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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. better dreams

      by , 04-15-2024 at 01:03 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Some really good dreams this past couple of days. Someone must have really liked my last entry!

      Jamie 1

      I'm outside a bar with Jamie. The same one from a while ago. It's a real place in Didsbury, the two bars facing one another practically across the street. Jamie is just being goofy. She has these napkins and keeps putting chipotle sauce on napkins and trying to make me eat it. WTF. No Chick-Fil-A sauce?

      Jamie 2

      Same place again. It's night time. We are alone and it's really late. Jamie goes up to an old grey car and starts trying to remove the headlight.

      A bunch of other jamie flashes but they are too short to comprehend.

      Next night:

      Family outing

      I'm with family in calgary, apparently visiting my Mom. We are in a park near the bow river but everything looks different than normal. I'm up on a hill and below is a grizzly bear, but it seems friendly. I find a bounce thing that propels you in the air. I jump on it and fly high over bridges. When I land I'm in a truck with my dad. We are in an uncomfortable silence. Suddenly I'm in a mall and Jamie is on my right and my dad is on my left. He make a really rude comment when we pass by some ice cream and smoothie stand. There's two small vats with flavored milk with a beater in each. He says since me and Jamie are lovers we should get an idea from those mixers... It makes no sense but it sounds sexual and rude. I just ignore it. I try to lean against Jamie while I walk and she almost stumbles or trips. I apologize and she puts her arm around me. I notice I'm eating a bunch of mini plain doughnuts from a small paper bag. I go to eat one and Jamie tries to grab it out of my hand. I give it to her. I say, "I don't like the taste of these anyway." As they are pretty bland. That's all I remember.

      Audio only dream

      I hear both me and Jamie reciting The Lord's Prayer together.

      The real Jesus.

      In my vision I see something like a nice painting. It resembles Jesus Baptizing Jamie in a stream.

      I really hope it's true.
    2. Spring competition 2024 / Days 4 - 12th

      by , 04-14-2024 at 04:03 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Day 4

      Fragments as dictated to voice recorder

      …/The closed door and I cannot get back into my place/…

      …/The theme about <incomprehensible> from day before got into the dream/…

      …/I see guys are wearing suits from 60’s~70’s/…

      While WBTB I’m able to remember more details about the dreams while drifting back into dreamland. In that moment I think to myself that I will remember about those details. Then I get lost back into some other dream and forget them all

      Day 5


      …/I’m collecting flags or something similar and putting them on sort of wooden towers. It’s a very Assassins Creed like sequence. It’s day. I’m in a big country house. There’s a lot of people around. There’s a wooden structure in the middle of a yard. I climb to put the flag on the top. I’m wandering around. There’s an Asian fat guy wearing only white trousers. He’s about to take a shower. I wonder how is he doing to get hot water if his heating system is off. I want to take a shower too, I think I might use his shower and let people blame him for using the heater because of it should be off/…

      …/I’m getting to the side of U’s house in the middle of a field. It’s all covered under snow, it gets to my knees [competition theme related]I have to pick a bike that lays to the side of the road next to the house. S and N are already on their way. I have to hurry to get where they are. I’m in a hurry and distracted playing with a small purple/pink doll of gum. It’s like a key hanger. I have to be careful not to let some of its small parts fall on the snow, they might get lost there, it’s very deep/…

      …/Sh brought some started joints and puts them on the table. He gives me one as I ask for a present. His girlfriend gets into the room. I cover the stuff with a shirt and pretend I’m folding clothing. She asks for a jacket that I see close to my right. I say I have no idea where is it and choose to ignore her/…

      …/I get out of one of my recurrent graveyards and turn to the left heading back to my grand parents house. I see two guys talking. I wear my headphones and try to play some music with my mp3 player. It’s not working and it starts getting more and more complicated as I try to connect the headphones with the player, I stop paying attention to the place/…

      It’s a recurrent dreamscape

      Day 6

      …/I’m taking part of some kind of Muppet Show sequence. I see Animal with a big monster bird standing on his arm in front of me. He gets scared the hell out of a dove that is standing on my back/…

      Days 7 - 8

      *Black Out*

      Day 9


      …/I’m in the first place I rented. I see ER and we have a nice talk on the bed, I’m glad to meet her again. She lays first then I lay too close that she starts feeling uncomfortable. I try to explain her about somebody I know who reminds me to her. I pay too much attention on her body. I’m visiting for short. I didn’t set all of the stuff for the transport. There are two beds and one of my closets. There’re other friends from school CaMa is there and we let some Legos on the bed. RU comes around with somebody else, it has something to deal with black metal or music.
      While I’m going downstairs to do something I meet the old woman who leases the house. She’s angry because of some plants where hidden under the stairs. She’s complaining about it because of the plants will rot and stink the whole place. I try to explain I wasn’t that person. She goes on arguing telling if it’s like that then she will have to get a new tenant. I don’t care/…

      …/Some other people is waiting outside of the room on the roof. They want to get in to make some reparations on the water pipes/…

      …/There’s some celebration day around. I see there are new stores on the street. A lot of things have changed. I try to find which was the small store I knew. It’s confusing, I want to buy something, may be a Coca-Cola. Somebody says that the people from this house buy their Cokes in a small store and points somewhere between two big business. I’m bit nervous about talking with new people. There’s some integration with the sellers/…

      …/The doors of the house that lead to the garage are partially opened to let light come in, otherwise it’s impossible to see something. The lady had covered all of the open spots, I don’t find something I put on an empty oil barrel/…

      At this moment other dreams get mixed while recalling, it’s another recurrent dreamscape. I tend to dream on the times before the last move so far. Sometimes I’m in a hurry or about to miss the flight

      Day 10

      I was playing Assassins Creed with one of my daughters the whole night just dreamed more smashed sequences of the game

      Day 11

      *Black Out*

      Day 12


      …/I’m near a Main Street I used to walk very often during my school days. I see big trucks [competition theme related] crashing with each other. A white one loses control and crashes straight against the wall of a house that cuts the street. I’m arranging sort of cassettes close to the street, near a park of my childhood. Somebody comes and asks for help, The driver got hurt we must help! He says, I have to stop what I’m doing/…

      Day 13 - 14

      *Black Out*
    3. 13 Apr: Literal monster in my bed and israeli military base

      by , 04-13-2024 at 11:53 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I awake in my bed in my teenage room, with something latching onto my left butt cheek. It's like a leech but square, roughly 2 cm each side. I drop it in the bed in horror and it magically goes through the bed sheet. I capture it and put it in a Tupperware type container I have at my bedside table with a bit of flat bread inside, as I go grab my phone to film it. When I come back the flat bread is alive and moving and when I try to grab it, it tries to bite me, as if the creature merged with it.
      My mom is asleep but I want her to see it so I go get her and on return, it grew in size to look like a loaf of bread that is now moving on the floor. Then it takes over a duvet by shooting inside it what seem like very thin snakes. Then red insects come out of it and they all make it move as if the duvet is alive. I am now concerned with the spread of this "creature" and want to burn the whole thing down. But my cats just enter the room, see all that movement in the duvet and they wanna play and jump to it. I am horrified they might also get contaminated and shoo them out of the room. But certain that they were already infected or possessed buy that thing. I close the door to my bedroom and come outside with my mom to think of what to do.
      I review the videos and think about showing them to some authority, but when I do, no one even looks at them when I tell the story, they just mock me.
      Somehow I end up in a military base in Israel though and asked to wait for some ceremony to end, in the back of the room, supposedly to talk to someone. Although I am not a supporter of the Israel military and their whole colonizing history, I sympathize with the people here and I feel their fear.
      There is word of an imminent attack at any moment. There are some fireworks in the distance which send everyone into panic mode, but through the window on the back of the room, where I'm seated, I can see the fireworks and I tell everyone to relax. But there are some sounds of unrest coming from the hallway outside, which puts the guards on alert and they form a barrier by the door with guns pointed and ready to shoot. Then it's just someone who's late for the event and they stand down. But the fear in everyone's mind is real and I feel it to. It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.
      Meanwhile I am trying to show my videos to someone who asked me about it, but the phone isn't cooperating and I can only find videos of my cats playing.
    4. low recall.

      by , 04-13-2024 at 01:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First off. I wanna backtrack on what I said about soul ties. I did some research and the term is not biblical. That crazy stuff about sex may not be true.

      second: I was doing my prayers yesterday. Jesus kept pressing on me to give Jamie things to pray about... and I'm like: I get that, but could you be more specific? I was not expecting an answer but Galatians 4:3 screamed into my head. I actually never read all of the bible yet... So I wasn't particularly familiar with that book. I was skeptical but looked it up on bible gateway website. and the NIV translation really shocked me: So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world of course you always have to go with context. the next verses describe going into Jesus as a son or daughter, and onward it says 9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces ? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? So what I gather is: pray against your vices and keep them in check. And spiritual forces. I pray all that over her.

      third: To Jamie, try not to feel worried or pressured that you must do anything towards me soon or right away. Take your time. If you know Jesus now, get to know him and rest in him - Lay your worries at his feet. I was on tikTok yesterday and occasionally i get BPD related videos and one said something that seemed to reflect what she said in a dream, when she said, "Please be very patient with me." It said: be patient and let them open up to you. I know it can be dangerous to you to jump into something if you're not ready or careful. I still have some issues to work on myself - Trauma over memories and stuff, which the head voice helps with (I ask: what did it mean when you did/said this or that sort of thing. Her voice does answer even sometimes reluctantly. I get answers that seem to make sense - not going to rely on this completely, the only answers i can really trust is yours.) I wanna work on making myself a safe place for you.

      Dreams: only 2 from last night.


      I was in a grassy hill area. I was flying around in the air or something. Jamie was walking on a hill all zoned out doing her glass eye thing. A bunch of people were fighting on another hill. A big witch was wielding a sceptor shooting electricity. Raven was there. I can't remember much.


      Another sex dream.. This time in a bunch of sheets.

      honestly I kind of miss the dreams where we seem to be talking - negotiating, asking questions.
      Tags: jamie, witch
      side notes , non-lucid
    5. Night of Wednesday 4/10/24 (Comp Night 13)

      by , 04-12-2024 at 09:03 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Body Snatcher:
      I’m at work and there is a horror movie scenario going in.
      There is a body snatcher or imitator alien infecting my coworkers. Similar to gameplay I’ve been watching recently.
      J from my old work group is upstairs in my current building.
      He is acting off. I suspect him of being the body snatcher or affected by it.

      I'm outside and there is an army invasion.
      I have a vague understanding that the attackers are from the government, in other words, betraying the people.
      It’s dark and scary. The army men look fit and uniformed in dark. Helmets cover their faces.

      Updated 04-14-2024 at 01:22 AM by 99808

    6. Night of Tuesday 4/9/24 (Comp Night 12)

      by , 04-12-2024 at 08:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      My dad is being investigated by a stereotypical gumshoes style detective.

      Champion of Farore:
      I’m in a volcano area. Similar to Death Mountain Crater from Ocarina of Time.
      There is a game mechanic where you must choose one of the three goddesses to support. I’ve chosen Farore.
      She has a large wizardly looking hat. This outfit that has the best stats, but there is another more simple one with tan cloth.
      There is a menu screen similar to Final Fantasy. I’m using an item called token and it teaches a move with very high special attack called Prometheus. But it won't be active until tomorrow. I understand this to mean tomorrow, real world time (not game time).
      To progress, you have to equip and unequip specific gear to show support to your goddess and then talk to npcs by doors leading deeper into the mountain.
      My point of view is similar to Pokemon now, where there are trainers that must be defeated with the gear equipped.
      Din’s trainer is a bulky looking bald guy, and he is the last one I need to defeat.
      The doors have opened pre-emptively but I go to defeat the last trainer anyway for the experience points.

      I’m in a park area, and there is a bulletin board in front of me. There is a war happening. Chaotic scene.

      Updated 04-14-2024 at 01:23 AM by 99808

    7. 12 Apr: Used as scapegoat of a russian cyber attack

      by , 04-12-2024 at 12:09 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am invited (more like kidnapped) by a Russian criminal whom I have a history with. I think I am an hacker, I did some work for him once and he fell in love with me, but now I'm not sure if he is trying to help me for old time sake or using me as a scapegoat for his dirty work.
      He says he'll release a virus in the world that will wreak havoc on all systems and asks me if I have any old PC with a floppy disk drive and I say I do. So he hands me a floppy disk which he says contains the antivirus. He tells me to use it on my computer and then I'll be safe. I find it really suspicious, because it will make no damn difference to have a working computer if the whole society collapses. There might not even be electricity if his plan works. But I'm scared for my life and I just wanna leave and go home.
      I know my face will be everywhere on CIA screens for being here, so he is probably setting me up or using me as a decoy. I hide the disk the best I can, so that any camera that might film me outside doesn't see it. When I reach my flat, I turn on the news and chaos starts unraveling in the world. Banks crash and other services start failing, people flock to the roads trying to go somewhere safe. I just wanna go meet my parents and ensure they're fine, but it's still a bit far and there is almost no way to get through the traffic jams. I wait a bit and go out by foot to get some stuff and prepare my trip. When I return my house has been searched. They tried to be discreet as not to denounce themselves, but I can tell that a lot of things are misplaced. I still have the disk with me and don't know what to do with it. I manage to go out of town through a road that most people are taking in the opposite direction. I fear I might not have enough fuel, but I manage most of the way, then need to walk the final bit. My dad is worried with the chaos and showing me how they reinforced the front door and windows of the house, but when I go into the backyard to hang something to dry I notice there is one door from the outside to the corridor / garage leading to the yard that doesn't have any lock. We have our dogs there, who are like different incarnations of my RL dogs Hachi and Bernardo, and are also kept separate because they also don't like each other here (my parents here also look like my RL parents, but we are totally different people and live in a totally different world). I rush to tell my dad that door needs to have a lock asap as outside people are starting to loot.
    8. Two nights ago

      by , 04-11-2024 at 03:29 PM
      It was my birthday and I snuck into neighbors house to takea usb. left and met her daughter who was sneaking out of the house. Her namy was Emy. Invited her over to have some cake.
    9. April 10th, 2024 8:?? pm (NSFW)

      by , 04-10-2024 at 07:54 PM
      A beat making channel I watch on YouTube was in a city around Central / South America to meet up with a friend there for a beat video. The friend's girlfriend mysteriously disappeared and they did a video on YouTube where they friend dates another girl in order to find out where she disappeared off to and they go to this sauna that is in a weird beige, backrooms-esque setting. The friend appears to be possessed by something and walks off with his girlfriend in the furthest room in the back. We then notice all guys and girls in the spa wearing their swim suits grab their towel and follow them in the room.

      As we enter the big room in the back, everyone is kneeling on the floor as the friend is laying on a massage chair, getting his privates licked by his missing girlfriend and the date.
      The beatmaker's beat start playing in the background and surprise, unbeknownst what's happening until he enters the room in silence, looks at me, who has the role of camera man. The guy who owns the spa asks what the hell is going on, ignoring the situation in the room and referring to the beat playing instead. Before any response, goes back to watching football in his office next to the room. The beatmaker, completely in shock runs out of the building as I follow him, initially outrunning the beatmaker and running out of the dark night street before noticing the beatmaker across the street by the subway entrance, signaling to follow me. I run across the street after him, as we enter the subway station, the metro drives off, leaving us behind. We sit by the platform as I say "At least that creepy owner didn't follow us" as we look at the apartment buildings across the platform and notice a guy looking exactly like the owner entering his balcony, telling us to quiet down. We then turn around to the TV screen behind is on the station looking at a news report where they're looking for a suspect who looks like the owner, reported by a newsreader who too looks like that owner.

      I then woke up from my nap.

      Updated 04-10-2024 at 08:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. Night of Monday 4/8/24 (Comp Night 11)

      by , 04-10-2024 at 04:33 AM (Dreamlog)
      Swamp Assignment:
      I'm at work forwarding an email to my boss.
      It’s from another team. They are complaining that they have to buy a motorboat for the swamp assignment. They've already had to buy other swamp equipment like a bucket and want more budget.
      I'm concerned that my boss may have already been on the chain, and I might annoy him with making him see it twice. Also concerned about his jet lag.

      I'm in a grassy place in the wild all alone. There are tall reeds where I suspect there is water.
      There is a bookshelf with Harry Potter books. I look through them and notice that the book style doesn't have the colored metallic letters that I like.
      I see some girls nearby and wonder if they are Harry Potter fans.
      There are some shower-like areas nearby. They are built into a free-standing rock structure.
      I reason that we are meant to choose a book and go to the shower to read it.

      Chase sequence in a parking structure.

      False awakening where I cant open my eyes all the way. I notice some seductive princess themed merchandise on my side table. The wrappers are pink.
    11. Voices

      by , 04-09-2024 at 04:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I had a strange coincidence I forgot to add concerning the Jamie voice. Well I Don't know if Jamie has come to know Jesus as saviour yet, or if she understands the gospel. (I have a strong suspicion she does read my DJ on here since I stopped seeing her drive by me after I called her out on it on this Dj) So... I was out having a smoke late one night and her voice popped in my head, " We're born again Christians!" Her voice said boastfully Right after I heard that I looked into the sky and saw a shooting star. Always nice to get a wink from the old man upstairs!

      No title

      I was in a large parking lot during the day and sitting on a large bench or divider with Jamie. She had red hair like a ginger. I must have looked different as well because she didn't recognize me. I also didn't know who she was. But she seemed familiar. She was telling me about a guy she knows, hasn't talked to him for years, but she keeps hearing his voice in her head, and also other strange things happen concerning him. I mentioned to Jamie that it sounds like a soul tie. Jamie seemed mad at that statement and stormed off.

      I got up and went my way Some guy went past me on a hover board and was also drinking a blue juice. I realized I was in a Fortnite dream. Well that explains us not looking like ourselves... I was gonna shoot at him but he didn't notice me. I decided to just go on my way.

      Regarding soul ties. Popular Christian theories state soul ties are created from sex, . The Bible says sex creates a bond. Everyone you sleep with you give them a piece of your soul and you get a piece of theirs, including generational curses and demon possession. Well... Me and Jamie never did the deed. However I believe us having a strong emotional bond created it. Or possibly a sex dream, which I do remember one from that era. One giveaway that it could have been shared was how she went silent on me for an entire week. I noticed after we would hang out she would freeze me out for days as if in reaction to the emotional intensity of spending time with me. After that dream ( wether she dreamed it as well or somehow read it on my dj) and the way she went quiet for so long, I'm positive she was aware of that dream.

      Regarding voices again. Her voice seemed to reflect her feelings from the dream. In my head she said it seemed like I'm too good to be true. To that I say the only way to know for sure is to talk with me in person, or messenger ( god forbid), or through DV, and we can compare notes on all this crazy stuff. The worst that could happen is I might give her a big hug if she asks me.
    12. Market robbery-Night of 4/7/2024

      by , 04-09-2024 at 12:48 AM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      History, Werewolfs Vampires etc..-screenshot_20240408_184440_samsung-health.jpg History, Werewolfs Vampires etc..-screenshot_20240408_184458_samsung-health.jpg History, Werewolfs Vampires etc..-screenshot_20240408_184502_samsung-health.jpg

      *Need to go to sleep earlier, I could sense if I laid in bed longer I would have a lucid but sadly I have to work!*

      J and I were in a Walmart trying to buy some bread that was on a quick spinning display. It was frustrating because every time we tried to grab it other products would get knocked over. The time window to grab it was less than a second.

      We ended up getting frustrated and decided we needed revenge by robbing the store of random stuff. we started making an escape when we realized we didn't have a car. We stole a really old, rusted metal bodied car and took off.

      J was driving and I was somewhere in the back feeling a hole in the vehicles exhaust, it was blasting air out and was sparking.

      Some time passed and the police caught up to us, pulling us over. As J pulled over, he got out and ran to the back of the vehicle "Watch out a snake!" he pushed a stolen inflatable snake that was hanging out of the trunk and slammed it shut, hiding the stolen goods. "We need to search your vehicle!" demanded the officer. "Show me a search warrant first!" J retorted. The officer looked annoyed and told us to stay put as he walked back to his car.
      We knew we were in trouble so we booked it while he wasn't looking. We got pretty far away and found a large wall camouflaged like the surrounding area, it had a door we decided to go through.

      I wake up.

      Updated 04-09-2024 at 12:51 AM by 100743

    13. Night of Saturday 4/6/24 (Comp Night 9)

      by , 04-08-2024 at 02:12 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm on a hockey team and I know I am the worst player.
      My hockey stick wont stay together. There is some mechanism to put it together that I can't get my mind around.
      There is a warmup the team is doing that required eggs.
      My entire carton was busted, eggs cracked and leaking inside.
      Then the was an issue with my skates. The coach had to ask another player to help me.
      I feel useless and like a burden.
      We eventually make it to the pre-game huddle.
      The coach calls me out for my bad mobility on the ice.
      According to him, I struggle to turn around and keep my balance while doing so. I know it is true.
      I contemplate leaving the team so that I don't drag the team down anymore.
      Maybe I will practice on my own to reach base level, return, and get my honor back.
      I wake up feeling defeated.

      Updated 04-08-2024 at 03:10 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare
    14. Fragments-Night of 4/5/2024

      by , 04-07-2024 at 12:50 AM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Mind conditioning- a real lucid dreaming pill?-screenshot_20240406_184423_samsung-health.jpg Mind conditioning- a real lucid dreaming pill?-screenshot_20240406_184428_samsung-health.jpg

      Sleep was good but I still feel a bit tired from the poor sleep from before, didn't attempt lucid dreaming for sake of sleep.
      My problem is I know how to get lucid but the way I get lucid needs to be refined.

      *This was a very long dream, all I can remember was seeing a toilet full of poop. :/*

      My ring and middle fingers were stuck together and they got separated somehow. From where they met there was now a red fleshy area left over, I could see three mirrored splinters on each finger.
      *a lot of stuff happened that I can't remember.*
      My injured fingers began glowing with blue sparkles as I walked in a dark area.

      I was playing an online game with C and B. We were under attack non-stop by a cross-dimensional bug, it was way too strong for us to be fighting at the level we were at, it would send us to different areas of the game we couldn't handle and eventually we all died. We decided to start a new game, but we had concerns about the bug. "Don't worry we won't be seeing it again" C said. Confused by his answer I asked him how he knew. "The bug was because I forgot to change my armor, last week there was a contest to see who could die in the stupidest way." he takes his satanic helmet off, it was contrasting his priest outfit.
      *the contrasting armor set was an easter egg that spawned the bug.*
      Tags: cursed
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Dream Journal Day 39: Night of Thursday 04.04.2024

      by , 04-06-2024 at 08:47 AM

      I'm at home, in my room. It's the holidays and I'm not doing much - just lazing around on the floor, in a T-shirt and shorts and looking out of the window. It's sunny outside.

      I receive a delivery of a big box of pastries, from school, for the prefects. There's a note from a teacher explaining that, since we're not at school, she sent them here instead (FYI I'm the head of the prefects). I guess she wanted me to distribute them, but it's the holidays after all, and I don't know where everyone lives. Also I really can't be bothered. I'm in a lazy mood. I eat some - probably more than my fair share - close the box and lay back down.

      The next day I wake up to a message in the prefect group chat (from someone who's not even a prefect IRL). She mentions the pastries and that everyone's looking forward to them. I start to feel guilty for not handing them out and remember some other things I forgot to do. I hope everyone won't notice how scatterbrained I've been.

      I go into school. There aren't many people, but in the school hall are some younger year girls in the centre of the room. They've built a rather wobbly (I tried to climb it) staircase out of some big plastic boxes and a desk chair, up to a high table. One of the steps is a block of something white and strange - I think they said it was squid - and a blonde girl refuses to go up it. The girl who placed it there complains that her friend doesn't understand the true usefulness of squid. I laugh at the girls and ask what they think they're doing.

      I go up to a whitewashed classroom on the second floor, which seems to be our room in this dream. There's no-one in there but plenty of sunlight coming in through the windows. I think that I'd better get the pastries - and then I remember that I threw them out! I have a vision of the box left on top of a broken desk chair and a heap of cardboard boxes in an alley. I panic. What should I do? I know everyone else will arrive soon. I leave the room and run down the hall. In another room, bizarrely, I find the box. Although I don't understand how they could be there, I'm relieved and bring them back to the classroom.

      Such a strange dream... At least things worked out in the end. Actually this is the first time I've eaten food in a dream! A milestone - though I don't think it counts for points if the dream isn't lucid. I can't remember how they tasted, alas.

      P.S. I like to dress smartly and I would never wear a t-shirt and shorts, even on holiday!
      Tags: bizarre, food, school
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