were just supposed to turn around and swim to the other shore. But, I stopped when I saw 3 green turtles on the sand in the shallow water. I wanted to call out to the others. I looked closely at the turtles. They had pink dots for eyes. One had a few pink dots in one eye place, in a line, connected by a thinner pink line. Then some bigger, furry, green fish or badger things swam above them. I petted one of them.

      I forgot if there was anything else before the dream ended.

      I RBFA'ed but re-remembered it later.


      Round 4 of dreams.

      I'm not sure exactly when this one took place. But I remember being in the living room of my current house. And my dad had papered the entire place. Meaning, he covered all the walls, ceiling, doors, windows and everything with 8 and a half by 11 sheets of white paper. I thought it looked kinda cool, and wanted to do it in my own room.

      Near where the phone is in waking life, he had a tank with a bunch of lizards. There was a bright lamp glowing over it.

      I remember another part where I was in nana's upstairs bathroom. At the top of her stairs. I was on the phone with a kid. But what happened was he had been speaking a while so I just plugged in a recording device to the phone so I could record what he said and then listen later. But then I was listening back to it, and I felt bad, because he had been asking me a question, and it seemed like I had ignored him. So I was thinking of how to explain that to him.

      I remember being in a cafe kind of place. And seeing J L and M B at 2 tables at the end there. M B and J L were talking. I sat accross from M B and greeted J with a hand shake. I think M B asked me why I sat with them. I wasn't sure!

      I remember being at another table in the cafe thing. I was looking at a book. it had a black background, and white text.

      Someone was reading it to me. I saw that after the next page, the font became really, really tiny. Also, I didn't want people to overhear the content of the book. So I tried to turn it off.

      Then I was like, "Who is this?" And I guessed who it was.

      I realized it was K L. Then I realized I needed ice and water. I was almost out of water. I thought of what the best way would be to re-stock my ice and water supply.

      I felt like I was in the O B shopping area near the pharmacies and big food store. I was accross the road from one pharmacy, but instead of a factory, it was a place with a deli and maybe a beverage store kinda thing. But my car was all the way over in the grocery store parking lot. I realized I would have to run and get my car, then park it with the trunk facing the ice store, to fill it with ice, in coolers. I ran as fast as I could to go do that.

      Next thing I remember, I was still running, but this time I was near the high school bus drive way. There was an area of green grass surrounded by cement walk ways.

      An African American woman was the monitor of the place. She started to yell at me. "Don't cut accross that! You have to go around!" She chased after me. I pretended not to hear her. "I'm gonna tell those cops to stop you!" There were police officers up ahead, by the track.

      I switched from needing my car to get ice, to needing wool. I could hear the woman yelling but pretended to ignore her. If they asked, I would just say I hadn't heard her! Seemed like a plan to me. Also, I would say that I went around the yard last time, so this time I could cut through it. There had been a layer of sand or snow on the grass.

      I reached two or three guys at a little cart thing. They had the wool. The woman caught up, too. She was telling them her side of the story. I saw that the guys had sun glasses. I guess they were the police but also they were the guys with the wool. (The plot is kind of confusing to me.) "I get to tell you my side of the story after she finishes," I said. They acknowledged.

      Eventually that part passed and it turned out they didn't have any wool to spare. It showed a baby on a couch, playing with a rectangular pillow thing. Apparently, the pillow had a piece of cedar wood, and a book, inside it. Those things gave it good energy. And the wool around it made it soft. The baby was squeezing it.

      I felt some of the wool. It was tan and felt comfortable. But they couldn't spare any.

      After that, I woke up, recalled, and RBFA. but I re-remembered it later!


      Round 5 of Dreams.

      I remember being on the phone with someone. Or maybe they were right there, talking to me. While they spoke, I opened the fridge. And noticed that each shelf had big puddles of black liquid. Like olive juice.

      While they spoke, I took some towels to wipe it up. I was still listening, though. The fridge happened to be totally empty other than the black liquid, but I didn't notice that.

      I had another dream of being in that cafe again. I was journaling. I was feeling good because I had gotten calls from a few friends. And had some nice conversations.

      The journal entry reflected a much higher self-esteem than I have in waking life. I wanted to convert the font to times new roman. so i pressed "Control A" and highlighted it all.

      When it came time to select the font, I thought pressing A again would change it to Times New Roman, but it didn't. Instead, the letters became some kind of ancient ruins. They were gold in color. I thought it was cool but wanted Times New Roman. I navigated to the top panel of the word processor to do it manually.

      I had 2 false awakenings of waking up to use the bathroom. In one, I was near the restaurant from round 3 of dreams. I was looking into a card board box. It was empty. I was going to go to the bathroom in it. I kinda worried that someone might see me.

      I noticed more card board boxes near a fence. I realized that the conversations held at the restaurant were different from conversations on message boards. They weren't posted on line for later. But then some boxes were put out that had thread titles on the side.

      One thread title said that alcohol gives people a child-like glow in their eyes. I don't know why my dream said this. I think alcohol dimmed out the glow in my eyes, and it was only quitting alcohol that brought the life back to my eyes.

      The other box top beneath it said that it was a choice. Meaning I could choose to be full of life even without depending on alcohol. Maybe that's why. There was another box top saying something about the "top topics" of the night.

      I had another false awakening where I was trying to recall my dream. And got up to use the bathroom. But then I heard a really loud concert from outside my window. There was a female "soul singer" type of performer.

      I also remember hearing something like the intro to Bob Marley's "stand up" song. 'I gotta get my ear muffs and keep recalling my dreams,' I thought.

      I woke up and there wasn't really a concert playing. That was a relief.

      I stayed in bed and formed some memories of those. Then I re-played rounds 1 through 5 in my mind. After i was sure that I had finished sleeping I got up to make the outline. I got up around 7:30.
    5. Sunday, June 3

      by , 06-04-2018 at 04:56 AM
      I am in a fairly large subterranean cavern. It is very dark, with the dark stone walls and the dark water of indeterminable depth. Somehow, I am afloat on the surface of the water (whether by myself or on top of something). I pull out my phone to use its flashlight, but the screen’s luminescence is enough to enable to water, stone, and sparse vegetation along the walls to come eerily into view. I am slightly upset about this, as I wanted to see it first or only by the flashlight? Now, I am by a stone wall. It is featured enough to enable me to start ascending it, and I do so. The ridges are just close enough and just good enough, though they are a little small to be completely secure footholds. Still, I am too high to easily come back down, so I continue to the top. I climb up and over and am on a stone walkway traversing this wall. I follow it and find myself inside of a room (it looks like the office at Dad’s house? though blended into this area). Makayla is here, seated at a desk. I find it bizarre that I came up from a subterranean cavern and found myself here.
    6. Saturday, June 2

      by , 06-04-2018 at 04:46 AM
      I am on a boat with Melissa. This boat has physical inclinations of being a speed boat, though there is a mental connotation of it being a much larger vessel, due to an array of items abundantly stored about. We are lying on a seat or some other space that is free of the mostly organized clutter. There is the open water to our right (I believe this boat is moving at a moderate speed) and the helm mostly visible a few yards from our heads. The semi-enclosedness and silmutaneous proximity to the open water creates an interesting feeling. Melissa is naked, her legs slightly splayed. I am comfortably between them, gently but aptly going down on her. I think someone is now up by the wheel of the boat, so we move to cover ourselves up a bit, though not completely.
      Tags: boat, naked, water
    7. Friday, June 1

      by , 06-04-2018 at 04:37 AM
      I am on a trip or something with Dad, but we don’t feel to be too far from home. We’re outside, in an area that really reminds me of the Anderson Park area by Mom’s. It’s a neighborhood area, but with dirt trails and natural/small farm areas. I am seeing the area from on a map and zoom onto a street up ahead. I want to go to the end of this straight dirt trail, turn left, and onto the short dead-end street. Either we are there or I am seeing it from a satellite view on the map, but I see the few houses. They are fairly close together, though separated by leafy trees. Their brighter colors coupled with the area, the trees, and the sunlight filtering in creates a very pretty scene. Dad and I are walking and come to a pool of water about 15 feet or less across our path. I think it’s shallow enough to walk through. I stop to take pictures of the clouds, trees, and sky that are being reflected in the calm layer of water.
    8. Apocalypse LOL

      by , 04-28-2018 at 10:39 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      In the dream, I’m watching a film. I think I was watching it on a screen at first, but in the part I can remember well, I’m just standing on scene, watching as events unfold—or, rather, fail to unfold, as this seems to be the kind of film where nothing much happens.

      The main (and only present) character, a man, is in a kind of apartment with a desk or a dresser that he’s sitting at. There are no walls: I can see directly into the strange landscape beyond, where the horizon is dominated by mountain peaks, including two volcanoes. The action is divided into distinct segments, with each one ending anticlimactically. In the last one, the man calls his girlfriend on his cellphone, but nobody picks up. This seems to illustrate the unremitting futility of life—or at least you’d think it does, based on the dramatic treatment it gets.

      But once that comes to an end, all sorts of odd things start happening: a nearby pool of water starts to bubble, and one of the volcanoes erupts. I’m now in the backseat of a car with several other people, trying to get somewhere safe. But then the other volcano, which is straight ahead of us, also begins to erupt, the bright magma spilling over the rim. The woman who’s driving comments on it. I tell her she’s got the name wrong—she’s thinking of the other volcano. The one ahead of us is Vesuvius. And then I start laughing because of course what matters in this situation is making sure we get the name of the volcano that kills us right.

      I’m also laughing because I’m fully aware of how ridiculous this geography is. I know none of this is real, and that makes it hilarious. As if in acknowledgement, all kinds of odd and impossible things are appearing out of nowhere around us, even as I watch. A gigantic man wearing a striped shirt materializes off to our left, over a large body of water. He steps from island to island, striding in the same direction our car is going. I’m still laughing too hard to speak, and so it’s someone else in the car who says it: “I found Waldo.” They also seem to find the whole thing funny.

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Regret 1 DILD 1 DEILD

      by , 04-10-2018 at 07:56 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am place under hand cuffs by my manager at Dominoe's , he and other co-workers guided me to this location where a lot of people were playing basketball and surprise me with it. Then let the hand cuffs off me and my manager told me I was on team sprite, the soda drink. I went out there and as I am running I remember I was suppose to tell my manager that I am quitting today. I bump in to him but he seems to be completely indulge in to the game.

      He points to a direction that he wants me to go and so I dash there and manage to get to the ball. The basketball feels a lot heavier than a regular one should feel. That's when I observed it closely and notice it is actually a bowling ball. I began trying to roll up mu sleeves to gain a better grip but was having trouble doing so. I could swear the shirt I am wearing is alive as it would roll itself down immediately. I then had a false awakening.

      I appear to wake up lying in my bed. My laptop was in front of me and had been running the game league of legends. It was in searching queue but as I continue to observe it I notice something was wrong. However it didn't matter if I observe or not I was lucid the second I awoke from the fall awakening. I just started thinking to myself, should I lay here and play league of legends or should I go outside and observe my inner world.

      I decided to observe my inner world as I knew it was something that needed to be done. I want to find peace, I walk out my room and in to the living room. It was a reddish color and dark rather than a yellow lighting. I then approach the front door which was now a huge wide white metal door. I open it and walk down the apartment complex stairs. I could feel my feet touching the water from the rain outside.

      I made it completely down and notice that the sky was heavily gray and the rain was pouring down profusely. I tried walking in it but the rain was hitting me so much that I had trouble walking through it. I then remember a lucid dream back in 2014 where i raise my hand and made all the rain stop in mid air. That was my favorite moment in all my lucid dreams. So I decided to try it again and raise my hand. I began to focus and all of sudden as I thought it was working as the rain began to slow down with in a few seconds.

      But I was wrong, instead the rain became intensively violent. I could hear the sky making a roaring sound that hurt my ears. I knew what I was doing was making things worse so I stop focusing. The sky and rain began to go back to the normal rapid pace it was at in the beginning. I walk through it as best I could in till I saw rough waves flowing my direction from a mountain. It hurled me to the floor as I regain my footing. I look around and realize there was a mini tsunami coming down another mountain so I decided to move out the way. A few other large waves came knocking me down.

      So I decided to climb up a few rocks to gain some form of shelter. I notice there was no one around at all. The outside had nothing but a clear road with some broken down houses and just a lot of flooding and rain. My hear began to beat loud and could now hear my waking life body breathing. I knew I would be awake soon. I close my eyes and performed a DEILD. As I was starting out a false awakening and could see my dream bed. I blink my eyes too many times and woke up.

      Updated 04-10-2018 at 09:30 PM by 67903

    10. Carved in Stone

      by , 04-08-2018 at 06:04 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      This dream took place in a city than my brain identified as Dubrovnik. And it wasn’t entirely unlike Dubrovnik—it was by the sea, and in the right sort of general landscape, only hillier, and it did have a similar aesthetic. This wasn’t the first time I had a dream set there, although I don’t think I identified it as anywhere familiar that time.

      In this dream, the city seems to be gearing up for a festival, with some tents and stalls already up, some still being set up. The city is full of people, which strikes me as an unusual circumstance, as if I’ve been living here rather than a visitor like them. As I hear people talking among the crowd about the best route to a certain location, I know the answer. But right now, they’re heading in the right direction anyway—at least, if they want to see the preparations along the way, which is what I want to do.

      Across a canal or some kind of long, rectangular pond, there are yet more people near a fountain, including someone I know—an old classmate of mine, an Italian exchange student. She and an unfamiliar man are embracing there. In front of me, some other people I recognize as classmates have also noticed, and they don’t like what they see. One young woman in red makes a disparaging comment rather loudly, clearly intending to be heard by them. I don’t know what the story is here, but I find it hard to believe that it could possibly be any of their business.

      I run into her again later on, as part of a group of performers, doing some kind of open-air act—oddly, it’s as if they’re all hovering above the water of a canal like the other one, only wider. I wave to them as I pass, and they wave back, but nobody else is even acknowledging them. I have the impression that they’re afraid to for some reason.

      At some point, I’m further up, out of the city proper. I pause to look down a broad stone staircase—really, more of a terraced sidewalk—that winds its way down to the sea. The sea is shining and calm, pale blue and pink, as if the sun only rose a short time ago.

      And further still, there's some kind of special site. I climb on a big rock to get a better look at it. The whole area is blocked off with a sheet of glass and has a rather stage-y appearance, as if it were intended to be seen from this angle. To the right is the entrance of a cave, where cacti and other scrubby plants are growing. To the left are four reclining chairs in a row—I assume that means this place will be open to the public at some point, since I can’t imagine why they would be there otherwise.

      The ground they’re located on breaks off with a sheer cliff face which I’m directly facing, and I can see something interesting there: some kind of symbol carved in the pale stone. It's a small circle with two lines inside it, which are arranged like the hands of a clock when it’s 10 o’clock, and coming off the bottom is a long, wavy line ending with a wedge, like an arrow. It strikes me as vaguely alchemical. I wonder what it signifies—it definitely seems to suggest some kind of downward motion.

      Some other people have gathered here while I’ve been looking—I recognize someone else I know. The last time I spoke to him was very awkward, but he doesn’t mention that, which I’m glad of. He’s telling me about the cave. But unfortunately, I can’t remember much of what he says—only that something important took place here a couple millennia ago.

    11. Lots of fragments

      by , 04-08-2018 at 09:56 AM
      - Walking along a narrow canal path. Someone tries to stop/rob me but I jump into the water and swim away.
      - At a hotel a local dish is being prepared on a long tresselled table by a woman. She is layering rings of fish. I talk to her. Later we are offered some food but its not vegetarian.
      - In our house we have 3 big screens set up in the front room. Each with a bright interactive display. The next morning we get up from downstairs and my cat tells me it wants to go on a dance programme. I go to pick it up but it tells me to put it down again. It is pale coloured and sleek. It asks me to open the doors as obviously it cant do that itself. There are two downs on the narrow hallway going upstairs. I find that the programme the cat wants has downloaded incompletely (hacked) and so doesnt work. The cat goes on a drawing programme instead and uploads something it had been drawing. Other people go on other things. I find a picture of a fox so it can get the right colour for its drawing.
      - At my parents house I'm trying to help my dad get in without a large about of dogs also getting into the house.
      Tags: cat, fish, holiday, water
    12. Hilarious Intruders

      by , 04-06-2018 at 10:06 AM
      Morning of April 6, 2018. Friday.

      This morning, I had a very long series of dream sequences, where nearly everywhere I have lived in my life thus far appeared in one form or another, including several fictional distortions. As usual, each setting was a unique new version. (Out of tens of thousands of dreams studied for over fifty years, no setting has ever appeared more than once in the same way, typically being unique combinations of two or more locations.)

      As the sequences were so long and convoluted, I will only focus on certain sections in this entry. (Otherwise it would be far too long, and my entries are often very long as it is.)

      The house setting throughout my main dream seems to be a combination of Cubitis (where I have not lived since 1978), the Loomis Street house (where I have not lived since 1994), the King Street mansion (where I lived at different times up until 1993), and the house Zsuzsanna and I and our family presently live; all this and some fictional alterations as is always the case. Additionally, the house setting does not match the location in some scenes and ambiguously varies between Florida, Wisconsin, and Queensland, Australia (which is also typical).

      In one scene, the setting seems most like the Cubitis house even though it is implied to be our present address in Australia. Our youngest son is crying and is angry about some sort of robotic toys that are not responding to being shot in the way that had been programmed. I am aware that he had left them at the south end of the Cubitis hall (while the room to our right is like the lounge room of our present home). I tell him that it does not matter, that they are “just toys” and that toys cannot really be heroes. I hold him close and we hug and he says that I am his hero.

      In a later scene, I go outside and it mostly seems like the Cubitis backyard. An unfamiliar young girl is present and sitting in high grass with our youngest daughter and youngest son. Looking back at the back of the house, the rendering is incorrect (though my dream self does not regard it as wrong). The area external to where the kitchenette would have been is now implied to be a back porch that I am aware is out from my mother’s room (though as from the Loomis Street house). (The back porch was actually at the south end of the Cubitis house facing the south side yard and the north end our neighbor’s house, though their back porch faced east into their backyard.)

      There are at least three unfamiliar people seated on the portico (at least two males and a female), near the window to my mother’s room. (The portico is an unfamiliar fictitious feature.) It takes me some time to realize they are trespassing. Finally, even though they might be our neighbors, I decide to yell at them and tell them they should not be here. “The little woman said we could sit here,” one of males says. I consider that they are trying to imply my mother told them they could sit by her window, which I know is something she would never have said.

      I again tell them to leave. They become annoyed and start acting very strangely, and wander quickly about as if they are unsure where they are going. Soon, there are two unfamiliar male police officers present. The unwelcome people go into the house next door. Soon after this, water starts spraying out from the eaves. This causes the police officers to start laughing. The water continues to spray from the house as if it is meant to be an attack, yet has the opposite effect. As the water sprays on me for a time (as well as the officers), I feel more relaxed and cheerful than I had been minutes before.

      Water in my dreams has been a form of dream state induction for over fifty years in representing the essence of sleep, the absence of emotion and waking life focus (as in sensory deprivation tank experiments), and resulting in physical relaxation. Some “interpreters” claim that water “represents emotions” (which might be related to crying, I suspect, though crying is the release of emotions, not the maintaining or augmenting of them). Which emotions? In what way? To what extent? Aside from that, virtually countless commercial recordings use the sound of water, from the roaring ocean, waterfalls, rivers, and so on, to induce sleep or relaxation. Negative dreams relating to water, such as tidal waves or floods are more likely to be a RAS factor that tries to induce sleep when other factors, such as circadian rhythms dynamics, are in conflict. After all, a person is asleep when they are dreaming, not extant in waking life, yet most people do not seem to understand this at all. In some cases, a flood or tidal wave may relate to subliminal concern about being too deeply asleep, which may trigger waking from the emergent conscious side rather than raw RAS. The supposed evidence, more so of the Barnum effect, associated with “water representing emotions” is actually the opposite. If a person is overly emotional in real life, the water might be rendered to calm them down and enter more deeply into the essence of sleep, and some people fear deeper sleep or even relaxation. Drowning on the other hand, would usually relate to incidental sleep apnea or snoring (and one can dream and snore at the same time despite popular myth), which is a biological factor of sleep, not waking life (though many people seem to have zero understanding of the biological and neurological factors of the dream state). Ultimately, when water splashes on me in my dreams, it vivifies my dream and sustains it, causing physical release and relaxation, the opposite of increasing emotions or as a WAF (waking alert factor). Water also represents healing and biological purification (after all, a large percentage of the human body is water - and water is life), but more so as the autosymbolic analogy to the healing nature of sleep and the absence of negative emotions, thus a tidal wave or flood might indicate a sudden increase in glymphatic system function.

      Tags: intruders, water
    13. 3/26/2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-27-2018 at 06:29 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I'm trying to get home from about Mason's house to KC but there are people from the mob coming to kill me. I'm looking on the street and seeing different houses around the main guy's house and wondering why anyone would want to live near the mob since it would be a lot of pressure to have to go to events you were invited to. Trying to get home, the street with the big hill is blocked by 4 or 5 mobsters running up the street at me. I run right towards Owen's but it's blocked that way too. Before they can come kill me I decided I want to wake up and do so.

      The dream scene was getting off of a boat. I think I'm now in a different country in Africa. The boat unloads us onto a dock with a shop attached to it. I'm looking around at various items looking for a Coca Cola bottle. There are a few soda bottles but I don't end up purchasing one. I remember I wanted to find a local that would show me the best places to get dinner and thought maybe a hostel owner would know.

      The dream opens up into this massive place of shops that looked like cabins and then a massive pool and amusement park as well. I was swimming in the pool and talking to some people I didn't really know. Then I'm around the pool deck. I'm wearing a full suit and do a side flip into the pool, accidentally kicking a girl which disappointed a girl I had talked to earlier.

      I meet up with my friends, I think moo and kolby were there. We were walking down this path and on both sides we were passing these massive water slides that were gushing water out. We decide to go on this one ride. We walk into the room and it's filled with black padding and cushions. We're confused but then all of the sudden the floor below us just gives out and we're free falling down. People are hitting different obstacles made of cushion and everyone's laughing and having a good time. I don't hit any obstacles so I get down pretty quickly.

      We go outside and look at more water slides. Looking up into the sky, there are two massive rides that were red and white. They must've been more than a mile up into the sky and stood straight up except for a slight curve in the middle. I got a little freaked out to the point where I couldn't even look at them, I thought they were really unsafe. We took a short ride up into the sky to get a better look at the massive rides but the little white ride hooked and then went back down.

      On the ground we were back at the pool area. It looked more like someone's backyard or a hotel area. There's small townhouses made of wood and black/blue glass surrounding a small pool and hottub. I'm in the pool swimming back towards the main pool and shop area when I see johnny b with a very long nose which I thought was interesting. They come out to the main pool area with us and I'm seeing people from my high school swimming by. One is Celia and the dream ends as we're in the back of a car. I'm now watching myself third person having intercourse with her.
    14. Flying; Mexico

      , 03-23-2018 at 12:44 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm in a city. Talking to someone about flying. I see a commercial airplane high in the sky, so I tell the person I will fly to that. As I get closer, I reallize it's flying too fast and it will fly above me before I get to it. But I see more con trails and I can fly to those if I miss this airplane.

      Trying to fly to the highest building. Not much luck going fast. But trying. Hopping from one building to another. Trying to trick my dream around me by standing up on the building and pretending it's the tip of the tallest building. The dream changes and I'm standing very high up, looking down the city is far below me in the deep.


      turist attraction 3 places, long, round, long, whales are migrating swimming through them, people watching, taking pictures. I pull out my camera. Whales come through a canal into a smallish round room, they rest there, we watch them, then they fall down through a waterfall into another canal thats much lower than the room. I'm taking pictures, amazed at the majestic beauty of the animals.

      Trying to drive to north east tip of Mexico, where Caribbean waters on the left meet Pacific waters on the north. (Yes, I had the geography wrong). Talking to some locals about the drive. Then my vision zooms in and I can't believe how turbulent the waters are up north. Incredibly huge waves are crashing against each other, colors of brownish and white. It's spectacular.
    15. wet paint tattoos

      by , 03-09-2018 at 06:02 PM
      I was grabbed by a man with black hair and a beard. He held my hands with his, and his hands burnt me, leaving tattoos on my flesh. I ran way and got into a car on our journey an ambulance reversed at us without putting on its lights, we swerved out of the way. Arriving at a swimming pool (water sign of the day, lol) , I had a son in the dream instead of a daughter. He fell into the water with his coat on, I followed in after him. Then a vision appeared of my partners mother (who has passed away) who we sorely miss, I looked and saw that my partner was looking to. Then the apparition vanished. We both acknowledged that we had seen her.
      Next we were visiting a library but the neighbourhood was like a no go zone. There were alleyways with gates at the end leading towards the centre of town. We headed off down one feeling apprehensive. Then the dream got really vivid and I could see the tattoos on my hands from before. One hand had white and green patterns like a frog on them and the other was a spikier pattern. I started to peel the tattoos off , like wet thick paint the flesh peeled away. On the second hand there was a thin black leather clasp also under the flesh with a buckle. As well there were piercings like those for someone's belly button.
      Tags: water
      non-lucid , memorable
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