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    1. Failed dream stabilisation in DILD | [26.05.2022]

      by , 05-28-2022 at 02:23 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Failed dream stabilization in DILD
      I am on my way home, carrying groceries on the sidewalk of the quiet street passing by the house I live in on a cloudy day with a darker lighting of the environment suggesting that the time of day is soon to be or already is dusk. I'm not sure if my mother is with me, but she could be. Suddenly, I become lucid. It might have been a random thought about lucidity which triggered this. But I immediately start slipping out of the dream but try to rub my hands and to look at them to stabilize the dream, but I am already on the threshold of waking up, strangely controlling both my dream and real body at once, but apparently my stabilization attempt soon failed and I find myself having waken up.

      I got too stressed to journal again. I'll probably continue for real once summer holidays come around in nearly exactly a month.

      I actually chanted a mantra and used a special thought technique I can't really explain to kind of bypass the way you'd usually have this only incubate a fake lucid dream instead of actually causing awareness, and I guess it worked. It's like I went "behind" the normal thought? Only I really know what I'm talking about with that, I guess, at least I hope at least I will if I rediscover this some time. Nobody ever understood the way I explained how my brain worked. People tend to think these are metaphors, but I feel like I physically navigate my thoughts. While that's not what happens, of course, that's the input I'm getting and doing the same "movement" produces consistent results. It's weird like that. Also, I'm tired so I'm rambling about this, probably mostly as a big note to self so that I can reproduce this, since this is the first time a technique just straight up worked first try to that extent.

      I do wonder why the stabilization didn't work, though. And I tend to always find myself kind of "blind" in dreams, I've noticed that here as well. It's like my whole vision is covered by a blind spot, like how your thumb disappears if you move it into the right location, it makes it hard to stay in a dream. I feel like I only know some of the visual information because I just kind of know without seeing it, and that's annoying me. But I can't say reality is a whole lot different, honestly. My perception is always weirdly "blind" like that, like a very insidious form of tunnel vision. Enough rambling now. I still think this was probably the closest I've ever gotten to stabilize a lucid dream, so overall, this was a success. Good.
    2. Talking fragment | [21.08.2020]

      by , 08-21-2020 at 03:55 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Talking fragment
      In the dream I seem to have woken up and am lying in my bed and my mother sitting close beside me and I start talking about some private important topic and she's surprised.

      Once again I forgot to do my mantra... sort of. I made progress. I was about to do my mantra but I forgot what it was and then forgot and fell asleep.
    3. Lucid fragment and great FA lucid! | [15.08.2020]

      by , 08-15-2020 at 03:18 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Black = non-lucid
      Grey = awake
      Blue = lucid

      Lucid fragment
      I reality check and get lucid, but either don't remember what came after it or the dream faded.

      Great false awakening lucid!
      Discouraged from my failed lucid that I just woke up from, I decide to do an especially aware reality check and then go to sleep with the mantra "When I see my hands I will remember I am dreaming and I will remember my body isn't real." The last part of the mantra is to make me more lucid and aware, so that I'm not just a zombie.

      I then heard a noise my father made (maybe be dropped something) and got startled by it, and was disappointed. But I did a reality check, and, to my surprise, I breathed right through my plugged nose and was in a lucid dream. I immediately stood up and decided to leave my home. I tried looking away and back, imagining there'd be a door. I wanted to go to a specific place, but I ended up going into a mall. For some reason I suddenly had a VR headset on my head and my lucidity slipped a bit and things started getting unclear, both since that's something that happens if you don't have your VR headset on correctly and because the dream was fading, but as I took it off it caught itself. For a few seconds, I was somewhere else, but returned to the mall without really noticing. The place might have been full of brownish sand and sort of boxed in somehow.

      Now, back in the mall, I run around and explore, excited, although not as aware as in the beginning anymore, but still better than any other lucid dream I've had. I see a small (100ml volume?) box of sodium iodide and think about trying to blow something up (that's hard with sodium iodide, but, again, I had lost awareness in the VR headset segment), but I ended up not trying, both because I didn't know if they'd have any chemical that'd work out with it (forgot that you could summon things since my awareness was shit) and because I didn't want to anymore. As I thought about it, I had actually tried to grab the box of it, but I only had the lid in my hands since it slipped off, and somebody was mad at me since I grabbed it (I had a small fear that someone would notice, but I didn't really care since I was sure I could just flee). And thus, I fled.

      I then decided to try some shapeshifting again. I looked at my hands and saw that I had way too many fingers than normal (about 14 on my right hand), so I tried to touch things with the hand to see how having more fingers feels like, and it felt like normal, just slightly different. It's hard to describe. But I didn't want to continue to do something else that is more personal.

      I went to a sort of computer terminal and input commands and hoped for them to appear in the dream, but it didn't quite work out. At some point I did a stabilization attempt by inspecting my hands, but still nearly woke up, but ended up back at a sort of bodyless distant view that was even less aware of the terminal, which now looked like a piano/organ, and apparently dracula was playing on it. It sort of was like a comedic variation of some sort of area in a video game. I then sort of had to click on the piano to go to the terminal again to continue typing, and it still didn't work, and then I woke up.

      That awareness drop after the vr segment was annoying, but being that aware at all was progress, at least. I think I will add something to get more aware of dream control in my dreams.

      Also, the first lucid fragment resulted from an extra aware reality check yesterday before I went to bed, since I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't reality check all that much because of school eating my time and stressing me.

      Updated 08-15-2020 at 03:22 PM by 96397 (Added side notes)

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    4. Extremely bad recall | [24.07.2019]

      by , 07-24-2019 at 02:44 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      I only remember that I recalled my mantra and was planning to do what I said in my mantra. I knew I was at the end of the dream at that point. I don't remember anything before that part of the dream.

      I know that my dream self was not really going to do my mantra, but rather act it out as part of the dream's storyline.
      Tags: mantra
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    5. Ominous night wandering.. including a tornado. | [24.06.2019]

      by , 06-24-2019 at 12:28 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Ominous night
      I walk around my local area at night. A lot of the areas are way different from real life, though. It sort of resembles a dream from long ago where the same sort of jumbling happened.
      As I walk, I feel excited, while also feeling like I shouldn't be doing this. I decided to continue on. I kept walking across roads, leading to densely populated areas, then to less densely populated areas, while also coming across some landmarks.
      After a while, I come across a field behind a sort of village. There are hills around and I see a funnel cloud touching down in the distance. I think that I should simply walk away, but I remember my father saying (this didn't actually happen) that tornadoes can be avoided by walking to the side. I knew that I couldn't do that as I would be too slow. So I go into a house, then into a sort of basement, I think, hoping I was doing it right. But not entirely, just on the stairs. I expect tornado noises to happen all around me soon, but I wake up before it could happen.

      I again used a mantra and it worked out unexpectedly well. I will use this every day now.

      Updated 06-24-2019 at 01:48 PM by 96397 (Forgot to mention that I used a mantra.)

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. A fragment after a mantra | [23.06.2019]

      by , 06-23-2019 at 07:21 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      FNaF + school + Doctor Who + ...¹
      ²I remember being in my old primary school, about first or second grade. I am one of the children, seemingly coming from another class because I had to be assigned a new place to sit, a kid changing seats to the one next to him to let me sit there. I place down my bag at my new sitting place and listen to the female teacher.
      It seems we will go to visit.. something having to do with the Five Nights at Freddy's animatronic 'Circus Baby', according to what she says. Can't exactly remember what she says, though.

      The dream is skipping to our teacher going down to check on the animatronic, opening a chamber with a hissing noise as a sort of white smoke came out of it and it revealed the chamber to be a metallic, dark and blue tube with Circus Baby standing in the middle, the tube just large enough to fit her in. Upon looking into the chamber, the teacher started to scream as Circus Baby activated.

      Scene change to a bar, restaurant or some sort of store standing in a forest, the teacher laying motionless in front of it. I know that she fell from a hole in the sky. I am suddenly inside the store and an unfriendly man, possibly some sort of elve or dwarf seems to have something to do with the death of the teacher. Then either I turn into the doctor or the doctor appears, in his eleventh regeneration. He suddenly begins a speech about that the man can't just "play with lives". I don't remember the rest of the conversation.

      Now I am again somewhere having to do with a storm, but I don't remember anything except that.

      ¹: The school came from the fact that I am constantly stressed out about it, Doctor Who came from my excitement of it coming on One (A German TV channel) every Tuesday, FNaF came from me watching an entire series of Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted on YouTube and the storm came from me looking at stormchasing videos again.

      ²: I had chanted a mantra for a second before drifting off. Seemed to have helped with recall a lot, even when chanting it such a low amount. I will retry this next night.
    7. Lots Of Nonlucids - September 2

      , 09-03-2018 at 12:59 AM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 2 2018

      I went to bed with strong intentions to become lucid, as well as a solid plan for what to do once I became lucid. I was trying the anchoring method I mentioned in another thread, anchoring positive and confident memories with the sensation of touching my thumb and forefinger together. I had a phrase burnt into memory to repeat nonverbally once I became lucid (to replace "Clarity now!"): "Clear sight, clear sound, clear touch. Grounded. Calm, confident. I can stay in this dream as long as I want" (in retrospect this is extremely long, but I think I'll try it out for a few new nights anyway). I also used my standard mantra "I will become lucid in my next dream"/"In every dream tonight" in combination with "In my next dream, I look at my hands and realize that I'm dreaming". In the future I will stick with only "IWBLIMND" since it's more succint and sets a clear intention for the immediate future, rather than a broad concept of "every dream".

      I awoke at 1:18 am in a somewhat strong paralysis with extremely vivid imagery (not dreamlike, more like imagination). There was a man, possibly me, conjuring lightning circularly all around him. The lightning was blue, white, and green. I awoke again at 2:47 am. I remembered several dreams involving my fiance and my dog. In the first, I was at the elementary portion of my high school (it's K-12) and I swerved my car to narrowly miss my dog, who spontaneously started running out at me in the street. I got out of the car and was rubbing his front leg and paw. I noticed that his paw had too many joints and was curled in too much. Somehow this felt connected to a drive through.

      In the next dream, I'm in a living room with a wrap-around bar counter. I think I've been here in a dream before. I'm watching Bob Ross on TV painting thick brushstrokes -- X's, C's, and U's -- over an already finished landscape. My dog jumps off the counter. I'm trying to remember what to do tomorrow, two important things in the morning and night.

      My next set of dreams came after WBTB. In the first, one of my cousins was referred to as "3". There was an interesting story about diving, and D&D. I vividly remember descending in a well, looking up as the light was blocked out by the silhouette of a monster (Demogorgon?), although I didn't feel fear. Next, I was in an arcade or bowling alley, some sort of indoor entertainment place. I left my fiance to go to an adjoining room from the lobby and get ice cream. There was a girl there who was going in the same direction as me, and called me a "creeper" jokingly. She was trying to be funny or cute in the way she was getting her ice cream. I was friendly but not overly so. I got maybe 4 flavors of ice cream, in sort of a flight. In the next dream, I'm an intruder in a man's house. He has a lot of weapons strewn about, some intricate compound and traditional bows, swords, guns, blowdarts, etc. I go through room after room and find the man, he's in his mid 50s or 60s. He threatens me with a long, thin, metal pole, and I think he threatned to castrate me with it. He transports me back to some memory of 1950's New Orleans with a McDonalds, and a small building with an advertisement to "teleport you to the Science Museum". The visuals are faded, blackish, and all the buildings look like plywood.

      In the next dream, I'm at Sonic at night/early morning with my fiance. She's handed me a cup, but I threw it away; there are two crumpled cups beside it. I understand it to be sonic, but it's more like someone's backyard, there aren't any lights or servers or menus, just the standard sonic table and trash can, as well as an overhead cover. A group of foreign men walk by, talking about wanting some cervezas. In the next dream, I'm going over some train tracks covered in water, in a swamp (I've been here before as well). The waves are rounded like tiled hills -- at certain points they are covered in grass, at other times they're just water/waves. I see the sasquatch.

      My old boss is giving me cryptic hints about something, laughing about it. We're in the woods, sort of. Something about eating a spider/the dust that comes out when you crush the spider. Possibly my fiance was warning me not to eat it. I eat the dust, and then eat the crumpled spider husk too.

      Next I had a dream about DreamViews! It was something about inline comments/spoilers; I remember red and purple text. There were other sites too -- DreamBattles and DreamWars (reenactments, maybe I read about this before).

      *Slept for a really long time hoping to get lucid, and kept trying to go back to sleep. After this frustration, I decided to not get bummed out when I don't get lucid. It doesn't help. And there's always tomorrow night
    8. One Lucid and some NLs - August 25

      , 08-25-2018 at 06:43 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Aug 25 2018

      Went to bed pretty late. Woke up at 5:30 or 6:30 and remembered that I had 3 long NLs, but couldn't remember them.
      First dream I remember of the night was lucid. I don't know what I was doing and don't remember much about it. I was in a library, possibly on a college campus. I spontaneously became lucid and looked at my hands, and I remember saying "I'm dreaming!" excitedly. I then walked around and tried to push my fingers through my palm, but it didn't work. The dream started to fade and I remembered the advice to meditate in your dream. Instead of really meditating though, I sort of just focused on my senses for a moment (just vision and touch) and the clarity came back. I tried the finger through palm RC again and it worked! I remember walking around a little more but that's it. I think the dream continued but I lost lucidity. Vaguely remember bragging to DCs while not lucid that I could lucid dream (how did I not catch this ).

      Had another dream about two cacti in a pool house or greenhouse, and at some point they fused together into one (possibly connected with my lucid one).
      Had another dream about college campus murders with some pretty gruesome mangled corpses. I think I was the murderer but was also investigating.
      Had another dream in my childhood living room where my cousin dropped himself down through the beams (we didn't think he could).
      Had another dream where I bought $50 dollar tickets for my fiance in some kind of stadium, but I couldn't find her and wanted to ask to use the loudspeaker.

      Throughout the night, each time I woke up I tried to WILD using hypnagogic imagery. Didn't work but came close and had some cool HI. MILDed each time then using the mantra "I will be lucid in my next dream", and also tried to remind myself to RC each time I woke up, but I forgot to each time.

      Updated 08-26-2018 at 09:47 PM by 95458

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    9. WILD with music

      by , 09-28-2016 at 08:27 AM
      I wake up after around 7-8 hours. Still slightly tired I force myself to stay awake remembering the intention I had set the night before to attempt a WILD. I meditate while listening to a 6.5 delta binaural beat for about 25 minutes, starting with Zazen, then moving to chakra activation exercises. In all including the meditation I was most likely awake for about one hour.

      Supplements: Siberian ginseng and D-Phenylalanine.

      I lay down, I take three pillow and make a incline so my head is resting higher than usual. I attempt using a 'astral projection' brain entrainment audio file, but the MP3 player keeps shutting off prematurely, so I just take off the head phones.

      I do several methods in succession. The rope method. Imagining myself floating above my body. Imagining myself floating around the court yard outside and jumping around in the ocean. Some chakra Focus. Imagining seeing myself from above my bed, I did this by sending out a sphere from my forehead, I imagine it to be carrying my consciousness. I imagine a small sphere floating around my body, this generates that pulling sensation which accompanies many exit methods.

      After maybe a few seconds or a few minutes of seeming unconsciousness, I suddenly pop back fully awake. My body seems filled with energy, I am not sure if I am dreaming or not. At first glance the room looked so accurate and distinct that no hint was given of anything being amiss, I decide to do a reality test, I look at a jar filled with yellow highlighters on top of my tv, all of a sudden one started spinning in circles in the jar. I then look at a towel hanging from a hook on a door, all of a sudden it starts to move and wave like it was being blown by wind. This convinced me I was in fact already in the Lucid dream state and I could get up now.

      I get up and move to the window, then jump out of it. The scenery looks nothing like what actually exists out of my window. I was on one side of a large valley around a quarter of a mile wide, it was bright, clear, and sunny. There were green trees, grass, and bushes everywhere, there were also a number of large elegant brick houses on either side of the valley. There was a dirt trail that passed right by a small building to my left, by a curve in the trail was a small tree that drew my attention by its picturesque quality, it had a thin stalk, was perhaps 9 feet high, and had a thick upper canopy the shape of a Frisbee. My vision was perfect, I could see across the valley and observe in detail the particular features of each house, all made of red brick, some with differing coloured doors, window shutters, vines, and other adornments. There is a group of men quietly arguing, each dressed in work clothes of some type, there is maybe 5 on each side, they run up and scuffle with each other, it does not strike me as that big of a deal, just a bunch of pushing, they did not seem to wish to hurt each other, nor did they even glance at me once. I decide To fly over to the houses in the distance, a lift up in the sky, some 6 feet and slowly start to drift toward them, the sensation is highly pleasant. I get very close but the dream fades.

      False awakening; I am again laying in bed. There is extremely vivid music playing in the room, I first think that perhaps someone is blasting music in the next room, this strikes me as unlikely, I quickly conclude that this wonderful and ongoing music is a product of my dream, I considered it a very nice treat, the song was wonderful, melodic, sad. It was either the band snow patrol or something very similar. I have trouble getting up, I Repeat the mantra Om-ah-hum and strongly focus on my body, I will it to solidify, at the same time I focus on my breath, the breath has become a efficient state anchor for me because it is my main point of focus during formal meditation sittings, I become more focused and mentally unified. I get up after some spinning I think, outside, as I go through the TV room I notice that the black coffee table is huge, nearly five foot tall and 5 feet across with bunch of extra level on top like many office work tables have for keeping files close at hand.

      There is a break in my memory. I am walking around outside; I decide to test some ideas. I focus on my subtle body, I distinctly feel energy where I focus, first on the stomach then on my heart region. I chant a mantra, this has a strong effect and my body seems to vibrate, it seems to resonate on the buildings and trees around me, a sense of power comes over me.

      There is another break in my memory. I am walking down a road, I start to narrate what I am doing. "walking, stepping, there is a house, there is a tree", and so on., in order to greater facilitate memory consolidation. I come upon a very large brick house, it has a sprawling multi levelled concrete with several children playing jacks. have a short conversation with them and then start to move into the house, here i think the dream faded again, memory gets hazy.

      False awakening; I am in my room, there is the music again. It takes a little to get out of my body, there is a lot of spinning and trying to jump out and upward. Some how I am behind a old rusty building I am talking to a man, it is dark, and I think it is snowing. I see a old friend and become very happy.

      No clear memory how I get here. I am in a parking lot, I am running incredibly fast. Across the parking lot is a large store, maybe a Target or something.

      No clear memory how I get here. I am on a typical suburban street, it is dark. two men stand by a car in painters uniforms, I walk up and have a short conversation, one asks "why are your eyes so blue?", I say genetics I guess. I thought that was a unusual question for a dream character. There is a fire I think in the yard contained by a steel barrel. I ask a lady "what she is" and "if she knew it was a dream", but I do not recall here answer. While walking away she says something that sends a chill up my spine, but I do not recall what that was now.

      There is the memory of a few more false awakings, but they are wholly out of any context. There was more music, I seemed that every single false awakening during this dream sequence there was wonderful music, I hope that continues, that is strange because music is relatively uncommon during active lucid dreams, but it does happen occasionally.

      I laid down at 5:46 pm for the attempt. I awoke at nearly exactly 8:17. I want to say I was lucid the whole time, but memory lapses make me unable to account for all of my time in the lucid dream state. I awoke feeling energised and very well over all.

      Updated 09-28-2016 at 10:05 AM by 91188

    10. Mental Alarm Mantra 3:00 am

      by , 03-21-2016 at 11:30 AM
      Ever since that random lucid a week ago I have been having (and recalling) epic dreams. (Whenever I wake up in the night and acknowledge I am awake, I seem to remember my dreams better in the morning.)

      I was planning to do a fild but I wanted to practice waking up via mantras alone first (Three am is my goal). (I did it the night before and woke up and 3:02 am And I was well happy ) I did mantras last night but I was pretty tired. It still worked but it was 3:53. And I was thirsty so I got up for a drink and couldn't fild... :'( Then I didn't get back to sleep till about six am.

      I did however have a strange dream I recalled excellently.

      I go to the local swimming pool and pass the receptionist. She's busy on the phone and it doesn't occur to me to go and pay. So I go straight to the changing rooms and then swim for a while. When I get out I have to pass reception again and I realise I hadn't payed.

      When I look in my bag I realise I forgot my purse. I go up to the receptionist and say I forgot to pay and I don't have my purse. She is really kind and she tells me it's fine. She gives me a owe note and I promise to come back the next day with the money.

      As I leave the reception to go outside I begin walking down the road. I see two police officers, I get nervous and walk a different way. But there are more cops that way. Infact in every direction there are cops. Eventually, two catch up to me and are like "You are under arrest." I try to say I've done nothing wrong and the red headed police lady asks why I was previously walking away from them. I don't answer and I get thrown into a police van.

      There are three other people in there. Two guys, (One looking like eugene from buzzfeed ) and another old and slightly bald. Then a scared looking young blonde girl. They tell me they are all innocent and have no idea why they are here. They put us on a plane and the speaker tells us we are to all fall asleep. When I wake up I am alone and there is a blonde Ferret on the plane. I hold it and it loves me. (Random but I LOVE FERRETS so this isn't random to me )

      Suddenly the other three come back and the girl is crying. I tell her I have a phone on me and she can borrow it to call someone. I think the dream ends just after the old guy confesses he likes me or something...

      Updated 03-21-2016 at 05:31 PM by 89239

    11. Balloon and Mantra (WILD + FAs)

      by , 04-22-2015 at 07:21 PM
      Ritual: WTB 2:30am, woke up to work from 5:30 to 6:30am, realized I'd drunk too much coffee before bedtime and have trouble going back to sleep. I figure as long as I'm insomniac, might as well try for LD and take some L-theanine and alpha-GPC. I try counting but have trouble focusing, realize I need more motivation so resolve on a task. I had been thinking earlier about the use of mantras for getting lucid, and I've had trouble deciding on one so I thought I should ask a DC.

      WILD, "Balloon and Mantra": Since it seemed to initiate directly from the waking state, I guess this was a WILD though there was no distinct experience of transition, at least in the way I usually experience it (shifting into dream while continuing to perceive that I am lying in bed). At the beginning it felt more like hypnagogic imagery that I was playing around with, but gradually acquired more solidity and focus. (Or maybe that's the "normal" way people do it, haha.)

      I'm on top of a building, playing catch with two other girls. We're throwing a ball around between us counter-clockwise. The girl to my left spikes the ball to make it hard for me to catch, so I retaliate by throwing it right back at her when she's not expecting it, instead of continuing to pass to the other girl. She says it's not fair because she wasn't paying attention. I retort that I did it because of the way she was playing.

      The game becomes more leisurely and the ball becomes a balloon. I sit down and I'm practicing moving it telekinetically. The balloon is making the kind of strange echoing sounds that you hear when handling real balloons, only strongly magnified. I'm impressed with the way my mind can conjure that unusual but distinctive sound which I probably haven't heard in years. Although the sound component of the dream is impressively vivid, the visuals are terrible. The whole scene is in grainy black and white, and the balloon is white too, which makes it very hard to see against the sky when I bounce it up into the air. At one point I launch it away from me and lose sight of it altogether. When I go to summon it back, instead of the balloon returning to my hand, my right hand is contorted with a strange sensation, like it's being squeezed.

      Around this time, everything switches over to bright color, brilliant blues and pinks. It happens as suddenly as turning on a light, and makes everything look much more vivid and cheerful. I figure this is REM switching on more fully, and comment to one of the DCs, "Hey, color just kicked in!" I notice that instead of the two girls, there are now at least a dozen of them, and they seem to be having a dance party. I hear a bouncy pop song playing in the background.

      I get up and wander through the group, then suddenly I remember the task I had designated as I went to sleep. I approach a girl at random. She's dressed very unusually and elaborately, probably day residue from a Chinese painting I was looking at in WBTB, and I'm doubtful about whether she will be able to help, but figure it can't hurt to ask.

      Exploding match?-tangyin_poem-red-leaf_sm.jpg

      "I'm looking for a lucid dream mantra," I begin, then think I should explain more clearly what I mean. "Something that—"

      "Who is your mantra?" she interrupts. It's such an odd question that I stop and look more closely at her. Her face is pretty but blank.

      "That was my question," I reply, then wait to see if she'll have anything more helpful to offer.

      "Who is your mantra?" she repeats, in exactly the same tone and words, like a broken record.

      "That's what I'm trying to figure out," I insist. This is going nowhere. Reaching back with two hands I grasp the edges of a cloth, as though it were a scarf I were wearing around my neck, and draw it over both our heads. Now the two of us are alone in the dark, face to face, with just a bit of the background peeping through under the edges of the cloth behind her. Although I had performed the gesture instinctively, my intention was to blot out the distractions so I could try to communicate with the girl more effectively. A more rational course would have been to find someone else to ask, or ask the dream directly, but I got too caught up in my determination to try to make her understand. My approach was not helpful, however, as this deconstruction of most of the dream environment makes me lose traction and wake up.

      FAs: I had gotten up and was nearly ready for work. I went to use the bathroom before leaving and stood there dumbfounded: everything else looked normal, but the toilet was gone! I recognized immediately what this must mean. "You've got to be freakin' kidding me," I said aloud. Usually I would be delighted to realize I was still dreaming, but this time I already felt like I'd invested a lot of time in getting ready for my day, and now I would have to do it all over again, so I was actually annoyed.

      My lucid awareness must have been pathetically low, because instead of doing something cool with the dream or thinking of one of my many fallback tasks, I stood there until I had successfully conjured the toilet back into place, because I still wanted to use it! Then I noticed that the clarity of the dream was waning and in an attempt to restore focus, told myself: "Open your eyes." But I accidentally opened my real eyes, waking up! It was a fail on so many levels.

      I wanted to get back to the dream state so again I tried to play along with hypnagogic visuals. I had an image of a three medieval-looking riders in a wooded hillside. There was a male, a female, and one other. I was loping after them in the form of a wolf. The scene felt stronger and more stable than the usual hypnagogic imagery, but less tangible than a fully manifested dream. I realized that I instinctively knew the names of the man and the woman. (I suspect the indistinct third was their servant or page.)

      After I had nearly caught up with the riders, I worried that if they noticed me in wolf form they might shoot me with an arrow, so I transformed into a woman (nude, I noticed) and caught their attention. They turned around one exclaimed, "A forest sprite!"

      I "woke up" (I might have even had a vague sense at the time that it was not a real waking, since it still felt too "thin" for a proper dream) and tried to write down their names on my computer. The man's came so easily that it left no trace in memory, but the woman's name took me a lot of effort to type correctly, and I kept making mistakes and having to fix them. On the bright side, this meant that I still remembered it clearly when I woke up for real later. Her name was "Gwynrse," which I took to be Welsh.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Exploding match?-tangyin_poem-red-leaf_sm.jpg  
    12. Purple Smoke in a Crystal Ball

      by , 01-20-2015 at 09:07 AM
      I had a F.A. where I woke up next to Dreamer, I did an epiglottis check to see if I was actually still dreaming and some air got through. I remembered that Dreamer had told me before that if the RC even partially works then it's probably a dream. I made my body roll out of bed with telekinesis just to be sure. I rolled straight through a glass wall, into a factory world. There were giant, white machines everywhere with tubes stretching out in all directions. I flew around while saying excitedly, "I am lucid! I am powerful!" and then I changed it to, "I am lucid, I am calm, I am stable", so that I didn't have to worry about the dream ending. I then thought about what tasks I wanted to do. I remembered the crystal ball task and tried to manifest one in my hands, didn't work. I then saw one laying on the ground so I picked it up and asked what was going to happen in 2015. I saw purple smoke begin to swirl around inside the ball. Unsatisfied, I asked again. Purple smoke began to swirl around again but this time it turned into purple electricity. Arcs of purple light streaked across the interior of the ball. Yellow words began to slowly appear in fancy cursive writing. The words said, "Love over one self" Then a page appeared in the ball afterwards that said, "Wiktionary, By: Hopedoc", followed by the copyright symbol.

      I was pretty satisfied with that so I began to fly around and explore some more while I tried to think of another task to do. I remembered the Freddy's at night one but woke up before I could.
      Tags: dreamer, f.a., mantra, totm
    13. Part 1: Lucid Dream Healing of my Son's Plantar Wart - Dec 13, 2014

      by , 12-14-2014 at 07:25 PM
      Apparently it’s possible to heal using lucid dreaming, so I decided to give it a try. My son has had a plantar wart on his left foot heel 3 years now. We’ve tried everything under the sun, except the surgery, to remove this wart, and it’s still there. It’s about 8 mm in diameter. Last night I asked my son if he would agree to let me try and heel his plantar wart in a lucid dream tonight. He was surprisingly real receptive to the idea, and was excited about trying this! He’s 17 years old, very open minded, and trusts me. Here’s what happened:

      In this dream, I was hitch hiking on a highway, when I came upon another hitch hiker who had a data transmitting device for the military. It had water damage, and we were trying to fix it. Suddenly a brand new military truck appeared beside us, fully loaded with electronic equipment to send, receive, and relay data. Several dozen people also appeared. The dream was crystal clear and extremely vivid. I knew instantly I was dreaming. I remembered the mantra I said before I went to bed, “I will realize when I’m dreaming, and I will heal my son’s plantar wart.” I had repeated this for ten minutes, and then turned the lights out and went to bed.

      A dream figure came right up to me smiling, while I was holding my poodle in my arms, and I said, “I have to find my son, so he can help me do something.” He nodded and continued smiling. I called my son’s name once, and he instantly came walking around the backside of parked truck. I immediately handed our dear poodle over to my son, and asked him to follow me over to a grass clearing beside the highway. When we got there my son took off his left shoe and sock. I didn’t even have to ask him! I got so excited about doing this I woke.

      A couple of hours later I was having another lucid dream, where I was showing my son how I could push Netflix movie icons out the top of the flat screen TV and turn them into CD boxes. My son was looking at this with amazement and curiosity. I then remembered my mantra, so I told my son, ”Let’s try this again!” He immediately sat on the floor and took off both shoes and socks. I grabbed his left foot and held it in my right hand, I then said, “Let’s heal the wart on your foot through consciousness and love!” I tried to shoot a beam of light from my left hand at the wart, but all I got was a small ball of light that stayed cupped in my hand. I focussed and concentrated to create the beam of light, but then the ball of light disappeared. I lowered his foot to the ground, and felt where the wart was, but it wasn’t there. I asked my son if the wart was on his left foot (I started to question myself)? My son lifted up his left foot to feel for the wart, and he said, “I can’t feel it.” He seemed frustrated, and then I woke up.

      I went and described to my son this morning what had happened during the two lucid dreams last night. I felt that I hadn’t done the healing correctly and I’ll try again in the next lucid dream. We did some rehearsals too, so I’ll have it all straight in my mind. Next time, he will hold his left foot in the air, so I can shoot light beams from both my hands at the wart. I still need to figure a better healing phrase to say while I’m doing this. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

      Updated 12-21-2014 at 11:52 PM by 71173 (Tried again)

    14. Non-lucid flying and mantra song

      by , 03-05-2014 at 09:12 PM
      One of my students has wandered off and I need to find him. He is not wearing shoes and it has started to rain. I set off to find him, walking down a nice grassy hill in the rain. I come to a street, it has no sidewalks, is in somewhat shabby shape and has beautiful mature sycamore trees planted along both sides of it. There are many branches that hang over the road. I start to flap my arms, bird style. With this flapping, I rise into the air and fly from branch to branch. I am singing the mantra of Avalokiteshvara as I fly. I recognize that there is something strange about flying, but rationalize it thinking "I am really only about 10-20 feet off the ground, its not like I am really flying." There is some manner of transition and I am back at the house where the dream began. My student has returned safely.
    15. Smoking weed at a gas station and lucid flying

      by , 02-22-2014 at 05:04 PM
      I am at a rather busy gas station with several other people, including the wife. There are security guards there and they have a policy that forbids taking of photographs. Those at the gas station have two options: 1. Give their phones/cameras to the security guards, or 2. Show the guards the "first and last photos" on said devices. I opt to give my phone to the guards. They disable it by taking a part off. I do not mind as I want to comply with the policy. Soon I am in the back of the gas station on a grassy hill with some unknown people. They want to smoke weed. I decide that even thought it has been 10 years, I will join them. We smoke out of some long, blue, dragon shaped pipe. I worry it will make me fall asleep. Then we are laying in the grass, which we can miraculously pull up over us like blankets. We look up at the night sky. There are beautiful stars all around. Next I am inside the station, in the stock room in the back. I am preparing to go somewhere by putting my shoes on. I notice there is weed strewn about on a shelf with other trash and debris. I pick it up. It looks like high quality. An employee peeks in and says "no talking to the security guards."


      I am in a car with the wife and several other people. We are driving along a wooded road. There are hills on either side of the road. Nestled in the hills are beautiful, ornate victorian greenhouses. They are all white wood framed and glass. There are small, wispy clouds around the peaks of the roofs of each. I think "it must be from the humidity escaping through the vents." The greenhouses are on both sides of the road. Each is more ornate and beautiful than the last.
      The last set are strange and futuristic. They are made of rectangular glass units. The units are stacked into various strange and seemingly impossible shapes. Then the units seem to be tents, with people in some of them, people leaving others. We arrive at a dusty, desert nature preserve. There are more of the tent units on impossible ridges and locations high in the hills. People are crawling along narrow paths to reach them. We lay down on the ground for some reason. Pebbles start to tumble down the cliff, small rocks that do not hurt us. They gradually increase in size until i tell everyone we need to get up or get crushed.
      I am then going to go for a hike with my wife. My parents are going to watch my children. I walk through a trailer that has been converted into a kitchen. My wife goes around the structure on the outside. I hear her voice through he windows. I see loads of fruit stacked in the trailer. There are a peaches and bananas. I exit the trailer and do not see my wife. I go back in looking for her and see the fruit again. She is not there. I go out to see if she is outside. she is not. I go in again. not there. I go out and realize as I open the door "This is strange...I am dreaming!!"
      Lucid, i drop some food that I have in my hands and immediately rub them together to stabilize the dream. I call out "maximum clarity and stability please!" Everything becomes amazingly vivid and crisp! I leap into the air and fly loop-de-loops under the wooden awning. I begin to sing the mantra of Avalokiteshvara as I am flying. After 5 repetitions, the dream fades and I wake up in my bed.

      WBTB: I fell asleep at 10, woke up at 2:30. I practiced MILD as I fell asleep and awoke from this dream at 4:30.
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