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    1. Knees Weak, Arms Not Heavy, and Vomiting Up Mom's Spaghetti

      by , 12-14-2017 at 04:00 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 6:00 AM

      Fell back asleep at: 6:00 AM

      Woke up,again, at: 7:00 AM


      I'm in my room, reading notes on this particular bug that, if ingested, could cause a slow and painful death. The scientists shown on the paper are Albert Einstein and Michio Kako for some reason, though both aren't exactly biologists. They both have opposing viewpoints: With Einstein's being grim and Kako's being optimistic.

      I'm drinking out of a cup of water and there I eat it. I accidentally swallowed the nightmarish bug, causing my body to slowly go limp. I inch out of my bedroom and make my way over to the restroom. I can barely stand on my own two feet, and slowly approaching death's bed.

      I look in the mirror, a foggy one. The whole room was humid. Someone probably took a shower before me. Anyway, I wipe off the fog from the mirror and see myself, barely keeping my head up above the sink, with droopy eyelids that show the tissue behind them.

      Then I wake up.


      1. A very vivid dream. I remember waking up with a sense of dread today and it took a few hours for it to wear off.
    2. My Subconscious Basically Tells Me To Get My Life Together

      by , 12-13-2017 at 05:21 PM (Journals From The Void)
      My school does a career presentation on space. However, the presentation is actually just a three minute YouTube video that I’d supposedly previously seen in (third?) grade, so I do not pay any attention to the video. My princip comes up and scolds me rather harshly about this.

      Later, I see a claw machine at the entrance to the school. “Clever bastards,” I said. They had made he claw machine so that you could only view it through one place, preventing me from judging the location of the claw if I were to choose to play.

      My science teacher and I go outside. It’s raining. I stick my tongue out, and it begins to genuinely sting as though it were beginning to freeze.

      I say something to my science teacher, and and run to the entrance of the school, open laptop in hand. It gets wet, and the frame begins to bend.

      I wake up.

      ************************************************** ***********

      This dream, though unspectacular, was interesting to me for a variety of reasons.

      1) The dream basically called me out on my laziness.
      2) It was a rather logically set story
      3) I actually felt pain, which is the first time I’ve ever actually used any sense other than sight and sound in a nonlucid dream.
      Tags: pain
    3. Shorncliffe Pier Romance

      by , 12-13-2017 at 11:51 AM
      Morning of December 13, 2017. Wednesday.

      My beautiful wife Zsuzsanna and I are sitting together on a wooden bench at the end of the Shorncliffe Pier (formerly known as Sandgate Pier), looking northeast towards the ocean’s horizon. The time of day is uncertain, but it seems to be late morning in the final stage of my dream.

      We are under the shelter at a later point, undressed, and being intimate. My semi-lucidity (partial awareness of being in the dream state) results in a lack of concern about several unknown members of the public, both male and female, being present, but not paying that much attention to us.

      Later, we are closer to the shoreline (now about ten feet out on the pier). I observe what I first assume to be six North Korean males (perhaps in their thirties), waist-deep in the water. As they are walking towards the beach, they are guiding, in pallbearer formation, a damaged half-submerged wooden boat; a shellback dinghy; with a visible jagged hole in the side facing us. I am somewhat wary of their presence, but only for a short time. They gaze at us as if very annoyed.

      Looking back again, I come to realize (though this was an actual transformation, not a presumed error in my original discernment) that they are Australian SES (State Emergency Service) volunteers. They are not looking in our direction now and their emotions seem informally neutral.

      The water is lower, revealing a number of large stones. Zsuzsanna goes to look for some plastic toys between them that are still muddy from the storm (emergent real-life association, unrelated to my dream’s backstory), and to wash them, and I slowly realize we are now in our house, though our porch is erroneously perceived as being a rock pool (ambiguously perceived as being indoors and outdoors at the same time). I then wake.

      • Dream self mode: Corporeal with enhanced physicality
      • Conscious self identity: Viable (although we have not been to Shorncliffe in real life in years), although perceiving myself as perhaps 30 rather than 56
      • Induction symbolism: Water as symbolizing sleep
      • Induction buffer: Shorncliffe Pier over ocean
      • Dream state indicators: Being undressed and fully intimate in public (first-level dream sign, based on the subliminal awareness of being in the dream state, though I am semi-lucid here)
      • RAS mediation symbol: Presumed North Koreans, seemingly defeated but presumed unpredictable
      • Vestibular system symbol: Outer edge of Shorncliffe Pier
      • Preconscious symbol: (Personified) Presumed North Koreans (precursory; transmuted by way of semi-lucidity in acknowledgment of waking being a biological necessity; preconscious does not initiate conflict when dream self recognizes or triggers waking symbolism or circadian rhythms factors)
      • Emergent consciousness symbol: Boat leaving water
      • Interconsciousness symbol: Australian SES workers
      • Exit symbolism: Half-submerged boat being carried from ocean (illusory physicality “leaving” dream state)
      • Waking transition symbolism: (Liminal transmutation) North Koreans to Australian SES workers
      • Waking symbolism type: Water Lowering Waking Symbolism (WLWS); getting closer to the shore over time also symbolizes waking and circadian rhythms factors
      • Additional personal notes: Our (present) porch as symbolizing the waking space is ambiguously combined with WLWS.

    4. Dream - Chaotic Canberra Camp

      by , 12-13-2017 at 10:16 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 13 DEC - 2017

      Dream No. 241 - Chaotic Canberra Camp

      In this dream, it was a whole group of Killester girls as well as some Camelot students on a camp to Canberra. It showed the bedroom I was in, in this unknown complex. I said to myself that I wanted to try and get to the room on the other side as there was something special about it. That room was connected to the back of my room, so I could always see it, I just couldn't get to it. CF was one of the girls in my room and so I was talking to her about things. I then stepped in the corridors to try and find a way to the desired room.

      As I was walking, I saw Killester girls from a mix of year levels, including WB. I wanted to talk to WB and so tried to go up to her. Before I could reach her, she started sniggering at me to her friend OL and actually flew away. I started chasing after her as I had meaningful intentions to talk to her but she obviously didn't know that. She kept it as a game and led me on a wild goose chase so far that it ended up all the back at the local track in Mulgrave, Victoria. Still, she kept disregarding me and flying away, so much so that we had made a whole revolution back to the hotel in Canberra. It was at that hotel that I caught up to her and stopped her... She said nothing and only had this look on her face like she was pretending to listen.

      I knew she was still being ignorant, so I shrugged my shoulders at her, gave up, and then drooped away. I found some rear exit to some patio at the hotel. When I came out onto the patio, I saw an entrance to that room I wanted to go into earlier. I entered that room feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction. I came to the realisation that my brother was staying in this room. After talking to my brother for a while, the scene changed.

      It was now solely Camelot students in this scene. It was back in grade 4 but the age groups of the students were as they are in 2017. We were due to return from Canberra and so were getting checked in at the airport by the teachers. Although there were three classes, Miss De. was doing all the check-ins and the other two teachers didn't seem to exist in the dream at all.

      Apparently we were going to be marked out of 30 for this Canberra trip and we would lose 7 marks automatically if we did not take this medicine she was giving out. I didn't want to take it and thought to myself “What a stupid trick. What kind of school gives out compulsory medicine on the spot?”. Still, 7 marks was a lot to lose and so I took the rose coloured tablet from her and walked around with it for a while.

      I was standing in this archway when JS comes up behind me and asks what I'm doing. I told him I was trying to see what ingredients went into this medicine. I then look at a side-wall in the passage of the archway and white computerised text appears, telling me the proportion of ingredients in the tablet. My mind finally made up that the medicine was safe to take and so I tell JS, “I've decided to take this silly thing”. I then put the tablet in my mouth and chewed on it, feeling the contents crumble and dissolve. In the meantime, JS had walked off and so I was on my own again.

      I went back to the centre of the bottom part of the airport where Miss De. was waiting for everyone. She said to the students that normally they would take the stairs to get to the plane but this time, we had to take the lift because we were taking off right from the very top of the airport. As soon as I heard the word “lift”, I started freaking out. There were three lifts in total, so the group was split up into three to go up in equal numbers.

      I approached Mrs. W, telling her what was wrong and for someone to help me in while I would have my eyes closed in there. She said to approach one group and the students in there. I did just that but every time I tried to utter a word, someone would start talking to their friends over the top of me. I got frustrated and so I just stood there right in front of them with my arms folded over, tapping my foot on the ground multiple times.

      I eventually tried again and went to JS in the group but this time, I didn't have the confidence to start speaking. Mrs. W then appeared right behind me and said something like “Oh I'm gonna tell them now”. She then moved over slightly to JS's ear and whispered the word “elevator”. That made JS look confused and then he looked at me, prompting me to say what I wanted to say. I couldn't get out of it now... I finally ended up telling him.

      When I had finished, everyone else had seemed to disappear and it was just me and him. It was a glass lift and so the dream was showing my position from the outside, looking into it through the glass. JS was casually holding my hand and I actually had my eyes open. The dream ended there.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    5. Log 957 - Sky Highway Zone and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 12-13-2017 at 03:10 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 12 December 2017

      Got several things to note, including a few LDs. If my memory were up to par, I would have had a lot of other things as well.

      Dream 1 - Behind the Wheel - A Street Racer's Autobiography

      The visuals were a bit dim. I watching a Youtube video on the humorous self-documentary of an Asian immigrant street racer. This was mostly monologue to the footage of his driving around in various highways. There was talk of his fascination of the sport, his struggles in getting recognition from (less-than-reputable) US sponsors, and his immigration to one of the southern states. He then comments, "And that's when I stumbled upon another problem: most of the roads here are shit." Then appeared clips of his local highway, the road long worn. In fact, there were long spans in the road to which he easily could scoop up loosened tarmac like sand.

      Not much else occurred before the dream ended.

      Scrap Group 1
      Something about The Evil Within 2. That secret agent lady (only watched a few videos, so the names haven't stuck) is in a talk show, where she reveals the reason for her defecton from the evil organization. Apparrently, her mother got cancer at some point, after which the two developed a much closer bond. This made the agent realize how far gone her morals have deteriorated during her tenure.

      Dream 2 - Sky Highway Zone

      Scene 1 - I'll Celebrate Some Other Time
      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was a guest in an unknown home, participating in festivities.

      Later, I begin feeling exhausted, enough so that I barged into the nearest bedroom for rest. But, numerous interruptions kept me from sleeping. This starts with my brother in law speaking about certain issues with his supposed father. An impossible occurrence, I knew, but besides getting suspicious, I didn't do anything.

      The last of these disruptions involved my cousin Wyatt (who appeared in his teens) along with one of his friends supposed friends, a kid I've never seen before. The two quickly make nuisances of themselves, conversing loudly while sitting on the mattress to watch a nearby TV. It was only when one of them almost kicked me off the bed that they'd acknowledged my presence. I resigned to dropping in the floor, certainly the more comfortable place to sleep at the time.

      Per chance, I began a WILD attempt, beginning with meditation, as usual. Cue rapid transition.

      Scene 2 - Tired Drive Awareness
      The visuals were very dim. I was driving an SUV around a forest highway during the dead of night. Several family members were in the back seats. I looked up at the stars, noticing how quickly they revolved. Was I going too fast? I then identified how fatigued I was, far too much to drive safely. That's when I remembered the previous occurrences, and realized the dream. Suddenly, the surroundings changed, appearing as a hypnotic, striped array in tunnel view. Things began fading. So, I felt out the vehicle's ceiling. Then, to the tune of Sky Sanctuary Zone from Sonic and Knuckles, I forced a warp.

      Scene 3 - Mode Change!
      The visuals were brighter. I was still driving a vehicle, only now, the road before me was spiraling sideways within the clouds of a blue sky. Despite the path set, the vehicle itself kept a forward trajectory, gliding off-road when necessary. Still lucid, thanks to the above song anchoring such.

      I thought of tasks to do, and recalled the powered armor TOTM. Before starting, I phased off the moving vehicle. From there, I uttered "Change Mode!" in a thick Japanese accent. Concurrently, I willed a third-person view to see myself get armored, though I only appeared as mostly a blur. I did at least witness my skin taking on a white, ceramic plated form. Furthermore, Egg Reverie from Sonic Mania replaced the previous song.

      Back to first-person, from which I immediately took flight. I moved around my limbs, noticing a natural, unrestricted motion of such. I soon identified cold air subtly blowing all over me from within the armor, and the unusual illusion of spaciousness that brought, if only compared to how tightly the suit clung onto me.

      It seemed the view from my right eye was dulled. But, I realized this was because of a scanning interface, so noted by markers being placed over various vehicles passing below me. This made me curious on weaponry. I tried finding a good target, but everything I found was moving too fast, not to mention unjustifiable to engage. After a minute of waiting, I decided to just blast the air. A green laser immediately shot from my right palm, puncturing holes through the clouds. It streamed for a quite a while, though I dared not aim at anything substantial.

      Things quickly destabilized afterwards, and the dream collapsed.

      Scrap Group 1
      Many, many dreamlets, a few of which had transitioned to dreams, though all but the one below are forgotten.

      Dream 3 - Burning Phoenix

      The visuals were blurred. I was scrounging around in the kitchen. Noticed my brothers and nephew watching the TV intently. On screen was an episode of Steven Universe. There was an ongoing high-speed chase, during which several characters were bouncing around in the back of a van (Greg's van, probably).

      I then gained awareness. To rid distraction from the program, I hovered up in a wreath of flames, then blazed through and away from the living room (like so; I even yelled out the move's name)There was some noticeable delay at first, which was corrected about halfway through the maneuver.

      I got distracted by random thoughts after that, and can't recall anything else.

      Updated 12-13-2017 at 03:41 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , task of the month
    6. update

      by , 12-12-2017 at 08:30 PM
      I’ve been busy but still keep some of my memorable and mundane dreams in mind.Its too bad that most of it goes down the drain but it’s the moment that counts.

      Updated 12-12-2017 at 08:36 PM by 67570

      side notes
    7. Escaping back to where I started

      by , 12-12-2017 at 07:50 PM
      Morning of December 12, 2017. Tuesday.

      In this dream, there is the transition to water reinduction (water as symbolizing sleep), though my conscious self identity is virtually nonexistent. Even being in the Loomis Street house’s backyard, there is not even the association with my relatives who lived there for years. While in the backyard near the alley (where I have not been in real life since February 1994), there are a number of unfamiliar characters. There is something about going somewhere, another country perhaps, and we start our journey.

      The Loomis and Gillette Street area transform into some sort of distorted wharf, which I believe is meant to be with the ocean on the left (even though Wisconsin is nowhere near the ocean in reality). All of the people we meet are dark-skinned and may be Sri Lankan (which I seem to recall being said as such in my dream). They are all males in their twenties, supposedly refugees. It is illegal for us to be there or walk over the wharf to wherever it is we are going. That will apparently not stop us though and our group walks over the long wharf. Still, the other males are very friendly even though they seem slightly confused that we are not like them. I start talking to them in Spanish, “Cuando salga el sol me despertaré”. (“When the sun rises I will wake” - note that I am not viably aware I am dreaming.) I repeat “cuando” several times, as a question. They only shrug and smile.

      There is an area where a doorway is too narrow to go through. I do something to where we continue from near the right of it, though it does not make any sense. It seems as if I somehow moved the doorway itself by “sliding” it with my hand.

      From here, I am riding in a van, on the front passenger side, on the right (implying America). The driver of this van is riding a motorcycle a car length ahead of the van (which makes no sense at all, but this is how it is experienced).

      The port authorities are now following us. Because we had gone through the restricted area that held refugees, we are to be captured and shot, no matter where we decide to go or live. The man on the motorcycle is shot once and splits into several pieces, rolling over the road, the van I am in continuing to apparently drive itself. I do not feel very emotional.

      After traveling a long distance, miles away from the Loomis Street house’s backyard, I find myself back on Loomis Street, in the Loomis Street house’s kitchen (likely due to mild hunger in sleep). Of course, this makes no sense either.

      I am presumably the last one of my group left. I now have a very vague emergent awareness of relatives having lived on Loomis Street years ago, though no current conscious self identity. An unknown male comes into the kitchen from the south room to shoot me. I decide that this is RAS mediation (even though I am not lucid) and that he is the preconscious factor and thus I shoot him first and then soon wake. I will not tolerate being victimized in my own dream, even when there is no viable thread of current conscious self identity.

    8. Regular Dreams - Morning of Dec 10, 2017

      by , 12-12-2017 at 05:32 PM
      Bad dream recall on Dec 9, nothing I can remember (went out drinking).

      On December 10, it started with a really hazy dream, probably mixed in with deep sleep.
      Next I was with some mobsters from The Sopranos (they've been showing up in my dreams lately since I'm watching the show -- Chris Moltisanti, Big Pussy Bonpensiero, sometimes Paulie). It's nighttime or early morning, and we're on a bridge.
      Cut to underground tunnel hangout. I understand the tunnels to be either under my house or between the bridge and my house (childhood home). They are sewer-like tunnels with ankle/waist deep water and track lighting. All of the sudden we're under siege -- tunnels are being infiltrated -- men are throwing grenades and shooting at us.
      Some of our guys made it out, others didn't (there's only one exit). Paulie might have been shot/blown up, I don't clearly remember (I remember a grenade going into the hole of a cinder block and lighting up the tunnel).
      Chris and Pussy are around a corner. I (as a disembodied spectator) warn them of the attack. Pussy is sitting, looking off at the ground and shaking (in DJ I wrote "having a hissy fit"). Chris is in a recliner and has earphones in. He takes them off and is visibly ashamed of being distracted, saying something like "I don't know what happens. I just miss these things, big things."

      Cut to my childhood home from the front door. The driveway is elongated, and is torn up with caution tape and just dirt w/ dirt piles, like a construction site. Still dark outside. A girl from high school years ago is talking to a guy and is talking like a valley girl. She says "I wish I could listen to a CD song!" Next she's dressed like Catwoman and I'm jumping gracefully (backflipping) like a cat over by them and into the construction site where my dad's car is parked. I get in and turn it on local Christian and pop stations from my childhood.

      Next dream -- I am in my hometown walking around warped but similar grassy landscape.
      Cut to the inside of a building with some of my WL coworkers. I show them the "remove kebab" meme on a large plasma TV and they laugh and do that Indian head-shake thing, then say jokingly "remove Harish".
      Outside again. It's daytime, overcast. The Indians are being genocided for some reason -- I remember being in the backseat of a car with some of them, ducking to avoid someone who's coming to kill us with a handgun.
      Cut to warped grassy landscape again, there's crime tape everywhere. I jump over it and walk down a hill. There's a small mini-scene about real estate, maybe an open house? It's a white beach-looking house with no decorations, white walls, wood floors, and a huge sliding glass door opening to the back (the same grassy hill I jumped from).

      Next I'm indoors at night (maybe raining outside) in an upscale high-rise apartment with Hermione Granger. There is a white Mac with white & clear plastic on the monitor and keyboard -- there's a red glow around the clear plastic. I'm talking to Hermione as we arrange shoebox-sized features of my gymnasium from high school. As I am trying to place the bleachers, I start questioning Hermione, comparing myself sexually to Harry Potter... I'm just not gonna psychoanalyze that.

      Overall they were some interesting and quite vivid dreams, if a little weird.

      Updated 12-12-2017 at 11:44 PM by 94266 (poor wording)

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. 12/12/2016

      by , 12-12-2017 at 11:12 AM
      I'll write the dream fragments i remember from last night.

      - I was in a bus with friends from school. We were on a trip all over Europe and one of the mothers of a friend was driving the bus. Octavio had a broken leg, and decided to come down the bus just a few kilometers before entering the city. I thought he could have been smarter and get down when we were already in, since he has a broken leg and it was difficult for him to walk, but he came down because the bus stopped... We crossed the customs and the bus stopped a few meters ahead. I think we were supposed to stop there.. Anyways we sat around a wooden table in the open air and it was dusking.

      - In another dream i was in a house with some people. We were in the nazi Germany in the 20th century. The town was low populated, although the extension of land of each house was quite large. I think we had to evacuate the homes... but for some reason we didnt. We weren't jews or politicians.. but perhaps our friends were (we were like 2 families in the house, and btw i was like 40 years old with a son) and i think i was supposed to be a militar. I didnt want to join the army or the milice, so we stayed at home and pretended it was abandoned. Some militars came nearby and after a short while they entered our house. They didnt start shooting, but i stood up and went outside to talk to whoever was in charge. He wasn't a high rank and i think i knew him because i told him that i was hiding because i had a son (and family). He understood and let us alone. But... i dont know why i lighted two fires outside...
      When i came back in a few moments later i was seeing through the window that police cars were going around the town (although the extension of land of each house was large, there was a lane in which houses were against each other, so that made it look more like a town). I saw 5 at once, then 3 going around... I was nervous. I thought it was because of the fire i lit. I wanted to go out through the window and hide like snipers do in the open field, with camouflage. At this point i was no longer a 40 year old man, i returned to my actual age (22). I didnt go out because i was scared that i would uncover our house, or that i wouldnt be well camouflaged, or that i would be discovered anyways.
      - I stayed there near the window. Then i see the front house across the street and two little girls were staring through their windows during the night. One of them looked like this (but she wasnt dead):

      I thought "oh no... we are screwed" and i came out of the window as soon as possible.
      I had to get out of that house, and so had to the rest. I don't know what they were planning to do, but i knew i wasn't responsible for them because they wouldnt hear me much. So if i wanted to do something i had to do it alone. I went to a girl's house i met through the internet and stayed there for the night.
      The next day i went out very early [5:30 am which is the time im waking up currently and at the time it starts dawning]. I was on a bicycle. Outside i saw my grandmother and i saw my cousin Martin. I saluted. Then started going and said bye to both again. I was happy.
      I was no longer in the town, i was now in my home city and the street was almost Alsina and Newbery (i think it was pedernera and newbery). I started riding and turned to the right at Alsina... and i was in a ... like a political place, it was like an embassy or something similar. In real life to the right and like 6 blocks away there's a train station, but it's no longer working and now it's a museum or something like that. I was there however it was different... Instead of having gates it had walls, tall walls painted blue and with murals. Some There were like 6 people on those murals and all of them were supporters of Austrian Economics (something im currently studying). Some of the guys were germans or austrians but others were Argentinean figures like: San Martín and Manuel Belgrano but also a musician that has nothing to do with economics called Rodrigo Bueno. I watched the murals and wanted to go out to the street through the door (which should be a gate-door) at the right. But it was locked, and it was Sunday so it wasn't going to open anytime soon. So i turned back and started riding through the "Andino". The walking path was very damaged, i was riding at high speed and there was people over the place. So i started shouting at a reasonable distance away from the people, while pressing the brakes which werent working properly. They stepped out of the way and i went through a wooden bridge at full speed and at not a very good angle. But i managed to turn left a bit and be able to cross it and not fall down. I continued at full speed and i still the path was very damaged. At one point i see it was impossible to go through that part without falling so i press the brakes and i suddenly stop. Another guy which wasnt paying attention walked through that part and fell 5 meters. So i was right i couldnt go through there.

      Then i woke up.
    10. 2017-12-12 some vivid and present dreams!

      by , 12-12-2017 at 06:48 AM
      + pondering fruit (apples in particular), on trees, pear,pick it, need to wash it, outside CH, pull the water hose to me with TK, wash stuff, the big pile of money on the neighbor's fence gets wet and knocked down, I goto mom asking hey can you keep this who's is it?

      + in old CA home, S1's room, S1 small is there, room is rearranged, I take him on my lap and I ask him if he likes his new room and he says yes. There are pencil drawings on the floor near the wall. In hallway bathroom I look around a long time. It is filthy. Dirt and grime everywhere. I say I need to clean it. Head down on the floor, there are piles of dirt everywhere. I see two hamsters who have come to live there, then 4 hamsters, then a couple of hedgehogs. [visually vivid, present]

      + in bed with [deceased] wife, she was just away for the summer. How will I explain this to my g/f? This means I won't ever see g/f again, or it will be very rare, I certainly won't be able to stay overnight. Wife starts yelling at me about something and I get up and leave the room. I try to remember how I met g/f then finally remember [emotionally vivid, present]

      + in some back yard playing with model planes with g/f, she flies it expertly and I take a turn at the controls and it barely moves for me, I'm ecstatic when I get it to the elevation of a table top . The engine sounds like a gas lawnmower. [present](edited)
      + at a flea market, I'm at a table and a man instructs me to purchase the cover to Ronald Reagan's diary. In another moment of deja vu I think this is the 2nd time I'm seeing the cover but the first time was black and white and this time it's in color. I'm searching for his signature on the front of the cover, and finally find it. There are many other signatures on the cover, I think these are from his relatives and teachers, couselors, etc. I note it is indeed an empty hardback cover: there is no diary inside, and that it was taken out because it was much more valuable than the cover. I'm thinking the objects that I've purchased I intend to resell, but I'm not sure how much I can get for them.

      + [DO - disembodied observer] it is a deathmatch race, a huge red truck is coming down the hill and making a turn, and does something so that the surrounding cars all to flips and explode, but a small red race car makes it through the pack and slams into the big truck, I see metal fenders on both vehicles are getting crumpled, then a guy in an "iron man" suit jumps out of the big truck and directly challenges the little car, grabbing it by the front and s
      + at some competition. I'm raiding an enemy team, I forcibly take the (vinly record?) from them, but it turns out to have been a redirection and they have made a move for the record player. I get there in time before they can turn it on to play the record. I keep it in my hand and encounter the referee of the match and he tells me to (throw it down to the ground?) I then float over my team's table where we're assembling intricate electronic components.

      + sitting down at the table of a group dinner party. This is a room separate from the others, everyone at the table is a stranger except my g/f is sitting next to me (to my left). I have a moment of deja vu as I see the woman to her left sitting down and think "that's the time when she sat there," and I think that the people here at the table do want to sit close, so as to be able to join in the conversation . I say to the table about how we have our own private room. Then it comes time to go outside (in our swim suits?), and my g/f appears standing next to me in skimpy underwear, the guys's eyes at the table bug out looking at her. Someone comments "she's naked, she doesn't have a swim suit!" Outside peope are also sitting at tables and a young boy complains to me that he got put at the old folks' table, and he's going to be bored.
      pretty good night, woke a lot
    11. (SP) Talking Cat, Blond Stranger

      by , 12-12-2017 at 05:21 AM
      I took a nap on the couch, and because my cat decided to sleep on my chest I (obviously) didn't want to roll on my side. I'm more likely to have SP when I sleep on my back. Anyway, the following SP dreams were super weird. My sister was visiting and trying to talk to me while also talking on the phone but I couldn't hear her because my cat was also talking to me in a high, human voice. The cat was complaining about something and asking for permission to do something and though I couldn't work out what she actually wanted, I was unsettled that she was speaking to me and so loudly that I couldn't hear my sister. I managed to reach up, sluggishly due to the SP, and grab the cat's face in both my hands, squeezing it in a playful gesture of frustration.

      Then, the rest is a mess of drifting where I never really managed to get all the way to sleep. Out of the corner of my eye I keep noticing a blond woman in a long white dress sitting on the edge of my coffee table. She is serene and motionless, ankles crossed, wavy blond hair tucked behind one ear, she's giving me a small small. Noticing her always startles me, and I can only see her from a few angles. Occasionally the room shifts and mirrors itself. In my new apartment I've draped a red blanket over the loft railing. In my mess of SP I kept seeing it on the opposite wall, over one of the wedge shaped window.
    12. light and darkness

      by , 12-12-2017 at 04:28 AM
      so this is a story on the light in the darkness as controlling the light to consume the darkness before false awakening in a dream imprisonment in suffering of lucidity when know dreaming could be a terrible experience i.e freddy kruger leprechauns or even Jason as dreaming and following the light you have to fixate a dream on the components of these two you have to know that there something that can take control of your dreams and render you helpless jus for the exempt if I fall asleep will I be tormented or will I wake in wonders as to control the light you have to use thus as a nullifier to the darkness as you start controlling the light you fade away in a abyss as my abyss starts taking control I use the light form technique to knew before I'm bout to dream if I see six light that implode the darkness this is where I'm transcending in the darkness to become sight of a 30,000 volt of brain power running my mind instead of living in still infamy now know about still infamy in light and darkness can make your dreams come true as of being motionless in white as a hyperbolic time chamber as the color of white stretches for eternity as if building a house hold or family
      Tags: astral plane
    13. One Hundred Twenty

      by , 12-12-2017 at 04:18 AM
      In which I visited SR, who lives in an astronaut training tower...

      SR had just moved into an apartment skyscraper that poked up into the clouds like on The Jetsons. The tower was spherical and hollow in the middle, a giant tube with floors that spiral up and around rather than stack on top of one another. SR had a nice view of the stratosphere from the windows of the exterior wall, and on the other side, she could look down into the empty ring of the tower interior. The tower was built this way so would-be space dwellers could train to live in zero gravity. We all understood that apartment units wrapped around a hollow tube stretching up into the sky are not subject to gravity. Obviously.

      SR was a part of the research team, committed to live in weightlessness among the astronauts and engineers who invent all the Really Important Stuff that humans will need for a comfortable life on Mars. She floated around the laboratories with a clip board and a stack of post-it notes, observing the experiments and asking questions. When she saw something she liked, SR wrote a few words on a brightly colored post-it, pulled the note from her clip board, and released it to float about the zero gravity like confetti. These were her patents.

      I was there to visit SR, and it wasn’t easy. The living units were closed to the public, though anyone was allowed inside the tower’s center where the laws of gravity functioned normally. Most people were content to just gather at the bottom of the inner ring and look up; it was like standing at the bottom of a well. But we’d planned a face-to-face meeting so I grabbed my backpack, strapped on my crampons, and started to scale the wall. There were grips and footholds all along the way, and by the magic of dream time, I was soon standing on SR's window ledge, miles up the interior of the tower, without much exertion. I knocked on her window.

      We talked through the glass with an attached telephone as if we were in a prison, only she levitated in zero gravity on one side while I perched on the increasingly small ledge on the other. Something wasn’t right. I told her that I thought the windowsill was shrinking. I looked down to the ground, miles beneath me, and had an attack of vertigo. When I looked back to her window, it was a small round ship’s porthole. Then the ledge beneath my feet completely disappeared, and I fell. I managed to catch the tip of my ice axe on the brass rim of her porthole window, and I dangled there by one arm.

      Luckily for me, SR owned a pair of boots with rocket boosters built into the heels, post-note patented Really Important Stuff, no doubt. Even in my subconscious, she needed a room just for her shoes. She zoomed out of a nearby window, fire blazing from her feet and smoke trailing behind her, and she grabbed my arm and rescued me. We flew up, up, up out of the tunnel until we broke out of the atmosphere altogether and looked back down on the planet.

      I said “That was as badass as when Leia and Han rescue Luke from Cloud City”. SR said “We’re like Superman and Lois flying above the earth.” The laws of physics are flexible in my dreamworld but pop culture is pretty stable, apparently.
    14. Back to Journalling.

      by , 12-12-2017 at 04:11 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I've had some lucids over the past 2 weeks but have made no time to write them down until now.


      Became lucid in the basement of a house. Ran outside looking for my house (whenever I'm lucid IN MY HOUSE, for some reason I assume it's the wrong house) I call out to Asuka a few times. I try Time Dilation instead (Have no idea if my/Hukif's method works, it gives a bit longer lucids but not by much.) I put my hand on the ground and count the spaces between my fingers (this method of counting is what works for me instead of staring at one spot.) Each time the amount of fingers i have doubles making more spaces to count as unit of time. The extra fingers look fake. I count to 90 but the counting seems super sped up. Then I see I have hundreds of tiny black fingers that are so small it's impossible to count between them. By now the distortions are crushing me so I jump really high to escape them. I land on the sidewalk and the dream begins to black out. (No panic here this is very common trying this method, I usually enter another dream instantly lucid.

      FA, Instantly lucid in the basement. I find a mirror where I look like a woman. I try to take my top off to see myself but keep getting more shirts underneath. I start looking like my normal self again. Decide o look for Raven so I call out to her again, Walking through doors trying to make hem a portal to her dream.

      I come out the front of the house. There's 2 women outside that look like fake Ravens. I ask them if they are raven. They look kind of scared and don't even answer. I say, "I know a way to prove you are not raven." So I attack them knowing raven would fight back. A woman who may have been asuka runs up to me and asks me to stop attacking children. I keep saying this isn't my house and none of these people are raven. Asuka says it IS my house. I still don't know it's Asuka so I decide to attack her next by taking her hair and throwing her by the hair a few houses down. I run up to her but she teleports me back to the basement. I run out the door again when I wake up.

      Why is my dream self so violent and psycho???

      Random lucid

      I was in a basement in a giant building. I was on some weird sciency tech team studying parallel universes. Me and some woman go to the parallel universe through a door. We exit the building and both agree that this exit is in a different location than the one we are use to.

      Some time later I'm running through a part of the building that is under construction. I find i can jump high and do Parkour stuff. This makes me lucid. And it transfers to outside some how. I start flying in the air and see an angelic being or Jesus, something like that so I decide to attack him for some reason?. I go to grab him but exit the dream.

      Bjork explains

      I fly down to some cabin in the woods type house that is also kind of fancy. Asuka is standing by Bjork. I tell Bjork I'm lucid now. She said she remembered something from the blank spaces she has between dreams, she remembered talking to her boyfriend. (the periods when awake apparently in this state she remembers waking life as if they are fleeting dreams). She says no wonder I was hesitant to be so involved. I told her that i read an interview where she mentioned a boyfriend. She touches y face and smiles. Her face changes from older to younger and tells me to just let these dreams be what they are. I say yes I'm fine with that. The dream ends fast.


      Me and my brother were in some weird building inside of a mountain. We kept going into an elevator that led to a giant spinning room where a ghost or something killed you and then you were teleported into the hallway again.

      After a few times my brother went on ahead somewhere else. I ran into a group of guys wanting to try the same room. They told me you had to pour salt water on the ghost and handed me a glass. We all went into the spinning room, and when the ghost appeared we all poured salt water on it. It turned into a solid-ish girl with brown hair, maybe a friendly looking older Samara... if that's even possible. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then gave me an evil mean face. One of the guys said That he thinks she likes me and I should ask her out. I just shrug and wake up.


      I'm walking with Roland from the dark tower. We are in a rundown city with old rusted cars everywhere. We run into a guy by a mechanic shop wearing greased overalls. Roland asks him if he seen the path of the beam? The man saiys his basement was built to follow it a ways. Roland asks if his basement goes all the way to the dark tower? The man says no. Roland follows the man inside. I wait outside and look up in the sky and wonder why we can't see the path of the beam in the sky anymore?
    15. Pat Fixing our Roof

      by , 12-11-2017 at 06:11 PM
      Morning of December 11, 2017. Monday.

      Thinking about our house actually having a roof again after over a month of this nonsense (since the storm tore it off), naturally some dream content would have an association with it, that is, in cases where my current conscious self identity is extant in an incidentally non-lucid dream. Because the personified dream self has no concept of time or space, or any semblance of intelligence or viable memory in non-lucid dreams of most stages of unconsciousness in the sleeping cycle, it is not automatically expected as a factor though. Curiously though, there were dreams about the roof repair and our landlord involved in it a few times prior to the real-life event (the storm that tore our roof off), so that is the literal prescience at work again.

      My foreman from years ago (Patrick S, who shot himself, and by which I had a prescient dream of his saying “goodbye” on the same day with no way of me knowing he would do this, as I had not seen him for months as it was) takes the role of our landlord without my dream self really noticing it.

      I am sitting on a beam above our ceiling, the area far more expansive than in reality. I am reading a paperback book. Above me is a solid roof, so my dream is illogical in implying a new roof is being built below it. Instead, on a different beam several feet away, is Patrick. He is nailing a small piece of tin in a vertical position aligned to what is then a wooden walkway. I feel somewhat aggravated (though not enough to trigger RAS and the waking event), as this seems to have nothing to do with the actual roof over our house, at least not the main sections.

      I somehow teleport to the area and he hands me a hammer and asks me to help him. One corner of the tin seems problematic, apparently with too many nail holes that have torn the tin, to be feasible to be nailed where it needs to be aligned. My dream distorts and then I am to get a ladder and go up to where I already am, which of course makes no sense. As I then attempt to climb the ladder to where I had already been moments before, the ladder is now actually a distorted composite of ladder, staircase, and bookcase (not the first time this specific feature has occurred in a dream). From here, I start to realize that the symbolism means I am dreaming and consequently (without holding back on RAS mediation or mode) soon wake.

      Although staircases symbolize the return to waking consciousness (when going up; as going down typically vivifies a dream, sometimes triggering apex lucidity, at least in my case, where I then have full conscious self control of the dream state), ladders do as well, though staircases are more common as such due to being far more of a familiar factor in waking life (which sounds strange I suppose, as dreams are otherwise so inherently surreal, often having little or no relevance to real life). The composite synthesis of the bookshelf factor (note I was reading prior to my teleportation to Patrick’s location) is parallel symbolism that validates the meaning of the staircase symbolism. That is, both represent the emergent consciousness stage of RAS mediation. This is because only the whole conscious self has thinking skills and basic language skills with such as books.

      Updated 11-17-2019 at 04:37 PM by 1390

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